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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Investigating Metapopulation Responses to Landscape-Level Habitat Changes

Jakob Goldner (11824130) 19 December 2021 (has links)
The study of landscape structure and configuration is firmly established as integral to the continued advancement of ecology. The configuration of resource patches can have far-reaching implications for biodiversity, metapopulation dynamics, community structure, and habitat quality. Human activities, such as forestry, agriculture, and residential construction alter patch configuration by breaking larger patches into smaller fragments. This frequently results in pronounced, unforeseen consequences for species. The fragmentation and shrinking of habitat patches can lead to changes in the environmental conditions within the remaining patches (e.g., degradation), prompting responses from local populations. These responses can, in turn, cause changes to the metapopulation structure on large spatial scale.<br>I examined the relationship between the degree of habitat fragmentation (edge density), and forewing lengths of the ebony jewelwing damselfly (Calopteryx maculata Beauvois, Odonata: Calopterygidae). I used correlated random walks to determine the biologically relevant landscape area over which forest fragmentation was calculated. Then, I used Moran’s I to determine the spatial scale of wing length response to fragmentation. I found that wing lengths increased with edge density. I also found that wing lengths were spatially autocorrelated at distances below 5 Km. These findings suggest that damselflies adapt to changes in forest fragmentation at a relatively small spatial scale.<br>Next, I assessed the slime mold Physarum polycephalum’s usefulness as a microcosm of dispersal in fragmented landscapes. Slime mold plasmodia were placed in dishes with oat patches of varying sizes and distances. The probability of each patch type being colonized first was compared to predictions of patch occupancy based on C. maculata. Patches that were nearer or larger were likely to be colonized before patches that were more distant, or smaller. Observed patch occupancy matched model predictions when only patch distance was varied, but not when patch size was varied. These results suggest that P. polycephalum has the potential to serve as a useful microcosm of dispersal in patchy landscapes. However, more testing is needed to develop the microcosm system. <br>Finally, a lesson plan was developed to teach high school students about the concepts of landscape ecology and connectivity. An emphasis was placed on using active learning techniques, which have been demonstrated to result in greater understanding than traditional lecture formats. The lesson plan incorporates an education boardgame, Humans & Habitats, that I developed to illustrate how the conflicting goals of resource managers impact habitat connectivity. It also incorporates a scientific inquiry activity that uses P. polycephalum to test predictions about the effect of altered connectivity. The lesson plan and materials will be available to members of the public, free of charge.<br><br>

Physiology, Photochemistry, and Fitness of Mexican Maize Landraces in the Field

Pace, Brian A. 24 June 2019 (has links)
No description available.

Interactions between Pigmy Rattlesnakes (<i>Sistrurus miliarius</i>) and a Suite of Prey Species: A Study of Prey Behavior and Variable Venom Toxicity

Smiley-Walters, Sarah Ann 24 May 2017 (has links)
No description available.

Studio della storia evoluzionistica e conservazione delle specie zootecniche attraverso analisi di genomica del paesaggio e modelli di nicchia ecologica / EXPLORING LIVESTOCK EVOLUTIONARY HISTORY, DIVERSITY, ADAPTATION AND CONSERVATION THROUGH LANDSCAPE GENOMICS AND ECOLOGICAL MODELLING

