Spelling suggestions: "subject:"fourdimensional"" "subject:"codimensional""
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Hamiltoniens locaux et information quantique en dimensions réduitesBoudreault, Christian 11 1900 (has links)
Cette thèse exploite les liens profonds entre la physique des systèmes quantiques
locaux, les propriétés non locales de leurs états fondamentaux et le contenu en information
de ces états. Les deux premiers chapitres sont consacrés à l’application des
systèmes quantiques locaux pour les fins d’une tâche informationnelle précise, soit le
calcul quantique. Au terme d’un bref survol de la théorie, nous proposons un patron
pour le calcul quantique universel et évolutif pouvant être réalisé sur une grande
variété de plateformes physiques, et démontrons qu’il est particulièrement résilient
face à un bruit anisotrope. Les quatre derniers chapitres sont pour leur part consacrés
à l’approche informationnelle des systèmes quantiques à corps multiples. Nous
décrivons les principales propriétés des corrélations et de l’intrication dans les états
fondamentaux des systèmes de dimensions réduites les plus courants, en distinguant
systèmes non critiques et systèmes critiques. Nous montrons que ces propriétés sont
fortement modifiées par la présence de frustration géométrique dans les chaînes de
spins. Enfin, nous réalisons une analyse exhaustive des corrélations et de l’intrication
dans les états fondamentaux de deux théories quantiques de champs non triviales. / This thesis exploits the deep connections between the physics of local quantum
systems, the nonlocal features in their ground states, and the information content of
these states. The first two chapters are dedicated to the application of local quantum
systems for the purpose of a definite information-theoretical task, namely quantum
computation. After a brief survey of the theory, we propose a scheme for scalable
universal quantum computation that, we argue, could be implemented on a wide
variety of physical platforms, and show that it is particularly resilient to anisotropic
noise. The last four chapters are dedicated to the information-theoretical approach
of many-body quantum systems. We describe the main properties of correlations and
entanglement in the ground states of the most common low-dimensional many-body
systems, distinguishing between noncritical systems and critical ones. We show how
these properties can be dramatically modified by the presence of geometric frustration
in spin chains. Finally, we perform an intensive study of correlations and
entanglement in the ground states of two nontrivial one-dimensional quantum field
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Microscopic description of magnetic model compoundsSchmitt, Miriam 24 June 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Solid state physics comprises many interesting physical phenomena driven by the complex interplay of the crystal structure, magnetic and orbital degrees of freedom, quantum fluctuations and correlation. The discovery of materials which exhibit exotic phenomena like low dimensional magnetism, superconductivity, thermoelectricity or multiferroic behavior leads to various applications which even directly influence our daily live. For such technical applications and the purposive modification of materials, the understanding of the underlying mechanisms in solids is a precondition. Nowadays DFT based band structure programs become broadly available with the possibility to calculate systems with several hundreds of atoms in reasonable time scales and high accuracy using standard computers due to the rapid technical and conceptional development in the last decades. These improvements allow to study physical properties of solids from their crystal structure and support the search for underlying mechanisms of different phenomena from microscopic grounds.
This thesis focuses on the theoretical description of low dimensional magnets and intermetallic compounds. We combine DFT based electronic structure and model calculations to develop the magnetic properties of the compounds from microscopic grounds. The developed, intuitive pictures were challenged by model simulations with various experiments, probing microscopic and macroscopic properties, such as thermodynamic measurements, high field magnetization, nuclear magnetic resonance or electron spin resonance experiments. This combined approach allows to investigate the close interplay of the crystal structure and the magnetic properties of complex materials in close collaboration with experimentalists. In turn, the systematic variation of intrinsic parameters by substitution or of extrinsic factors, like magnetic field, temperature or pressure is an efficient way to probe the derived models. Especially pressure allows a continuous change of the crystal structure on a rather large energy scale without the chemical complexity of substitution, thus being an ideal tool to consistently alter the electronic structure in a controlled way. Our theoretical results not only provide reliable descriptions of real materials, exhibiting disorder, partial site occupation and/or strong correlations, but also predict fascinating phenomena upon extreme conditions. In parts this theoretical predictions were already confirmed by own experiments on large scale facilities.
