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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Univerzalno pismo – modernistička utopija ili savremena komunikacijska potreba / Universal Type: Modernist Utopia or Current Communication Requirement

Nedeljković Uroš 06 May 2016 (has links)
<p>Sa ciljem da se ponude odgovori u širem kontekstu disciplina, disertacija je segmentirana u dva dela. U prvom delu, tj. u poglavlju pod naslovom Stanje u oblasti istraživanja, hronološki se razmatra poimanje i atribuiranje univerzalnog u tipografskoj praksi modernizma i postmodernizma,i introspektivno analiziraju istorijska mišljenja i prakse, okolnosti i refleksije. Na osnovu konstatovanih suprotstavljenih mišljenja i do kraja ne određenih odgovora na ova pitanja, u drugom delu teze, konkretizovana su istraživačka pitanja i izdvojile hipoteze koje su testirane eksperimentalnim putem. Na osnovu rezultata istraživanja dati su odgovori na istraživačka pitanja i potvrđene alternativne hipoteze.</p> / <p>Aiming to provide answers that will cover broader discipline context, this thesis is segmented in two parts. In the first part i.e. The State of the Research Field section, comprehension and attribution of the universal in the typographic practice of modernism and postmodernism has been chronologically examined, with additional<br />introspective analysis of historical thinking and practices, circumstances and reflection in order to find answers to questions synthesized in the title of thesis. Based on the presented opposed opinions, and questions that have not<br />been completely answered, in the second part, this thesis focuses on research question and hypothesis which have been empirically tested. Based on the results of the research the answers to the research questions have been provided, and the alternative hypotheses have been confirmed.</p>

Further insights into letter crowding : the role of contour interaction, contrast and gaze fixations

Varikuti, Venkata Naga Vineela January 2012 (has links)
Visual acuity is reduced when optotypes are viewed in the presence of surrounding contours. This reduction in acuity is known as the crowding effect and is thought to be caused by a varying combination of contour interaction, gaze instability and attention. Traditional studies have used single optotypes surrounded by flanking bars to investigate crowding. Such targets may not realistically replicate the crowding effect inherent in clinical vision charts. The aim of this thesis was to systematically investigate the effect of crowding on visual thresholds in subjects with normal vision and in subjects with amblyopia, using specially designed charts. In the 1st and 2nd experiment, contour interaction was assessed using a high (80 %) and low contrast (5.8%) Sheridan Gardiner repeat letter (SGRL) chart in subjects with normal vision. The effect of contour interaction was investigated by varying the inter-letter separation in the SGRL chart. Significant contour interaction was obtained at the abutting condition for both the contrast conditions. In the 3rd experiment the same protocol was repeated but in amblyopes. Significant contour interaction was obtained at 0.2 letter separation and the abutting condition for both the contrast conditions. The effect of contour interaction appears to be less for low contrast than for high contrast letters in normal, non-amblyopic and amblyopic eyes. Finally, in the 4th experiment a Sheridan Gardiner Complex Interaction (SGCI) chart that requires imposed gaze fixations was constructed to measure visual acuity in normal’s and amblyopes. The effect of any gaze instability on crowding was investigated by comparing SGRL thresholds to SGCI thresholds. The SGCI thresholds were higher than the SGRL thresholds at all the separations measured, suggesting an important effect of gaze instability on crowding. In conclusion, this research has shown that gaze instability is an important component of the crowding effect for letter chart acuity measurements. Visual acuity especially when screening for amblyopia should be measured using a whole optotype chart that requires optotype to optotype fixation.


