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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Margens, tecnologias de controle e (i)legibilidades : etnografia sobre a produção do estado e do comércio popular no camelódromo de Porto Alegre/RS

Soilo, Andressa Nunes January 2015 (has links)
Esta dissertação aborda a constituição do camelódromo de Porto Alegre e de suas práticas de comércio popular, em sua relação com as tecnologias de (i)legibilidade produzidas na sua relação com o Estado. Este trabalho parte de uma etnografia realizada entre os anos de 2013 e 2014, que se focou tanto nas práticas e sentidos elaborados pelos comerciantes do camelódromo, quanto nas visões dos atores representantes dos órgãos de controle e vigilância estatal. A partir da perspectiva teórica de Veena Das & Deborah Poole, destaco que o Estado e suas margens interagem de forma coprodutiva. Inspirada nesta abordagem, percebendo o camelódromo como uma “margem”, objetivo demonstrar como o Estado e a margem em questão estabelecem uma relação de produção mútua a partir de suas práticas. Utilizo-me dos conceitos de (i)legibilidade e pluralismo jurídico para compreender os limites e as mobilidades de tal interação. A partir da análise dos dados coletados, pode-se depreender que o Estado é reforçado, ao mesmo passo que redefinido, pelas atividades informais do camelódromo. Por sua vez, tal fortalecimento também acontece, na relação com o Estado no comércio popular em questão, onde as tecnologias de controle estatais estimulam redes de solidariedade a se organizarem e produzirem práticas diversas, que relacionam códigos legais e condutas locais. / This dissertation approaches the constitution of Porto Alegre’s “camelódromo” and its popular trade’s practices, in relation with (i)legibility technologies produced in its nexus with the State. This study consists in an ethnography carried out between 2013 and 2014, which focused on practices and meanings produced by camelódromo’s vendors, as in the visions of the actors that represents the organs of state control and surveillance. From the theoretical perspective of Veena Das & Deborah Poole, I emphasize that the State and its margins interact in a coproductive way. Inspired by this approach, perceiving camelódromo as a margin, my purpose is to demonstrate how the State and the margin in question establish a mutual relation of production from their practices. I use, in this work, the concepts of (i)legibility and legal pluralism to understand the limits and mobilities of such interaction. From the analysis of the collected data, it is possible to deduce that the State is reinforced and redefined by camelódromo’s informal activities. In turn, this strengthening also happens between the relation of the State and popular trade in question, where State’s control technologies stimulate solidarity networks to organize and produce themselves various practices that relates legal codes and local behavior.

Um estudo sobre o design de livros para a terceira idade

Vieira, Rosâne Maria da Silva January 2011 (has links)
Esta pesquisa analisa livros de literatura quanto à adequação do projeto gráfico para leitores de terceira idade. Foi realizada uma revisão bibliográfica abordando os aspectos do design gráfico e do design do livro, as questões de leitura, legibilidade, lei-turabilidade e tipografia. Durante esta etapa foram abordados o envelhecimento popula-cional brasileiro, as características e os projetos voltados à terceira idade. Após esta revisão, a pesquisa se dividiu em duas etapas: a primeira consistiu na análise de livros de literatura expostos em livrarias e a possibilidade quanto ao seu aspecto gráfico-visual de serem lidos confortavelmente por pessoas de terceira idade e, na sequência, a percep-ção de leitores desta faixa etária sobre estes livros. Após estes levantamentos, a pesquisa buscou elementos para o desenvolvimento de projetos gráficos de livros voltados para o público de terceira idade e a realização de um protótipo. O protótipo foi apresentado aos leitores de terceira idade para responder ao problema da pesquisa. Como resultado, são indicados parâmetros para o projeto e design gráfico de livros voltados para os leitores de terceira idade. / This study analyzes the literature books about the adequacy of graphic design for elderly readers. We performed a literature review, covering aspects of graphic design and book design, the issues of reading, legibility, readability and typography. During this stage we have addressing the aging Brazilian population, the characteristics and projects aimed for old people. After this review, the research was divided into two stag-es: the first consisted in the analysis of literature books displayed in bookstores, and the possibility for seniors to read them comfortably on its appearance and visual graph, and following the perception of readers of this age about these books. After these surveys, the research sought to develop elements of graphic design of books aimed at the elderly and public performance of a prototype. The prototype was presented to senior players so that they answer to the research problem. As a result, parameters are indicated for the design and graphic design of books aimed to elderly readers.

