Spelling suggestions: "subject:"cerner index"" "subject:"cerner índex""
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Transmisní mechanismus monetární politiky-úvěrový kanál a struktura bankovního trhu. Studie pro Gruzii, Ázerbájdžán a Arménii. / Monetary Policy Transmission - Bank Lending Channel and Banking Market Structure. The Case of Georgia, Azerbaijan, and Armenia.Jvaridze, Tinatin January 2019 (has links)
In the thesis, we examine the bank lending channel and the effect of banking market structure on the transmission of monetary policy in Georgia, Armenia, and Azerbaijan. We employ bank-level data for the period of 2011-2017 to detect if banks with different characteristics react differently to monetary policy shocks. Banking market structure is proxied by three measures-CR5, HHI, and Lerner Index. We estimate two types of models: dynamic (with system GMM) and static (with FE) models. We also consider the effect of dollarization on bank loan supply as well as on monetary policy. We do not find consistent evidence that banks react differently to monetary policy shocks depending on bank characteristics (size, capitalization, and liquidity). Hence the existence of the lending channel is not conclusive. Nevertheless, the results show that monetary policy is less effective in more concentrated markets. This finding is robust in all specifications with both types of models. In this sense, competition is not significant. The results also suggest that dollarization weakens the effect of domestic monetary policy. Keywords bank lending channel, CR5, HHI, Lerner Index, system GMM, dollarization Author's e-mail t.jvarize@yahoo.com Supervisor's e-mail janxmares@gmail.com
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Consumer switching costs in the Swedish home insurance industryErkers Lindberg, Filip, Carlsson, Simon January 2024 (has links)
Previous studies have found a positive association between the costs of switching providers and market power in the banking sector. We believe a similar association exists in the Swedish home insurance industry, given that Finansinspektionen's (2022) previous findings indicate price walking, a premium paid by loyal customers, is prevalent in the market. We therefore investigate whether there exists a positive association between switching costs and market power in the Swedish home insurance market using a panel data approach between the years of 2012-2022. We employ Shy's (2002) measure to estimate switching costs and the Lerner index to estimate market power. The results reveal a statistically significant association between switching costs and market power, indicating that reducing switching costs could help reduce market power, potentially benefiting consumers. These results are robust between model choices, period, and measure of price and costs. The findings also imply that decreases in switching costs could lower consumer prices by increasing competition and reducing profit margins. To reduce switching costs, we propose investigating the effects of standardizing insurance policies for easier comparison and exploring the potential effects of discouraging cumulative discounts that deter customers from changing providers.
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AI i Investeringsprocessen: Nutidens Användning och Framtidens Potential : En kvalitativ analys om hur AI kan användas som ett verktyg för att hantera kostnader i en investeringsprocess och därmed öka företagens lönsamhet och konkurrenskraftKarlsson, Astrid, Friberg, Erik January 2024 (has links)
Previous studies have found a positive association between the costs of switchingproviders and market power in the banking sector. We believe a similar associationexists in the Swedish home insurance industry, given that Finansinspektionen’s(2022) previous findings indicate price walking, a premium paid by loyal customers,is prevalent in the market. We therefore investigate whether there exists a positiveassociation between switching costs and market power in the Swedish homeinsurance market using a panel data approach between the years of 2012-2022. Weemploy Shy’s (2002) measure to estimate switching costs and the Lerner index toestimate market power. The results reveal a statistically significant association betweenswitching costs and market power, indicating that reducing switching costscould help reduce market power, potentially benefiting consumers. These resultsare robust between model choices, period, and measure of price and costs. Thefindings also imply that decreases in switching costs could lower consumer pricesby increasing competition and reducing profit margins. To reduce switching costs,we propose investigating the effects of standardizing insurance policies for easiercomparison and exploring the potential effects of discouraging cumulative discountsthat deter customers from changing providers.
