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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Miguel Yuste: His Works for Clarinet and His Influence on the Spanish Clarinet School of Playing in the Twentieth Century, A Lecture Recital, Together with Three Recitals of Selected Works by Bax, Mason, Khachaturian, Chausson, Bozza, Beethoven, and Others

McLaren, Malena Rachel 05 1900 (has links)
The popularity of the clarinet in Spain is second only to that of the guitar, and there is a rich tradition of clarinet playing that is accompanied by an equally rich repertoire of music for the clarinet by Spanish composers. The works for clarinet and piano by Miguel Yuste (1870-1947) are among this little known repertoire. In the early twentieth century it was thought that Miguel Yuste wrote over one hundred works for clarinet. However, current research suggests that this is incorrect. What is known is that seven works for clarinet and piano have been published. Miguel Yuste and his music are pivotal in the establishment of the strong clarinet tradition for which Spain is presently known. In his thirty years as the clarinet professor at the Real Conservatorio Superior de Música de Madrid (1910-1940), Miguel Yuste's music and pedagogical ideas became, and continue to be among the foundations of Spanish clarinet playing. This project discusses each published work and presents current research on the works composed for clarinet and piano by Miguel Yuste. After a brief history of Spain's music and social climate in which it developed (Ch. 2), this document discusses the introduction of the clarinet in Spain, clarinet pedagogy at the Madrid Conservatory (Ch. 2), and Miguel Yuste's influence within that pedagogy (Ch. 3). Establishing contact with living clarinetists whose music education was directly influenced by Miguel Yuste and/or his students provides invaluable insight into the traditional performance practice of the works and the extent to which Miguel Yuste influenced Spanish clarinetists in the twentieth century. Chapter four presents an annotated bibliography and brief discussion of the extant works for clarinet by Miguel Yuste. Each annotation includes the title of the work, publisher, date of publication, duration, and any commercially available recordings.

Guía de acceso para Psicodoc

Dirección de Gestión del Conocimiento 07 April 2021 (has links)
Proporciona los pasos y procedimientos para acceder al recurso Psicodoc.

Gouverner les illégalismes urbains : les politiques publiques face aux squats et aux bidonvilles dans les régions de Paris et de Madrid / Governing urban illegalisms : publics policies towards squats and slums in the regions of Paris and Madrid

Aguilera, Thomas 22 June 2015 (has links)
En questionnant la capacité des acteurs publics à gouverner les squats et les bidonvilles qui persistent dans les régions de Paris et de Madrid, la thèse explique les mécanismes du gouvernement différentiel des illégalismes de logement des années 1960 à nos jours. Elle montre que les squats et les bidonvilles sont gouvernés, mais de façon discontinue et par des politiques aux formes diverses. Elle démontre que l’ingouvernabilité est construite par les acteurs publics pour justifier alternativement l’inaction et la mise en place de politiques de l’exception. L’ingouvernabilité constitue un répertoire discursif justifiant le retrait de l’action publique. C’est aussi un mode de gouvernance qui entretient les politiques de l’urgence, policières et humanitaires, et autorise les bricolages partiels et ponctuels. Mais lorsque les acteurs publics y trouvent des intérêts pour se positionner comme leaders de la gouvernance métropolitaine multiniveaux, des politiques publiques autonomes peuvent s’institutionnaliser autour d’administrations, d’instruments et de budgets propres. Dans tous les cas, les politiques sélectionnent et contraignent des bénéficiaires, tout en refoulant des victimes. Les politiques produisent autant d’illégalité qu’elles n’en résorbent. Derrière ces invariants, notamment issus des effets propres des instruments, la thèse identifie quatre variables clés pour expliquer la diversité des outcomes de l’instrumentation des politiques : les niveaux d’institutionnalisation, les logiques sectorielles, les échelles d’action et le comportement des cibles qui contribuent à la conception des instruments, en neutralisent les contraintes et en détournent les ressources. / Addressing the issue of ungovernability of squats and illegal settlements in the Capital Regions of Paris and Madrid, the thesis explains the mechanisms of differential government of housing illegalisms since the sixties. The thesis shows that squats and illegal slums are governed, but in a discontinuous way and by diverse forms of policies. It demonstrates that ungovernability is built by public actors in order to justify alternatively inaction and policies of exception. Ungovernability is a discursive repertory that justifies the disengagement of policies. But it is also a mode of governance that supports emergency policies, implemented by police agencies and NGOs, and that allows policy makers to set up only local and temporary rehousing and social programs. However, as policy makers are rent-seekers, when they find interests to become leaders of the competitive multilevel urban governance, they activate agendas and implement institutionalized and autonomous policies. They create specific administrations, instruments and budgets. Policies select and constraint beneficiaries and evict victims. Thus, policies produce as much illegality as they resolve it. Beside these invariants produced by the sui generis own effects of policy instruments, the thesis identifies four key variables whose combinations explain the policy outcomes diversity: the level of institutionalization, the sectorial logics, the scale of actions, and the behavior of targeted groups who participate to the instruments conception. Squatters and slum dwellers resist, they neutralize constraints and divert resources.

