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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Processions et espace public à Madrid : enjeux de pouvoir (1561-1700) / Processions and public space in Madrid : stakes of power (1561-1700)

Buvat, Emmanuelle 02 December 2013 (has links)
L’établissement de la Cour à Madrid en 1561 et l’obtention de son nouveau statut de capitale des Espagnes transforment la configuration du système politique, économique et social sur lequel cette ville était jusqu’alors fondée. Le pouvoir royal se joint désormais aux instances municipales et ecclésiastiques dans l’organisation des fêtes religieuses accompagnées de processions de plus en plus somptueuses. Ces dernières deviennent très rapidement un objet de tensions entre les trois autorités madrilènes qui se reflètent au sein de l’espace public. L’examen d’un panorama global des processions madrilènes et de leur relation à l’espace rend compte à la fois des évolutions des dévotions religieuses et de celles de la ville elle-même, c’est-à-dire, de leur dynamique inscrite dans un tissu urbain en mouvement. Cette étude considère les aspects anthropologiques, économiques, sociaux et politiques des processions dont les enjeux sont susceptibles de modifier les équilibres institutionnels du Madrid des Habsbourg, de Philippe II à Charles II. / In 1561, the establishment of the Court in Madrid, as the city gains the status of new capital of the Spains, alters the configuration of the political, economic and social system on which the city was built until then. The royal power now joins the municipal and church authorities to organize religious feasts along with ever more magnificent processions. The latter will soon become a bone of contention between the three ruling bodies in Madrid, reflected in the public space as well. The global overview of the Madrid processions and their relationship to space depicted in this study reveals both the evolution of religious devotions and the changes affecting the dynamic of the city itself within a moving urban fabric. This piece of research also takes into account the anthropological, economic, social and political aspects of the processions whose stakes are likely to modify the institutional equilibria within the Madrid of the Habsburgs, from Philip II to Charles II.

Vieillissement démographique et gestion des sociétés vieillissantes des Caraïbes dans le contexte du premier cycle d'évaluation du Plan d'action international de Madrid