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日本產險公司市場競爭度與風險關係之研究 / A study of the Relation between Market Competition and Company’s Risk in Japanese Property-Liability Industry王咨渝, Wang, Tzu Yu Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以日本國內產物保險公司作為研究對象,研究期間為1986年至2010年,共25個年度。本研究應用固定效果之GMM(一般化動差法)模型,以Lerner index衡量市場獨占力(競爭度),檢驗對日本產險公司之市場獨占力(競爭度)對於公司的財務穩定度以及各種風險之影響,包括總風險、核保風險以及投資風險。本研究發現日本國內產險公司獨占力與各風險大多存在負相關:越高獨占力(越低競爭度)的公司其總風險及核保風險越低。然而,越高獨占力(越低競爭度)的公司容易面對越高的投資風險。本研究結果亦顯示,獨占力對於風險之影響於1997至2010之研究期間有顯著效果,惟其於1986至1996之研究期間效果不顯著。 / This paper chooses Japanese domestic general insurance company as the objective and the research period is from 1986 to 2010, 25 sample years in total. We apply fixed-effect in the GMM (Generalized method of moments) to examine the impact of the market power (Lerner index) specifically in insurance market on financial stability and different risks of insurance company, including total risk, underwriting risk and investment risk. The result suggests in general, negative relation exist between market power and risks in Japanese domestic general insurance industry: We find that the higher the market power (the lower competition), the lower the total risk and underwriting risk. On the other hand, higher marker power (lower competition) leads to higher investment risk. Our finding also shows that market power has an impact in the period 1997-2010 but not for the period of 1986-1996, which confirms that Japanese financial reform in 1996 might have influence on risks and financial stability.
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Medición de poder de mercado del sistema de seguros peruano / Measurement of market power in the peruvian insurance systemGarcía Poma, Marjorie Chriss 04 November 2021 (has links)
El presente estudio tiene como objetivo determinar la relación entre el poder de mercado del sistema de seguros peruano y su participación de mercado, usando datos mensuales entre el 2010 y 2019. En primer lugar se construye el índice de Lerner como un indicador de poder de mercado no competitivo. En efecto, se estimó el costo marginal de cada aseguradora en su periodo de tiempo para poder conseguir el índice de Lerner de cada firma. De manera que se obtenga la relación entre poder mercado y participación, probando la relación a través del modelo de cournot para cada periodo de tiempo en análisis.
Después, empleado los datos panel para las aseguradoras dentro del marco temporal en estudio. Se aplica tres modelos para la estimación de los determinantes hipotéticos del poder de mercado, mínimos cuadrados ordinarios corregidos (OLS-PCSE), RE y el sistema GMM. En este contexto, el poder de mercado del sector de seguros peruano fue explicado también por el tamaño, costo de eficiencia, concentración de mercado, apalancamiento y contratos de reaseguros, al igual que participación de mercado. Específicamente, se encontró que las aseguradoras especializadas, la participación y contratos de reaseguro influyen en un mayor poder de mercado y ejercer un alto poder de mercado con fijación de precios mientras que el tamaño no influye en gran medida para ejercer un mayor poder de mercado. / The present study aims to determine the relationship between the market power of the Peruvian insurance system and its market share, using monthly data between 2010 and 2019. First, the Lerner index is constructed as an indicator of non-competitive market power. In effect, the marginal cost of each insurer in its time period was estimated in order to obtain the Lerner index of each firm. In order to obtain the relationship between market power and market share, testing the relationship through the Cournot model for each time period under analysis.