Die mehrstimmigen Sätze der Handschrift Madrid, Biblioteca Nacional, Ms. 19421 (Mad), insbesondere das ’Crucifixum in carne’

Arlt, Wulf 22 January 2020 (has links)
Dokument enthält auch die nachfolgende Diskussion.

Extension of a Quaternary-Active Shear Zone across the Reelfoot Fault Stepover Arm: Evidence from P- and SH-wave Seismic Reflection Imaging

Rosandich, Brooks 01 January 2019 (has links)
Many seismic hazard source parameters such as slip rate, total displacement, strain accommodation, geographic fault location, etc. are poorly constrained in the New Madrid seismic zone (NMSZ). This is in large part due to the masking effect of the thick Mississippi embayment sediment package on seismogenic structures and features. Consequently, much of the subsurface geologic characterization needed for understanding seismic hazard sources requires geophysical imaging. Recent seismic reflection surveys 12 km NE of the Reelfoot Fault stepover arm of the NMSZ have suggested a northeast-oriented transpressional fault zone extending across the Reelfoot Fault stepover arm where its dextral displacement at seismogenic depth is unbalanced with the surface expression, the Reelfoot Scarp. New high-resolution seismic reflection surveys were acquired across the southwestern back projection of the hypothesized structure at a potential piercing point with the Reelfoot Fault near Proctor City, TN. The resultant images show steeply dipping northeast striking faults with uplifted and arched post-Paleozoic reflectors that extend into the Quaternary sediments, consistent with the findings of the previous surveys. The new imaged faults form a ~500-meter-wide positive flower structure, with vertical displacements of 16 m and 50 m at the top of the Eocene and top of the Paleozoic reflectors, respectively. Results corroborate the Axial Fault extending to the northeast, and provide geological evidence for Reelfoot Fault segmentation. Furthermore, the near-surface SH-wave seismic profiles show the through-going shear deformation has continued into the Quaternary, thus indicating seismogenic strain has not been completely transferred to the Reelfoot Fault, providing additional evidence for accommodating the strain imbalance.

Differential Object Marking in Spanish: A Quantitative Variationist Study

Tippets, Ian Robert 25 October 2010 (has links)
No description available.

Constructing Madrileños: The Reciprocal Development of Madrid and its Residents (1833-1868)

Sundt, Catherine Elizabeth 24 August 2012 (has links)
No description available.

Mediating Modernity: Visual Culture and Class in Madrid, 1926-1936

Barragán, Maite January 2017 (has links)
This dissertation examines the differing responses to modernity in the visual culture of Madrid from 1926-1936. I trace the debates generated by the anticipation, apprehension, or expectations to the ongoing processes of modernization. My work is guided by the understanding that the metropolis is both a physical and psychological space, and that the resulting visual culture is imbued with those experiences of Madrid. Thus, the questions and concerns of the period are instilled in the visual arts, regardless if the city is explicitly represented in them or not. Although Madrid was not a model of industrialization, the city’s inhabitants acknowledged and reacted to the attempts to modernize the city as well as the ongoing political and social transformations. My study examines diverse media alongside the popular press of the period. By examining individual works of art alongside periodicals, my dissertation reveals the relationship between the thriving popular culture, the elite culture, and an emergent mass culture. In the first chapter, I introduce how these different kinds of culture have been defined, as well as Madrid’s current place within art historical scholarship. In the second chapter, I look at how the construction of the Gran Vía avenue was presented in the press to investigate the social effects of the reorganization of Madrid’s center. The third chapter analyzes the development of the public persona of writer Ramón Gómez de la Serna and how he used his image as an advertisement for modernity. In the fourth chapter, I examine the film Esencia de verbena, directed by Ernesto Giménez Caballero. The film pictured Madrid’s traditions but also invoked Surrealist aesthetics. By bringing together ideas of international modernity and local folklore Giménez Caballero showed how popular culture was a useful resource for the local avant-garde. In the final chapter, I focus on the sculpture of artist Alberto Sánchez to demonstrate how his seemingly depoliticized artworks actually engaged in a critical discourse about the economic and social conditions resulting from modernization. This dissertation challenge the current understanding of the distinctions between the popular, elite, and mass cultures in Spain. Such categories cannot fully express the complexity of the visual culture of Madrid in the 1920s and 1930s. Instead, I argue that Madrid’s inhabitants negotiated and mediated modernity by blurring the boundaries and exploring the interconnections between these different cultures. / Art History