Revistas, design editorial e retórica tipográfica : a experiência da revista Trip (1986-2010)

Fetter, Luiz Carlos January 2011 (has links)
A pesquisa tem como objeto de estudo a revista Trip, publicação representativa da tendência de segmentação das revistas brasileiras ocorrida partir da década de 1980. O período avaliado (1986-2010) contempla fases distintas correspondentes a três projetos gráficos. O objetivo principal é analisar as propostas tipográficas utilizadas, verificando em que medida as estratégias retóricas empregadas configuram materialmente orientações do projeto editorial e comercial, conformando a identidade do periódico. Interessa-nos considerar aspectos convencionais e inovadores relacionados à noção de legibilidade, ao tensionamento entre o verbal e o visual presente na tipografia. A metodologia adotada consistiu em pesquisa bibliográfica que estabeleceu os fundamentos teóricos e categorias para análises de ordem quantitativa e qualitativa, e baseou-se em autores como, Lupton, Zappaterra, Meggs, Bringhurst, Gäde, Gruszynski e Ali, entre outros. A análise quantitativa deu-se verificando, em um exemplar anual, variáveis especificadas em seções que constituem estratégias tipográficas diferenciadas: textos longos, curtos e capa. Dessa amostra, extraíram-se leiautes exemplares para a análise qualitativa, buscando aprofundar o que os indicadores numéricos apontaram. Verificou-se que o design editorial, ao enunciar estratégias editoriais e comerciais por meio da configuração de elementos gráficos sobre o suporte, evidencia seu caráter mediador. As diferentes possibilidades de articulação da retórica determinam distintos padrões de legibilidade, buscando adequar-se ao público a que se dirige. Cada projeto demandou um grau de equilíbrio específico entre inovação e tradição, coautoria e transparência. Há, em nosso objeto, a aproximação a um modelo onde a sobrevivência comercial assume relevância. Observou-se que opções de leiaute efetivamente funcionais no passado foram resgatadas, o que não significa que conquistas do rompimento com o modernismo tenham sido descartadas no periódico analisado. / The research aims to Trip magazine, a publication representative of the trend of segmentation of the magazines that came from the decade of 1980. The reporting period (1986-2010) comprises distinct phases corresponding to three graphic projects. The main objective is to analyze typographic proposals, checking the extent to which rhetorical strategies configure the editorial and commercial orientations materially, conforming magazine’s identity. We are interested in considering issues related to conventional and innovative notion of legibility, the tension between the verbal and visual present in typography. The methodology consisted of literature research established the theoretical foundations and the categories for qualitative and qualitative analysis, and was based on the authors as Lupton, Zappaterra, Meggs, Bringhurst, Gäde, Gruszynski and Ali, among others. The quantitative analysis gave up checking into variable specifications on a annual copy sections that are distinct situations requiring typographic strategies distinguished: long text, short text, and cover. This allowed verification second specified variables. From this sample, were extracted significant layouts for qualitative analysis, seeking to deepen the numerical indicators pointed. The study found that editorial design, on formulating editorial and commercial strategies by the configuration of the graphic elements on the support, shows his mediator character. The different possible articulations of rhetoric determine distinct patterns of legibility, seeking to adapt itself to the target public. Each project demand specific degree of balance between innovation and tradition, co-authoship and transparency. There is, in our object, the approach of a model where the commercial survival assumes relevancy It was observed that effective functional layouts from the past could be redeemed, but this does not mean that the achievements of the break with modernism have been discarded on the analysed magazine.

