Spelling suggestions: "subject:"conjecture"" "subject:"confecture""
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Étude et développement d’ASIC de lecture de détecteurs matriciels en CdTe pour application spatiale en technologie sub-micrométrique / Studies and development of a readout ASIC for pixelated CdTe detectors for space applicationsMichalowska, Alicja 10 December 2013 (has links)
Le travail présenté dans ce manuscrit a été effectué au sein de l’équipe de microélectronique de l’Institut de Recherche sur les lois Fondamentales de l’Univers (IRFU) du CEA. Il s’inscrit dans le contexte de la spectro-imagerie X et gamma pour la recherche en Astrophysique. Dans ce domaine, les futures expériences embarquées à bords de satellites nécessiteront des instruments d’imagerie à très hautes résolutions spatiales et énergétiques.La résolution spectrale d’une gamma-camera est dégradée par l’imperfection du détecteur lors de l’interaction photon-matière lui-même et par le bruit électronique. Si on ne peut réduire l’imprécision de conversion photon-charge du détecteur, on peut minimiser le bruit apporté par l’électronique de lecture. L’objectif de cette thèse est la conception d’une électronique intégrée de lecture de détecteur semi-conducteurs CdTe pixélisés pour gamma-caméra(s) compacte(s) et aboutable(s) sur 4 côtés à résolution spatiale « Fano limitée ». Les objectifs principaux de ce circuit intégré sont: un très bas bruit pour la mesure d’énergie des rayons-X, une très basse consommation, et une taille de canal de détection adaptée au pas des pixels CdTe. Pour concevoir une telle électronique, chaque paramètre contribuant au bruit doit être optimisé. L’hybridation entre l’électronique de lecture et le détecteur est également un paramètre clef qui fait généralement la résolution finale de l’instrument : en imposant une géométrie matricielle à l’ASIC adaptée au pas de 300 µm des pixels de CdTe, on peut espérer, réduire d’un facteur 10 la capacité parasite amenée par la connexion détecteur-électronique et améliorer d’autant le bruit électronique tout en conservant une densité de puissance constante. Une bonne connaissance des propriétés du détecteur nous permet alors d’extraire ses paramètres électroniques clefs pour concevoir l’architecture électronique de conversion et de filtrage optimale. Dans le cadre de cette thèse j’ai conçu deux circuits intégrés en technologies CMOS XFAB 0.18 µm. Le premier, Caterpylar, est destiné à caractériser cette nouvelle technologie, y compris en radiation, identifier un étage d’entrée pour le pixel adapté au détecteur, et valider par la mesure les résultats théoriques établis sur deux architectures de filtrage, semi gaussien et « Multi-Correlated Double Sampling » (MCDS), approchant l’efficacité du filtrage optimal et adaptées aux applications finales. Le deuxième circuit, D2R1, est un système complet, constitué de 256 canaux de lecture de détecteur CdTe, organisés dans une matrice de 16×16 pixels. Chaque canal comprend un préamplificateur de charge adapté à des pixels de 300 μm×300 μm, un opérateur de filtrage de type MCDS de profondeur programmable, d’un discriminateur auto-déclenché à bas seuil de détection programmable par canal. L’ASIC a été caractérisé sans détecteur et est en voie d’être hybridé à une matrice de CdTe très prochainement. Les résultats de caractérisations de la puce nue, en particulier en terme de produit puissance × bruit, sont excellents. La consommation de la puce est de 315 µW/ canal, la charge équivalente de bruit mesurée sur tous les canaux est de 29 électrons rms. Ces résultats valident le choix d’intégration d’un filtrage de type MCDS, qui est, à notre connaissance une première mondiale pour la lecture de détecteurs CdTe. Par ailleurs, ils nous permettent d’envisager d’excellentes résolutions spectrales de l’ensemble détecteur+ASIC, de l’ordre de 600 eV FWHM à 60 keV. / The work presented in this thesis is part of a project where a new instrument is developed: a camera for hard X-rays imaging spectroscopy. It is dedicated to fundamental research for observations in astrophysics, at wavelengths which can only be observed using space-borne instruments. In this domain the spectroscopic accuracy as well as the imaging details are of high importance. This work has been realized at CEA/IRFU (Institut de Recherche sur les lois Fondamentales de l’Univers), which has a long-standing and successful experience in instruments for high energy physics and space physics instrumentation. The