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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Les facilitateurs et les obstacles à la situation d’inclusion scolaire d’élèves francophones issu·es de l’immigration récente en classe ordinaire du primaire

Montesano, Gabrielle 12 1900 (has links)
Ayant comme première langue apprise ou d’usage le français, les élèves francophones issu·es de l’immigration récente (EFIIR) sont souvent directement inclus·es en classe ordinaire dans le niveau scolaire de leur groupe d’âge (MELS, 2014d). Elles et ils ne reçoivent généralement pas de soutien particulier puisque l’école considère leur maîtrise de la langue d’enseignement suffisante. Pourtant, ces EFIIR sont confronté·es à des obstacles potentiels de taille (Gosselin-Gagné, 2018a). Pour favoriser leur plein épanouissement, l’inclusion scolaire est alors un concept à mobiliser (Potvin, 2013). S’appuyant sur le socioconstructivisme, elle amène le personnel à reconnaître l’hétérogénéité des profils des élèves et à mettre en œuvre des pratiques équitables et adaptées à leurs besoins. Ce projet de recherche a 3 objectifs spécifiques : 1) documenter les facilitateurs et obstacles à la situation d’inclusion d’EFIIR dans leur groupe classe ordinaire du primaire; 2) dégager des pratiques inclusives et socioconstructivistes qui soutiennent leur situation d’inclusion; et 3) analyser leur situation d’inclusion en fonction de la synthèse retenue et des principes de l’inclusion scolaire. Le type de recherche adoptée est l’étude de cas multiples. La triangulation des données a été assurée par leur collecte auprès de trois types de personnes participantes, soit les EFIIR, leur parent et le personnel scolaire impliqué dans leur situation d’inclusion, et ce, avec des entretiens semi-dirigés. Les résultats se structurent autour de trois études de cas de situations d’inclusion d’EFIIR. Plusieurs facilitateurs, comme le soutien des parents et celui de la personne enseignante titulaire, ont été nommés par les personnes participantes et dégagés à la suite de l’analyse des données collectées. Les EFIIR ont également rencontré divers obstacles en lien avec leurs apprentissages en mathématiques, la diversité culturelle et linguistique du français, et la création de liens d’amitié. Ces facilitateurs et obstacles étaient davantage nommés par les personnes participantes comme étant intrinsèques aux EFIIR, ce qui a suggéré un manque d’adaptation réciproque de la part de l’école. De plus, une variété de pratiques inclusives et socioconstructivistes qui soutiennent la situation d’inclusion scolaire de ces EFIIR a été soulevée tels un protocole d’accueil réfléchi, l’enseignement explicite de l’empathie et l’accompagnement des élèves dans leur socialisation. / Students who have recently immigrated that master French as their first spoken language are often directly included in schools in ordinary classes associated to their age group (MELS, 2014d). They generally do not receive any particular support since schools consider their competencies of the language of instruction sufficient. However, these students face significant potential obstacles (Gosselin-Gagné, 2018a). To promote their full potential, inclusion is a concept to mobilize (Potvin, 2013). Based on the sociocultural theory, it encourages school staff to recognize the heterogeneity of student profiles and intervene in an equitable and adapted way to answer their needs. This research project has 3 specific objectives: 1) to document the facilitators and obstacles to the situation of inclusion of French-speaking students who have recently immigrated in ordinary classes in elementary schools; 2) to identify inclusive and sociocultural practices that support the situation of inclusion of these students; and 3) to analyze their situation of inclusion according to the retained synthesis of inclusive education and its principles. This project is a multiple case study. Triangulation of the data was ensured by collecting them from three types of participants, namely French-speaking students who have recently immigrated, their parents and school staff involved in their situation of inclusion, with semi-structured interviews. The results are structured around three case studies of the situation of inclusion of three French-speaking students who have recently immigrated. Several facilitators, such as support from parents and from the classroom teacher, were named by the participants and identified following the analysis of the data collected. These students encountered various obstacles related to their learning in mathematics, the cultural and linguistic diversity of French, and the creation of friendships. These facilitators and obstacles were often named as being intrinsic to the students, which suggested a lack of reciprocal adaptation on behalf of the schools. In addition, a variety of inclusive and sociocultural practices that supported the situation of inclusion of these French-speaking students who had recently immigrated were raised, such as a thoughtful reception protocol, the explicit teaching of empathy, and the support for students in their socialization.

