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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Lawyer Problem Solving: An Investigation of the Knowledge Used in Solving Practical Legal Problems

Chay, Allan James, N/A January 2007 (has links)
This study investigates the knowledge that legal practitioners use to solve authentic practical legal problems in naturalistic settings. The study examines the declarative and procedural knowledge that practitioners use in that context and whether experienced practitioners use knowledge organised in encapsulated and script form (Boshuizen & Schmidt, 1992; Schmidt, Norman, & Boshuizen, 1990) to enable ‘expert’ performance. The purpose of the study is to provide an empirically-based understanding of the knowledge used in solving real-life practical legal problems, for the information of the providers of practical legal training in Australia and other common law countries. The providers of that training use assumptions about that knowledge and how it is acquired, which do not always rest on coherent theoretical or empirically-derived foundations. The study uses the lawyering literature to identify the knowledge such literature considers is required to solve practical legal problems in lawyer and client interview settings. The study also examines the assumptions about the nature of that knowledge, and how it is acquired, which are apparent in the approaches of the providers of practical legal training. The limitations of those assumptions are identified from a cognitive perspective. The study examines cognitive conceptions of the knowledge used in problem solving in particular fields and how that knowledge becomes proceduralised and organised into structures called chunks and schemas. A particular examination is made of cognitive theories developed in the field of medical problem solving, which use the concepts of ‘encapsulations’ and ‘illness scripts’ to explain ‘expert’ performance in diagnosing disease in clinical settings. This analysis is used to synthesise the prediction that experienced legal practitioners may develop and use structures similar to encapsulations and illness scripts in problem solving. This prediction is based on the similarities between the way medical practitioners and legal practitioners are educated and trained, and are taught to solve problems using a hypotheticodeductive method (or a domain variant in the case of law), and on the similarities between clinical settings and lawyer and client interview settings. The study also examines theories that explain human problem solving by reference to a metaphorical ‘problem space’, and synthesises the prediction that practical legal problem solving can be explained by a problem space theory that was developed to accommodate complex, ill-defined problems. That theory uses the concepts of a problem zone to reflect the ill-defined nature of the problem as presented to the problem solver, a search and construction zone to reflect the phenomenon that the problem solver will have to construct operators to use to solve the problem, and a satisficing zone to reflect the phenomenon that there will be no single unambiguous solution to the problem (Middleton, 1998). The study uses the lawyering literature to identify the characteristics of practical legal problems in a lawyer and client interview setting. The cognitive literature is used to identify the cognitive conceptions that correspond to those characteristics. It is argued that these problems are complex, ill-defined problems that have to be found by the problem solver using weak problem solving strategies such as problem decomposition, attribute identification and means-ends analysis (Simon, 1973; Dillon, 1982; Newell, 1980). Based on these predictions two research questions are developed as follows: How do legal practitioners find and construct practical legal problems? Are there differences in the knowledge that experienced legal practitioners use and that which novice practitioners use? Do those differences reflect differences in the individual practitioner’s underlying knowledge and how that knowledge is organised? These questions are investigated in four case studies. Two of these studies involve experienced legal practitioners and two involve novices. These studies reveal that all the subjects used similar general problem solving strategies to find and construct problems. The subjects all constructed a series of problems rather than one large problem. The subjects did not all find and construct the same problems and some subjects’ constructions of problems changed as new information came to light. Most subjects did not finish the construction of problems at the interview. The processes that the subjects use to construct problems can be explained by Middleton’s (1998) problem space model, although this study suggests that model needs to be modified to accommodate the on-going emergent character of practical legal problems as they occur in lawyer and client interview settings. The investigation revealed qualitative differences between the problem attributes and moves that the experienced subjects identified and those that the novices identified. In summary, the experienced subjects identified attributes and moves that were more detailed, more directly related to the ‘facts’ and more concrete than those that the novices identified. Both the experienced subjects and the novices appeared to rely on recognition (Newell & Simon, 1972) to identify problem attributes and moves rather than on any apparent step-by-step legal analysis and reasoning process. This study suggests that the superior performance of the experienced subjects may be explained by their use of knowledge in encapsulated and script form, as predicted. The study discusses the implications of its findings for practical legal training courses as a need to provide students with general problem solving knowledge, provide them with the knowledge that they will need to recognise problems in specific areas of practice, to help them start to develop knowledge in encapsulated and script form, and to develop an understanding of the limits of institutional training in developing professional expertise.