objective of this thesis is the design of the readout electronics for a pixelated CdTe detector, suitable for a stacked assembly. The principal parameters of this integrated circuit are a very low noise for reaching a good accuracy in X-ray energy measurement, very low power consumption, a critical parameter in space-borne applications, and a small dead area for the full system combining the detector and the readout electronics. In this work I have studied the limits of these three parameters in order to optimize the circuit.In terms of the spectral resolution, two categories of noise had to be distinguished to determine the final performance. The first is the Fano noise limit. related to detector interaction statistics, which cannot be eliminated. The second is the electronic noise, also unavoidable; however it can be minimized through optimization of the detection chain. Within the detector, establishing a small pixel pitch of 300 μm reduces the input capacitance and the dark current. This limits the effects of the electronic noise. Also in order to limit the input capacitance the future camera is designed as a stacked assembly of the detector with the readout ASIC. This allows to reach extremely good input parameters seen by the readout electronics: a capacitance in range of 0.3 pF - 1 pF and a dark current below 5 pA.In the frame of this thesis I have designed two ASICs. The first one, Caterpylar, is a testchip, which enables the characterization of differently dimensioned CSA circuits to choose the most suitable one for the final application. It is optimized for readout of the target CdTe detector with 300 μm pixel pitch and the corresponding input parameters. With this circuit I have also analyzed possible filtering methods, in particular the semi-Gaussian shaping and the Multi-Correlated Double Sampling (MCDS). Their comparison is preceded by the theoretical analysis of these shapers. The second ASIC D2R1 is a complete readout circuit, containing 256 channels to readout CdTe detector with the same number of pixels, arranged in 16×16 array. Each channel fits into a layout area of 300 μm × 300 μm. It is based on the MCDS processing with self-triggering capabilities. The mean electronic noise measured over all channels is 29 electrons rms when characterized without the detector. The corresponding power consumption is 315 μW⁄channel. With these results the future measurements with the detector give prospects for reaching an FWHM spectral resolution in the order of 600 eV at 60 keV.
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Ensino de história para cegos: investigando práticas com uso da iconografia / History teaching for blind students: investigating practices using iconographyLeão, Gabriel Bertozzi de Oliveira e Sousa 10 April 2017 (has links)
Percebendo o importante papel da iconografia na atualidade, tanto na sociedade como na educação, e considerando a restrição visual dos alunos com deficiência visual, esta pesquisa propõe analisar as práticas pedagógicas de professores de História da educação básica no que tange ao uso da imagem iconográfica com alunos cegos. Neste trabalho, considera-se a iconografia não só como recurso de representação do tempo passado, mas também como documentação histórica, material pedagógico fundamental para a produção do conhecimento histórico e desenvolvimento do raciocínio crítico sobre a História. A pesquisa foi desenvolvida tendo como base teóricos que se alinham às áreas de Educação Especial, Ensino de História e Artes, tais como: Amiralian (1997), Aumont (1995), Ballestero-alvarez (2002), Barbosa (1998; 1999), Barthes (1984), Benjamin (1955), Bittencourt (1993; 1998; 2001; 2004; 2011), Brun (1991), Bueno (2011), Burke (2004), Calazans (2014), Candau (2010), Cerri (2010), Chartier (1988), Couchot (1993), Dondis (2007), Fonseca (2006), Fonseca e Siman (2001), Joly (2007), Knauss (2006), Kossoy (1980; 1989), Lowenfeld (1971), Masini (1994; 2012; 2013), Maud (1996), Merleau-Ponty (1999), Molina (2007), Moreira e Câmara (2010), Nobrega (2008), Ott (1999), Panofsky (2014), Profeta (2007), Reily (2004), Rossi (2006), Saliba (1999; 2001), Sardelich (2006), Sarraf (2014), Siman (2004), Snyder (2007) e Soler (1999). Inicialmente, foi feita uma pesquisa histórica sobre o ensino de História no Imperial Instituto dos Meninos Cegos, educandário do século XIX que fundou as bases para o ensino da pessoa com deficiência visual no Brasil, com destaque para os usos da imagem no ensino. Posteriormente, houve