Spelling suggestions: "subject:"local adaptation"" "subject:"local addaptation""
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Local adaptation to parasites and selection on major histocompatibility genes in ecologically divergent populations of three-spine stickleback (Gasterosteus aculeatus)Stutz, William Edward 25 September 2013 (has links)
As individuals and populations diverge ecologically, they become exposed to new parasites and pathogens with potentially harmful fitness consequences. Populations are therefore expected to evolve resistance, possibly at a cost of less resistance to parasites rarely encountered parasites. This trade-off in resistance should generate local adaptation to parasites in different habitats. In chapter one, I show how local adaptation can potentially evolve in response to variation in parasite exposure among eighteen ecologically variable populations of threespine stickleback (Gasterosteus aculeatus). Within populations infection appeared to reflect morphology/diet based exposure differences among individuals. Among populations, however, these patterns were absent or reversed, consistent with the evolution of local adaptation. In chapters two and three I set out to test whether variation major histocompatibility (MHC) genes can underly such local adaptation in stickleback. MHC genes are important components of vertebrate immunity; however, there is little direct empirical support for spatially divergent selection driving local adaptation on MHC loci in the wild. In chapter two I tested for the action of parasite mediated balancing and divergent selection on on MHC loci using naturally infected stickleback in three replicate lake-stream pairs. Despite consistent divergence in parasites and MHC alleles, lakes tended to show decreased parasite burdens with increased allelic richness (consistent with balancing selection), while streams showed some support for divergent selection between lake and stream types. In chapter three I use the same lake-stream pairs to investigate how divergent selection could instead be reflected in variation in the effects of individual MHC alleles among populations. When comparing parapatric populations experiencing gene flow, MHC alleles maintained at relatively high frequency in one population were more likely to be associated with reduced, rather than increased, parasite abundances in that population. Allopatric populations experiencing no gene flow showed no such general relationship between allele frequency and resistance. These results are only consistent with spatially divergent selection, and imply that gene flow and environmental heterogeneity can be important for maintaining MHC diversity. / text
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Short term response of European wheat populations to contrasted agro-climatic conditions : a genetic analysis and first step towards development of epigenetic markers in earliness gene VRN-A1Khan, Abdul Rehman 27 June 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Biodiversity provides the raw material for evolution and adaptation of populations and species. In agricultural biodiversity, the within-population genetic diversity is of major importance. On one hand, it can provide a buffering effect against the year-to-year variation of climate or biotic pressures and on the other hand diversity serves as a resource for the population to respond to selective pressures due to specific local conditions, thus allowing for local adaptation, particularly in the case where a population is introduced into a new location. Due to its wide geographic distribution indicating a high adaptiveotential and its socio-economic importance, wheat was chosen as model crop in this study. Flowering time is a major adaptive trait which has allows wheat to grow over a wide range of ecological and climatic conditions. This PhD study was designed to gain insights about the influence of within population diversity on the short term response of populations to contrasting agro-climatic conditions by studying the genetic, epigenetic and phenotypic variation. But due to the lack of prior existence of epigenetic markers, this thesis study is divided of two parts: In the first part, European wheat populations coming from a set of seven farmer and one modern varieties, each of which was grown on seven farms (distributed across Europe) for three years, were used to study their short term response to contrasting agro-climatic conditions in Europe by analysing their phenotypic and genotypic variations. For the second part the effect of vernalization on the DNA methylation profile of theVRN-A1 gene in winter wheat was studied as a first step towards the development for the epigenetic marker in this gene.The results from the first part of the study revealed that conservation history of these farmer varieties strongly influenced the genetic diversity and fine genetic structure. Ex situ conserved farmer varieties showed low genetic diversity and simpler structure whereas in situ conserved farmer varieties and mixtures revealed higher level of genetic diversity and complex genetic structure. Genetic and phenotypic spatio-temporal differentiation depending upon the level of diversity and structural complexity of the farmer variety was observed. The traditional varieties tend to become more differentiated than the modern variety arguing in favour of use of these diverse traditional (farmer) varieties in organic and low input agriculture systems. Interestingly, a significant phenotypic differentiation for varieties with very low genetic diversity has also been observed in this study, which gives indication of a possible role of epigenetic variation in the process of evolution.From the second part of the study (effect of vernalization on the DNA methylation profile of the VRN-A1 gene), it was found that in addition to the detection of gene body methylation across the VRN-A1 gene, we identified a region within intron 1 that shows significant increase in DNA methylation in response to vernalization treatment that is positively correlated with the gene expression. Although the role of this shift in gene regulation is still unclear due to time limitations in the thesis and the small number of genotypes analysed, this study will provide a good material towards future identification of new epialleles and the development of epigenetic markers to study the epigenetic variability of these populations.This study at large provides useful knowledge on the understanding of farmers' varieties evolutionary response to be used in the development of different breeding and conservation approaches for organic agriculture, taking into consideration of the importance of within population diversity, to satisfactorily address the problems of organic agriculture.
