Spelling suggestions: "subject:"brights"" "subject:"coeights""
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ON THE MUTUAL VISIBILITY OF FAT MOBILE ROBOTSAlsaedi, Rusul Jabbar 27 April 2016 (has links)
No description available.
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Performance of Multiple Emission Peak Light Emitting Diode Light Curing Unit: Degree of Conversion and Microhardness of Resin-Based Pit and Fissure SealantBa Armah, Ibrahim 07 1900 (has links)
Background: The light-cured resin-based pit and fissure sealants success and longevity are
enhanced by sufficient curing. Multiple emission peak Light Emitting Diode Light Curing Units
offer a wider range of wavelengths and different levels of irradiances to ensure sufficient curing.The irradiance is considered a main curing factor that can affect the material properties.
Purpose: The aim of this study was to assess the effect of different settings of a multiwave LED LCU on the degree of conversion and microhardness of a pit and fissure sealant comparing the irradiance of 1000 mW/cm2 to 1400 mW/cm2 and 3200 mW/cm2 irradiances of the LCU using manufacturer’s guidelines for curing times at 2, 4 and, 6 mm distances.
Methods: A multiwave LED light curing unit was evaluated on three different irradiance levels
1000 mW/cm2 (S), 1400 mW/cm2 (H), and 3200 mW/cm2 (X). A total of 90 samples made from the fissure sealant were fabricated and divided into eighteen groups (n=5/group). Samples were cured following manufacturer’s guidelines of curing times for each curing mode at 2, 4, or 6 mm distance between the light tip and top of samples. The DC was measured using (ATR-FTIR) spectroscopy. The KHN test was performed on five different locations of each specimen using a hardness tester (Leco LM247AT, MI, USA, software; Confident V 2.5.2).
Results: The top DC for H-8 was significantly higher than S-10 at 2 and 4mm, H-20 DC was
significantly lower than S-30 at only 2mm. The bottom DC for H-8 was significantly higher than S-10 at 2mm only, H-20 DC was significantly lower than S-30 at 4 and 6mm only. H-8 KHN at top surface was significantly lower than S-10 at 2mm only, H-20 was significantly lower than S-30 at 2 and 6mm only. H-8 KHN at bottom surface was significantly lower than S-10 at 4 and 6mm but significantly higher at 2mm. H-20 was significantly lower than S-30 at 2mm but significantly higher at 4 and 6mm. The top DC for X-3 was significantly lower than S-10 at all curing distances with no significant difference at all curing distances between X-9 and S-30. The bottom DC for X-3 was significantly higher than S-10 at all curing distances with no significant difference between X-9 and S-30. X-3 KHN at top surface was significantly lower than S-10s at all curing distances. X-9 was significantly lower than S-30 at 6mm only. X-3 KHN at bottom surface was significantly lower than S-10 at 2 and 4mm only with no significant difference at all curing distances between X-9 and S-30.
Conclusions: Using a multiwave LED LCU to polymerize Delton Opaque resin-based fissure
sealants will result in an optimal DC and KHN values for any irradiance level if the curing
distance is kept at 4 mm or less and with at least two cycles of the shortest curing time
recommended by the manufacturer. Using a multiwave LED LCU with 1000, 1400 or 3200
mW/cm2 irradiance levels with shortest curing times recommended resulted in unsatisfactory DC and KHN levels. LED LCU with high and extra high irradiance levels (1400 and 3200 mW/cm2) can result in high DC and KHN levels when used adequately. Xtra Power mode (3200 mW/cm2) used on shortest curing time (3 seconds) resulted in significantly lower mechanical properties and for that reason it is not recommended to be used.
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An emprical analysis of the effect of emergency lights on the speed of road assistance vehicles on highways in Stockholm / En empirisk studie av blåljusens effekt på vägassistansfordons fart på Stockholms motorvägarHökby, Leonard January 2021 (has links)
Any situation that causes traffic to stop or slow down creates cost for society, both in terms of lost time for the road users and increased CO2 emissions. Trafik Stockholm, a traffic management centre for Stockholm collectively run by STA, Stockholm city and Nacka municipality therefore have the responsibility to facilitate the removal of such situations. One of the means by which they do that is by sending out road assistance vehicles (RAVs) to help clearing these situations. In order to do so effectively there is a need to know the effect of emergency lights on the time it takes for the RAV to reach its destination. This thesis thus examines how the emergency lights affect the speed at which the RAVs can travel by comparing the actual speed at which the RAVs have travelled using emergency lights to the mean speed of traffic on the same highway at the same time. It is concluded that there might be a significant effect, but further studies are necessary to prove this statistically.
