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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Lärartillvaro och historieundervisning : innebörder av ett nytt uppdrag i de mätbara resultatens tid / History teaching in the age of performativity : Swedish upper primary school teachers’ experiences of a new curriculum

Persson, Anders January 2017 (has links)
Swedish compulsory school has recently been subjected to a number of political reforms. Between 2011 and 2014, for example, earlier grades, more national tests and a new curriculum plan (Lgr 11) were to be implemented. This thesis aims to examine those changes as they were experienced by teachers who teach history in Swedish upper primary schools. The theoretical framework is in-spired by existential philosophy, primarily as formulated in the works of Martin Heidegger and Hanna Arendt. In this way, the study highlights the teachers’ lived experience by making use of the concepts yearning, appearance, acting and mood. The study comprises of 36 interviews with 26 informants. The interviews were carried out and transcribed during 2014. The questions focus on both the existential being of the teachers’ lives as well as the ideological function of the history subject. This highly renders in the issue of how lived experiences of a specific school reform corresponded to the teachers’ own perception of a mean-ingful history education. Both the yearnings that were expressed by the participants and their de-scriptions of what they have experienced, have been related to the overall educational ideological functions stated by Gert Biesta (socialisation, subjectification and qualification) and Jonas Aspelin (existentialisation). Although the teachers’ narratives were greatly varied in some aspects, their interpretations of the new assignment seemed to be quite homogenous. Most of the teachers portrayed a situation characterised by performativity. Measurable knowledge and more frequent documentation seemed to be prioritised. Some of them stressed that they experienced less autonomy. In terms of history, the new curriculum was associated with more content knowledge, cognitive skills and procedural abilities. From the teachers’ perspective, pure qualification, rather than subjectification and social-isation, characterised the new curriculum. Still, the teachers’ feelings towards the curricular changes showed a great deal of divergence. Some of them embraced most of the new aspects. They claimed that clearly formulated require-ments in the history curricula provided them with security. They declared that their history teaching to some extent became more professional. In line with such beliefs, some teachers asserted that the strengthened focus on analytical skills improved their teaching. Particularly those who ex-pressed that they preferred such analytic procedural approaches described their experience in terms of confirmation and approval. Others appeared to struggle with the changes. While a few teachers even tried to resist the curricular changes, some found themselves forced to endure what appeared to be a totally new situation. They expressed disbelief, frustration and pain. Notably it was those most devoted to the existentialisational function of history teaching that usually seemed to express such alienation. As argued, they appeared to long for a lost possibility to engage their pupils, to bring history alive and to make meaning of the past.

Lärartillvaro och historieundervisning : innebörder av ett nytt uppdrag i de mätbara resultatens tid / History teaching in the age of performativity : Swedish upper primary school teachers’ experiences of a new curriculum

Persson, Anders January 2017 (has links)
Swedish compulsory school has recently been subjected to a number of political reforms. Between 2011 and 2014, for example, earlier grades, more national tests and a new curriculum plan (Lgr 11) were to be implemented. This thesis aims to examine those changes as they were experienced by teachers who teach history in Swedish upper primary schools. The theoretical framework is in-spired by existential philosophy, primarily as formulated in the works of Martin Heidegger and Hanna Arendt. In this way, the study highlights the teachers’ lived experience by making use of the concepts yearning, appearance, acting and mood. The study comprises of 36 interviews with 26 informants. The interviews were carried out and transcribed during 2014. The questions focus on both the existential being of the teachers’ lives as well as the ideological function of the history subject. This highly renders in the issue of how lived experiences of a specific school reform corresponded to the teachers’ own perception of a mean-ingful history education. Both the yearnings that were expressed by the participants and their de-scriptions of what they have experienced, have been related to the overall educational ideological functions stated by Gert Biesta (socialisation, subjectification and qualification) and Jonas Aspelin (existentialisation). Although the teachers’ narratives were greatly varied in some aspects, their interpretations of the new assignment seemed to be quite homogenous. Most of the teachers portrayed a situation characterised by performativity. Measurable knowledge and more frequent documentation seemed to be prioritised. Some of them stressed that they experienced less autonomy. In terms of history, the new curriculum was associated with more content knowledge, cognitive skills and procedural abilities. From the teachers’ perspective, pure qualification, rather than subjectification and social-isation, characterised the new curriculum. Still, the teachers’ feelings towards the curricular changes showed a great deal of divergence. Some of them embraced most of the new aspects. They claimed that clearly formulated require-ments in the history curricula provided them with security. They declared that their history teaching to some extent became more professional. In line with such beliefs, some teachers asserted that the strengthened focus on analytical skills improved their teaching. Particularly those who ex-pressed that they preferred such analytic procedural approaches described their experience in terms of confirmation and approval. Others appeared to struggle with the changes. While a few teachers even tried to resist the curricular changes, some found themselves forced to endure what appeared to be a totally new situation. They expressed disbelief, frustration and pain. Notably it was those most devoted to the existentialisational function of history teaching that usually seemed to express such alienation. As argued, they appeared to long for a lost possibility to engage their pupils, to bring history alive and to make meaning of the past.

