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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Cour européenne de justice et les limites de son autonomie supranationale

Barani, Luca 14 September 2008 (has links)
La thèse effectue une revue de la littérature scientifique sur la Cour dans le processus d’intégration juridique, en classant les différentes positions selon qu’ils définissent le rôle de la Cour comme réactif ou pro-actif. En faisant cette revue de la littérature, cinq facteurs sont mis en exergue pour ce qui concerne la problématique de l’autonomie de la Cour, qui feront l’objet d’une analyse approfondie dans la suite de la thèse : I) Limites inhérentes à l’interprétation juridique des Traités tels qu’ils se retrouvent dans les règles institutionnalisées du raisonnement de la Cour ; II) L’interaction, au niveau européen, entre la Cour et les autres institutions ; III) Les pressions et les stratégies d’influence des Etats membres vis-à-vis de la Cour comme agent de leurs préférences ; IV) La dépendance structurelle de la Cour supranationale vis-à-vis ses interlocuteurs judiciaires au niveau national ; V) Le degré d’obéissance que les appareils administratifs et exécutifs des Etats membres démontrent vis-à-vis la jurisprudence de la Cour. Par rapport à ces facteurs, et leur importance relative dans la détermination de la ligne d’action de la Cour de Justice, la thèse évalue les changements et les défis auxquels est soumise la fonction de la Cour de justice au niveau de l’Union européenne, en particulier par rapport à l’environnement de plus en plus critique ou évolue la trajectoire jurisprudentielle de la Cour par rapport aux acteurs politiques et juridiques, l’érosion du caractère sui generis du droit communautaire dans le contexte du droit international, le rôle de plus en plus affiché des cours nationales, et le contexte institutionnel dans lequel se trouve à agir cette juridiction.

La gouvernance constitutionnelle des juges : l'institutionnalisation d'un nouveau mode de régulation du risque de conflit constitutionnel dans l'Union européenne / The constitutional governance of judges : the institutionalisation of a new mode of regulation of the risk of constitutional conflict in the European Union

Leron, Nicolas 29 January 2014 (has links)
Au tournant des années 2000, on observe une augmentation des litiges mettant en jeu un conflit potentiel entre le droit de l'UE et les droits constitutionnels nationaux. Face à cette situation de tensions constitutionnelles, réelles et plus seulement théoriques, la CJUE et les juridictions suprêmes nationales se retrouvent dans une situation d'impasse ontologique au sens où, d'une part, le statu quo est intenable, car le surgissement d'un conflit constitutionnel ouvert mettrait en danger tout l'édifice européen et, d'autre part, toute solution juridique de sortie du statu quo est impensable car hors de ce que permet le paradigme de la hiérarchie des normes. Contrairement aux prédictions de la théorie néofonctionnaliste, notre étude, qui développe une approche constructiviste, montre que les acteurs juridictionnels ne vont pas approfondir l'intégration juridique en reconnaissant la primauté absolue du droit de l'UE, mais vont passer d'un mode de régulation juridique du risque de conflit constitutionnel à un mode de régulation extra-judidique, la gouvernance constitutionnelle des juges, basé sur des mécanismes informels de convergence cognitive et de socialisation. L'identité devient une variable dépendante. Plus que cela, ils instituent un espace de dialogue informel régi par la rationalité communicationnelle, au sens habermassien. La culture du dialogue des juges change également en ce que les acteurs juridictionnels développent une sémantique de l'appartenance commune, ainsi qu'une axiologie de co-responsabilité, et tendent à former une communauté de sécurité juridictionnelle fondée sur la certitude d'une règlement pacifique des différends constitutionnels. / From the 2000s, one can observe an increase of litigations putting at stake a potential conflict between EU law and national constitutional laws. Facing this situation of real – and no longer only theoretical – constitutional tensions, the ECJ and the national high courts find themselves in an ontological stalemate. On one side, status quo is not bearable, because the happening of an open constitutional conflict could endangered the whole EU. On the other side, the paradigm of the hierarchy of norms doesn't allow any legal solution to escape from this status quo. Contrary to neofunctionalist predictions, our study, which develops a constructivist approach, shows that judicial actors don't deepen the legal integration by recognizing an absolute EU law's supremacy, but shift from a legal mode of regulation of constitutional conflict risks to an extra-legal mode, that we call the constitutional governance of judges, based on informal mechanisms of cognitive convergence and socializations. Identity becomes a dependent variable. Moreover, they institute informal spaces for dialogue governed by communicative rationality, according to the Habermassian meaning. The culture of judicial dialogue changes as well: judicial actors develop a semantic of the common belonging and a moral of shared responsibility, and tend to form a judicial security community based on the certainty that constitutional conflict would always be peacefully solved.

