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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Opportunities for all learners to achieve their potential : an investigation into the effects of learning talk in the secondary school classroom

Williams, Sharon January 2014 (has links)
A major challenge to contemporary education is to meet the Government’s directive, depicted in OFSTED guidelines and the Department for Education’s Teacher Standards that all our learners make progress, are autonomous and are able to engage in independent learning. However they offer no guidance as to how this can be achieved. The research has built on earlier theories to close the gap between Government measurements of the quality of teaching and twenty-first century educational theories, with particular focus on learning talk. The primary intention of this research was to determine the impact that dynamically dialogic learning conversations, that is learning talk, have on deepening learning, and how they may be used to enable teachers to meet OFSTED’s requirement for all students to make progress. The data for this case study was collected through a process of lesson observations, interviews and focus-group discussions over a period of one year. Sixteen lessons were video-recorded for a variety of topics and the recordings were analysed in depth against established theories of learning and the complex patterns and relationships between the different types of student and teacher learning talk observed in the classroom. The outcome of the analysis is a set of observable characteristics of learning talk which form an Observation Database. The findings support the premise that learning talk in the classroom leads to deeper learning. The Observation Database contains of a set of tools for observing, evaluating and enabling learning talk in the classroom and therefore offers teachers the opportunity to demonstrate OFSTED criteria. The process of developing the Observation Database and the tools developed have been shared both locally and nationally to heighten awareness of learning talk in the classroom and its link to deeper learning.

Metacognition, self-regulation, oracy : a mixed methods case study of a complex, whole-school 'Learning to Learn' intervention

Mannion, James January 2018 (has links)
This doctoral thesis presents the findings of a mixed methods case study of Learning Skills, a new approach to Learning to Learn that was developed and implemented at a secondary school in the south of England between 2010 and 2014, and evaluated using data collected between 2009 and 2017. Learning to Learn is a field of educational theory and practice that aims to help young people get better at learning by focusing on the processes of learning (the how as well as the what), and by enabling them to take ownership over aspects of their own learning through activities such as goal setting, self-monitoring and structured reflection. The field has developed significantly throughout the last 40 years, with a number of approaches having been implemented on a large scale in the UK. Research into metacognition and self-regulation suggests that Learning to Learn programmes should help boost academic attainment. To date however, large-scale evaluations have found mixed results, with no clear impact on academic attainment. Using an intervention design used widely in medicine and other fields, Learning Skills reconceptualises Learning to Learn as a 'complex intervention' comprised of multiple areas of evidence-informed practice. The rationale for complex interventions is that the marginal gains emerging from any individual avenue of practice stack up and interact to yield a larger effect size overall. The Learning Skills programme, which started as a year seven taught course and developed into a whole-school approach to teaching and learning, focuses centrally on three key concepts: metacognition, self-regulation and oracy. This evaluation of Learning Skills incorporates eight strands of data collection and analysis over an eight-year period, using the previous year group at the same school as a control group. These include baseline measures; attitude to learning scores; psychometric questionnaires; a language of learning evaluation; reflective learning journals; student interviews; teacher interviews; and student attainment across all subjects in years nine and 11. The primary outcome analysis - student attainment across all subject areas at three and five years - found that Learning Skills cohort one achieved significantly higher grades than the control cohort, with accelerated gains among young people from economically disadvantaged backgrounds. Secondary data analysis incorporating a range of qualitative and quantitative methods indicates a causal relationship between Learning Skills and academic attainment. As well as evaluating the impact of a new and promising approach to Learning to Learn, this study generates new knowledge about the implementation and evaluation of complex interventions in education.