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Modelado matemático y simulación numérica de disipadores de calor para luminarias LED. Aplicaciones a alumbrado públicoAlarcón Correa, Diego Francisco 25 November 2020 (has links)
[ES] En esta tesis se plasma un ejemplo paradigmático de Matemática Industrial: se define un problema real de enorme interés actual, se presenta un modelo matemático del mismo, se resuelve numéricamente mediante métodos de elementos Finitos, se realiza diferentes prototipos y se verifican experimentalmente las predicciones teóricas; además, en este caso particular, los prototipos aquí analizados se llevaron al mercado, cerrando un ciclo que se inicia con el modelado matemático y se termina con la transferencia a la sociedad de una solución competitiva a un problema real.
El problema que se aborda en esta tesis se enmarca en el desarrollo de soluciones de iluminación basadas en tecnología de diodos emisores de luz (LED, por su abreviación en inglés) de alta potencia. De hecho, el problema que se afronta es el desarrollo de disipadores pasivos de calor que garanticen la correcta evacuación del calor producido en el dispositivo LED y
aseguren su adecuado funcionamiento. Para ello, se modela el problema de transferencia de calor (incluyendo conducción, radiación y convección) en diferentes prototipos, se resuelve con técnicas de Elementos Finitos y se optimizan los diseños propuestos, garantizando siempre que la temperatura de operación del chip LED sea correcta. Una vez realizado este análisis teórico,
se construyen los prototipos y se verifican experimentalmente las predicciones realizadas.
Por último, en los anexos se recoge una serie de aportaciones complementarias: una sobre el gas de van der Waals y la Geometría de Contacto y otras dos sobre la convergencia de métodos iterativos. / [CA] En aquesta tesi es plasma un exemple paradigmàtic de Matemàtica Industrial: es defineix un problema real d'enorme interès actual, es presenta un model matemàtic del mateix, es resol numèricament mitjançant mètodes d'Elements Finits, es realitza diferents prototips i es verifiquen experimentalment les prediccions teòriques; a més, en aquest cas particular, els prototips aquí analitzats es van dur a mercat, tancant un cicle que s'inicia amb el modelatge matemàtic i s'acaba amb la transferència a la societat d'una solució competitiva a un problema real.
El problema que s'aborda en aquesta tesi s'emmarca en el desenvolupament de solucions d'il·luminació basades en tecnologia LED d'alta potència. De fet, el problema que s'afronta és el desenvolupament de dissipadors passius de calor que garanteixin la correcta evacuació de la calor produïda da en el dispositiu LED i assegurin la seva adequat funcionament. Per a això, es modela el problema de transferència de calor (incloent conducció, radiació i convecció) en
diferents prototips, es resol amb tècniques d'Elements Finits i s'optimitzen els dissenys proposats, garantint sempre que la temperatura d'operació de l'xip LED sigui correcta. Un cop realitzat aquest anàlisi teòrica, es construeixen els prototips i es verifiquen experimentalment les prediccions realitzades.
Finalment, en els annexos es recull una sèrie d'aportacions complementàries: una sobre el gas de van der Waals i la Geometria de Contacte i dues sobre la convergència de mètodes iteratius. / [EN] In this thesis, a paradigmatic example of Industrial Mathematics is captured: a real problem of enormous current interest is defined, a mathematical model of it is presented, it is solved numerically using Finite Element methods, different prototypes are made and the theoretical predictions are experimentally verified; Furthermore, in this particular case, the prototypes analyzed here were brought to the market, closing a cycle that begins with mathematical modeling
and ends with the transfer to society of a competitive solution to a real problem.
The problem addressed in this thesis is part of the development of lighting solutions based on high-power LED technology. In fact, the problem being faced is the development of passive heat sinks that guarantee the correct evacuation of the heat produced in the LED device and ensure its proper operation. For this, the heat transfer problem (including conduction, radiation and convection) is modeled in different prototypes, it is solved with Finite Element techniques and the proposed designs are optimized, always guaranteeing that the operating temperature of the LED chip is correct. Once this theoretical analysis has been carried out, the prototypes are
built and the predictions made are experimentally verified.