L'harmonisation du droit pharmaceutique en Afrique de l’Ouest : le cas de l’UEMOA / The harmonization of pharmaceutical right in West Africa : the case of UEMOA

Palgo, Diane Horélie 17 December 2018 (has links)
La protection de la santé par l’instauration d’une sécurité sanitaire dépend largement d’une organisation du marché pharmaceutique et de l’instauration d’un marché pharmaceutique commun. En Afrique de l’Ouest, particulièrement au sein de l’UEMOA, l’absence d’un tel marché facilite l’essor du marché illicite du médicament et empêche une libre circulation des produits de santé entre les États membres. Pourtant, le développement économique implique un système de santé efficace et sécurisé. Progressivement, émerge une prise de conscience des États membres de l’UEMOA de la nécessité de conjuguer leurs efforts pour une meilleure protection de la santé ; l’intégration juridique ainsi recherchée pouvant se réaliser au travers de plusieurs moyens : l’harmonisation, l’unification et l’uniformisation. L’harmonisation est le moyen d’intégration juridique que l’UEMOA a choisi pour mettre en place des normes plus efficaces et plus élaborées. Le rapprochement par harmonisation des réglementations pharmaceutiques devient ainsi un objectif primordial, en vue de l’instauration d’une sécurité sanitaire dans la zone communautaire. Pourtant, cette harmonisation, pour atteindre son objectif d’amélioration des systèmes pharmaceutiques, suppose un cadre juridique élaboré. Un processus d’harmonisation est alors mis en place et concrétisé par l’adoption de plusieurs instruments juridiques communautaires : directives, règlements et décisions. Cependant, l’UEMOA n’est pas la seule organisation sous-régionale qui vise pour objectif l’harmonisation du droit pharmaceutique dans la zone. D’autres organisations régionales et sous-régionales telles que la CEDEAO et l’UA, dont sont membres les États de l’UEMOA, visent également un rapprochement par harmonisation du domaine pharmaceutique. S’ajoutent alors aux difficultés de fonctionnement, au niveau interne et communautaire, des obstacles externes liés à l’appartenance des États de l’UEMOA à ces deux organisations. Ces obstacles vont compromettre l’efficacité du processus d’harmonisation. Il s’ensuit alors une nécessité de revoir le choix de l’instrument juridique de rapprochement, quitte à s’aventurer vers un rapprochement mixte des réglementations pharmaceutiques par une combinaison de deux moyens d’intégration juridique : l’harmonisation et l’unification. / Health protection, the setting up of health security highly depend on an organization of the pharmaceutical market by the establishment of a common pharmaceutical market. In West Africa, particularly within WAEMU, the absence of such of market eases the rise in illicit drug market and impedes a free movement of health products between States. Yet, economic development involves an effective and secured health system. WAEMU’s member States awareness is emerging gradually, hence the necessity to join forces for better health protection ; therefore the long-awaited legal integration can be done through several means ; harmonization, unification, standardization. Harmonization is the means of legal integration that WAEMU has chosen to set up more effective and elaborate standards. Reconciliation through the harmonization of pharmaceutical regulations therefore becomes a key objective, with a view to setting up health security within the community zone. Yet, this harmonization, to achieve its objective of improving pharmaceutical systems, implies an elaborate legal framework. A process of harmonization is therefore set up and materialized by the adoption of several community legal instruments : guidances ; regulations, decisions. However, it should be noted that WAEMU is not the only sub-regional organization that has objective the pharmaceutical right harmonization. Other regional and sub-regional organizations such as ECOWAS, AU, of which WAEMU States are member, target also a reconciliation by the harmonization of the pharmaceutical area. In addition to the operating difficulties, at internal and community level, there are some external impediments related to the belonging of WAEMU States to those both organizations. Those obstacles will jeopardize the effectiveness of the harmonization process. Consequently, it is necessary to reconsider the choice of reconciliation legal instruments, even if that means venturing into a mixed reconciliation of pharmaceutical regulations through a combination of two means of legal integrations : harmonization and unification.

