Spelling suggestions: "subject:"lifeworld."" "subject:"tifeworld.""
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Närståendes delaktighet inom psykiatrisk slutenvård : Ur ett livsvärldsperspektivBergström, Christina January 2006 (has links)
Today adult patients' relatives are seen as a resource in psychiatric care but few researchers have examined the lived experience of relatives' participation in psychiatric care. The aim of this study was to illuminate how mental health staff and relatives of adult patients experienced the relatives' participation in psychiatric care on hospital ward. The study was guided by a phenomenological approach and a lifeworld perspective. Data were collected through in-deep interviews with ten adult patients' relatives and three group-interviews with ten mental health carers from two hospitals in Sweden. The essence of the lived experience of relatives' participation in psychiatric care in hospital ward is described in the constituents: invitation to participate in psychiatric care; meet the staffs' care; to participate in own or others terms; bring the common everyday world with you; feel burden; participation a trip in time and space. The findings of the study show that the relation between the staff and the relatives are important for the relatives' participation in psychiatric care. The relatives' participation can alter from no participation to a meaningsful participation, from suffering to well-being. This study can help medical staff to understand relatives and their participation in a new way.
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Kvinnors upplevelser av att drabbas av bröstcancer : Från diagnos till behandling / Women's experiences of being diagnosed with breastcancer : From diagnosis to treatmentJönsson, Johanna, Paulsson, Johanna January 2009 (has links)
Bakgrund: Bröstcancer är den vanligaste cancerformen bland kvinnor i Sverige. Varje år drabbas cirka 7000 kvinnor. Det är därför viktigt att sjuksköterskan har kunskap om dessa kvinnors upplevelser. Syfte: Syftet var att beskriva kvinnors upplevelser av att drabbas av bröstcancer, från diagnos till behandling. Metod: En allmän litteraturstudie med induktiv innehållsanalys genomfördes. Resultat: Kvinnorna chockades av diagnosbeskedet och reagerade starkt känslomässigt. Bröstoperation och cellgiftsbehandling gav kvinnorna en känsla av att förlora sin kvinnlighet. Kvinnorna fick en ny syn på livet med nya prioriteringar. Stöd från närstående och sjukvårdspersonal var betydelsefullt och brist på detta upplevdes som en extra börda. Diskussion: Varje individ ser världen utifrån sitt eget perspektiv, så kallad livsvärld. Livsvärlden påverkade kvinnornas upplevelser av sjukdomen. Bristande stöd från personal kan bero på oförmåga att möta kvinnorna i deras livsvärld. Upplevelsen av förlusten av kvinnlighet kan bero på kvinnornas egna uppfattningar om kvinnlighet. Slutsats: Omvårdnaden bör fokusera på kvinnornas sjukdomsupplevelse. Detta kan uppnås genom att sjuksköterskan försöker möta kvinnorna i deras livsvärld. Sjuksköterskan bör också hjälpa kvinnorna att återigen uppnå en känsla av kvinnlighet. / Background: Breast cancer is the most common cancer among women in Sweden. Every year approximately 7000 women receive the diagnosis. Therefore it is im-portant that the nurse has knowledge of these women's experiences. Purpose: The purpose was to describe women's experiences of being diagnosed with breast cancer, from diagnosis to treatment. Method: A general literature review with inductive analysis was conducted. Results: Women were shocked by the diagnosis and reacted emotionally. Breast surgery and chemotherapy gave the women a sense of losing their femininity. They had new perspectives on life with new priorities. Support from relatives and professionals played an important role, lack of support became an extra burden. Discussion: Every individual sees the world from their own perspective, so-called lifeworld. The lifeworld affected the women's experiences of the disease. Lack of support from professionals may be due to the inability to meet the women in their lifeworlds. The feeling of lost femininity may depend on the women´s own perceptions of femininity. Conclusion: The nursing should focus on the women's experiences of illness. This might be achieved by nurses meeting the women in their lifeworlds. Nurses should also try to assist the women to re-establish a sense of femininity.