Mutabilidade e habitação de interesse social: precedentes e certificação / Mutability and social housing: precedents and certification

Marcio da Costa Pereira 15 June 2012 (has links)
A pesquisa aborda o conceito de mutabilidade com vistas a contribuir para o processo e a análise de projetos de Habitação de Interesse Social e seu desempenho ambiental. A abordagem conceitual de mutabilidade e autonomia é desenvolvida sob a ótica da cibernética (ASHBY, 1957), cuja aplicação em projeto tem como referências o conceito de interdependências (YEANG, 1995) e o conceito de suportes ou support structure (HABRAKEN, 1999). A análise do Conjunto Habitacional Zezinho Magalhães Prado é importante para enfatizar estes conceitos explicitamente defendidos e aplicados pelos arquitetos autores do projeto, e que podem ser relacionados à qualidade ambiental do empreendimento observada após 40 anos de ocupação. O desempenho ambiental dos empreendimentos habitacionais é avaliado no Brasil através das certificações processo AQUA e selo Casa Azul. A análise comparativa destes processos de certificação e do Conjunto Habitacional Zezinho Magalhães Prado identificou o conceito de autonomia em arquitetura nas mudanças geradas a partir do diálogo contínuo entre o sistema edificado e o meio ambiente. Por fim, legibilidade e flexibilidade são novos critérios propostos para que, incorporados nos processos de certificação de empreendimentos de interesse social, venham a colaborar na perpetuação do desempenho ambiental conquistado pelo sistema edificado. / This research work discusses the concept of mutability so as to contribute to the process and the analysis of Social Housing projects and their environmental performance. From the concept of mutability there rises the concept of autonomy. The conceptual approach of mutability and autonomy is developed under the perspective of cybernetics (ASHBY, 1957), whose application to project takes as reference the concept of interdependence (YEANG, 1995) and the concept of support or support structure (HABRAKEN, 1999). The analysis of the Housing Complex Zezinho Magalhães Prado becomes important for the identification of those concepts as they were explicitly upheld and applied by the architects responsible for the project and which can be associated to the environmental quality of the housing development as observed after 40 years of use. The environmental performance of housing developments is evaluated in Brazil by means of the certifications AQUA process and Casa Azul stamp. The comparative analysis of these certification processes and the analysis carried out in the Housing Complex Zezinho Magalhães Prado enabled the identification of the concept of autonomy in architecture pinpointed as changes implemented from the ongoing dialogue between the built system and the environment. Lastly, legibility and flexibility are proposed as new criteria so that, once they have been incorporated into the certification processes related to social housing developments, they may contribute to maintain the environmental performance achieved with the stamp.

Har jag verkligen kommit rätt? : En studie om berättande och hierarkier som rumsliga hjälpmedel vid vägledning och företagsidentitet.

Pizarro, Maria January 2020 (has links)
Bachelor thesis in information design, field of study: spatial design.  Calix and Preciform are companies that manufacture products for the car industry. They have both factory and office spaces on their premises and many of their customer meetings occur on site. The employees are displeased with their workplace since they feel that it is disorganised, and they desire a workplace that has a coherent spatial design.  This study will explore how hierarchies and storytelling can be used to create a workplace that communicates the company’s identity whilst helping first time visitors with wayfinding. Literature studies about legibility, corporate storytelling, spatial experience, colour and form together with methods of observation and a survey have been the foundation for a design proposal that is presented through sketches and 3D pictures. Keywords: information design, spatial design, legibility, corporate identity, wayshowing / Examensarbete på grundnivå, informationsdesign med inriktning rumslig gestaltning. Calix och Preciform är företag som arbetar med att skapa produkter till fordonsindustrin. I deras lokaler finns kontor och fabrik och kundmöten sker på plats i deras konferensrum och fikarum. Medarbetarna är missnöjda med miljön i lokalerna då det känns rörigt och de önskar en röd tråd och uppfräschning i utformningen. I den här studien undersöks hur hierarkier och berättande kan skapa en miljö som kommunicerar företagets identitet och samtidigt skapa en vägledning för förstagångsbesökare. Litteraturstudier om legibility, corporate storytelling, rumsupplevelse, färg och form i samband med observationer och frågeformulär har varit till grund för ett gestaltningsförslag som presenteras genom 3D bilder. Nyckelord: informationsdesign, rumslig gestaltning, legibility, företagsidentitet, vägledning