Whereas in the first part of this work the main purpose was to develop reliable magnetic models of low dimensional magnets, in the second part we unraveled the underlying mechanism for different phase transitions upon pressure. In more detail, the first part of this thesis is focused on the magnetic ground states of spin 1/2 transition metal compounds which show fascinating phase diagrams with many unusual ground states, including various types of magnetic order, like helical states exhibiting different pitch angles, driven by the intimate interplay of structural details and quantum fluctuations. The exact arrangement and the connection of the magnetically active building blocks within these materials determine the hybridization, orbital occupation, and orbital orientation, this way altering the exchange paths and strengths of magnetic interaction within the system and consequently being crucial for the formation of the respective ground states. The spin 1/2 transition metal compounds, which have been investigated in this work, illustrate the great variety of exciting phenomena fueling the huge interest in this class of materials.
We focused on cuprates with magnetically active CuO4 plaquettes, mainly arranged into edge sharing geometries. The influence of structural peculiarities, as distortion, folding, changed bonding angles, substitution or exchanged ligands has been studied with respect to their relevance for the magnetic ground state. Besides the detailed description of the magnetic ground states of selected compounds, we attempted to unravel the origin for the formation of a particular magnetic ground state by deriving general trends and relations for this class of compounds. The details of the treatment of the correlation and influence of structural peculiarities like distortion or the bond angles are evaluated carefully.
In the second part of this work we presented the results of joint theoretical and experimental studies for intermetallic compounds, all exhibiting an isostructural phase transition upon pressure. Many different driving forces for such phase transitions are known like quantum fluctuations, valence instabilities or magnetic ordering. The combination of extensive computational studies and high pressure XRD, XAS and XMCD experiments using synchrotron radiation reveals completely different underlying mechanism for the onset of the phase transitions in YCo5, SrFe2As2 and EuPd3Bx.
This thesis demonstrates on a series of complex compounds that the combination of ab-initio electronic structure calculations with numerical simulations and with various experimental techniques is an extremely powerful tool for a successful description of the intriguing quantum phenomena in solids. This approach is able to reduce the complex behavior of real materials to simple but appropriate models, this way providing a deep understanding for the underlying mechanisms and an intuitive picture for many phenomena. In addition, the close interaction of theory and experiment stimulates the improvement and refinement of the methods in both areas, pioneering the grounds for more and more precise descriptions. Further pushing the limits of these mighty techniques will not only be a precondition for the success of fundamental research at the frontier between physics and chemistry, but also enables an advanced material design on computational grounds.
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DFT-based microscopic magnetic modeling for low-dimensional spin systemsJanson, Oleg 26 September 2012 (has links) (PDF)
In the vast realm of inorganic materials, the Cu2+-containing cuprates form one of the richest classes. Due to the combined effect of crystal-field, covalency and strong correlations, all undoped cuprates are magnetic insulators with well-localized spins S=1/2, whereas the charge and orbital degrees of freedom are frozen out. The combination of the spin-only nature of their magnetism with the unique structural diversity renders cuprates as excellent model systems. The experimental studies, boosted by the discovery of high-temperature superconductivity in doped La2CuO4, revealed a fascinating variety of magnetic behaviors observed in cuprates. A digest of prominent examples should include the spin-Peierls transition in CuGeO3, the Bose-Einstein condensation of magnons in BaCuSi2O6, and the quantum critical behavior of Li2ZrCuO4. The magnetism of cuprates originates from short-range (typically, well below 1 nm) exchange interactions between pairs of spins Si and Sj, localized on Cu atoms i and j. Especially in low-dimensional compounds, these interactions are strongly anisotropic: even for similar interatomic distances |Rij|, the respective magnetic couplings Jij can vary by several orders of magnitude. On the other hand, there is an empirical evidence for the isotropic nature of this interaction in the spin space: different components of Si are coupled equally strong. Thus, the magnetism of cuprates is mostly described by a Heisenberg model, comprised of Jij(Si*Sj) terms. Although the applicability of this approach to cuprates is settled, the model parameters Jij are specific to a certain material, or more precisely, to a particular arrangement of the constituent atoms, i.e. the crystal structure. Typically, among the infinite number of Jij terms, only several are physically relevant. These leading exchange couplings constitute the (minimal) microscopic magnetic model. Already at the early stages of real material studies, it became gradually evident that the assignment of model parameters is a highly nontrivial task. In general, the problem can be solved experimentally, using elaborate measurements, such as inelastic neutron scattering on large single crystals, yielding the magnetic excitation spectrum. The measured dispersion is fitted using theoretical models, and in this way, the model parameters are refined.