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Att vara partner till en patient med akut hjärtinfarktDimberg, Ingrid January 2006 (has links)
<p>Acute myocardial infarction is a serious diagnosis. Both the patient and the loved ones experience an immediate uncertainty. To be able to emotionally support the patient´s spouse, the nurse in the coronary care unit must be prepared to also encounter the world of the spouse. The aim of this study was from a nursing perspective to illuminate how life was experienced during the first two months by the spouse of someone, who was stricken by a first time acute myocardial infarction. Interviews with six spouses were conducted. The methodological approach was phenomenological-hermeneutic, based on the French philosopher Paul Riceour. The result of the qualitative text analysis showed four themes: To lose one´s foothold, To be exposed to the medical and nursing staff, To get a changed relationship to one´s partner, To wish to make the most of one´s life. The first theme highlighted the spouse’s strong feelings of uncertainty concerning the outcome of the patient. The second theme showed the spouse’s confidence in the medical care. It also showed the spouse’s sense of being insulted by the nurses, who did not acknowledge the spouses´ need of obtaining information and emotional support. The third theme demonstrated how the partner cared for and felt responsible for observing the former patient´s health condition. The fourth theme showed that the spouse realized that life has to come to an end and therefore wanted to realize his/her plans for the future before it was too late. The findings from this study emphasize the importance of the medical and nursing staff to show interest in the spouses´ experiences. Thereby the spouses can experience a support in congruence with their needs, and their life situation might thereby be improved. It would be of great interest to study how nurses regard the spouses´ life situation during the patients´ stay in hospital. Further research could also highlight which factors could minimize the sufferings of partners to seriously sick patients, regardless of the patients´ diagnosis.</p>
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Närståendes delaktighet inom psykiatrisk slutenvård : Ur ett livsvärldsperspektivBergström, Christina January 2006 (has links)
<p>Today adult patients' relatives are seen as a resource in psychiatric care but few researchers have examined the lived experience of relatives' participation in psychiatric care. The aim of this study was to illuminate how mental health staff and relatives of adult patients experienced the relatives' participation in psychiatric care on hospital ward.</p><p>The study was guided by a phenomenological approach and a lifeworld perspective. Data were collected through in-deep interviews with ten adult patients' relatives and three group-interviews with ten mental health carers from two hospitals in Sweden.</p><p>The essence of the lived experience of relatives' participation in psychiatric care in hospital ward is described in the constituents: invitation to participate in psychiatric care; meet the staffs' care; to participate in own or others terms; bring the common everyday world with you; feel burden; participation a trip in time and space. The findings of the study show that the relation between the staff and the relatives are important for the relatives' participation in psychiatric care. The relatives' participation can alter from no participation to a meaningsful participation, from suffering to well-being.</p><p>This study can help medical staff to understand relatives and their participation in a new way.</p>
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Livsvärlden hos den yngre kvinnan med urininkontinens: En intervjustudie om det dagliga livetNordlöf, Hanna, Mårtensson, Kajsa January 2015 (has links)
Syftet med studien var att beskriva det dagliga livet för yngre kvinnor med urininkontinens. Sju stycken kvinnor intervjuades och en öppen fråga ställdes för att få fram studiens syfte. Kvalitativ innehållsanalys genom Lundman & Hällgren Graneheim(2012) användes som analysmetod. Studiens resultat visade att urininkontinens förde med sig en rad konsekvenser för den unga kvinnan. I det dagliga livet innebar det att livet blev mindre aktivt och då var det främst påverkan på den fysiska aktiviteten kvinnorna tog upp och upplevde som ett problem. Upplevelsen att känna sig ensam, okvinnlig och mindre sexuellt attraktiv förekom och rädslan fanns ständigt där att läckaget skulle upptäckas. Kvinnan låg steget före och tänkte förebyggande genom att planlägga vart toaletter fanns, dricka minimalt och anpassa sin klädsel. Urininkontinens upplevdes svårt att prata om och var inget självklart som delades med sin närmaste familj eller vänner. Sammanfattningsvis blev konsekvenserna och anpassningarna att den unga kvinnan med urininkontinens levde i ständig beredskap i vardagen. / The aim of the study was to describe the daily lives of younger women with urinary incontinence. Seven women were interviewed and one open question was asked to produce the study's purpose. Qualitative content analysis by Hällgren Graneheim & Lundman (2012) was used as the analysis method. The study results showed that urinary incontinence entailed a number of consequences for the young woman. In daily life it meant that life became less active and then it was mainly the effect on the physical activity women took up and experienced as a problem. Experience to feel alone, unfeminine and less sexually attractive occurred and the fear was constantly there that the leakage could be detected. The woman thought prevention by designing their everyday lives. Urinary incontinence was experienced hard to talk about and were no obvious shared with their immediate family or friends. In summary, the consequences and the adjustments to the young woman with urinary incontinence lived in constant readiness in everyday life.
