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Políticas e modelos de abrigamento de mulheres em situação de violência de gênero: um estudo exploratório e comparativo Salvador-MadridSantos, Cândida Ribeiro 17 December 2014 (has links)
Submitted by Rangel Sousa Jamile Kelly (jamile.kelly@ufba.br) on 2017-07-14T18:56:42Z
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tese_candida_neim.pdf: 3339548 bytes, checksum: a5c4a24a78afabcc8c8a27d636351555 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Hozana Azevedo (hazevedo@ufba.br) on 2017-08-08T11:43:51Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1
tese_candida_neim.pdf: 3339548 bytes, checksum: a5c4a24a78afabcc8c8a27d636351555 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-08-08T11:43:51Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
tese_candida_neim.pdf: 3339548 bytes, checksum: a5c4a24a78afabcc8c8a27d636351555 (MD5) / Este trabalho volta-se para a investigação e análise exploratória e comparativa entre as políticas e modelos de abrigamento de mulheres em situação de violência nas cidades de Salvador (Bahia, Brasil) e de Madrid (Espanha). Para tanto, o estudo descreve e analisa as características e formas de implementação das leis específicas de enfrentamento à violência de gênero contra a mulher, vigentes nos citados países; apresenta as políticas públicas e serviços voltados para essas mulheres e; delineia as redes de atendimento existentes na Bahia e em Salvador e na Comunidad de Madrid e em Madrid. A pesquisa se baseou em trabalho de campo, no período de março de 2013 a março de 2014, desenvolvido em organismos governamentais e não governamentais e serviços voltados para o enfrentamento desse tipo de violência, com destaque para equipamentos de abrigamento dessas mulheres que funcionam nas referidas cidades. Esse processo constou de observações nessas instituições, levantamento documental e de estatísticas relativas aos seus atendimentos, além de entrevistas com gestoras/es, profissionais e usuárias desses serviços (quanto às últimas, somente no caso dos equipamentos de abrigamento). O estudo constatou que, a despeito da crise econômica vivida, que vem alterando negativamente a realidade das políticas de enfrentamento à violência de gênero na Espanha, há, na cidade de Madrid, uma maior estruturação dos serviços de abrigamento para atender às necessidades dessas mulheres do que em Salvador. Tal afirmação se fundamenta na verificação da implementação, em Madrid, de políticas públicas mais consolidadas e contínuas, um maior número e melhor aparelhamento de seus serviços, além da articulação desses serviços entre si e nas redes de atendimento existentes. No que concerne à discussão que trata sobre o “melhor modelo de serviço (ou serviços) de abrigamento para mulheres em situação de violência”, foi constatado que, muito embora se considere importante um processo de seguimento dado à mulher em serviços públicos de abrigamento para a consolidação de sua mudança, há que ser questionada a existência de um caminho pré-desenhado para ser seguido, já que, tudo indica, no permanente processo de construção dos modelos desses caminhos e dos serviços em si, a necessidade de propostas mais flexíveis e adaptáveis diante das reais necessidades das diversas mulheres que permanecem nesses equipamentos. / This work is geared to the investigation and comparative analysis of policies and models of battered women’s shelters in the cities of Salvador (Bahia, Brazil) and Madrid (Spain). It describes and analyses the major characteristics and forms of implementation of legislation dealing with gender based violence against women in the countries studied; presents their respective public policies and services geared to battered women; and delineates the service networks available to them in the State of Bahia and Salvador, as well as in the Comunidad de Madrid and city of Madrid. This study was based on field research conducted, from March, 2013, through March, 2014, in governmental organs and non-governamental organizations and services provided to women in a situation of violence in the two cities. The research process involved systematic observations, documental and statistical data collection, and interviews with administrators, service providers and women attended by them in shelters. The study revealed that, despite the present economic crisis in Spain which has had a negative impact on the implementation of public policies pertaining to gender based violence against women in that country, Madrid still has a much better equipped service structure for sheltering battered women than Salvador. This is verified by the implementation, in Madrid, of much more consolidated public policies at work, as well as a more numerous and better equipped network of services, in addition to a more tuned articulation between them. Regarding the issue of what is the best model of sheltering services to offer battered women, it was observed that, although it is important to have women follow systematic proceedings in order to consolidate the needed changes in their lives, one must question the existence of a pre-designed path to be followed. Available evidence indicates that more flexible and adaptable approaches are needed in the course of the permanent process of construction of these pathways and services, in order to better tend to the real needs of the different women who procure them.
