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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Hyperspectral Image Generation, Processing and Analysis

Hamid Muhammed, Hamed January 2005 (has links)
Hyperspectral reflectance data are utilised in many applications, where measured data are processed and converted into physical, chemical and/or biological properties of the target objects and/or processes being studied. It has been proven that crop reflectance data can be used to detect, characterise and quantify disease severity and plant density. In this thesis, various methods were proposed and used for detection, characterisation and quantification of disease severity and plant density utilising data acquired by hand-held spectrometers. Following this direction, hyperspectral images provide both spatial and spectral information opening for more efficient analysis. Hence, in this thesis, various surface water quality parameters of inland waters have been monitored using hyperspectral images acquired by airborne systems. After processing the images to obtain ground reflectance data, the analysis was performed using similar methods to those of the previous case. Hence, these methods may also find application in future satellite based hyperspectral imaging systems. However, the large size of these images raises the need for efficient data reduction. Self organising and learning neural networks, that can follow and preserve the topology of the data, have been shown to be efficient for data reduction. More advanced variants of these neural networks, referred to as the weighted neural networks (WNN), were proposed in this thesis, such as the weighted incremental neural network (WINN), which can be used for efficient reduction, mapping and clustering of large high-dimensional data sets, such as hyperspectral images. Finally, the analysis can be reversed to generate spectra from simpler measurements using multiple colour-filter mosaics, as suggested in the thesis. The acquired instantaneous single image, including the mosaic effects, is demosaicked to generate a multi-band image that can finally be transformed into a hyperspectral image.