Despite excellent accuracy of this method, the measurements require high-quality samples and can be carried out only at special large-scale facilities. Therefore, less demanding (especially, regarding the sample requirements), yet reliable and accurate procedures are desirable. An alternative way to conjecture a magnetic model is the empirical approach, which typically relies on the Goodenough-Kanamori rules. This approach links the magnetic exchange couplings to the relevant structural parameters, such as bond angles. Despite the unbeatable performance of this approach, it is not universally applicable. Moreover, in certain cases the resulting tentative models are erroneous. The recent developments of computational facilities and techniques, especially for strongly correlated systems, turned density-functional theory (DFT) band structure calculations into an appealing alternative, complementary to the experiment. At present, the state-of-the-art computational methods yield accurate numerical estimates for the leading microscopic exchange couplings Jij (error bars typically do not exceed 10-15%).
Although this computational approach is often regarded as ab initio, the actual procedure is not parameter-free. Moreover, the numerical results are dependent on the parameterization of the exchange and correlation potential, the type of the double-counting correction, the Hubbard repulsion U etc., thus an accurate choice of these crucial parameters is a prerequisite. In this work, the optimal parameters for cuprates are carefully evaluated based on extensive band structure calculations and subsequent model simulations.
Considering the diversity of crystal structures, and consequently, magnetic behaviors, the evaluation of a microscopic model should be carried out in a systematic way. To this end, a multi-step computational approach is developed. The starting point of this procedure is a consideration of the experimental structural data, used as an input for DFT calculations. Next, a minimal DFT-based microscopic magnetic model is evaluated. This part of the study comprises band structure calculations, the analysis of the relevant bands, supercell calculations, and finally, the evaluation of a microscopic magnetic model. The ground state and the magnetic excitation spectrum of the evaluated model are analyzed using various simulation techniques, such as quantum Monte Carlo, exact diagonalization and density-matrix renormalization groups, while the choice of a particular technique is governed by the dimensionality of the model, and the presence or absence of magnetic frustration.
To illustrate the performance of the approach and tune the free parameters, the computational scheme is applied to cuprates featuring rather simple, yet diverse magnetic behaviors: spin chains in CuSe2O5, [NO]Cu(NO3)3, and CaCu2(SeO3)2Cl2; quasi-two-dimensional lattices with dimer-like couplings in alpha-Cu2P2O7 and CdCu2(BO3)2, as well as the 3D magnetic model with pronounced 1D correlations in Cu6Si6O18*6H2O. Finally, the approach is applied to spin liquid candidates --- intricate materials featuring kagome-lattice arrangement of the constituent spins. Based on the DFT calculations, microscopic magnetic models are evaluated for herbertsmithite Cu3(Zn0.85Cu0.15)(OH)6Cl2, kapellasite Cu3Zn(OH)6Cl2 and haydeeite Cu3Mg(OH)6Cl2, as well as for volborthite Cu3[V2O7](OH)2*2H2O. The results of the DFT calculations and model simulations are compared to and challenged with the available experimental data.
The advantages of the developed approach should be briefly discussed. First, it allows to distinguish between different microscopic models that yield similar macroscopic behavior. One of the most remarkable example is volborthite Cu3[V2O7](OH)2*2H2O, initially described as an anisotropic kagome lattice. The DFT calculations reveal that this compound features strongly coupled frustrated spin chains, thus a completely different type of magnetic frustration is realized.