Finally, the annexes contain a series of complementary contributions: one on van der Waals gas
and Contact Geometry and two others on the convergence of iterative methods. / A la Secretarıa de Educación Superior, Ciencia,Tecnología e Innovación (SENESCYT) por el apoyo económico para poder realizar mis estudios en el extranjero con el fin de fortalecer el talento humano en el Ecuador. / Alarcón Correa, DF. (2020). Modelado matemático y simulación numérica de disipadores de calor para luminarias LED. Aplicaciones a alumbrado público [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/155989
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Framtagning av ny cykelbelysning med ljussignalering / Development of new bicycle lights with signal lightsGhorbani, Nathalie January 2018 (has links)
Syftet med projektet var att ta fram en ny cykelbelysning för att höja cyklisters säkerhet och förenkla trafikregler samt utförandet av signalering. Genom en nulägesanalys av befintliga produkter, elektronikkomponenter och slutanvändarnas uttalanden kunde kundbehov tas fram. Därefter rangordnades kundbehoven och en funktionslista tillsammans med en produktspecifikation kunde verkställas. Med dem som grund utfördes en idégenerering med flera olika lösningskoncept där ett val gjordes baserat på en Kesselringmatris. Det vinnande konceptet var ett par pedaler med integrerad belysning. Genom en accelerometer fungerar pedalen som en bromslykta och med hjälp av en extern kontroll kan körriktningsvisare sättas igång som projiceras på marken. Elektriciteten som behövs till pedalernas belysning genereras när cyklisten roterar pedalaxeln via en generator. Som slutsats uppfylldes projektets mål men mer arbete behöver göras kring projektets avgränsningar för en färdig produkt. / The purpose of the project was to develop a new bicycle light in order to improve cyclists’ safety and to make it easier for them to follow traffic regulations. Using a status analysis of existing products, electronics and the end users statements the customer needs could be documented. Then the needs were ranked and a function list together with a product specification was produced. With them as a base the brainstorming could begin where multiple concept solutions were made and one of them chosen as a winner through a Kesselring matrix. The winning concept was a pair of pedals with integrated lighting. With the help of an accelerometer the pedal worked as a brake light and with an external control system turn signals could be turned on and were projected on the ground. The electricity needed for the pedals light system is generated when the user rotates the pedal axis with the help of a generator. As a conclusion all the project goals were fulfilled but more work needs to be done regarding the projects limitations for a complete production ready product.
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Ereignisorientierte Routenwahl in spontan gestörten Stadtstraßennetzen zur Anwendung eines selbstorganisierten StörfallmanagementsRausch, Markus 12 February 2016 (has links) (PDF)
Die Mobilität von Personen und Gütern, insbesondere in Städten, ist der Motor einer Volkswirtschaft. Dieser Motor kommt jedoch ins Stottern, wenn Staubildung im Stadtstraßennetzwerk einsetzt. Eine unvermeidbare Ursache von Staubildung stellen Verkehrsstörfälle dar, die schlimmstenfalls zu Gridlocks führen können. In der Folge werden hohe Kosten für Verkehr, Wirtschaft und Umwelt verursacht. Mit welchen Gegenmaßnahmen kann die Staubildung im Netzwerk effektiv bewältigt werden? Wie können entsprechende Gegenmaßnahmen realistisch noch vor einem praktischen Einsatz bewertet werden? Ausgehend von diesen Fragestellungen, widmet sich diese Dissertation der Entwicklung eines ereignisorientierten Routenwahlmodells für den Stadtstraßenverkehr und eines selbstorganisierten Störfallmanagements als Gegenmaßnahme zur Reduzierung negativer Auswirkungen der Staubildung.