Vézina, Samuel 04 1900 (has links)
La dynamique démographique ayant cours au sein de la région des Caraïbes est très particulière, notamment par la rapidité avec laquelle la population vieillit, un rythme des plus élevés par rapport aux autres régions du monde. Les enjeux cruciaux que sont ceux d’assurer la qualité de vie des aînés d’aujourd’hui et de demain ainsi qu’une gestion efficace de ces sociétés vieillissantes se doivent d’être abordés et pris en compte. Le présent mémoire diffuse les résultats d'une analyse ciblée des caractéristiques sociodémographiques des personnes âgées de quatre États des Caraïbes (Antigua-et-Barbuda, Sainte-Lucie, Saint-Vincent-et-les-Grenadines et Trinité-et-Tobago) à partir des données de leur plus récent recensement. Ce portrait met une emphase particulière sur les conditions de vie, la santé et la participation sur le marché du travail des personnes âgées, soit sur les grands thèmes des trois objectifs du Plan d’action international sur le vieillissement de Madrid. Par ailleurs, un regard est posé sur les effets des cinq premières années en vigueur du Plan de Madrid sur les populations caribéennes. Les informations obtenues à la suite d’interviews effectués auprès de personnes contacts de quelques pays caribéens sont synthétisées et identifient les efforts déployés principalement par les gouvernements pour inclure les objectifs du Plan de Madrid et autres enjeux du vieillissement démographique dans les mécanismes et les politiques de développement social et économique ainsi que ceux de respect des droits humains. / This study presents the major findings of a statistical analysis of population census data sets (2000 census round) for four countries in the Caribbean region: Antigua and Barbuda, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines and Trinidad and Tobago. It analyses national census data with a specific focus on the elderly population: their health and well-being, including a discussion of their living arrangements and economic security. A basic descriptive analysis of the variables and synthetic indicators is presented and discussed. Furthermore, in the context of the review and appraisal of the implementation of the Madrid International Plan of Action on Aging, information collected through the Survey on Programs for Older Persons in the Caribbean is presented and synthesized. An attempt is made to describe in detail the aging national programs and actions that have been implemented in the English-speaking countries of the Caribbean since the adoption of the Madrid Plan in 2002. The main changes and challenges to the quality of life of older persons in the countries that were reported are listed, compared and discussed. Population dynamics in the Caribbean are characterized by the rapid pace at which the demographic aging process is occurring. Despite significant ongoing changes in this area, very few studies have examined the Caribbean region. Nevertheless, Caribbean governments would clearly benefit from being made aware of such changes in their finest detail; among other things, a thorough comprehension of population dynamics would aid these governments in adequately planning the financing of their social security and health programs. / La dinámica demográfica actual de la región del Caribe es muy particular, especialmente por la rapidez con la que la población envejece, ya que es uno de los ritmos más acelerados con respecto a otras regiones del mundo. Asuntos cruciales, tales como asegurar la calidad de vida de los ancianos del presente y del futuro, así como una gestión eficaz de esas sociedades deben ser considerados. El presente estudio difunde los resultados de un análisis específico de las características sociodemográficas de los adultos mayores de cuatro Estados del Caribe (Antigua y Barbuda, Santa Lucía, San Vicente y las Granadinas y Trinidad y Tobago) a partir de datos de su censo mas reciente. Este retrato enfatiza los grandes temas de los tres objetivos del Plan de Acción Internacional de Madrid sobre el Envejecimiento: las condiciones de vida, la salud y la participación en el mercado laboral de los adultos mayores. Por otro lado son examinados los efectos de los cinco primeros años de vigencia del Plan de Madrid sobre las poblaciones caribeñas. La información, obtenida por medio de entrevistas efectuadas con contactos de algunos países caribeños, es sintetizada e identifica los esfuerzos desplegados principalmente por los gobiernos para incluir los objetivos del Plan de Madrid y de otros asuntos del envejecimiento demográfico en los mecanismos y las políticas de desarrollo social y económico, así como el respeto de los derechos humanos.

O “indio historiador” da redução de São Luís : escrita e autoria a partir do relato de Crisanto Neranda (1754-1772)

Silva, Marina Gris da January 2017 (has links)
Esta dissertação parte de dois eixos de investigação: um deles é Crisanto Neranda, um Guarani letrado das missões jesuíticas do Paraguai, membro de uma congregação e integrante da administração da redução de São Luís; o outro, um relato escrito que é atribuído a esse sujeito. Esse registro narra as situações que Crisanto teria vivenciado no ano de 1754 após ser capturado por portugueses durante os conflitos conhecidos como “Guerra Guaranítica”, que estão associados à demarcação do Tratado de Madri (1750). O texto, no entanto, não se restringe a esse momento específico, pois o relato foi instrumentalizado por diversos outros personagens, se vinculando também a conjunturas posteriores. A primeira parte deste estudo examina a trajetória do documento, com o objetivo de compreender como ele foi difundido e conservado, e o papel desempenhado não apenas pelo “autor” da narrativa, mas também por aqueles que se encarregaram de copiá-la, traduzi-la e citá-la. As seções seguintes buscam identificar quem foi Crisanto Neranda e quais lugares ocupava no contexto reducional, bem como o conteúdo comunicado pelo relato, as formas pelas quais faz isso, as motivações para sua produção e quais seriam os seus possíveis destinatários, visando observar como esses aspectos se relacionavam ao manuseio do seu testemunho por outros sujeitos e ao caráter de “autor” que é conferido a esse indígena da redução de São Luís. A análise desse caso possibilita, assim, o estabelecimento de considerações acerca dos usos da escrita e das possibilidades apresentadas por essa tecnologia no contexto da fronteira americana meridional entre os impérios ibéricos na segunda metade do século XVIII. / This dissertation departs from two lines of investigation: one of them is Crisanto Neranda, a Guaraní from the missions of Paraguay who was a literate member and administrator at the Jesuit reduction of São Luís, and also belonged to a congregation; the other, a written report that is attributed to this person. This record narrates the situations that Crisanto would have experienced in the year of 1754 after being captured by the Portuguese army during the conflicts known as “Guaraní War”, related to the demarcation of the Treaty of Madrid (1750). This text, however, is not restricted to this specific moment, because the report was utilized by several other characters, and is also linked to later conjunctures. The first part of this study examines the document’s trajectory, with the objective of understandig how it was widespread and preserved, and the role played not only by its “author”, but also by those who took charge of translating, copying and citing it. The following sections seek to identify who was Crisanto Neranda and which places he ocuppied in the context of the mission, as well as the content communicated by the report, the ways in which it does this, the motivations for its production, and which would be its possible recipients, aiming to observe how these aspects were related to the handling of the testimony by other subjects and to the character of “author” that is conferred to this native of the reduction of São Luís. The analysis of this case makes it possible to establish considerations about the uses of writing and the possibilities presented by this technology in the context of the southern American frontier between the Iberian empires in the second half of the eighteenth century.