Synthèse de fréquence par couplage d'oscillateurs spintroniques

Zarudniev, Mykhailo 28 January 2013 (has links)
La tendance actuelle dans le domaine des télécommunications mène à des systèmes capables de fonctionner selon plusieurs standards, et donc plusieurs fréquences porteuses. La synthèse de la fréquence porteuse est un élément clef, dont les propriétés reposent essentiellement sur les performances de l’oscillateur employé. Pour assurer le fonctionnement de systèmes compatibles avec plusieurs standards de télécommunication, la solution conventionnelle consiste à intégrer plusieurs oscillateurs locaux. Cette solution est coûteuse, d’autant plus que, malgré le fait que les technologies actuelles atteignent des niveaux d’intégration très importants, la surface occupée par des oscillateurs traditionnels de type LC ne peut pas être diminuée, alors que le coût de fabrication au millimètre carré devient de plus en plus élevé. Il serait donc très intéressant de remplacer les oscillateurs LC, ce qui nous amène à rechercher des solutions alternatives parmi de nouvelles technologies. L’oscillateur spintronique (STO) est un nouveau dispositif issu des études sur les couches minces magnétiques. Il apparait comme un candidat potentiel de remplacement des oscillateurs LC du fait de sa grande accordabilité en fréquence et de son faible encombrement. Toutefois des mesures effectuées sur les STOs ont montré que la performance en puissance et en bruit de phase d’un oscillateur seul ne permet pas de remplir les spécifications pour des applications de télécommunication. Nous proposons de remplir ces spécifications en couplant un nombre d’oscillateurs spintroniques important. Dans ce cadre se posent plusieurs questions qui concernent les procédures de modélisation, d’analyse et de synthèse des systèmes interconnectés. Les procédures de modélisation incluent la démarche de recherche de modèles à complexité croissante qui décrivent les propriétés entrée-sortie d’un oscillateur spintronique, ainsi que la démarche de généralisation des modèles des oscillateurs dans le cadre du réseau. Les procédures d’analyse cherchent à vérifier la stabilité et évaluer la performance des systèmes interconnectés. Les procédures de synthèse permettent de concevoir des interconnexions sophistiquées pour les oscillateurs afin d’assurer toutes les spécifications du cahier des charges. Dans ce document, nous établissons tout d’abord le problème de la synthèse de fréquence par couplage avec un cahier des charges formalisé en termes de gabarits fréquentiels sur des densités spectrales de puissance. Le cahier des charges posé amène la nécessité de modéliser l’oscillateur spintronique pour pouvoir simuler et analyser son comportement. Ici, nous proposons une modélisation originale selon des degrés de complexité croissante. Ensuite, nous discutons de la structure de la commande de l’ensemble des oscillateurs afin de remplir les spécifications du cahier des charges. La structure de commande proposée nécessite de développer une méthode de conception des interconnexions du réseau d’après les critères de performance. Dans les deux derniers chapitres, nous proposons deux méthodes fréquentielles de synthèse originales pour résoudre le problème de synthèse de fréquence par couplage. La première méthode de synthèse permet de prendre en compte un critère mathématique du cahier des charges, qui correspond à un gabarit fréquentiel à respecter, et permet d’obtenir une matrice d’interconnexion des sous-systèmes, telle que le module de la réponse fréquentielle du réseau approxime le gabarit imposé par le cahier des charges. La deuxième méthode de synthèse permet de prendre en compte plusieurs gabarits fréquentiels à la fois. La solution obtenue est une matrice d’interconnexion des sous-systèmes, qui résout le problème de la synthèse de fréquence par couplage d’oscillateurs spintroniques. / The current trends in telecommunication are leading to systems that are compatible with multiple standards and consequently multiple carrier frequencies. The frequency synthesis is a key element influenced by the local oscillator performance. In order to ensure the system compatibility with multiple telecommunication standards, the conventional solution consists in using one local oscillator for each standard. This solution is expensive, even more, since the cost per squared millimetre is increasing, while the silicon area occupied by the traditional LC-tank oscillators cannot be reduced in spite of the fact that technology is going to higher integration levels. Thus, it should be interesting to find a substitution to the LC-tank oscillators which leads to research for alternative solutions among new technologies. The spin torque oscillator (STO) is a new device issued from the ferromagnetic thin-film research. Due to its frequency accord ability and its capability to occupy relatively small volume, it appears as a potential candidate for the LC-tank oscillator replacement. However, a set of measurements prove that these devices exhibit poor power and phase noise performance, making them unable to fulfill the technical specification of the radiofrequency applications. We propose to reach these specifications by coupling of a large number of spin torque oscillators. In this scope, numerous questions appear regarding the procedures of modelling, analysis and synthesis of the complex interconnected systems. The modelling procedures are dedicated to the increasing complexity models that describe the input-output behaviour of a spin torque oscillator and its behaviour within the interconnected network. The analysis procedures are targeted to verify the stability and to evaluate the performance level of the interconnected systems. The synthesis procedures allow to design the interconnection law for spin torque oscillators in order to fulfill the technical requirements. In this document, the frequency synthesis problem by spin torque oscillator coupling with technical specification description in terms of power spectral densities is established. The formulated specifications introduce the problem of the oscillator modelling in order to perform a simulation and an analysis of the oscillator behaviour. Here, we propose an original model using several conventional models with increasing complexity. An original oscillator network model that describes qualitative properties of the oscillator synchronisation is introduced. Afterwards, the control law architecture for an oscillator set is established in order to accomplish the technical requirement specifications. The suggested control architecture needs to be developed with quantitative systematic and efficient design method for the network interconnection taking into account the formulated performance criteria. In the last two chapters we propose two original frequency domain design methods allowing the resolution of our frequency synthesis problem. The first design method allows to consider explicitly a performance criterium corresponding toa desired frequency constraint. The method allows to obtain a suitable sub-system interconnection matrix that fits the frequency specification constraint. The second design method allows to find an interconnection matrix and to take into account simultaneously several frequency specification constraints. The interconnection matrix obtained with the proposed method solves the problem of frequency synthesis by coupling of spin torque oscillators.

Characterization and Assessment of Organically Modified Clays for Geo Environmental Applications