Zur Modellierung des Routenwahlverhaltens in ereignisreichen Stadtstraßennetzen wird das ereignisorientierte Routenwahlmodell entwickelt. Der Ausgangspunkt des Modells ist die diskrete Wahltheorie. Entscheidungsprozesse einzelner Autofahrer werden vor und während der Fahrt direkt simuliert. Der Entscheidungsprozess ist dabei maßgeblich von Beobachtungen lokaler Verkehrsbedingungen geprägt. Somit wird nachgebildet, dass Autofahrer flexibel auf unvorhergesehene Ereignisse durch Routenwechsel reagieren können. Auf diese Weise ist eine realistische Simulation des Routenwahlverhaltens von Autofahrern in der Stadt möglich. Das ereignisorientierte Routenwahlmodell ist zudem generisch formuliert. Es lässt sich zur Bewertung von Gegenmaßnahmen für störfallbedingte Staubildung einsetzen und bedient darüber hinaus ein breites Anwendungsspektrum.
Der zweite Beitrag dieser Dissertation ist ein selbstorganisiertes Konzept für ein Störfallmanagement in Stadtstraßennetzen als Gegenmaßnahme zur Staubildung. Es vereint zwei lokal wirkende Prinzipien, deren Ausgangspunkte die Lichtsignalanlagen im Stadtnetzwerk sind. Mit verlängerten Rotzeiten werden Fahrzeuge an einer Kreuzung an der Einfahrt in einen Straßenabschnitt gehindert, wenn ein vorgesehener Rückstaubereich ausgeschöpft ist, da andernfalls Blockaden auf den Kreuzungen entstehen. Gleichzeitig werden noch freie Richtungen an der Kreuzung durch verlängerte Grünzeiten attraktiver gestaltet, um Autofahrer zum Umfahren der Staubildung zu motivieren. Die Anwendung der lokalen Wirkungsprinzipien stellt sich vollständig selbstorganisiert, d.h. ohne Vorgabe eines Planers, mit dem Ausmaß der Staubildung im Netzwerk ein. Simulationsstudien in zwei unterschiedlich komplexen Netzwerken haben die Machbarkeit des selbstorganisierten Störfallmanagements nachgewiesen. Gegenüber einem gewöhnlichen Netzwerk konnte für alle untersuchten Störfälle die Akkumulation zusätzlicher Fahrzeuge im Netzwerk während des Störfalls signifikant reduziert werden. / The mobility of people and goods, especially in urban areas, is of significant importance for national economies. However, recurrent congestion in urban road networks, caused by increased traffic demand, considerably restrains mobility on a daily basis. Another significant source of congestion are traffic incidents which even might lead to gridlock situations. Congestion raises high costs for traffic, economy and environment. Which countermeasures should be applied for an effective management of urban congestion? How can appropriate countermeasures be realistically evaluated? Based on these questions, this thesis is devoted to the development of an event-oriented route choice model for urban road traffic and a self-organized incident management strategy as an effective countermeasure for urban congestion.
The first contribution of this thesis is an event-oriented route choice model for urban road networks. It is based on discrete choice theory and models decision-making processes of individual motorists before and during their journey. A key aspect of the proposed model is the motorist's ability to observe local traffic conditions. These observations are then included in the decision process. In this way, it can be modeled that motorists respond to unforeseen events by route revisions. This allows a realistic simulation of the route choice behavior of motorists in naturally eventful urban road networks. Furthermore, the event-oriented route choice model is flexibly formulated. It can be used for the evaluation of countermeasures for incident-related congestion and, moreover, allows a wide range of applications.
The second contribution of this thesis is a self-organized concept of an incident management strategy in urban road networks as a countermeasure for urban congestion. It combines two locally acting principles on the basis of traffic lights in an urban road network. The inflow of vehicles into a road segment is regulated with restricted or skipped green times as soon as an allocated queuing capacity is depleted. Otherwise, blockages would result on the intersection. At the same time, yet free alternative directions are served with regular or even extended green times and, thus, might become more attractive to the driver than the original congested direction. The application of these local principles is realized in a completely self-organized manner, thereby scaling directly with the extent of congestion in the urban road network. Simulation studies in two networks with different complexity have proven the feasibility of the self-organized incident management. Compared to an ordinary network, the extents of additional vehicles due to investigated incidents were significantly reduced.