VERA LOPES DE ABREU LIMA 18 October 2007 (has links)
[pt] Com o envelhecimento da população brasileira o número de pacientes de doenças crônicas aumenta acentuadamente. A informação adequada ao paciente é elemento fundamental para que este seja parte ativa, aumentando assim a eficiência do tratamento. As bulas dos medicamentos podem contribuir de forma significativa para a informação dos pacientes. Entretanto, para que isto ocorra, é necessário que a bula seja projetada levando em consideração as necessidades do usuário. A hipótese desta pesquisa é que a desconsideração do usuário no projeto das bulas presentes no tratamento de doenças cardiovasculares acarreta dificuldade na legibilidade e leiturabilidade destas, gerando riscos pelo uso inadequado do medicamento. Esta pesquisa tem o objetivo de colaborar para o aumento da segurança dos pacientes crônicos na administração de medicamentos, através da identificação dos fatores que prejudicam a legibilidade e leiturabilidade das bulas. Para se alcançar estes objetivos foram utilizados métodos e técnicas em duas etapas. Primeiramente, foram realizadas entrevistas com médicos e pacientes, e avaliações heurísticas de duas bulas de um medicamento antihipertensivo largamente usado. Em seguida, foram realizados questionários junto a médicos e pacientes do Instituto Nacional de Cardiologia, no Rio de Janeiro, a respeito da legibilidade e leiturabilidade das bulas, assim como sua colaboração na compreensão da enfermidade e tratamento. Através destes métodos, foram confirmados problemas graves na legibilidade e leiturabilidade das bulas presentes no tratamento de doentes cardíacos, gerando insegurança do paciente e perigo no uso de medicamentos. / [en] Due the increasing aging of Brazilian population, it is also increasing the number of chronic diseases´ patients. Adequate information is vital for the patient to take an active role on treatment, increasing treatments´ efficiency. Patient packages inserts may contribute significantly for patients´ information. This research is based on the hypotheses that there is a lack on users´ needs during the patient leaflets design. This lack may cause legibility and readability problems and, consequently, risks by the inadequate use of medicine. The aim of the present research is to contribute to the safe use of medicines from cardiovascular patients. Factors that may prejudice leaflets´legibility and readability were investigated. The research techniques used were: Firstly interview with physicians and patients, and heuristic evaluation of two leaflets of the most widely sold anti hypertensive medicine in Brazil. Then, two questionnaires were applied; one with physicians and the other with patients of the Instituto Nacional de Cardiologia (National Institute of Cardiology), in Rio de Janeiro. Those two questionnaires concerned on the leaflets´ legibility and readability, and its cooperation on the patients´ comprehension of their disease and treatment. Serious legibility and readability problems were identified on the leaflets, generating patient insecurity and unsafe medicines´use.

Políticas públicas e direitos humanos : o histórico de inserção da população em situação de rua no disque direitos humanos

Furtado, Calvin da Cas January 2017 (has links)
Os processos que compõem as políticas públicas marcam um movimento próprio de “fazer o Estado” na prática. Em relação ao Estado, é possível enquadrá-lo enquanto um projeto permanentemente incompleto, visto que se constitui e se renova gradualmente, isto é, produz efeitos na realidade, o que permite a eclosão de novas subjetividades, novos atores sociais, novos sujeitos políticos a serem incorporados. O presente estudo articula um referencial teórico da área das políticas públicas e da antropologia social e tem como objetivo analisar a inserção da população em situação de rua nas políticas públicas do Brasil a partir da interface entre as políticas públicas e os direitos humanos. Para isto, propõe uma revisão bibliográfica sobre a evolução do tema dos direitos humanos, a elaboração de uma narrativa que reconstitua este histórico de inserção a partir da perspectiva vivencial de lideranças nacionais do Movimento Nacional da População de Rua (MNPR). Analisa-se o efeito da linguagem dos direitos humanos na prática destes sujeitos, bem como, o efeito de Estado a partir de técnicas de produção de legibilidade e inscrição política de populações. Apresentam-se os dados produzidos pelo Disque Direitos Humanos e as implicações de uma denúncia de violação de direitos humanos realizada em Porto Alegre, com a intenção de ilustrar a dramaticidade destas tramas sociais. / The processes that compose public policies mark a movement of "doing the State" in practice. In relation to the State, it is possible to frame it as a permanently incomplete project, since it is gradually constituted and renewed, that is, it produces effects in reality, which allows the emergence of new subjectivities, new social actors, new political subjects that need to be incorporated. The present study articulates a theoretical reference of the area of the public policies and the social anthropology and aims to analyze the insertion of homeless people in the public policies of Brazil from the interface between public policies and human rights. For this, it proposes a bibliographical revision on the evolution of the theme of human rights, the elaboration of a narrative that reconstructs this history of insertion from the experiential perspective of national leaderships of the Movimento Nacional da População de Rua (MNPR).The effect of the language of human rights in the practice of these subjects is analyzed, as well as the effect of the State from techniques of production of legibility and political inscription of populations. We present the data produced by the Disque Direitos Humanos and the implications of a report of human rights violations in Porto Alegre to illustrate the drama of these social networks.