VAJANA, ELIA 31 May 2017 (has links)
Attività antropiche e pressioni di mercato stanno rapidamente riducendo la biodiversità. Per questa ragione, conservare il patrimonio ecosistemico, tassonomico e genetico risulta fondamentale al fine di garantire potenziale adattativo alle specie, e, in ultima analisi, un futuro sostenibile per il pianeta. Al fine di minimizzare la perdita di biodiversità, numerosi metodi sono stati proposti per priorizzare ecosistemi, specie e popolazioni. Il presente lavoro di tesi fornisce in primo luogo una revisione di tali approcci, proponendo un albero decisionale volto a favorirne un corretto utilizzo. Secondariamente, la variabilità genomica neutrale del bufalo d’acqua (Bubalus bubalis L.) è investigata per mezzo di un pannello di marcatori SNP a media densità, rivelando due centri di domesticazione (India Nord-occidentale, Cina-Indocina) e possibili rotte di migrazione per gli ecotipi ‘river’ e ‘swamp’. L’adattamento locale ad East Coast Fever, patologia endemica delle popolazioni bovine in Africa Sub-sahariana, è stato inoltre studiato in bovini autoctoni Ugandesi (Bos taurus L.) combinando tecniche di modellizzazione delle nicchie ecologiche e di genomica del paesaggio. L’approccio ha portato ad indentificare PRKG1 e SLA2 come possibili geni di adattamento. I risultati sono discussi alla luce delle possibili implicazioni nella conservazione del bufalo e nella gestione delle risorse genetiche animali Ugandesi. / Biodiversity is quickly disappearing due to human impact on the biosphere, and to market pressure. Consequently, the protection of both wild and domestic species needs to become a priority in order to preserve their evolutionary potential and, ultimately, guarantee a sustainable future for coming human generations. To date, tens of methods have been proposed to prioritize biodiversity for conservation purposes. Here, an ontology for priority setting in conservation biology is provided with the aim of supporting the selection of the most opportune methodologies given specific conservation goals. Further, two case studies are presented characterizing neutral and adaptive genomic diversity in water buffalo (Bubalus bubalis L.) and indigenous Ugandan cattle (Bos taurus L.), respectively. In particular, two independent domestication centres (North-western India and Indochina) and separate migration routes are suggested for the ‘river’ and ‘swamp’ water buffalo types. In the case of indigenous Ugandan cattle, the integration of species distribution modelling and landscape genomics techniques allowed the identification of PRKG1 and SLA2 as candidate genes for local adaptation to East Coast Fever, a vector-borne disease affecting bovine populations of Sub-Saharan Africa. Results are discussed for their implications in water buffalo conservation and Ugandan cattle adaptive management.

Expression d’une variabilité génétique pour la phénologie de croissance, l’efficience d’utilisation de l’eau et la résistance à la cavitation au sein de populations naturelles de peuplier noir (Populus nigra L.) / Expression of genetic variation for bud phenology, water-use efficiency and xylem resistance to drought-induced cavitation in natural populations of black poplar (Populus nigra L.)

Guet, Justine 01 April 2015 (has links)
Cette thèse visait à développer nos connaissances quant au contrôle génétique et environnemental et la structuration géographique de la variabilité phénotypique pour des caractères fonctionnels chez le peuplier noir (Populus nigra L.). Trois caractères fonctionnels ont été étudiés : la phénologie de croissance, WUE et la résistance à la cavitation. La variabilité phénotypique exprimée pour la phénologie de croissance et WUE a été évaluée au sein d’une collection européenne de peuplier noir regroupant 1085 génotypes échantillonnés dans 13 métapopulations et installés en test clonal en pépinière dans deux sites expérimentaux. Nos résultats ont révélé une importante variabilité génétique ainsi qu’une importante plasticité phénotypique des caractères phénologiques et de WUE au sein des métapopulations. Une différenciation génétique modérée à forte des métapopulations a été observée pour la phénologie de croissance et WUE. Les différences entre métapopulations se structuraient selon des patrons plus ou moins complexes, qui semblaient refléter, pour la phénologie de croissance, une adaptation locale des métapopulations aux conditions de photopériode et de température. Tenant compte des capacités de phénotypage limitées pour la résistance à la cavitation, la variabilité génétique exprimée pour ce caractère a été évaluée au sein d’une population naturelle de peuplier noir regroupant 33 génotypes et installée en test clonal en pépinière dans un site expérimental. Nous avons détecté une variation significative du niveau de résistance à la cavitation entre génotypes. De manière générale, aucune relation phénotypique significative n’a été détectée entre la phénologie de croissance, WUE et la résistance à la cavitation au niveau intra-population, suggérant le maintien d’une diversité de combinaisons fonctionnelles. Le développement d’une puce à 10 331 marqueurs SNPs distribués à l’échelle du génome de P. nigra, notamment dans des régions candidates pour la phénologie de croissance, devrait permettre, à court terme, de confirmer l’adaptation locale des populations de peuplier noir et d’explorer ses bases génétiques. / This work aimed at improving our understanding of the genetic and environmental control as well as the geographic structure of phenotypic variation for functional traits in black poplar (Populus nigra L.). Three functional traits were studied: bud phenology, water-use efficiency (WUE) and xylem resistance to drought-induced cavitation. The phenotypic variation expressed for bud phenology and WUE was evaluated in a European P. nigra collection composed of 1085 cloned individuals sampled in 13 natural metapopulations and established in clonal test in nursery at two experimental sites. Substantial genetic variation and substantial phenotypic plasticity for bud phenology and WUE were observed within all metapopulations. Moderate to strong genetic differentiation of metapopulations was evidenced for phenological traits and WUE. Patterns of genetic differentiation were more or less complex depending on traits and seemed to reflect, for phenological traits, local adaptation of metapopulations to photoperiod and temperature. Taking into account the limited phenotyping capacity for xylem resistance to cavitation, genetic variation expressed for this trait was evaluated within one single natural population of black poplar composed of 33 genotypes which were established in clonal test in nursery at one experimental site. Significant variations were observed between genotypes for the degree of cavitation resistance. Overall, no significant relationship was detected between bud phenology, WUE and cavitation resistance at the within-population level, indicating the maintenance of a diversity of functional combinations. The development of an array covering 10 331 SNPs distributed across the P. nigra genome, notably in candidate regions for bud phenology, will enable in the short-term to confirm local adaptation of P. nigra populations and to identify its genetic basis.

