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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Эргонимы-реплиĸи в современном городсĸом ономастиĸоне (оценĸа и фунĸционирование по данным эĸсперимента) : магистерская диссертация / Conversational ergonym in the modern urban onomastic space (evaluation and functioning based on the experiment)

Темникова, Е. И., Temnikova, E. I. January 2021 (has links)
Данная магистерсĸая диссертация посвящена изучению эргонимов-реплиĸ с точĸи зрения их фунĸционирования в современной городсĸой среде. В первой главе работы описаны фунĸции эргонимов, выделены способы их образования. Особое внимание аĸцентируется на леĸсиĸо-синтаĸсичесĸом способе, на базе ĸоторого образуются эргонимы-реплиĸи, таĸже рассматриваются специфичесĸие особенности разговорной речи, единицы ĸоторой легли в основу номинаций. Во второй главе на материале исследуемой группы номинаций различных городов России, Уĸраины, Беларуси и Казахстана (192 единицы) представлена многоаспеĸтная ĸлассифиĸация эргонимов-реплиĸ, проведенная по разным основаниям. В третьей главе диссертации анализируются результаты опроса, выполненного методом лингвистичесĸого интервьюирования (13730 ответов-реаĸций). Опрос проведен с целью оценĸи прагматичесĸого потенциала эргонимов-реплиĸ, а таĸже выявления неофициальных вариантов их употребления в речи. В работе выделены приемы создания неофициальных эргонимов, отмечен широĸий потенциал создания вторичных номинаций. / This master‘s thesis devoted to the study of conversational ergonym with respect to their functioning in the modern urban space. In the first Chapter the functions of ergonyms are described, and the ways of their formation are highlighted. Special attention is focused on the lexico-syntactic method, on the basis of which conversational ergonyms are formed, and the specific features of colloquial speech, the units of which formed the basis of the nominations, are also considered. In the second chapter, based on the material of the studied group of nominations of various cities of Russia, Ukraine, Belarus and Kazakhstan (192 units), a multidimensional classification of conversational ergonyms is presented, conducted on different grounds. The third chapter of the dissertation analyzes the results of a survey conducted by the method of linguistic interviewing (13730 responses-reactions). The survey was conducted to assess the pragmatic potential of conversational ergonyms, as well as to identify informal variants of the use of them in speech. The study identified the methods of creating unofficial ergonyms, and there was broad the vast potential of the creation of derivative nominations.


[pt] Este trabalho investiga as acepções do prefixo des em substantivos de ação no Português Brasileiro por meio de uma abordagem da língua em uso e focaliza a importância do contexto para o reconhecimento do sentido que está sendo ativado pelo afixo. Inicialmente, são apresentadas as principais contribuições da Tradição Gramatical Normativa e da Teoria da Linguística Gerativa para a análise do referido prefixo. Posteriormente, são detalhadas as bases teóricas que compõem este trabalho, que se fundamentam nos pressupostos da Linguística Cognitiva, paradigma de investigação dos estudos da linguagem que enfatiza a importância do sentido em uma perspectiva não-objetivista e da investigação da língua em uso. O corpus utilizado nesta pesquisa foi constituído a partir do mega-corpus eletrônico NILC da Universidade de São Paulo do campus de São Carlos. Os resultados da análise de dados revelam que a acepção do afixo des- na língua em uso é altamente influenciada pelo contexto, de maneira que é possível uma mesma palavra possuir sentidos diferentes, conforme esteja em diferentes situações de uso. / [en] This dissertation investigates the meanings of the prefix des in action nouns in Brazilian Portuguese through an approach to the language in use and focuses on the importance of context for the recognition of the meaning being activated by the affix. Initially, the main contributions of the Normative Grammatical Tradition and the Theory of Generative Linguistics to the analysis of the referred prefix are presented. Subsequently, the theoretical bases that make up this work are detailed, which are based on the assumptions of Cognitive Linguistics, a research paradigm of language studies that emphasizes the importance of meaning in a non-objectivist perspective and the investigation of the language in use. The corpus used in this research was constituted from the electronic mega-corpus NILC of the University of São Paulo developed on the São Carlos campus. The results of the data analysis reveal that the meaning of the affix des- in the language in use is highly influenced by the context, therefore it is possible for the same word to have different meanings, depending on whether it is in different situations of use.

