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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

警察主管工作壓力與生活適應之研究 / The study of the work pressure and the life adaptation of police supervisors : the example of New Taipei City police department

吳銜禎 Unknown Date (has links)
工作壓力迄今已然成為現代人壓力的主要來源,尤以警察工作性質特殊,在執法過程中,經常面臨緊張的壓力情境,諸多研究及案例報導均已證實,長期累積的工作壓力對於警察人員負面影響至鉅,如何從生活適應層面去調節工作壓力,為值得深入探究之議題。 因此,本研究旨在探討警察主管工作壓力與工作、家庭及休閒生活適應之情形。在方法上,採用深度訪談法,選取新北市政府警察局12位現職男性警察主管進行訪談。 經由訪談結果分析,警察主管在工作壓力與工作、家庭、休閒生活適應等面向之情形,發現如下: (一)主管工作,壓力來源多元:績效要求、內部管理、民代關說、媒體報導及為民服務等,為警察主管感受甚深的壓力來源。 (二)工作壓力,身心負荷至鉅:睡眠品質不良、焦慮、情緒緊張及愧疚感等,顯見工作壓力對警察主管身心產生莫大的影響。 (三)工作績效,有賴團隊合作:警察主管於公幫助同仁解決工作問題,於私舉辦聚會活動,使整體士氣高昂,共創工作績效。 (四)遇有困境,調整心態適應:身處逆境之際,多數警察主管都能轉換心態,適應環境的轉變,或以退為進,蓄積實力。 (五)工作努力,也要兼顧家庭:警察主管雖戮力從公,也多能把握時間經營自己的家庭生活,以彌補平時對家庭照顧的不足。 (六)家人支持,最佳舒緩作用:家人的支持,對警察主管而言,在調節工作壓力及面對工作挑戰,提供了最佳的舒緩作用。 (七)休閒阻礙,常因公務牽絆:警察主管因工作繁重、輪班制度、掛心公事、以及意志不堅等,導致無法專心或參與休閒活動。 (八)從事休閒,達到紓壓效果:警察主管透過休閒活動參與,達到放鬆身心,紓解壓力的效果。 最後,依據本研究發現提出幾項建議:(一)與時俱進,檢討績效評比;(二)固守本業,回歸主要任務;(三)新血招募,增加心理測驗;(四)在職訓練,活絡講習內容;(五)系統規劃,講求工作效率;(六)各種活動,邀請眷屬參加;(七)薪資加給,視情酌予提升;(八)休閒參與,抒解工作壓力;(九)發揮創意,改造工作環境。 / Nowadays, work pressure has become the main pressure source for people in modern times, especially for police supervisors due to their special job nature. During the on-duty process, they are often faced with tense situation. It has been verified by many researches and case reports that long-term accumulated work pressure may make a great negative influence on the police supervisors. Therefore, how to adjust work pressure from life adaptation is a subject worthy of in-depth exploration. The study is aimed at discussing the situation of police supervisors’ work pressure, work, family and leisure life adaptation. Taking in-depth interview method, it interviewed 12 male police supervisors in service in the New Taipei City Police Department. It is found from the interview result analysis that the situation of the police supervisors’ work pressure, work, family and leisure life adaptation are shown as follows: 1. For the work of supervisors, the pressure sources are diverse: performance requirement, internal management, lobbying activities, media reports and service for people are the main pressure sources of police supervisors. 2. Heavy mental and physical load caused by work pressure: poor sleep quality, anxiety, intense emotion and sense of guilt. It indicates the work pressure can make big influence on police supervisors’ mind and body. 3. Work performance depends on teamwork. Publicly, police supervisors can help colleagues deal with work problems. Privately, they hold a party to improve the whole morale and create work performance together. 4. Adjust mentality adaptation in trouble: When in trouble, most police supervisors can change their mentality and adapt to the environment changes or retreat for the sake of advancing and accumulate strength. 5. Consider family while working hard: Though police supervisors make efforts on work, they should grasp time to manage their family life and make up their insufficient concern on family. 6. Family support has the best pressure relief effect. To police supervisors, family support can provide the best pressure relief effect in adjusting work pressure and facing work challenge. 7. Leisure disrupted by work: Police supervisors cannot focus on or participate in leisure activities because of busy work, job rotation, concern about work and weak determination, etc. 8. Relieve pressure by leisure: Police supervisors participate in leisure activities to relax mentally and physically and relieve pressure. Finally, the study proposes some suggestions based on the research findings: 1. advance with the times and review performance appraisal; 2. hold fast to the work and go back to the major task; 3. recruit new blood and add psychological test; 4. in-service training and lecture content diversification; 5. systematical planning and emphasis on efficiency; 6. invite family dependants to take part in various activities; 7. proper salary raise and promotion; 8. leisure participation for work pressure relief; 9. develop creativity and change work environment.