Mokėjimo mokytis kompetencijos ugdymas pagrindinėje mokykloje: vadybinis aspektas / Secondary school pupils‘ learning to learn competence development: managerial aspects

Bogdanovič, Regina 02 July 2010 (has links)
Siekimas užtikrinti geresnį mokinių mokymąsi tapo pagrindiniu Lietuvos švietimo sistemos iššukiu. Mokėjimo mokytis kompetencija apima mokymosi kaip vertingo ir visą gyvenimą trunkančio proceso sampratą, mokėjimą kelti ir įgyvendinti mokymosi tikslus bei būti atsakingu už savo mokymosi rezultatus. Vis dažniau yra vartojama kompetencijos samprata švietimo kontekste, pateikiamos įvairios šios sąvokos interpretacijos Lietuvos ir užsienio mokslininkų. Tyrimo tikslas: Atskleisti mokymosi mokytis kompetencijos ugdymo vadybinus aspektus pagrindinėje mokykloje. Tyrimo uždaviniai: 1.Atlikti mokslinės literatūros analizę apie mokėjimo mokytis kompetenciją, išryškinant konstruktyvistinį jos pobūdį. 2. Atskleisti mokytojų požiūrį į metodologines ir metodines mokėjimo mokytis kompetencijos ugdymo prielaidas.3.Ištirti mokyklos vadovų požiūrį į planavimo vaidmenį ugdant mokinių mokėjimo mokytis kompetencijas. 4.Atskleisti mokytojų ir mokyklos vadovų požiūrį į mokėjimo mokytis kompetencijos ugdymą . Tyrimo metodai: Mokslinės literatūros ir švietimo dokumentų analizė; Ankėtinė mokytojų ir vadovų apklausa; Interviu su mokyklos vadovu; Statistinė empirinių duomenų analizė. Tyrimo imtis. 162 respondentai: 60 vadovų ir 102 Vilniaus miesto pagrindinių mokyklų mokytojai. Išvados: 1.Teorinės mokslinės literatūros įžvalgos parodė, kad šiuolaikinėje didaktikoje, vis labiau įsigalint konstruktivystinei paradigmai, keičiasi požiūris į... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Striving for better learning for all pupils and doing it in the most effective and efficient way has become a priority for Lithuania’s educational system. The learning to learn competence is considered to be the most important and valuable concept in today‘s education. The present school headmaster, managers and all the teachers are facing high demands in today‘s education for they are responsible for the crucial aspects improving students’ competence of learning abilities to learn i. e planning, organizing, staffing, leading, and controlling the whole domain. The Aim: To investigate the managerial aspects of learning to learn competence at secondary school. Objectives: 1. To analyze the learning to learn competence in scientific literature, highlightning its constructivist features .2. To investigate teachers' methodical and methodological attitudes to the development of learning to learn competence 3. To investigate the school principals‘ attitude to planning as one of the aspects to develop students‘ learning to learn competence. 4. To reveal teachers‘ and school principals‘ approach to learning to learn competence educational assumptions. Methods used: The analysis of science literature and the survey of standard acts; questionnairing teachers and school principals‘ , statistic analysis of empiric data. Sampling:162 respondents (102 teachers and 60 school principals) from schools in Vilnius... [to full text]

Aulas práticas em ciências como auxílio à aprendizagem : um estudo com alunos do ensino fundamental

