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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Učící se organizace: případ advokátní kanceláře / Learning organization: case of law office

Rösslerová, Lucie January 2010 (has links)
This thesis focuses on the concept of learning organizations. The aim of this work is to introduce readers to this concept and to explain basic theoretical background, which will be subsequently applied to a practical example. All work can be divided thematically into two parts. The first part will be devoted to the theory of learning organization, introduction to basic concepts and disciplines on which the principle of a learning organization is built. The second section will discuss the practical side. Selected law office will be subjected to analysis. The results will assess the level of the learning organization, which the law office reaches. Following will be recommended steps to achieve a higher level if possible.

Contribution à l’évaluation des dispositifs de gouvernance et d’évaluation de la qualité dans l’enseignement supérieur mozambicain / Contribution to the evaluation of the quality management device of Mozambican Education system : the case of higher education

Chadreque, Rafael Carlos 24 June 2014 (has links)
Les systèmes d’enseignement supérieur ont été fortement marqués ces vingt dernières années par l’arrivée du paradigme de la qualité. Ce phénomène s’accompagne de nouvelles préoccupations, telles l’évaluation externe et interne, l’assurance-qualité, l’accréditation et les classements, à mesure que s’intensifient les débats sur la mission de l’université. Dans un contexte marqué par la rareté des ressources et par la concurrence, face aux diverses exigences qui s’imposent aux établissements d’enseignement supérieur aujourd’hui, entre autres, la nécessité d’une diversification de l’offre de formation, l’entreprenariat et l’amélioration de la qualité, les universitaires et les différents acteurs de la gouvernance semblent se trouver dans l’obligation d’un apprentissage organisationnel. Bien que l’université soit considérée comme un lieu de production, de diffusion et de conservation de la connaissance par excellence, peu de recherches semblent avoir porté sur l’apprentissage en milieu universitaire. D’autant plus que de rares travaux actuellement disponibles s’interrogent explicitement sur la contribution de l’apprentissage organisationnel pour le positionnement stratégique des établissements. La présente thèse fait le pari novateur de tenter d’appréhender la gouvernance des universités du point de vue du management des savoirs. En suivant une démarche à la fois inductive et comparative, la recherche se concentre sur l’analyse des principaux dispositifs d’évaluation de la qualité dans l’enseignement supérieur mozambicain. / Over the past twenty years, higher education systems have been strongly affected by the development of quality paradigm. This phenomenon is combined with new concerns like external and internal evaluations, quality assurance, accreditation and ranking. Similarly, debates about universities’ mission increase in so far as they are evaluated compared with what they offer. Nowadays, in a context marked out by resources scarcity, competition and various requirements that stand in front of academic institutions, such as diversification of the supply of training connected to the market requirements, entrepreneurship and improvement of quality, universities leaders, teachers-researchers and different actors of governance seem to be obliged to increase their learning organization strategies approaches. Although university is a place of production, a place of diffusion and a place of knowledge conservation above all, few researches have explicitly questioned the learning contribution in the strategic positioning of academic institutions. In this thesis, the author tries to approach university governance from the point of view of knowledge management. Following a both inductive and comparative processes, this research is focused on the analysis of the main schemes of quality evaluation in Mozambican higher education system.

Arquitetura para gerenciamento de conhecimentos explícitos sobre o processo de desenvolvimento de produto / Architecture for explicit knowledge management on product development processes