Patterns of invertebrate distribution and abundance on Cordyline australis in human-modified landscapes

Guthrie, Ruth J. January 2008 (has links)
Fragmentation of forest habitat by urban and rural development has had profound effects on the distribution and abundance of many native species; however, little is known about the ecological processes driving patterns in community structure (species richness and composition) of host-specialised herbivores in modified habitats. I examined patterns in community structure of 9 specialist and 19 generalist invertebrate herbivores of cabbage trees (Cordyline australis Laxmanniaceae) across a highly-modified landscape. I found that, although species richness of specialists was highest in forest sites, the majority of host-specialised species were not restricted to forest habitats and were as widespread as many generalists. In terms of site occupancy, only two specialist and four generalist species were rare. I show that patterns of species occupancy and abundance reflect differing susceptibility to habitat modification, with landscape-level variation an important predictor of abundance for nearly all species. When species occurrences and life history traits were considered I did not find strong evidence for the importance of dispersal ability, which suggests that habitat variability had a stronger organising effect on the community. In a replicated common garden experiment, I found distinct regional patterns in the community structure of the specialist invertebrates occurring on different phylogenetic groups of C. australis. In contrast, community structure of generalist herbivores did not differ significantly among host genotypes. I speculate these patterns are due to historical changes in the distribution of cabbage trees in the Southern phylogenetic region that caused specialised herbivores to become locally adapted on populations of low genetic diversity following expansion after the last glacial maximum. However, this consistent selection pressure did not occur in the Northern region where C. australis habitat has been more consistently available over the past tens of thousands of years, reflected in higher host genetic diversity. This study has advanced our understanding of the patterns in community structure of an indigenous, host-specialised fauna in a highly modified and fragmented urban and rural landscapes.

Maize and Sunflower of North America: Conservation and Utilization of Genetic Diversity

Kost, Matthew January 2014 (has links)
No description available.

