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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Heterogenität und Bildungsprozesse in bürgerschaftlichen Initiativen : eine empirische Studie zur Transformation konjunktiver Orientierungen / Heterogeneity and transformative learning processes in civic comunities

Naumann, Siglinde January 2008 (has links)
In dieser qualitativ rekonstruktiven Studie wird an Hand der empirischen Rekonstruktion von Gruppendiskussionen der Fragestellung nachgegangen, welchen handlungsleitenden Orientierungen die Mitglieder der untersuchten Initiativen im Umgang mit ihrer Heterogenität folgen und wie diese Orientierungen mit Lern- beziehungsweise Bildungsprozessen korrespondieren. Diese Fragestellung ist mit unterschiedlichen theoretischen Kontexten verwoben. Zum Einen geht es hier um Heterogenität und Pluralität. Der Umgang mit Heterogenität und Pluralität gilt als eine zentrale Herausforderung in modernen stark ausdifferenzierten und hochkomplexen Gesellschaften, die mit fluiden mikro- und makrogesellschaftlichen Strukturen (vgl. Schäffter 1998) und vielfältigsten Formen kultureller Pluralität (vgl. Nohl 2006) einhergehen. Ein Reflexionsangebot für die erziehungswissenschaftliche Diskussion bietet die Denkfigur der egalitären Differenz. (Vgl. Prengel Ein Reflexionsangebot für die erziehungswissenschaftliche Diskussion bietet die Denkfigur der egalitären Differenz. Zum Anderen ist eine rekonstruktive Untersuchung bürgerschaftlicher Initiativen nicht ohne Bezug zu ihrem zivilgesellschaftlichen Kontext zu denken. So sei hier stellvertretend für andere zeitdiagnostische Überlegungen auf Giddens Position (vgl. Giddens 1996) verwiesen, der die gesellschaftlichen Veränderungen in der reflexiven Moderne mit weitreichenden Prozessen des sozialen Wandels verbunden sieht. In dieser Studie wird im Anschluss an die strukturale Bildungstheorie von Marotzki (vgl. Marotzki 1990) zwischen Lern- und Bildungsprozessen unterschieden. Vor dem Hintergrund der Theorie Mannheims zu konjunktiven existentiellen Erfahrungen und der damit einhergehenden Seinsverbundenheit des Wissens (vgl. Mannheim 1980) werden diese Prozesse im Anschluss an Schäffers qualitative Studie zu generationenfundierten Bildungsprozessen (vgl. Schäffer 2003) als kollektiv fundierte Prozesse verstanden. Das von Karl Mannheim entwickelte Konzept des „konjunktiven Erfahrungsraums“ (vgl. Mannheim 1980) wird im Anschluss an andere Studien der qualitativen Bildungsforschung (vgl. Schäffer 2003, Nohl 2006) für die Rekonstruktion von Bildungsprozessen genutzt, die auf der Transformation konjunktiver Erfahrungen beruhen. In der vorliegenden Studie werden die in den untersuchten Initiativen relevanten habituellen Muster des Umgangs mit Heterogenität rekonstruiert und ihre Bedeutung für Lern- und Bildungsprozesse zu erhellt. Bürgerschaftliche Initiativen werden als lebensweltliche Lernorte in den Blick genommen, mit der Auswertung nach der dokumentarischen Methode wird ein Verständnis zu Grunde gelegt, dass auf die Verwobenheit gesellschaftlicher Strukturen mit dem Erleben der Akteure und damit den Prozessen der sozialen Genese von Interaktion und Identität verweist. (Vgl. Bohnsack 2003, Kubisch 2008) / This qualitatively rekonstruktive study develops in hand of the empiric reconstruction of group discussions the question which action-leading orientations the members of the examined initiatives follow in dealing with her heterogeneity and how these orientations are connected with learning processes or educational processes.

Spår : Om brädsportkultur, informella lärprocesser och identitet / Traces : On board sports culture, informal learning processes and identity

