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AN ABSTRACT OF THE THESIS OF SHIBAJI CHATTERJEE, for the Master of Science degree in Geology, presented on APRIL 23, 2009, at Southern Illinois University Carbondale. TITLE: GEOPHYSICAL STUDIES OF THE HERALD-PHILLIPSTOWN FAULT AND OTHER SHALLOW STRUCTURES NEAR CARMI, ILLINOIS. MAJOR PROFESSOR: Dr John L. Sexton Four seismic reflection profiles from the Wabash Valley area of southeastern Illinois successfully imaged the Herald-Phillipstown fault. From the reflection profiles and geophysical well logs, it was interpreted that the Herald-Phillipstown fault is an inverted flower structure. The main fault of the group is a steeply dipping normal fault with associated splay faults that are reverse in character. All the faults of this inverted flower structure are basement penetrating. Structural contour maps as well as maps of various reflector surfaces are prepared using two way travel time as well as depth. These maps show that the reflectors are undulating in character. Also distinct east-west rotational movements of the reflectors are observed along these faults and the main fault shows a curved geometry from south to north. The combination of the rotational movement, the curved nature of the fault plane and the undulating reflectors resulted in variation of offsets along these faults. The nature of faults of the inverted flower structure as observed on the seismic reflection profiles also indicates that there has been a change in the stress regime from extensional to compressional. Structural cross sections were generated using geophysical well logs from drill holes located along these seismic lines to analyze the nature of these faults at shallower depths. From these cross sections numerous shallow faults were observed and many of them can be correlated with those observed on seismic records indicating upward migration of basement penetrating faults into shallow younger sediments. Many of these faults, including the Herald-Phillipstown fault show evidences of reactivation.
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Terrorn som skakade Europa : En kvalitativ studie av svensk nyhetsrapportering i samband med terrordåd / The terror that shook Europe : A qualitative study of Swedish news reporting in connection with terrorist counselingEngel, Magdalena, Lavergren, Mathilda January 2018 (has links)
The study is a qualitative text analysis of Swedish news reporting on the Terror attack in Paris 2015 and the train bombing in Madrid in 2004. The analysis is based on articles published by Aftonbladet and Dagens Nyheter. The purpose of the study is to investigate how Swedish news reporting looked at the terrorist attacks in Paris 2015 and Madrid in 2004. By examining articles from Dagens Nyheter and Aftonbladet, we investigate how media logic narrator techniques apply to news reporting and whether the criteria for news evaluation are used. The study also aims to investigate whether there are any differences between news reports 2004 versus 2015. The articles are analyzed on the basis of various themes consisting of: perpetrator, victim, event, media logic and theory of news values. The results showed that 2015 news reporting was more comprehensive than news reporting 2004. 2015 reporting gave more space to the event than 2004’s news reporting did. The news reporting of Madrid's train bombing tended to focus on whether the Basque separatist movement ETA or the al-Qaida terrorist network were guilty. In connection with the terrorist attack in Paris, the perpetrators are described in more detail.
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The Entrepreneur Experiences of Gay Business Owners in Madrid’s Gay Neighborhood Chueca and its Degaying Process in the Post-Gay EraLee, Te-Yang January 2020 (has links)
This master’s thesis is an interdisciplinary research on the ‘degaying’ process of Madrid’s gay neighborhood, Chueca, in the post-gay era and gay business owners’ entrepreneurial experiences. It strives to fill a gap in the literature in LGBT tourism studies, gender studies and entrepreneurial studies by giving voice to the LGBT community and creating contemporary knowledge and observation. The investigation involved conducting 11 qualitative semi-structured interviews with gay business owners in Chueca. The aim of this research was to shed light on the owners’ motivations in opening their businesses and to explore the challenges and changes they noticed throughout their time in the neighborhood, reviewing if Chueca has entered the post-gay era and is experiencing a degaying process. It also discusses other aspects of the district such as the marginalization of certain groups within it, its market economy and the city government’s role in gay tourism. The results of this study show that breaking the lavender ceiling is not one of the main motivations of owners in starting their businesses. Moreover, while the gay market is a profitable niche market, it is wiser for business owners to target both heterosexual and LGBT markets if possible. Lastly, Chueca has entered the post-gay era, although it is unlikely that the neighborhood will face dissolution due to its historical meaning and the fact that many people still feel more comfortable in Chueca than in other parts of the city. / <p>This thesis has been graded: VG</p>
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Earthquake risk assessment of Mississippi State UniversityPeiris, Inoka 07 August 2010 (has links)
Mississippi State University is one of the many public institutions in Mississippi located near a seismic hazard zone known as the New Madrid Seismic Zone (NMSZ). Previous studies reveal the possibility of damage to the campus during an earthquake is in the order of ten percent. Risk assessment for building structures on campus was carried out using HAZUS-MH MR3 software package, for several earthquake scenarios defined to replicate historic and hypothetical earthquake events.The study predicts peak ground accelerations of 0.09g to 0.2g relating to 0.67% to 4.28% building loss ratios respectively, which amounts to a loss of $8.2 million to $53 million. Wood and reinforced masonry buildings show significant resistance to earthquakes compared to concrete and unreinforced masonry buildings. The results of this study suggest that there is a considerable seismic risk to Mississippi State University buildings from a seismic event originating in NMSZ.
