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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Storied relationships:students recall their teachers

Uitto, M. (Minna) 29 November 2011 (has links)
Abstract This research focuses on studying teacher-student relationships based on memories of teachers. It asks what and how those memories tell about teacher-student relationships. The work of teachers is understood as relational, and at its core are relationships to students. Body, gender, caring, emotions and power evolved as important concepts in studying the teacher-student relationships. Personal and professional aspects were intertwined in the relationships. In this study, student memories are approached via narrative research and thematic, holistic and narrative ways of analysis are applied. The memories are understood as related to the past, but above all as a result of storytelling. They are interpreted in the present context and through expectations of the future. Memories of teachers were written by 49 students of education. A group of seven female teachers recalled their own teachers together. In addition, 141 people of varying ages and educational backgrounds wrote about their teachers via a request published in Yhteishyvä magazine. The research revealed that from students’ perspectives, there can be different sides to a relationship with a particular teacher. Relationships can also change and some even continued after a student’s school years. Teacher-student relationships were seen evolve in the institutional context of school, but also outside of it. Participants recalled how particular moments became significant in their relationship with a teacher. Those moments could define their whole memory of it. It was found that teachers are constantly being observed by students, through their bodies, emotions and personal lives. It was also found that aspects of caring and power are intertwined in teacher-student relationships. Teachers can influence their students’ lives in many ways, both personally and professionally. Relationships need time, space and small enough groups of students. It must be assured that the structures of school institutions and the increasing demands on teachers’ work promote the development of teacher-student relationships. Relationships and challenges related to them need to be central in the content and curriculum of teacher education. Teachers also need to be aware of their own pasts. Dealing with one’s own memories from school and teachers is one part of the personal, professional and collective identity-work. / Tiivistelmä Tämä tutkimus keskittyy tarkastelemaan opettaja-oppilassuhteita opettajia koskevien muistojen pohjalta. Tutkimuksessa kysytään mitä ja miten nuo muistot kertovat opettaja-oppilassuhteista. Opettajan työ ymmärretään suhteissa olemisena, jonka ytimessä ovat suhteet oppilaisiin. Keskeisiksi käsitteiksi opettaja-oppilassuhteen tarkasteluun muotoutuivat ruumiillisuus, sukupuoli, välittäminen, tunteet ja valta. Suhteet tulee nähdä niin henkilökohtaisina kuin ammatillisina. Tutkimuksen lähestymistapa on narratiivinen ja tutkimuksessa sovelletaan temaattisia, holistisia ja narratiivisia analyysitapoja. Muistot ymmärretään menneeseen kytkeytyvinä, mutta kertomisen kautta muotoutuvina. Muistoja tulkitaan tämänhetkisen kontekstin ja tulevaisuuden odotusten valossa. Muistojaan opettajista kirjoittivat 49 kasvatusalan opiskelijaa. Seitsemän naisopettajan ryhmä muisteli yhdessä opettajiaan. Lisäksi 141 eri-ikäistä ja erilaisen koulutustaustan omaavaa ihmistä kirjoitti opettajistaan Yhteishyvä-lehdessä julkaistun kirjoituspyynnön pohjalta. Tutkimuksen perusteella opettajan ja oppilaan suhteeseen voi liittyä eri puolia oppilaiden näkökulmasta. Suhteet voivat myös muuttua ja jatkua oppilaan kouluvuosien jälkeenkin. Suhteet muotoutuvat koulun institutionaalisessa kontekstissa, mutta myös sen ulkopuolella. Tutkimukseen osallistuneet muistelivat, kuinka tietyt hetket voivat muodostua merkityksellisiksi opettaja-oppilassuhteissa. Nuo hetket saattoivat määritellä koko heidän muistoaan suhteesta. Opettajat ovat oppilaiden katseen alla ruumiillisuutensa, tunteidensa ja henkilökohtaisen elämänsä kautta. Välittäminen ja valta kietoutuvat opettaja-oppilassuhteisiin. Opettajat voivat vaikuttaa monin tavoin oppilaidensa elämään niin henkilökohtaisella kuin ammatillisella tasolla. Suhteet tarvitsevat aikaa, tilaa ja tarpeeksi pieniä oppilasryhmiä. On varmistettava, että kouluinstituution rakenteet ja opettajan työn yhä lisääntyvät vaatimukset edistävät opettaja-oppilassuhteiden kehittymistä. Suhteiden ja niihin liittyvien haasteiden tulee olla keskeisessä asemassa opettajankoulutuksen sisällöissä ja opetussuunnitelmassa. Opettajien on myös oltava tietoisia omasta menneisyydestään. Omien muistojen käsittely kouluajoilta ja opettajista on yksi osa henkilökohtaista, ammatillista ja kollektiivista identiteettityötä.