uma reflexão sobre as possibilidades envolvendo a leitura de imagens no campo do ensino de História e as teorias que envolvem a abordagem multissensorial de ensino para cegos, sob as concepções de corpo e percepção em MerleauPonty (1999). Essa pesquisa, de abordagem qualitativa, além da revisão bibliográfica realizada, compreende também, uma pesquisa de campo que permitiu conhecer práticas pedagógicas de professores de História com uso da iconografia, com foco para alunos do 7º ano do ensino fundamental. A pesquisa de campo foi realizada com base em observações em sala de aula e entrevistas semiestruturadas com os professores de História e do Atendimento Educacional Especializado que lecionam para alunos cegos matriculados no 7º ano do ensino fundamental de duas escolas da rede pública municipal de São Paulo. Além disso, houve também uma intervenção pedagógica inclusiva, em parceria com os professores de História das escolas, que envolveu o uso e a análise da iconografia como fonte documental e recurso didático para a disciplina. Os dados coletados foram analisados seguindo o referencial teórico de Bardin (2009). Procura-se, por fim, refletir e apontar possibilidades de ensino de História pautadas em uma abordagem multissensorial e fundamentadas na fenomenologia de MerleauPonty (1999), que permitam ao aluno com deficiência visual desenvolver uma análise mais completa da iconografia. / Realizing the important role of iconography nowadays, both in society and education, and considering the visual restriction of students with visual impairment, this research aims to analyze the pedagogical practices of History teachers from elementary school regarding the use of iconographic images in blind students education. In this paper, it is considered that iconography is not only a resource for the representation of the past, but it is also a historical documentation, basic pedagogical material for the production of historical knowledge and the development of critical thinking about History. The research was based on theoretical frameworks that align to particular areas of Education, History Teaching and Arts, such as: Amiralian (1997), Aumont (1995), Ballestero-alvarez (2002), Barbosa (1998; 1999), Barthes (1984), Benjamin (1955), Bittencourt (1993; 1998; 2001; 2004; 2011), Brun (1991), Bueno (2011), Burke (2004), Calazans (2014), Candau (2010), Cerri (2010), Chartier (1988), Couchot (1993), Dondis (2007), Fonseca (2006), Fonseca e Siman (2001), Joly (2007), Knauss (2006), Kossoy (1980; 1989), Lowenfeld (1971), Masini (1994; 2012; 2013), Maud (1996), Merleau-Ponty (1999), Molina (2007), Moreira e Câmara (2010), Nobrega (2008), Ott (1999), Panofsky (2014), Profeta (2007), Reily (2004), Rossi (2006), Saliba (1999; 2001), Sardelich (2006), Sarraf (2014), Siman (2004), Snyder (2007) e Soler (1999). Initially, a historical research about the History teaching was done at the Imperial Instituto dos Meninos Cegos, a nineteenth century school that founded the bases in Brazil for teaching people with visual impairment, focusing on the use of images for teaching. Subsequently, there was a reflection about the possibilities involving the image lecture in the History teaching area and the theories that involve the multisensorial approach of teaching to blind students, under the conceptions of body and perception in Merleau-Ponty (1999). Besides the bibliographic review, this research has a qualitative approach and also includes a field research that allowed us to know pedagogical practices with the use of iconography by History teachers who teach students of the 7th year of elementary school. The field research was based on classroom observations and semi-structured interviews with History teachers and teachers from the Atendimento Educacional Especializado that give classes to blind students enrolled in the 7th year of elementary school in two public schools from São Paulo. In addition, there was also an inclusive pedagogical intervention, in partnership with the History teachers of these schools, which involved the use and analysis of iconography as a historical documentation and didactic resource for the subject. The collected data were analyzed by using the theoretical frameworks of Bardin (2009). Finally, this work aims to reflect and point out possibilities of History teaching guided in a multisensory approach and based on the phenomenology of Merleau-Ponty (1999), which allow students with visual impairments to develop a better analysis of iconography.