Modos de ler e ser: a poética dos livros ilustrados / Modes of reading and being: the poetics of picture books

Luiza Ferreira de Souza Leite 30 April 2013 (has links)
Esta tese propõe uma abordagem do livro ilustrado (em geral associado ao público infanto-juvenil) que considera as diferentes modalidades de relação entre a imagem e o texto verbal, bem como sua conexão indissociável com o suporte. O livro ilustrado é entendido como objeto estético, polissêmico, capaz de convocar a capacidade sensível do leitor, expandindo tanto sua noção de si como sua visão de mundo. Busca-se problematizar a especificidade desse gênero literário por meio da imbricação de categorias como as de visibilidade e legibilidade, pensadas a partir da reflexão de Vilém Flusser sobre o conflito entre a imagem e a palavra escrita ao longo do tempo. Discute-se também a linguagem do livro ilustrado à luz do pensamento de Giorgio Agamben e Gilles Deleuze, que preferem a noção de intensidade em vez de etapa cronológica para compreender a infância. O livro ilustrado é considerado um devir-criança (ou devir-outro) do autor e/ou ilustrador capaz de desestabilizar o leitor, fazendo aflorar sensações que reconfiguram modos de sentir e estar no mundo / This thesis proposes an approach to the picture book (that is usually associated with young readers) which considers the different modalities of relationship between the image and the written text as well as their non-dissociable connection with the support itself. The picture book is understood as an aesthetic and polysemic object that is able to engage the readers capacity for sensation, expanding his or her notion of self and worldview. There is an intention to problematize the specificity of this literary genre through the imbrication of categories such as visibility and legibility and Vilém Flussers reflection on the conflict between the image and the written word throughout time. This thesis also presents a discussion about the picture books way of communicating in light of the thinking of Giorgio Agamben and Gilles Deleuze, both of whom prefer the notion of intensity instead of chronological stage in order to comprehend childhood. The picture book is considered a process of becoming-child (or becoming-other) of the author and/or illustrator, which can destabilize the reader, making sensations surface and reshaping modes of feeling and being in the world

Assessing the Active Transportation Potential of Neighbourhood Models Using GIS

Cantell, Amber Marie January 2012 (has links)
This study sought to determine how five neighbourhood models (the Grid, Loop and Cul-de-Sac, Fused Grid, New Urbanist and Greenway) compare in terms of the characteristics known to affect active transportation rates, and which model is most likely to be able to facilitate active transportation as a result. In order to do so, model principles and design characteristics of case study neighbourhoods were described and used to create a range of design specifications for each model. These specifications were then used to develop a GIS-based representation of an example neighbourhood for each model, which included the transportation network, parcels of different land use types and densities, homes and destinations. GIS, statistical and graph-based techniques were then used to comprehensively assess and compare the models in terms of their potential to facilitate walking and biking through the built environment correlates identified in through a literature review. The models were ranked on each variable, and then an overall comparison was made on the basis diversity (land use mix), density and design - the three dimensions identified by Cervero and Kockelman (1997) as being the key ways through which the built environment can contribute to creating walkable (and potentially bikeable) neighbourhoods. Additional measures related to trip characteristics and issues of importance to developers (such as buildable area) were also included. The results illustrate how each model’s unique approach to facilitating walking and/or biking is reflected in the built environment characteristics assessed. While a model that was strong in one category was often weaker in another (a finding which echoes that of Filion and Hammond, 2003), the three alternative models (Fused Grid, New Urbanist and Greenway) consistently fared better than the more traditional Grid and Loop and Cul-de-Sac designs, with the New Urbanist scoring the highest on the overall evaluation of walkability and bikeability and the Greenway the best on network design for cyclists. In addition to these findings, the study also provided an opportunity to explore several challenges related to model assessment, such as issues arising from frame choice, off-set networks, and the use of roads as proxies for active transportation networks.

