Spelling suggestions: "subject:"lifescience"" "subject:"biogeoscience""
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Synthèse de sondes moléculaires pour l'imagerie multimodale et multi-échelle appliquée en science du vivant / Molecular probes synthesis for multimodal and multi-scale imaging in life scienceVorng, Jean-luc 16 December 2013 (has links)
Les travaux décrits dans ce mémoire ont pour objectif d'imager des cellules par des techniques d'imagerie complémentaires à la spectroscopie de fluorescence : la micro-spectroscopie Raman et l'imagerie NanoSIMS. Le présent manuscrit se divise en quatre chapitres et présente les différents aspects menant à la mise en place de ce projet. Le premier chapitre du manuscrit a pour but de positionner le projet d'un point de vue biologique. Ce chapitre présente l'organite que nous souhaitions marquer, le nucléole, et la façon dont nous avons procédé à sa localisation par l'intermédiaire de sondes moléculaires. Le marquage que nous avons choisi est un immuno-marquage indirect faisant intervenir deux anticorps : un anticorps primaire spécifique à la nucléophosmine, protéine majoritairement présente dans le nucléole et un anticorps secondaire, reconnaissant l'anticorps primaire, marqué par une sonde moléculaire d'intérêt. Ce chapitre a également permis de montrer par une analyse en immunofluorescence l'absence d'interférence des sondes moléculaires dans le cadre de ce marquage. Le second chapitre se focalise sur la synthèse des sondes moléculaires permettant le marquage des anticorps secondaires. Les sondes envisagées pour ce marquage possèdent un groupement ester de succinimide réactif capable de "s'accrocher" de manière covalente aux fonctions amines de l'anticorps secondaire et un ou plusieurs groupements fonctionnels visible par la technique d'imagerie voulue. Trois catégories de sondes ont été préparées et dépendent de la technique d'imagerie employée. Les sondes Raman comportant une triple liaison carbone-carbone visible par cette technique, les sondes NanoSIMS dont l'acquisition d'image sera possible par les halogènes présents dans la structure et les sondes bimodales comportant les deux éléments dans la même structure. Les sondes bimodales sont obtenues par le couplage pallado-catalysé de Sonogashira. Dans la dernière partie du chapitre, une nouvelle série de sonde a été envisagée dans le cadre d'une application future : le marquage de l'ATP-ϒ-SH grâce à une fonction mésylate. Les deux derniers chapitres ont pour but de mettre en application tout ce qui a été présenté dans les chapitres précédents. Les deux techniques employées permettent d'accéder à des types d'informations différentes : la spectroscopie Raman donne accès aux modes de vibrations d'une molécule tandis que l'imagerie NanoSIMS permet d'obtenir des informations élémentaires et isotopiques. Nous présenterons le cheminement suivi pour imager des cellules via leurs constituants par micro-spectroscopie Raman et imagerie NanoSIMS via les sondes moléculaires introduites. / Life sciences imaging are widely used for different applications, they are interested in medical diagnosis as well as basic research. In cells biology, fluorescence microscopy is mainly used for organelles observation at sub-cellular scale. However, techniques based on fluorescence phenomena are limited by some drawbacks like technical resolution, fluorescent dye degradation and the number of channels, which can be visualized. In this context, the exploration and the development of new way for image acquisition are considered as an experimental and technical scientific challenge. Furthermore, it can lead to complementary technique to fluorescence microscopy.This PhD thesis is a life science imaging project development and application allowing image acquisition base on molecular vibrations phenomena and elementary analysis in cells. Two techniques have been chosen in relation to both specificity: micro Raman spectroscopy and NanoSIMS imaging. Micro Raman spectroscopy allows the observation of molecular vibration mode at micron scale and NanoSIMS leads to elementary and isotopic sample information at sub-micronic scale. Combination of both techniques will lead to multi-scale and multi-modal imaging of biological samples. Molecular probes designing and synthesis for both techniques were used to visualize an organelle inside the nucleus: the nucleolus. Nucleolus has a key role in ribosomal RNA transcription and researchers shows some interest in the study of this organelle for his multifunctional role like ribosome biogenesis and nuclear organization. An immuno-labelling method combine with the introduction of molecular probes will allow nucleolus imaging by micro-Raman spectroscopy and NanoSIMS spectrometry. This immuno-labelling is specific to a phosphoprotein mainly localized inside the nucleolus: the nucleophosmin (NPM). In this project, the introduction of molecular probes in an immuno-labelling will act as a Raman Tag or a NanoSIMS tag for NPM's nucleolus observation and studies.This work at the interface between different fields: chemistry, biology and physics shows all the aspect of this project starting from molecular probes synthesis, immuno-labelling methods uses to direct application of both Raman and NanoSIMS techniques.