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O projeto de paz de Oslo: considerações e críticas sobre as origens do processo de paz Israel-Palestina (1991-1993) / The Oslo peace project: comments and accounts on the origins of the Israel-Palestine peace process (1991-1993)Saab, Luciana [UNESP] 26 August 2016 (has links)
Submitted by LUCIANA SAAB null (lcn.saab@gmail.com) on 2016-09-21T20:31:08Z
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Previous issue date: 2016-08-26 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) / Este trabalho retoma a assinatura dos Acordos de Oslo entre israelenses e palestinos em setembro de 1993 a partir do entendimento de que os termos necessários para a resolução do conflito histórico não são discutidos no processo de paz. No decorrer da análise do texto do primeiro documento a ser assinado, a Declaração de Princípios (DOP), percebe-se que o conteúdo da proposta de paz e a fórmula de negociações bilaterais adotada não propõem uma alteração da assimetria de poder existente entre palestinos da OLP e o Estado de Israel, o que torna o processo desigual e extremamente favorável à continuação da ocupação militar israelense sobre os territórios da Faixa de Gaza e da Cisjordânia. O trabalho, portanto, foca sua análise no processo de negociação anterior à assinatura da DOP e no contexto político e econômico dos responsáveis por Oslo para estabelecer quais foram os interesses envolvidos em fechar um acordo e de que maneira eles influenciaram a redação dos termos da declaração. Durante a pesquisa, notamos que os Acordos de Oslo beneficiaram exclusivamente os atores envolvidos nas negociações secretas na Noruega, a OLP e israelenses do partido trabalhista, o que nos permite afirmar que o processo de paz não foi representativo dos diversos setores políticos palestinos e israelenses. O estudo também revela que a proposta de paz oferecida aos palestinos em Oslo é uma formulação israelense que remete ao início do processo de paz no Oriente Médio no ano de 1978, cujo principal objetivo foi a normalização das relações diplomáticas entre israelenses e os Estados árabes vizinhos. Assim, as condições negociadas na ocasião de Oslo partiram de um antigo pressuposto de que a paz regional não pressupõe a criação do Estado palestino, mas apenas o direito de autorrepresentação dos residentes dos territórios ocupados. Essas condições foram aceitas pela liderança de Yasser Arafat como estratégia para obter prestígio político e retornar ao território da Palestina. Concluímos, portanto, que o processo de paz de Oslo não se tratou de uma legítima iniciativa para estabelecer a paz de maneira justa e igualitária na região, conforme divulgado por Israel e pelos Estados Unidos, mas de um acordo entre o partido trabalhista e os palestinos da OLP, elaborado de uma maneira que possibilitou a expansão territorial israelense sobre Gaza e Cisjordânia, desconsiderou a questão dos refugiados e não reconheceu o direito à autodeterminação nacional palestina. / This paper refers to the signing of the Oslo Accords between Israel and the Palestinians in September 1993 from the understanding that the necessary terms in order to solve the historical conflict are not discussed in the peace process. The reading of the first document to be signed, the Declaration of Principles (DOP), reveals that the contents of the peace proposal and the bilateral negotiations formula do not alter the existing asymmetry of power between Palestinians from the PLO and the State of Israel, which makes the uneven process extremely favorable to the continuation of the Israeli military occupation over the territories of Gaza and the West Bank. The paper therefore focuses its analysis on the negotiation process previous to the signing of the DOP and the political and economic context of those responsible for Oslo, in order to establish what were the interests involved and how they influenced the drafting of the terms of the Declaration. During the research, it becomes clear that the Oslo agreements only benefited the actors involved in secret negotiations in Norway, namely the PLO and Israeli Labor Party, which allows us to state that the peace process was not representative of the various Palestinian and Israeli political sectors. The study also reveals that the peace proposal made to the Palestinians in Oslo is an Israeli