Critérios orientadores para aplicação da ordem pública no Mercosul e na União Europeia

Fragoso Junior, Silvio Brambila January 2017 (has links)
Esta dissertação de mestrado se fundamenta no reconhecimento da relevância da ordem pública no âmbito dos processos de integração regional. O objetivo principal deste trabalho é defender a conveniência de definir critérios orientadores para a aplicação desse princípio jurídico nos processos integrativos e sugerir modelos para esses critérios. A pesquisa se divide em duas partes. Inicialmente, será defendida a conveniência de definir critérios orientadores de aplicação da ordem pública nos processos de integração regional. Uma vez apresentados os argumentos neste sentido, a segunda parte do trabalho sugere possíveis critérios orientadores de aplicação da ordem pública nos projetos de integração entre Estados. A busca pela definição de elementos condutores para a utilização da ordem pública teve como base a comparação desse instituto jurídico com a soberania. Ambos os conceitos foram examinados enfatizando sua evolução e seu compartilhamento. Outro argumento em defesa da conveniência de definir critérios orientadores de aplicação da ordem pública foi a necessidade de garantir segurança jurídica no âmbito dos processos de integração regional, considerando também o desafio de adaptar os sistemas jurídicos a uma realidade influenciada pelo multiculturalismo. Posteriormente, as normas de aplicação imediata e a ordem pública, os chamados instrumentos limitadores utilizados em situações jurídicas multiconectadas, foram analisados. Na sequência, foi feito exame relativo à atual situação legislativa e jurisprudencial da ordem pública em dois processos de integração regional: o Mercosul e a União Europeia. Enquanto o primeiro foi escolhido graças à sua relevância para o Brasil, a União Europeia foi tratada nesta pesquisa por ser a principal referência internacional no que diz respeito à integração entre Estados. Finalmente, foram sugeridos critérios objetivos para orientar a aplicação da ordem pública nos processos de integração regional. O fundamento dos referidos elementos foi as doutrinas de Erik JAYME e de Robert ALEXY. Os “Métodos para concretização da ordem pública no direito internacional privado” (Methoden der Konkretisierung des ordre public im Internationalen Privatrecht) e a “Lei de Colisão” (Kollision Gesetz) foram utilizados como base para ter sido proposto um enfoque objetivo no tratamento desse tradicional instituto jurídico cuja principal característica é a abstração. / The concept of this master´s degree dissertation is based on the recognition of the importance of ordre public in the processes of regional integration. The main goal of this essay has been to defend the convenience of defining orientation criteria for the application of this juridical principle in the processes of regional integration and to suggest models for these principles. The work is divided in two parts. Firstly, the convenience of defining orientation criteria for the application of ordre public in the processes of regional integration is defended. After the presentation of reasons in this regard, the second part of the essay suggests possible orientation models of the application of ordre public in integration projects among states. The quest for the definition of conductive elements for the utilization of ordre public has been based on the comparison between this juridical institute and sovereignty. Both concepts are examined with emphasis on their evolution and their common use. Another justification for defending the importance of defining guiding criteria for the application of ordre public is the necessity of guaranteeing legal security in the integration processes, also taking into account the challenge of adapting juridical systems to the influences of multiculturalism. Subsequently, overriding mandatory provisions and ordre public, so-called restrictive instruments utilized in multi-connected juridical situations, are analysed. Following this, current legislation and jurisprudence concerning ordre public within Mercosur and the European Union are examined. The former has been chosen due to its relevance for Brazil. The latter has been analysed because it consists of the main international reference regarding integration among States. Finally, objective guiding criteria for orientating the application of ordre public in the processes of regional integration are suggested. These models are based on the work of Erik JAYME and Robert ALEXY. The “Method for concretization of ordre public in private international law” (Methoden der Konkretisierung des ordre public im Internationalen Privatrecht) and the “Collision Law” (Kollision Gesetz) form the basis for an objective approach for studying this traditional juridical institute, the main feature of which is its concern with the abstract.