Teisinio ugdymo organizavimo pagal atnaujintas bendrojo lavinimo bendrąsias programas ypatumai / The peculiarities of the organization of legal training according to renewed general education programs

Abramovič, Natalija 05 July 2011 (has links)
Teisės edukologijos magistro baigiamojo darbo tema yra aktuali. Švietimo sistemoje įvyko reikšmingos permainos, t.y. atnaujintos pradinio, pagrindinio ir vidurinio ugdymo bendrosios programos, kurios reglamentuoja ugdymo planavimą ir organizavimą, kelia naujus reikalavimus bendrojo lavinimo mokykloms, mokyklų vadovams ir pedagogams, pertvarkant ugdymo procesą. Bendrosios programos yra pagrindinis valstybės lygmens dokumentas, reglamentuojantis ugdymo planavimą ir organizavimą bendrojo lavinimo mokykloje. Nuo pirmųjų bendrųjų programų atsiradimo, bendrosios programos buvo keletą kartų tobulinamos. Tai rodo, kad ugdymo turinį reikia periodiškai atnaujinti. Išsamių pačias programas analizuojančių tyrimų atlikta nebuvo. Tik 2008 metais, kai ekspertų komisijos, bendrojo ugdymo tarybos nariai, nepriklausomi ekspertai ir kiti svarbūs asmenys dirbo prie pradinio ir pagrindinio ugdymo bendrųjų programų tobulinimo, Švietimo ir mokslo ministerija inicijavo „Bendrųjų programų ir išsilavinimo standartų naudojimo/naudingumo planuojant ir organizuojant ugdymą mokykloje“ tyrimą. Teisinio ugdymo organizavimas pagal atnaujintas bendrojo lavinimo bendrąsias programas yra nauja ir mažai tyrinėta tema. Teorinį darbo pagrindą, analizuojant teisinio ugdymo organizavimo pagal atnaujintas bendrojo lavinimo bendrąsias programas ypatumus, sudaro teisinio ugdymo samprata ir teorinių kontekstų turinys, aprėpiantis teisės ugdymo apibrėžimą, teisinio ugdymo koncepcijos interpretavimą skirtingose mokslo... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The theme of Law pedagogy Master’s thesis is on the front burner. Educational system has undergone significant changes, i.e. there were renewed primary, general and secondary education programs which regulate training planning and organization, put forward new requirements to general education schools, school heads and educators reforming education process. General programs are the main state level document that regulates training planning and organization at general education school. Since the appearance of the first general programs they have been improved some times. This shows that educational content should be renewed from time to time. There were no comprehensive researches analyzing the programs. Only in 2008 when expert commissions, the members of general education council, independent experts and other important persons worked at the improvement of the general programs of primary and basic education the Ministry of Education and Science initiated the research of „The use/usefulness of general programs and educational standards during planning and organizing education at school”. The organization of legal training according to renewed general education programs is a new and little investigated theme. The theoretical ground of the thesis analyzing the peculiarities of organization of legal training according to renewed general education programs is the conception of legal training and the content of theoretic contexts covering the definition of legal training, the... [to full text]

A formação jurídica e suas interfaces com a formação inicial na magistratura brasileira