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Ljusnivåns påverkan på rums- och ljusupplevelsen : Vid användning av virtuella takfönster som komplement i fönsterlösa rum / The influence of light level on room and light perception : When using virtual sky lights as a complement in windowless roomsMalin, Börjesson, Emma, Linde January 2019 (has links)
Denna studie syftar till att undersöka hur virtuella takfönster upplevs av människor i en väntrumsmiljö och diskuterar huruvida det är en lämplig lösning som komplement till saknaden av fönster. Tidigare forskning har bekräftat att det finns behov av att undersöka en alternativ belysningslösning i syfte att komplettera saknaden av fönster. Det uppsatta målet för den aktuella studien har därför varit att visa hur en belysningslösning i form av virtuella takfönster med hög eller låg ljusnivå, tillsammans med antingen hög eller låg ljusnivå på allmänljus upplevs. Med detta som grund har en experimentell studie genomförts med deltagare som har fått uppleva sex olika ljusscener i en väntrumsmiljö. Det som skiljde ljusscenerna åt var att de varierade mellan hög och låg ljusnivå på allmänljuset och på LED-panelerna som även var släckta i två ljusscener. Resultatet har visat att det finns ett samband mellan ljusnivån på de virtuella takfönsterna och rums- och ljusupplevelsen. Tända LED-paneler var något som deltagarna föredrog över släckta i ett väntrum, i kombination med allmänljus på en hög eller låg ljusnivå. Det var särskilt den tredje ljusscenen, när både allmänljuset och LED-panelerna hade en hög ljusnivå som utmärkte sig mest och gav ett positivt resultat. Det indikerar på att deltagarna föredrog denna ljusscen mest. Anledningen till varför kan bero på att kontrasten av ljuset upplevdes mest behaglig, jämfört med de fem övriga ljusscenerna. Vidare forskning inom området rekommenderas av författarna för att bidra till en djupare kunskap om hur virtuella takfönster ska appliceras för att skapa brukaranpassade ljusmiljöer i rum som saknar fönster. Upplevelsen av fler ljusnivåer gällande virtuella takfönster bör därför undersökas, samt att studier i fler typer av inomhusmiljöer borde undersökas, förslagsvis i studiemiljöer. Det kan bidra till en bredare kännedom kring applikationsmöjligheterna av virtuella takfönster, som komplement i fönsterlösa rum. / This study aims to examine how virtual sky lights are perceived by people and discuss whether it is a suitable solution as a complement to the lack of windows. Previous studies have confirmed that there is a need to examine an alternative lighting solution in order to supplement the lack of windows. The stated goal for the current study was therefore to evince how a lighting solution of virtual sky lights with a high or low light level, together with ambient lighting of either high or low light level is perceived. With this as a foundation, an experimental study has been conducted with participants who have experienced six different light scenes in a waiting room environment. The light scenes were distinguished between high and low light levels of the ambient lighting and of the LED-panels, which were also turned off in two light scenes. The result has shown that there is a connection between the light level of the virtual sky lights and the perception of the room and the lighting. The participants preferred the LED-panels when they were turned on rather than turned off in the waiting room, in combination with an ambient lighting at a high or low light level. It was especially the third light scene, when both the ambient lighting and the LED-panels had a high light level that excelled the most and showed positive results. It indicates that the participants preferred this light scene the most. It might be because the contrast of light was perceived most pleasantly, compared to the other five light scenes. Further studies within the field is recommended by the authors to contribute to a deeper knowledge about how virtual sky lights can be applied, to create user adapted lighting environments in rooms that lack windows. The perception of more light levels should therefore be investigated, also more types of environments should be investigated, study environments is one suggestion. It could contribute to a wider knowledge about possible application areas of virtual sky lights as a complement in windowless rooms.