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Análise da apropiação de ideias freireanas de educação por professores em uma proposta de aulas sobre aquecimento global / Appropriation of the analysis of Paulo Freire Education ideas for teachers on a proposal for classes on Global WarmingOliveira, Leandro dos Reis 01 November 2016 (has links)
Este trabalho analisa algumas apropriações das ideias freireanas por professores durante a construção de uma proposta de aulas sobre o Aquecimento Global que contou como uma de suas referências teóricas de base a dinâmica dos três momentos pedagógicos. Para a coleta de dados, as reuniões de preparação das aulas, realizadas periodicamente, foram gravadas em áudio e vídeo para posterior análise. Dos resultados, verificamos que os professores puderam, no processo de construção, discutir ideias baseadas em diferentes visões educacionais. Embora algumas delas não façam referência a visão educacional humanista, foi possível verificar que os professores convergiram em propostas que incorporaram elementos freireanos nas aulas sobre o Aquecimento Global. É necessário deixar claro que não estamos afirmando que esta dissertação apresentará um trabalho estritamente baseado na filosofia de Paulo Freire, pois as condições objetivas de trabalho nas escolas exigem que reconstruções sejam feitas. Por fim, não temos a pretensão de dizer se a estrutura das aulas ou se os elementos freireanos identificados durante as reuniões são melhores ou piores, até porque, cada professor tem experiências e formações diferentes, além disso temos a convicção que este trabalho apresentou um caminho possível, mas sabemos que existem infinitas possibilidades e todas elas dependem de diversos fatores, tais como, infraestrutura da escola, conteúdo abordado, público alvo dentre outros. / This works analyzes some of the appropriations Freireanas ideas by teachers during construction classes proposal on Global Warming. It is noted that the process of building and collective organization of the proposed classes contemplated the dynamics of the three pedagogical moments. For data collection, the meeting preparation classes, held periodically, were recorded on audio and video for later analysis. From the results, we found that teachers could, in the construction process, discussing various ideas. Although many of them are not part of the educational vision championed this work, we found that teachers converged proposal which incorporated some elements in Freire\'s classes on heating it clear Global.É necessary that we are not saying that this thesis will present a genuinely work Freirean because the lessons about global warming were not structured from thematic research required for this perspective. Finally, we do not intend to say that the structure of the classes or the Freirean elements identified during the meetings are better or worse, because each teacher has different experiences and backgrounds also have the conviction that this work presents a path possible, but we know that there are endless possibilities and they all depend on several factors such as school infrastructure, content addressed, target among others.
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Research investigating faculty and instructors’ perception of teaching in discipline oriented fields such as biology, chemistry and physics suggest that faculty hold diverse <br>conceptions about teaching and learning. This study extended this work to a discipline at the interface between traditional physical science and life science fields, upper-level biochemistry courses. It also compared instructors’ perception, beliefs and actions when teaching biochemistry at research institutions with courses taught at primarily <br>undergraduate institutions (PUI’s). In a recently completed review of discipline-based educational research (DBER) in <br>biochemistry, I noted the absence of research regarding the relationship between faculty beliefs and classroom practices in biochemistry and noted that different levels, associated <br>with teaching and learning experiences, have not been studied in the context of the undergraduate chemistry curriculum. As a scientific field, biochemistry bridges chemistry and biology, which each have a consensus regarding the major concepts or ideas that should <br>be taught within their disciplines. However, biochemistry, despite its increased relevance in recent years, has achieved hardly any consensus among those who teach this content material on what should be taught or how instructors should teach it. Biochemistry is also a rapidly growing field with increased relevance that is being taught as a unique discipline in more and more institutions. Another unique feature that distinguishes biochemistry from other scientific fields is that it is inherently interdisciplinary and taught in different departments, often for a versatile population of various majors and minors. Further research suggests that we overgeneralize conclusions on factors influencing teaching practices within classrooms, which could possible prevent the advancement of teaching methodologies used by instructors. To explore this research interest, classroom <br>observations and semi-structured interviews were used. <br>Within the scope of this study, I identified two main ways biochemistry instructors thought about their teaching of biochemistry: theory versus practice-oriented. The more <br>theory-driven instructors reflected on their beliefs and perceptions, the more traditional their teaching practices were executed – the contrary held true for instructors with a more practical conception of the teaching of biochemistry. Overall, I was able to portray a multitude of ways in which biochemistry is currently being taught at different institutions, <br>identifying differences and communalities they shared. As well as the unique challenges instructors faced when implementing evidence-based teaching methodologies in their classrooms were identified and categorized. My research should improve the understanding of factors, barriers, and possible opportunities that various scientific <br>disciplines face to inform the development of professional programs that can encourage the use and implementation of evidence-based instructional practices.