Magalhães, Wellington 29 June 2018 (has links)
O presente trabalho analisou a necessidade de uma formação inicial orientada para a alta capacitação dos(as) magistrados(as), bem como da importância de tal formação, orientada por valores humanísticos, críticos e reflexivos. Analisou também as origens históricas da formação judicial no Brasil a fim de melhor compreender a atual crise no ensino jurídico brasileiro. Questionou o modelo tradicional orientado apenas pela memorização e repetição mecânica. Destacou a necessidade do desenvolvimento de um novo paradigma de formação inicial. Refletiu sobre a importância das escolas judiciais como o locus privilegiado para uma tal formação de excelência. / The present study analyzed the need for an initial formation oriented to the high qualification of the magistrates, as well as the importance of such formation, guided by humanistic, critical and reflective values. Also analyzed the historical origins of judicial training in Brazil to better understand the current crisis in brazilian legal education. Questioned the traditional model guided only by memorization and mechanical repetition. Emphasized the need to develop a new paradigm of initial formation. Reflected on the importance of judicial schools as the privileged locus for such a formation of excellence.

A conduta social e a personalidade do agente na fixação da pena / Social behavior and personality of the agent in sentencing.

Paschoal, Luana 26 March 2014 (has links)
A presente dissertação, concebida a partir do modelo teórico desenvolvido por Luigi Ferrajoli, questiona a previsão da conduta social e da personalidade, do artigo 59 do Código Penal Brasileiro, como critérios orientadores aos magistrados, para fixação da pena-base entre o mínimo e o máximo. A pesquisa abordou o conceito dessas circunstâncias judiciais tanto na Doutrina quanto na Jurisprudência, sendo que o resultado do estudo revelou a excessiva carga moral que ainda orienta sua análise. Aborda-se a falácia do mito da neutralidade judicial, uma vez que não é possível apartar os juízes de sua natural condição de seres humanos, e de seus contextos de vida. Trata da necessária tomada de consciência de que toda decisão está contaminada de subjetividade, por parte daqueles que pretendem exercer a judicatura. E apresenta o Autoconhecimento como única via capaz de controlar a subjetividade nas decisões judiciais, na medida em que a investigação interna acarretará humanização, o confronto com o lado sombrio, e reconhecimento da dualidade convivendo em todos os seres humanos, de modo a demonstrar que ninguém está acima do bem e do mal. A pesquisa ainda demonstrou a incoerência da necessidade de analisar circunstâncias significativamente pessoais e subjetivas dos réus, quando o ser humano cresceu, aprendendo desconsiderar e atropelar qualquer particularidade própria e de outros indivíduos. Para tanto, faz uma análise de digressão aos primeiros anos de vida e aos bancos escolares, em que plantadas as primeiras sementes de desconsideração, e de valorização do externo em detrimento do interno, almejando-se profissões de prestígio, em prejuízo da realização pessoal. Faz uma crítica ao Sistema Judicial Brasileiro, a fim de que assuma seu lado humano, colocando um desafio à Magistratura para buscar aqueles que realmente são vocacionados para a função, fornecendo sugestões de modificações na Formação Jurídica. / The instant research took into consideration the theoretical model developed by Luigi Ferrajoli, which questions the prediction of social conduct and personality, in Article 59 of the Brazilian Criminal Code, as guiding criteria for judges to determine standards of minimum and maximum sanctions. The research addressed the concept of such legal circumstances both in doctrine and in case law, and the result of the study revealed excessive moral burden that still guides the judges analysis. This research addresses the fallacy of the myth of judicial neutrality, since it is not possible to separate the judges from their natural condition of human beings and their life contexts. This separation requires awareness that every decision has a subjective component. And introduced the self-knowledge as the only way able to control subjectivity in judgments, as the internal investigation will result in humanization, the confrontation with the dark side, and recognition of duality in all living humans, in order to demonstrate that no one is above good and evil. The survey also showed the inconsistency of the need to analyze so personal and subjective circumstances of the defendant, when human beings were raised, learning to ignore its own and other individuals personal traits. To this end, an analysis of the early years as well as schooling system, where the first ideas of disregard, and enhancement of external rather than internal values arose, targeting prestigious positions, at the expense of personal fulfillment. This research criticizes the Brazilian Judicial System, so that it enhances its human side, posing a challenge to judges to seek those who are really devoted to the function, providing suggestions for changes in the Legal Training System.