Amaral, Daniel Capaldo 20 June 2002 (has links)
O processo de desenvolvimento de produto é uma atividade caracterizada por um ciclo de projetar-construir-testar que faz uso intensivo do conhecimento existente na empresa. Uma parte dele está armazenada nos documentos gerados no decorrer deste processo, são os conhecimentos explícitos. Este trabalho analisa as soluções computacionais dedicadas a auxiliar na gestão deste tipo de conhecimento e demonstra vários problemas: falta de um modelo conceitual apropriado; limitações referentes aos tipos de conhecimentos armazenados; e falta de uma sistemática de validação e sistematização. Propõe-se um conjunto de elementos, arquitetura, para superá-los, o qual pode ser utilizado como referência para o desenvolvimento de sistemas de gestão de conhecimentos explícitos. A arquitetura foi empregada no desenvolvimento de uma solução computacional específica, utilizando uma ferramenta de modelagem e uma intranet, e esta foi posteriormente aplicada para a gestão dos conhecimentos dentro de um grupo de pesquisa. Os resultados demonstram que a arquitetura é viável e que o sistema pode e deve ser aplicado em empresas que desenvolvam produtos. Encerra-se o trabalho apresentando as propostas de melhoria e de novas avaliações para ambas, a arquitetura e a solução desenvolvidas / The product development is characterized by a continuing design-build-test cycle, marked by experimentation and the intensive use of enterprise knowledge. Part of them is tangible and is stored in the documents created during the product development process, named explicit knowledge. This work analyzes the computational solutions for support the explicit knowledge management. As result present a set of common limitations of commercial tools applied in this area. Three important aspects are: a lack of conceptual model to link the information systems at knowledge management effort; small knowledge representation types manipulated by these systems; and a lack of knowledge validation model, sufficient to "filter" the explicit knowledge created. For encompass these challenges, this work presents an architecture (a set of elements) designed to build explicit knowledge management systems. A solution aided by the architecture was created, which integrates a commercial modeling tool and an intranet especially designed. Finally, this solution was applied at specific case: to manage the explicit knowledge of a research group. The results show that the architecture is viable and sufficient to create explicit knowledge management systems. Finalizing, the work presents a set of future findings to architecture's development research

Arbetskraft som konkurrenskraft - Ett lärandeorganisatoriskt och medarbetarcentrerat perspektiv

Eidebakken, Malin, Eidebakken, Kenny January 2020 (has links)
I takt med att konkurrensen ökar inom olika branscher, med fler aktörer både lokalt och globalt, behöver företag ta fram strategier för att anpassa sig till marknaden. Inom transportindustrin är vinstmarginalerna låga och konkurrensen ökar i hög takt, både nationellt och internationellt. I dag räcker det inte för inhemska åkerier att enbart erbjuda kunder plats på ett lastbilsflak, då ersättningen i många fall inte kan matchas med konkurrenter vars pris ofta är lägre. Istället måste åkeriföretag arbeta fram andra sätt för att behålla konkurrenskraften på marknaden. Ett sätt kan vara att kartlägga de interna funktionerna inom organisationen och försöka stärka stabiliteten i företaget, för att möta marknaden på ett stadigare sätt.Avsikten med denna studie var att undersöka på vilket sätt en strategi, för en ökad intern kommunikation samt tillåtande miljöer, kan påverka konkurrenskraften för en organisation. Mer precist jämförs strategin med teoretisk grund för lärandeorganisationer och ett medarbetarcentrerat perspektiv, som med rätt stöd och implementering visar sig kunna medföra konkurrensfördelar. Studien är förlagd på Schenker Åkeri AB, i Önnestad, som genom införandet av en ny strategi försöker att bedriva sin åkeriverksamhet på ett effektivare sätt.Analysen visar att effekterna av den införda strategin resulterar i bättre sociala förhållanden inom organisationen, samtidigt som företaget gör kostnadsbesparingar. Som slutsats konstateras att satsning på organisationens arbetskraft kan leda till ökade konkurrenskraft för verksamheten. / As the global market continues to grow companies are affected with an increase in the competitive environment. Within the transport industry the profit margin is low and the competition increases rapidly, both on a national and international level. Today it is not enough for native haulage companies to simply offer customers free room on their vehicles, since earnings cannot be compared to the competitors whose total price often is lower. Instead haulage companies must find other ways to stay competitive on the market. One of these ways could be to focus on the internal functions of the company, to strengthen the stability within the organization and face the market more steadily.This study intends to examine in which way a strategy focused on increased internal communication and a permissive environment can affect the organisations competitiveness. More precisely, the strategy is compared to a theoretical basis for learning organizations and an employee empowered perspective, which with the right support and implementation appears being able to create competitive advantages. This study is located on Schenker Åkeri AB, in Önnestad, that by implementing a new strategy tries to conduct their haulage activity more efficiently.In the analysis the implemented strategy shows to result in increased social effects within the organisation, as well as reducing costs for the company. As a conclusion it is confirmed that investment in the organizations workforce can result in increased competitive advantages for the company.