Optimizing Data Accesses for Scaling Data-intensive Scientific Applications

Yeom, Jae-seung 30 May 2014 (has links)
Data-intensive scientific applications often process an enormous amount of data. The scalability of such applications depends critically on how to manage the locality of data. Our study explores two common types of applications that are vastly different in terms of memory access pattern and workload variation. One includes those with multi-stride accesses in regular nested parallel loops. The other is for processing large-scale irregular social network graphs. In the former case, the memory location or the data item accessed in a loop is predictable and the load on processing a unit work (an array element) is relatively uniform with no significant variation. On the other hand, in the latter case, the data access per unit work (a vertex) is highly irregular in terms of the number of accesses and the locations being accessed. This property is further tied to the load and presents significant challenges in the scalability of the application performance. Designing platforms to support extreme performance scaling requires understanding of how application specific information can be used to control the locality and improve the performance. Such insights are necessary to determine which control and which abstraction to provide for interfacing an underlying system and an application as well as for designing a new system. Our goal is to expose common requirements of data-intensive scientific applications for scalability. For the former type of applications, those with regular accesses and uniform workload, we contribute new methods to improve the temporal locality of software-managed local memories, and optimize the critical path of scheduling data transfers for multi-dimensional arrays in nested loops. In particular, we provide a runtime framework allowing transparent optimization by source-to-source compilers or automatic fine tuning by programmers. Finally, we demonstrate the effectiveness of the approach by comparing against a state-of-the-art language-based framework. For the latter type, those with irregular accesses and non-uniform workload, we analyze how the heavy-tailed property of input graphs limits the scalability of the application. Then, we introduce an application-specific workload model as well as a decomposition method that allows us to optimize locality with the custom load balancing constraints of the application. Finally, we demonstrate unprecedented strong scaling of a contagion simulation on two state-of-the-art high performance computing platforms. / Ph. D.

Commutation de capacitance dans les mémoires résistives (ReRAM), application aux mémoires d’impédance (ZRAM ou mem-capacitors) / Capacitance switching in resistive memories (ReRAM), application to impedance memories (ZRAM or mem-capacitors)

Wakrim, Tariq 15 November 2018 (has links)
Les mémoires résistives ReRAM (ou memristors) sont destinées à remplacer les mémoires non volatiles Flash. Les ReRAM utilisent le changement de résistance d’une structure MIM (Métal-Isolant-Métal) soumise à un stress en tension. Jusqu’à présent, l’attention était focalisée sur les mécanismes qui régissent la commutation de résistance dans les dispositifs ReRAM. Moins d’attention a été accordée à la variation de capacitance, c'est-à-dire à la variation de capacité des structures MIM lorsque ces dernières sont soumises à un stress en tension. C’est sur ce dernier point que notre travail porte. Nous étudions la variation d’impédance (conductance et capacitance dans le domaine RF) dans des structures MIM à base de HfO2. Au-delà d’une tension seuil (Set) une diminution de la capacitance est observée, conjointement à une augmentation de conductance. Des cycles mémoires capacité-tension (C-V) et conductance-tension (G-V) sont obtenus de manière reproductible. Des caractérisations en fréquence (C-f et G-f), sous différentes polarisations continues, sont effectuées pour mieux comprendre les mécanismes de commutation de l’impédance. La diminution de capacitance dans l’état conducteur (ON) est attribuée au caractère inductif des filaments conducteurs formés pendant l’étape de Set. Les mécanismes de transport conduisant à l’apparition de ce caractère inductif sont discutés. Nous montrons également l’influence du procédé de dépôt (ALD) de HfO2 sur les caractéristiques C-V et G-V, ainsi que les modifications apportées par l’emploi d’une structure bicouche. Ce travail ouvre la voie à la réalisation de dispositifs à mémoire de capacitance (mem-capacitors), et plus généralement de composants à mémoire d’impédance (ZRAM). Le potentiel de ces dispositifs pour réaliser un filtre reconfigurable (programmable en tension) est démontré d’une manière pratique. / Resistive random access memories (ReRAM) hold great potential for replacing Flash memories. A ReRAM memory (or MEMRISTOR) uses a resistive switching phenomenon found in Metal-Insulator-Metal (MIM) structures under a voltage stress. Most researches were focused on the mechanisms governing the resistance switching in ReRAM devices and less attention has been paid to capacitance variation of MIM structures under a voltage stress. Our work is focused on that latter phenomenon. We study impedance variation (conductance and capacitance in the RF domain) in HfO2-based MIM structures. Above a threshold voltage (Set), concurrently to conductance increase, a decrease in the capacitance value is observed. Reproducible capacitance-voltage (C-V) and conductance-voltage (G-V) memory cycles are obtained. Frequency dependent characterizations (C-f and G-f), under different DC bias voltages, are performed with the aim of understanding the mechanisms of impedance switching. The capacitance decrease observed in the conducting (ON) state is attributed to the inductance of the filament created during the Set stage. Transport phenomena responsible for the filament inductive behavior are discussed. Impact of HfO2 deposition process (ALD), as well as the use of bi-layer structures, on C-V and G-V characteristics are shown. This work paves the way for the realization of new capacitance memory devices (mem-capacitors) and most generally for impedance memories (ZRAM). Potential of these devices to design reconfigurable filters (controlled by voltage bias) is demonstrated in a practical way.