“Not clean English” : How linguistic diversity affects attitudes toward Inner Circle versus Outer Circle Englishes

Saeed, Nicole January 2024 (has links)
This study investigates how Inner Circle and Outer Circle English varieties are perceived by EFL students at two separate schools in Sweden, each with varying levels of linguistic diversity among their student bodies. The language attitude data is collected by way of verbal-guise tests followed by discussion segments. The results suggest that Inner Circle Englishes are broadly viewed more positively than Outer Circle Englishes, in particular where semantic qualities in the status category are concerned. Further, heavily accented Outer Circle speakers were evaluated to have a good sense of humor but low attractiveness by students of both schools. The school with greater linguistic diversity rated the speakers in the study lower across the board, and also rated the RP speaker in particular significantly less favorably than the school with lower linguistic diversity. The students at the more linguistically diverse school further seemed to ascribe a poor sense of humor to the Inner Circle English speakers, which was not the case with the other school which took part of the study. These results affirm that Inner Circle English accents tend to carry with them a greater sense of status than Outer Circle English accents, and further point towards the possibility that linguistic diversity in the classroom may affect how different English varieties are viewed.

An investigation into evidence-based practice in educational psychology in a diverse society

Buys, Elizabeth 11 1900 (has links)
Evidence-Based Practice (EBP), the philosophy underpinning professional service in the health care industry in the U.S.A. and U.K., has been accepted as a paradigm for psychological practice by the American Psychological Association (APA). The APA recommends that professionals base their clinical decisions on scientifically supported research and an understanding of their clients' specific ecological disposition. Clients are considered to have a right to efficacious interventions based on objective research findings, effective service and a high standard of care. Sub-divisions of EBP are Evidence-Based Treatments (EBT) and Evidence-Based Assessment (EBA). . South African educational psychologists have a meagre assessment ‘toolkit’ - outdated, culturally insensitive, non-standardised tests for culturally and linguistically diverse clients. Children from diverse backgrounds would have higher standards of care and more efficacious interventions were psycho-educational assessments to be culturally-sensitive. Without such instruments, ethical management of interventions is questionable, although universally, psychologists have found innovative ways of adapting their praxis to the difficulty. However, all practices and/or interventions are not based on research evidence, nor can be necessarily considered good practice. In the U.S.A. with its abundance of assessment instruments, EBA is a means of ensuring the scientific foundation for professional practice, consequently reliable, valid, culturally-sensitive assessment instruments have been produced. Findings in this study, derived from conversations with a sample of educational psychologists, revealed they were already accommodating cultural and linguistic diversity. Awareness of the value of EBA would support educational psychologists, bring them on par with worldwide praxis and enhance their professionalism. / Teacher Education / D. Ed. (Psychology of Education)

L’évolution des représentations sur les langues d’élèves plurilingues du 3e cycle du primaire lors de l’implantation d’un projet d’Éveil aux langues