Flyga högt och falla fritt : Feminism och postfeminism i Erica Jongs Rädd att flyga och Tone Schunnessons Tripprapporter

Grundberg, Lina January 2019 (has links)
This comparative essay discusses feminist and post-feminist concepts in the novels Fear of Flying by Erica Jong (1973) and Trip Reports by Tone Schunnesson (2016) from a generational perspective. The term feminism embraces both second-wave and third-wave feminism, while the term post-feminism represents the contradictions between and within the two. The analysis centers on the first-person narrators, Isadora Wing, in Fear of Flying, and the anonymous narrator, in Trip Reports. A phenomenological close-reading was employed to uncover generational differences, contradictions, and similarities in the texts, which were then analyzed through the lens of feminism and post-feminism. Examination of the texts was facilitated through the use of three categories: love, the body, and artistry. The primary theory utilized in the analysis is Toril Moi’s feminist theory developed out of Simon de Beauvoir’s reflections on “the body as situation,” where it is argued that a person’s lived experience, one’s whole subjectivity, is dependent upon and reflected through one’s body. The body forms the relationship to ourselves and our experience of the world, as well as how others view us. Thus, the female lived experience and each woman’s individual project is in this regard connected to having a female body. The results define differences in the narrators’ lived experiences and how the two women view themselves and others, in relation to societal norms and each narrator’s specific generation. Furthermore, the narrators’ are both ambivalent in their thoughts and actions. The identified similarities center around male dependency, various degrees – or lack of - female identification and traditional gender norms, independent of generation. The results of the analysis could offer a cultural and generational contribution to the current feminist literary discussion. / <p>Godkännande datum 2019-06-03</p>

L’expérience de transitions de conjoints-aidants d’une personne atteinte de la maladie d’Alzheimer ou d’une maladie apparentée à apparition précoce