Bäckström, Åsa January 2005 (has links)
Today’s society is subject to an increased importance of aesthetics and an increasing individualism. New trends are adopted early by young people, which make it interesting to focus on how identity is formed and meanings are constructed in a youth culture context and in relation to ongoing societal processes of change. The purpose of this dissertation is to interpret and analyse the construction of meaning within the skateboard and snowboard communities in the social and cultural contexts. In particular, this dissertation is about the relationship between three levels, cultural, practice and individual. The title “Traces” alludes to four analytical themes taking different tracks in the book; consumption, gender, place and identity that are reflected in different chapters. However, the individual leaves traces in culture as culture does in the individual. Furthermore, skaters and snowboarders leave actual tracks in their local geography. Theoretically the study has a culture analysis approach with a semiotic base where five theories are intertwined. Johan Fornäs contributes with his interpretation on culture as system of signs and signifying practices, Stuart Hall adds the concept of representations, Kirsten Drotner provides her argumentation regarding aesthetic practices whilst Ulf Hannerz enriches the dissertation with his discussion on transnational culture-flows and the social diffusion of culture. Roger Säljö proposes a socio-cultural perspective of learning where learning is about participation in knowledge and skills. The method used is ethnographical. The multifaceted empirical material, from field studies and interviews, Swedish skateboard and snowboard magazines between 1978 to 2002, skateboard and snowboard videos, press articles, and websites, has been triangulated. In addition, there are three personal albums of skateboarder, snowboarder and surfer Ants Neo. The study shows that there are stereotyped notions about what boarding means and what it means to be a boarder. These notions both create and are created by the boarders themselves but are also used by advertisers for products not related to board sports at all. These notions, based as they are on ideas of resistance and radicalism, serve to emphasise that boarding is masculine. Resistance takes concrete form in its attitude to organized sports and to multinational brands and in the unusual use of places in the urban environment. To be a boarder is, apart form the boarding skills required, to be also part and parcel of these attitudes. The study explains how meaning and identity are created through informal learning processes in youth culture contexts. In these group-forming processes, both the individual and the community are formulated in social, cultural and aesthetic terms.

Folkrätt för barn som pedagogiskt åtagande : Statligt ansvar - regionalt lärande? / International Law on Children as an Educational Commitment : National obligation - regional learning?

Englundh, Elizabeth January 2008 (has links)
This thesis focuses on the problem of learning processes in an organization that has decided to implement the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC). It is based on an assumption that there is interdependency between learning about the CRC and its implementation. The aim is to understand the conditions for individual learning and group learning in the organization. The empirical material consists of 52 interviews, notes and written material from the UN, the Swedish government, and regional levels. The research design is qualitative and the method used is abduction and retroduction. Sensitizing concepts have also been used. The regional context is a county council which has decided to implement the CRC by educating a "pilot-group", and whose task will be to integrate the CRC in the organization. The theoretical frame is mainly constructivistic; learning is an "inside-out" process. It is the individual who does the learning, but these individuals meet in the pilot-group and create knowledge based on their own experiences. The most significant results point out that learning about the CRC is a prerequisite for implementation. Once the individuals have learned about the CRC and how to understand and interpret its implicantions, they also know what has to be done in the administration in order to speed upp and secure implementation. Other important results show how the individuals act depending on to their position in the organization. The administration directors show passive resistence by not including the question on the agenda. The operations managers show active resistence by not taking the CRC into consideration in their contracts "because then you have to show what you have accomplished".

Elevinflytande genom pedagogisk samsyn : en undersökning av ett specifikt arbetslag

Jonsson, Camilla, Selberg, Mats January 2006 (has links)
In this study we wanted to have a closer look at how a specific working team of pedagogues in the senior part of elementary school works with student influence through a pedagogical concept created by themselves. We have used qualitative interviews as a method to achieve relevant information from the pedagogues, and from students teached by the same. The purpose of the study was to investigate how the working team, through the concept, pursue real student influence within different school subjects and how the individual student is favored in his/her learning process. Another intention was to find out to what extent the students experience this influence. We also wanted to elucidate the advantages as well as the disadvantages of this concept, and to shed some light on how the informants view the future development of the concept. The result shows that consensus prevails to a large extent among teachers and students regarding the signification of real student influence in the everyday learning situation. It also appears that the students’ abilities to exercise influence vary between different school subjects. The students seem to have understood and accepted the reasons for this. The interaction between traditional teaching (in certain subjects) and the concept has resulted in the fact that students have succeeded in their learning process to a larger extent and that their engagement and sense of responsibility have increased significantly.