Tillit till lärande : Hur en tillitsbaserad styrning påverkar arbetet som en lärandeorganisation inom offentlig sektor

Östensson, Thomas January 2020 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka huruvida en tillitsbaserad styrning utgjorde enpåverkande faktor på förutsättningarna för att arbeta som en lärande organisation. För attundersöka detta användes kvalitativa semistrukturerade intervjuer. Urvalet begränsadestill offentlig sektor, där utgjorde Centrala Studiestödsnämnden ett intressant fall attstudera baserat på sitt tidigare arbete med tillitsbaserad styrning och att derasgeneraldirektör vid studiens utförande satt i Tillitsdelegationen. Utifrån erhållen empiriidentifierades ett stort antal beskrivningar av hur tidigare nämnda påverkanmanifesterades. De mest frekvent förekommande beskrivningarna var hur organisationensanställda själva fick ta ansvar för sitt lärande, genom att skapa lärtillfällen för sig själva,individuellt eller tillsammans med andra medarbetare, samt hur styrning genomförändrade direktiv skapade incitament för lärande. Således blir slutsatsen atttillitsbaserad styrning utgör en påverkande faktor på förutsättningarna för att arbeta somen lärande organisation. / The purpose of this study was to investigate whether a trust-based governance had animpact on the prerequisites for work as a learning organization. This was investigatedthrough qualitative semi-structured interviews. The sample group was limited to theSwedish National Board of Student Aid, based on the organizations prior work withtrust-based governance and the fact that the director general of the Swedish NationalBoard of Student Aid was a member of the Delegation for Trust-Based Public Managementwhen this study was performed. From the gathered data a large number of descriptionswas identified, detailing how the afore-mentioned impact manifested itself. The mostfrequently occurring descriptions was how the employees of the organization had to takeresponsibility for their own learning by creating learning opportunities for themselves,individually or together with co-workers, and how governance through directives createdincentive for learning. Thus, the conclusion is that a trust-based governance has an impacton the prerequisites for work as a learning organization. / <p>2020-06-26</p>

Management znalostí všeobecných sester uvnitř učící se organizace / Knowledge management of nurses inside learning organization

Bendová, Šárka January 2018 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the process of learning, knowledge management and the concept of learning organization as strategic directions in the field of education, learning and development of employees. The theoretical part describes knowledge management as an essential part of the management of a successfully functioning and continuously developing organization, which is exposed to increasing pressure of competition, demanding clients and economic burden. In this case the setting of corporate culture towards the learning organization is equally important. Since the organization set up in this direction has created a suitable environment for the effective development of knowledge, skills and experience, not only in the classical form of lifelong learning, which is given in case of the general nurses by legislation, but above all the creation, development and transfer of knowledge between individuals and the team is emphasized. In the practical part, first the selected organization is analyzed including analysis of fulfilling the criteria of the learning organization followed by the qualitative research devoted in the first stage to mapping the system of education and development of the employees in the organization and in the second phase to finding the attitudes of the nurses within a...

Erfarenhetsåterföring : En väg till bättre anbud / Feedback of experience : A way to better offers

Öberg, Gustav January 2013 (has links)
Detta examensarbete har gjorts i samarbete med JM Entreprenad som är ett helägt dotterbolag till JM AB. JM AB är ett av Sveriges största byggföretag. Arbetet har gått ut på att hjälpa JM Entreprenad Region Hus med att undersöka hur erfarenhetsåterföringen mellan Kalkylavdelningen och produktion ser ut samt att komma med förslag till förbättringar. Erfarenhetsåterföring handlar om att samla in och återanvända de erfarenheter och kunskaper som kommer från olika delar av organisationen för att sedan ha dessa som utgångspunkt för förbättringar av det framtida arbetet. Det finns i nuläget inga fastslagna rutiner för hur denna erfarenhetsåterföring skall genomföras vilket är en stor brist i organisationen. För att förändra detta bör företaget sträva efter att bli en lärande organisation och skapa tydliga rutiner för hur detta arbete skall läggas upp. / This thesis has been done in collaboration with JM Entreprenad, a wholly owned subsidiary of JM AB. JM AB is one of Sweden's largest construction companies. The task has been to assist JM Entreprenad Region Hus with an investigation concerning how the experience feedback between Calculus Department and Production is working and to make suggestions for improvements. Experience feedback comprises collecting and reusing the experience and knowledge which comes from different parts of the organization and to use this knowledge as a basis for improvement of future work. There is currently no established procedures for how this experience feedback shall be carried out which is a shortcoming in the organization. To change this, the company should strive to become a learning organization and establish clear procedures for how this work shall be organized.