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El Real Observatorio de Madrid: espacios, circulación y públicos de la astronomía a finales de la IlustraciónHebrero Domínguez, Gema 17 July 2024 (has links)
Esta tesis doctoral analiza los procesos de institucionalización de la ciencia que se sucedieron en España a lo largo del siglo XVIII, y que sirvieron para generar nuevos espacios donde ser cultivada, enseñada y difundida. Indaga, a su vez, sobre la circulación del conocimiento desde unos centros del saber a unas periferias que los recepcionaban siguiendo unos procesos de apropiación de saberes y técnicas concretos, prestando especial atención a cómo dichos saberes fueron transformados en instituciones que realizaban actividades docentes. Asimismo, explora la forma en que estos conocimientos fueron difundidos a unos públicos determinados a través principalmente de la cultura impresa, uno de los elementos culturales más importantes del Setecientos. Para ello se ha estudiado el devenir del Real Observatorio Astronómico de Madrid desde su fundación, en las últimas décadas del siglo XVIII, hasta su parcial destrucción por las tropas francesas a principios del siglo XIX. La tesis se estructura esencialmente en torno a cuatro ejes principales: espacios, enseñanza, instrumentos y públicos. En el primero de ellos, muestra cómo las políticas borbónicas de institucionalización de la ciencia generaron nuevos espacios para el cultivo de la astronomía que, además, sirvieron para legitimar unas prácticas astronómicas frente a otras y para representar al Estado que las estaba financiando. Por otra parte, la enseñanza se constituyó como una de las actividades primordiales del Observatorio, y por medio de ella se ha indagado acerca de los procesos de circulación y apropiación de saberes utilizando para ello los materiales elaborados por los profesores de la institución. De igual modo, en este tipo de procesos jugaron un papel relevante los instrumentos científicos con los que se dotó al Observatorio, tanto por su materialidad como por los significados que llevaban implícitos. A ellos habría que añadir el establecimiento de un taller de fabricación de instrumentos propio asociado al organismo, siendo esto un ejemplo del firme propósito de abandonar la dependencia de las importaciones extranjeras para cubrir una demanda cada vez más creciente de este tipo de objetos, debida sobre todo al interés que suscitaban en un público aficionado cada vez más numeroso. Esto nos sirve para reflexionar acerca de las características de los públicos de la astronomía a finales del Setecientos, algo que en esta tesis se realiza a partir del análisis de las publicaciones del Observatorio aparecidas en la prensa periódica, destinadas a un público aficionado y conocedor de la astronomía, pero también a partir de los calendarios elaborados por dicho establecimiento, mucho más populares entre la población. Con todo lo anterior, se espera contribuir a un mejor conocimiento de la astronomía de finales del siglo XVIII y principios del XIX a partir de nuevas perspectivas y fuentes.
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Entre princes et marchands : les agents généraux de France à Madrid dans les interstices de la diplomatie (1702-1793) / Between princes and merchants : general agents of France in Madrid in the interstices of diplomacy (1702-1793)Lloret, Sylvain 25 June 2018 (has links)
Entre 1702 et 1793, onze hommes occupèrent la fonction d’agent général de la Marine et du Commerce de France à Madrid. Agissant sans statut officiel, ces envoyés du secrétaire d’État de la Marine étaient la pièce maîtresse d’un réseau d’information français en Espagne. Créés après l’avènement du Bourbon Philippe V au trône d’Espagne, ces experts, clé de voûte du réseau consulaire français dans la Péninsule, mirent leur compétence économique au service d’un rapprochement commercial entre les deux monarchies. Par leur action, leur surface sociale, leur connaissance de l’Espagne et leurs discours, ces intermédiaires s’appropriaient une fonction aux contours obscurs. Hommes de l’ombre sous les ordres de l’ambassadeur français, ils acquirent une dimension qui en fit les véritables artisans d’une diplomatie commerciale franco-espagnole au XVIIIe siècle. Ces instances de dialogue interrogent les interactions croissantes entre commerce et diplomatie. L’étude tend à montrer en quoi ces figures hybrides se situaient à l’interface entre plusieurs mondes : la France et l’Espagne d’une part, le négoce et la sphère politique d’autre part. Informateurs, négociateurs et médiateurs, ces agents interrogent le cheminement qui conduisait de l’information à la négociation. Il s’agit de montrer en quoi ces hommes, acteurs de l’interconnexion des deux monarchies, dessinaient les contours d’un espace de dialogue spécifique qui visait à combler les interstices entre les réalités du terrain et la discussion entre gouvernements. / Between 1702 and 1793, eleven men held the position of general agent of the Navy and Trade of France in Madrid. Acting without any official status, these envoys of the Secretary of State of the Navy were the centerpiece of a French informative network in Spain. Created after the advent of the Bourbon Philip V to the Spanish throne, these experts, keystone of the French consular network in the Peninsula, put their economic competence at the service of a commercial alliance between both monarchies. Their action, social surface, knowledge of Spain and discourse, helped these intermediaries seize a function with blurry outlines. Men of the shadow under the orders of the French ambassador, they acquired such a dimension that they became the true artisans of a Franco-Spanish commercial diplomacy in the eighteenth century. These go-between rise the matter of the growing interactions between trade and diplomacy. The study tends to show how these hybrid figures were perfectly in between several worlds : France and Spain on the one hand, trading and the political sphere on the other. Informants, negotiators and mediators, these agents encourage us to question the path that led from information to negotiation. Thus, what is at stake in this study is to show how these men, actors of the interconnection of the two monarchies, drew the frame for a specific dialogue which aimed to fill the interstices between the realities of the field and the more political debate between governments.