The legal formation in the Course of law of the Federal University of Cearà - UFC, in the narratives of the academic subjects / A formaÃÃo jurÃdica no Curso de Direito da Universidade Federal do Cearà â UFC, nas narrativas dos sujeitos acadÃmicos

Josà CÃndido Lustosa Bitencourt de Albuquerque 06 December 2017 (has links)
nÃo hà / This research presents to the community a survey on legal education in CearÃ, taking as reference the law course of the Federal University of Cearà - UFC, in the current stage of the Brazilian State of Law and Democracy. The research focuses on the disciplinary field of education history. The environment of the research analyzed was the Faculty of Law of CearÃ. This work was developed in two stages. In the first one, we reviewed the literature underlying this institution. In the second, we applied semi structured interviews and questionnaires to the universe of teachers and students participating in the research. By sampling, according to the interest of participation in the research, we interviewed and applied questionnaires to the participants. Through such interviews and questionnaires we set up the social, cultural and pedagogical profile of legal knowledge at the UFC. Through these collection instruments we set up the social, cultural and pedagogical profile of the academic community of the Faculty of Law of the UFC. We also study the bases of the pedagogical project of the Law Course of the UFC in cross with data extracted from the student and teaching community. As a temporal cut, we took as a regulatory framework the debate drawn from 1914 in the Historical Memories of the Faculty of Law for the year Of 1914, written by Professor Tomas Pompeu de Souza Brazil, drawing attention to pedagogical issues in the course. Through this document we can identify a set of concerns of the master Thomas Pompeu with the formation of the bachelors in that context of the republican society and, on the other, the understanding of the present subjects, 100 years, before the challenges of the democratic society, captured by narratives. Through this study, we try to understand the direction in which the law formation in the UFC points to a series of challenges that foreshadow the practice of forensic practice. / A presente pesquisa apresenta à comunidade uma reflexÃo sobre a formaÃÃo jurÃdica no CearÃ, tomando como referÃncia o Curso de Direito da Universidade Federal do Cearà (UFC), no atual estÃgio do Estado de Direito e DemocrÃtico brasileiro. O estudo se concentra no campo disciplinar da histÃria da EducaÃÃo. O ambiente pesquisado foi a Faculdade de Direito do CearÃ. O recorte temporal do estudo està correspondente ao debate traÃado em 1916, com a publicaÃÃo da âMemÃria HistÃrica dos anos de 1914 e 1915â, escrita pelo professor Tomas Pompeu de Souza Brasil, em cruzamento com a anÃlise das bases do Projeto PedagÃgico do Curso de Direito e com dados extraÃdos de narrativas captadas junto aos sujeitos acadÃmicos participantes dessa investigaÃÃo. Por via de tal procedimento identificamos, inicialmente, um conjunto de interrogaÃÃes lanÃado pelo mestre TomÃs Pompeu de Sousa Brasil, com a formaÃÃo dos bacharÃis em Direito, naquele contexto histÃrico do estÃgio iniciante da nossa RepÃblica e, de outro, o entendimento dos sujeitos acadÃmicos atuais, passados 100 anos, frente aos desafios propostos pelo Projeto PedagÃgico de Curso (PPC) do curso, por meio da aplicaÃÃo de questionÃrios e de proposta de entrevistas semiestruturadas entre os discentes. Docentes e ex-alunos, no atual estÃgio da sociedade democrÃtica brasileira. O trabalho foi desenvolvido em duas etapas. Na primeira fizemos uma revisÃo da literatura subjacente à referida InstituiÃÃo. Na segunda, atividade de campo e aplicaÃÃo dos instrumentos da coleta de dados e de informaÃÃes. Por meio das respostas conquistadas nas entrevistas e nos questionÃrios foi possÃvel montarmos um perfil social, cultural e pedagÃgico, aproximado, da formaÃÃo em Direito no CearÃ, tomando por referÃncia a Faculdade de Direito, da UFC. Por meio desse estudo procuramos entender a direÃÃo para onde aponta a formaÃÃo em Direito na UFC, diante de uma sÃrie de desafios que prenunciam o exercÃcio da prÃtica forense, em uma sociedade democratizada.