formulation, that refers back to the beginning of the peace process in the Middle East in 1978, whose main goal was the normalization of diplomatic relations between Israel and the Arab neighboring states . Thus, the conditions discussed in Oslo were based on an old assumption that regional peace does not imply in the creation of a Palestinian state, but only the right to self-representation of the Palestinian residents in the occupied territories. These conditions were accepted by Yasser Arafat as a strategy to gain political prestige and return to the territory of Palestine. We conclude therefore that the Oslo peace process was not a legitimate initiative to establish a fair and equal peace in the region, as claimed by Israel and the United States, but an agreement made between the Israeli Labour Party and the PLO, drafted to enabled the Israeli territorial expansion over the West Bank and Gaza, to dismiss the question of refugees and not recognize the Palestinian’s right to national self-determination.
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Habitação coletiva de interesse social e cidade : análise dos concursos Renova SP (São Paulo, Brasil) e Vallecas 49 (Madri, Espanha) / Social housing and cityPereira, Carolina Celete Pinto, 1984- 25 August 2018 (has links)
Orientador: Leandro Silva Medrano / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia Civil, Arquitetura e Urbanismo / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-25T18:36:56Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
Pereira_CarolinaCeletePinto_M.pdf: 24153611 bytes, checksum: a528e0ddf6f46ead5f7dfb9a96326647 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2014 / Resumo: Os concursos de arquitetura têm sido um instrumento recorrente na busca por inovação e solução de problemas complexos da metrópole. Além disso, é devido considerar o fato dos concursos serem um sistema legal de contratação tendo como objetivo a realização de obras públicas, como no caso das habitações de interesse social. Recomenda-se através da Constituição Brasileira, por meio da Lei 8666, que o concurso de arquitetura "aberto", caracterizado pelo anonimato e isonomia, seja "preferencialmente" aplicado dando cabimento, então, às contratações justificadas pelo "notório saber", qualificados como os concursos "fechados". O déficit habitacional brasileiro é de aproximadamente 4 milhões de habitações. Visando a reversão desses números, o Governo Federal Brasileiro lançou desde 2007, o Programa "Minha Casa Minha Vida", que até o presente momento realizou cerca de 1 milhão de habitações. Por outro lado, a Espanha construiu mais de 5 milhões de unidades habitacionais entre 2000 e 2005, dando origem a conhecida "bolha imobiliária" que contribuiu com a atual crise econômica e financeira do país. Salva as devidas proporções, a experiência espanhola é um exemplo considerável, tendo como objetivo a realização de habitações de interesse social por meio dos concursos de arquitetura. Dessa forma, optou-se pelo delineamento do estudo de caso, sendo então avaliados dois Concursos de Arquitetura para habitações de interesse social, que são: o Concurso Renova SP, organizado pela Secretaria de Habitação do Estado de São Paulo, em 2011 e Vallecas 49, promovido pela Emplesa Municipal de la Vivienda y Suelo de Madri, em 2006. Diante desse cenário, esta pesquisa objetiva identificar os parâmetros utilizados na organização dos concursos por meio da comparação dos editais entre si, além da comparação destes com as atas dos julgamentos, complementadas, também, com entrevistas com os participantes, os promotores e a banca julgadora dos dois estudos de caso. Com base nesse método, foi possível identificar as semelhanças e diferenças que prejudicaram ou qualificaram o processo e propor, então, uma espécie de roteiro para viabilizar e qualificar a elaboração de futuros concursos de arquitetura / Abstract: The architectural competitions are an instrument looking for innovation and solving complex problems of the metropolis. The competitions are a legal system with the objective of hiring public works, as in the case of social housing. It is recommended by the Law 8666, the "open" competition, characterized by its anonymity and equality, as "preferably" applied, giving place to the hiring justified by "public knowledge", named as "invited" competitions. The Brazilian housing