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A leitura do fantástico nos contos "Ligeia" de Edgard Allan Poe, e "Véra", de Villiers de L'Isle-Adam /Pádua, Lígia Maria Pereira de. January 2010 (has links)
Orientador: Guacira Marcondes Machado Leite / Banca: Orlando Amorim / Banca: Maria das Graças Gomes Villa da Silva / Resumo: Este estudo tem por objetivo analisar os contos "Ligeia" (1838) de Edgar A. Poe e "Véra" (1876) de Villiers de l'Isle- Adam, obras-primas do conto poético de gênero fantástico. Embora o norte-americano Edgar A. Poe (1809-1849) tenha vivido no começo do século, e Villiers (1838-1889) o tenha no seu fim, ambos têm a mesma perspectiva pessimista sobre os acontecimentos que se desenrolaram durante todo o século XIX, a saber: consolidação do poder da burguesia, descobertas tecnocientíficas, etc. Se os avanços foram muitos, a miséria e a desigualdade social continuaram a aumentar. Acrescido a esse clima de desconforto social, o iminente fim do século anunciava, em uma perspectiva apocalíptica, o fim dos tempos. O homem, submetido ao destino e às forças terrestres sobre as quais não tem controle, fora marcado pela tendência de reduzir a vida a um niilismo que se traduziu na fixação da morte como libertação. Preferindo o sonho à ação, Poe e Villiers se refugiaram na torre de marfim no intento de buscar o Absoluto - preterido pela sociedade materialista da época. Essa atitude foi a mesma de muitos outros autores que integraram o movimento simbolista do qual os referidos autores foram antecessores. O Simbolismo nasceu na França na última parte do século XIX e alcançou seu auge na década situada entre 1885 e 1895. Ele emite através de alguns elementos base - o símbolo, o sonho, o mito, o inconsciente - a sensibilidade estética e as aspirações metafísicas. Se este movimento traduziu as necessidades estéticas e metafísicas desse período, o gênero fantástico foi um meio eficaz pelo qual elas foram expressas. Uma vez que o fantástico pressupõe como princípio a presença do elemento sobrenatural, ele significa, em ultima instância, a fuga da realidade, a contestação dos valores do mundo físico. Não por acaso, depois da inserção... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Résumé: Le but de cette recherche c'est d'analyser les contes "Ligeia" (1838) d' Edgar A. Poe et "Véra" (1876) de Villiers de l'Isle- Adam, chef-d'oeuvres du conte poétique de genre fantastique. Bien qu' Edgar Allan Poe (1809-1849) ait vécu au début du siècle, et Villiers (1838-1889) à la fin, les deux ont la même perspective sur les événements qui se sont déroulés pendant tout le XIX ème siècle, comme la consolidation du pouvoir de la bourgeoisie, les découvertes technique-cientifiques, parmi d'autres. Si les avantages ont été nombreuses, la misère et l'inégalité sociale ont continué à augmenter. Ajoutée à cette ambiance de gêne sociale, l' imminente fin du siècle annonçait, sous une perspective apocaliptique, la fin du monde. L' homme, soumis au destin et aux forces terrestres sur lesquelles il n'a pas de contrôle, a été marqué par la tendance de réduire la vie à un nihilisme qui s'est traduit dans la fixation de la mort comme libération. En préférant le rêve à l'action, Poe et Villiers se sont refugiés dans la tour d'ivoire, en quête de l' Absolu - méprisé par la société matérialiste de cette époque. Cette attitute a été la même de beaucoup d'autres auteurs qui, plus tard, allaient intégrer le mouvement symboliste dont les auteurs en discussion sont des antecesseurs. Le Symbolisme est né en France à la fin du XIX ème siècle et a atteint son apogée entre les années 1885 et 1895. Il émet, parmi quelques élements-base - le symbole, le rêve, le mythe, l'inconscient - la sensibilité esthétique et les aspirations métaphysiques. Si ce genre a traduit les besoins esthétiques et métaphysiques de cette période, le genre fantastique a été un moyen efficace par lequel ils ont été exprimés. Une fois que le fantastique présuppose comme principe la présence de l' élément surnaturel, il signifie... (Résume complet accès electronique ci-dessous) / Mestre
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Apprendre à lire en contexte de maltraitance familiale : contribution à une analyse des facteurs favorisant ou entravant l'accès au savoir-lire d'enfants maltraitésLesieux, Élisabeth January 2006 (has links)
Thèse numérisée par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.