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MAGPIE: Simplifying access and execution of computational models in the life sciencesBaldow, Christoph, Salentin, Sebastian, Schroeder, Michael, Roeder, Ingo, Glauche, Ingmar 06 June 2018 (has links)
Over the past decades, quantitative methods linking theory and observation became increasingly important in many areas of life science. Subsequently, a large number of mathematical and computational models has been developed. The BioModels database alone lists more than 140,000 Systems Biology Markup Language (SBML) models. However, while the exchange within specific model classes has been supported by standardisation and database efforts, the generic application and especially the re-use of models is still limited by practical issues such as easy and straight forward model execution. MAGPIE, a Modeling and Analysis Generic Platform with Integrated Evaluation, closes this gap by providing a software platform for both, publishing and executing computational models without restrictions on the programming language, thereby combining a maximum on flexibility for programmers with easy handling for non-technical users. MAGPIE goes beyond classical SBML platforms by including all models, independent of the underlying programming language, ranging from simple script models to complex data integration and computations. We demonstrate the versatility of MAGPIE using four prototypic example cases. We also outline the potential of MAGPIE to improve transparency and reproducibility of computational models in life sciences. A demo server is available at magpie.imb.medizin.tu-dresden.de.
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An evaluation of the teaching of evolution in selected grade 10 classrooms in Namibia / An evaluation of the teaching of evolution in selected grade ten classrooms in NamibiaShingenge, Mikal 01 1900 (has links)
The purpose of the study was to evaluate the teaching of evolution in selected grade 10 classrooms in Namibia. Some teachers from Oshikoto region in Onyaanya circuit have indicated the difficulties they have encountered when teaching the topic in Life Science of Namibian curriculum. Moreover, the teaching of evolution has a great practical value for student directly or indirectly, evolutionary biology has made many contributions to society. An understanding of evolution is essential in finding and using natural resources and it will be indispensable to establish sustainable relationship with the natural environment.
Specifically, this study examined a set of variables including teachers’ understanding of evolution. The data were collected from Life Science teachers through administration of evolution content knowledge. Qualitative case study approach was employed. The population comprised of three Life Science grade 10 teachers from three schools. Three teachers were selected by using a purposive sampling technique. The sampling technique was chosen because is relevant to the conceptual framework and the research questions addressed by the research.
The qualitative research was executed by applying the phenomenological method. Mason (2012) claims that: “qualitative research is used when the research wishes to understand meanings, beliefs and values”. The study was drawn from the theory of social constructivism theory by Vygotsky, 1978. According to Vygotsky, (1978) “much important learning by the child occurs through social interaction with a skilful tutor”. The researcher collected qualitative data by means of classroom observations and semi-structured I with three Life Science teachers from three different schools. The following research questions were attempt to be answered: What is the nature of teacher’s content knowledge on evolution teaching in grade 10?
What is the nature of teachers’ instructional strategies during evolution teaching? How does the teachers’ content knowledge and instructional strategies shape the teacher’s interactions and discourse? The collected data was analysed using Classroom Practice Diagnostic Framework (CPDF). Participants used their teaching experiences to teach evolution. This study indicated a lack of content knowledge among teachers and teaching and learning resources at schools. It is recommended that the Ministry of Education allocate enough textbook funds to regions to cater for every learner’s textbook. Life Science education officer should collaborate with biology education officer to organise a workshop for Life Science teacher in their region. The workshop will equip teachers with more information on evolution and will help in the improvement of learners’ performances. / Science and Technology Education / M. Ed. (Natural Science Education)
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Pressure-based clog detection in SPE-columnsJohansson, Elias January 2021 (has links)
The concept of integrated sensors in the Biotage® Extrahera™ system to perform live-monitoring of pressure inside SPE-columns is investigated. A test-rig containing the components necessary to simulate the pressure-cycle in the system is constructed and a printed-circuit board assembly is designed and implemented into its 24-column format. Liquid samples with varying viscosity are then synthesized using water and glycerol, which are used in a simplified 2-step SPE-process during which the pressure inside the columns is logged. The results obtained showed that the concept is viable and methods for clog detection as well as state assessment are discussed. However, it was established that the solution needs further testing involving complete SPE-processes with real samples before any detailed algorithms can be presented. A pre-study is finally done regarding solutions for minimizing the design to allow for implementation into the system's more spatially restricted 96-column format.