deficit is approximately 6 million homes. Aiming to reverse those numbers, the Brazilian Federal Government launched since 2007, a Program named "Minha Casa Minha Vida", which until now held about 1 million homes. Moreover, Spain has built more than 5 million dwellings between 2000 and 2005, yielding known "housing bubble" that contributed to the current financial and economic crisis in the country. For good and ill, the Spanish experience is an important example, aiming the realization of social housing by the architectural competitions. That way, a case study was chosen as methodology by evaluating two architectural competitions for social housing, which are: Renova SP Competition, organized by the Department of Housing of the State of São Paulo, in 2011 and Vallecas 49, sponsored by Madrid¿s Municipal Agency, in 2006. Given this scenario, this research aims to identify the parameters utilized in the organization of both competitions by the parallel between each public notice, and the comparison of them with the judgment protocol, further on the interviews with the participants, promoters and juries. From this method, it was possible to identify the similarities and the contrasts that prejudiced or qualified the process in both cases, so that it is proposed a kind of guideline, which aims to facilitate and improve the formulation of futures architectural competitions / Mestrado / Arquitetura, Tecnologia e Cidade / Mestre em Arquitetura, Tecnologia e Cidade
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The New Madrid Seismic Zone.Nilsson, Tracy January 2011 (has links)
The Mississippi River Valley, is hardly known as an earthquake zone, but may in fact be a natural disaster just waiting to happen. Historical records and paleoseismic investigations have shown that large magnitude earthquakes have occurred in the area and there are constantly microquakes all along the New Madrid Fault System. The inhabitants of the Midwest are living in a death trap so long society doesn’t preoperly prepare for earthquakes. The study presented here aims to prove that, as predicting earthquakes is difficult to the point of impossible, the only serious alternative is to reinforce existing buildings and infrastructure and make sure all new developments are seismically safe. The conclusion reached is, that although expensive, building earthquake safe and retrofitting existing buildings, is for the high risk areas by far cheaper than doing nothing when, not if, a new large magnitude earthquake occurs. For a city in the high risk area, the cost of retrofitting the current structures was 13 billion dollar to be compared with the 100 billion dollars in lost lives and properties of a worst case scenario.
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Cities and climate change actions : Comparison between five european citiesDe La Torre Sebastián, Ane January 2009 (has links)
During the last few years cities are taking the lead against climate change. Theyare aware of the big contribution they can make to mitigate the climate change, so theyare working actively in this field. This thesis’ aim is to study what cities are doing andthe chance they have to be successful. The cities selected for this thesis were Madrid,Barcelona, London, Manchester an Dublin. The method followed to active the aim wasto read all the information available from the selected cities’ Councils about themeasures they are carrying out. Then, transform that information to a way that all thecities’ information can be compared. As a result, it can be seen that there are fewdifferences in their lines of action,excluding some punctual facts. All the cities areworking actively to reduce transport sector’s emissions, to improve the energy use athomes and to increase the importance of the renewable energies. Spanish cities’emissions reduction targets are still not ambitious enough, while London’s are the mostambitious among the studied cities. As a conclusion, it can be said that cities shouldwork together to face the challenge of climate change, because there’s still much to do,targets have to be more ambitious and measures stricter. / Estos últimos años las ciudades están tomando la iniciativa en contra del cambioclimático. Son conscientes de las grandes oportunidades que tienen para mitigarlo, asíque están trabajando activamente en este sentido. El propósito