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Förorenad mark Förekomst och spridning av koppar och zink i Gräsdalenanläggningens närområde, Gusum, Östergötland. / Polluted soil Occurence and spread of copper and zinc in the surroundings of the Gräsdalen establishment, Gusum, ÖstergötlandAhl, Helga, Nilsson, Leif January 2004 (has links)
Förorenade områden kan utgöra en stor risk för den omgivande miljön. Föroreningar som tungmetaller kan påverka det mikrobiologiska livet samt genom urlakning föras ut i grundvatten och vidare förorena omgivande miljö och dricksvatten. Tungmetaller tas även upp i organismer och sprids vidare i näringskedjor och kan också nå människan genom föda som växer eller odlas på förorenad mark. Föroreningar i mark härstammar oftast från gammal industriell produktion, så även i och omkring samhället Gusum i Östergötland. Här har verksamhet med smältverk bedrivits sedan 60-talet och ända fram till början av 80-talet var rökgaserna från verket orenade från metaller och har kraftigt förorenat och skadat närområdet kring bruket. Syftet med detta arbete är att undersöka hur allvarligt förorenat området kring bruket är av metallerna koppar och zink, samt om metallerna riskerar att spridas ned i markprofilen och om denna risk förefaller öka ju högre halter marken har utsatts för. Information om området har samlats in och provtagningar i marken har genomförts på två olika avstånd från bruket. Provtagningarna omfattade totalt 8 st provgropar, 4 st på vardera provtagningsplats. Proverna har tagits från 4 olika djup i varje enskild grop. Resultaten av studien visar att tillståndet i marken är allvarligt till mycket allvarligt enligt Naturvårdsverkets bedömningsgrunder för förorenad mark. Vidare visar mätningarna att det mesta av metallföroreningarna är bundet i markens organiska lager. Metallkoncentrationen i markens övre skikt verkar ha liten betydelse i detta fall för spridningen nedåt i markprofilen och spridningen sker mycket långsamt.
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Förorenad mark 20 år efter åtgärd : Undersökning av ytvattenkemi i Bersbo gruvområde / Polluted Soil 20 Years After Restoration : Examination of Water Chemistry in the Bersbo Mining AreaLarsson, Magnus, Toftgård, Martha January 2008 (has links)
Gruvdrift ger upphov till stora mängder avfall, vilket medför att metaller sprids från det deponerade avfallet till kringliggande mark och vattendrag. Flera metaller är naturliga komponenter i ekosystemen och många är essentiella näringsämnen. Metaller kan dock innebära en belastning då de i höga koncentrationer är toxiska för levande organismer. Läckaget av metaller från gruvavfall kan fördröjas genom täckning av deponierna. Bersbo gruvområde i Åtvidaberg var ett pilotprojekt för en nationell satsning som ägde rum på 1980-talet, vilken syftade till att åtgärda gamla nedlagda sulfidmalmsgruvor. Flertalet studier har utförts i området för att utreda föroreningssituationen i Bersbo. Ytvattenprover insamlades före, under och efter åtgärden. Trots en minskning av metallkoncentrationer i vattnet i området har det i tidigare studier konstaterats att metalläckaget från Bersbo överstiger läckaget från samtliga övriga gruvor i Östergötland. Denna studie syftar till att undersöka metalläckaget i ytvattnet i anslutning till de täckta deponierna i Bersbo cirka tjugo år efter att åtgärden utfördes. Provtagning av ytvatten har genomförts och vattnet har analyserats med avseende på pH, konduktivitet, kadmium, koppar, järn och zink. En statistisk jämförelse har utförts mellan data från tidsperioden 1992-1998 och data som har erhållits i studien. Resultatet påvisar minskade metallkoncentrationer i området kring deponierna men halterna vid Storgruveupplaget är fortfarande höga i jämförelse med bakgrundsvärdena. I ett dike vid Storgruveupplaget, som inte förväntades vara påverkad av avfallet, påvisades även där höga metallkoncentrationer i jämförelse med bakgrundsvärdena. Dessutom observerades en minskning av pH-värdena nedströms samma upplag. Vid provpunkterna som omgärdar Steffenburgsupplaget observerades en ökning av pH-värdena samt oförändrade eller minskade metallkoncentrationer.