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Förberedd på att vara oförberedd : En fenomenologisk studie av vårdande bedömning och dess lärande i ambulanssjukvårdWireklint Sundström, Birgitta January 2005 (has links)
Wireklint Sundström, Birgitta, 2005. Prepared to be unprepared. A phenomeno-logical study of assessment with a caring approach and how it can be learned in the ambulance services.A focal point in this dissertation is that there is knowledge in the ambulance ser-vice that is experience-based, which has not always been made explicit, and that provides the foundation for the caregivers’ assessment of the patients and their needs for care. The first aim of the study was to describe and analyse the ambu-lance services with a focus on the phenomenon of assessment from the lifeworld perspective in the caring sciences. The second aim of the study was of an educa-tional nature where the object was to be able to draw conclusions about the learning process in the ambulance service in the light of the knowledge generat-ed by the empirical findings. Thus the aim was to create a synthesis consisting of didactic ideas that are based on the caring sciences and describing how assess-ment can be learnt and can support future caregivers in the ambulance services.Assessment in the ambulance service entails, on an overall level, having a natu-ral caring attitude that includes striving in two directions at the same time. These are that on the one hand the caregivers strive to bring order to that which is dis-ordered as soon as possible, to structure the unstructured, and in short define the indefinite in order to provide medical assistance. There is a need to quickly as-sess the patient’s condition and which measures are necessary. On the other hand the caregivers strive to let the indefinite wait a while in order to be able to meet the patient’s suffering. There is thus a desire to listen attentively to the individual patient.The essential meaning of assessment of patients in the ambulance services is that there are conflicting demands on assessment and care, which entails that the caregiver adapts him/herself to the prevailing care situation in a way that means being flexible and adaptable to the patient’s medical condition. The caregivers also have a flexibility and adaptability in relation to their colleague, which leads to a mutual interplay in the assessment. Assessment in the ambulance services also means that the caregivers are paradoxically prepared at the same time as be-ing unprepared, i.e. they are prepared for the unprepared. The assessment thus starts before the caregivers have reached the patient and the actual situation. Even if they “know” what awaits them, they do not really “know”. It becomes a dynamic struggle between on the one side the expectancy that feels certain and on the other the unknown in every new situation. The struggle contains a desire for control and effectiveness in a care practice full of surprises. / Kunskapscentrum PreHospen vid Högskolan i Borås, Institutionen för vårdvetenskap.
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Mångfald som demokratins utmaning : en studie av hur socialtjänsten som välfärdsbyråkrati och moralisk samhällsinstitutiion förstår och hanterar kulturell mångfaldBaianstovu, Rúna Í January 2012 (has links)
This dissertation deals with how Swedish society is confronting the democratic challenge of finding ways to integrate individuals and groups with a diversity of cultural and religious beliefs and social practices. The idea that democracy must include all members of society is central in contemporary welfare states. In Sweden this idea is closely related to a concept of social justice and equality. This means that this study deals with aspects of integration processes. Social services are one of the societal institutions that institutionalize the moral conceptions of how life should be lived. Therefore, its function in the integration processes mirrors the ethos of society as a whole. The chief characteristics of a democratic state are that it represents every member of society and that it is transparent, communicative, and reflexive. But this is not easily performed. The State may exercise oppression in the form of forced assimilation through the culturally detached design of law and policy, and with the politics of diversity, minority groups may exert internal oppression of vulnerable elements within the group. This tension expresses a tension that is called the Paradox of Democracy in this thesis. Social workers deal with the paradox while handling society’s moral panic regarding “others’” traditions that are perceived as difficult to comprehend. Therefore, their investigative work is of great importance in a society that aspires to treat all citizens as equals. But the framework for such investigations is narrow and tightly controlled. A qualitative change in the scope of social workers’ ability to work in the service of communicative action within the complex areas discussed in this study could be a step towards broadening and deepening democratic practices. When the public institutions take their clients’ diverse wishes and needs seriously, and treat them as indicators of the actual needs of members of society, the public institutions receive a foundation for reciprocal and communicatively anchored integration work.