Att få syn på sin verksamhet : förskolepersonalens erfarenheter av pedagogisk dokumentation / To get a view of their practice : preschool staff experience of pedagogical documentation

Lindfors, Sandra January 2013 (has links)
Avsikten med min undersökning var att få mer kunskap om hur förskolepersonal arbetar med pedagogisk dokumentation som ett arbetsverktyg i deras dagliga verksamhet. Det är ett arbetsverktyg som ska tillämpas av all förskolepersonal ute i verksamheten. För att ta reda på vilka erfarenheter förskolepersonal har av pedagogisk dokumentation var en kvalitativ intervjumetod det bästa sättet eftersom informanterna genom en kvalitativ metod får svara på frågorna utifrån deras egna erfarenheter. Jag vill också ta reda på hur de gör för att synliggöra varje barns behov. Jag har hänvisat till och använt relevanta tidigare undersökningar för att analysera resultaten från min studie. Resultaten visar att pedagogisk dokumentation är ett arbetsverktyg som ska användas för att synliggöra verksamheten och barnens lärprocesser. Lärprocesser sker när barnen utmanas i deras lärande, där nya idéer och kunskaper växer fram. På så sätt finns det möjlighet att strukturera verksamheten utifrån barnens olika behov och intressen menar mina informanter. Samtliga informanter har en föreställning om hur dokumentationen ska gå till men hur det verkställs ser olika ut, beroende på erfarenheter. Det är enligt samtliga informanter en process som ständigt ska utvecklas där nya möjligheter och infallsvinklar ska hjälpa dem framåt. Genom mina resultat anser jag att pedagogisk dokumentation bidrar till att säkra aktiviteter i inlärningen som är baserade på barnens intressen och behov. / The purpose of my study was to gain further knowledge on how preschool staff works with pedagogical documentation as a tool in their daily activities. It is a tool that should be used by all preschool staff. To find out what experiences preschool staffs have about pedagogical documentation a qualitative interview method was used as the best way to get informative answers, as preschool staff could respond with their individual experience as base. I also wanted to know what they do in their documentation to make every single child’s needs visible. I have referred to findings from relevant previous research which I applied to analyze findings from my study. The finding indicates that preschool staff considers pedagogical documentation as a tool that should be used in order to visualize activities and children’s learning process. A learning process develops when children are challenged in their education, when new ideas and knowledge appear. By documenting practice and children’s learning process there is opportunity to structure activities based on children’s various needs and interest, according to the preschool staff. All preschool staff has a view on how documentation should be done but how it´s executed differs depending on each ones personal experience. All preschool staff considers it to be a process that constantly should evolve, where new possibilities and views can be made visible and contribute to exploration of new possibilities and views going forward. The findings in the study shows is that pedagogic documentation can contribute to secure activities in teaching that are based on children’s interests and needs.

Den egyptiska revolutionen och informella lärandeprocesser : Den egyptiska revolutionen och informella lärande om mänskliga värderingar, demokrati och fred. En etnografisk studie baserad på intervju med taxichaufförer, tjänstmän och fredsaktivister / :

Morshedi, Yousef January 2012 (has links)
This thesis aims at studying representatives from three groups in the Egyptian society with an ethnographic method and with regards to their experiences, reflections and stories of the Egyptian revolution. The material of the thesis is based on ethnographic fieldwork and on interviews. The purpose of the study is to explore different themes in the informants’ stories related to society, freedom, social justice, human values, peace and civility. The purpose is also to examine the informants' stories with emphasis on various informal learning processes that occurred in the Egyptian social change. The study finds that according to the informants a society should be characterized, among other things, by human values, social justice, non-violence and peaceful methods and approaches. Various informal learning processes involving both individual citizens and active members of civil society and NGO groups were found to be practiced to be able to accomplish these changes in the Egyptian society to create a better future. The degrees of involvement of the various learning processes not only reflect differences between informants regarding the social and cultural background. Although informants' involvement in the ongoing development of society and how different informal learning processes have affected the informants.

Sjunga och arbeta : Lärprocesser i ett sceniskt körprojekt / Singing and working : Learning processes in a scenic choir project