Pedro de Ulloa y su tratado "música universal o principios universales de la música" (Madrid, Bernardo Peralta, 1717): Una nueva reivindicación matemática de la teoría músical en España

Catalán Jarque, María del Carmen 01 September 2017 (has links)
The present work is an approach to the figure of a musical theorist of the Hispanic musical Baroque, Pedro de Ulloa and very specifically to his treatise Música Universal o Principios Universales de la Música (Universal Music or Universal Principles of Music, Madrid, Bernardo Peralta, 1717). It is a work that constituted a reference of first order at the time of its publication as a model of work for both music professionals and professionals in other fields related to this discipline (historians, philologists, art historians, Astronomers, mathematicians, theologians, orators of speech, rhetoric, etc.). Therefore, after noting that at present both Ulloa's personality and trajectory and that work were still lacking in detailed study, I realised that there were not available a facsimile publication. It is for that I have intended with this thesis to fit, to value and to contextualise his treaty Música Universal o Principios universales de la música, in the international scope of his own time. To this end, I have located the documentary printed sources of this treaty, as well as I have done a critical study of the life and musical output by Pedro de Ulloa. I have also carried out a research work regarding the description, organization, structure and analysis of this imprint, always trying to put it in relation with the ideas that contemporaneously were appearing or were being integrated in other musical treatises both Spanish and foreign, contributing, to finalize, the facsimilar reproduction of the treaty, from a obtained copy of the Spanish National Library. Finally, it should be pointed out that this study seeks to claim the intrinsic benefits of the contents of the treaty, as well as those of the moment in which they became known (1717). These benefits can be summed up fundamentally in two respects: first, the main contribution of the treaty is perhaps based on the systematization and synthesis of the theories on the rhetoric-musical figures and the doctrine of affections, which had appeared during the 17th century (from Burmeister or Bernhard in the German sphere, probably being this theory by Ulloa, the first work of the same nature which appeared in Spain with some visibility). And, secondly, his most novel and interesting contribution is also in the new component on which this treaty deals, conceived from a mathematical and scientific point of view. That is to say, as the work of an astronomer -a "cosmographer"- concerned with exposing the numerical, harmonic and acoustic essences of musical material. These were the essences that, as a religious man, Ulloa would also try to reconcile with the Catholic positions of his time). Indeed, that was an issue hitherto barely debated in the Spanish treatises. And that he was going to inaugurate a new, modern way of understanding the laws of harmony and of the world (coinciding in time with Jose de Torres or Jean Philippe Rameau -and even a few years before the latter). / El presente trabajo supone un acercamiento a la figura de un teórico musical del Barroco musical hispánico, Pedro de Ulloa y muy concretamente a su tratado Música Universal o Principios Universales de la Música (Madrid, Bernardo Peralta, 1717). Se trata de una obra que constituyó una referencia de primer orden en el momento de su publicación como modelo de trabajo tanto para los profesionales de la música, como para los profesionales de otros ámbitos relacionados con esta disciplina (historiadores, filólogos, historiadores del arte, astrónomos, matemáticos, teólogos, estudiosos de la oratoria, la retórica¿) y por ello, tras observar que en la actualidad tanto la personalidad y trayectoria de Ulloa como dicha obra, todavía se encontraban carentes de un estudio detenido, y que no se había realizado su publicación facsimilar, se ha pretendido con esta tesis, encajar, valorar y contextualizar su tratado Música Universal o Principios universales de la música, en el ámbito internacional de su propio tiempo. Para ello, se ha realizado la localización de las fuentes documentales impresas de este tratado, se ha elaborado un estudio crítico de la trayectoria vital y producción de Pedro de Ulloa, y se ha desarrollado una labor de investigación en cuanto a la descripción, organización, estructura y análisis de este impreso, intentando siempre ponerlo en relación con las ideas que coetáneamente estaban apareciendo o se estaban integrando en otros tratados musicales tanto españoles como extranjeros, aportando, para finalizar, la reproducción facsimilar del tratado, a partir de un