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Fenomenet samtalsstöd för äldre : En fenomenologisk studie ur omsorgspersonalens perspektiv på särskilt boendeEwaldius, Hanna, Catolino, Olivia January 2014 (has links)
Research shows that supportive conversations with elderly who are living in nursing homes isrequested among care personnel, this to satisfy both older people's mental health and socialhealth. The care personnel try to offer the elderly supportive conversation to the extent theyare able to, but they are experiencing obstacles in terms of shortage of time, ignorance and aperceived ambiguity in their profession. The purpose of present study is to describe andanalyze the phenomenon of supportive conversation with elderly living in nursing homes,based on care personnel’s perspective. The study is based on qualitative interviews with thecare personnel working in special housing. The result is analyzed from a phenomenologicalperspective with the lifeworld theory and domain theory as basis. Further on, research is usedto describe and analyze the phenomenon. The results show that care personnel feel that thereis a need for supportive conversation for older people in special housing. However, they don’thave the opportunities to offer this because of shortage of time, lack of knowledge andambiguity about what is included in their work as care personnel. This contributes to theexperienced stress among care personnel and the feeling of inadequacy in their professionalcapacity, which results in a sense of not having the ability to give the elderly a good care. / Tidigare forskning visar att samtal för äldre på särskilda boenden är något som omsorgspersonal efterfrågar, för att tillgodose de äldres psykiska och sociala hälsa. Omsorgspersonalen försöker erbjuda de äldre samtal i den mån de kan, men de upplever hinder i form utav tidsbrist, okunskap och upplevd otydlighet beträffande dagens yrkesroll som omsorgspersonal. Syftet med föreliggande studie är att beskriva och analysera fenomenet samtalsstöd för äldre människor på särskilt boende, sett utifrån omsorgspersonalens perspektiv. Studien har genomförts med kvalitativa intervjuer med omsorgspersonal på särskilda boenden. Resultatet är analyserat ur ett fenomenologiskt perspektiv med utgångspunkt i livsvärldsteorin och domänteorin. Vidare används tidigare forskning för att beskriva och analysera fenomenet. Av resultatet framgår att omsorgspersonalen upplever att det finns behov av samtalsstöd för äldre på särskilt boende. De saknar dock möjligheten att erbjuda detta på grund av tidsbrist, brist på kunskap och oklarheter om vad som ingår i deras arbetsuppgifter som omsorgspersonal. Detta bidrar till att omsorgspersonalen upplever stress och känner sig otillräckliga i sin yrkesroll, vilket resulterar i en känsla av att inte ha möjligheten att ge den äldre en god omsorg.
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The Works of Jürgen Habermas: A Tool for Further Understanding the Theory and Practice of Restorative JusticeBarrett, Audrey Laurel 12 December 2011 (has links)
The theory of restorative justice has always lagged behind practice. As such, gaps in
theory have existed over time and continue to exist today, particularly in terms of
explaining “the magic” that occurs within the encounter process. By exploring the
theories of Jürgen Habermas, it is suggested that new frameworks can be developed that
can help theorists think about, and explain the experiences and outcomes central to
restorative processes. This paper focuses on Habermas’ theory of universal pragmatics
and communicative action as a means to better understand the mechanisms within the
encounter process, and the conditions necessary, to give rise to common understanding,
agreement, learning and strengthened relationships. It then examines Habermas’ concept
of the lifeworld and the interplay with communicative action to shed light on restorative
justice’s potential for community building through norm clarification, victim and
offender reintegration and increased individual capacity.
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Från datasal till en-till-en : En studie av lärares erfarenheter av digitala resurser i undervisningenPerselli, Ann-Katrin January 2014 (has links)
In this thesis a study upper secondary school teachers’ experiences from using digital resources is presented. The study was carried out in two upper secondary schools where the students had each recently been given their own laptop, a so-called one-to-one computer. The purpose of the study was to describe and analyse the teachers’ experiences of using digital resources in teaching. Four teachers, three men and one woman, from two upper secondary schools in a Swedish municipality, participated in the study. Empirical material was collected during autumn 2010 and spring 2012. The methods used in the collection were interviews and participatory observations, so-called go-along observations. The study’s theoretical approach has its foundation in phenomenological philosophy. In the result care, time and teachers’ lived experiences of didactic work emerge as important for the utilisation of digital resources in teaching. In the teaching, the teachers’ experiences and knowledge of their subjects, teaching, digital resources, and life experiences and knowledge seemed to interact. This interaction between experiences and knowledge is described in the study as lived experiences of didactic work. The study shows that teachers dealt with the new digital technology and designed learning environments for the students with the starting point of their lived experiences of didactic work and assumptions about the students’ interest for digital resources. The teachers’ care with relationship building and creation of trust and confidence was shown to have importance for how, and to what extent, digital resources could be used in teaching. Both similarities and differences in the teachers’ experiences of, and knowledge about, how teaching is carried out with one-to-one computers emerged in the study. Two of the teachers were more experienced users of digital resources in comparison with the two others. The teachers’ experiences of digital resources are often related to their own interest in these, but their experiences are also related to the lack of time for learning to use digital resources as pedagogical tools. / <p>På omslaget har en liten felaktighet i titeln smugit sig in. Titeln på omslaget ska lyda: Från datasal till en-till-en</p>
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