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Dispositivo para medição e teste de transmitância luminosa e semafórica em óculos de sol de acordo com a norma brasileira - ABNT NBR ISO 12312-1:2015 / Device for luminous and traffic lights transmittance evaluation in sunglasses according Brazilian Standard - ABNT NBR ISO 12312-1:2015Artur Duarte Loureiro 06 November 2017 (has links)
A classificação por categoria de 0 a 4 para óculos de sol determina quão claras ou escuras são suas lentes. A norma brasileira, ABNT NBR ISO 12312-1, exige, entre outros requisitos, testes de transmitância da luz visível em óculos de sol (categoria), para que estes sejam classificados como adequados ou não para direção de automóveis. Medidas do grau de escurecimento das lentes de um par de óculos de sol e da atenuação luminosa das luzes de sinais semafóricos são testes propostos para este item da norma. Porém, o público, em geral, não possui meios de testar seus próprios óculos. Um teste padrão de transmitância é trabalhoso, demorado e requer um espectrofotômetro e um profissional treinado. O objetivo deste trabalho é desenvolver um dispositivo portátil capaz de realizar testes de transmitância luminosa e semafórica de acordo com a norma brasileira sendo rápido, preciso e intuitivo, realizando os testes de forma automática sem exigir do usuário qualquer treinamento prévio. Diferentemente dos dois sistemas anteriormente desenvolvidos no Laboratório de Instrumentação Oftálmica (LIO), para testes de transmitância, este dispositivo é embarcado e atende à norma atual lançada em 2015, que não estava em vigor na época em que os demais foram desenvolvidos. O desafio para se construir um sistema embarcado é a combinação de fontes luminosas e sensores necessária para se obter padrões espectrais similares aos da norma. Foi desenvolvido e construído um protótipo microcontrolado usando a combinação de um LED branco com o sensor TCS3472. Esta combinação gera quatro funções de ponderação distintas, que foram combinadas linearmente resultando em funções de ponderação próximas às da norma para as medições desejadas. Foram medidos transmitância luminosa e quocientes de atenuação visual para luzes semafóricas de 128 lentes de óculos de sol com o protótipo e com um padrão-ouro, o espectrofotômetro Cary 5000 da VARIAN. O método de Bland-Altman foi usado para análise de concordância entre ambos os métodos de medição. Para valores de transmitância luminosa, foram adotados 0,5 % e 6 % como valores a partir dos quais o valor absoluto do viés é significativo e a amplitude do intervalo de confiança, grande, respectivamente. Para valores dos quocientes de atenuação, 0,1 e 0,4; respectivamente. O viés não foi significativo para nenhuma das medições. O intervalo dos limites de concordância de 95% foi amplo para medição de transmitância luminosa e do quociente para luz azul e estreito para as demais, considerando-se os valores-limites previamente definidos para vieses e para limites de concordância. Assim, dentro da tolerância definida, medições com o protótipo e com o padrão-ouro são equivalentes para quociente de atenuação para as luzes vermelha, amarela e verde. Apesar de nem todas as medições do protótipo serem equivalentes às do padrão-ouro, os resultados apresentaram boa exatidão, com apenas 5 das 128 lentes classificadas erroneamente quanto à adequação para direção (2 por transmitância luminosa, 1 por luz vermelha e 2 por luz azul). O protótipo proporciona ao público uma forma de obter informações sobre seus próprios óculos de sol e sobre a importância do uso de óculos adequados durante a direção de veículos. / Category rating ranging from 0 to 4 determines how light or dark sunglasses lenses are. Category measurements and how much traffic signal colors are attenuated are required tests by brazilian standard ABNT NBR ISO 12312-1 and are known as transmittance tests. Brazilian standard also establishes requirements for sunglasses to be suitable for driving. However, people often do not have means to measure their own sunglasses. A standard transmittance test is laborious, time-consuming and it requires a spectrophotometer and a skilled technician. The goal of this study was to develop not only a single device capable to perform luminous and traffic light transmittance tests according to brazilian standard, but also an easy-to-use, quick, accurate and portable device, which runs the tests by itself in a way anyone can operate it without any training. Unlike the two systems previously developed in the Ophthalmic Instrumentation Laboratory (LIO) for transmittance tests, that one does not contain a computer, but a microcontroller. Also, it complies with current standard, which has been released in 2015, and previous systems are based on 2013 standard version. A microcontrolled prototype was developed and built using a white LED and TCS3472 sensor combination. This combination generates four different weighting functions that were linearly combined resulting in weighting functions similar to the standard ones for luminous and traffic light transmittances. Using our prototype and a gold standard (VARIAN Cary 5000 spectrophotometer), luminous transmittance and relative attenuation quotients for traffic lights were measured in 128 sunglasses lenses. Bland-Altman method was used to assess concordance between both measurement methods. The bias was insignificant for all measurement and the limits of agreement were broad for luminous transmittance and for relative attenuation quotient for blue light detection, and narrow for all the others. Thus, within the predefined tolerance, prototype measurements are equivalent to gold standard ones for relative attenuation quotients for red, yellow and green light detection. Despite not all prototype measurements being equivalent to gold standard ones, results were accurate; only 5 from 128 lenses were incorrectly classified as to suitability for driving (2 for luminous transmittance, 1 for red light quotient and 2 for blue light quotient). Our device aims to provide to general public a mean to obtain information about their own sunglasses and the importance to use suitable sunglasses while driving.