Nahnfeldt, Leif January 2008 (has links)
Syftet med detta examensarbete är att undersöka vilka lärprocesser som sätts igång hos körsångare i ett sceniskt projekt. Vilka är de möjliga lärprocesserna? Hur skiftar de från individ till individ? Vilka faktorer anser körsångarna bidrar till upplevelse av egen utveckling? Jag har använt mig av den litteratur och de uppsatser som publicerats inom närliggande område i första hand på svenska. Det huvudsakliga materialet är de kurssvar som 30-talet körsångare i Damkören Söt Likör vid Karlstad Universitet lämnade in som tentamensuppgift vid Kursen Sceniskt körprojekt med publik inriktning i vilket merparten av körmedlemmarna deltog. Kursen bestod i att instudera det för kören specialskrivna körverket Snorvipas Saga och tillsammans iscensätta och marknadsföra detta i en timslång föreställning inför betalande publik som en del av körens 20–års jubileum hösten 2007. För att utvärdera svaren använder jag en narrativ metod där jag utgår från Judit Bells beskrivning i Introduktion till Forskningsmetodik. Jag låter dem passera genom ett filter där jag söker efter lärprocesser på en konstruktiv, kontextuell och funktionell nivå. Jag har också sökt efter det som Anne Bamford kallar för Wow! – faktorn i en kulturbaserad lärmiljö för att se vilka olika aspekter av meningskapande processer som finns i berättelserna. I sammanfattningen konstaterar jag att det finns en tydlig skillnad mellan typ och mängden av lärprocesser i ett sådant här projekt i jämförelse med traditionellt körverksamhet där sjungandet är det huvudsakliga gemensamma målet. / The main purpose of this investigation is to identify learning processes according to competence and the experience of meaningfulness in a scenic project for a choir. The background of this project is a university course at the University of Karlstad which involved most of the members of the University Women Choir, Söt Likör, during the autumn 2007. The performance of Snorvipas Saga took place in the University main hall, as part of the choir’s twentieth anniversary. As part of the examination all the participants of the course wrote a paper reflecting their individual learning process. Out of 30 papers eight were selected, the ones which were written more as a personal story rather than and point by point answer. To evaluate the answers I have chosen to read them as personal stories with a narrative reading, as understood by Judit Bell in Introduction to Methods for Research (my translation of the Swedish title),. I let them pass through a filter in which I tried to detect the learning process on a constructive, contextual and functional level. I also looked for what Anne Bamford calls the Wow! - factor in culturally rich learning situations to see what levels of meaningfulness one could find in the answers. I found that there is a difference between the type of and the multitude of learning processes in this kind of project in comparison with traditional choir work where singing is the exclusive aim.  Here I used the results from Ragnhild Sandberg Jurströms, Master thesis, Song in Teamwork, to compare the difference in learning processes according to participating in the gradual process of socialising, collective knowledge, action and activities and the variety of experiencing. After that I also looked at the differences in the experience of meaningfulness. The main result of is that in a scenic project which involve the choir singers in a multitude of tasks, as project workers, in acting together, as singers, and friends the learning processes expand and create a high rate of new experiences for everyone involved. Even the experience of meaning grows.

Concentration ability in Ethiopian classrooms : a study of salutogenic factors and how they affect children’s ability focusing in lessons

Ramstrand Efraim, Birgitta January 2010 (has links)
This is an ethnographic study, highlighting protecting factors for children‘s ability to focus. Schools must do its very best for children, increasing their possibilities to concentrate, since this has a significant impact on both school performance and social interaction. Schools have limited resources. Can knowledge and experience from a developing country give useful and interesting input? Are there health factors for this group of pupils in an African school? The purpose of this research is to study children’s attention abilities and investigate supporting factors for pupil’s possibilities to concentrate as well as to determine the usefulness of these experiences in a Swedish school. In this study I found five salutogenic factors, which seemed to have a positive impact on children‘s ability to concentrate: Having possibilities to study makes a big difference if you are living in Ethiopia, so the importance of expectation is one of the factors. Expectations, from both society and families encouraged the pupils to do their best. Children are seen close to each other in bare classrooms. One can see them helping each other to focus during lessons. Cooperation and fellowship seemed to provide security and happiness, and thus, in turn increased the children‘s possibilities to pay attention and absorb knowledge. Learning at appropriate level in a collective learning process possibly helped pupils with problems in the area of attention/ concentrate. In addition to these environmental, salutogenic factors figured the use of a drug.In countries around the Horn of Africa is use of the herb ―khat‖ common. Some of the children self-medicate themselves to increase their concentration ability.