Second, the developed approach is capable of providing accurate estimates for the leading magnetic couplings, and consequently, reliably parameterize the microscopic Hamiltonian. Dioptase Cu6Si6O18*6H2O is an instructive example showing that the microscopic theoretical approach eliminates possible ambiguity and reliably yields the correct parameterization.
Third, DFT calculations yield even better accuracy for the ratios of magnetic exchange couplings. This holds also for small interchain or interplane couplings that can be substantially smaller than the leading exchange. Hence, band structure calculations provide a unique possibility to address the interchain or interplane coupling regime, essential for the magnetic ground state, but hardly perceptible in the experiment due to the different energy scales.
Finally, an important advantage specific to magnetically frustrated systems should be mentioned. Numerous theoretical and numerical studies evidence that low-dimensionality and frustration effects are typically entwined, and their disentanglement in the experiment is at best challenging. In contrast, the computational procedure allows to distinguish between these two effects, as demonstrated by studying the long-range magnetic ordering transition in quasi-1D spin chain systems.
The computational approach presented in the thesis is a powerful tool that can be directly applied to numerous S=1/2 Heisenberg materials. Moreover, with minor modifications, it can be largely extended to other metallates with higher value of spin. Besides the excellent performance of the computational approach, its relevance should be underscored: for all the systems investigated in this work, the DFT-based studies not only reproduced the experimental data, but instead delivered new valuable information on the magnetic properties for each particular compound.
Beyond any doubt, further computational studies will yield new surprising results for known as well as for new, yet unexplored compounds. Such "surprising" outcomes can involve the ferromagnetic nature of the couplings that were previously considered antiferromagnetic, unexpected long-range couplings, or the subtle balance of antiferromagnetic and ferromagnetic contributions that "switches off" the respective magnetic exchange. In this way, dozens of potentially interesting systems can acquire quantitative microscopic magnetic models.
The results of this work evidence that elaborate experimental methods and the DFT-based modeling are of comparable reliability and complement each other. In this way, the advantageous combination of theory and experiment can largely advance the research in the field of low-dimensional quantum magnetism. For practical applications, the excellent predictive power of the computational approach can largely alleviate designing materials with specific properties.
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DFT-based microscopic magnetic modeling for low-dimensional spin systemsJanson, Oleg 29 June 2012 (has links)
In the vast realm of inorganic materials, the Cu2+-containing cuprates form one of the richest classes. Due to the combined effect of crystal-field, covalency and strong correlations, all undoped cuprates are magnetic insulators with well-localized spins S=1/2, whereas the charge and orbital degrees of freedom are frozen out. The combination of the spin-only nature of their magnetism with the unique structural diversity renders cuprates as excellent model systems. The experimental studies, boosted by the discovery of high-temperature superconductivity in doped La2CuO4, revealed a fascinating variety of magnetic behaviors observed in cuprates. A digest of prominent examples should include the spin-Peierls transition in CuGeO3, the Bose-Einstein condensation of magnons in BaCuSi2O6, and the quantum critical behavior of Li2ZrCuO4. The magnetism of cuprates originates from short-range (typically, well below 1 nm) exchange interactions between pairs of spins Si and Sj, localized on Cu atoms i and j. Especially in low-dimensional compounds, these interactions are strongly anisotropic: even for similar interatomic distances |Rij|, the respective magnetic couplings Jij can vary by several orders of magnitude. On the other hand, there is an empirical evidence for the isotropic nature of this interaction in the spin space: different components of Si are coupled equally strong. Thus, the magnetism of cuprates is mostly described by a Heisenberg model, comprised of Jij(Si*Sj) terms. Although the applicability of this approach to cuprates is settled, the model parameters Jij are specific to a certain material, or more precisely, to a particular arrangement of the constituent atoms, i.e. the crystal structure. Typically, among the infinite number of Jij terms, only several are physically relevant. These leading exchange couplings constitute the (minimal) microscopic magnetic model. Already at the early stages of real material studies, it became gradually evident that the assignment of model parameters is a highly nontrivial task. In general, the problem can be solved experimentally, using elaborate measurements, such as inelastic neutron scattering on large single crystals, yielding the magnetic excitation spectrum. The measured dispersion is fitted using theoretical models, and in this way, the model parameters are refined.