Sreedharan, Vandana January 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Clays are used for long for the control of soil and water pollution as they are inexpensive natural materials with a high adsorption capacity for a wide range of pollutants. However their use as components in engineered waste containment systems is often limited when it comes to the control of organic contaminants as the clays are organophobic in nature. Organic modification of the natural clays, by replacing the exchangeable inorganic cations of clay with organic cations, can facilitate to overcome this limitation. On modification the clays become organophilic which can enhance their sorption capacities for organic contaminants. There are several ways by which natural clays can be modified with organic cations. The type of clay, the type of modifier, and the extent of modification play an important role in enhancing the organic sorption capacity. Sorption of organics by the organo clays depends on a large extent on the specific interactions that occur between modified clay and the organic contaminants. The interaction between the clay and the contaminants depend on the physico-chemical properties of modified clay and nature of organic contaminants. Since the properties of natural clays are likely to be altered by the modification a detailed study has been taken up to understand the physico chemical characteristics of organo clays which essentially control their organic sorption efficiency. Apart from bentonite which is widely used as a component of barrier systems, the characteristics of other types of clays on organic modification also needs to be assessed as they can also form part of the containment system frequently. Further the modification of clays is bound to bring in significant changes on their geotechnical properties which may affect their performance when used as barrier material. Only limited research has been conducted in the past on the geotechnical characteristics of organo clay. Therefore extensive studies have been carried out on the evaluation of the geotechnical characteristics of organo clays and the effect of organic modification on important geotechnical properties. Since very often inorganic and organic contaminants can occur simultaneously, admixtures of bentonite and organically modified clays needs to be employed as a part of clay barrier system. Moreover clay alone is very rarely used as component of barrier systems and significant portion of barrier material usually include non clay fraction. Hence studies have been carried out on mixtures containing different proportions of organo clay and bentonite and sand – organo clay / bentonite to evaluate their geotechnical behavior. Important geotechnical properties considered for detailed studies are swelling, compressibility and permeability. Detailed studies on the organic sorption capacities of different organically modified and unmodified clays, mixtures of bentonite and organo clays have also been conducted. The results of studies conducted are presented in 9 chapters. The organization of the thesis is as follows: Chapter 1 gives detailed background information on the sources and hazards of organic contaminants, inadequacy of conventional barriers to contain organic contaminants, the need for modification of natural clays, and the methods for organic modification of clays. Extensive review of literature has highlighted the need to study the effect of organic modification on the physico chemical and geotechnical properties of clay in different pore fluids. Organo clays were prepared using a wide range of clays viz., two types of bentonites of different regions, black cotton clay and commercially available kaolinite with a long chain organic cation. The extent of organic modification was varied by varying the amount of organic cation exchanged as function of total cation exchange capacity of the clays. Detailed physico chemical characterization of these modified and unmodified clays has been carried out with the help of different state of art techniques. The Chapter 2 brings out the effect of modification, role of type of clay and type of modifiers on the characteristics of organo clays by comparing the physico chemical characteristics of different modified and unmodified clays. The organic modification of montmorillonitc clays with long chain organic cation is found to increase their lattice spacing with the amount of modification whereas no such increase was observed on modification of kaolinitic clays even when all the exchangeable inorganic cations were replaced with the organic cations. The XRD studies revealed that the intercalated organic cations of the modified montmorillonite clays assumed mono, bi, or pseudo tri layer depending on the extent of organic modification. Irrespective of the type of clay modified or the modifier used all the organo clays tend to become e hydrophobic, and the surface area of the clays was found to decrease. A comparison of the characteristics of clays modified in laboratory with organo clay obtained commercially revealed that the organic modification was more effective for the organo clay prepared in the laboratory. As the index properties of all clays are generally correlated with their geotechnical characteristics, the