de esta tesis es estudiar loque están haciendo las ciudades para mitigar el cambio climático y las oportunidadesque tienen de tener éxito. Las ciudades seleccionadas para este estudio son Madrid,Barcelona, Londres, Manchester y Dublín. El método para conseguir el propósito fueleer toda la información disponible por parte de los ayuntamientos de las distintasciudades acerca de las medidas que están llevando a cabo. A continuación transformaresa información a unos parámetros comunes a todas las ciudades y compararla. Comoresultado se observa que hay muy pocas diferencias en sus líneas de acción, con algunaexcepción puntual. Todas las ciudades están trabajando activamente para reducir lasemisiones del sector transporte, mejorar el aprovechamiento energético doméstico ypara aumentar la proporción de energías renovables. Las ciudades Españolas todavía notienen objetivos de reducción de emissiones suficientemente ambiciosos, al contrarioque Londres. Como conclusión, las ciudades deberían trabajar unidas en contra delcambio climático, porque todavía queda mucho por conseguir, los objetivos deben sermás abiciosos y las medidas más estrictas. / <p>www.ima.kth.se</p>
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Societal Synergy for Our Common Future : Young Citizens’ Perspectives on Participating in the Sustainable Development and Urban Planning Process of MadridBrink, Fredrika, Jarlöv, Stella January 2022 (has links)
The Madrid City Council’s efforts to invite citizens to decision making are being examined through the eyes of six young inhabitants, aged 18-30. Their views on sustainability and experiences of participating in the city development are gained through qualitative, semi-structured interviews. The interviewed citizens find sustainability important, but their definitions are not in accordance with the polysemic way sustainability is being conceived and discussed theoretically. It also differs from their experience of how the government defines it. The findings are filtered through the concepts of sustainability and sustainable development, urban planning, and citizen engagement. While expressing a low trust in the institutions, the citizens seem to believe that the city takes the public’s opinions into account, but to a low extent. Possible explanations to the perspectives provided by the interviewees and the current situation of low participation rate among young inhabitants are presented. Strategies for how the Madrid City Council could increase the participation rate among young citizens are then suggested, such as increased governmental transparency, increased focus on projects related to sustainability, and improved education about sustainability.
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Incidencia de las líneas de alta velocidad en el desarrollo del corredor Madrid-Castilla la Mancha-Comunidad Valenciana-MurciaOrtuño Padilla, Armando 14 January 2010 (has links)
La finalidad de esta tesis es prever el impacto territorial de la alta velocidad ferroviaria en el Corredor Madrid-Levante (Madrid-Castilla La Mancha-Comunidad Valenciana-Murcia) en el horizonte 2021.
Su interés radica en la próxima llegada de los nuevos servicios ferroviarios al Corredor de acuerdo con la extensión prevista de la red ferroviaria en buena parte de la geografía española y europea.
La incidencia del tren de alta velocidad en aquellos países donde ya se encuentra disponible desde hace varias décadas como Japón, Francia e incluso España, a través de la línea Madrid-Sevilla desde 1992, ha sido destacada en muchos casos, advirtiéndose, a raíz de la aparición de éste, remodelaciones en el sistema de ciudades, en sus relaciones de jerarquía, etc. Precisamente, la estimación del sistema de ciudades futuro, como elemento significativo de los cambios producidos en el sistema territorial, tras la incidencia esperada de la alta velocidad en el Corredor, constituye el objetivo último del estudio.
De este modo, en la tesis se trata de responder a cuestiones como:
- ¿Será suficiente la puesta en marcha de los servicios de alta velocidad para estimular la actividad turística? ¿Será similar el impacto sobre los distintos modelos de desarrollo turístico; a saber, turístico residencial, hotelero, e incluso cultural o rural?
- ¿Puede contribuir la alta velocidad a dinamizar espacios en declive o con problemas migratorios?