Guedes, Cícera Alves January 2016 (has links)
No contexto atual, o ensino de ciências favorece a construção de conteúdo, o desenvolvimento de habilidades e competências próprias para a formação da cidadania. Nessa perspectiva, o trabalho fundamente-se na observação por uma prévia teorização em sala, possibilitando despertar no educando o senso de responsabilidade para uma futura intervenção e transformação do seu meio. A pesquisa aborda as contribuições da aula de campo parceira na construção do processo de ensino e aprendizagem dos educandos. O trabalho é resultado de questionários aplicados a 5 professores (3 do Fundamental I e 2 Fundamental II) e, 56 alunos do Fundamental I 5º ano. Os dados mostraram que os professores consideram a aula de campo uma boa estratégia metodológica no processo de ensino aprendizagem. Destarte, através dos questionários aplicados, antes da aula prática na área de Caatinga, os alunos assinalaram duas ou mais opções negativas, demonstrando senso comum e mostrando noções estereotipado da mesma a partir do conhecimento dela pelos meios de comunicação. Entretanto, após a aula de campo, as opções assinaladas diminuíram consideravelmente, alguns continuam com a ideia de que não gostariam de morar na Caatinga, demonstrando que os mesmos não se veem como parte integrante desse ambiente e, infelizmente uma aula de campo não é suficiente para desmistificar essa visão pré-concebida Assim, há a necessidade de a aula prática (de campo) sobre os ecossistemas locais deixem de ser um momento pontual, e venha a fazer parte, algum dia, regularmente do ensino nas escolas do município do Crato- Ceará, levando os educandos dessa região, desde o Ensino Fundamental a compreender a importância da Caatinga para poder viver melhor nela e com ela. Esse é um problema que só poderá ser resolvido pelo poder público. Desta forma, notou-se um ganho no processo de ensino e aprendizagem, além de um aumento da autoestima dos educandos a partir da comparação dos desenhos por eles realizados para representar a caatinga. Portanto, o referido trabalho pretende contribuir como elemento formador dos futuros pesquisadores da área ou aqueles que pretende transformar suas aulas mais dinâmicas e produtivas. / In the current context, the teaching of Science favors the construction of the subject, the development of skills and proper competences to the formation of citizenship. In this perspective, the work has its fundament in the observation for a previous theory in class, allowing the awakening of a sense of responsibility in the learner for a future intervention and transformation of his environment. The work discusses the contributions of a practical field class, as a partner in the construction of a teaching process and student learning. The work is a result of questionnaires applied to 5 teachers (3 from Elementary School and 2 from Middle School and to 56 students from 5th grade). The data shows that teachers consider practical outdoor class a good strategy in the process of teaching and learning. Thus, by the questionnaires applied before the practical field class in the Caatinga Biome area, the students pointed out two or more negative options, demonstrating common sense and showing stereotyped notions of it based on their knowledge of the media. However, after the field lesson, the options indicated have decreased considerably, some continue with the idea that they would not like to live in the Caatinga, demonstrating that they do not see themselves as an integral part of this environment and, unfortunately, a field class is not enough to demystify this preconceived vision Thus, there is a need for a practical (field) class on local ecosystems stop being an occasional moment, and becoming a regular part of teaching in schools in Crato-Ceará, taking students from that region, since Elementary School, to understand the importance of the Caatinga in order to live better in it and with it. This is a problem that can only be solved by the governement. In this way, a gain was observed in the teaching and learning process, as well as an increase in the students' self-esteem, based on the comparison of the drawings they made to represent the Caatinga. Therefore, this work intends to contribute as a formative element of the future researchers of the area or those who intend to transform their classes in more dynamic and productive ones.

Mokėjimo mokytis kompetencija kūno kultūros pamokoje / Learning to learn competence in physical education classes

Žurauskienė, Erika 06 September 2013 (has links)
Per pastaruosius metus Lietuvos švietime inicijuoti ženklūs pokyčiai„ Lietuvos pradinio ir pagrindinio ugdymo programose keliamas tikslas plėtoti dvasines, intelektines ir fizines asmens galias, ugdyti aktyvų, kūrybingą, atsakingą pilietį, įgijusį kompetencijas, būtinas sėkmingai socialinei integracijai ir mokymuisi visą gyvenimą “(Pradinio ir pagrindinio ugdymo bendrosios programos, Žin., 2008., Nr. 99-3848). Mokytojo ir mokinio vaidmuo turi keistis, norint pereiti prie gilaus į kompetencijas orientuoto mokymosi tenka keisti mokinio ir mokytojo vaidmenis bei sąveiką pamokoje. Mokiniai turi mokėti mokytis patys: kelti klausimus ir problemas, tyrinėti, ieškoti informacijos, priimti sprendimus, įtvirtinti savo žinias. Mokytojas nukreipia ir stebi mokinių mokymąsi, laiku suteikia konkretų, individualizuotą grįžtamąjį ryšį apie sėkmę ir spragas, padeda tiems, kuriems jo pagalba būtinai reikalinga, moko mokinius vertinti ir įsivertinti procesą ir jo rezultatus, kelti tolesnio mokymosi tikslus. Remdamasis turima informacija apie mokinių mokymąsi ir pasiekimus, mokytojas planuoja ir pritaiko ugdymo turinį (Gudynas ir kt., 2010). Temos aktualumas. Nuo 2008 metų Lietuvos bendrojo lavinimo mokyklose įgyvendinamos atnaujintos Pradinio ir pagrindinio ugdymo Bendrosios programos (patvirtintos švietimo ir mokslo ministro 2008 m. rugpjūčio 26 d. įsakymu Nr. ISAK-2433). Viena svarbiausių ugdymo turinio kaitos krypčių įgyvendinant Bendrąsias programas – dėmesys bendrųjų kompetencijų... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Learning to learn competence lays the foundation of developing other competencies therefore it is very important to analyse and recognize the competence of learning to learn in the lesson of physical education. The aim of the lesson of physical education – to make sure students have proper conditions for the development of their physical, emotional and social activities, for the social integrity and strengthening physical health by increasing the choice of physical education and hence strengthening inner motivation of physical activity (General programmes of secondary education, 2011). In order to ensure the quality of general competencies and social skills, to lead meaningful personal, successful and full-fledged social and professional life in a dynamic world, a person has to be able to change, to be ready to take on new activities, to be able to work with information which is constantly increasing. The objective of the paper - the development of the competence of lifelong learning skills for 5th or 8th formers during the lesson of physical education. Aim of the paper –to disclose the competence of life-long learning skills for the students of 5th or 8th form during the lesson of physical education. Tasks of the paper: 1. To describe the development of the competence of life-long learning skills in physical education lessons. 2. To evaluate the competence of life-long learning skills of 5th or 8th form students in physical education lessons. Results: After having... [to full text]