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The dynamics of the case method: A comparative studyEdenhammar, Clara January 2017 (has links)
No description available.
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Leitura e enunciação : princípios para uma análise do sentido na linguagemNaujorks, Jane da Costa January 2011 (has links)
Cette recherche découle de la constatation que le thème de la lecture – même s'il n'est pas nouveau et il se présente dans différentes perspectives théoriques et méthodologiques – offre une nouvelle perspective, à savoir, la lecture comme un acte de constitution de sens produit par un locuteur qui est instauré, par cet acte, comme sujet. Ainsi, plutôt que répéter ce que l’on trouve déjà dans les différentes approches de la lecture, nous cherchons à baser notre perspective, sur ce thème, dans la Linguistique de l'Énonciation, en particulier, dans les études énonciatives d'Émile Benveniste. La spécificité de notre recherche réside principalement dans la réponse à la question : dans quels termes pouvons-nous penser la lecture comme un acte énonciatif ? À cette fin, notre direction initiale sera un répérage de quelques des principales approches de la lecture présentes dans la conjecture brésilienne, toujours dans la recherche de la réponse de comment les différentes approches pensent la relation entre le sujet et la lecture. Ensuite, nous avons récupéré des concepts présents dans les réflexions énonciatives de Benveniste, afin de soutenir l’approche énonciative de la lecture. Dans cette récupération, nous avons l'intention d'établir une relation entre les notions qui font partie des études énonciatives et du thème de la lecture, et, encore, de constituer une méthodologie qui tient compte de l'analyse énonciative de la lecture. Avec ce trajet, nous avons pour but de situer la compréhension de la lecture dans la perspective énonciative, en cherchant relier la théorie et la pratique. Nous apportons, alors, à cette étude, un concept de lecture dont perspective théorique est l'Énonciation d'Émile Benveniste et un travail d'analyse de corpus, en cherchant, avec cela, à l’instar d'autres auteurs du champ, déplacer nos découvertes à l'enseignement de la le lectura. / Esta pesquisa surge da constatação de que o tema da leitura, mesmo não sendo novo e apresentando-se em diferentes perspectivas teóricas e metodológicas, aponta para uma nova perspectiva, a leitura como ato de constituição de sentidos, produzido por um locutor que é instaurado, através desse ato, como sujeito. Assim, mais que repetir o que já temos nas diferentes abordagens da leitura, buscamos fundamentar nossa perspectiva sobre esse tema na Linguística da Enunciação, especificamente nos estudos enunciativos de Émile Benveniste. A especificidade de nossa pesquisa está basicamente na resposta à questão: em que termos podemos pensar a leitura como um ato enunciativo? Com esse fim, nossa direção inicial será um levantamento de algumas das principais abordagens de leitura presentes na conjuntura brasileira, sempre em busca da resposta de como as diferentes abordagens pensam a relação entre sujeito e leitura. Na sequência, resgatamos conceitos presentes nas reflexões enunciativas benvenistianas, com o intuito de subsidiar a abordagem enunciativa da leitura. Nesse resgate, pretendemos estabelecer uma relação entre as noções que envolvem os estudos enunciativos e o tema da leitura, e, ainda, constituir uma metodologia que dê conta da análise enunciativa da leitura. Com esse trajeto, objetivamos situar o entendimento da leitura na perspectiva enunciativa, prevendo relacionar teoria e prática. Trazemos, então, para este estudo um conceito de leitura, cuja perspectiva teórica é a Enunciação de Émile Benveniste, e um trabalho de análise de corpus de três textos de vestibular, esperando, com isso, a exemplo de outros autores do campo, deslocar nossas descobertas para o ensino de leitura.