Ahmed-Shire, Lula 08 1900 (has links)
Au Canada, on estime que 16 000 personnes vivent avec une maladie d’Alzheimer ou une maladie apparentée à apparition précoce (MAAP) soit lorsque ce diagnostic frappe avant l’âge de 65 ans (Société Alzheimer Canada, 2016). Plusieurs études ont décrit que le diagnostic de la MAAP entraîne plusieurs changements au sein du couple et notamment auprès du conjoint-aidant qui doit faire face à de nombreux défis, en plus de devoir composer avec de nouveaux rôles. Pourtant, peu d’écrits se sont intéressés aux transitions vécues par ces aidants au-delà de la période qui entoure le diagnostic. Cette étude qualitative descriptive avait pour but d’explorer les perceptions des transitions vécues par les conjoints-aidants de personnes atteintes de la MAAP dont le diagnostic est établi depuis plus de deux ans. Plus précisément, elle visait à décrire les types de transitions vécues par les conjoints-aidants, les conditions qui facilitent et celles qui inhibent la « réussite » des transitions ainsi que les patrons de réponses identifiés par les conjoints-aidants. La théorie des transitions de Meleis et al. (2000) a été utilisée comme cadre de référence à cette étude. Des entrevues semi-dirigées ont été menés auprès de trois conjoints-aidants. Une analyse thématique selon Paillé et Mucchielli (2016) a fait ressortir les trois thèmes suivants : 1) un long parcours de proche aidance jalonné de multiples transitions; 2) des conditions personnelles et communautaires qui influencent le succès des multiples transitions et 3) une variété de stratégies pour composer avec le rôle de conjoint-aidant. Les résultats de l’étude permettent de mieux comprendre la réalité vécue par les conjoints-aidants et pourront guider les infirmières dans l’évaluation des besoins propres aux conjoints-aidants, ainsi qu’au développement des interventions et des services visant à faciliter les différentes transitions. D’autres études s’avéreront toutefois nécessaires pour comprendre le phénomène complexe de la proche aidance des conjoints de personnes vivant avec la MAAP. Des pistes pour la recherche, la pratique et la formation des infirmières sont présentées. / In Canada, 16,000 persons are living with early-onset dementia (EOD) (Alzheimer Society Canada, 2016). Several studies have described that the diagnosis of EOD lead to difficulties for the couple and in particular for spouse caregiver who must face many challenges and deal with new roles. Yet, little is known about the transitions experienced by these caregivers beyond the diagnosis period. The purpose of this descriptive qualitative study was to explore the perceptions of the transitions experienced by the spouse caregiver of people with EOD whose diagnosis has been established for more than two years. More specifically, it aims to describe the types of transitions experienced by the spouse caregivers, the conditions that facilitate and inhibit the “success” of the transitions as well as the response patterns identified by the spouse caregivers. The theory of transitions of Meleis et al. (2000) was used as framework. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with three caregivers. A thematic analysis according to Paillé and Mucchielli (2016) brought out three themes: 1) a long journey of caregiving marked out by multiple transitions; 2) personal and community conditions that influence the success of multiple transitions and 3) a variety of strategies for coping with the caregiver role. The results of this study help better understand the lived experience by spouse caregivers and could guide nurses in assessing the specific needs of caregivers, as well as the development of interventions and services that can facilitate various transitions. Further studies will be needed to understand the caregiving experience of spouse living with a partner diagnosis with EOD. Directions for research, practice and nursing education are presented.

Intervention auprès d’un groupe sectaire en contexte de protection de la jeunesse : donner la parole aux intervenant.es pour comprendre et améliorer leur vécu expérientiel

Morier, Marie-Pier 10 1900 (has links)
Cette recherche s’intéresse à comprendre le vécu expérientiel d’intervenant.es de la protection de la jeunesse ayant travaillé auprès d’un groupe sectaire. Le premier objectif est de décrire leur vécu ainsi que les effets perçus de l’intervention aux plans personnel et professionnel. Ensuite, les facteurs ayant influencé leur vécu sont explorés. En dernier, des pistes afin d’améliorer le vécu des intervenant.es sont dégagées en prévision d’intervention dans des contextes similaires. Les contenus d’entrevues individuelles réalisées auprès de douze intervenant.es des équipes de l’évaluation et de l’application des mesures ayant travaillé dans la situation ciblée ont été soumis à une analyse thématique. Les résultats soulèvent plusieurs facteurs influençant la façon dont l’expérience est vécue par les intervenant.es, particulièrement selon l’étape du processus de la protection de la jeunesse. Les deux équipes décrivent une expérience différente. D’un côté, l’équipe de l’évaluation rapporte un vécu lourd et intense. D’un autre côté, les intervenant.es de l’application des mesures décrivent une expérience décevante et frustrante. De plus, selon les répondant.es, l’intervention a eu des effets dans les sphères personnelles (ex. affective) et professionnelles (ex.satisfaction au travail). Les participant.es de l’étude proposent des pistes d’amélioration en lien avec l’organisation et les conditions de travail ainsi qu’avec le soutien psychologique. Le mandat d’intervention différent des deux équipes ainsi que la présence de facteurs de risque associés au développement de difficultés émotionnelles semblent expliquer la distinction entre les vécus. En somme, l’intervention auprès d’un groupe s’apparentant à un mouvement sectaire constitue un contexte de travail exceptionnel et exigeant. Des mesures précoces pour assurer le bien-être ainsi que le soutien psychologique et clinique sont importantes afin d’améliorer le vécu expérientiel. / This research project sought to understand the lived experiences of child protective services caseworkers who intervened with a sect. The primary objective was to describe the CPS caseworkers’ experiences and their perception of the effects of the intervention on their personal and professional lives. Second, the factors that influenced their lived experiences were explored. Last, ways to improve CPS caseworkers’ lived experiences were identified, with a view to future interventions in similar settings. Thematic analysis was performed on the content of the individual interviews conducted with 12 CPS members of the assessment and service provision teams who had worked in the setting in question. The results point to a number of factors that influenced their lived experiences, in particular in relation to specific stages of the child protection process. The two teams described quite different experiences. On the one hand, the assessment team reported an intense, stressful experience. In contrast, the service provision team spoke of a disappointing, frustrating experience. Furthermore, the respondents said that the intervention impacted the personal (e.g., emotional) and professional (e.g., job satisfaction) spheres of their lives. Study participants suggested ways to improve their lived experiences in terms of organization and working conditions, as well as through psychological support. The differences between the lived experiences of the two teams would appear to stem from their different intervention mandates and the presence of risk factors associated with the development of emotional issues. To sum up, CPS intervention with members of a sect-like movement is an exceptional, very demanding work environment. It is essential to take early measures to ensure CPS caseworker well-being and provide psychological support and clinical supervision in order to improve their lived experiences.