Then, using the panel data for the insurers within the time frame under study. Three models are applied to estimate the hypothetical determinants of market power, ordinary least squares corrected (OLS-PCSE), RE and the GMM system. In this context, the market power of the Peruvian insurance sector was also explained by size, cost efficiency, market concentration, leverage and reinsurance contracts, as well as market share. Specifically, it was found that specialized insurers, leverage and reinsurance contracts influence greater market power and exert high market power with pricing while size does not influence to a great extent to exert greater market power. / Trabajo de investigación
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運用新共同邊界法探討多重產出銀行業市場競爭度與成本效率 / A New Approach to Jointly Estimating the Lerner Index and Cost Efficiency for Multi-output Banks under a New Meta-Frontier Framework江典霖, Chiang, Dien Lin Unknown Date (has links)
過去文獻大多使用Lerner指數來衡量銀行業之市場競爭度,但在計算過程中有可能出現其值為負之問題。為解決上述問題,本文運用關聯結構函數建立聯立隨機邊界模型,它由銀行成本邊界與兩條產出價格邊界所組成,可以同時衡量放款市場及投資市場之市場競爭度與成本效率。另外,為比較西歐五個國家的銀行市場競爭度與成本效率,本文進一步採用Huang et al. (2014)所提出的新隨機共同邊界模型,此模型除使用共同成本邊界計算技術缺口比率外,還透過產出價格共同邊界衡量潛在Lerner指數,進一步拆解成Lerner指數與MC gap ratio (MCGR)兩部分,可以比較不同國家間的市場競爭程度。 / This paper proposes the copula-based simultaneous stochastic frontier model (CSSFM), composed of a cost frontier and two output price frontiers for the banking sector, in order to measure cost efficiency and market power in the markets of loans and investments. The new Lerner index can be estimated by relying on the simultaneous equations model, consisting of three frontier equations, which avoids obtaining negative measures of the Lerner index. We then apply the new meta-frontier model to simultaneously estimate and compare cost efficiency and market power across five countries over the period 1998-2010. The salient feature of our proposed approach is that it allows for calculating the technology gap ratio on the basis of the cost frontier, as well as evaluating the potential Lerner index from price frontiers, which can be decomposed into the country-specific Lerner index and marginal cost gap ratio.
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探討亞洲銀行業非利息收入與淨利差之關係及利差決定因子 / The interrelationship between net interest margin and noninterest income and the determinants of net interest margin for Asian banks.林文健 Unknown Date (has links)
This paper explores the interrelationship between the net interest margin (NIM) and noninterest income and their determinants for banks in 9 Asian countries over the period 1998-2010. A simultaneous equations system is used to deal with endogenous regressors and its structural parameters are identified under a heteroskedastic covariance restriction, proposed by Lewbel (2012). The renovated Lerner Index proposed by Huang et al. (2013) is factored as a more robust proxy for market power over HHI. Our results demonstrate significantly positive relationship between the NIM and noninterest income, suggesting overall benefits for banks from income diversification. In addition, the loss-leader behavior is not supported in the sample countries.
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Estabilidad financiera en el mercado de seguros / Financial stability in the insurance marketArce Cubas, Aixa Milagros 10 November 2021 (has links)
Esta investigación brinda evidencia respecto a la relación estabilidad y competencia en la industria de seguros para el caso peruano, donde la estabilidad financiera es medida por el indicador Z-Score. Se analiza el sector asegurador peruano durante el periodo 2009-2020, donde se pudo observar que existe una constante reducción en los niveles de competencia en este mercado. Los principales resultados indican que una mayor competencia incrementa la estabilidad financiera de las empresas de seguros en Perú y que mayores niveles de poder de mercado tendrían impactos negativos. En adición a ello, se comprueba que un mayor tamaño de la empresa aportaría positivamente a la estabilidad financiera en este mercado, lo cual va en relación con la literatura revisada. Los resultados también indican que existe una relación positiva entre el crecimiento del PBI y la estabilidad financiera. / This research provides evidence regarding the relationship between stability and competition in the insurance industry for the Peruvian case, where financial stability is measured by the Z-Score indicator. The insurance sector is analyzed during the period 2009-2020, where it could be observed that there is a constant reduction in levels of competition in this market. The main results indicate that greater competition increases the financial stability of insurance in Peru and that higher levels of market power would have negative impacts. In addition, it’s found that a larger size of the company would contribute positively to financial stability in this market, which is related to the revised literature. The results also indicate that there is a positive relationship between GDP growth and financial stability. / Trabajo de investigación
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