Stockholm i fotgängarens öga : En studie av huvudstadens orienterbarhet / Stockholm in a Pedestrian Perspective : A Study of Urban Navigability and Orientation

Johan, Ingelshed January 2011 (has links)
Denna studie utforskar fotgängares möjligheter att orientera sig och ta sig fram i stadsmiljöer. Orienterbarhet kan förväntas få en allt större betydelse i samband med att gångtrafiken får en viktigare roll i städers transportsystem. Samtidigt vistas allt fler människor i omgivningar de är sämre förtrogna med, till följd av den ökade mobiliteten som globaliseringen har medfört. Uppgiften för denna studie är därför att utforska orienterbarhetens betydelse för staden och dess invånare, att kartlägga orienteringssituationen i Stockholm och att undersöka hur den kan förbättras. Studien inleds med en genomgång av teorier och resonemang gällande orienterbarhet, vil- ken fungerar som en teoretisk bakgrund till de efterföljande delarna. Orienterbarhet definieras här som en egenskap som beskriver svårighetsgraden att bestämma sin position och planera sin rörelse i en stadsmiljö. Hur själva orienteringen går till beskrivs som en process där hjärnan strukturerar sinnesintrycken i en kognitiv representation av verkligheten; en mental karta eller bild. Om denna process underlättas av god orienterbarhet kan staden gynnas inom fyra identifierade huvudområden; stadens gångvänlighet, individens välbefinnande, tillgänglighet till stadens funktioner samt besökarvänlighet. Förbättrad orienterbarhet kan inom dessa områden väntas ge ekonomiska, sociala och ekologiska vinster. Stockholms orienteringssituation kartläggs sedan med ett brett tillvägagångssätt. Orienterbarhetens betydelse i planeringen undersöks, liksom viktiga aktörers arbetssätt och synsätt. Grundförutsättningarna för orientering bedöms med hjälp av rumsliga analyser, och en undersökning av hur fotgängare upplever stadens orienterbarhet görs. Av undersökningarna framgår det att grundförutsättningarna för orientering är relativt goda i Stockholm som helhet, men att Cityområdet innehåller ett flertal brister. Det finns med andra ord ett behov av åtgärder för förbättrad orienterbarhet. Det tredje kapitlet presenterar tre informationssystem för fotgängare, hämtade från tre andra europeiska städer av varierande storlek och karaktär. De tre projekten illustrerar hur orienterbarheten kan förbättras med hjälp av orienteringsinformation. Även om grundförutsättningarna för orientering är förhållandevis goda, visar projekten att det kan finnas starka incitament för att stödja fotgängares orientering. Informationssystem för fotgängare krävs när stadsmiljön i sig inte räcker till, men är också av nytta när grundförutsättningarna är tillräckliga. Studien avslutas med en diskussion kring de slutsatser som gjorts, och vilken innebörd de kan tänkas ha för Stockholm som ”promenadstad”. Det konstateras att de utländska projektens tillvägagångssätt i viss mån även skulle kunna tillämpas i Stockholm. Slutligen ges ett antal rekommendationer av åtgärder som kan förbättra orienteringssituationen. Dessa innefattar utveckling och planering av ett informationssystem för fotgängare, som till en början omfattar Cityområdet. / This master thesis explores the conditions under which pedestrians navigate in urban environments. The importance of urban navigability is likely to increase, as walking becomes a more prioritised transport mode. There is also a tendency of more pedestrians moving beyond their accustomed bounds, as a result of the increased mobility of a more globalised world. The task of this thesis is to explore the effects of urban navigability on the city and its inhabitants, as well as to examine the wayfinding situation in Stockholm and possible ways to improve it. The thesis begins with a review of theories and reasonings concerning urban navigability, which forms the theoretical framework for the following parts. Urban navigability is defined as a property determining the ease, at which orientation and movement is possible in an urban environment. The pedestrian capability of reading the environment is described as a process where sensory impressions form a cognitive representation; a mental map or image. If this process is facilitated by the urban navigability, gains can be made in four main fields; urban walkability, individual wellbeing, accessibility and visitor friendliness. This is expected to bring economical, social and environmental benefits. The wayfinding situation is subsequently examined with a wide approach. The presence of wayfinding issues is examined in planning documents and among organisations engaged with city development. The physical conditions for pedestrian wayfinding are assessed with different methods of spatial analysis. In addition, a pedestrian survey is carried out to examine how people in general experience wayfinding in Stockholm. The studies reveal that the physical conditions for wayfinding are fairly good in Stockholm as a whole, while some weaknesses still can be found in the ‘City’ district. This implies a need of improvement; at least in the innermost part of the city. The third chapter presents three pedestrian wayfinding systems, selected from three other european cities. The three projects show how urban navigability can be improved by means of spatial information. Even in cases where physical conditions for wayfinding are acceptable, there may be strong incentives to facilitate pedestrian wayfinding. Wayfinding systems are needed when the environment lacks legibility in itself, but they are also profitable in cases where the physical conditions are ‘sufficient’. The thesis ends with a discussion about the findings and their possible meanings for Stockholm as a walkable city. It is suggested that some of the previously presented approaches are applicable in Stockholm as well. Finally some recommendations are given regarding improvements of the current wayfinding situation. These include the development of a pedestrian wayfinding system, which initially would cover the ‘City’ district of Stockholm.