Vieillissement démographique et gestion des sociétés vieillissantes des Caraïbes dans le contexte du premier cycle d'évaluation du Plan d'action international de Madrid

Vézina, Samuel 04 1900 (has links)
La dynamique démographique ayant cours au sein de la région des Caraïbes est très particulière, notamment par la rapidité avec laquelle la population vieillit, un rythme des plus élevés par rapport aux autres régions du monde. Les enjeux cruciaux que sont ceux d’assurer la qualité de vie des aînés d’aujourd’hui et de demain ainsi qu’une gestion efficace de ces sociétés vieillissantes se doivent d’être abordés et pris en compte. Le présent mémoire diffuse les résultats d'une analyse ciblée des caractéristiques sociodémographiques des personnes âgées de quatre États des Caraïbes (Antigua-et-Barbuda, Sainte-Lucie, Saint-Vincent-et-les-Grenadines et Trinité-et-Tobago) à partir des données de leur plus récent recensement. Ce portrait met une emphase particulière sur les conditions de vie, la santé et la participation sur le marché du travail des personnes âgées, soit sur les grands thèmes des trois objectifs du Plan d’action international sur le vieillissement de Madrid. Par ailleurs, un regard est posé sur les effets des cinq premières années en vigueur du Plan de Madrid sur les populations caribéennes. Les informations obtenues à la suite d’interviews effectués auprès de personnes contacts de quelques pays caribéens sont synthétisées et identifient les efforts déployés principalement par les gouvernements pour inclure les objectifs du Plan de Madrid et autres enjeux du vieillissement démographique dans les mécanismes et les politiques de développement social et économique ainsi que ceux de respect des droits humains. / This study presents the major findings of a statistical analysis of population census data sets (2000 census round) for four countries in the Caribbean region: Antigua and Barbuda, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines and Trinidad and Tobago. It analyses national census data with a specific focus on the elderly population: their health and well-being, including a discussion of their living arrangements and economic security. A basic descriptive analysis of the variables and synthetic indicators is presented and discussed. Furthermore, in the context of the review and appraisal of the implementation of the Madrid International Plan of Action on Aging, information collected through the Survey on Programs for Older Persons in the Caribbean is presented and synthesized. An attempt is made to describe in detail the aging national programs and actions that have been implemented in the English-speaking countries of the Caribbean since the adoption of the Madrid Plan in 2002. The main changes and challenges to the quality of life of older persons in the countries that were reported are listed, compared and discussed. Population dynamics in the Caribbean are characterized by the rapid pace at which the demographic aging process is occurring. Despite significant ongoing changes in this area, very few studies have examined the Caribbean region. Nevertheless, Caribbean governments would clearly benefit from being made aware of such changes in their finest detail; among other things, a thorough comprehension of population dynamics would aid these governments in adequately planning the financing of their social security and health programs. / La dinámica demográfica actual de la región del Caribe es muy particular, especialmente por la rapidez con la que la población envejece, ya que es uno de los ritmos más acelerados con respecto a otras regiones del mundo. Asuntos cruciales, tales como asegurar la calidad de vida de los ancianos del presente y del futuro, así como una gestión eficaz de esas sociedades deben ser considerados. El presente estudio difunde los resultados de un análisis específico de las características sociodemográficas de los adultos mayores de cuatro Estados del Caribe (Antigua y Barbuda, Santa Lucía, San Vicente y las Granadinas y Trinidad y Tobago) a partir de datos de su censo mas reciente. Este retrato enfatiza los grandes temas de los tres objetivos del Plan de Acción Internacional de Madrid sobre el Envejecimiento: las condiciones de vida, la salud y la participación en el mercado laboral de los adultos mayores. Por otro lado son examinados los efectos de los cinco primeros años de vigencia del Plan de Madrid sobre las poblaciones caribeñas. La información, obtenida por medio de entrevistas efectuadas con contactos de algunos países caribeños, es sintetizada e identifica los esfuerzos desplegados principalmente por los gobiernos para incluir los objetivos del Plan de Madrid y de otros asuntos del envejecimiento demográfico en los mecanismos y las políticas de desarrollo social y económico, así como el respeto de los derechos humanos.