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Geoinformação para estudos demográficos: representação espacial de dados de população na Amazônia Brasileira. / GEOINFORMATION AND DEMOGRAPHIC STUDYES: SPATIAL REPRESENTATION OF POPULATION DATA OVER THE BRAZILIAN AMAZÔNIA.Kampel, Silvana Amaral 15 December 2003 (has links)
Esta tese propõe o uso da geoinformação a serviço da demografia tomando-se a distribuição da população na Amazônia Brasileira como objeto de estudo. Foram desenvolvidos métodos baseados em dados de sensoriamento remoto e técnicas de análise espacial para representar a população em superfícies de densidade. O objetivo geral foi verificar a utilidade dos dados de sensoriamento remoto para compor a base do processo de redistribuição da população, em comparação com métodos tradicionais. Especificamente, foram utilizadas imagens de luzes noturnas do sistema DMSP/OLS para a Amazônia Legal, e imagens dos sistemas CCD-CBERS1 e TM-Landsat, para a escala municipal. Inicialmente, um mosaico de imagens de luzes noturnas DMSP/OLS foi avaliado quanto à capacidade de detectar presença e atividade humana na região. As relações lineares entre pixels de luzes DMSP e população urbana, área urbanizada e consumo de energia elétrica obtidas, motivaram o desenvolvimento de um produto de luzes noturnas mais recente e adequado para estudos de distribuição de população. A análise deste mosaico indicou o potencial e as restrições da informação de luzes noturnas para estimar a evolução dos valores de população urbana. Um novo método para interpolar e redistribuir população utilizando informações de luzes noturnas, denominado DMSPop_M foi apresentado. A superfície de densidade populacional resultante mostrou-se uma opção intermediária entre as superfícies obtidas através das técnicas tradicionais para interpolar população, e a representação através dos setores censitários. Para a escala municipal, outro método multivariado para distribuir população foi desenvolvido para Marabá - PA. Dados provenientes da classificação digital de imagens CBERS e Landsat e outros dados geográficos foram selecionados como variáveis indicadoras da presença de população. Através de técnicas de pertinência e inferência Fuzzy a população dos setores censitários foi redistribuída em superfícies de densidade populacional. A superfície que melhor representou a distribuição populacional foi aquela obtida através de média simples das variáveis. O método desenvolvido poderá ser aplicado para modelos mais robustos em que as superfícies resultantes refletirão a relação entre variáveis proposta. Os dados de sensoriamento remoto foram fundamentais para incluir a heterogeneidade espacial nos métodos desenvolvidos. Finalmente, este trabalho contribui para que estudos de modelagem, e planejamento para a região Amazônica possam incluir adequadamente a dimensão humana no que se refere à distribuição e representação de sua densidade populacional. / This thesis presents the use of geoinformation as a valuable tool for demographic studies where the subject of interest is the population distribution over the Brazilian Amazon. Population density surfaces based on remote sensing data and spatial analysis techniques are developed as an alternative approach to represent population distribution. Remote sensing data is hypothesized as the basis for disaggregation methods to distribute population in regular cells. Specifically, imagery from DMSP/OLS night-time lights is used at global scale and from CCD-CBERS1 with TM-Landsat imagery at municipal scale. First, DMSP/OLS data is evaluated about the relations between night-time lights and human activities in Amazônia. Significative linear correlations between night-time lights and urban population, electrical power consumption and urban area are obtained. Thus, alternative techniques to generate a night-time lights mosaic are proposed and a new mosaic is generated to be used as a reference of urban population distribution. The analysis of this new DMSP mosaic reveals its potential and restrictions to estimate and to monitor the annual evolution of urban settlements. A new interpolation method to generate population density surface is developed using night-time lights data. The resultant surface, comparing to the usual interpolation methods for population is considered an intermediary option between the traditional techniques and the surface representing population data from a higher scale (the census sector). At municipal scale, a multivariate method to distribute population inside the municipal boundaries is developed for Marabá, state of Pará. CBERS and Landsat imagery and other geographical data are selected as indicator variables of human presence. These variables are converted to Fuzzy memberships and related to each other towards average and Fuzzy operators. The census sector population is redistributed in the population density surfaces. The best surface is obtained from simple average of the indicator variables. The proposed method can support different models and its population density will reproduce the consistence of them. Finally, this thesis contributes to represent the population distribution at global and municipal scale at the Brazilian Amazon. The methods and results obtained here will be helpful for any environmental modeling study in the Amazon region that cares for the local population that has been living there all along.