Description du lexique spécialisé chinois et constitution d'une ressource didactique adaptée pour locuteurs non sinophones

Han, Zhiwei 10 1900 (has links)
L’enseignement-apprentissage du lexique spécialisé chinois est un chemin semé d’obstacles. Pour les apprenants non natifs, les combinaisons lexicales spécialisées (CLS) (L’Homme, 2000) soulèvent des difficultés syntaxico sémantiques et représentent ainsi un défi majeur dans l’acquisition de compétences lexicales. On recense, toutefois, peu de propositions méthodologiques pour résoudre ces difficultés dans la littérature consacrée à la didactique du chinois sur objectifs spécifiques (COS) (Q. Li, 2011). Dans cette recherche, nous nous attachons à explorer de quelle manière une méthode de description lexicale basée sur une représentation sémantique et syntaxique assiste les apprenants non natifs dans la résolution des problèmes lexicaux soulevés par les CLS. Notre thèse vise à concevoir une méthode de description des CLS en vue de la résolution de difficultés lexicales par les locuteurs non sinophones. La méthode mise au point est appliquée à l’élaboration du dictionnaire CHINOINFO, une ressource lexicale chinois-français portant sur le domaine de l’informatique. Cette ressource s’adresse aux apprenants francophones du chinois. L’objectif secondaire de notre thèse consiste à évaluer l’efficacité du CHINOINFO auprès des apprenants francophones qui reçoivent une formation de chinois dans un établissement universitaire au Québec ou en Chine. Notre recherche fait appel à des notions empruntées à trois cadres théoriques. Premièrement, la Lexicologie explicative et combinatoire (Mel’čuk et al., 1995) nous sert d’appui théorique pour fonder la description des CLS sur la représentation sémantique du lexique spécialisé. Deuxièmement, notre démarche de collecte et d’analyse des CLS est guidée par l’approche lexico sémantique à la terminologie (L’Homme, 2020a). Enfin, nous nous appuyons sur l’approche cognitive en didactique des langues secondes (Chastain, 1990) pour envisager une présentation structurée des connaissances lexicales. Notre démarche méthodologique s’est déroulée en trois phases. Nous avons d’abord assemblé un corpus spécialisé chinois pour en extraire un échantillon de CLS et les renseignements permettant de les décrire. L’analyse des données collectées à partir du corpus nous a amenée à anticiper trois types de difficultés syntaxico-sémantiques soulevées par les CLS : 1) distinguer les acceptions d’un polysème dans différentes CLS; 2) différencier les sens distincts de CLS de forme identique; 3) choisir les cooccurrents appropriés d’un terme. À la deuxième phase, nous avons mobilisé différentes stratégies pour décrire les propriétés syntaxico-sémantiques des CLS. Une méthode descriptive intégrant les solutions proposées a ensuite été appliquée à la création du CHINOINFO. Cette ressource en ligne répertorie 91 termes fondamentaux du domaine de l’informatique, pour lesquels nous avons encodé au total 282 termes reliés et 644 CLS. La structuration des données au sein des articles s’est largement inspirée de l’adaptation du DiCoInfo (Observatoire de linguistique Sens-Texte, 2022) à un dictionnaire d’apprentissage (Alipour, 2014). Différents moyens techniques ont été mis en œuvre pour assurer la convivialité de la ressource. La dernière phase de notre recherche consiste en une expérimentation comparative visant à évaluer l’efficacité pédagogique du CHINOINFO. Nous avons fait passer un test lexical à deux groupes d’apprenants francophones, soit le groupe contrôle (GC) et le groupe expérimental (GE), en leur proposant un nombre d’outils de référence. Seul le GE a eu accès à CHINOINFO. Nous avons aussi collecté, au moyen de questionnaires de sondage, le profil des participants ainsi que leur appréciation sur le test et les outils de référence proposés. De manière générale, l’analyse comparative des résultats du test lexical montre que le GE a mieux réussi à résoudre les trois types de difficultés soulevées par les CLS. Les participants étaient plutôt satisfaits de l’organisation du test. Le GE a eu moins de difficultés à réaliser le test puisqu’il se sentait mieux outillé pour trouver des éléments de réponses aux questions du test par rapport GC. Le GE s’est exprimé favorablement quant à l’utilité du CHINOINFO pour résoudre les problèmes lexicaux dans le cadre de notre expérimentation. Pour conclure, les résultats de notre analyse fournissent des indices sur l’apport du