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Le droit de marque appréhendé à travers sa finalité / The trade mark law accross his purposeMartin, Nicolas 26 November 2010 (has links)
Depuis ses premières jurisprudences mettant en balance la libre circulation des marchandises et le droit de marque, La Cour de justice n'a cessé de remodeler le droit de marque. Elle lui a découvert une finalité concurrentielle, une fonction de garantie d'origine et un objet spécifique qui ne figurent dans aucuns textes mais qu'elle utilise pour déterminer le contenu du droit de marque et ses conditions d'exercice. Elle évoque depuis plusieurs années de nouvelles fonctions de ce droit et elle les a récemment énumérées et expressément intégrées au périmètre du droit. Pour appréhender le droit de marque, il convient aujourd'hui de rechercher l'apport de ces nouvelles fonctions au droit, les éventuelles modifications de la finalité qu'elle engendre et la manière dont elles influencent son contenu. Considérant que la finalité est le point de départ de la création d'un droit nous allons chercher la finalité du droit de marque pour pouvoir l'appréhender. / Since its early case law by balancing the free movement of goods and trade mark law, the Court of Justice has continued to reshape the trademark right. She has discovered a competitive purpose, as a guarantee of origin and a specific object. They don't appear in any texts but it uses to determine the content of the right brand and its operating conditions. She mentioned several years ago some new features of this right and it has recently listed and expressly incorporated in the content of the right. To understand the trade mark right now, we should be to seek the contribution of these new functions to the right, possible amendments to the purpose that it engenders and how they influence its content. Considering that the purpose is the starting point for creating a right we'll collect the purpose of trade mark rights in order to apprehend him.
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Ecologia populacional do bagre cego de Iporanga, Pimelodella kronei (Siluriformes: Heptateridae), do Vale do Alto Ribeira, Iporanga - SP: uma comparação com Trajano, 1987 / Population ecology of blind catfish from Iporanga, Pimelodella kronei (Siluriformes, Heptapteridae) in the Upper Ribeira Valley, Iporanga-SP: a comparison with Trajano, 1987Ana Luiza Feigol Guil 20 September 2011 (has links)
O bagre cego de Iporanga, Pimelodella kronei, da região do Parque Estadual Turístico do Alto Ribeira-PETAR, SP, foi o primeiro peixe troglóbio descoberto e descrito no Brasil e um dos mais estudados até hoje. Populações de bagres cegos atribuídas a essa espécie foram encontradas, até o momento, em cavernas do Sistema das Areias (Areias de Cima - localidade-tipo e abrigando a maior população conhecida -, Areias de Baixo e Ressurgência das Areias da Água Quente, esta aparentemente com uma população periférica), na Caverna Córrego Seco, na Ressurgência de Bombas e em cavernas do Sistema Alambari (caverna Alambari de Cima - população aparentemente extinta -, e Abismo do Gurutuva). Os bagres cegos do Sistema Areias foram excessivamente coletados na década de 1970, o que teria provocado um declínio populacional acentuado, registrado por Trajano (1987) 10 anos mais tarde. O presente estudo aborda a ecologia de P. kronei, com ênfase na população das Areias, utilizando métodos comparáveis aos de Trajano (op. cit.), para fins de monitoramento. Os aspectos analisados nas Areias foram: tamanho da população, crescimento individual e deslocamentos no habitat, a partir de marcação e recaptura individual; estrutura da população em termos de distribuição das freqüências de tamanhos (comprimento-padrão), peso e fator de condição (isométrico e alométrico); troglomorfismos (graus de redução de olhos e de pigmentação melânica). Complementarmente, exemplares das Areias, Bombas, Córrego Seco e Gurutuva foram comparados quanto à morfometria. A população de P. kronei das Areias mostrou evidências de estabilidade através da recuperação da estrutura de peso e comprimento-padrão. Assim como observado para outras espécies de siluriformes troglóbios, o crescimento individual é altamente heterogêneo, com casos de crescimento negativo. Os parâmetros da equação de Von Bertallanfy revelaram valores superiores aos de Trajano (1987), resultando em uma longevidade média de 15-20 anos. Os bagres estudados na Areias de Cima mostraram tendência de deslocamentos rio acima, em direção ao ponto mais distal no Córrego Grande (mais próximo à entrada de alimento externo), provavelmente para alimentação e reprodução. É possível que existam diferenças entre a população de Bombas e as demais localidades, sendo necessária uma investigação mais aprofundada, com métodos mais discriminatórios. / The blind catfish from Iporanga, Pimelodella kronei, from Parque Estadual Turístico do Alto Ribeira- PETAR, SP, was the first troglobitic fish discovered and