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Diversité et adaptation des arbres forestiers : analyse de gradients altitudinaux et de transplantations croisées chez le sapin pectiné / Diversity and adaptation of forest trees : analysis of silver fir altitudinal gradients and reciprocal transplant experimentsLatreille, Anne 19 January 2017 (has links)
Les populations répondent aux variations de l'environnement par une adaptation dans un premier temps plastique puis, à plus long terme, génétique. Cette faculté à évoluer est aujourd'hui confrontée à un changement climatique à la fois très rapide et de grande ampleur. L'étude de 15 provenances de sapin pectiné (Abies alba Mill.) réparties sur trois gradients altitudinaux (~ 900 à 1600 m) nous a permis d'évaluer par des approches de dendroécologie et de génétique quantitative leurs caractéristiques phénotypiques et génétiques ainsi que leur potentiel d’acclimatation et d’adaptation. La croissance radiale de 129 arbres adultes répartis le long des gradients a été analysée. Six traits adaptatifs liés à la croissance, la phénologie et la survie ont été mesurés sur 57 descendances maternelles issues de ces provenances et installées en transplantations réciproques dans neuf jardins communs répartis sur les gradients. Les résultats montrent que (i) la diversité phénotypique des populations est principalement due à l’environnement (i.e. plasticité phénotypique), (ii) l’ensemble des traits mesurés sur les semis sont sous contrôle génétique, (iii) les populations étudiées ne semblent pas avoir été soumises à des sélections différenciées (iv) le sapin est très sensible à la sécheresse estivale, d’autant plus si elle se répète d’une année sur l’autre. L’ensemble de ces résultats suggère que les populations étudiées présentent de bonnes capacités d’adaptation mais qu’à plus ou moins court terme, le sapin pectiné est menacé d’extinction à basse altitude ou en marge sud de son aire de répartition. / Natural populations respond to environmental variations firstly by plastic behavior, and, in the longer term, by genetic adaptation. Currently, the rapid and widespread climate change is challenging this ability to evolve. We studied 15 provenances of silver fir (Abies alba Mill.) distributed along three altitudinal gradients (~900 to 1600 m). We evaluated their phenotypic and genetic characteristics and their acclimation and adaptation potential, using dendroecological and quantitative genetic approaches. The radial growth of 129 adult trees distributed along the gradients were analyzed. Six adaptive traits related to growth, phenology and survival were measured on 57 maternal families collected from these provenances and planted following a reciprocal transplant experimental design in nine common gardens distributed along the gradients. The results show that (i) the phenotypic diversity of populations is mainly due to the environment (i.e. phenotypic plasticity), (ii) all the traits measured on seedlings are under genetic control, (iii) the studied populations do not appear to have been subjected to differentiated selections, (iv) silver fir is very sensitive to summer drought, especially when it is repeated over years. All these results suggest that studied populations have great adaptive capacities but that in the short term, silver fir is threatened by extinction on the southern or low elevation margins of its range.