Critérios orientadores para aplicação da ordem pública no Mercosul e na União Europeia

Fragoso Junior, Silvio Brambila January 2017 (has links)
Esta dissertação de mestrado se fundamenta no reconhecimento da relevância da ordem pública no âmbito dos processos de integração regional. O objetivo principal deste trabalho é defender a conveniência de definir critérios orientadores para a aplicação desse princípio jurídico nos processos integrativos e sugerir modelos para esses critérios. A pesquisa se divide em duas partes. Inicialmente, será defendida a conveniência de definir critérios orientadores de aplicação da ordem pública nos processos de integração regional. Uma vez apresentados os argumentos neste sentido, a segunda parte do trabalho sugere possíveis critérios orientadores de aplicação da ordem pública nos projetos de integração entre Estados. A busca pela definição de elementos condutores para a utilização da ordem pública teve como base a comparação desse instituto jurídico com a soberania. Ambos os conceitos foram examinados enfatizando sua evolução e seu compartilhamento. Outro argumento em defesa da conveniência de definir critérios orientadores de aplicação da ordem pública foi a necessidade de garantir segurança jurídica no âmbito dos processos de integração regional, considerando também o desafio de adaptar os sistemas jurídicos a uma realidade influenciada pelo multiculturalismo. Posteriormente, as normas de aplicação imediata e a ordem pública, os chamados instrumentos limitadores utilizados em situações jurídicas multiconectadas, foram analisados. Na sequência, foi feito exame relativo à atual situação legislativa e jurisprudencial da ordem pública em dois processos de integração regional: o Mercosul e a União Europeia. Enquanto o primeiro foi escolhido graças à sua relevância para o Brasil, a União Europeia foi tratada nesta pesquisa por ser a principal referência internacional no que diz respeito à integração entre Estados. Finalmente, foram sugeridos critérios objetivos para orientar a aplicação da ordem pública nos processos de integração regional. O fundamento dos referidos elementos foi as doutrinas de Erik JAYME e de Robert ALEXY. Os “Métodos para concretização da ordem pública no direito internacional privado” (Methoden der Konkretisierung des ordre public im Internationalen Privatrecht) e a “Lei de Colisão” (Kollision Gesetz) foram utilizados como base para ter sido proposto um enfoque objetivo no tratamento desse tradicional instituto jurídico cuja principal característica é a abstração. / The concept of this master´s degree dissertation is based on the recognition of the importance of ordre public in the processes of regional integration. The main goal of this essay has been to defend the convenience of defining orientation criteria for the application of this juridical principle in the processes of regional integration and to suggest models for these principles. The work is divided in two parts. Firstly, the convenience of defining orientation criteria for the application of ordre public in the processes of regional integration is defended. After the presentation of reasons in this regard, the second part of the essay suggests possible orientation models of the application of ordre public in integration projects among states. The quest for the definition of conductive elements for the utilization of ordre public has been based on the comparison between this juridical institute and sovereignty. Both concepts are examined with emphasis on their evolution and their common use. Another justification for defending the importance of defining guiding criteria for the application of ordre public is the necessity of guaranteeing legal security in the integration processes, also taking into account the challenge of adapting juridical systems to the influences of multiculturalism. Subsequently, overriding mandatory provisions and ordre public, so-called restrictive instruments utilized in multi-connected juridical situations, are analysed. Following this, current legislation and jurisprudence concerning ordre public within Mercosur and the European Union are examined. The former has been chosen due to its relevance for Brazil. The latter has been analysed because it consists of the main international reference regarding integration among States. Finally, objective guiding criteria for orientating the application of ordre public in the processes of regional integration are suggested. These models are based on the work of Erik JAYME and Robert ALEXY. The “Method for concretization of ordre public in private international law” (Methoden der Konkretisierung des ordre public im Internationalen Privatrecht) and the “Collision Law” (Kollision Gesetz) form the basis for an objective approach for studying this traditional juridical institute, the main feature of which is its concern with the abstract.