described in Brazil. It is also one of the most investigated species so far. Populations of blind catfish attributed to this species have been found in caves belonging to the Areias System (Areias de Cima - type-locality, sheltering the largest known population - , Areias de Baixo and Ressurgence of Areias of Águas Quente, which apparently shows a peripherical population), besides Córrego Seco Cave, Bombas Ressurgence and caves of the Alambari System (Alambari de Cima - an apparently extinct population - , and Gurutuva). The blind catfish of Areias system were over-collected during the 1970s, which may have led to an accentuated population decline, as recorded by Trajano (1987) ten years later. The present study focus on the ecology of P. kronei, with emphasis on the Areias population, by using methods comparable to those by Trajano (op. cit.) for monitoring purposes. The aspects studied in the Areias caves were: population size, individual growth and movements in the habitat, based on individual marking and recapture; population structure in terms of distribution of size (standard length), weight and condition factor (isometric and alometric) frequencies; troglomorphism (levels of eye reduction and melanic pigmentation). In addition, samples from Areias, Bombas, Córrego Seco and Gurutuva were morphometrically compared. The P. kronei population of Areias showed evidence of stability through the regain of the size and weight structure. Like the observed for other troglobitic siluriforms, the individual growth in P. kronei is highly heterogeneous, with frequent cases of negative growth. The parameters of the Von Bertallanfy equation calculated were higher than those by Trajano (1987), resulting in a higher expected longevity - 15 to 20 years. The blind catfish from Areias presented a tendency to move upstream, approaching the distal end of Córrego Grande (closer to the input of epigean nutrients), probably for feeding and reproduction. There may be some differences in the Bombas populations of other locations, to be investigated using more discriminatory methods.
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Estimating vital rates with imperfect detection in amphibian and reptile populations = Estimando taxas vitais com detecção imperfeita em populações de anfíbios e répteis / Estimando taxas vitais com detecção imperfeita em populações de anfíbios e répteisRodrigues, Murilo Guimarães, 1978- 23 August 2018 (has links)
Orientador: Ricardo Jannini Sawaya / Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Biologia / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-23T04:29:37Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
Rodrigues_MuriloGuimaraes_D.pdf: 4926681 bytes, checksum: 057f2c8aa9c7d1baaa30995a12a9c858 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2013 / Resumo: A ecologia de populações investiga os fatores que levam a variação das taxas vitais e, consequentemente, no número de indivíduos. Isso inclui testar hipóteses sobre aspectos da história de vida das espécies e entender os fatores que podem modular a dinâmica populacional. No entanto, a obtenção de dados para testar hipóteses pode ser difícil para populações que apresentam probabilidades de detecção < 1, como anfíbios e répteis. A marcação e recaptura é amplamente usada para estimar a detecção e inferir aspectos de dinâmica populacional e testar hipóteses ecológicas. Neste trabalho empregamos a teoria de marcação e recaptura para testar hipóteses relacionadas à ecologia e conservação de populações de anfíbios e répteis. Utilizamos o programa MARK para implementar modelos de populações abertas e fechadas incorporando a probabilidade de detecção dos indivíduos, para obter estimativas de sobrevivência, e outros parâmetros populacionais usando máxima verossimilhança. Organizamos esta tese em quatro capítulos. Iniciamos enfatizando a importância da probabilidade de detecção, além de simular cenários hipotéticos para demonstrar a relação entre esforço de campo, tamanho ótimo amostral e viés amostral. Em seguida comparamos o efeito de duas técnicas de marcação, o corte de artelhos e o implante de microchips, sobre a sobrevivência individual do sapo ferreiro, Hypsiboas faber. No terceiro capítulo estimamos a sobrevivência e o crescimento populacional da jararaca-ilhoa, Bothrops insularis incorporando emigração temporária aos modelos. Além do estudo de taxas vitais e de dinâmica nas populações, a alocação de energia e suas consequências na sobrevivência individual podem ser testadas com modelos de marcação e recaptura. Assim, no quarto e último capítulo consideramos dois caracteres sexuais presentes no sistema de acasalamento dos lagartos, o tamanho da mandíbula e a coloração chamativa, para comparar as estimativas de sobrevivência entre machos e fêmeas do lagarto cauda de chicote, Cnemidophorus cf. ocellifer. . De forma geral, observamos que a probabilidade de detecção individual nos sistemas estudados foi baixa e condizente com a