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Unsterbliche Sterbliche: Zum erzählerischen Umgang mit ewigem Leben im DiesseitsHoffmann, Viktor 08 September 2022 (has links)
Who wants to live forever? Jeder. Keiner.
Die Suche nach irdischer Unsterblichkeit ist als Gegenstand von Erzählung so alt wie das Erzählen selbst: Seit Anbeginn der Überlieferung bildet diese Suche einen zentralen Stoff menschlicher Fantasie, der sich bis in die aktuellen Formen auch audiovisuellen Erzählens fortgesetzt hat. Ihre Narrative begleiten dabei ein ganz reales Streben um die Verlängerung des Lebens, das sich vom Okkultem zum Religiösen, vom Magischen zum Wissenschaftlichen und bis in die rezenten Life-Science des Silicon Valley an immer neue Kontexte zu heften verstand.
Dem Wechselspiel beider Sphären widmet sich die vorliegende Arbeit: Sie verfolgt, wie sich im fortlaufenden Gespräch über die Unsterblichkeit Legenden und Beobachtungen, Geschichten und Untersuchungen, Visionen und Studien, kurz Fiktion und Forschung annähern. Gerade an der entstehenden Schnittstelle kann Erzählung ihr ganzes Potential entfalten: Wo sie zum Simulationsraum einzig in der Fiktion durchzuspielender Phänomene wird, da ist ihr Zugang exklusiv. Ihre Unsterblichen stecken den Rahmen für ein zukünftiges Operieren mit realen Lebensverlängerungsangeboten ab. Ihre Aushandlung von Unsterblichkeit generiert Deutungsangebote, die mit Philosophie, Publizistik und auch Naturwissenschaft um die Legitimität auch einer Interpretation bereits gegenwärtiger Konflikte konkurrieren.:1. Der Wunsch nach ewigem Leben 5
2. Konzepte der Unsterblichkeit 16
2.1 ›Der unsterbliche Sterbliche‹ 19
2.2 Gegenbilder – Weitere Unsterblichkeitskonzepte 22
2.3 Zwischenfazit 33
3. Tücken der Unsterblichkeit 36
3.1 Der Horizont der Religion 37
3.1.1 Unsterblichkeit im antiken Mythos 37
3.1.2 Abrahamitische Legenden – Der wandernde Jude und Al Chadhir 46
3.2 Vom Glaubensrahmen zum Erzählexperiment 64
3.2.1 Aufklärung über die Ewigkeit – Jonathan Swifts »Struldbruggs« 64
3.2.2 Provokation und Ermächtigung – Robert Maturins »Melmoth der Wanderer« und Mary Shelleys
»Der sterbliche Unsterbliche« 72
3.2.3 Philosophie der Ewigkeit – Karel Čapeks »Die Sache Makropulos« 82
3.2.4 Die ewige Wiederkehr – Simone de Beauvoirs
»Alle Menschen sind sterblich« 91
3.3 Moderne Fantasy – Die Elben des Tolkien-Universums 107
4. Trotz und Trost 118
5. Life-Science und third culture: Fortschritte zur Unsterblichkeit? 127
5.1 Eine Alternative zum Tod? 129
5.2 Annäherungen an die Unsterblichkeit 139
5.3 Mediale Inszenierungen des Lebensquells 153
5.4 Die neuen Herren des Todes 159
6. Narrative Reflexionen des Fortschritts – Neue Tücken der Unsterblichkeit 172
6.1 Leib, Seele, Identität 179
6.2 Distribution und Apartheit 195
6.3 Überbevölkerung 209
6.4 Gerontokratie 219
6.5 Stagnation 228
7. Vision und Warnung 237
8. Popularisierung und Medien 248
8.1 Trost und Trotz im Bild 252
8.2 Vision und Warnung im Bild 263
8.3 Transfer in weitere Erzählräume – Anime, Graphic Novel, Kinderbuch, Gaming 281
9. Fazit 296
10. Quellen- und Literaturverzeichnis 307
10.1 Erzählungen 307
10.1.1 Literatur 307
10.1.2 Audiovisuelles 312
10.2 Forschung und Forschungsquellen 316
10.2.1 Kulturwissenschaft 316
10.2.2 Philosophie 334
10.2.3 Life-Science 342
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Invertebrate Diversity: An Individualized Programme for Life Science / Invertebrate diversity: An individualized programme / Invertebrate diversityCurtis, Barry 01 1900 (has links)
Educational changes in Ontario, initiated by the Hall-Dennis Report, resulted in a public perception of declining educational standards in the 1970's. Ministry of Education Guidelines, which were implemented in an attempt to remedy this, created a major disruption in our grade nine and ten science programmes.