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Détérioration progressive de la lecture et de l'écriture dans la maladie d'Alzheimer : systèmes espagnol et français d'écritureEnriquez-Rosas, Adriana-Maria January 2003 (has links)
No description available.
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Partages des lectures entre pairs et apprentissages collaboratifs de la lecture littéraire sur des forums et des blogs / Peer-sharing of reading experiences and collaborative learning of literary reading thanks to the use of blogs and forums.Moinard, Pierre 29 November 2018 (has links)
La thèse interroge conjointement les effets de situations d’échanges sur des forums et des blogs sur la formation de jeunes lecteurs de textes littéraires et les conditions qui favorisent ou limitent ces effets. Cette problématique générale possède deux versants complémentaires :- un questionnement portant sur les compétences de lecture manifestées dans les pratiques sociales d’échanges entre lecteurs mais ordinairement ignorées par L’École ;- une interrogation sur l’entretien d’une réflexion sur les lectures et les textes par des enseignements associant le travail en ligne et en face-à-face.Pour répondre à ces questions, nous étudions un forum non scolaire d’adolescents lecteurs ainsi que différents dispositifs d’enseignement hybrides, conçus et mis en œuvre par 10 professeurs du secondaire exerçant en Île-de-France dans des établissements sociologiquement variés.La thèse poursuit trois objectifs solidaires, selon une approche ethnométhodologique attentive au contexte social et didactique propre à chaque cas étudié. Il s’agit de préciser les processus par lesquels le lecteur conduit une lecture imaginairement et émotionnellement impliquée, de distinguer les spécificités des différents usages de forums et de blogs de lecteur et de comprendre ce qui, dans ces situations, entretient ou inhibe le travail interprétatif.Nous proposons en premier lieu un modèle théorique d’intelligibilité des productions recueillies En deuxième lieu, nous analysons les échanges du forum des adolescents lecteurs pour en distinguer les spécificités et mieux comprendre la transposition scolaire des pratiques sociales. En troisième lieu, nous évaluons les effets des divers usages scolaires de forums et de blogs de lecteurs sur le travail interprétatif.Trois hypothèses ont été examinées. La première conjecture l’expression de compétences de lecture interprétative inconnues ou inaperçues en contexte scolaire sur le forum non scolaire d’adolescents lecteurs. La deuxième hypothèse attend l’entretien d’un travail de lecture impliquée et critique sur les espaces numériques. La troisième hypothèse prévoit des relances réflexives lors des retours en face-à-face sur des écrits asynchrones. Les atouts et les limites des situations étudiées conduisent à avancer des propositions pour l’enseignement et pour la formation des professeurs. / The dissertation investigates both the effects of the idea and knowledge sharing forums and blogs, which foster the formation process of young readers’ literary competence, and the conditions which favor or limit these effects. This general problem has two complementary sides:- the existence of questioning about the reading skills manifested in social practices of the idea exchanging among readers but usually ignored to be implemented;- a question on skill maintenance through the reflection of the read texts by combining online work and face-to-face.To be able to form a sound opinion around these questions, we are examining a non-academic forum of teenagers as well as various hybrid teaching devices, designed and implemented by 10 high school teachers based in Île-de-France in socially varied institutions.The dissertation, taking into account the ethnomethodological approach that carefully examines the social and didactic contexts specific to each studied case, pursues three interdependent objectives. It is a question of specifying the processes by which the reader conducts an imaginarily and emotionally involved reading to distinguish the specifications of the different uses of the forums and reader blogs and to find out what maintains or inhibits the interpretative work under certain circumstances.We first propose a theoretical model of intelligibility of the output collected. Secondly, we analyze teenage readers’ idea exchanging forum to distinguish the specifications of this field and thus contributes to a better understanding of the transposition of social practices at school. Thirdly, we evaluate the effects of various school uses of forums and reader blogs on interpretive work.Three hypotheses were examined in the dissertation. On the non-academic forum of adolescent readers, we conjectured the expression of interpretative reading skills unknown or unnoticed in school context. Concerning hybrid teaching practices, on one hand we have been waiting for the maintenance of the involved and critical reading work in the digital spaces and on the other hand, in face-to-face feedbacks and on asynchronous writings. The strengths and limitations of the studied situations lead to recomendations for the implementation of hybrid approach and hereby for the training of teachers.
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