detecção de vertebrados em ambientes tropicais. Além disso, a inclusão de covariáveis na investigação de parâmetros vitais e no processo de detecção é fundamental para o melhor entendimento dos fatores que explicam a dinâmica de uma população. Especificamente observamos que: (i) demonstramos que as taxas que não incorporam a detecção são enviesadas em relação às estimativas que consideram a detecção, (ii) as estimativas de sobrevivência foram similares em indivíduos de Hypsiboas faber marcados com ablação de artelhos e microchips , (iii) Bothrops insularis apresentou baixa probabilidade de sobrevivência anual e crescimento populacional anual negativo. Por fim, (iv) machos maiores do lagarto Cnemidophorus cf. ocellifer apresentaram sobrevivência mensal menor do que machos menores, mas o oposto foi observado para as fêmeas / Abstract: Population ecology aims to search for factors that lead to variation in vital rates and consequently, in the number of individuals. This includes testing hypotheses about natural history traits and threats to populations. However, obtaining data to test hypotheses is challenging because following individuals in the field can be difficult, especially for amphibians and reptiles, where detection probabilities are often < 1. Mark-recapture methods are widely used to estimate detection probabilities and to test ecological hypothesis. Here we used mark-recapture methods to test hypotheses related to ecology and conservation of amphibian and reptile populations. We implemented open- and closed-population models in Program MARK, to account for detection probabilities and to calculate survival estimates and other population parameters. We organized this dissertation into four chapters. In the first chapter we emphasize the importance of considering detection probabilities besides simulating hypothetical scenarios to show the relationship between field effort, sample size and precision. In the second chapter we used a Cormack-Jolly-Seber model to compare the effect of two amphibian marking techniques, toeclipping and PIT tagging, on survival in the blacksmith tree frog, Hypsiboas faber. In the third chapter our goal was to estimate survival and population growth of the golden lancehead, Bothrops insularis accounting for temporary emigration using Pollock's Robust Design. Besides the study of vital rates and population dynamics, energy allocation and its consequences for survival are testable with mark-recapture models. Thus, in the last chapter we used two traits from the lizard mating system, namely jaw size and courtship coloration, to compare survival estimates between males and females of the whiptail lizard, Cnemidophorus cf. ocellifer. In summary we observed that detection probability on the studied populations were low and similar to other vertebrate populations from the tropics. However, including covariates in estimation models of vital rates and detection is important to obtain more accurate results to explain population dynamics. Specifically we conclude that (i) return rates were biased low in relation to survival estimates that account for detectability, (ii) the estimates of survival were similar between toe-clipped and PIT tagged individuals of Hypsiboas faber, (iii) Bothrops insularis showed low survival probability and negative annual population growth. And (iv) larger Cnemidophorus cf. ocellifer males showed lower monthly survival probability than smaller males but the opposite was found for females / Doutorado / Ecologia / Doutor em Ecologia
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L'empreinte des rituels. Persistance et mutations des formes et mécanismes rituels dans les dramaturgies occidentales des années 50 à nos jours / The Mark of Rituals. Persistence and Transformations of Ritual Forms and Mechanisms in Western Drama, from the 1950s until todayBonnier, Anaïs 11 December 2010 (has links)
Dans cette recherche, nous souhaitons mettre en jeu la mémoire des rites. Le rite est un élément fondamental de la vie sociale, un repère fixe et solide. Il demeure très présent dans le drame contemporain, vision réputée particulièrement sombre d’une société désenchantée. Regretté dans sa capacité dramatisante, le rite est d’abord réintroduit dans l’écriture comme une forme poétique, esthétique, déconnectée du divin mais capable d’élever le texte. Pourtant, déchu de sa place supérieure et dénué de symbole, il devient une forme dérisoire, vectrice de désespoir. Le rite est alors cible d’une dégradation qui suit deux logiques. D’une part un blasphème jubilatoire, qui cherche à le démystifier, rabaissant tous les modèles au niveau humain le plus abject. D’autre part un glissement progressif vers des avatars rituels sombres et aliénants. Le rituel, enfin, devient un prétexte pour parler du monde. Des quotidiens ritualisés interrogent la place laissée à l’homme par la société, des rites institutionnels veulent révéler la violence inhérente à la religion. Le rite devient aussi