Läraren i praktiken : En studie om lärares förmåga att inspirera och medvetandegöra elevers inlärning, samt omforma sina akademiska ämneskunskaper

Abazi, Adelina, Uggla, Caroline January 2015 (has links)
Denna uppsats, Läraren och den praktiska verkligheten, handlar om hur lärare gör för att omforma sina ämneskunskaper till ämnesdidaktiska, vilka metoder de använder i undervisningen för att medvetandegöra elevernas inlärning, samt hur lärarna gör för att utmana och inspirera elevernas lärande och kunskapsutveckling. Teorierna som använts i studien är läranderum, proximala utvecklingszonen, autonomous learning, learning to learn och pedagogical content knowledge, vilka även ligger till grund för den analyserande delen. Resultaten i studien visar att en fungerande gruppdynamik är avgörande för en god arbetsmiljö, en ständig dialog utifrån elevens perspektiv bör föras för att skapa medvetenhet hos eleven gällande lärprocessen. Utveckling av självständigt lärande sker genom tydlig kommunikation mellan lärare och elever, det vill säga att läraren är tydlig med anledningen till arbetsområdet, informationen kring anvisningarna, samt finns som en tydlig vägledare för att guida eleven genom ämnet. Vidare handlar omformning av ämneskunskaper för lärare i praktiken om att reflektera, utvärdera och utveckla planeringen och den genomförda undervisningen.

"Walking the line between structure and freedom" : a case study of teachers' responses to curriculum change using complexity theory