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Genetic analysis of demography and selection in Lyrate rockcress (<em>Arabidopsis lyrata</em>) populationsAalto, E. (Esa) 06 December 2013 (has links)
Demographic history and selection affect patterns of genetic diversity in nature. Timing of growth, reproduction and dormancy are important traits targeted by natural selection, because they are crucial for survival of plants growing in boreal and temperate climates, as reproduction must occur when conditions are favorable and in outcrossing plants it must be synchronized to assure pollination. In addition to adaptation to local environments, evolutionarily diverged populations may contain genomic incompatibilities that result in sterile hybrids in crosses between populations. In several plant families within population crosses can also lead to male sterile progeny, because of conflict between maternally and bi-parentally inherited genomes.
In this thesis I used DNA-sequence data to estimate the demographic history of nine Arabidopsis lyrata populations and present genetic variation in some key flowering time genes, evolution of which natural selection has shaped. By crossing experiments I explored genetics of reproductive fitness in hybrids between divergent populations.
I found that local climatic conditions have resulted in directional selection in addition to the demographic effects of bottlenecks during colonization events. Flowering time genes have reduced diversity compared to reference loci, which indicates selective sweeps. Selection on nucleotide variation in flowering time genes was found in Scandinavian and Icelandic populations that can be explained by selective sweeps at flowering genes when these populations colonized northern habitats after the last glacial maximum.
Cryptic cytoplasmic male sterility was found in a Norwegian population, for which North Carolinian population did not have fertility restorers. It was confirmed that there is only one fertility restorer locus, the genomic location of which was mapped to a 600 kb interval at the top of chromosome two. / Tiivistelmä
Populaatioiden levittäytymishistoria ja luonnonvalinta vaikuttavat geneettiseen monimuotoisuuteen ja sen vaihteluun genomin eri osissa. Kukkimisen ja kasvun päättämisen ajoitus ovat tärkeitä luonnonvalinnan kohteena olevia ominaisuuksia, sillä ne ovat välttämättömiä kasvien selviytymiselle lauhkeissa ja pohjoisissa ilmastoissa. Paikallisiin olosuhteisiin sopeutumisen lisäksi populaatioiden erilaistuminen voi johtaa genomisiin yhteensopimattomuuksiin, joiden vuoksi populaatioiden väliset risteymät ovat lisääntymiskyvyttömiä. Monilla kasvisuvuilla myös populaation sisäiset risteytykset voivat johtaa koirassteriileihin jälkeläisiin johtuen konfliktista vain äidin puolelta ja molemmilta vanhemmilta periytyvien genomien välillä.
Tässä väitöskirjassa selvitän DNA-sekvenssimuunteluun perustuen yhdeksän idänpitkäpalkopopulaation demografista eli levittäymis- ja populaatiorakennehistoriaa sekä luonnonvalinnan osuutta kukkimisaikaan vaikuttavien geenien evoluutiossa. Risteytyskokeiden avulla tutkin erilaistuneiden populaatioiden risteymäjälkeläisiä selvittääkseni niiden lisääntymiskelpoisuutta ja siihen vaikuttavia geenejä.
Geneettinen muuntelu kukkimisgeeneissä oli vähäisempää kuin vertailugeeneissä, joka on merkki kukkimisgeeneihin kohdistuneesta suuntaavasta valinnasta. Kukkimisgeeneihin kohdistuvaa valintaa löytyi eniten skandinaavisista ja islantilaisesta populaatiosta, mikä on selitettävissä niihin kohdistuneella suuntavalla valinnalla aikana, jolloin kasvit levittäytyivät jääkauden jälkeen pohjoisiin elinympäristöihin.
Norjalaisesta populaatiosta löytyi piilevä sytoplasminen koirassteriliteetti, jolle Pohjois-Carolinan populaatiolla ei ollut hedelmällisyyden palauttavia geenejä. Tutkimus vahvisti, että hedelmällisyyden palauttaa yksi geeni, joka sijaitsee 600 000 emäsparin kokoisella alueella kromosomin kaksi alkupäässä.