effect of organic modification on the index properties of clays was studied. Chapter 3 presents the effect of organic modification on the plasticity and free swell behavior of clays. The index properties of commercially available organo clay and the unmodified clay used for its preparation were evaluated with pore fluids of different dielectric constants. Fluids of varied dielectric constants were chosen as it is one of the important characteristics to understand the behavior of clays. It was observed that the organic modification of clays reduced the plasticity of the clays in water and increased the plasticity in less polar liquids like ethanol. As the organo clays are more hydrophobic, the water holding capacity and plasticity in water is decreased to a large extent. The free swell behavior of clays in different pore fluids were assessed in terms of the modified free swell index. It was found that trend of variation of free swell index with dielectric constant for modified and unmodified clays, as in the case of plasticity is quite opposite. The swell volume of the modified clays was observed to be controlled more by surface solvation than by the development of the inter particle repulsive forces and diffused double layer. The effect of incorporating unmodified bentonite with organically modified clay on the index properties of bentonite has also been studied. The results suggested that the effect of organo clay addition to bentonite was always to reduce its plasticity and free swell in water. However in pore fluids of lower dielectric an increase in the plasticity and free swell was observed with increasing organo clay content in the mixture. This owes to the fact that organo clays can interact strongly with organic fluids, changing its fabric arrangement. As reported from literature it is well established that the swell of clays has conflicting role on the stability and permeability of clay barriers. Swelling of clays is liable to cause a reduction in hydraulic conductivity, enhance the retention times of contaminants and attribute self healing capacity to the liners. Even though extensive studies have been carried out on the swell behaviour and mechanism of swell of unmodified clays, no systematic research is reported on the effect of organic modification on swell behavior of clays especially in the presence of different pore fluids. Chapter 4 describes the results of oedometer swell tests carried out on compacted samples of modified, unmodified clays and organo clay –bentonite mixture in the presence of different pore fluids such as water, ethanol, and their mixture and carbon tetra chloride. Swelling ability of the unmodified clays was not completely suppressed even in the presence of low polar miscible organic liquids as they were molded at water contents corresponding to the optimum moisture content (OMC). The order of the swelling for the unmodified bentonites was in the order of the polarity of the pore fluids used, while the order is reversed upon organic modification of clays. The mechanism of swell in the case of organo clays in organic liquids was related to the solvation of the organic liquid by the intercalated organic cations. And unlike in the case of unmodified clays, the organo clays showed “solvent induced swelling”. Both organic modification and addition of organo clay to bentonite resulted in the suppression of the swelling of clays in water irrespective of the type of modifier or the extent of organic modification. The Chapter 5 gives a detailed account of the compressibility behavior of organically modified clays and its mixtures with bentonite when the samples were molded with water at their respective OMC and later inundated with different fluids. Significant differences were observed on the compressibility of modified and unmodified clay in different fluids. Organic modification of clays reduced their affinity to water and resulted in lowering the compressibility. However there was an increased compressibility for the organo clays when the samples were inundated with non polar liquids and the compression of the organo clay in non polar fluid was not influenced by the nature of clay nor by the type of modifier. The compressibility of the mixtures of organo clay and bentonite in non polar liquids was generally controlled by the organo clay component of the mixture. Organo clays can be recommended as additives in bentonite slurries for construction of slurry walls in order to improve the containment of organics. But the amendment should not compromise the stability and integrity of the slurry walls. Moreover the influence of addition of sorptive material like organo clay on the compressibility behavior of bentonite slurry has received little attention and needs serious consideration as the studies in the previous chapter has brought out that the compressibility of compacted bentonite reduced significantly on organic modification as well as on addition of orgno clay. The Chapter 6 deals with the compressibility behavior of slurries of unmodified bentonite, organo clay, and their mixtures molded with respective liquid limits with water and later inundated with fluids of different dielectric constants as the slurries frequently get in contact with fluids other than water