Lory, Marie-Paule 05 1900 (has links)
La présente recherche documente l’évolution des représentations sur les langues de cinq cas d’élèves plurilingues et immigrants ou issus de l’immigration, scolarisés en fin de cycle du primaire en milieu pluriethnique à Montréal, tout au long de l’implantation d’un projet d’Éveil aux langues, sur une période de deux ans. La méthodologie adoptée permet de décrire en profondeur et de façon nuancée, l’évolution des représentations des élèves sur les langues de leur répertoire plurilingue d’une part, et plus largement, sur les langues et de la diversité linguistique d’autre part. Les résultats de la recherche ont permis de mettre en évidence que l’implantation d’un projet d’Éveil aux langues sur deux ans : 1) a des effets positifs sur les représentations sur la diversité linguistique de ces élèves; 2) permet de soutenir le développement de représentations positives sur les langues du répertoire linguistique des élèves qui passe par l’acceptation de compétences partielles dans l’une ou l’autre des langues de leur répertoire et par l’expression d’un sentiment de fierté à propos de leur répertoire plurilingue; 3) permet le développement, chez les élèves, de diverses stratégies pour légitimer l’intégration de langues dans lesquelles ils ont des compétences partielles au sein de leur répertoire linguistique : apporter un jugement de valeur sur leurs compétences, spécifier leur domaine de compétence (expression orale ou écrite, compréhension orale ou écrite), qualifier, étiqueter leurs langues (langue maternelle, langue d’origine, langue seconde), adapter les définitions formelles présentées dans le projet sur le plurilinguisme à leur situation; 4) les représentations sur les langues par les élèves peuvent être marquées par le poids des représentations sociales; toutefois, cette tendance se lénifie au fur et à mesure de l’implantation du projet et une majorité d’élèves partage des représentations plus individualisées et moins marquées par des stéréotypes en fin de projet; 5) permet, pour les élèves de niveau scolaire fort et moyen, le développement d’un vocabulaire de haut niveau ainsi que le développement d’une curiosité envers la langue de l’Autre; 6) permet, pour les élèves de niveau scolaire faible, et à partir de la seconde année d’implantation, le développement d’un engagement dans les activités qui passe par une participation accrue au projet et le développement de compétence langagière (meilleure qualité argumentative); 7) offre la possibilité aux élèves de se connaître les uns les autres, d’être à l’écoute de l’Autre et d’exprimer de la curiosité envers la langue de l’autre et de reconnaître l’expertise de l’Autre, ceci participant à la mise en place d’une dynamique relationnelle propice aux apprentissages / This research documents plurilingual immigrant students’ participation in a two year long Language Awareness Program through which their representations of languages are transformed. The current study is set in a multiethnic elementary school in Montreal. The researcher adopts case study methodology to provide an in depth and detailed description of the evolution of the students’ representations of languages on both an individual and a societal level. The students’ representations of the languages in their plurilingual repertoire are examined as well as their representations of linguistic diversity and languages in general. The results of the implementation of a Language Awareness Program over the course of two years: 1) show positive effects on the students’ representations of linguistic diversity; 2) provide support for the students’ developing positive representations of the languages in their plurilingual repertoire by their greater acceptance of partial competencies in one or more of their languages and their increasing ability to express pride surrounding their plurilingualism; 3) illustrate the development of a variety of strategies adopted by the students to legitimize the integration of languages in their repertoire, specifically those in which they possess only partial competencies, including: the ability to evaluate these competencies, to specify their domain (oral or written expression, oral or written comprehension), to qualify and label them using the recognized terminology (mother tongue, second language, language of origin) and to adapt the formal definitions presented in the Language Awareness Program to describe their plurilingual repertoire; 4) show how the majority of the students’ representations of languages shifted throughout the course of the Language Awareness program from an initial tendency to share widely held social representations, including language stereotypes, to the development of increasingly personal and nuanced perspectives by the end of the project; 5) illustrate the development of higher order vocabulary skills as well as an enhanced interest in other students’ languages for participants with strong or average academic skills; 6) show increased investment in Language Awareness activities and greater participation as of the second year of the project, along with the development of stronger oral language skills (expression of opinions and arguments) for participants with a weaker academic skills; 7) reveal the establishment of a classroom climate that fosters learning and reflection about self and others, including the opportunity to gain deeper knowledge of classmates, to develop listening skills, to express an interest in other students’ languages and to recognize their unique abilities.