O “indio historiador” da redução de São Luís : escrita e autoria a partir do relato de Crisanto Neranda (1754-1772)

Silva, Marina Gris da January 2017 (has links)
Esta dissertação parte de dois eixos de investigação: um deles é Crisanto Neranda, um Guarani letrado das missões jesuíticas do Paraguai, membro de uma congregação e integrante da administração da redução de São Luís; o outro, um relato escrito que é atribuído a esse sujeito. Esse registro narra as situações que Crisanto teria vivenciado no ano de 1754 após ser capturado por portugueses durante os conflitos conhecidos como “Guerra Guaranítica”, que estão associados à demarcação do Tratado de Madri (1750). O texto, no entanto, não se restringe a esse momento específico, pois o relato foi instrumentalizado por diversos outros personagens, se vinculando também a conjunturas posteriores. A primeira parte deste estudo examina a trajetória do documento, com o objetivo de compreender como ele foi difundido e conservado, e o papel desempenhado não apenas pelo “autor” da narrativa, mas também por aqueles que se encarregaram de copiá-la, traduzi-la e citá-la. As seções seguintes buscam identificar quem foi Crisanto Neranda e quais lugares ocupava no contexto reducional, bem como o conteúdo comunicado pelo relato, as formas pelas quais faz isso, as motivações para sua produção e quais seriam os seus possíveis destinatários, visando observar como esses aspectos se relacionavam ao manuseio do seu testemunho por outros sujeitos e ao caráter de “autor” que é conferido a esse indígena da redução de São Luís. A análise desse caso possibilita, assim, o estabelecimento de considerações acerca dos usos da escrita e das possibilidades apresentadas por essa tecnologia no contexto da fronteira americana meridional entre os impérios ibéricos na segunda metade do século XVIII. / This dissertation departs from two lines of investigation: one of them is Crisanto Neranda, a Guaraní from the missions of Paraguay who was a literate member and administrator at the Jesuit reduction of São Luís, and also belonged to a congregation; the other, a written report that is attributed to this person. This record narrates the situations that Crisanto would have experienced in the year of 1754 after being captured by the Portuguese army during the conflicts known as “Guaraní War”, related to the demarcation of the Treaty of Madrid (1750). This text, however, is not restricted to this specific moment, because the report was utilized by several other characters, and is also linked to later conjunctures. The first part of this study examines the document’s trajectory, with the objective of understandig how it was widespread and preserved, and the role played not only by its “author”, but also by those who took charge of translating, copying and citing it. The following sections seek to identify who was Crisanto Neranda and which places he ocuppied in the context of the mission, as well as the content communicated by the report, the ways in which it does this, the motivations for its production, and which would be its possible recipients, aiming to observe how these aspects were related to the handling of the testimony by other subjects and to the character of “author” that is conferred to this native of the reduction of São Luís. The analysis of this case makes it possible to establish considerations about the uses of writing and the possibilities presented by this technology in the context of the southern American frontier between the Iberian empires in the second half of the eighteenth century.