Critérios orientadores para aplicação da ordem pública no Mercosul e na União Europeia

Fragoso Junior, Silvio Brambila January 2017 (has links)
Esta dissertação de mestrado se fundamenta no reconhecimento da relevância da ordem pública no âmbito dos processos de integração regional. O objetivo principal deste trabalho é defender a conveniência de definir critérios orientadores para a aplicação desse princípio jurídico nos processos integrativos e sugerir modelos para esses critérios. A pesquisa se divide em duas partes. Inicialmente, será defendida a conveniência de definir critérios orientadores de aplicação da ordem pública nos processos de integração regional. Uma vez apresentados os argumentos neste sentido, a segunda parte do trabalho sugere possíveis critérios orientadores de aplicação da ordem pública nos projetos de integração entre Estados. A busca pela definição de elementos condutores para a utilização da ordem pública teve como base a comparação desse instituto jurídico com a soberania. Ambos os conceitos foram examinados enfatizando sua evolução e seu compartilhamento. Outro argumento em defesa da conveniência de definir critérios orientadores de aplicação da ordem pública foi a necessidade de garantir segurança jurídica no âmbito dos processos de integração regional, considerando também o desafio de adaptar os sistemas jurídicos a uma realidade influenciada pelo multiculturalismo. Posteriormente, as normas de aplicação imediata e a ordem pública, os chamados instrumentos limitadores utilizados em situações jurídicas multiconectadas, foram analisados. Na sequência, foi feito exame relativo à atual situação legislativa e jurisprudencial da ordem pública em dois processos de integração regional: o Mercosul e a União Europeia. Enquanto o primeiro foi escolhido graças à sua relevância para o Brasil, a União Europeia foi tratada nesta pesquisa por ser a principal referência internacional no que diz respeito à integração entre Estados. Finalmente, foram sugeridos critérios objetivos para orientar a aplicação da ordem pública nos processos de integração regional. O fundamento dos referidos elementos foi as doutrinas de Erik JAYME e de Robert ALEXY. Os “Métodos para concretização da ordem pública no direito internacional privado” (Methoden der Konkretisierung des ordre public im Internationalen Privatrecht) e a “Lei de Colisão” (Kollision Gesetz) foram utilizados como base para ter sido proposto um enfoque objetivo no tratamento desse tradicional instituto jurídico cuja principal característica é a abstração. / The concept of this master´s degree dissertation is based on the recognition of the importance of ordre public in the processes of regional integration. The main goal of this essay has been to defend the convenience of defining orientation criteria for the application of this juridical principle in the processes of regional integration and to suggest models for these principles. The work is divided in two parts. Firstly, the convenience of defining orientation criteria for the application of ordre public in the processes of regional integration is defended. After the presentation of reasons in this regard, the second part of the essay suggests possible orientation models of the application of ordre public in integration projects among states. The quest for the definition of conductive elements for the utilization of ordre public has been based on the comparison between this juridical institute and sovereignty. Both concepts are examined with emphasis on their evolution and their common use. Another justification for defending the importance of defining guiding criteria for the application of ordre public is the necessity of guaranteeing legal security in the integration processes, also taking into account the challenge of adapting juridical systems to the influences of multiculturalism. Subsequently, overriding mandatory provisions and ordre public, so-called restrictive instruments utilized in multi-connected juridical situations, are analysed. Following this, current legislation and jurisprudence concerning ordre public within Mercosur and the European Union are examined. The former has been chosen due to its relevance for Brazil. The latter has been analysed because it consists of the main international reference regarding integration among States. Finally, objective guiding criteria for orientating the application of ordre public in the processes of regional integration are suggested. These models are based on the work of Erik JAYME and Robert ALEXY. The “Method for concretization of ordre public in private international law” (Methoden der Konkretisierung des ordre public im Internationalen Privatrecht) and the “Collision Law” (Kollision Gesetz) form the basis for an objective approach for studying this traditional juridical institute, the main feature of which is its concern with the abstract.