- ¿Será la alta velocidad un revulsivo para un subsector productivo en decadencia y con gran importancia histórica como el manufacturero?
La respuesta encontrada es que los efectos sobre el desarrollo de las infraestructuras, y especialmente las ferroviarias, sólo se materializan bajo determinadas condiciones, que no dependen exclusivamente de estas infraestructuras, sino del conjunto de "potenciales" y de "ventajas o desventajas comparativas relativas" de cada territorio. / Ortuño Padilla, A. (2009). Incidencia de las líneas de alta velocidad en el desarrollo del corredor Madrid-Castilla la Mancha-Comunidad Valenciana-Murcia [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/6862
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Manuel Verdeguer Beltrán (Valencia, 1908-San Juan de Puerto Rico,1988) Trayectoria musical y aportaciones a la escuela moderna del contrabajoRuiz Zanon, Francisco 19 October 2020 (has links)
[ES] Manuel Verdeguer Beltrán es el contrabajista español más relevante del siglo XX, con un gran reconocimiento en el continente americano.
Nacido en 1908 en Valencia, comenzó tocando el violoncello y posteriormente se consagró como solista y pedagogo del contrabajo, elogiado, entre otros por los maestros Lamote de Grignon y Joaquín Turina.
El estudio de la época en la que desarrolló su carrera artística en España nos ha permitido descubrir la crisis económica causada a los intérpretes por la desaparición del cine mudo, así como en el conocimiento del reglamento que regía las condiciones laborales de los músicos.
Desempeñó el puesto de solista de contrabajo en la Orquesta Municipal de Valencia y de la Orquesta Nacional de Conciertos en el periodo de la república. Posteriormente ingresó en la Orquesta Nacional de España, creada en la época franquista.
En 1953 abandonó España para ocupar los puestos de solista de la Orquesta Nacional de Colombia y de profesor del Conservatorio de Bogotá. Posteriormente se trasladó a Venezuela como solista de la Orquesta Sinfónica de Venezuela y profesor de la Escuela Superior de Música "José Ángel Lamas" de Venezuela. Invitado por el violonchelista Pau Casals fue nombrado catedrático del Conservatorio de Puerto Rico y solista de la Orquesta Sinfónica de Bogotá.
Estrenó el conocido concierto de Tubin para contrabajo y orquesta realizando la primera grabación de dicho concierto
No tuvo discípulos en España; pero sí que los tuvo en América, creando una prestigiosa escuela del contrabajo. / [EN] Manuel Verdeguer Beltrán is the most relevant Spanish double bass player of the 20th century, with great recognition in the Americas.
Born in 1908 in Valencia, he began playing the violoncello and subsequently consecrated himself as a soloist and pedagogue of the double bass, praised among others by the teachers Lamote de Grignon and Joaquín Turina
The study of the time in which he developed his artistic career in Spain has allowed us to discover the economic crisis caused to the interpreters by the disappearance of silent films, as well as in the knowledge of the regulation that governed the working conditions of musicians.
He played the double bass soloist position in the Municipal Orchestra of Valencia and the National Concert Orchestra in the period of the Republic. Later he joined the National Orchestra of Spain created in the Franco era.
In 1953, he left Spain to occupy the positions of soloist of the National Orchestra of Colombia and professor at the Conservatory of Bogotá. Later he moved to Venezuela as soloist of the Symphony Orchestra of Venezuela and professor of the Higher School of Music "José Ángel Lamas" of Venezuela. Invited by cellist Pau Casals, he was appointed Professor of the Conservatory of Puerto Rico and soloist of the Symphony Orchestra of Bogotá.