A conduta social e a personalidade do agente na fixação da pena / Social behavior and personality of the agent in sentencing.

Luana Paschoal 26 March 2014 (has links)
A presente dissertação, concebida a partir do modelo teórico desenvolvido por Luigi Ferrajoli, questiona a previsão da conduta social e da personalidade, do artigo 59 do Código Penal Brasileiro, como critérios orientadores aos magistrados, para fixação da pena-base entre o mínimo e o máximo. A pesquisa abordou o conceito dessas circunstâncias judiciais tanto na Doutrina quanto na Jurisprudência, sendo que o resultado do estudo revelou a excessiva carga moral que ainda orienta sua análise. Aborda-se a falácia do mito da neutralidade judicial, uma vez que não é possível apartar os juízes de sua natural condição de seres humanos, e de seus contextos de vida. Trata da necessária tomada de consciência de que toda decisão está contaminada de subjetividade, por parte daqueles que pretendem exercer a judicatura. E apresenta o Autoconhecimento como única via capaz de controlar a subjetividade nas decisões judiciais, na medida em que a investigação interna acarretará humanização, o confronto com o lado sombrio, e reconhecimento da dualidade convivendo em todos os seres humanos, de modo a demonstrar que ninguém está acima do bem e do mal. A pesquisa ainda demonstrou a incoerência da necessidade de analisar circunstâncias significativamente pessoais e subjetivas dos réus, quando o ser humano cresceu, aprendendo desconsiderar e atropelar qualquer particularidade própria e de outros indivíduos. Para tanto, faz uma análise de digressão aos primeiros anos de vida e aos bancos escolares, em que plantadas as primeiras sementes de desconsideração, e de valorização do externo em detrimento do interno, almejando-se profissões de prestígio, em prejuízo da realização pessoal. Faz uma crítica ao Sistema Judicial Brasileiro, a fim de que assuma seu lado humano, colocando um desafio à Magistratura para buscar aqueles que realmente são vocacionados para a função, fornecendo sugestões de modificações na Formação Jurídica. / The instant research took into consideration the theoretical model developed by Luigi Ferrajoli, which questions the prediction of social conduct and personality, in Article 59 of the Brazilian Criminal Code, as guiding criteria for judges to determine standards of minimum and maximum sanctions. The research addressed the concept of such legal circumstances both in doctrine and in case law, and the result of the study revealed excessive moral burden that still guides the judges analysis. This research addresses the fallacy of the myth of judicial neutrality, since it is not possible to separate the judges from their natural condition of human beings and their life contexts. This separation requires awareness that every decision has a subjective component. And introduced the self-knowledge as the only way able to control subjectivity in judgments, as the internal investigation will result in humanization, the confrontation with the dark side, and recognition of duality in all living humans, in order to demonstrate that no one is above good and evil. The survey also showed the inconsistency of the need to analyze so personal and subjective circumstances of the defendant, when human beings were raised, learning to ignore its own and other individuals personal traits. To this end, an analysis of the early years as well as schooling system, where the first ideas of disregard, and enhancement of external rather than internal values arose, targeting prestigious positions, at the expense of personal fulfillment. This research criticizes the Brazilian Judicial System, so that it enhances its human side, posing a challenge to judges to seek those who are really devoted to the function, providing suggestions for changes in the Legal Training System.