Socio-legal integration of Polish post-2004 EU enlargement migrants in the United Kingdom

Kubal, Agnieszka Maria January 2011 (has links)
After the Enlargement of the European Union in 2004, around a million Accession State migrants arrived in the United Kingdom, with Polish migrants constituting the largest group. There is a growing body of literature focusing on their migratory patterns, networks, labour market performance, and identity. However, little has been said so far about the Polish migrants' relationship with law in the United Kingdom. This thesis asks: how do the Polish post-2004 EU Enlargement migrants form their relationship with the law, and what are the factors that affect this? It focuses on the intricacies of migrants' choices of `semi-legal' over legal status, subsequent legalization strategies, and the interpretations of legality they result in. Socio-legal integration has so far been viewed solely via state legal frameworks, following the traditional approach of the `law-first' perspective. This thesis argues that it is not the institutional arrangements and legal architecture alone that decide the nature of migrants' semi-legal relationship with law in the host society. A more comprehensive insight into the socio-legal integration of migrants is possible only when we combine in the analysis the interplay between the structural factors of the host country's legal environment, migrants' agency and the culturally derived values, attitudes, behaviour and social expectations towards the law and its enforcement. The thesis therefore makes a case for a `proper' recognition of migrants' legal culture in the study of their socio-legal integration. The thesis concludes that semi-legality, as an initial response to the legal environment is not static, but changing. As a result, migrants' socio-legal integration is extended in time and gradual. Migrants' legality could be discussed at two levels - at the behavioural level and at the level of a value. Changing status between the two poles of legality and illegality brings with it greater appreciation of legality as a value. This research presents a strong argument that the relationship between behaviour and attitudes to law could be meaningfully investigated in an applied domain of the new socio-legal environment.

Le cadre juridique du financement de projet dans l'espace OHADA

Obeng-Kofi, Anthony 27 May 2013 (has links)
A la fois instrument de financement et de développement, la technique du financement de projet est de plus en plus utilisée dans les États membres de l'Organisation pour l'Harmonisation en Afrique du Droit des Affaires (OHADA). Cependant, en raison de la complexité de son cadre juridique, conséquence de l'hétérogénéité des sources et des règles qui lui sont applicables, sa mise en œuvre se révèle difficile. Pour y remédier, une intégration de ce cadre, à travers notamment l'uniformisation des sources et des règles, et l'amélioration des modalités de sa mise en œuvre s'impose. A cet effet, le Traité OHADA pourrait être utilement mobilisé. Les financements de projet entrent clairement dans le spectre de ses compétences et compléteraient les huit Actes uniformes déjà en vigueur dans cette région d'Afrique. / Considered both as a financing and development instrument, the technique of project finance is more and more used in the Organization for the Harmonization of Business Law in Africa (OHBLA) members states. However, because of the complexity of its legal framework, consequence of the heterogeneity of sources and rules that are apply to it, its implementation remains difficult. To solve this problem, an integration of the above mentioned framework, in particular, through the unification of sources and rules, as well as the improvement of the mechanisms of its implementation looks necessary. In that regard, the OHBLA Treaty could be usefully mobilized. Indeed, Project finance falls clearly in its sphere of competences and could therefore complete the eight Uniform Acts that are already enforce in that area of Africa.

Les relations entre le droit de l'urbanisme et le droit de l'environnement sur le littoral méditerranéen / The relationship between planning law and environmental law on the Mediterranean cost