Analyses of Junior High School Students' Online Gaming Experiences and its Relationship with Self-concept, Life Adaptation and Well-being

Huang, Kai-Lin 06 July 2010 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to explore the junior high school students' online gaming experiences and its relationship with self-concept, life adaptation and well-being. The data was collected by means of questionnaires, and the participants were junior high school students in Kaohsiung area. The employed instruments were to reorganize questionnaires of other people. A questionnaire including basic data, scale of online game experiences, scale of online game participation motive, scale of self-concept, scale of life adaptation, and scale of well-being was implied to the studnets of 10 junior high schools in Kaohsiung area and 887 effecitve paritcipants were obtained. Finally, the data was analyzed with the methods of Chi-square test, Independent t-test, MANOVA, Multiple Regression Analysis. The results of this study were as following: 1. At present, 68.5% of junior high students participate in online games. Among them, most students choose to play free online games at home. 2. In the online gaming participation rate, player experiences, everyday average time of playing online games and participation motive, boys are significantly higher than girls. 3. Parents don¡¦t restrict children to play online games, and then children spend longer time playing online games and the motive in playing online games is stronger. 4. Compared with the non-experience, students who have online gaming experiences have poor ¡§family self¡¨, but have better ¡§physical self¡¨. 5. Compared with students of having online gaming experiences, students who don¡¦t have online gaming experience have better ¡§life adaptation¡¨. 6. ¡§Self-assurance¡¨ dimensions, ¡§social interaction¡¨ dimensions and ¡§recreation amusement ¡§ dimensions of the online gaming participation motive toward self-concept, life adaptation and well-being are low explanation. That shows other important factors need exploring. Finally, some practical suggestions based on the results of this study were provided to those related education organizations, teachers, parents, and researchers as the references in the future.

職業婦女與家庭主婦子女之學業成就、生活適應之比較研究 / The academic achievement and life adaptation of working and non- working mothers.

陳姿秀, Chen, Z-Xiu Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討母親就業與否是否對孩子的學業成就、生活適應產生不同 的影響。研究目的有三,(1)探討母親就業與否與孩子學業成就之關係,及 此關係是否受其他中介因素之影響。(2)探討母親就業與否與孩子生活適 應之關係,及此關係是否受其他中介因素之影響(3)探討國中生生活適應與 學業成就之關係。本研究採問卷調查法,抽取台北市七所國中二十個班為 研究對象,經篩選後七所學校二十班學生中符合受試條件者,合計共有226 名,這些學生及其母親組成本研究之樣本。研究工具包括孩子方面的學生 基本資料調查表及國中生生活適應問卷,和母親方面的基本資料調查表、 社會支持問卷及角色態度傾向問卷。


黃金島, HUANG, JIN-DAO Unknown Date (has links)
本研究的目的是想了解非在學的肢體殘障者(以下簡稱肢殘者)之身體心像、自我概 念、歸因組型及生活適應的情形,並探討影響生活適應的因素。研究工具為研究者自 編之「身體心像量表」、「自我概念量表」、「生活適應量表」,以及擷自洪光遠、 楊國樞的一般成敗事件的「歸因量表」,經預試分析後刪題所得之各量表的內部一致 性頗高。 正式施測時實得349 份有效樣本,研究工具是上述預試分析後刪題所得之量表,使用 的統計分析方法包括次數分配、皮爾森相關分析、多元逐步迴歸分析,以及二因子變 異數分析。研究結果發現:肢殘者之身體心像、自我概念及生活適應間彼此的相關值 達顯著水準,顯示身體心像較好的肢殘者,其自我概念、生活適應也較佳,有工作或 收入的肢殘者,其身體心像、自我概念及生活適應較好,但歸因組型則無一致性差異 ;自我概念與身體心像對生活適應的解釋變異量共達61%,但八種歸因組型對生活適 應並無預測力;女性肢殘者對成敗事件較持自責、宿命的觀點;以高、低身體心像及 2×2變異數分結果顯示,身體心像與自我概念間並無交互作用存在。 研究者建議肢殘者應接受肢殘的事實,建立清晰及良好的自我概念,並多方充實工作 相關的知識及技能,對於成敗事件不再僅是做自責、命運的歸因,而社會上應儘量提 供無障礙環境,並一視同仁地對待肢殘者。