De alferes a corregedor : a trajetória de Sepé Tiaraju durante a demarcação de limites na América Meridional - 1752/1761

Burd, Rafael January 2012 (has links)
Em 1750, era assinado entre as Coroas da Espanha e de Portugal o Tratado de Madri. Este determinava, entre outras coisas, a troca da Colônia de Sacramento pelas missões ao leste do rio Uruguai, o que levaria os guaranis que ali viviam a transmigrar para a outra margem do mesmo rio. Na medida em que estes indígenas apresentaram resistência, foram mandadas tropas para realizar esta função. É nesse contexto que se percebe a atuação de Sepé Tiaraju: como membro de uma elite missioneira, elaborada pelos padres jesuítas, que se revoltou contra as determinações de deixar suas terras. Analisando a trajetória de Sepé, percebe-se a construção de sua liderança e autoridade perante os demais. A abordagem versa sobre a forma e a maneira de como sua liderança foi construída: através das redes de relação e da forma de como estas foram elaboradas. Ao mesmo tempo, o modo como o prestígio de Sepé, e das autoridades indígenas em geral, é estabelecido também é abordado. A opção metodológica cai sobre a micro-história, sobretudo a sustentada por Carlo Ginzburg, buscando uma leitura atenta aos detalhes da fonte. Além disso, o método de pesquisa traçado pela etno-história, que combina elementos da História e da Antropologia e insere o indígena na História da conquista da América, também é utilizado, fazendo da pesquisa uma releitura da documentação disponível sobre Sepé à luz da “Nova História Indígena”. / In 1750 the Treaty of Madri was signed between the Crowns of Spain and Portugal. It supposed, among other points, the exchange of the Colônia de Sacramento for the missions at east of the Uruguai river, which would force the Guaraníes that lived there to migrate to the other side of the river. As the indigenes resisted, troops were sent to do the task. It is in this context that the role of Sepé Tiaraju is noted: as a member of a Missions elite, organized by the Jesuit priests, which had rebeled against the resolution of leaving their land. Analyzing Sepé's trajectory, it's perceived the development of his leadership and authority over the others. This approach examines the ways and means how his leadership was built: through the relationship networks and the way they were made. At the same time, it's explained the way that Sepé's and the authorities' reputation is established. The methodological option is the microhistory, mainly the part sustained by Carlo Ginzburg, seeking a careful reading of the source details. Moreover, the research method delineated by etnohistory, that combines elements from History and Anthropology and put the indigene in the History of the conquest of America, is also used, converting the research into a rereading of the available documentation under the light of the “New Indian History”.

Football, société et politique en Espagne : du franquisme à la transition démocratique (1939-1982) / Football, society and politics in Spain : from francoism to democratic transition (1939-1982)

Doukaga Kassa, Pachely 09 June 2017 (has links)
Cette thèse analyse la fonction politique et identitaire du football en Espagne pendant le franquisme et la transition démocratique, en se focalisant particulièrement sur deux clubs : le Real Madrid et le FC Barcelone. L’un est considéré comme le meilleur ambassadeur de l’Espagne à l’étranger. L’autre, un instrument pour la mobilisation de l’opposition démocratique, et surtout un refuge pour les revendications de types identitaires à cette époque. Réaliser une étude sur le football peut sembler a priori ne pas s’inscrire dans une démarche scientifique. Pourtant, au-delà du sport et du divertissement, le football est un fait social, dont l’analyse est essentielle à la compréhension des sociétés contemporaines. Il mérite de ce fait une attention particulière, notamment lorsque l’on s’intéresse à l’histoire de l’Espagne, laquelle est extrêmement révélatrice des enjeux socioculturels et politiques que revêt le football dans ce pays / This thesis analyzes the political and social function of football in Francoist Spain and during the democratic transition, focusing particularly on two clubs: Real Madrid and FC Barcelona. One is considered the best ambassador of Spain abroad. And the other is an instrument for the mobilization of the democratic opposition, and above all a hub for ethno-social identity related claims at that time. A study about football may at first seem to not to belong within the scientific approach. Yet, beyond sport and entertainment, football is a social phenomenon, the analysis of which is essential to the understanding of contemporary societies. It deserves attention, especially when one is interested in the history of Spain, which is extremely revealing of the socio-cultural and political stakes that football has in this country