Despite excellent accuracy of this method, the measurements require high-quality samples and can be carried out only at special large-scale facilities. Therefore, less demanding (especially, regarding the sample requirements), yet reliable and accurate procedures are desirable. An alternative way to conjecture a magnetic model is the empirical approach, which typically relies on the Goodenough-Kanamori rules. This approach links the magnetic exchange couplings to the relevant structural parameters, such as bond angles. Despite the unbeatable performance of this approach, it is not universally applicable. Moreover, in certain cases the resulting tentative models are erroneous. The recent developments of computational facilities and techniques, especially for strongly correlated systems, turned density-functional theory (DFT) band structure calculations into an appealing alternative, complementary to the experiment. At present, the state-of-the-art computational methods yield accurate numerical estimates for the leading microscopic exchange couplings Jij (error bars typically do not exceed 10-15%).
Although this computational approach is often regarded as ab initio, the actual procedure is not parameter-free. Moreover, the numerical results are dependent on the parameterization of the exchange and correlation potential, the type of the double-counting correction, the Hubbard repulsion U etc., thus an accurate choice of these crucial parameters is a prerequisite. In this work, the optimal parameters for cuprates are carefully evaluated based on extensive band structure calculations and subsequent model simulations.
Considering the diversity of crystal structures, and consequently, magnetic behaviors, the evaluation of a microscopic model should be carried out in a systematic way. To this end, a multi-step computational approach is developed. The starting point of this procedure is a consideration of the experimental structural data, used as an input for DFT calculations. Next, a minimal DFT-based microscopic magnetic model is evaluated. This part of the study comprises band structure calculations, the analysis of the relevant bands, supercell calculations, and finally, the evaluation of a microscopic magnetic model. The ground state and the magnetic excitation spectrum of the evaluated model are analyzed using various simulation techniques, such as quantum Monte Carlo, exact diagonalization and density-matrix renormalization groups, while the choice of a particular technique is governed by the dimensionality of the model, and the presence or absence of magnetic frustration.
To illustrate the performance of the approach and tune the free parameters, the computational scheme is applied to cuprates featuring rather simple, yet diverse magnetic behaviors: spin chains in CuSe2O5, [NO]Cu(NO3)3, and CaCu2(SeO3)2Cl2; quasi-two-dimensional lattices with dimer-like couplings in alpha-Cu2P2O7 and CdCu2(BO3)2, as well as the 3D magnetic model with pronounced 1D correlations in Cu6Si6O18*6H2O. Finally, the approach is applied to spin liquid candidates --- intricate materials featuring kagome-lattice arrangement of the constituent spins. Based on the DFT calculations, microscopic magnetic models are evaluated for herbertsmithite Cu3(Zn0.85Cu0.15)(OH)6Cl2, kapellasite Cu3Zn(OH)6Cl2 and haydeeite Cu3Mg(OH)6Cl2, as well as for volborthite Cu3[V2O7](OH)2*2H2O. The results of the DFT calculations and model simulations are compared to and challenged with the available experimental data.
The advantages of the developed approach should be briefly discussed. First, it allows to distinguish between different microscopic models that yield similar macroscopic behavior. One of the most remarkable example is volborthite Cu3[V2O7](OH)2*2H2O, initially described as an anisotropic kagome lattice. The DFT calculations reveal that this compound features strongly coupled frustrated spin chains, thus a completely different type of magnetic frustration is realized.
Second, the developed approach is capable of providing accurate estimates for the leading magnetic couplings, and consequently, reliably parameterize the microscopic Hamiltonian. Dioptase Cu6Si6O18*6H2O is an instructive example showing that the microscopic theoretical approach eliminates possible ambiguity and reliably yields the correct parameterization.
Third, DFT calculations yield even better accuracy for the ratios of magnetic exchange couplings. This holds also for small interchain or interplane couplings that can be substantially smaller than the leading exchange. Hence, band structure calculations provide a unique possibility to address the interchain or interplane coupling regime, essential for the magnetic ground state, but hardly perceptible in the experiment due to the different energy scales.