Erfarenhetsåterföring : En objektiv granskning av ett Construction Management-företag / Experience feedback : An objective study of a Construction Management corporation

Svensson, Jimmy, Werme, Thomas January 2013 (has links)
Byggbranschen har blivit kritiserad för att vara en bransch där tidspress och underprioriterad syn på lärande varit ett hinder för erfarenhetsåterföring. Rapportens syfte är att objektivt studera erfarenhetsåterföring inom Midroc Entreprenad för att om möjligt utläsa huruvida önskad, kontra faktisk erfarenhetsåterföring sker idag samt ge förbättringsförlag. För att göra detta har en teoretisk grund lagts med utgångspunkt i litterära studier inom kunskapsöverföring, lärande och erfarenhetsåterföring. Analys är underbyggd i intervjuer och enkätundersökning utförda på Midroc Entreprenad. Det finns få direktiv för hur erfarenhetsåterföring bör genomföras bara att det ska göras efter avslutat projekt, vilket efterföljs. De lärdomar som diskuteras vid avslut förmedlas till stor del muntligt, därav har förslag till dokumentation och annan distribuering lagts fram. Eftersom byggprojekt fortlöper under långa tidsperioder bör mindre utvärderingar äga rum under entreprenaden för att tillvarata lärdomar som annars glöms bort. Denna feedback bör ges när den är aktuell, därav orimligt att ge korrekt sådan i senare skede. En vilja att påverka erfarenhetsåterföringen finns, men hinns inte riktigt med. Merparten av de anställda upplever en öppenhet inom organisationen och känner samhörighet med sina medarbetare. Detta stämmer väl överens med det som organisationen eftersträvar och är en förutsättning för lyckad erfarenhetsåterföring. / The construction industry has been criticised of being a trade where time pressure and a deprioritised view of learning is an obstacle for experience feedback. The purpose of this thesis is to present an objective survey of the experience feedback within Midroc Entreprenad to verify whether the experience feedback wanted is equal to the actual and to provide suggestion for improvement. To enable this, a theoretical study has been done on knowledge forwarding, learning and experience feedback. Interviews and questionnaire on Midroc Entreprenad have been used for the analysis of this thesis. There are few directives for the process of experience feedback on the company, only that it is to be done at the end of a project, which is fulfilled. The lessons learned that are discussed are mainly orally transferred, therefore a proposition for documenting and distributing these has been presented. There should be several evaluations during a building project due to its severe duration in time, to reduce the risk of lessons learned being forgotten. This feedback should be given instantaneously and proper feedback is therefore unreasonable to give at a later stage. There is a will to influence to the experience feedback, but time is not enough. A majority of the employees experience openness and belonging within the organisation. This concurs with what the organisation aims at and is a prerequisite to sustain successful experience feedback.

Leading Learning: A managerial perspective on promoting team learning in a software development company

Bapir, Sivan, Varatharajah, Kajany January 2014 (has links)
Fast pace of change in the business of technology is the reality of many organizations today. The software development industry is one example where this nature is prominent. Companies need to adapt in ways that eases the persistence against change from external forces. Companies need to turn into Learning Organizations as these help people and organizations embrace change. Two key components of the Learning Organization are the teams, as they are considered to be the fundamental units of organizations, and managers, as they have the biggest impact on facilitating learning in the organization. Therefore, this study has investigated how managers could act to create conditions for encouraging team learning of a software development company to become a Learning Organization.   This has been done by conducting a case study at the company Ericsson in Kista, Sweden, who is market leaders within the software development industry. The case design consisted of a two phase method that included both a quantitative and qualitative data collection method.   The results indicate that Ericsson could be classified as a Learning Organization and in addition display promising characteristics when it comes to having team learning capabilities. Furthermore, the findings suggest that in order for managers to encourage team learning they should take on a coaching and supporting role to understand the need of the teams; challenge the status quo; empower teams through giving them mandate; allocate time for learning as an integral part of the daily work; and reward learning in teams.   The findings of this study have implications both in a theoretical aspect and a sustainability aspect. From the theoretical aspect, the findings provide with further empirical data in a field that is currently dominated by theoretical literature. Furthermore, the findings display a practical example of how managers of a market leading company with promising characteristics of team learning capabilities have acted to create such conditions. From a sustainability aspect, the results of this study give firms a sustainable competitive advantage through increased business performance, healthy labor conditions that are a result of healthy team dynamics and possible encouragement to future attention towards emphasis on environmental aspects.

Förändringsarbete i skolan - med lean som inspiration : Lean-tavla - för röd tråds skull!