He premiered the famous Tubin concert for double bass and orchestra performing the first recording of that concert
He had no disciples in Spain; but he did have them in America, creating a prestigious double bass school. / [CA] Manuel Verdeguer Beltrán és el contrabaixista espanyol més rellevant del segle XX, amb un gran reconeixement en el continent americà. Nascut en 1908 a València, va començar tocant el violoncel i posteriorment es va consagrar com a solista i pedagog del contrabaix, elogiat, entre altres pels mestres Lamote de Grignon i Joaquín Turina. L'estudi de l'època en la qual va desenvolupar la seua carrera artística a Espanya ens ha permès descobrir la crisi econòmica causada als intèrprets per la desaparició del cinema mut, així com en el coneixement del reglament que regia les condicions laborals dels músics. Va exercir el lloc de solista de contrabaix de l'Orquestra Municipal de València i de l'Orquestra Nacional de Concerts en el període de la república. Posteriorment va ingressar en l'Orquestra Nacional d'Espanya, creada en l'època franquista. En 1953 va abandonar Espanya per a ocupar els llocs de solista de l'Orquestra Nacional de Colòmbia i de professor del Conservatori de Bogotà. Posteriorment es va traslladar a Veneçuela com a solista de l'Orquestra Simfònica de Veneçuela i professor de l'Escola Superior de Música "José Ángel Lamas" de Veneçuela. Convidat pel violoncellista Pau Casals va ser nomenat catedràtic del Conservatori de Puerto Rico i solista de l'Orquestra Simfònica de Bogotà. Va estrenar el conegut concert de Tubin per a contrabaix i orquestra realitzant el primer enregistrament d'aquest concert No va tindre deixebles a Espanya; però sí que els va tindre a Amèrica, creant una prestigiosa escola del contrabaix. / Ruiz Zanon, F. (2020). Manuel Verdeguer Beltrán (Valencia, 1908-San Juan de Puerto Rico,1988) Trayectoria musical y aportaciones a la escuela moderna del contrabajo [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/152484
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La enseñanza de la Física y de la Química en la educación secundaria en el primer tercio del siglo XX en EspañaLópez Martínez, José Damián 29 November 1999 (has links)
Este trabajo, en la línea de las investigaciones realizadas sobre la historia de las disciplinas y del currículum, tiene como objetivo fundamental conocer los antecedentes y la evolución de la enseñanza de la física y química en España en la educación secundaria durante el período 1900-1936. Analizamos los planes de estudio, el colectivo de catedráticos de instituto que las impartía, su actualización científico-pedagógica y profundizamos en aspectos que incidieron en la modernización y puesta en práctica de nuevas orientaciones metodológicas. Destacamos la labor realizada por la Junta para Ampliación de Estudios y el Instituto-Escuela de Madrid con profesores renovadores como José Estalella, Andrés León, Miguel Catalán, etc., que proporcionaron nuevos enfoques para la enseñanza de estas materias relativos a los contenidos, libros de texto, realización de experiencias prácticas, material científico y la utilización de las salidas de campo y visitas escolares como recurso importante para la enseñanza de estas disciplinas. / This work, in line with the research carried out on the history of school subjects and curriculum, aims to understand the background and status of the teaching of physics and chemistry in Spain in secondary education during the period 1900-1936.We analyzed the curriculum, the group of professors teaching the above subjects, and their scientific and pedagogical updating. Moreover, we thoroughly dealt with some aspects affecting the modernization and implementation of new methodological guidelines. We highlighted the work done by the Junta para Ampliación de Estudios and the Instituto-Escuela of Madrid with some innovative teachers as José Estalella, Andres León, Miguel Catalán, among others. These provided new approaches to the teaching of the subjects related to the contents, textbooks, the carrying out of practical experiences, scientific material and the use of field and school trips visits as an important resource for the teaching of these subjects.