Att vara någon annan : Teater som estetisk läroprocess vid tre 6–9-skolor

Olsson, Eva-Kristina January 2006 (has links)
<p>The licentiate thesis focuses on young people’s dramatisation and reflections on the reception of theatre in schools as part of aesthetic learning processes. Its main objective is to describe and analyse how theatre can be used in teaching as a means to create meaning and knowledge in practice. The theatre’s relation to the Swedish subject is discussed from different aspects.</p><p>The empiric survey was conducted at three 6–9 schools in the south of Sweden, referred to in the study as Österskolan, Norrskolan and Söderskolan. The survey is designed as a multiple case study. Two cases consist of individual classes with supplementary work based on the students’ reception of A Midsummer Night’s Dream, the other two on stage productions that include acting. The material consists of video recordings of teaching processes, rehearsals and performances; notes from observations, interviews with teachers and pupils, a questionnaire regarding theatre habits, as well as documents such as theatre programmes and home pages. The cases are contrasted in order to extend the analysis, distinguish between mutual and contrasting patterns, and to some extent also to explain concepts used for description and analysis.</p><p>The thesis aims to answer the following questions:</p><p>• What is required in order for theatre to create meaning and knowledge in practice within a school’s framework?</p><p>• How do form, content and use, and also production, reception and reflection cooperate in various media in the aesthetic learning processes and what didactical potential is the result of this cooperation?</p><p>The result of the survey shows that a teacher’s patterns for verbal and physical interaction and his or her media specific competence strongly influence the terms for the aesthetic learning processes. The nature of the theatre culture’s meeting with the school culture at the individual school determines the possibilities for the participation in creation of meaning and knowledge in practice that are offered to pupils. Financial conditions, support from the school management, collaboration between subjects, functioning rooms, and the school’s gender practice are other important factors.</p><p>The conditions for the theatre’s creation of meaning and knowledge differ significantly between the three schools included in this study. At Österskolan the theatre culture is a fairly unfamiliar element in the school culture. The teacher who supervises the supplementary work for A Midsummer Night’s Dream, however, possesses good media specific competence in the theatrical field and is able to generate possibilities for reflections on experience pedagogy based on the theatrical performance and actual participation in the theatrical practice for the pupils. For a number of years, the theatre culture at Norrskolan has been included in an integrated part of the school culture. A Midsummer Night’s Dream becomes the basis for verbal, dialogue-oriented discussions in the classroom. The pupils’ performance at the school strengthens the school culture and the pupils learn how to cooperate and take responsibility. The cultural profile at Söderskolan collaborates with professional cultural workers and regional cultural institutes in a theatrical project that invites both schools and the general public. In this case, all media is integrated in the creation of meaning and there is great didactical potential.</p><p>In the intended doctoral thesis the analysis of the terms and the design of the aesthetic learning processes will be further discussed.</p>

130 kilo muskler, en polisiär förutsättning? : En kvalitativ studie om polisers tal om övergången från teori till praktik

Jonsson, Camilla, Måhl, Kajsa January 2015 (has links)
Denna studie syftar till att ur ett pedagogiskt perspektiv se hur svenska Polisens lärande i specifika situationer ser ut, där konflikthantering får statuera exempel. För ökad förståelse och en tydligare bild av myndigheten presenteras inledningsvis tidigare forskning inom området samt ett avsnitt som redogör för polisutbildningen i stort. De teorier som används innefattar aspekter som socialiseringsprocesser, en ledsagande diskurs samt den hermeneutiska spiralen. Studien är gjord med kvalitativ ansats där sex semistrukturerade intervjuer genomförts. Urvalet av informanter har gjorts utifrån deras befattningar inom poliskåren. Resultatet visade att polisutbildningen kan ses som problematisk på så sätt att de styrdokument utbildningen baseras på visar hur det bör vara, men inte några explicita förhållningssätt eller praktiker. Detta lämnar ett tolkningsutrymme vilket skapar diskrepans mellan teori och verklighet, praktiken. Alla studenter har olika förutsättningar och erfarenheter (social och historisk placering) och måste i det avseendet mötas på olika sätt för att tillgodogöra sig den förmedlade kunskapen på bästa sätt. De praktiska inslagen under utbildningen måste vara generaliserade och förenklade, och delarna kan då uppfattas som svåra att sättas in i en helhet utifrån den hermeneutiska spiralens princip. Polishögskolan blir då en plats där det är ”talet om” poliser och deras uppdrag som förmedlas, och studenten lär sig att agera i egenskap av polis, inte att bli polis. Där skapas en attityd till styrdokumenten och ett kollektivt sätt att förhålla sig, något som vi valt att kalla för ”hållning”. Hållningen har visat sig vara tudelad, en är polisrollen och en är kårandan. Dessa ses som två delar av samma lärandeprocess. De är inte varandras motsatser, utan är olika uttryck för lärandet och polisfunktionen. Konflikter och konflikthantering har visat sig utgöra en stor del av polisernas självbild. Utbildningen förmedlar även i detta avseende den allmänna förklaringen vilket utvecklar en reflexiv hållning till konflikter, vilken omprövas och omsätts till ny kunskap i kontakt med fältet. / This study aims to look at Swedish police officers learning in specific situations, where their handling of conflicts represents our main example. The police department and its work is based on a combination of laws and political deeds. In addition to this the individual police officer has to adapt and form an attitude towards official deeds of conduct. The study relies on six interviews with police officers whose positions varied. By using theories regarding socialisation processes, accompanying discourse and the hermeneutic spiral/circle our analysis shows that the education can be seen as problematic in regards to their focus on theoretical and non-practical education. The respondents regard policing as a vocational training, and it is therefore hard to combine the theoretical training when in practical work.

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