The medico-legal pitfalls of the medical expert witness

Scharf, George Michael 06 1900 (has links)
The fastest growing field of law is undoubtedly that of Medical Law with the civil and disciplinary cases flowing from it. Globalization, international communication, development and evolution of Law as well as Medicine, cause this worldwide rising medical litigation. Humanitarian rights, post-modern scepticism and even iconoclastic attitudes contribute to this phenomenon. Medico-legal litigation and disciplinary complaints rise (in South Africa) up to 10 per cent per year. To assist the courts and legal profession, in medico-legal issues, helping the parties where the plaintiff has the burden of proof and the defendant for rebuttal, a medical expert witness must be used. The dilemmas and pitfalls arise, in that although knowledgeable medical experts could be used to guide the courts to the correct decision, the lack of a legal mind setting, court procedure and legal knowledge could affect the relevance, credibility and reliability, making the medical evidence of poor quality. The legal profession, deliberately, could “abuse” medical expert witnesses with demanding and coercion of results, which have unrealistic and unreasonable expectations. “Case building” occurs, especially in the adversarial systems of law, making the medical expert vulnerable under cross-examination, when it is shown that the witness has turned into a “hired gun” or is unfair. Thus, lacunae develop, making reasonable cases difficult and a quagmire of facts have to be evaluated for unreasonableness, credibility and appropriateness, compounded by the fact that seldom, cases are comparable. The danger is that the presiding officer could be misled and with limited medical knowledge and misplaced values, could reach the wrong findings. Several cases arguably show that this has led to wrongful outcomes and even unacceptable jurisprudence. The desire to “win” a case, can make a medical witness lose credibility and reasonableness with loss of objectivity, realism and relevance. With personality traits and subjectivity, the case becomes argumentative, obstinate and could even lead to lies. The miasmatic, hostile witness emerges, leading to embarrassing, unnecessary prolongation of court procedures. The medical expert witness should be well guided by the legal profession and well informed of the issues. Medical witnesses should have legal training and insight into the legal and court procedures. At the time of discovery of documents, via arbitration or mediation, medical experts should strive to reach consensus and then present their unified finding, helping the parties fairly and expediting the legal procedure and processes. / Private Law / LLM

The medico-legal pitfalls of the medical expert witness

Scharf, George Michael 06 1900 (has links)
The fastest growing field of law is undoubtedly that of Medical Law with the civil and disciplinary cases flowing from it. Globalization, international communication, development and evolution of Law as well as Medicine, cause this worldwide rising medical litigation. Humanitarian rights, post-modern scepticism and even iconoclastic attitudes contribute to this phenomenon. Medico-legal litigation and disciplinary complaints rise (in South Africa) up to 10 per cent per year. To assist the courts and legal profession, in medico-legal issues, helping the parties where the plaintiff has the burden of proof and the defendant for rebuttal, a medical expert witness must be used. The dilemmas and pitfalls arise, in that although knowledgeable medical experts could be used to guide the courts to the correct decision, the lack of a legal mind setting, court procedure and legal knowledge could affect the relevance, credibility and reliability, making the medical evidence of poor quality. The legal profession, deliberately, could “abuse” medical expert witnesses with demanding and coercion of results, which have unrealistic and unreasonable expectations. “Case building” occurs, especially in the adversarial systems of law, making the medical expert vulnerable under cross-examination, when it is shown that the witness has turned into a “hired gun” or is unfair. Thus, lacunae develop, making reasonable cases difficult and a quagmire of facts have to be evaluated for unreasonableness, credibility and appropriateness, compounded by the fact that seldom, cases are comparable. The danger is that the presiding officer could be misled and with limited medical knowledge and misplaced values, could reach the wrong findings. Several cases arguably show that this has led to wrongful outcomes and even unacceptable jurisprudence. The desire to “win” a case, can make a medical witness lose credibility and reasonableness with loss of objectivity, realism and relevance. With personality traits and subjectivity, the case becomes argumentative, obstinate and could even lead to lies. The miasmatic, hostile witness emerges, leading to embarrassing, unnecessary prolongation of court procedures. The medical expert witness should be well guided by the legal profession and well informed of the issues. Medical witnesses should have legal training and insight into the legal and court procedures. At the time of discovery of documents, via arbitration or mediation, medical experts should strive to reach consensus and then present their unified finding, helping the parties fairly and expediting the legal procedure and processes. / Private Law / LLM

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