Finally, an important advantage specific to magnetically frustrated systems should be mentioned. Numerous theoretical and numerical studies evidence that low-dimensionality and frustration effects are typically entwined, and their disentanglement in the experiment is at best challenging. In contrast, the computational procedure allows to distinguish between these two effects, as demonstrated by studying the long-range magnetic ordering transition in quasi-1D spin chain systems.
The computational approach presented in the thesis is a powerful tool that can be directly applied to numerous S=1/2 Heisenberg materials. Moreover, with minor modifications, it can be largely extended to other metallates with higher value of spin. Besides the excellent performance of the computational approach, its relevance should be underscored: for all the systems investigated in this work, the DFT-based studies not only reproduced the experimental data, but instead delivered new valuable information on the magnetic properties for each particular compound.
Beyond any doubt, further computational studies will yield new surprising results for known as well as for new, yet unexplored compounds. Such "surprising" outcomes can involve the ferromagnetic nature of the couplings that were previously considered antiferromagnetic, unexpected long-range couplings, or the subtle balance of antiferromagnetic and ferromagnetic contributions that "switches off" the respective magnetic exchange. In this way, dozens of potentially interesting systems can acquire quantitative microscopic magnetic models.
The results of this work evidence that elaborate experimental methods and the DFT-based modeling are of comparable reliability and complement each other. In this way, the advantageous combination of theory and experiment can largely advance the research in the field of low-dimensional quantum magnetism. For practical applications, the excellent predictive power of the computational approach can largely alleviate designing materials with specific properties.:List of Figures
List of Tables
List of Abbreviations
1. Introduction
2. Magnetism of cuprates
3. Experimental methods
4. DFT-based microscopic modeling
5. Simulations of a magnetic model
6. Model spin systems: challenging the computational approach
7. Kagome lattice compounds
8. Summary and outlook
List of publications
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Microscopic description of magnetic model compounds: from one-dimensional magnetic insulators to three-dimensional itinerant metalsSchmitt, Miriam 22 November 2012 (has links)
Solid state physics comprises many interesting physical phenomena driven by the complex interplay of the crystal structure, magnetic and orbital degrees of freedom, quantum fluctuations and correlation. The discovery of materials which exhibit exotic phenomena like low dimensional magnetism, superconductivity, thermoelectricity or multiferroic behavior leads to various applications which even directly influence our daily live. For such technical applications and the purposive modification of materials, the understanding of the underlying mechanisms in solids is a precondition. Nowadays DFT based band structure programs become broadly available with the possibility to calculate systems with several hundreds of atoms in reasonable time scales and high accuracy using standard computers due to the rapid technical and conceptional development in the last decades. These improvements allow to study physical properties of solids from their crystal structure and support the search for underlying mechanisms of different phenomena from microscopic grounds.
This thesis focuses on the theoretical description of low dimensional magnets and intermetallic compounds. We combine DFT based electronic structure and model calculations to develop the magnetic properties of the compounds from microscopic grounds. The developed, intuitive pictures were challenged by model simulations with various experiments, probing microscopic and macroscopic properties, such as thermodynamic measurements, high field magnetization, nuclear magnetic resonance or electron spin resonance experiments. This combined approach allows to investigate the close interplay of the crystal structure and the magnetic properties of complex materials in close collaboration with experimentalists. In turn, the systematic variation of intrinsic parameters by substitution or of extrinsic factors, like magnetic field, temperature or pressure is an efficient way to probe the derived models. Especially pressure allows a continuous change of the crystal structure on a rather large energy scale without the chemical complexity of substitution, thus being an ideal tool to consistently alter the electronic structure in a controlled way. Our theoretical results not only provide reliable descriptions of real materials, exhibiting disorder, partial site occupation and/or strong correlations, but also predict fascinating phenomena upon extreme conditions. In parts this theoretical predictions were already confirmed by own experiments on large scale facilities.