during their operational life. However it was observed that the effect of polarity of the inundating liquid is masked in all the cases by the presence of large amount of initial molding water as the possible specific chemical interactions between organo clay and non polar fluids were restricted in the presence of large amount of molding water. But the slurry samples molded and inundated with non polar carbon tetra chloride showed that the organo clay samples are more compressible when molded with carbon tetrachloride. The chapter also gives a brief discussion on the effect of initial molding water content on the compressibility of organo clays and its mixtures. The compression was found to increase with increase in initial water content irrespective of the type of inundating fluid in agreement with the behavior observed in the case of unmodified clays. However the effect was less pronounced at higher applied pressures. The Chapter 7 brings out the volume change behavior of organo clay amended sand bentonite mixtures (SOB) which form potential barrier to prevent and /or remove contaminants. The compaction behavior of mixtures showed that the degree of compaction achieved was controlled mainly by the sand content and proportion of organo clay in the total fine fraction. The volume change behavior of the SOB mixtures were assessed with the help of oedometer tests conducted on mixtures compacted at OMC conditions and inundated with different fluids same as those used for the swell tests. The samples with higher sand content showed no observable swell when inundated with liquids viz., water, ethanol and their mixture as all the swollen finer particles were accommodated in the voids created by sand particles. However a high swell percentage was measured when samples with high organo clay content were inundated with carbon tetrachloride. Moreover with increased amounts of organo clay in the mix the swelling of bentonite was suppressed and the same trend continued even when the pore fluids were changed to liquids of medium polarity. The organo clays are capable of interacting strongly with non polar liquids like carbon tetra chloride, and hence an appreciable swell was noted when inundated with them especially in the case of mixtures with high organo clay content. The swell behavior of SOB mixtures with lower sand contents were controlled mostly by the interaction of the pore fluid with bentonite and organo clay, interactions between organo clay and bentonite and the polarity of the pore fluid. As the pore fluid polarity was decreased the influence of organo clay component of the mixture was more pronounced. The Chapter 8 explains the hydraulic performance of modified and unmodified clays along with that of the mixtures of organo clay with bentonite and SOB. The coefficient of permeability was calculated from the consolidation data obtained on sample molded at OMC. The permeability variations observed on changing the pore fluids were studied at each applied pressure. The hydraulic conductivity showed a decreasing trend with the increase in applied pressure for all the clays. The specific interactions of the organo clay with the pore fluids and the clay content were found to play a role in controlling the permeability. Limited tests were carried out to simulate a condition where a SOB liner is proposed as a secondary liner below a punctured geo membrane and its hydraulic performance was evaluated with diesel and water as pore fluids. The permeability coefficients with diesel as permeant were observed to decrease with increase in organo clay content of the mixture irrespective of the applied pressure where as the reverse was true when permeated with water. Thus the use of SOB as secondary liner below storage tanks so as to control the transport of contaminants leaking containments systems is established. The organic sorption efficiency of the modified and unmodified clays and the mixture were evaluated in terms of removal of total organic carbon (TOC) and reduction in chemical oxygen demand (COD) of the different leachates including municipal solid waste (MSW) leachate when treated with different types of modified and unmodified clays. All the modified clays irrespective of the type of clay or the type of modifier used showed improved organic sorption capacity. The sorption of TOC was found to follow a linear sorption mechanism in the case of organo clays and the organic contaminants were partitioned on to the organic phase attached to the organo clays. The composition, age and type of leacahte played a major role in controlling the organic sorption efficiency of organo clays in the case of MSW leachates. The studies done with different mixtures of organo clay and bentonite and SOB mixtures clearly proved that the addition of organo clay always enhanced the organic sorption efficiency of the mixtures. The results are discussed in Chapter 9. The Chapter 10 highlights the major conclusions drawn from the study. The study, apart from satisfying the research zeal on understanding the behavior of organo clays, has generated important information useful for the geo environmental engineer to arrive at appropriate design of barrier systems incorporating organically modified clay, based on the characteristics of pore fluid.