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Adaptation to northern conditions at flowering time genes in <em>Arabidopsis lyrata</em> and <em>Arabidopsis thaliana</em>Niittyvuopio, A. (Anne) 18 January 2011 (has links)
The timing growth and reproduction are critical to the fitness of plants and animals. The timing also has an important role in local adaptation. Locally adapted plants may have different responses to photoperiod and other environmental cues and genes or alleles behind underlying differences may differ between populations. The molecular genetics and physiology of flowering of the plant molecular biology model organism Arabidopsis thaliana is being intensively studied, and this offers a good opportunity to study the genetic basis of flowering time variation in related non-model species. The closely related perennial species Arabidopsis lyrata provides an interesting comparison to A. thaliana because of its different ecology, mating system and life history.
The influence of sampling designs on clustering methods was analyzed using simulations and microsatellite data in the selfing A. thaliana. It was found that sample size has a large effect on the resulting number of clusters and sampling too few individuals per locality could lead to a severe underestimation of the real number of subpopulations.
Patterns of sequence variation in flowering time genes and association between polymorphisms at FRI (and FLC) and flowering time was studied in A. thaliana and in A. lyrata to find out whether the genes were responsible for flowering time differences between and within natural populations. In A. thaliana there was no significant association between polymorphisms at FLC and FRI and flowering time. In A. lyrata the FRI gene was polymorphic for an indel associated with flowering time variation within two Northern European populations, suggesting that the indel (or a linked polymorphism) was involved in flowering time variation. However, FRI did not explain the flowering time differences between A. lyrata populations, and other loci must be involved.
Patterns of diversity and divergence at flowering time related loci were compared against a set of random reference loci to examine the roles of selection and demography. Sequence variation in the studied A. lyrata populations departed from the standard neutral equilibrium model and it has been influenced by recent historical events, most likely bottlenecks. The level of silent and synonymous polymorphisms in flowering time genes was highly reduced and this can be likely explained by selective sweeps at flowering time genes. / Tiivistelmä
Kasveilla kukkimisen ajoittaminen suotuisaan ajankohtaan on hyvin tärkeää suvullisen lisääntymisen kannalta. Kukkimisen oikealla ajoituksella on myös tärkeä rooli kasvien sopeutumisessa paikallisiin olosuhteisiin. Kukkimisaikamuunteluun vaikuttavat useimmiten lukuisat geenit sekä ympäristötekijät, jotka voivat vaihdella alueellisesti ja populaatioiden välillä. Vaikka kukkimiseen ja kukkimisaikaan vaikuttavia tekijöitä tunnetaan jo hyvin, luonnonpopulaatioiden muuntelun ja paikallisen sopeutumisen geneettinen tausta on huonommin tunnettu.
Väitöstutkimus keskittyy Arabidopsis-populaatioiden paikalliseen sopeutumiseen tarkastelemalla kukkimisajan muuntelua ja siihen vaikuttavia geeneettisiä tekijöitä. Tutkimuksessa käytetyt geneettiset aineistot perustuvat osin neutraaleihin merkkigeeneihin (mikrosatelliittimuunteluun), ja osin sekvenssien nukleotidimuunteluun.
Väitöstutkimuksessa on simulointien avulla selvitetty populaatiosta analysoitavien yksilöiden lukumäärän merkitystä populaatiorakenteen selvittämisessä itsesiittoisella lituruoholla (Arabidopsis thaliana). Tulosten mukaan on hyvä analysoida useampia yksilöitä paikallisista populaatioista, sillä liian pienet otoskoot voivat johtaa ryhmien määrän aliarvioimiseen.