Cuevas, Rebecca Frost 01 December 2014 (has links)
This project explores research-based methods for creating an e-learning resource to teach an intellectual skill. Intellectual skills are one of the five domains of learning defined by Robert M. Gagné. The intellectual skill taught via the e-learning resource is the rules of Turkish vowel harmony, a fundamental phonological feature of the Turkish language. The purpose of the e-learning resource is to provide novice learners with a set of tools and strategies with which to approach the future study of Turkish. A literature review was conducted in three areas: Gagné’s instructional design theories, Turkish language learning, and best practices for the design of multimedia e-learning. Two rapid prototypes in the form of Moodle course sites were developed. Guidance for improving the prototypes was sought from experts in instructional design, usability, and computer software. The resulting finished e-learning product is a nine-topic Moodle course based on Gagné’s nine events of instruction. The main Moodle course content teaches the rules of Turkish vowel harmony as an intellectual skill which has been broken down into discriminations (the Turkish vowels), concepts (the Turkish vowel groups) and rules (Turkish vowel harmony). Higher order rules are taught in the form of exceptions to the rules of Turkish vowel harmony found in foreign loan-words in Turkish. Practice is provided in applying the rules of Turkish vowel harmony as a set of word attack skills for approaching Turkish language artifacts found online and in the environment. A comprehensive list of resources relating to learning Turkish, learning about the Turkish language, and learning about learning Turkish, is provided to facilitate future extension and application of what was learned in this course. Each lesson is presented in the form of a Moodle book. Each lesson is followed by an ungraded assessment in the form of an Adobe® PDF quiz. The quizzes and accompanying answer keys are designed to provide guided practice, feedback, and self-assessment to help students extend and apply the lesson material. All lessons were beta-tested to ensure usability and reduction of extraneous cognitive load. The project resulted in the development of a Best Practices Checklist for designing e-learning resources to teach intellectual skills. The Best Practices Checklist, which can be found in Appendix B, was used to develop the outline for e-learning resources to teach intellectual skills in other subject areas and was found to be an effective rapid prototyping and instructional design tool. Insight was gained into the significance of prior knowledge for teaching intellectual skills, and on how to calibrate cognitive load in e-learning design relative to the learner’s prior knowledge of the subject matter being taught.

La Sociolinguistique Postcoloniale en Amérique Hispanophone et en Afrique Francophone : Un Drame Linguistique en Deux Actes

Valenti, Eva 20 April 2012 (has links)
This thesis analyzes the sociolinguistic situations in postcolonial Latin America and francophone North Africa (the Maghreb) through a comparative lens. Specifically, it examines the ways in which Spain and France’s differing colonial agendas and language ideologies affected the relationships between colonizer and colonized, and, by extension, the role that Spanish and French play(ed) in these regions after decolonization. Finally, it explores how Spain and France’s contemporary discourses frame colonial participation in the two languages’ development, and the psychological effects these ideologies have had on the formerly colonized.

International students using online information resources to learn

Hughes, Hilary E. January 2009 (has links)
This qualitative study views international students as information-using learners, through an information literacy lens. Focusing on the experiences of 25 international students at two Australian universities, the study investigates how international students use online information resources to learn, and identifies associated information literacy learning needs. An expanded critical incident approach provided the methodological framework for the study. Building on critical incident technique, this approach integrated a variety of concepts and research strategies. The investigation centred on real-life critical incidents experienced by the international students whilst using online resources for assignment purposes. Data collection involved semi-structured interviews and an observed online resource-using task. Inductive data analysis and interpretation enabled the creation of a multifaceted word picture of international students using online resources and a set of critical findings about their information literacy learning needs. The study’s key findings reveal: • the complexity of the international students’ experience of using online information resources to learn, which involves an interplay of their interactions with online resources, their affective and reflective responses to using them, and the cultural and linguistic dimensions of their information use. • the array of strengths as well as challenges that the international students experience in their information use and learning. • an apparent information literacy imbalance between the international students’ more developed information skills and less developed critical and strategic approaches to using information • the need for enhanced information literacy education that responds to international students’ identified information literacy needs. Responding to the findings, the study proposes an inclusive informed learning approach to support reflective information use and inclusive information literacy learning in culturally diverse higher education environments.