The grade ten Life Science course had become fragmented and the classes polarized between bright and slow students. Traditional teaching methods were no longer functioning well and, as a result, students were poorly motivated.
In this project, the Life Science curriculum is restructured to improve continuity of subject matter and student motivation. The major innovation is an individualized unit on invertebrate diversity. This modular unit is designed for self-paced mastery learning. The six modules of this unit are based on the Personalized System of Instruction (P.S.I.). Optional activities are incorporated into each module to challenge and motivate industrious students.
The means of evaluation of the new curriculum unit are outlined and various criteria for the success of the project are specified. / None / Master's of Science in Teaching (MST)
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The Development and Validation of the Middle School-Life Science Concept Inventory (MS-LSCI) Using Rasch AnalysisStammen, Andria 10 August 2018 (has links)
No description available.
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Ontwikkeling en implementering van 'n lewenskunde kurrikulum vir biologie in die sekondere skool / The development and implementation of a life-science curriculum for Biology in the secondary schoolVan Vollenstee, Thelma 11 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / An increase in information accompanied by scientific and technological development necessitates the re-evaluation of the present Biology Curriculum, as the curriculum does not meet the demands of the community.
An analysis of the above-mentioned problem reveals the structure and principles of Biology as a subject and the bio-ethic factors which to a larger extend influence man's values as technology and information change.
By means of a literature study and personal interviews the development and design of a lifescience
curriculum for Biology is formulated. Within this, several aspects concerning the teaching of a lifescience Biology Curriculum will be discussed. Important methods and strategies required for the successful teaching of Biology include a process approach, a constructivism approach, demonstration, discovery, reflective and metalearning,
practical work, discussions and co-operative learning methods. The successful teaching of Biology, however, goes hand in hand with effective preservice and inservice training of Biology teachers. / lnformasievermeerdering gepaardgaande met wetenskaplike en tegnologiese ontwikkeling noodsaak 'n herevaluering van die huidige Biologiekurrikulum aangesien die kurrikulum nie voldoen aan die eise en behoeftes van die gemeenskap nie. Ter ontleding van bogenoemde probleem, word die struktuur en grondslae van Biologie as vak en die bio-etiese faktore wat toenemend die mens se waardedimensie beinvloed, namate die tegnologie en inligting verander, bespreek. Deur middel van 'n literatuurstudie en persoonlike onderhoude word die ontwikkeling en ontwerp van 'n Lewenskunde Biologiekurrikulum uiteengesit. Hieruit sal verskeie aspekte rakende die onderrig van 'n Lewenskunde Biologiekurrikulum bespreek word. Belangrike metodes en strategiee wat vir suksesvolle Biologie-onderrig benodig word, sluit die prosesbenadering, 'n konstruktivistiese benadering, demonstrasie-, ontdekkende -, reflektiewe - en metaleer, praktiese werk, besprekings- en kooperatiewe leermetodes in.