Koalesenssisimulaatiot osoittavat idänpitkäpalon (Arabidopsis lyrata) populaatioiden poikkeavan tasapainotilasta ja populaatioissa tapahtuneen populaatiokoon muutoksia (ns. pullonkaulailmiö). Tutkimuksessa havaittiin sekvenssimuuntelun olevan alhaisempaa kukkimisaikageeneissä kuin referenssigeeneissä todennäköisesti positiivisen valinnan vaikutuksesta. Tutkimuksessa todettiin, että FRI geenissä tapahtuneet mutaatiot ovat kahdessa tutkitussa lajissa erilaisia luonteeltaan, mutta geenillä on kuitenkin samanlainen rooli kukkimisajan määräämisessä. Assosiaatiokokeissa lituruoholla ei Pohjois-Euroopan populaatioissa löydetty merkitsevää assosiaatiota FRI geenin ja kukkimisajan välillä, kun puolestaa idänpitkäpalolla FRI vaikutti kukkimisaikamuunteluun kahdessa pohjoisessa populaatiossa.
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Structure génétique, réponses bioénergétiques et traits de vie, de populations de flets (Platichthys flesus) soumises au réchauffement climatique, sur un gradient latitudinal / Genetic structure, bioenergetic responses and life history traits of European flounder populations (Platichthys flesus) under climate changes, over a latitudinal gradientPédron, Nicolas 29 September 2016 (has links)
Le flet européen (Platichthys flesus) est un poisson catadrome dont l’aire de répartition dans le Nord-Est Atlantique s’étend du cercle polaire Arctique jusqu’au Portugal. Depuis quelques décennies, la limite Sud de son aire de distribution remonte le long des côtes Portugaises. Une étude préliminaire sur la biologie des populations de flet a identifié un métabolisme énergétique spécifique pour une population périphérique Sud au Portugal vs des populations situées dans le Golfe de Gascogne et en Manche. Dans la présente étude, nous avons combiné une approche en génétique de populations avec des challenges expérimentaux menés en situation de common garden, pour approfondir nos connaissances sur la différentiation génétique entre les populations de flets sur la façade Atlantique et sur le possible différentiel phénotypique qui pourrait en résulter, particulièrement en terme de bioénergétique et de traits d’histoire de vie. L’approche génétique considérant le polymorphisme de marqueurs de type microsatellites et de différents gènes candidats met en évidence une différentiation génétique très significative entre les populations de la Péninsule Ibérique et celles situées plus au Nord. Une pression de sélection différentielle s’exerce probablement sur un gène impliqué dans le métabolisme énergétique (GAPDH) et confirme la particularité génétique des populations Ibériques. Un challenge thermique et hypoxique conduit sur des poissons juvéniles et mettant en oeuvre une combinaison d’approches ciblées (activités enzymatiques sur des proxies du métabolisme énergétique en aérobiose vs anaérobiose, et de l’anabolisme) et sans a priori (protéomique par électrophorèse 2D) suggère une meilleure aptitude des populations centrales (Canche et Vilaine, France) et de la population périphérique (Lima, Portugal) à se maintenir respectivement en conditions froide vs chaude et hypoxique. Enfin, l’analyse de normes de réaction des traits de vie pour des stades embryo-larvaires exposés à un gradient thermique met en évidence une probable adaptation locale des populations de flet à leur environnement thermique. / The European flounder (Platichthys flesus) is a catadromous fish species distributed along the North-East Atlantic coasts, from the Arctic polar circle to the Iberian Peninsula. For several decades, the southern limit of its distribution area is shifting towards the North of the Portuguese coast. A preliminary study on the flounder population biology has detected a specific energetic metabolism for a southern peripheral population in Portugal compared to Northern populations located in the Bay of Biscay and in the Channel. In the present study, we have combined population genetics with experimental challenges in the laboratory to improve our knowledge on the genetic structure of flounder populations over Europe, and on the potentially resulting phenotypic differences among populations, mainly considering bioenergetics and life-history traits. The polymorphism of microsatellite markers and of several candidate genes highlighted a significant genetic differentiation between Iberian Peninsula populations and Northen populations. A thermal and hypoxia challenge has been conducted on flounder juveniles, considering (1) enzymatic activities linked to energetic metabolism (aerobiosis and anaerobiosis) and anabolism, and (2) a proteomic approach; this common garden experiment suggested a higher capacity of central populations (from Canche and Vilaine, France) and of one peripheral Southern population (from Lima, Portugal) to cope with respectively cold condition, warm and hypoxia condition. Finally, the analysis of thermal reaction norms in fish early life history traits, considering embryo-larval stages submitted to a thermal gradient, underlined a possible local adaptation of the flounder populations to their thermal environments.