An Evolving News Frame of Labor: Lived Experience, Social Media, and NewsReporting During the 2018 Public Education Strike in West Virginia

Harbert, Laura Elizabeth 25 July 2023 (has links)
No description available.

Surviving the Perfect Storm of Diabetes in the World of the Schitsu'umsh

Tiedt, Jane A. 21 October 2010 (has links)
Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) / Diabetes is a significant health problem in the United States which disproportionately affects Native Americans. Despite many new prevention and intervention programs, there has been a prolific increase in the incidence of diabetes among Native Americans. The purpose of this qualitative study was to explore the experience of Coeur d’Alene tribal members living with type 2 diabetes using a Heideggerian hermeneutic framework. Participants were recruited through the local diabetes educator at the tribal clinic using purposive and snowball sampling. Individual interviews were conducted with ten Coeur d’Alene tribal members whom had type 2 diabetes and were willing to share their stories of about living with diabetes. Participants ranged in age from 26-86. Interviews lasted from 25-90 minutes and focused on gathering stories about their daily life with their diabetes, and barriers and supports to their diabetes self-management. These became the data for hermeneutic interpretations. Individual transcripts were read and reread for initial themes. Next, comparisons between and across transcripts were done through interpretive emersion into the texts. Emerging themes and patterns were brought before a group of qualitative nurse researchers and doctoral students as a means of cross-checking and validating interpretations. Perseverance was the overarching pattern in the stories of living with diabetes in the world of Schitsu’umsh. The four themes that emerged under the umbrella of perseverance were valuing tribal traditions, being inattentively caring, struggling with disease burdens, and experiencing tensions in patient-provider relations. Living with diabetes in the world of the Schitsu’umsh was always a tenuous balancing act. There was an ever present dialectic tension between strengths and barriers underlying their daily struggles for balance. By increasing our understanding of Native American experiences of living with diabetes, collaborative partnerships can be developed with the tribes to address these barriers to diabetes self-management and to develop culturally relevant diabetes education programs. There is also a need to address cultural competence by the health care community and to work at eliminating biases and prejudice in our healthcare system. This work brings new cultural understandings of what it means to live with diabetes in one Native American group.

Eutopiagraphies: Narratives of Preferred Future Selves with Implications for Developmental Coaching

Diehl, Florence Anne 30 June 2010 (has links)
No description available.

Creating Through Challenge: The Lived Experience of Community College Arts Students, Before and During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Parks, Amy C. 07 November 2022 (has links)
No description available.

Embodied Literacies: The Rhetorical/Material Construction of the Senior Body

Stephens, Yvonne R. 06 December 2013 (has links)
No description available.

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