Building A Legible City: How Far Planning Is Successful In Ankara

Eraydin, Zeynep 01 February 2007 (has links) (PDF)
Human environment perceptual relationships have significant effects on human psychology in urban spaces. The concepts of urban legibility and imageability concentrate on these relationships and define components to create livable places by organizing the physical structure. However, determining legibility components is not sufficient in order to define whether a place legible or not. This thesis explores Gestalt laws of perception can be used to re-define the relationships among legibility components by setting some guidelines. The main aim of this thesis is to find out how far planning is successful in creating legible environments which is evaluated by legibility guidelines set. The thesis also aims to explore issues that make an environment more readable than others. To this end, &Ccedil / ayyolu district containing several sub-districts which are recently developed by plans are examined in a comparable way. The result of the analyses show that the concepts of legibility and imageability are underestimated in planning practices in &Ccedil / ayyolu which is based on two-dimensional subdivisions of lands and three dimensional determination of bulks of structures. In other words, the &Ccedil / ayyolu district does not provide a legible environment and a whole structure for observers that their psychological needs should be met.

Assessing the Active Transportation Potential of Neighbourhood Models Using GIS

Cantell, Amber Marie January 2012 (has links)
This study sought to determine how five neighbourhood models (the Grid, Loop and Cul-de-Sac, Fused Grid, New Urbanist and Greenway) compare in terms of the characteristics known to affect active transportation rates, and which model is most likely to be able to facilitate active transportation as a result. In order to do so, model principles and design characteristics of case study neighbourhoods were described and used to create a range of design specifications for each model. These specifications were then used to develop a GIS-based representation of an example neighbourhood for each model, which included the transportation network, parcels of different land use types and densities, homes and destinations. GIS, statistical and graph-based techniques were then used to comprehensively assess and compare the models in terms of their potential to facilitate walking and biking through the built environment correlates identified in through a literature review. The models were ranked on each variable, and then an overall comparison was made on the basis diversity (land use mix), density and design - the three dimensions identified by Cervero and Kockelman (1997) as being the key ways through which the built environment can contribute to creating walkable (and potentially bikeable) neighbourhoods. Additional measures related to trip characteristics and issues of importance to developers (such as buildable area) were also included. The results illustrate how each model’s unique approach to facilitating walking and/or biking is reflected in the built environment characteristics assessed. While a model that was strong in one category was often weaker in another (a finding which echoes that of Filion and Hammond, 2003), the three alternative models (Fused Grid, New Urbanist and Greenway) consistently fared better than the more traditional Grid and Loop and Cul-de-Sac designs, with the New Urbanist scoring the highest on the overall evaluation of walkability and bikeability and the Greenway the best on network design for cyclists. In addition to these findings, the study also provided an opportunity to explore several challenges related to model assessment, such as issues arising from frame choice, off-set networks, and the use of roads as proxies for active transportation networks.

Políticas públicas e direitos humanos : o histórico de inserção da população em situação de rua no disque direitos humanos