De alferes a corregedor : a trajetória de Sepé Tiaraju durante a demarcação de limites na América Meridional - 1752/1761

Burd, Rafael January 2012 (has links)
Em 1750, era assinado entre as Coroas da Espanha e de Portugal o Tratado de Madri. Este determinava, entre outras coisas, a troca da Colônia de Sacramento pelas missões ao leste do rio Uruguai, o que levaria os guaranis que ali viviam a transmigrar para a outra margem do mesmo rio. Na medida em que estes indígenas apresentaram resistência, foram mandadas tropas para realizar esta função. É nesse contexto que se percebe a atuação de Sepé Tiaraju: como membro de uma elite missioneira, elaborada pelos padres jesuítas, que se revoltou contra as determinações de deixar suas terras. Analisando a trajetória de Sepé, percebe-se a construção de sua liderança e autoridade perante os demais. A abordagem versa sobre a forma e a maneira de como sua liderança foi construída: através das redes de relação e da forma de como estas foram elaboradas. Ao mesmo tempo, o modo como o prestígio de Sepé, e das autoridades indígenas em geral, é estabelecido também é abordado. A opção metodológica cai sobre a micro-história, sobretudo a sustentada por Carlo Ginzburg, buscando uma leitura atenta aos detalhes da fonte. Além disso, o método de pesquisa traçado pela etno-história, que combina elementos da História e da Antropologia e insere o indígena na História da conquista da América, também é utilizado, fazendo da pesquisa uma releitura da documentação disponível sobre Sepé à luz da “Nova História Indígena”. / In 1750 the Treaty of Madri was signed between the Crowns of Spain and Portugal. It supposed, among other points, the exchange of the Colônia de Sacramento for the missions at east of the Uruguai river, which would force the Guaraníes that lived there to migrate to the other side of the river. As the indigenes resisted, troops were sent to do the task. It is in this context that the role of Sepé Tiaraju is noted: as a member of a Missions elite, organized by the Jesuit priests, which had rebeled against the resolution of leaving their land. Analyzing Sepé's trajectory, it's perceived the development of his leadership and authority over the others. This approach examines the ways and means how his leadership was built: through the relationship networks and the way they were made. At the same time, it's explained the way that Sepé's and the authorities' reputation is established. The methodological option is the microhistory, mainly the part sustained by Carlo Ginzburg, seeking a careful reading of the source details. Moreover, the research method delineated by etnohistory, that combines elements from History and Anthropology and put the indigene in the History of the conquest of America, is also used, converting the research into a rereading of the available documentation under the light of the “New Indian History”.

O “indio historiador” da redução de São Luís : escrita e autoria a partir do relato de Crisanto Neranda (1754-1772)