Karlsson, Sara, Persson, Anna January 2014 (has links)
During the middle of the 18th century the development of Toyota Production System, TPS, started in order to streamline the processes. TPS was based on the principles of assembly line production but unlike previous performers Toyota let the manufacturing be constantly affected by demand. At the end of the 18th century TPS was described by Womack and Jones in the book "The machine that changed the world - the story of lean producion" where TPS got the name lean. The principles behind lean is to maximize customer value and eliminate waste which means making products and services more valuable to the customer. 1 Lean was for a long time a philosophy and an approach limited to industries and production based companies. In recent years, the principles behind lean have also started to be used in service-oriented and administrative businesses as well as in the public sector. It may often be more difficult to analyze the processes that create value for customers in the public sector, since it is run to fulfill needs rather than supplying on account of demands. 2 Lean has not yet been established in the school environment but there are some good examples: A number of kindergartens in Stockholm have implemented lean and other schools and kindergartens have been inspired by the concept. The Sami School Board, which is the responsible authority of the Swedish Sami schools, has decided that all Sami schools shall implement a lean management tool called lean-board. A lean-board is one of the tools used in lean along with brief meetings around the board. The aim of this study is to help one of the Swedish Sami schools to start the implementation of a leanboard. The aim is also to research the perceptions of a selected group of teachers, on the changes that comes with implementation of a lean model. A workshop has been organized in order to start the implementation. Two focus group meetings were also arranged to find out the selected teachers sayings of change management related to the implementation and the relevance of the lean-board. The thesis is based on discourse analysis, which means that the analysis is based on the teachers’ discourse and not underlying thoughts. The results of the study showed that the teachers had both positive and negative attitudes towards the lean-board. Attitudes changed during the process from negative to more positive attitudes. The study also showed that the lean board has relevance to the teachers work, although there is some doubt among the teachers in the focus group. As in previous research this study also shows that changes that are initiated from above, with little or no participation and understanding from employees, has a negative effect on the change process. / Under mitten av 1900-talet startade utvecklingen av Toyotas produktionssystem, TPS, i syfte att effektivisera processerna. TPS grundade sig i löpandebandprincipen men till skillnad från tidigare utövare påverkade efterfrågan hela tiden tillverkningen. I slutet av 1900-talet beskrevs TPS av Womack och Jones i boken ”The machine that changed the world – the story of lean-producion” där TPS blev lean. Principerna bakom lean är att maximera kundnyttan och eliminera slöserier vilket innebär att göra tjänster och produkter mer värdefulla för kunden. 3 Lean var länge en filosofi och ett arbetssätt för industrier och produktionsbaserade företag. På senare tid har principerna bakom lean börjat användas inom tjänsteföretag, administrativa företag och offentlig sektor. Det som kan göra det svårare att identifiera de processer som skapar värde för kunden i offentlig sektor än i privat sektor är att verksamheten styrs av behov istället för efterfrågan. 4 Än har lean inte fått ordentligt fäste inom skolans värld men det finns några exempel. Ett antal förskolor i Stockholm har implementerat lean och andra skolor och förskolor har inspirerats. Sameskolstyrelsen, som är huvudman för de svenska sameskolorna, har beslutat att alla sameskolor ska implementera en lean-tavla. Lean-tavlan är ett av verktygen som används inom lean tillsammans med korta möten runt tavlan som kallas för tavelmöten. Syftet med examensarbetet är att hjälpa en av sameskolorna i Sverige att starta implementeringen av en lean-tavla och tavelmöten samt undersöka lärarna i en utvald grupps uppfattningar om förändringen som följer med implementeringen. Examensarbetarna har anordnat en workshop för att starta implementeringen av tavlan. Två fokusgruppsmöten har även anordnats för att ta reda på lärarna i en utvald grupps sagda uppfattningar om förändringsarbete kopplat till implementeringen samt relevansen av lean-tavlan och tavelmöten. Examensarbetet har gjorts ur ett diskursanalytiskt perspektiv vilket innebär att det endast är lärarnas diskurs som analyseras och inte underliggande tankar. Resultatet av studien visar på både positiva och negativa attityder gentemot lean-tavlan och tavelmöten. Attityderna förändrades även under förändringsprocessens gång från negativa till mer positiva attityder. Studien visar också att tavlan har relevans för verksamheten även om det finns en del tvivel bland lärarna i fokusgruppen. Likt tidigare forskning visades även i denna studie att förändringar som initieras uppifrån, med ingen eller lite delaktighet och förståelse från medarbetarna, har en negativ effekt på förändringsarbetet.

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