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Stratégies durables pour un service public d'eau à Paris. Analyser et gérer les politiques d'hier, d'aujourd'hui et de demain / Sustainable strategies for the public water supply in Paris : analysis and management of past, present and future policies.Souriau, Julien 04 November 2014 (has links)
Le service public d’eau de Paris est indéniablement développé… mais est-il durable ? Comment évaluer et améliorer cette durabilité ? C’est à cette question que nous proposons d’apporter une réponse scientifique. Cette thèse doctorale étudie les stratégies de développement des services publics d’eau et leur durabilité, avec pour principal cas d’étude Paris. En moins de deux siècles, ce service d’eau est passé d’une situation archaïque à la configuration sociotechnique actuelle, et nous souhaitons comprendre dans quelle mesure cette action collective pourra être prolongée – ou pas – à l'avenir. La première partie de cette thèse discute le cadre méthodologique et théorique mobilisé pour étudier ce qui 'gouverne' le développement et la durabilité du service public d’eau à Paris. C’est ce cadre d’analyse général qui est appliqué dans les parties suivantes de cette thèse, pour analyser le temps long : passé, présent et futur. Premièrement, pour comprendre la durabilité du développement passé. Nous expliquons comment un service public d’eau a pu historiquement être développé et perdurer à Paris jusqu'à ce jour. Pour cela, nous étudions les dynamiques à la fois écologiques, techniques, économiques, institutionnelles et politiques de ce développement, afin d'en identifier les principaux moteurs et les limites. Deuxièmement, pour évaluer la durabilité du développement présent. Nous étudions dans quelle mesure les politiques contemporaines (ex : politiques de RSE) changent quelque chose aux configurations, dynamiques et trajectoires héritées du passé. Si les politiques de développement durable actuelles permettent plusieurs améliorations, diverses résistances les rendent marginales ou marginalisées, malgré le consensus en leur faveur. Troisièmement, pour prévoir la durabilité du développement futur. Nous analysons les principales conséquences des projets officiels prévus (ex : Grand Paris de l’eau). En complément, nous proposons une étude prospective de divers scénarios encore possibles à l’avenir, afin de discuter des cheminements qui y mènent et de leurs conséquences, notamment face à la baisse de la demande d’eau observée depuis 1990. L'objectif de cette thèse est autant d'améliorer la compréhension de la notion de durabilité, que de proposer des outils opérationnels pour définir, mener et évaluer des politiques de service public d'eau durables à l’avenir. / The public water supply service in Paris is most certainly developed... but is it sustainable? And how can we measure or improve its sustainability? We will here attempt to provide a scientific answer to this question. The purpose of this Ph. D. thesis is to analyze sustainability strategies for public water services, with Paris as a main case study. In less than 2 centuries, the water service in Paris rose from an archaic water supply system to the current state of the art technical and social configuration. However, we wonder now to what extent this collective effort can be continued – or not – in the future. In the first part of the thesis, we present the theoretical and methodological framework used to understand the dynamics governing the development and sustainability of public water services in general. This analytical framework is then applied to 3 case studies: past, present and future Paris’ public water supply development. First, we study the sustainability of past development, to explain how a water service has been developed and maintained in Paris over time and up until now. We analyze the ecological, technical, Seconomical, institutional, political dynamics of this development, in order to identify their driving forces and limitations. Secondly, we assess the sustainability of present time development. We evaluate the capacity of today’s policies (e.g. Corporate Social Responsibility) to modify dynamics, configurations and trajectories inherited from the past. Current sustainable development policies provide significant improvements, but they face resistance and tend to remain marginal or marginalized, even though a strong consensus exists in their favor. Finally, we anticipate the sustainability of future development. We analyze the main projects that are officially contemplated (e.g. the Great Paris water utility project) and their consequences on both sustainability and development. In addition, we built several forward-looking scenarios, in order to discuss possible future paths of evolution and their consequences, facing the declining water demand experienced in Paris since 1990. The purpose of this thesis is thus twofold: on one hand, it aims at enhancing the theoretical understanding of sustainability issues and strategies for water services; on the other hand, it aims at providing improved tools to define, implement and evaluate the sustainable development of tomorrow’s public water service policies.
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