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Spatial patterns in the interaction between Salix triandra and associated parasitesNiemi, Lena January 2006 (has links)
This thesis focuses on mechanisms and processes underlying spatial patterns of resistance and virulence and on local adaptations in plant–parasite interactions. The model system used comprises the plant host Salix triandra, the pathogenic rust fungus Melampsora amygdalinae, the leaf beetle Gonioctena linnaeana, and the galler Pontania triandrae. In this work, I (1) emphasize the most important factors determining the outcome of a plant–pathogen interaction, and the types of systems in which local adaptations can be expected, (2) examine the resistance structures of different populations of S. triandra, and whether the leaf beetle G. linnaeana responds to the local conditions of the populations of S. triandra in Sweden, and (3) address whether the distribution of parasites on S. triandra can be explained by the plant content of secondary metabolites. A review of several studies of the subject leads to the conclusion that adaptation of pathogens to their local hosts is more likely to be found in systems in which the pathogen is host-specific, non-systemic, and has a larger dispersal range and evolutionary potential than its host does. Furthermore, the scale of the study must be adjusted to that of the pathogen’s local population distribution. In addition, the temporary nature of host–pathogen interactions influences the importance of sample size, and too-small sample sizes can lower the chance of finding local adaptations, even though they may have evolved in a given system. The results of an inoculation experiment using material from physically isolated natural populations of S. triandra and M. amygdalinae confirm the importance of previous conclusions. Spatial variation in the resistance structure of S. triandra also has effects on the insect herbivore G. linnaeana, which has responded by adapting to the local hosts. However, local differences in secondary chemistry affect different parasites in different ways, and while P. triandrae is attracted by high levels of phenolic compounds, including tannins, M. amygdalinae and G. linnaeana are more rarely found on plant individuals with high concentrations of tannins. In addition, brood deposition by adult females of G. linnaeana and the performance of larvae are positively affected by luteolin-7-glucoside and an additional unidentified flavonoid, whereas they are negatively affected by the presence of (+)-catechin and high levels of tannins. Our results also show that plants traits that provide resistance to one type of parasite do not necessarily provide resistance to others. This indicates that different natural enemies potentially assert divergent selection pressure on S. triandra phenotypes which can be important for maintaining phenotypic variation in plant species.
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En jämförelse i metabolisk hastighet och furagerings beteende mellan yngel av Gullspångsöring och Klarälvsöring (Salmo trutta) / A comparison of metabolic rate and feeding behavior of juvenile Gullspångsälven and Klarälven brown trout (Salmo trutta)Wanke Eriksson, Jenny January 2016 (has links)
Salmonid fish such as brown trout (Salmo trutta) are known to adapt to local environments in large water systems such as in Lake Vänern. Since brown trout returns to spawn at the location of birth, they become reproductively isolated from populations spawning elsewhere. Thus, genetically-based physiological and ecological differences may develop between them. There is evidence that two of the stocks of Lake Vänern brown trout, Gullspångälven brown trout (G-trout) and Klarälven brown trout (K-trout) differ, with G-trout growing faster and becoming bigger than K-trout, but there is no study identifying why this is the case. The purpose of this study was therefore to investigate whether there were differences in three variables: metabolic rate (gill-beat frequency, referred to as ventilation rate), foraging rate (number of captured prey per unit time) and aggressive