Whereas in the first part of this work the main purpose was to develop reliable magnetic models of low dimensional magnets, in the second part we unraveled the underlying mechanism for different phase transitions upon pressure. In more detail, the first part of this thesis is focused on the magnetic ground states of spin 1/2 transition metal compounds which show fascinating phase diagrams with many unusual ground states, including various types of magnetic order, like helical states exhibiting different pitch angles, driven by the intimate interplay of structural details and quantum fluctuations. The exact arrangement and the connection of the magnetically active building blocks within these materials determine the hybridization, orbital occupation, and orbital orientation, this way altering the exchange paths and strengths of magnetic interaction within the system and consequently being crucial for the formation of the respective ground states. The spin 1/2 transition metal compounds, which have been investigated in this work, illustrate the great variety of exciting phenomena fueling the huge interest in this class of materials.
We focused on cuprates with magnetically active CuO4 plaquettes, mainly arranged into edge sharing geometries. The influence of structural peculiarities, as distortion, folding, changed bonding angles, substitution or exchanged ligands has been studied with respect to their relevance for the magnetic ground state. Besides the detailed description of the magnetic ground states of selected compounds, we attempted to unravel the origin for the formation of a particular magnetic ground state by deriving general trends and relations for this class of compounds. The details of the treatment of the correlation and influence of structural peculiarities like distortion or the bond angles are evaluated carefully.
In the second part of this work we presented the results of joint theoretical and experimental studies for intermetallic compounds, all exhibiting an isostructural phase transition upon pressure. Many different driving forces for such phase transitions are known like quantum fluctuations, valence instabilities or magnetic ordering. The combination of extensive computational studies and high pressure XRD, XAS and XMCD experiments using synchrotron radiation reveals completely different underlying mechanism for the onset of the phase transitions in YCo5, SrFe2As2 and EuPd3Bx.
This thesis demonstrates on a series of complex compounds that the combination of ab-initio electronic structure calculations with numerical simulations and with various experimental techniques is an extremely powerful tool for a successful description of the intriguing quantum phenomena in solids. This approach is able to reduce the complex behavior of real materials to simple but appropriate models, this way providing a deep understanding for the underlying mechanisms and an intuitive picture for many phenomena. In addition, the close interaction of theory and experiment stimulates the improvement and refinement of the methods in both areas, pioneering the grounds for more and more precise descriptions. Further pushing the limits of these mighty techniques will not only be a precondition for the success of fundamental research at the frontier between physics and chemistry, but also enables an advanced material design on computational grounds.:Contents
List of abbreviations
1. Introduction
2. Methods
2.1. Electronic structure and magnetic models for real compounds
2.1.1. Describing a solid
2.1.2. Basic exchange and correlation functionals
2.1.3. Strong correlations
2.1.4. Band structure codes
2.1.5. Disorder and vacancies
2.1.6. Models on top of DFT
2.2. X-ray diffraction and x-ray absorption at extreme conditions
2.2.1. Diamond anvil cells
2.2.2. ID09 - XRD under pressure
2.2.3. ID24 - XAS and XMCD under pressure
3. Low dimensional magnets
3.1. Materials
3.1.1 AgCuVO4 - a model compound between two archetypes of Cu-O chains
3.1.2 Li2ZrCuO4 - in close vicinity to a quantum critical point
3.1.3 PbCuSO4(OH)2 -magnetic exchange ruled by H
3.1.4 CuCl2 and CuBr2 - flipping magnetic orbitals by crystal water
3.1.5 Na3Cu2SbO6 and Na2Cu2TeO6 - alternating chain systems
3.1.6 Cu2(PO3)2CH2 - magnetic vs. structural dimers
3.1.7 Cu2PO4OH - orbital order between dimers and chains
3.1.8 A2CuEO6 - an new family of spin 1/2 square lattice compounds
3.2. General trends and relations
3.2.1. Approximation for the treatment of strong correlation
3.2.2. Structural elements
4. Magnetic intermetallic compounds under extreme conditions 115
4.1. Itinerant magnets
4.1.1. YCo5 - a direct proof for a magneto elastic transition by XMCD
4.1.2. SrFe2As2 - symmetry-preserving lattice collapse
4.2. Localized magnets
4.2.1. EuPd3Bx - valence transition under doping and pressure
5. Summary and outlook
A. Technical details
B. Crystal Structures
C. Supporting Material
List of Publications
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