High Phenotypic Plasticity, but Low Signals of Local Adaptation to Climate in a Large-Scale Transplant Experiment of Picea abies (L.) Karst. in Europe

Liepe, Katharina Julie, van der Maaten, Ernst, van der Maaten-Theunissen, Marieke, Liesebach, Mirko 30 May 2024 (has links)
The most common tool to predict future changes in species range are species distribution models. These models do, however, often underestimate potential future habitat, as they do not account for phenotypic plasticity and local adaptation, although being the most important processes in the response of tree populations to rapid climate change. Here, we quantify the difference in the predictions of future range for Norway spruce, by (i) deriving a classic, occurrence-based species distribution model (OccurrenceSDM), and (ii) analysing the variation in juvenile tree height and translating this to species occurrence (TraitSDM). Making use of 32 site locations of the most comprehensive European trial series that includes 1,100 provenances of Norway spruce originating from its natural and further beyond from its largely extended, artificial distribution, we fit a universal response function to quantify growth as a function of site and provenance climate. Both the OccurrenceSDM and TraitSDM show a substantial retreat towards the northern latitudes and higher elevations (−55 and −43%, respectively, by the 2080s). However, thanks to the species’ particularly high phenotypic plasticity in juvenile height growth, the decline is delayed. The TraitSDM identifies increasing summer heat paired with decreasing water availability as the main climatic variable that restricts growth, while a prolonged frost-free period enables a longer period of active growth and therefore increasing growth potential within the restricted, remaining area. Clear signals of local adaptation to climatic clines spanning the entire range are barely detectable, as they are disguised by a latitudinal cline. This cline strongly reflects population differentiation for the Baltic domain, but fails to capture the high phenotypic variation associated to the geographic heterogeneity in the Central European mountain ranges paired with the species history of postglacial migration. Still the model is used to provide recommendations of optimal provenance choice for future climate conditions. In essence, assisted migration may not decrease the predicted range decline of Norway spruce, but may help to capitalize on potential opportunities for increased growth associated with warmer climates.

Quels facteurs limitent l’installation de Brachypodium retusum : une espèces clé pour la restauration écologique des steppes méditerranéennes ? / Which factors limit the etablishement of brachypodium retusum : a key species in ecological restoration of Mediterranean steppes ?