behavior (number of displays) between the two stocks of brown trout. By conducting laboratory experiments on G-trout and K-trout in artificial streams with a constant supply of food through drift, behavioral observations were made to quantify these variables. The results showed that G-trout had significantly higher gill-beat frequency and foraging rate than did K-trout. In terms of aggression there was no significant difference observed between the two stocks, though there was a trend for G-trout to show more display behavior. The differences in metabolic rate and foraging rate are consistent with the different growth rates reported for the two stocks. The differences between the stocks suggest that they have developed local adaptations and have maintained these after a number of years of being raised in hatcheries. The observed differences should be taken into account when it comes to management and restoration of populations adapted to local environments. / Laxfisk som till exempel öringen (Salmo trutta) är kända att anpassa sig till lokala miljöer i stora vattensystem, såsom i sjön Vänern. Eftersom öringen återvänder och leker där de är födda blir de reproduktivt isolerade från populationer som leker på annan plats. Därmed kan ärftliga fysiologiska och ekologiska skillnader utvecklas dem emellan. Där finns bevis på att Gullspångsöringen tillväxer snabbare och blir större än Klarälvsöringen men det finns ingen riktig vetskap om varför. Syftet med denna studie var därmed att undersöka om där fanns skillnader i tre variabler: metabolisk hastighet (gälslagsfrekvens), furagering (antal tagna byten) och aggressivt beteende (antal display uppvisanden) mellan öringstammarna. Med separata försök av G-öring och K-öring i ett försöksakvarium med en konstgjord vattenström och konstant tillförsel av mat genom drift, gjordes beteendeobservervationer av dessa variabler. Resultaten visade på att G-öring hade en signifikant högre gälslagsfrekvens och furageringshastighet än K-öring. Vad gällde displaybeteende fanns ingen signifikantskillnad mellan stammarna, dock observerades en trend att G-öringen uppvisade mer display. Dessa resultat tyder på att metabolisk hastighet och furagering kan ha en roll i tillväxttakten. Skillnaderna mellan stammarna kan tyda på att de har utvecklat lokala anpassningar och har kvar dessa efter ett antal års fiskodling. De observerade skillnaderna är viktiga att ta med i beräkning när det kommer till förvaltning och restauration av populationer anpassade till lokala miljöer.
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Talentová show Got Talent jako televizní formát a jeho kulturní odlišnosti: komparativní studie čtyř světových verzí / Talent show Got talent as television format and its cultural differencies: comparative study of four global versionsVondroušová, Jana January 2014 (has links)
This thesis deals with talent show Got Talent and through this television format compares four culturally different adaptations. This comparision is based on analysis of these four shows: Česko Slovensko má talent, America's Got Talent, Britain's Got Talent and China's Got Talent. Content of the shows is different in many respects thanks to distincts in television histories and diverse culture in each territory. The theoretical part focus on culture and development in television broadcasting in selected countries. Another chapter describes the market with licenses for television formats and differencies in local adaptations of shows and series. Content analysis itself was based on comparison of selected series of the show Got Talent and particular episode. It was found that worldwide television formats differ in many respects. Rules of the show, roles of the judges, dramaturgical structure of episode and casting of contestants are adapt to local culture and lifestyle. There are some common features in shows on the other hand: emphasis on personal life stories of the contestants and effort to create integrated story for whole episode through specific structure of the episode. We can say that television shows has influence on culture and culture affects content of the programme.