ejemplar obtenido de la Biblioteca Nacional de España. Por último conviene señalar que con este estudio se pretenden reivindicar las bondades intrínsecas de los contenidos del tratado, así como del momento en que se dieron a conocer (1717). Éstas, se pueden resumir fundamentalmente en dos aspectos: en primer lugar, la principal contribución del tratado se asienta tal vez en la sistematización y síntesis que supone de las teorías sobre las figuras retórico-musicales y la doctrina de los afectos, que habían ido apareciendo a lo largo del siglo XVII (desde Burmeister o Bernhard en ámbito alemán, siendo seguramente ésta de Ulloa la primera obra de esta misma naturaleza aparecida en España con cierta visibilidad); y, en segundo lugar, su aportación más novedosa e interesante radica también en el nuevo componente sobre el que llama la atención este tratado, concebido desde un punto de vista matemático y científico, es decir, como obra de un astrónomo -de un "cosmógrafo"- preocupado por exponer las esencias numéricas, armónicas y acústicas del material musical (las cuales, como religioso, su autor tratará también de conciliar con los posicionamientos católicos de su tiempo), en una cuestión, hasta entonces, apenas debatida en la tratadística española, y que iba a inaugurar (coincidente en el tiempo con José de Torres o Jean Philippe Rameau -y aun unos años anterior a este último-) una nueva manera, "moderna", de entender las leyes de la armonía, y del mundo. / El present treball suposa una aproximació a la figura del teòric musical del barroc hispànic, Pedro de Ulloa, i més concretament, al seu tractat Música Universal o Principios Universales de la Música (Madrid, Bernardo Peralta, 1717). Es tracta d'una obra que va constituir una referència de primera importància en el moment de la seua publicació, com a model de treball, tant pels professionals de la música, com pels professionals d'altres àmbits relacionats amb aquesta disciplina (historiadors, filòlegs, historiadors de l'art, astrònoms, matemàtics, teòlegs, estudiosos de l'oratòria, la retòrica¿) i per això, després d'observar què, en l'actualitat, tant la personalitat i trajectòria d'Ulloa com a l'obra esmentada, encara es trobaven sense cap estudi detingut, i que no n'hi havia una publicació facsimilar disponible, s'ha volgut amb aquesta tesi, encaixar, valorar i contextualitzar el seu tractat Música Universal o Principios universales de la música, en l'àmbit internacional del seu propi temps. Per això, s'ha realitzat la localització de les fonts documentals impreses d'aquest tractat, s'ha confeccionat un estudi crític sobre la trajectòria vital i la producció de Pedro de Ulloa, i s'ha desenvolupat una tasca de recerca pel que fa a la descripció, organització, estructura i anàlisi d'aquest imprès, sempre intentant posar-ho en relació amb les idees què, coetàniament, estaven apareixent o s'estaven integrant en altres tractats musicals tant espanyols com estrangers, tot aportant, per acabar, la reproducció facsimilar del tractat, a partir d'un exemplar obtingut de la Biblioteca Nacional de Espanya. Finalment, convé assenyalar què, amb aquest estudi, es pretén reivindicar les bondats intrínseques dels continguts del tractat, així com del moment en que es varen donar a conèixer (1717). Aquestes, es poden resumir, fonamentalment, en dos aspectes: en primer lloc, la principal contribució del tractat es basa, potser, en la sistematització i síntesi que suposa de les teories sobre les figures retòric-musicals i la doctrina dels afectes, que havien anat apareixent al llarg del segle XVII (des de Burmeister o Bernhard en l'àmbit alemany, essent segurament aquesta d'Ulloa la primera obra d'aquesta mateixa naturalesa apareguda en Espanya amb una certa visibilitat); i, en segon lloc, la seva aportació més novadora i interesant, rau també en el nou component sobre el que crida l'atenció aquest tractat, concebut des d'un punt de vista matemàtic i científic, és a dir, com a obra d'un astrònom -d'un "cosmògraf"- preocupat per exposar les essències numèriques, harmòniques i acústiques del material musical (les quals, com a religiós, el seu autor tractarà també de conciliar amb els posicionaments catòlics del seu temps), en una qüestió, fins aleshores, quasi bé no debatuda a la tratadística espanyola, i que anava a inaugurar (coincidint en el temps amb José de Torres o Jean Philippe Rameau -i fins i tot, essent uns anys anterior a aquest últim-) una nova manera, "moderna", d'entendre les lleis de l'harmonia, i del món. / Catalán Jarque, MDC. (2017). Pedro de Ulloa y su tratado "música universal o principios universales de la música" (Madrid, Bernardo Peralta, 1717): Una nueva reivindicación matemática de la teoría músical en España [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/86164