An investigation into evidence-based practice in educational psychology in a diverse society

Buys, Elizabeth 11 1900 (has links)
Evidence-Based Practice (EBP), the philosophy underpinning professional service in the health care industry in the U.S.A. and U.K., has been accepted as a paradigm for psychological practice by the American Psychological Association (APA). The APA recommends that professionals base their clinical decisions on scientifically supported research and an understanding of their clients' specific ecological disposition. Clients are considered to have a right to efficacious interventions based on objective research findings, effective service and a high standard of care. Sub-divisions of EBP are Evidence-Based Treatments (EBT) and Evidence-Based Assessment (EBA). . South African educational psychologists have a meagre assessment ‘toolkit’ - outdated, culturally insensitive, non-standardised tests for culturally and linguistically diverse clients. Children from diverse backgrounds would have higher standards of care and more efficacious interventions were psycho-educational assessments to be culturally-sensitive. Without such instruments, ethical management of interventions is questionable, although universally, psychologists have found innovative ways of adapting their praxis to the difficulty. However, all practices and/or interventions are not based on research evidence, nor can be necessarily considered good practice. In the U.S.A. with its abundance of assessment instruments, EBA is a means of ensuring the scientific foundation for professional practice, consequently reliable, valid, culturally-sensitive assessment instruments have been produced. Findings in this study, derived from conversations with a sample of educational psychologists, revealed they were already accommodating cultural and linguistic diversity. Awareness of the value of EBA would support educational psychologists, bring them on par with worldwide praxis and enhance their professionalism. / Teacher Education / D. Ed. (Psychology of Education)

Les pratiques de quatre directions d'écoles secondaires en milieu pluriethnique: une étude exploratoire montréalaise

Pereira Braga, Luciana 08 1900 (has links)
No description available.

Language and cultural diversity, globalisation, inclusion and the resultant phenomenon of first time literacy acquisition in a second language

Snelgar, Elizabeth Claire Gien 11 1900 (has links)
Prevailing research presents evidence that links language proficiency to fundamental literacy acquisition. However, when language and literacy acquisition are simultaneous, as is the case with young (4-6 years) English language learners (ELL’s), who acquire literacy in a language not spoken at home in B.C. Canada, the research is limited. The aim of the study was to explore and compare the language and literacy profiles (LLP) of ELL’s and monolingual learners. The normative processes as elucidated in the theoretical frameworks of Bronfenbrenner’s ecosystemic model, Vygotsky’s sociocultural model and the Critical Theory (CT) model informed the comparative framework. In addition, the second language acquisition (SLA) theoretical frameworks purported by Chomsky, Vygotsky and Krashen are elaborated upon. A causal comparative approach to the mixed model research design and a complementary mixed methods approach is applied to the study. The study interactively investigated the cultural and linguistic diversity (CALD) of ELL’s and sought statistically significant differences between the language and literature profiles (LLP) of 25 ELL’s and his/her parent - whose home language is other than English during first time literacy acquisition - and 25 monolingual learners and his/her parent (selected via a simple, purposive, random sample strategy) when English is the language medium used in the inclusive classroom. The qualitative findings delineated the LLP of the ELL’s with regard to CALD, biographic and background details; the quantitative findings, delineated the at risk educationally vulnerable minority by virtue of their limited English proficiency (LEP) and limited emergent literacy and language profile (LLP). The identification of the at risk educationally vulnerable minority, informed the proposed theoretical framework for the study, namely, namely, LLP - Semiotic Scaffolding-From Theory to Practice and the attendant curriculum. Findings are discussed comparatively with the classic and current theoretical frameworks pertaining to child development, language acquisition for both first and second language acquisition (SLA) in addition to globalisation, inclusive education and social justice. The implication of the findings for policy makers, curriculum planners, schools, teachers, classrooms, parents and the learners are discussed. Opportunities for further research are noted. / Psychology of Education / D. Ed. (Psychology of Education)

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