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Interaction Chêne-oïdium : caractérisation moléculaire et adaptation locale du parasite, résistance génétique de l’hôteMougou, Amira 03 July 2009 (has links)
L’oïdium est une des maladies les plus communes sur chêne en Europe. Cette maladie a été signalée à partir du début du 20ème siècle. Toutefois, peu de données sont disponibles sur l’identité de l’agent causal et de son interaction avec l’hôte. L’objectif de cette étude est d’améliorer les connaissances sur ce pathosystème : (1) caractériser son agent causal avec un marqueur moléculaire (ADN ribosomal) et étudier la distribution spatiale des différentes lignées ; (2) étudier l’adaptation locale du parasite à son hôte ; (3) explorer le déterminisme génétique de la résistance de l’hôte. L’étude de l’ADN ribosomal (ITS=Internal transcribed region et IGS= Intergenic spacer) a mis en évidence l’existence de quatre haplotypes, dont trois seulement avaient été associés à des agents d’oïdium sur chêne en Europe. Erysiphe alphitoïdes, classiquement considéré comme responsable de l’épidémie du XXème siècle est bien l’espèce prépondérante (environ 80% des détections), E. hypophylla et Phyllactinia sp étant détectés à fréquence beaucoup plus faible. Un résultat inattendu est la détection d’une quatrième séquence, présentant 100% d’homologie avec celle de plusieurs agents d’oïdium d’arbres tropicaux et avec Erysiphe quercicola, très récemment décrit sur chêne en Asie et Australie mais jusqu’alors inconnu en Europe. L’ITS de E. quercicola est détecté dans toutes les régions de France, à une fréquence non négligeable (de l’ordre de 15% en moyenne). On le trouve dans les mêmes parcelles et parfois sur les mêmes arbres, voire dans les mêmes lésions que E. alphitoides. La mise au point d’une méthode d’inoculation artificielle a permis d’étudier de façon quantitative l’interaction chêne-oïdium. Une expérimentation d’inoculations réciproques montre que les souches d’oïdium sont plus performantes sur les descendants des arbres dont elles ont été isolées que sur ceux d’autres arbres, suggèrant une adaptation trans- générationnelle. Des inoculations artificielles, complétées par des observations en conditions naturelles, ont également permis de démontrer un déterminisme génétique de la résistance des chênes, avec l’identification de plusieurs QTL. Certains de ces QTL co-localisent avec des QTL de phénologie, en accord avec l’importance de la résistance ontogénique des chênes à l’oïdium. L’ensemble de l’étude amène à reconsidérer l’oïdium du chêne comme un probable complexe d’espèces cryptiques, dont l’histoire de l’invasion et la co-existence en Europe restent à préciser. Les résultats acquis sur l’héritabilité de la résistance et l’adaptation locale du parasite constituent une première étape dans la compréhension des interactions démo-génétiques entre hôte et parasite dans ce pathosystème. / Powdery mildew is the most common disease on oaks in Europe where it was first recorded at the beginning of the 20th century. Yet, little is known about the identity of the causal agent and his interaction with its host. The objective of this study was: (1) to characterize the species responsible of oak powdery mildew with a molecular marker (ribosomal DNA); to study the spatial distribution of these different lineages and (2) to study local adaptation of the parasite to its host (3) to explore the genetic determinism of host resistance. The study of the ITS (internal transcribed region) and IGS (intergenic spacer) diversity revealed the existence of four haplotypes, only three had been already associated with oak powdery mildew in Europe. Erysiphe alphitoïdes, for a long time considered as sole responsible for the epidemic of the XXth century, was the predominant species (~ 80% of detections), E. hypophylla and Phyllactinia sp. were detected at lower frequencies. An unexpected result is the detection of a fourth sequence which show 100% homology with ITS sequences of several powdery mildew agents of tropical trees and Erysiphe quercicola, recently described on oak in Asia and Australia but previously unknown in Europe. E. quercicola ITS was detected in all French regions, at a significant frequency (~ 15%). The study showed that E. alphitoides was often found in association with different ITS types in the same region, the same tree, and even in the same lesion. The development of an artificial inoculation method allowed the quantitative evaluation of the oak-powdery mildew interaction. A reciprocal inoculation experiment showed that powdery mildew strains were more efficient on their mother tress and their descendants than on the other trees, suggesting a trans-generational adaptation. Artificial inoculations, supplemented by observations in natural conditions, have also demonstrated a genetic determination of resistance of oak trees, with the identification of several QTL. Some of these QTL co-localize with QTL controlling phenology, in agreement with the importance of oaks ontogenic resistance to powdery mildew. The entire study leads to reconsider oak powdery mildew as a probable complex of cryptic species; the invasion history and the co-existence in Europe are still to be determined. The results achieved on the heritability of resistance and localization of the parasite are a first step in understanding the demo-genetic interactions between host and parasite in this pathosystem.
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