Furtado, Calvin da Cas January 2017 (has links)
Os processos que compõem as políticas públicas marcam um movimento próprio de “fazer o Estado” na prática. Em relação ao Estado, é possível enquadrá-lo enquanto um projeto permanentemente incompleto, visto que se constitui e se renova gradualmente, isto é, produz efeitos na realidade, o que permite a eclosão de novas subjetividades, novos atores sociais, novos sujeitos políticos a serem incorporados. O presente estudo articula um referencial teórico da área das políticas públicas e da antropologia social e tem como objetivo analisar a inserção da população em situação de rua nas políticas públicas do Brasil a partir da interface entre as políticas públicas e os direitos humanos. Para isto, propõe uma revisão bibliográfica sobre a evolução do tema dos direitos humanos, a elaboração de uma narrativa que reconstitua este histórico de inserção a partir da perspectiva vivencial de lideranças nacionais do Movimento Nacional da População de Rua (MNPR). Analisa-se o efeito da linguagem dos direitos humanos na prática destes sujeitos, bem como, o efeito de Estado a partir de técnicas de produção de legibilidade e inscrição política de populações. Apresentam-se os dados produzidos pelo Disque Direitos Humanos e as implicações de uma denúncia de violação de direitos humanos realizada em Porto Alegre, com a intenção de ilustrar a dramaticidade destas tramas sociais. / The processes that compose public policies mark a movement of "doing the State" in practice. In relation to the State, it is possible to frame it as a permanently incomplete project, since it is gradually constituted and renewed, that is, it produces effects in reality, which allows the emergence of new subjectivities, new social actors, new political subjects that need to be incorporated. The present study articulates a theoretical reference of the area of the public policies and the social anthropology and aims to analyze the insertion of homeless people in the public policies of Brazil from the interface between public policies and human rights. For this, it proposes a bibliographical revision on the evolution of the theme of human rights, the elaboration of a narrative that reconstructs this history of insertion from the experiential perspective of national leaderships of the Movimento Nacional da População de Rua (MNPR).The effect of the language of human rights in the practice of these subjects is analyzed, as well as the effect of the State from techniques of production of legibility and political inscription of populations. We present the data produced by the Disque Direitos Humanos and the implications of a report of human rights violations in Porto Alegre to illustrate the drama of these social networks.

Análise e proposta de elaboração de rótulo de embalagem de agrotóxicos (herbicida) por meio de metodologia de design ergonômico

Santos, Caroline Zanardo Gomes dos [UNESP] 29 March 2007 (has links) (PDF)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-06-11T19:24:10Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 2007-03-29Bitstream added on 2014-06-13T18:51:46Z : No. of bitstreams: 1 santos_czg_me_bauru.pdf: 1224019 bytes, checksum: d7d2f0b96d6e0063c03479e8f33da7f3 (MD5) / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) / Este trabalho propõe a reelaboração do rótulo de embalagem de agrotóxico herbicida (tarja verde) por meio de uma metodologia de design ergonômico. Realizou-se uma análise dos problemas de leiaute de quatro embalagens comerciais, muito utilizadas. A partir disto, definiu-se os parâmetros para a configuração de uma nova proposta. Foi realizado o projeto do leiaute da mesma e, posteriormente, efetuado o teste em campo comparando-se o rótulo proposto com um modelo de embalagem comercial. Relatou-se, então, a opinião do usuário em seu ambiente de trabalho com a análise de eficiência dos rótulos: a rapidez de leitura, o entendimento do conteúdo e a usabilidade percebida pelo usuário. Os resultados apresentaram uma aceitação e bom desempenho para o rótulo desenvolvido. Foi observado a redução do tempo de leitura e localização da informação, bem como o aumento da sensação de conforto e segurança pelo usuário. Portanto, a embalagem desenvolvida através da metodologia do design ergonômico mostrou-se viável de ser implementada pois o teste com o consumidor foi positivo para as três variáveis analisadas. / This work the rework of the herbicide packing label (green communication ban) by means of an ergonomic design methodology. Were realized an analysis of four commercial package layout problems, much used. From this, one defined the parameters for the configuration of a new proposal. The layout project of that was carried through, later, was effected the test in field comparing itself the label considered with a model of commercial packing. It was told, then, the opinion of the user in your environment of work with the analysis of efficiency of the labels: the rapidity of reading, the agreement of the content and the usability perceived for the user. The results had presented an evident acceptance and good performance for the developed label. It was observed the reduction of the reading time and localization of the information, as well as the increase comfort sensation and security for the user. Therefore, the packing developed through the methodology of design ergonomic revealed viable of being implemented therefore the test with the consumer was positive for three variables analyzed.

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