Physicians and their Patience: Redefining Healthcare Relationships through Readability Optimization

Ball, Rachel V 01 January 2021 (has links)
The present study takes legibility research and extends it to the medical setting. Internal Medicine Physicians from UCF developed six passages of medical text detailing a History of Present Illness (HPI) Report from an emergency department as well as comprehension questions for the purpose of our study. In our study, we first presented non-medical passages and comprehension questions in six common fonts to identify participants' individual fastest and slowest fonts. We then gave participants medical passages in both their best and worst fonts while measuring reading speed and comprehension. This study was delivered to a population of Amazon Mechanical Turk crowd workers to help us better understand how legibility improvements can be made within specific fields. We hope that with this study we can begin the process of restructuring Electronic Health Records to be more usable and efficient for physicians.

Att skriva för hand : Metoder för att lära ut handskrift i tidiga skolår / Writing by Hand : Methods for Teaching Handwriting in Early Education

Danielsson, Sofia January 2022 (has links)
Att skriva för hand är en viktig förmåga som används frekvent, både i skolan och i vardagen. Denna kunskapsöversikt syftar till att undersöka aktuell forskning kring skrivundervisning med särskilt intresse för handskrift. Kunskapsöversikten utgår ifrån forskningsfrågan: Vad säger forskningen om hur lärare bör undervisa för att optimera handskriftsutveckling? Genom en tematisk analys har resultatet från tio olika forskningsartiklar sammanställts och analyserats. Artiklarna har valts ut genom en litteratursökning. Resultatet visar att elever behöver få explicit undervisning och träning i skolan för att utveckla och bemästra handskrift. Vidare har handskrift visat sig ha positiva kopplingar till andra literacyrelaterade förmågor, såsom stavning och läsning. Att skriva för hand kräver både motorisk och kognitiv ansträngning och forskningen visar på vikten av att tidigt automatisera handskrift, för att kunna frigöra kognitiva resurser och underlätta för elever att fokusera på textinnehåll. Forskningen pekar även på fördelarna med att använda olika typer av verktyg i skrivundervisning, såsom olika pennor och papper samt digitala verktyg. Kunskapsöversikten har synliggjort vikten av tydlig undervisning i handskrift i lågstadiet, då en automatiserad handskriftsförmåga underlättar literacyutveckling. Därtill ges konkreta exempel på undervisningsmetoder samt både analoga och digitala verktyg som kan stödja lärare i tidig skrivundervisning.