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Submitted by Maria Aparecida (cidazen@gmail.com) on 2017-04-24T13:52:10Z
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Previous issue date: 2017-03-22 / FAPEMA / Urban roads are very complex. The increase in the flow of vehicles in the cities has
contributed to traffic accidents. Researches for accident reduction show that the traffic lights
are effective in reducing accidents. Traffic lights can minimize the occurrence of accidents at
intersections and crosswalks. The implementation of traffic light signals shows significant
advantages, otherwise reveals some problems such as the failure to detect road signs by
drivers on urban roads. This fact is related to excessive visual information, the stress of the
drivers and/or eyestrain makes the drivers lose their attention. These reasons motivated
researches about intelligent vehicles. This work aims to develop a methodology to detect and
recognize traffic lights, to be applied in smart vehicles. This methodology can contribute to
the Advanced Driver Support Systems (ADAS), which assists drivers, especially those with
partial vision impairment.
Image processing techniques are used to develop the detection methodology. Back project and
global thresholding are combined to find light points. Local thresholding techniques are
applied to calculate the symmetry between the radius and the center of the light points to
segment the traffic light body. The first step got an average rate of 99% of detection. The
features of the traffic lights are extracted using Haralick texture measures, with the inclusion
of color and shape information. The data generated by the feature extraction step were preprocessed using the SMOTE technique to balance the database. The recognition and
identification of the traffic lights state are made by an artificial neural network using
Multilayer-Perceptron (MLP). The backpropagation learning algorithm are used in the
network training. The validation results show an average recognition rate of 98%. / As vias urbanas estão cada vez mais complexas e o acréscimo no fluxo de veículos nas
cidades de médio e grande porte vem contribuindo para a elevação do número de acidentes.
Pesquisas apontam que os sinais de trânsito são eficientes na redução do número de acidentes.
A implantação de sinais de trânsito apresentam vantagens relevantes, mas por outro lado
revelam alguns problemas, como a dificuldade na detecção de sinais de trânsito pelos
condutores em vias urbanas. Este fato está relacionado à quantidade de informações visuais
nas vias, ao estresse dos motoristas e/ou à fadiga visual destes, que fazem os motoristas
desviarem sua atenção da sinalização. Estas razões motivaram muitas pesquisas nos últimos
anos, sobre o tema veículos inteligentes. Assim, o presente trabalho propõe uma metodologia
para detectar e reconhecer semáforos de trânsito para ser aplicada em veículos inteligentes,
podendo contribuir para os Advanced Driver Support Systems - ADAS (Sistema Avançado de
Auxílio ao Motorista), e que auxilie os motoristas, em especial aqueles com deficiência
parcial da visão. Além disso, o sistema desenvolvido é capaz de identificar o estado do
semáforo e indicar ao condutor se ele deve parar ou prosseguir, contribuindo assim para a
redução de acidentes de transito.
Para o desenvolvimento do algoritmo de detecção, utilizaram-se técnicas de processamento de
imagens, através de histograma retroprojetado e limiarização global para detectar pontos de
luzes. A limiarização local é aplicada para o cálculo de simetria entre o raio e o centro dos
pontos de luzes, com a finalidade de segmentar o corpo do semáforo, onde se obteve uma taxa
média de detecção de 99%. As características dos semáforos foram extraídas utilizando os
atributos de Haralick, com a inclusão de informações de cor e forma. Os dados gerados pela
extração de características foram pré-processados utilizando a técnica de SMOTE para
balancear a base de dados. O reconhecimento e a identificação do estado do semáforo foram
realizados por uma rede neural artificial do tipo Multilayer Perceptron (MLP). No
treinamento da rede se utilizou o algoritmo de aprendizagem backpropagation e a separação
de dados para treinamento e validação. Os resultados da validação mostraram uma taxa média
de reconhecimento de 98%.
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