Les Bourbons sacrés : musica sacra y liturgia de Estado en las cortes de Roma, Madrid y Versalles (1745-1789) / Les Bourbons sacrés : musique et liturgie d'État aux cours de Rome, Madrid et Versailles (1745-1789) / The sacred Bourbons : music and liturgy of State at the Courts of Rome, Madrid and Versailles (1745-1789)

López Morillo, Luis 07 December 2018 (has links)
La présente thèse tente d'aborder, pour la première fois, une analyse comparative du rôle que la musique liturgique a joué dans le processus de construction de l'image sacrée des souverains de la maison Bourbon de France et d'Espagne dans le cadre des cérémonies religieuses célébrées aux cours de Madrid et de Versailles pendant les dernières décennies de l'Ancien Régime, ainsi que du rôle que l'exemple de la Chapelle pontificale a joué dans ce processus. Le but principal de cette étude a été d’apporter un cadre conceptuel et un modèle d'analyse qui permettraient d'aborder une étude globale de la musique sacrée destinée à ces cérémonies, sous un angle plus proche de l'histoire culturelle que de la musicologie traditionnelle, mais toujours partant de l’analyse des aspects performatifs qui permettaient dévoiler l’interaction réciproque entre la musique avec le contexte cérémonial, politique et historique duquel a fait partie. Tout au loin de six chapitres on examine les éléments qui conformaient les cérémonies de la liturgie d’État, conçues à cette époque comme des représentations sacrées : les différentes scènes où avaient lieu, les acteurs, le cérémonial, ainsi que le fonctionnement des différents styles de chant utilisés pour solenniser aussi bien les cérémonies ordinaires que les extraordinaires célébrées à Rome, à Madrid et à Versailles entre 1745 et 1789. Cela comprenait non seulement les œuvres de musique sacrée produites ad hoc par les maîtres de chapelle, mais aussi d’autres musiques, comme le plain-chant, le contrepoint où le faux-bourdon, qui faisant partie de ce même système de représentation étaient parfois exécutés par l’improvisation ou la mémorisation. / This thesis attempts, for the first time, to address a comparative analysis of the role that liturgical music played in the process of building the sacred image of the sovereigns of the Bourbon House of France and Spain as part of the religious ceremonies celebrated in Madrid and Versailles during the last decades of the Ancien Régime, as well as the role that the example of the Pontifical Chapel played in this process. The main purpose of this study was to provide a conceptual framework and analytical model that would allow a global study of sacred music for these ceremonies to be approached from a perspective closer to cultural history than traditional musicology, but always starting from the analysis of the performative aspects that revealed the reciprocal interaction between music and the ceremonial, political and historical context of which it was a part. Along six chapters, we examine the elements that shaped the ceremonies of the State liturgy, conceived at that time as sacred representations: the different scenes in which they took place, the actors, the ceremonial, as well as the functioning of the different styles of singing used to solemnize both the ordinary and extraordinary ceremonies celebrated in Rome, Madrid and Versailles between 1745 and 1789. This included not only sacred music works produced ad hoc by the choirmasters, but also other music, such as plainchant, counterpoint or faux-bourdon, which were sometimes performed by improvisation or memorization as part of this same system of representation.

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