Effects of Font Design on Highway Sign Legibility

Perez Vidal-Ribas, Marta 31 August 2023 (has links)
The Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) set Standard Highway Alphabet, or Highway Gothic, as the standard font for all American roadway signs in 1966. Since then, that standard has not changed, with all signs following the norm. In the 1980s, new retro-reflective sheeting introduced on American roadways caused Highway Gothic to be more difficult to read, due to the light "halo" effect caused around the letters, or halation. Recently, more studies have been conducted to improve the overall legibility of Highway Gothic. One study found that its legibility could greatly improve if it's size was increased by 20%. This, however, is extremely unlikely, since increasing the font size would also entail an increase in the physical signs lining roadways. In the 1990s, a new font was created, Clearview, to help combat the negative effects of Standard Highway Alphabet. This font received interim approval in 2004, which was removed in 2016 due to ambiguous results from studies as to whether it was more beneficial than Highway Gothic. It was reinstated two years later, in 2018. Legibility has five different components: retro-reflectivity, irradiation, luminance, contrast, and font design. Understanding these five components, and the benefits of each, can lead to the betterment of the font design on highway signs. This study consisted of two web-based tests. In the first test, the "Letters Test", participants would see a character slowly increasing in size on the screen. Once they could decipher the character, they would click the screen and input the character shown. On the second test, the "Words Test", participants would follow the same instructions, albeit with words in place of characters. There were four fonts tested, on both a positive and negative contrasts. The positive contrast consisted of a green background with a white font, and the negative contrast was a white background with a black font. The four tested fonts were E Modified Base, Alpha Two FHWA E Narrow, Alpha Two FHWA D, and Alpha Two FHWA C, named Base, Narrow, D-Altered, and C-Altered respectively. Forty-two participants participated in both tests. For the "Letters Test", the smallest average font size was the narrow font, followed by the base and D-altered. For the "Words Test", the smallest average font size was the base font, followed by the narrow, D-altered, and C-altered fonts. Overall, the base and narrow fonts took up more space than the D-altered and C-altered fonts. It is recommended that field tests are conducted with these fonts, taking into account the space that they take up, not the font size. This analysis could help to determine whether or not the altered fonts are as legible, or even more legible, than the base and narrow fonts when occupying the same space. / Master of Science / The Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) set Standard Highway Alphabet, or Highway Gothic, as the standard font for all American roadway signs in 1966. Since then, that standard has not changed, with all signs following the norm. In the 1980s, new retro-reflective sheeting introduced on American roadways caused Highway Gothic to be more difficult to read, due to the light "halo" effect caused around the letters, or halation. Recently, more studies have been conducted to improve the overall legibility of Highway Gothic. One study found that its legibility could greatly improve if it's size was increased by 20%. This, however, is extremely unlikely, since increasing the font size would also entail an increase in the physical signs lining roadways. In the 1990s, a new font was created, Clearview, to help combat the negative effects of Standard Highway Alphabet. This font received interim approval in 2004, which was removed in 2016 due to ambiguous results from studies as to whether it was more beneficial than Highway Gothic. It was reinstated two years later, in 2018. Legibility has five different components: retro-reflectivity, irradiation, luminance, contrast, and font design. Understanding these five components, and the benefits of each, can lead to the betterment of the font design on highway signs. This study consisted of two web-based tests. In the first test, the "Letters Test", participants would see a character slowly increasing in size on the screen. Once they could decipher the character, they would click the screen and input the character shown. On the second test, the "Words Test", participants would follow the same instructions, albeit with words in place of characters. There were four fonts tested, on both a positive and negative contrasts. The positive contrast consisted of a green background with a white font, and the negative contrast was a white background with a black font. The four tested fonts were E Modified Base, Alpha Two FHWA E Narrow, Alpha Two FHWA D, and Alpha Two FHWA C, named Base, Narrow, D-Altered, and C-Altered respectively. Forty-two participants participated in both tests. For the "Letters Test", the smallest average font size was the narrow font, followed by the base and D-altered. For the "Words Test", the smallest average font size was the base font, followed by the narrow, D-altered, and C-altered fonts. Overall, the base and narrow fonts took up more space than the D-altered and C-altered fonts. It is recommended that field tests are conducted with these fonts, taking into account the space that they take up, not the font size. This analysis could help to determine whether or not the altered fonts are as legible, or even more legible, than the base and narrow fonts when occupying the same space.

Effect of display and text parameters on reading performance

Subbaram, Venkiteshwar Manoj 30 September 2004 (has links)
No description available.

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