prétexte à diverses sortes de jeux qui, paradoxalement, font apparaître la noirceur à travers une innocence affichée. Dans les dramaturgies contemporaines, le rite est à la fois valorisé comme outil dramaturgique et dégradé, parce qu’il n’est plus considéré comme une construction sociale efficace. Il demeure à l’état d’empreinte, utilisée comme modèle de représentation, mais dans une forme toujours incomplète. Pour les dramaturges, l’empreinte du rituel est un champ d’expérimentation, qui permet de renouveler l’écriture théâtrale et de poser un défi à la scène. / This research aims to explore the memory of rituals. Rituals are a fundamental element of our social life, a firmly established model. It remains very strongly present in contemporary drama, which is reputed to be a particularly dark vision of a disillusioned society. Missed in its dramatizing ability, the ritual is first reintroduced in drama as a poetic, aesthetic form, disconnected from divinity, but still able to elevate the text. However, being deprived of its former superiority and symbolism, it becomes an empty, trifling form, conveying despair. The rite is then debased in two ways. On the one hand, by a ferocious blasphemy aiming to demystify it, humbling all models to the worst human abjection. On the other hand, by slowly sliding into dark, alienating ritual avatars. Finally, the ritual is used as a pretext to comment upon the world. Ritualized everyday lives interrogate the place left to Man in society, and institutional rites aim to bring to light the violence inherent to religion. The rite also becomes a pretext for all sorts of games which paradoxically reveal darkness through apparent innocence. In contemporary drama, the rite is both valued as a dramatic tool and debased as an effective social construction. It remains as a mark, used as a representation model, but always in an incomplete form. For playwrights, the mark of the ritual is an experimentation field allowing them to renew dramatic writing as well as to challenge the stage.
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Determining abundance and stock structure for a widespread migratory animal : the case of humpback whales (Megaptera novaeangliae) in British Columbia, CanadaRambeau, Andrea Louise 05 1900 (has links)
Developing appropriate management plans for species at risk requires information about their population structure and abundance. For most cetacean populations, few reliable population estimates are available and even fewer distributions have been mapped. Accurate abundance estimates can be determined from capture-recapture data if assumptions are met, however this can be difficult when the animal in question demonstrates both strong site fidelity and large-scale migrations, and different models can result in dramatically different results.
I explored these issues by examining a 15-year dataset (1992-2006) of photo-identifications of humpback whales (Megaptera novaeangliae) in British Columbia (BC), Canada. I used multiple capture-recapture models to compare how the definition of population and variation in effort affected estimates of population size, and I explored means to correct for these biases. I also considered stock structure by examining individual breeding ground destinations, movement, and localized site-fidelity within BC.
Across the six models considered, the BC humpback whale abundance in 2006 ranged between 1,428 and 3,856 individuals. The Lincoln-Petersen estimate (1,428-1,892) likely best described the number of humpback whales in BC during summer 2006. The effort-standardized Jolly-Seber model (1,970-2,331) is more representative of the larger population of humpback whales that uses or passes through BC over multiple years. Ultimately, selecting the best estimation model requires defining the ‘population’ of interest and accounting for spatial and temporal distribution of sampling effort.
British Columbia provides feeding habitat and a potential migratory corridor for whales that breed in the northeastern Pacific Ocean. Forty-four percent of the 1,986 humpback whales considered were sighted in BC in more than one year. Identifications were highest from May to October, with a peak in September, but humpback whales were present in BC in all months of the year. Whales showed strong site fidelity with a median re-sighting distance of 75 km between years, and a maximum re-sighting distance that ranged from 0.41 km to 842 km. Matching rate within BC decreased as a function of north-south distance, though no clear north-south boundary could be established. Stock structure of humpback whales in British Columbia is complex and should be considered in managing this population. / Science, Faculty of / Zoology, Department of / Graduate
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A Journey of Racial Neutrality : the symbolic meaning of the Mississippi in The Adventures of Huckleberry FinnZHANG, HENG January 2009 (has links)
No description available.