Hetherington, Lindsay Ellen Joan January 2012 (has links)
This thesis uses complexity theory to explore education in the context of a changing curriculum called ‘Opening Minds’. This new curriculum was introduced in the case study school in response to a wider curriculum change which emphasised ‘learning to learn’ and the development of ‘skills for the 21st Century’. In this study, a ‘complexity thinking’ theoretical framework was adopted, drawing especially on the work of Osberg and Biesta (Osberg et al., 2008, Osberg and Biesta, 2007, Biesta and Osberg, 2007) and Davis and Sumara (2006; 2007), paying particular attention to concepts of emergence and complexity reduction. Complexity theory, through the ‘logic of emergence’ offers a challenge to mechanistic approaches to understanding the world which, despite the work of postmodern and poststructural scholars in education, remains dominant in educational practice. The Opening Minds curriculum that is the focus of this case study demonstrated the potential to challenge this mechanistic approach, as the teachers expressed a desire to work in different, flexible and creative ways: this thesis therefore explores complexity theory’s challenge to a mechanistic approach in this particular case. It also addresses the relationship between Opening Minds and science education using complexity thinking. To facilitate exploration and analysis of the case, concepts of temporal and relational emergence and complexity reduction to develop a ‘complexity thinking’ understanding of concepts of agency/structure, power, identity and reflexivity. This entailed reconceptualisation of these ideas in a temporal-relational sense that explicitly incorporates a sensitivity to emergence. Specifically, an additional dimension to Emirbayer and Mische’s (1998) construction of multidimensional agency was added: that of creative agency. The research was conducted as a case study in which a ‘bricolage’ approach to data collection and analysis was used as part of an explicitly ‘complex’ methodology, addressing questions of the challenge of complexity reduction and ethics in research drawing on complexity theory. The findings indicated a challenge for teachers in negotiating tensions as they attempted to adopt approaches that could be considered ‘emergent’ alongside other ‘mechanistic’ practices. These tensions were explored in detail in relation to the concept of ‘reflection’, and in the interaction between science and Opening Minds. Bringing together the empirical and theoretical work in this study, it is suggested that mechanistic and emergent aspects may helpfully be viewed as a ‘vital simultaneity’ within the educational relationship (Davis, 2008) with the interaction between them facilitated by creative agency within a ‘pedagogy of interruption’ (Biesta, 2006). It was further argued that reflection could be used in responsive and flexible ways to support both learning and assessment as a crucial aspect of a pedagogy of interruption. Such a ‘contingently responsive and creative pedagogy’ may support the interaction between science and Opening Minds productively. It is suggested that complex approach to a pedagogy of interruption could support teachers in engaging with the creative and diverse elements of science or learning to learn curricula whilst maintaining the mechanistic aspects of teaching that support students in learning key concepts and skills.

Aulas práticas em ciências como auxílio à aprendizagem : um estudo com alunos do ensino fundamental

Guedes, Cícera Alves January 2016 (has links)
No contexto atual, o ensino de ciências favorece a construção de conteúdo, o desenvolvimento de habilidades e competências próprias para a formação da cidadania. Nessa perspectiva, o trabalho fundamente-se na observação por uma prévia teorização em sala, possibilitando despertar no educando o senso de responsabilidade para uma futura intervenção e transformação do seu meio. A pesquisa aborda as contribuições da aula de campo parceira na construção do processo de ensino e aprendizagem dos educandos. O trabalho é resultado de questionários aplicados a 5 professores (3 do Fundamental I e 2 Fundamental II) e, 56 alunos do Fundamental I 5º ano. Os dados mostraram que os professores consideram a aula de campo uma boa estratégia metodológica no processo de ensino aprendizagem. Destarte, através dos questionários aplicados, antes da aula prática na área de Caatinga, os alunos assinalaram duas ou mais opções negativas, demonstrando senso comum e mostrando noções estereotipado da mesma a partir do conhecimento dela pelos meios de comunicação. Entretanto, após a aula de campo, as opções assinaladas diminuíram consideravelmente, alguns continuam com a ideia de que não gostariam de morar na Caatinga, demonstrando que os mesmos não se veem como parte integrante desse ambiente e, infelizmente uma aula de campo não é suficiente para desmistificar essa visão pré-concebida Assim, há a necessidade de a aula prática (de campo) sobre os ecossistemas locais deixem de ser um momento pontual, e venha a fazer parte, algum dia, regularmente do ensino nas escolas do município do Crato- Ceará, levando os educandos dessa região, desde o Ensino Fundamental a compreender a importância da Caatinga para poder viver melhor nela e com ela. Esse é um problema que só poderá ser resolvido pelo poder público. Desta forma, notou-se um ganho no processo de ensino e aprendizagem, além de um aumento da autoestima dos educandos a partir da comparação dos desenhos por eles realizados para representar a caatinga. Portanto, o referido trabalho pretende contribuir como elemento formador dos futuros pesquisadores da área ou aqueles que pretende transformar suas aulas mais dinâmicas e produtivas. / In the current context, the teaching of Science favors the construction of the subject, the development of skills and proper competences to the formation of citizenship. In this perspective, the work has its fundament in the observation for a previous theory in class, allowing the awakening of a sense of responsibility in the learner for a future intervention and transformation of his environment. The work discusses the contributions of a practical field class, as a partner in the construction of a teaching process and student learning. The work is a result of questionnaires applied to 5 teachers (3 from Elementary School and 2 from Middle School and to 56 students from 5th grade). The data shows that teachers consider practical outdoor class a good strategy in the process of teaching and learning. Thus, by the questionnaires applied before the practical field class in the Caatinga Biome area, the students pointed out two or more negative options, demonstrating common sense and showing stereotyped notions of it based on their knowledge of the media. However, after the field lesson, the options indicated have decreased considerably, some continue with the idea that they would not like to live in the Caatinga, demonstrating that they do not see themselves as an integral part of this environment and, unfortunately, a field class is not enough to demystify this preconceived vision Thus, there is a need for a practical (field) class on local ecosystems stop being an occasional moment, and becoming a regular part of teaching in schools in Crato-Ceará, taking students from that region, since Elementary School, to understand the importance of the Caatinga in order to live better in it and with it. This is a problem that can only be solved by the governement. In this way, a gain was observed in the teaching and learning process, as well as an increase in the students' self-esteem, based on the comparison of the drawings they made to represent the Caatinga. Therefore, this work intends to contribute as a formative element of the future researchers of the area or those who intend to transform their classes in more dynamic and productive ones.