CHINOINFO en tant qu’une ressource d’apprentissage des CLS, ce qui laisse entrevoir l’intérêt de la méthode de description lexicale que nous avons proposée dans un contexte pédagogique. / The teaching and learning of Chinese specialized lexicon is a path strewn with obstacles. For non-native learners, specialized lexical combinations (SLCs) (L’Homme, 2000) raise syntactic and semantic difficulties and thus represent a major challenge in the acquisition of lexical skills. However, there are few methodological proposals to solve these difficulties in the literature devoted to the teaching practice and applied research of Chinese for specific purposes (Q. Li, 2011). In this research, we explore how a lexical description method based on semantic and syntactic representation assists non-native learners in solving lexical problems raised by SLCs. This thesis aims at designing a method for describing SLCs to help non-Chinese speakers solve lexical difficulties. The proposed method is applied to develop CHINOINFO, a Chinese-French dictionary of computer science and information technology terms. This lexical resource is designed for French-speaking learners of Chinese and can also be used as a writing tool for language professionals (translators, technical writers, and proofreaders), as well as professionals in this field. The secondary objective of this thesis is to evaluate the pedagogical effectiveness of the developed resource among French-speaking university students. This research draws on concepts derived from three theoretical frameworks. Firstly, the Explanatory and Combinatorial Lexicology (Mel’čuk et al., 1995) provides theoretical support for founding the lexical description on the representation of semantic features of the specialized lexicon. Secondly, the collection and analysis of SLCs are guided by the lexical-semantic approach to terminology (L’Homme, 2020a). Finally, we draw on the cognitive approach to second language didactics (Chastain, 1990) to explore the effective ways to organize and present the descriptive information of the specialized lexicon. Our methodological approach was carried out in three stages. We started by assembling a specialized Chinese corpus to extract a sample of SLCs and their descriptive information. The analysis of the data collected from the corpus led us to anticipate three types of syntaxico-semantic difficulties raised by SLCs: 1) distinguishing polysemes in different SLCs; 2) identifying, in a given context, the meaning of a lexical combination that is syntactically ambiguous; and 3) selecting appropriate co-occurrents for a term. In the second stage, we deployed different strategies to describe the syntaxico-semantic features of SLCs. Subsequently, a descriptive method that incorporates the proposed solutions has been applied to the creation of CHINOINFO. This online lexical resource contains 91 basic terms related to computer science and information technology. For these terms, we encoded a total of 282 related terms and 644 SLCs. The organization of content in the entries has been largely inspired by the conversion of DiCoInfo (Observatoire de linguistique Sens-Texte, 2022) into a learner’s dictionary (Alipour, 2014). We used various techniques to make the resource user-friendly. The final stage of our research consists of a comparative experiment to evaluate the pedagogical effectiveness of CHINOINFO. We had two groups of French-speaking learners, the control group (CG) and the experimental group (EG), take a lexical test by providing them with several reference materials. Only the EG had access to CHINOINFO during the test. We also collected the information about the participants' learning profile and their appreciation of the test and the proposed reference materials. Overall, the comparative analysis of the test results shows that the GE succeeded better in solving the three types of difficulties raised by the SLCs. The participants were quite satisfied with the organization of the lexical test. The EG encountered less difficulty in answering questions during the test since they felt better equipped to find elements of answers in the reference materials than the GC. The EG commented favorably on the utility of CHINOINFO in solving lexical problems. To conclude, the results of our experiment provide clues about the pedagogical interest of CHINOINFO as a SLC learning resource, which suggests the relevance of the lexical description method we proposed in a pedagogical context.