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Remembrance of things past? : Albert Schweitzer, the anxiety of influence, and the 'untidy' Jesus of Markan memoryThate, Michael James January 2012 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to consider the formation and reception of the historical Jesus genre through a detailed analysis of its “strong poet,” Albert Schweitzer. Though the classification of this thesis is most likely to be designated as Leben Jesu Forschung and the rise of early Christianity, it encompasses several adjacent fields of research: viz., social and literary theories, philosophies of history, biblical studies, critical memory theory, and classical history. Leben Jesu Forschung is therefore a kind of case study for the construction and reception of ideas. Part One suggests, after a sustained engagement with Schweitzer and his constructive project, that his pervading influence is most strongly felt in the underlying assumptions of his method of konsequente Eschatologie. Schweitzer’s concept of konsequente Eschatologie is the singular criterion by which all the material is judged and filtered so as to construct a singular profile of the historical Jesus. It is this desire for a “tidy” Jesus which this thesis attempts to problematize. Part Two attempts a constructive counter proposal by appropriating theories of memory to historical Jesus research and concludes by demonstrating the appropriation of this theory within the Gospel of Mark. I understand the Markan author as evoking Jesus memories and setting them within a narrative framework for the purposes of identity construction and communal direction. As such, we are presented with an “untidy” Jesus of Markan memory.
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Incomprehension or resistance? : the Markan disciples and the narrative logic of Mark 4:1-8:30Blakley, J. Ted January 2008 (has links)
The characterization of the Markan disciples has been and continues to be the object of much scholarly reflection and speculation. For many, the Markan author's presentation of Jesus' disciples holds a key, if not the key, to unlocking the purpose and function of the gospel as a whole. Commentators differ as to whether the Markan disciples ultimately serve a pedagogical or polemical function, yet they are generally agreed that the disciples in Mark come off rather badly, especially when compared to their literary counterparts in Matthew, Luke, and John. This narrative-critical study considers the characterization of the Markan disciples within the Sea Crossing movement (Mark 4:1-8:30). While commentators have, on the whole, interpreted the disciples' negative characterization in this movement in terms of lack of faith and/or incomprehension, neither of these, nor a combination of the two, fully accounts for the severity of language leveled against the disciples by the narrator (6:52) and Jesus (8:17-18). Taking as its starting point an argument by Jeffrey B. Gibson (1986) that the harshness of Jesus' rebuke in Mark 8:14-21 is occasioned not by the disciples' lack of faith or incomprehension but by their active resistance to his Gentile mission, this investigation uncovers additional examples of the disciples' resistance to Gentile mission, offering a better account of their negative portrayal within the Sea Crossing movement and helping explain many of their other failures. In short, this study argues that in Mark 4:1-8:26, the disciples are characterized as resistant to Jesus' Gentile mission and to their participation in that mission, the chief consequence being that they are rendered incapable of recognizing Jesus' vocational identity as Israel's Messiah (Thesis A). This leads to a secondary thesis, namely, that in Mark 8:27-30, Peter's recognition of Jesus' messianic identity indicates that the disciples have finally come to accept Jesus' Gentile mission and their participation in it (Thesis B). Chapter One: Introduction: offers a selective review of scholarly treatments of the Markan disciples, which shows that few scholars attribute resistance, let alone purposeful resistance, to the disciples. Chapter Two: The Rhetoric of Repetition: introduces the methodological tools, concepts, and perspectives employed in the study. It includes a section on narrative criticism, which focuses upon the story-as-discoursed and the implied author and reader, and a section on Construction Grammar, a branch of cognitive linguistics founded by Charles Fillmore and further developed by Paul Danove, which focuses upon semantic and narrative frames and case frame analysis. Chapter Three: The Sea Crossing Movement, Mark 4:1-8:30: addresses the question of Markan structure and argues that Mark 4:1-8:30 comprises a single, unified, narrative movement, whose action and plot is oriented to the Sea of Galilee and whose most distinctive feature is the network of sea crossings that transport Jesus and his disciples back and forth between Jewish and Gentile geopolitical spaces. Following William Freedman, Chapter Four: The Literary Motif: introduces two criteria (frequency and avoidability) for determining objectively what constitutes a literary motif and provides the methodological basis and starting point for the analyses performed in chapters five and six. Chapter Five: The Sea Crossing Motif: establishes and then carries out a lengthy narrative analysis of the Sea Crossing motif, which is oriented around Mark's use of θάλασσα (thalassa) and πλοῖον (ploion), and Chapter Six: The Loaves Motif: does the same for The Loaves motif, oriented around Mark's use of ἄρτος (artos). Finally, Chapter Seven: The Narrative Logic of the Disciples (In)comprehension: draws together all narrative, linguistic, and exegetical insights of the previous chapters and offers a single coherent reading of the Sea Crossing movement that establishes Theses A and B.
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