Aulas práticas em ciências como auxílio à aprendizagem : um estudo com alunos do ensino fundamental

Guedes, Cícera Alves January 2016 (has links)
No contexto atual, o ensino de ciências favorece a construção de conteúdo, o desenvolvimento de habilidades e competências próprias para a formação da cidadania. Nessa perspectiva, o trabalho fundamente-se na observação por uma prévia teorização em sala, possibilitando despertar no educando o senso de responsabilidade para uma futura intervenção e transformação do seu meio. A pesquisa aborda as contribuições da aula de campo parceira na construção do processo de ensino e aprendizagem dos educandos. O trabalho é resultado de questionários aplicados a 5 professores (3 do Fundamental I e 2 Fundamental II) e, 56 alunos do Fundamental I 5º ano. Os dados mostraram que os professores consideram a aula de campo uma boa estratégia metodológica no processo de ensino aprendizagem. Destarte, através dos questionários aplicados, antes da aula prática na área de Caatinga, os alunos assinalaram duas ou mais opções negativas, demonstrando senso comum e mostrando noções estereotipado da mesma a partir do conhecimento dela pelos meios de comunicação. Entretanto, após a aula de campo, as opções assinaladas diminuíram consideravelmente, alguns continuam com a ideia de que não gostariam de morar na Caatinga, demonstrando que os mesmos não se veem como parte integrante desse ambiente e, infelizmente uma aula de campo não é suficiente para desmistificar essa visão pré-concebida Assim, há a necessidade de a aula prática (de campo) sobre os ecossistemas locais deixem de ser um momento pontual, e venha a fazer parte, algum dia, regularmente do ensino nas escolas do município do Crato- Ceará, levando os educandos dessa região, desde o Ensino Fundamental a compreender a importância da Caatinga para poder viver melhor nela e com ela. Esse é um problema que só poderá ser resolvido pelo poder público. Desta forma, notou-se um ganho no processo de ensino e aprendizagem, além de um aumento da autoestima dos educandos a partir da comparação dos desenhos por eles realizados para representar a caatinga. Portanto, o referido trabalho pretende contribuir como elemento formador dos futuros pesquisadores da área ou aqueles que pretende transformar suas aulas mais dinâmicas e produtivas. / In the current context, the teaching of Science favors the construction of the subject, the development of skills and proper competences to the formation of citizenship. In this perspective, the work has its fundament in the observation for a previous theory in class, allowing the awakening of a sense of responsibility in the learner for a future intervention and transformation of his environment. The work discusses the contributions of a practical field class, as a partner in the construction of a teaching process and student learning. The work is a result of questionnaires applied to 5 teachers (3 from Elementary School and 2 from Middle School and to 56 students from 5th grade). The data shows that teachers consider practical outdoor class a good strategy in the process of teaching and learning. Thus, by the questionnaires applied before the practical field class in the Caatinga Biome area, the students pointed out two or more negative options, demonstrating common sense and showing stereotyped notions of it based on their knowledge of the media. However, after the field lesson, the options indicated have decreased considerably, some continue with the idea that they would not like to live in the Caatinga, demonstrating that they do not see themselves as an integral part of this environment and, unfortunately, a field class is not enough to demystify this preconceived vision Thus, there is a need for a practical (field) class on local ecosystems stop being an occasional moment, and becoming a regular part of teaching in schools in Crato-Ceará, taking students from that region, since Elementary School, to understand the importance of the Caatinga in order to live better in it and with it. This is a problem that can only be solved by the governement. In this way, a gain was observed in the teaching and learning process, as well as an increase in the students' self-esteem, based on the comparison of the drawings they made to represent the Caatinga. Therefore, this work intends to contribute as a formative element of the future researchers of the area or those who intend to transform their classes in more dynamic and productive ones.