MARIANA LEMOS MULLER 07 June 2022 (has links)
[pt] Este estudo apresenta uma pesquisa temática envolvendo Terminologia, Estudos de Tradução Baseados em Corpus, Terminologia Computacional e Semântica Lexical, e tem como objeto de estudo a área do Corpo de Fuzileiros Navais. O objetivo desta pesquisa foi de criar um material terminológico por meio de uma metodologia híbrida de extração de termos desenvolvida a partir de testes com ferramentas de Extração Automática de Termos (EAT). Assim, buscou-se solucionar tanto problemas tradutórios relacionados à subárea de estudo quanto à detecção e validação de candidatos a termos em um corpus. Primeiramente, foi realizado um estudo piloto com o objetivo de avaliar as ferramentas TermoStat Web 3.0 e AntConc 3.5.7. Após os testes por meio da análise de um corpus paralelo bilíngue, foram selecionadas as melhores condições identificadas para se obter uma metodologia eficaz de extração automática de termos aliada à análise humana. Em seguida, essa metodologia foi utilizada para a análise de um corpus bilíngue comparável. Os candidatos a termos extraídos foram então validados pelos critérios de Semântica Lexical propostos por L Homme (2020) e, em seguida, foram detectados seus equivalentes terminológicos. Este estudo resultou na criação do léxico bilíngue Espírito de Corpus. / [en] This study presents a thematic research in the Marine Corps area involving Terminology, Corpus-Based Translation Studies, Computational Terminology and Lexical Semantics. The objective of this research was to create a terminological material through a hybrid methodology of term extraction developed from tests with Automatic Term Extraction (ATE) tools. Thus, we sought to solve both translation problems related to the subarea of study and to the detection and validation of term candidates in a corpus. First, a pilot study was conducted aiming to analyze two tools – TermoStat Web 3.0 and AntConc 3.5.7. After the conduction of the tests through the analysis of a bilingual parallel corpus, the best conditions identified were selected to obtain an effective methodology of automatic extraction of terms allied to human analysis. Then, this methodology was used for the analysis of a comparable bilingual corpus. The term candidates automatically extracted were then validated by the Lexical Semantics criteria proposed by L Homme (2020) and their translation equivalents were detected. This study resulted in the creation of the bilingual lexicon Espírito de Corpus.

An assessment of student's English vocabulary levels and an exploration of the vocabulary profile of teacher's spoken discourse in an international high school

Creighton, Graham Robert 10 1900 (has links)
In many international schools where English is the language of learning and teaching there are large percentages of students whose first language is not English. Many of these students may have low vocabulary levels which inhibits their chances of taking full advantage of their education. Low vocabulary levels can be a particular problem for students in mainstream classes where fluent English speaking teachers are using English to teach content areas of Mathematics, Science and History. Not only do students have to comprehend the low-frequency, academic and technical vocabulary pertaining to the subject, but they also need to know the higher frequency vocabulary that makes up general English usage. If students’ vocabulary levels fall too far below the vocabulary levels with which their teachers are speaking, then their chance of comprehending the topic is small, as is their chance of succeeding in their subjects. This study has two broad aims. Firstly, I have set out to assess the English vocabulary levels of students at an international school where English is the language of learning and teaching. The majority of students at this school do not have English as their first language. The second aim of this study is to explore the vocabulary profile of the teachers’ spoken discourse at the research school. By gaining a better understanding of the nature of teacher discourse – specifically the percentage of high, mid and low-frequency vocabulary, as well as academic vocabulary that they use – English as a Second Language (ESL) teachers will be in a stronger position to identify what the vocabulary learning task is and be able to assist students in reaching the vocabulary levels necessary to make sense of their lessons. This study revealed a large gap between the generally low vocabulary levels of ESL students and the vocabulary levels spoken by their teachers. As a result the need for explicit vocabulary instruction and learning is shown to be very important in English medium (international) schools, where there are large numbers of students whose first language is not English. / Linguistics and Modern Languages / M.A. (Applied Linguistics)

Кулинарска терминологија Војводине / Kulinarska terminologija Vojvodine / Culinary terminology of Vojvodina