Branco, Hélène 14 June 2013 (has links)
Terre sauvage autrefois délaissée, le littoral méditerranéen est de nos jours un espace raréfié et saturé. Il est ainsi en proie à divers affrontements lorsque des droits aux aspirations différentes interviennent conjointement sur ce territoire exigu, tel le droit de l’urbanisme et le droit de l’environnement. En effet, leurs finalités d’intérêt général sont directement éloignées l’une de l’autre sur les espaces côtiers méditerranéens car si la première s’emploie à aménager, à transformer les sols urbains, la seconde se consacre à préserver, voire à restaurer l’environnement littoral. Dès lors, l’apparente autonomie juridique qui caractérise d’ordinaire les relations du droit de l’urbanisme et du droit de l’environnement évoluent ainsi en hostilité lorsqu’ils se rencontrent sur cet espace sur occupé. Néanmoins, l’urgence à sauvegarder le territoire littoral nécessite de dépasser cette logique d’opposition entre les finalités d’intérêt général de ces deux disciplines juridiques. C’est essentiellement le juge administratif qui s’attachera à solutionner ces conflits de normes par le biais de la méthode de la conciliation. Celles-ci étant d’égales valeurs, le juge ne saurait en effet avoir recours à la théorie de la hiérarchie des normes. Aussi, conformément à l’objectif originel poursuivi par le législateur de la loi Littoral du 3 janvier 1986, le juge administratif opère tacitement un équilibre entre l’aménagement et la préservation de l’environnement littoral. Pour autant, l’interprétation de la loi du 3 janvier 1986 ne saurait suffire à assurer un développement équilibré de ces espaces côtiers, notamment en raison de leur propension à être convoité par de multiples et diverses activités. C’est pourquoi, les préoccupations environnementales se devaient d’être incorporées directement dans le corpus urbanistique. Or, malgré une louable prise en considération des enjeux environnementaux dans le droit de l’urbanisme, cette politique juridique d’intégration génère une profusion de règles et d’outils juridiques applicable sur le littoral méditerranéen. Tant est si bien que l’appréhension du droit du littoral est aujourd’hui complexe et son effectivité pour le moins relative. / Formerly a wild abandoned land, the Mediterranean coast is today a rarefied and saturated space. It is thus prey to various confrontations when laws with different aspirations intervene jointly on this cramped territory, such as planning law and environmental law. Indeed, on the Mediterranean coastal areas their purposes of general interest are distanced from each other because if the former works to develop and transform urban land, the latter is dedicated to preserving or restoring the coastal environment. Therefore, the apparent legal autonomy that usually characterizes relations between planning law and environmental law thus develops into hostility when they meet on this over-occupied space. However, the urgency to safeguard the coastal territory requires this opposition between the objectives of general interest of both of these legal disciplines to be overcome. It is essentially the administrative judge who will endeavor to resolve these conflicts of norms through the method of conciliation. These being of equal value, the judge cannot indeed have recourse to the theory of the hierarchy of norms. Thus, in accordance with the original objective pursued by the legislature of the Coastlines Act of 3 January 1986, the administrative judge tacitly operates a balance between development and preservation of the coastal environment. However, the interpretation of the law of January 3, 1986 is not sufficient to ensure a balanced development of coastal areas, especially due to their propensity to be coveted by many and various activities. Therefore, environmental concerns had to be incorporated directly into the urban corpus. However, despite laudable consideration of environmental issues in planning law, this legal policy of integration generates a profusion of rules and legal instruments applicable to the Mediterranean coast. As a result, apprehension of coastal law is now complex and its effectiveness relative to say the least.

La formalisation du droit local alsacien-mosellan dans l’ordre juridique français (1914-1925) / The formalization of the local law in Alsace-Moselle within the French legal order (1914-1925)

Rhinn, Emilien 27 November 2018 (has links)
Depuis 2011, le droit local alsacien-mosellan est un principe fondamental reconnu par les lois de la République. Il est un droit particulier applicable ratione loci dans les départements du Bas-Rhin, du Haut-Rhin et de la Moselle. Ratione materiae, il régit un ensemble hétérogène de matières. En 1914, alors que la Première Guerre mondiale vient de débuter, la France commence à anticiper une éventuelle réintégration de l’Alsace-Lorraine sous la souveraineté nationale. La préparation de la désannexion du territoire cédé à l’Empire allemand après la guerre franco-prussienne conduit au maintien provisoire, en 1919, de la législation applicable dans les « provinces reconquises ». De 1920 à 1925, la réalisation de la désannexion entraîne ensuite l’institutionnalisation d’un droit alsacien-mosellan, puis sa consolidation. La formalisation du droit local alsacien-mosellan dans l’ordre juridique français semble dès lors apparaître comme une conséquence indirecte de la désannexion. / The local law in Alsace-Moselle is a distinctive legal system in effect in the Bas-Rhin, Haut-Rhin and Moselle French departments. Covering a heterogeneous group of topics, the local law became in 2011 a constitutional principle (known as « principe fondamental reconnu par les lois de la République »).In 1914, after the outbreak of the First World War, France started to anticipate a potential return of Alsace-Lorraine to the French rule. The preparation of the « désannexion » of the area annexed by the German Empire after the Franco-Prussian War ended in the temporary upholding of the legislation in force in the « recaptured provinces », in 1919. Between 1920 and 1925, the carrying out of the « désannexion » of this territory brought about the institutionalization of an Alsace-Moselle special legal system, and then its consolidation.Therefore, the formalization of the local law in Alsace-Moselle within the French legal order seems to appear as an indirect consequence of the « désannexion ».

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