Silva, Marina Gris da January 2017 (has links)
Esta dissertação parte de dois eixos de investigação: um deles é Crisanto Neranda, um Guarani letrado das missões jesuíticas do Paraguai, membro de uma congregação e integrante da administração da redução de São Luís; o outro, um relato escrito que é atribuído a esse sujeito. Esse registro narra as situações que Crisanto teria vivenciado no ano de 1754 após ser capturado por portugueses durante os conflitos conhecidos como “Guerra Guaranítica”, que estão associados à demarcação do Tratado de Madri (1750). O texto, no entanto, não se restringe a esse momento específico, pois o relato foi instrumentalizado por diversos outros personagens, se vinculando também a conjunturas posteriores. A primeira parte deste estudo examina a trajetória do documento, com o objetivo de compreender como ele foi difundido e conservado, e o papel desempenhado não apenas pelo “autor” da narrativa, mas também por aqueles que se encarregaram de copiá-la, traduzi-la e citá-la. As seções seguintes buscam identificar quem foi Crisanto Neranda e quais lugares ocupava no contexto reducional, bem como o conteúdo comunicado pelo relato, as formas pelas quais faz isso, as motivações para sua produção e quais seriam os seus possíveis destinatários, visando observar como esses aspectos se relacionavam ao manuseio do seu testemunho por outros sujeitos e ao caráter de “autor” que é conferido a esse indígena da redução de São Luís. A análise desse caso possibilita, assim, o estabelecimento de considerações acerca dos usos da escrita e das possibilidades apresentadas por essa tecnologia no contexto da fronteira americana meridional entre os impérios ibéricos na segunda metade do século XVIII. / This dissertation departs from two lines of investigation: one of them is Crisanto Neranda, a Guaraní from the missions of Paraguay who was a literate member and administrator at the Jesuit reduction of São Luís, and also belonged to a congregation; the other, a written report that is attributed to this person. This record narrates the situations that Crisanto would have experienced in the year of 1754 after being captured by the Portuguese army during the conflicts known as “Guaraní War”, related to the demarcation of the Treaty of Madrid (1750). This text, however, is not restricted to this specific moment, because the report was utilized by several other characters, and is also linked to later conjunctures. The first part of this study examines the document’s trajectory, with the objective of understandig how it was widespread and preserved, and the role played not only by its “author”, but also by those who took charge of translating, copying and citing it. The following sections seek to identify who was Crisanto Neranda and which places he ocuppied in the context of the mission, as well as the content communicated by the report, the ways in which it does this, the motivations for its production, and which would be its possible recipients, aiming to observe how these aspects were related to the handling of the testimony by other subjects and to the character of “author” that is conferred to this native of the reduction of São Luís. The analysis of this case makes it possible to establish considerations about the uses of writing and the possibilities presented by this technology in the context of the southern American frontier between the Iberian empires in the second half of the eighteenth century.

Imágenes y representaciones de un espacio urbano: el papel de los medios de comunicación en la reproducción de las desigualdades

Monreal Requena, Pilar 25 September 2017 (has links)
El presente artículo tiene como objetivo analizar el papel que los medios de comunicación, especialmente la prensa escrita en su papel digitalizado, tienen en el proceso de estigmatización de un barrio pobre y segregado de la Comunidad de Madrid, España. Para ello, hemos utilizado las noticias aparecidas en los periódicos de uno de los mayores asentamientos informales de España, La Cañada Real Galiana a su paso por Madrid. Identificados sus cerca de 15 km de extensión con categorías como sucia, desordenada, caótica, ilegal y marginal, además de ligarla con el tráfico de drogas y otras actividades delictivas en los últimos años, la creación y rápida divulgación de una narrativa que la estigmatiza ha sido posibilitada por su vinculación con los valores opuestos a los implícitos en el nuevo modelo de desarrollo urbano. / This article has as objective to analyze the role that the media, especially the written press in your scanned paper, are in the process of stigmatization of a poor neighborhood and segregated from the Community of Madrid, Spain). To do this, we have used the news which appeared in the newspapers about one of the largest informal settlements of Spain, La Cañada Real Galiana passing through Madrid. Its near 15 km in length have identified with categories such as dirty, disorderly, chaotic, illegal and marginal, in addition with drug trafficking and other criminal activities in recent years, the creation and rapid dissemination of a narrative that stigmatized has been made possible by linking them to the opposite values to those implicit in the new model of urban development.

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