Mirilov Ružica 27 September 2016 (has links)
<p>Кулинарска лексика уопште, као и<br />кулинарска лексика Војводине није до сада<br />детаљније са лексичко семантичког и<br />творбеног аспекта обрађивана (осим у<br />појединим приказима наших дијелектолога и<br />лексикографа), али је свакако она (не у<br />потпуности) део српских важнијих<br />дијалекатских речника (Од Вукова до<br />Речника српских говора Војводине) и<br />речника општег типа.<br />У истраживачком раду је примењена у нас<br />одомаћена теорија семантичких поља руског<br />етнолингвисте Никите Толстоја. У лексичко<br />семантичкој и творбеној анализи као и у<br />лексикографској обради примењен је<br />дескриптивни, лингвогеографски и<br />компаративни метод.<br />Обрађено је шеснаест семантичких поља:<br />Намирнице, Оброци, Припремање хране,<br />Зимница, Млеко , млечни производи и јела<br />од млека, Супе и чорбе, Јела од теста,<br />Јела од јаја, Јела од меса, Месне<br />прерађевине, Врсте меса и делови, Умаци,<br />Јела од поврћа, Колачи, слаткиши, Пића,<br />Јела приликом разних светковина.<br />Материјал је и лексикографски уобличен, а<br />потом картографисан.</p> / <p>Kulinarska leksika uopšte, kao i<br />kulinarska leksika Vojvodine nije do sada<br />detaljnije sa leksičko semantičkog i<br />tvorbenog aspekta obrađivana (osim u<br />pojedinim prikazima naših dijelektologa i<br />leksikografa), ali je svakako ona (ne u<br />potpunosti) deo srpskih važnijih<br />dijalekatskih rečnika (Od Vukova do<br />Rečnika srpskih govora Vojvodine) i<br />rečnika opšteg tipa.<br />U istraživačkom radu je primenjena u nas<br />odomaćena teorija semantičkih polja ruskog<br />etnolingviste Nikite Tolstoja. U leksičko<br />semantičkoj i tvorbenoj analizi kao i u<br />leksikografskoj obradi primenjen je<br />deskriptivni, lingvogeografski i<br />komparativni metod.<br />Obrađeno je šesnaest semantičkih polja:<br />Namirnice, Obroci, Pripremanje hrane,<br />Zimnica, Mleko , mlečni proizvodi i jela<br />od mleka, Supe i čorbe, Jela od testa,<br />Jela od jaja, Jela od mesa, Mesne<br />prerađevine, Vrste mesa i delovi, Umaci,<br />Jela od povrća, Kolači, slatkiši, Pića,<br />Jela prilikom raznih svetkovina.<br />Materijal je i leksikografski uobličen, a<br />potom kartografisan.</p> / <p>Culinary lexicon as such, as well as the<br />culinary lexicon of Vojvodina Region has so far<br />not been systematically examined in the lexicosemantic<br />and word-formation aspect (except for<br />some reviews of our dialectologists and lexicographers). However, it is (yet not</p><p>completely) a part of some major Serbian<br />dialect dictionaries (from Rječnik, a dictionary<br />by Vuk Stefanović Karadžić to Dictionary of<br />Serbian Vojvodina Speech) as well as the<br />range of general dictionaries.<br />The research implied the semantic field<br />theory developed by Russian ethno-linguist<br />Nikita Tolstoy, which is commonly applied<br />approach in our region. Lexico-semantic and<br />word-formation analysis as well as<br />lexicographic processing were performed<br />applying descriptive and linguo-geographic<br />methods.<br />Sixteen semantic fields were analyzed:<br />Foodstuffs; Meals; Food Preparation; Winter<br />Stores; Milk; Dairy Products and Dishes; Soups<br />and Stocks; Pasta and Savory Dishes; Egg<br />Dishes; Meat Dishes; Meat Products; Meat<br />Types and Cuts; Sauces; Vegetable Dishes;<br />Cakes, Cookies and Sweets; Drinks and<br />Beverages; Festive Foods. The material was<br />lexicographically edited and cartographed.</p>

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