Reprezentace řešení autonomních lineárních diskrétních systémů a jejich aplikace v teorii řízení / Representations of Solutions to Autonomous Linear Discrete Systems and Their Applications in the Control Theory

Mencáková, Kristýna January 2020 (has links)
Disertační práce se zabývá soustavou lineárních diskrétních rovnic se zpožděním a řeší Cauchyovu úlohu s danou počáteční podmínkou užitím zde definovaných maticových funkcí. Odvozený vzorec je pak použit při řešení úlohy relativní řiditelnosti této soustavy. Je dokázáno kritérium řiditelnosti soustavy, nalezena množina všech řídicí funkcí a minimální funkce vyhovující dané úloze.

Diagnostic et observation d'une classe de systèmes dynamiques hybrides. Application au convertisseur multicellulaire série / Diagnosis and observation of a class of hybrid dynamical systems Application to the multicellular converter

Van Gorp, Jérémy 05 December 2013 (has links)
Cette thèse s’intéresse au diagnostic et à l’observation de systèmes linéaires à commutations et à l’application au convertisseur multicellulaire série. L’objectif est de proposer des solutions pour des sous-systèmes non-observables au sens classique et dont des fautes continues ou discrètes peuvent être présentes. Après la présentation d’un état de l’art sur les techniques d’observation et de diagnostic pourles systèmes à commutations, le mémoire est scindé en deux parties. La première partie propose, d’une part, une stratégie d’estimation des états discret et continu d’un système linéaire à commutation soumis à une entrée inconnue. Un observateur hybride basé sur la théorie des modes glissants d’ordre supérieur est développé. D’autre part, deux procédures de diagnostic sont présentées. La première combine un observateur hybride et un diagnostiqueur pour détecter une faute continue. Pour la seconde, un diagnostic actif est défini sur la base de la théorie du test afin de détecter et d’isoler une faute discrète. Dans la seconde partie de ce mémoire, les étapes de la réalisation d’un convertisseur multicellulaire sont détaillées. Ensuite, un chapitre est dédié à la validation des approches théoriques d’observation et de diagnostic sur le convertisseur à trois cellules. Un observateur est synthétisé afin d’estimer les tensions des capacités. Les deux procédures de diagnostic sont appliquées pour la détection d’une variation des valeurs des capacités et le diagnostic de cellules bloquées. Enfin, une commande binaire pour le convertisseur est proposée. L’application de cette stratégie permettra, par la suite, la commande tolérante aux fautes du convertisseur. / This thesis deals with the diagnosis and the observation of a large class of switched linear systems with an application to the multicellular converter. The objective is to provide solutions for non-observable subsystems in the classical sense which can be influenced by continuous or discrete faults. After presenting a state of the art for the observation and diagnostic techniques for switched systems, the report is divided into two parts. The first part provides, in one hand, a strategy for the discrete and continuous states estimation for linear switched system with unknown input. A hybridobserver based on higher order sliding mode is developed. On the other hand, two diagnostic procedures are presented. The first one combines a hybrid observer and a discrete diagnoser to detect a continuous fault. In the second one, an active diagnosis is defined based on the testing theory to detect and isolate a discrete fault. In the second part of this thesis, the different steps to create a multicellular converter are detailed. Then, a chapter is dedicated to the validation of the theoretical approaches for the observation and diagnosis of the three cells converter. An observer is designed to estimate the capacitor voltages. The two proposed diagnosis procedures are applied to detect a change in the capacitance values and to diagnose locked cells. Finally, a binary control for the converter is proposed. The implementation of this strategy will allow, in the future, the fault tolerant control of the converter.

Investigating the Application and Sustained Effects of Stochastic Resonance on Haptic Feedback Sensitivity in a Laparoscopic Task

Wilcox, Kara Liane 08 June 2023 (has links)
No description available.

Generació additiva de funcions d'agregació conjuntives i disjuntives discretes

Monreal Garcies, Jaume 14 September 2012 (has links)
En aquest treball es defineix el concepte de generador additiu de t–normes i de t–conormes discretes. S’hi estableixen resultats generals sobre la generació additiva de disjuncions i les caracteritzacions dels generadors de les t–conormes bàsiques. Es planteja un algorisme per a decidir quan una disjunció és additivament generable, basat en l’algorisme Gamma de la teoria de convexitat. S’estudia la relació que hi ha entre la generació additiva amb la suma ordinal i amb l’anidament. S’introdueixen els conceptes de generador concau i generador convex. S’estudia la generació additiva de les disjuncions i les t–conormes suaus i bivalents sobre L*. S’insisteix amb l’aplicabilitat de la generació additiva quan es tracta de manejar la condició de T–transitivitat per a relacions d’indistingibilitat discretes. Finalment, s’estudia la relació que hi ha entre la generació additiva d’una t–conorma S i les propietats de l’S–implicació corresponent. Amb motiu de les propietats d’ordre i modus ponens generalitzat, es defineixen els generadors mixtos


安田, 仁彦, 叶, 建瑞, 神谷, 恵輔 03 1900 (has links)
科学研究費補助金 研究種目:基盤研究(C) 課題番号:10650238 研究代表者:安田 仁彦 研究期間:1998-1999年度


三井, 斌友 03 1900 (has links)
科学研究費補助金 研究種目:総合研究(A) 課題番号:04302008 研究代表者:三井 斌友 研究期間:1992-1994年度

Minimization of Noise and Vibration Related to Driveline Imbalance using Robust Design Processes

Al-Shubailat, Omar 17 August 2013 (has links)
Variation in vehicle noise, vibration and harshness (NVH) response can be caused by variability in design (e.g. tolerance), material, manufacturing, or other sources of variation. Such variation in the vehicle response causes a higher percentage of produced vehicles to have higher levels (out of specifications) of NVH leading to higher number of warranty claims and loss of customer satisfaction, which are proven costly. Measures must be taken to ensure less warranty claims and higher levels of customer satisfactions. As a result, original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) have implemented design for variation in the design process to secure an acceptable (or within specification) response. The focus here will be on aspects of design variations that should be considered in the design process of drivelines. Variations due to imbalance in rotating components can be unavoidable or costly to control. Some of the major components in the vehicle that are known to have imbalance and traditionally cause NVH issues and concerns include the crankshaft, the drivetrain components (transmission, driveline, half shafts, etc.), and wheels. The purpose is to assess NVH as a result of driveline imbalance variations and develop a tool to help design a more robust system to such variations.

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