Vidaller, Christel 14 December 2018 (has links)
Le brachypode rameux (Brachypodium retusum) est une espèce herbacée pérenne qui domine les pelouses sèches de Méditerranée occidentale. Dans notre zone d’étude du Sud de la France, la recolonisation spontanée est très faible après perturbation du sol. Cette observation ne correspond pas aux résultats d'études menées dans d'autres régions montrant une capacité de colonisation élevée. L'objectif principal de cette thèse était donc de tester les différentes hypothèses pouvant expliquer les différents patrons de colonisation.Dans un premier chapitre, nous avons testé si ces différents patrons de colonisation résultent d'une différenciation génétique entre les populations. Des marqueurs AFLP ont été utilisés pour analyser la structure génétique de 17 populations de Méditerranée occidentale dont la différenciation neutre entre populations. Dans un sous-échantillon de 13 populations françaises, la différenciation de traits phénotypiques sous sélection a été testée dans un jardin commun et comparée à la différenciation neutre. Dans le deuxième chapitre, nous présentons une étude sur la différenciation adaptative des traits phénotypiques et avons testé une potentielle réponse différentielle à la manipulation de facteurs environnementaux clés. Les deux derniers chapitres de la thèse ont analysé les facteurs environnementaux qui limitent la recolonisation in situ, indépendamment du génotype ou de la population. Dans le troisième chapitre, nous avons testé l’effet du pâturage et du feu sur le recouvrement végétatif ainsi que sur la reproduction sexuée de B. retusum installé. Enfin, dans le quatrième chapitre, nous avons mesuré l’effet de l’arrosage initial et du pâturage sur l’installation de plantules transplantées initialement germées en serre et de plantules issues de semis in situ. Nos résultats ont montré que les populations de B. retusum sont génétiquement différenciées pour les marqueurs neutres mais également pour les traits phénotypiques. Cette différenciation est supérieure à la dérive seule et suggère une adaptation aux conditions environnementales, en particulier aux températures estivales et à la fréquence du gel en hiver. Une réponse différentielle à la manipulation expérimentale de facteurs environnementaux (sol, pâturage, humidité du sol) a confirmé le caractère adaptatif de la différenciation génétique. Les expériences in situ ont montré que le feu a un effet positif sur la reproduction de B. retusum et sur la communauté végétale associée, alors que son recouvrement végétatif n’était pas supérieur à la moyenne de la communauté. L'exclusion du pâturage pendant deux saisons n'a eu d'incidence sur aucun des paramètres mesurés chez les populations adultes. L'arrosage initial a affecté l’installation des plantules au cours de la première saison. Au cours de la deuxième saison, l'effet seul de l’arrosage n'était pas significatif, cependant son effet est resté positif sur la survie uniquement dans les parcelles pâturées. Le pâturage, au début du cycle de vie de B. retusum, a eu un effet négatif sur le recrutement et la croissance des plantules. En conclusion, la différenciation adaptative entre les populations peut avoir contribué aux différences régionales en termes de capacité de colonisation et doit être prise en compte lors du ciblage des populations sources pour l'introduction de plantes en restauration écologique. La réponse positive de B. retusum a indiqué que le feu était une force sélective importante dans le passé qui pourrait être utilisée pour favoriser l'espèce et la communauté végétale associée dans des opérations de conservation et de restauration. L'exclusion du pâturage à court terme est tolérée par les populations adultes de B. retusum, mais l'abandon à long terme entraîne une diminution de son recouvrement par rapport aux graminées pérennes à croissance rapide. / Ramose false brome (Brachypodium retusum) is a perennial herbaceous species that dominates dry grasslands of the Western Mediterranean. In our southern French study area, spontaneous re-colonisation is very low after soil disturbance. This observation does not correspond to the results of studies from other regions showing a high colonisation capacity. The major objective of this PhD thesis was to test different hypotheses potentially explaining the different colonisation patterns.In the first chapter, we tested whether these different colonisation patterns are the result of genetic differentiation among populations. AFLP markers were used to analyse genetic structure including neutral population differentiation in 17 Western Mediterranean populations. In a sub-sample of 13 French populations, differentiation in phenotypic traits under selection was tested in a common garden and compared to neutral differentiation. In the second chapter, we present a study on adaptive differentiation in phenotypic traits testing a potentially differential response to the manipulation of key environmental factors. The last two chapters of the PhD analysed environmental factors that limit re-colonisation in the field independent of genotype or population. In the third chapter, we tested the effect of grazing and fire on vegetative recovery as well as on sexual reproduction of established B. retusum and in the fourth chapter we measured the effect of initial watering and grazing on the establishment of transplanted seedlings pre-grown in a greenhouse and of field-sown seedlings.Our results showed that populations of B. retusum are genetically differentiated in neutral markers but also in phenotypic traits. This differentiation is superior to drift alone and suggests adaptation to environmental conditions, particularly to summer temperature and winter frost frequency. A differential response to experimental manipulation of environmental factors (soil, pasture, soil moisture) confirmed the adaptive character of genetic differentiation. The field experiments showed that fire has a positive effect on B. retusum reproduction and on the associated community whereas vegetative recovery was not higher than community average. Two seasons of grazing exclosure did not affect any of the measured parameters in adult populations. Initial watering affected seedling establishment in the first season. In the second season, the watering main effect was not significant but interestingly the effect remained positive on survival in grazed plots whereas no such effect was observed in exclosures. Grazing in early life cycle stages of B. retusum had a negative effect on seedling recruitment and growth.In conclusion, adaptive differentiation between populations may have contributed to regional differences in colonisation capacity and needs to be taken into account in targeting source populations for plant introduction in ecological restoration. The positive response of B. retusum indicated that fire was an important selective force in the past which may be used to favour the species and its associated plant community in current conservation and restoration management. Short-term grazing exclosure is tolerated by mature B. retusum populations but long-term abandonment results in a decrease of cover relative to high-growing perennial grasses. In early stages of seedling establishment grazing should be avoided to guarantee introduction success - or grazing stress needs to be compensated by watering.

Ursachen des Invasionserfolges von Rhododendron ponticum L. auf den Britischen Inseln: Einfluss von Habitat und Genotyp / The invasion success of Rhododendron ponticum L. in the British Isles: effects of habitat and genotypes

Erfmeier, Alexandra 27 April 2004 (has links)
No description available.

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