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Critical Activism : Five Conditions for a Beneficial, Effective and Efficient Activism / Activismo Crítico : Cinco criterios para un activismo beneficioso, efectivo y eficienteOviedo Ramos, Tatiana January 2019 (has links)
The goal of this thesis is to introduce the concept of Critical Activism (CA). Activism is expected to be beneficial and efficient. Therefore, there is a need of guiding conditions. To this end, I analyse a critical Pride movement, which arises as a reaction to the existing Pride movement, in such context. It is concluded that a CA must be political, radical, comprehensive, quotidian and inclusive. These five conditions help an activism to be beneficial and efficient.
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Les fournisseurs de parures à la cour madrilène sous Charles II (1665-1700). Service et représentation du souverain au cœur de son royaume / The suppliers to the Royal Household under Charles II (1665-1700). Service and representation of the monarch in the centre of his kingdomMartinez, Sandra 22 April 2017 (has links)
Pour Charles II, souverain malade, héritier tardif d’une fin – fin d’un siècle, fin d’une dynastie, fin du « temps de l’Espagne » –, la mise en scène du pouvoir est une nécessité majeure. Le corps du roi, par-delà l’apparence physique, est le réceptacle de la souveraineté, d’une représentation politique. Sur ce corps vêtu, la physionomie est transcendée par le vêtement et par sa fonction de reconnaissance et de légitimation. Le rôle de la parure est de forger l’image du monarque. L’expertise et le travail du fournisseur en parures, véritable architecte de l’image du roi, masquent, créent, subliment la silhouette et la figure royale. Pour travailler le rôle et le statut des fournisseurs royaux en parures sous Charles II, nous avons fondé nos analyses sur des manuscrits inédits des archives du Palais royal de Madrid. La découverte de certains documents remarquables a permis une étude en profondeur du métier des marchands et artisans attitrés de la famille du souverain. / For Charles II, ill sovereign, late heir of an end – end of a century, end of a dynasty, end of the « time of Spain » –, the representation of power is an absolute necessity. The king's body, beyond physical appearance, carries sovereignty, political representation. On this dressed body, clothing and its function of recognition and justification transcends physiognomy. Finery role is to forge the image of the monarch. Competence and work of the supplier of finery, real architect of the king's image, hide, create, sublimate king's figure and form. In order to work on the role and status of royal family suppliers of livery under Charles II, we based our analysis on original manuscripts of Madrid royal palace's archives. The discovery of some notable documents allowed a deep study of the trade of merchants and craftsmen with royal warrants.
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A recently identified 30 km by 7.2 km subsurface stratigraphic uplift, called the Charleston uplift, exhibits 36 m offset of Paleogene-Quaternary unconformity based on shallow borehole data. Two seismic soundings demonstrated relief in Paleozoic and Cretaceous reflectors across the northern boundary of the uplift, suggesting a structural origin rather than an erosional origin. This study collected and analyzed 18 additional shallow seismic soundings to confirm Paleozoic and Cretaceous offset across the boundaries of the uplift, to better constrain the surface trace of the uplift, and to examine potential extension into western Kentucky. One ground penetrating radar profile was taken in western Kentucky to image recent deformation. Results confirm Paleozoic and Cretaceous offset along the boundaries of the uplift and indicate extension of the uplift into western Kentucky, although recent deformation was unconfirmed by the radar profile. These data support a structural origin. The N46°E trend of the uplift as well as its coincidence with contemporary microseismicity suggest that this feature may be related to the New Madrid seismic zone, specifically the New Madrid North fault, which may have implications for hazard assessment, as well as possible a reevaluation of the epicenters for the 23 January 1812 Mw ≥ 7.0 event.
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Frankova éra ve Španělsku ze zorného úhlu El Clásica: FC Barcelona proti Realu Madrid / Franco years in Spain through "El Clásico": FC Barcelona vs. Real MadridVakulenko, Darya January 2013 (has links)
Master's thesis "Franco years in Spain through El Clásico: FC Barcelona vs. Real Madrid" explores the football rivalry between Real Madrid and Barcelona teams during the franquismo. The theme of Real Madrid, understood as a team supported and promoted by the Spanish regime is prevailing throughout the paper. Another part describes deep cultural symbolism of FC Barcelona in Catalonian region. The last part unites those two subjects by explaining how their rivalry or El Clásico games, were more than just a match of football. Emotional attachments, political manifestations and historical differences always prevailed throughout their matches.
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