Die sukses van Biologie-onderrig gaan egter hand-aan-hand met effektiewe voordiens- en indiensopleiding van Biologie-onderwysers. / Curriculum and Instructional Studies / M. Ed. (Didaktiek)
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Development of competence in biochemical experimental work : Assessment of complex learning at university levelBergendahl, Christina January 2004 (has links)
<p>Biochemistry is part of life science: a fast developing multidisciplinary area. The overall aims of this thesis and the work underlying it were to find ways in which to develop competence in biochemistry at university level and to assess complex learning. A particular interest was the development of experimental work as a means to promote learning.</p><p>The study focuses on changes made in two educational settings. The aim of the changes was to develop competence, amongst both students and teachers. Therefore, the research in the three first papers has in some aspects, and to different extent, the characteristics of action research. Broadly, the changes can be described as making experiments more open, with multiple formative and authentic assessment methods involving both students and teachers. The empirical studies included questionnaires, interviews, questions asked during experimental work, written material as formulated objectives, examination questions and answers, reports, other products; and grades/judgements made by teachers and students. Collected data were analyzed in several different ways. Statistical methods included the use of mean values, paired T-tests, Spearman rank correlation coefficients and Principal Component Analysis. Interview data as well as some questionnaire data were analyzed using analytical induction techniques. Some categories were based on thematic content analysis, while others were based on Bloom’s taxonomy. Students’ attitude positions were categorized according to Perry’s framework. </p><p>The main results can be summarized as follows; </p><p>The students’ learning was improved by open ended versions of experimental work, according to both their and the researchers’ opinions. Planning, approaching problems from different perspectives and evaluating the results of their own experimental work promote the students’ capacity for higher order cognitive thinking. However, the synthesis level constitutes a threshold and particular support is needed for students with a more dualistic view of teaching, learning and experimental work. </p><p>Introducing formative and authentic assessment is a way to help students to make progress, and to develop competence. The importance was clearly demonstrated of involving both teachers and students in discussions of aims and criteria and of making them explicit. Feedback from teachers’ and students’ own reflective activities about subject content, and their learning as well as affective factors were shown to be central for complex learning. Based on our studies, areas were identified for the critical development of competence and for promoting learning in biochemistry at university level. These areas are; multidisciplinary and complex learning, communication skills of different types, metacognitive perspectives, attitude development, and affective factors. </p><p>The students see experimental work as crucial for their learning and therefore important in terms of assessment. Therefore, experimental work can and ought to be assessed. However, similarities and discrepancies were observed between students’ and teachers’ perspectives for both the aims and assessment of experimental work. Our conclusion is that a combination of assessment methods is needed in order to be able to make a high qualitative assessment.</p>
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Development of competence in biochemical experimental work : Assessment of complex learning at university levelBergendahl, Christina January 2004 (has links)
Biochemistry is part of life science: a fast developing multidisciplinary area. The overall aims of this thesis and the work underlying it were to find ways in which to develop competence in biochemistry at university level and to assess complex learning. A particular interest was the development of experimental work as a means to promote learning. The study focuses on changes made in two educational settings. The aim of the changes was to develop competence, amongst both students and teachers. Therefore, the research in the three first papers has in some aspects, and to different extent, the characteristics of action research. Broadly, the changes can be described as making experiments more open, with multiple formative and authentic assessment methods involving both students and teachers. The empirical studies included questionnaires, interviews, questions asked during experimental work, written material as formulated objectives, examination questions and answers, reports, other products; and grades/judgements made by teachers and students. Collected data were analyzed in several different ways. Statistical methods included the use of mean values, paired T-tests, Spearman rank correlation coefficients and Principal Component Analysis. Interview data as well as some questionnaire data were analyzed using analytical induction techniques. Some categories were based on thematic content analysis, while others were based on Bloom’s taxonomy. Students’ attitude positions were categorized according to Perry’s framework. The main results can be summarized as follows; The students’ learning was improved by open ended versions of experimental work, according to both their and the researchers’ opinions. Planning, approaching problems from different perspectives and evaluating the results of their own experimental work promote the students’ capacity for higher order cognitive thinking. However, the synthesis level constitutes a threshold and particular support is needed for students with a more dualistic view of teaching, learning and experimental work. Introducing formative and authentic assessment is a way to help students to make progress, and to develop competence. The importance was clearly demonstrated of involving both teachers and students in discussions of aims and criteria and of making them explicit. Feedback from teachers’ and students’ own reflective activities about subject content, and their learning as well as affective factors were shown to be central for complex learning. Based on our studies, areas were identified for the critical development of competence and for promoting learning in biochemistry at university level. These areas are; multidisciplinary and complex learning, communication skills of different types, metacognitive perspectives, attitude development, and affective factors. The students see experimental work as crucial for their learning and therefore important in terms of assessment. Therefore, experimental work can and ought to be assessed. However, similarities and discrepancies were observed between students’ and teachers’ perspectives for both the aims and assessment of experimental work. Our conclusion is that a combination of assessment methods is needed in order to be able to make a high qualitative assessment.
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