EducaÃÃo de Jovens e Adultos: o aprender a aprender e a prÃtica pedagÃgica de professores na Rede Municipal de Ensino de JoÃo Pessoa / Youth and adult education: learning to learn and the pedagogical practice teaching in Municipal School System of JoÃo Pessoa

Josà Barbosa da Silva 30 November 2007 (has links)
CoordenaÃÃo de AperfeiÃoamento de Pessoal de NÃvel Superior / O tema central deste trabalho à o conceito e a prÃtica do aprender a aprender na EducaÃÃo de Jovens e Adultos (EJA), procedendo-se à investigaÃÃo, à anÃlise e à descriÃÃo do modo de como esse processo à compreendido e vivenciado pelas docentes e pelos estudantes, da alfabetizaÃÃo à quarta sÃrie, em escolas municipais que atuam na EJA. Dada a complexidade do tema, este estudo apoia-se numa base metodolÃgica multirreferencial, valorizando tanto os conhecimentos sistematizados por autores de diversas linhas de pensamento e Ãreas cientÃficas - Psicologia, Pedagogia, Sociologia, Filosofia, HistÃria -, como os dos sujeitos pesquisados - professores e alunos da EJA -, situados em suas circunstÃncias de vida e de aprendizagem. Os dados revelam que o aprender a aprender, na prÃtica das escolas municipais, mescla as necessidades particulares de cada professora, as convicÃÃes pedagÃgicas delas, as improvisaÃÃes que se fazem necessÃrias para o ajuste das aulas na realidade da EJA, o que foi deliberadamente ensinado e o que foi descoberto pelos alunos e alunas na e fora da escola. As contribuiÃÃes teÃricas das ciÃncias podem atuar como auxiliares dos educadores nesse processo, mas nÃo lhe oferecem receitas a seguir. Como conclusÃo, esta pesquisa apresenta que o aprender a aprender nÃo seguiu nem segue um Ãnico mÃtodo que possa ser sistematicamente descrito e reproduzido. Toda informaÃÃo que chega ao indivÃduo ajuda-o no traÃado de sua aprendizagem. Fora da escola essa prÃtica à corrente vivida por todas as pessoas, desde o nascimento. / The theme of this paper is the concept and practice of learning to learn for Youth and Adults Education (EJA), carrying out research, analysis and description of the method of how this process is understood and experienced by teachers and students of literacy to fourth grade in public schools that operate in Youth and Adults Education (EJA), Given the complexity of the issue, this study is based on a methodological multi-referenced basis for, highlighting both the knowledge documented by authors from various schools of thought and science - Psychology, Education, Sociology, Philosophy, History â and that of research subjects, teachers and students of adult education as located in their circumstances of life and learning. The data shows that learning to learn in municipal schools practice combines the needs of each teacher, their teaching beliefs, and the improvisations that are necessary to fit the classes in the reality of adult education, which was deliberately taught and which was discovered by pupils and students in and out of school. The theoretical contributions of the sciences can act as auxiliaries to educators in this process, but does not offer recipes to follow. In conclusion, this research shows that learning to learn has not and does not follow a single method that can be systematically described and reproduced. Any and all information that reaches the student helps their learning. Both in and outside of the school this practice is the wide experience of all people,from birth.

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