弱勢幼兒就學準備度及其日後學習成就之探討 / A study of high risk children's school readiness and later achievement

賴涵婷, Lai, Han Ting Unknown Date (has links)
本研究主要透過回溯方式探究幼兒弱勢因素、家庭社經、學前經驗、家長參與對幼兒就學準備度之影響;另,探究就學準備度對日後學習成就之影響及就學準備度對日後學習成就預測之重要領域能力,並比較弱勢及非弱勢幼兒之差異。 本研究透過問卷調查法,以弱勢幼兒為主要探究對象,以立意取樣方式選取南投縣草屯鎮及信義鄉352位三年級學童樣本回收率為71%。將教育弱勢幼兒定義為:偏遠地區、原住民、新移民子女及中低收入戶,樣本中弱勢學童占60.8%。研究工具分為三部分:(一)學童一、二及三年級學業成績,其中一年級學業成績採計五科作為就學準備度五領域之替代指標;二年級及三年級上學期成績則作為幼兒日後學習成就短及長期之替代指標。(二)兒童自評之生活適應問卷作為長期學習成就之另一替代指標。(三)透過自編之幼兒背景問卷、幼兒及小學時期家長問卷了解幼兒之基本資料及家長參與情形。本研究所使用的統計方法包含:描述性統計、交叉表分析、卡方分析、Pearson相關分析、T檢定、單因子變異數分析、線性迴歸及多元階層迴歸分析。 研究主要結論如下:(一) 弱勢因素對幼兒就學準備度有顯著之負項影響其影響可延伸至小學三年級。(二) 曾就讀幼兒園、就讀私立幼兒園對幼兒就學準備度及其日後學習成就有顯著正向影響,其影響可延伸至三年級。(三) 家庭社經、家長參與對幼兒就學準備度及其日後學習成就有顯著正向影響。(四) 就學準備度及學前因素為影響就學準備度之主要因素;弱勢因素及就學準備度為影響幼兒就學準備度及幼兒日後學習成就之主要因素。(五)弱勢幼兒就學準備度對日後短期及長期學習成就之預測力,較非弱勢幼兒高。(六) 弱勢幼兒就學準備度之數學及語文領域能力,能有效預測其日後二年級及三年級上學期之整體學業表現。(七) 非弱勢幼兒之幼兒就學準備度數學及語文領域能有效預測其二年級上學期之整體學業表現。 / The main purpose of this study is trying to figure out how disadvantaged factors, family Social Status, preschool experience and parental involvement will affect children’s school readiness and their later achievement. And try to find the connection between school readiness and later achievement, looking for the important school readiness area that can predict later achievement. Also try to compare the difference of above answers between disadvantaged and advantaged children’s. Ex-post-factor research and questionnaires investigate are used. Using purposive sampling, choosing Sinyi and Caotun 2 township of Nantou County, 352 3rd grade student are involved, and Effective response rate is 71%.There are 60.8%of sample are educational disadvantaged student. 3 main research tools are used:1. 1st grade’s academic score of 5 subject are using as the substitutes of school readiness performance;2nd grade’s academic score of all subject as substitutes of short-turn later achievement; 3nd grade’s academic score of all subject as substitutes of long-turn later achievement. 2. A children answered life adaptation questionnaire as another substitutes of long-turn later achievement.3. Using a self-edited student background and 2 parental involvement questionnaires. Data were analyzed by descriptive analysis, Crosstabs, Chi-square test, Pearson’s product-moment correlation, Spearman's rank correlation, t-test, linear regression, and multiple hierarchical regression analysis. The main finding of the study: 1. Disadvantaged factors have negative effects toward children’s school readiness and their later achievement. 2. Having the experience of preschool and going to private preschools have positive effects toward children’s school readiness and their later achievement. 3. Family social status and parental involvement have positive effects toward children’s school readiness and their later achievement. 4. Disadvantaged and preschool factors can and strongly predict children’s school readiness; disadvantaged factors and school readiness can strongly predict children’s later achievements. 5. School readiness can effectively predicts short and long-turn later achievements, and the effect is more significant on disadvantaged children. 6. Disadvantaged children’s school readiness of math and reading can strongly predict their short and long-turn later achievements. 7. Advantaged children’s school readiness math and reading can strongly predict their short-turn later achievements.

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