Dinâmicas emergentes na família de memórias associativas bidirecionais caóticas e sua habilidade para saltar passos / Emergent dynamics in family of chaotic bidirectional associative memories and its ability to skip steps

Bueno, Luciana Pavani de Paula 19 May 2006 (has links)
Nesta tese, uma família de memórias associativas bidirecionais caóticas (família C-BAM) é proposta, implementada e testada com o objetivo de estender a relevância da presença e do estudo do fenômeno caótico a modelos de redes associativas. Na modelagem da família C-BAM, todos os neurônios da memória associativa bidirecional caótica (BAM), BAM com atraso e BAM exponencial (eBAM) foram substituídos por neurônios caóticos. Cada parâmetro do neurônio caótico na família C-BAM tem sua influência estimada através do planejamento de experimentos, em diferentes dinâmicas. Com base no planejamento de experimentos, valores de parâmetros são selecionados a fim de ilustrar a emergência de comportamentos dinâmicos como bifurcação, caos determinístico e crise. A existência de dinâmicas caóticas é confirmada pelo cálculo dos expoentes de Lyapunov. Experimentos empíricos mostraram que a dinâmica caótica modifica a acessibilidade à memória da família C-BAM. Ao invés de recuperar um único par, como a família BAM fazia, a versão caótica é capaz de gerar uma grande diversidade de padrões recuperados, envolvendo complexas transições entre os padrões armazenados, para algumas variações paramétricas. Tal comportamento permite à família C-BAM acessar padrões inacessíveis às redes BAMs originais. Além disso, a nova acessibilidade à memória, na qual seqüências de recuperação (com diferentes tamanhos) compostas de padrões treinados e não treinados têm emergido, pode ser usada para modelar a habilidade de um indivíduo saltar passos na solução de uma tarefa. Esta tese seleciona a rede C-BAM para ilustrar que a seqüência de recuperação da rede pode modelar a habilidade de um noviço ou a habilidade de um especialista executar uma tarefa. Embora a família C-BAM possa alcançar todos os padrões armazenados durante o comportamento caótico, ela não consegue convergir para um padrão específico. Duas estratégias de controle são propostas para permitir que as redes caóticas convirjam para a memória desejada: o método de controle por pinagem e um método de controle adaptativo. Conseqüentemente, os modelos C-BAM podem, de fato, realizar a hetero-associação de memórias antes inacessíveis, e a rede C-BAM pode estabilizar-se no estado final de uma tarefa, dado o primeiro estado / In this thesis, a family of bidirectional associative memories (C-BAM family) is proposed, implemented and tested to extend the study of chaotic phenomenon in associative models. In the C-BAM model, all the original neurons of bidirectional associative memory (BAM), BAM with delay and exponenetial BAM (eBAM) were substituted for chaotic neurons. Based on the experimental design, values of C-BAM family parameters are set to illustrate the emergence of a diversity of dynamic behavior, such as bifurcation, deterministic chaos and crisis. The existence of the chaotic dynamics is confirmed by calculation of Lyapunov exponents. Empiric experiments showed that the chaotic dynamics modifies the behavior of memory accessibility. Instead of recalling a single pair, as BAM did, its chaotic version yielded a wide diversity of recalled patterns, involving complex transitions via memorized patterns for some parametric variations. Hence, C-BAM family can access patterns that original BAM family cannot. Moreover, the new way of memory accessibility, in which several recall sequences (with distinct sizes) composed of trained and nontrained patterns have emerged, can be used to model the ability of skipping steps by an individual in a task solution. This thesis selected C-BAM network to illustrate that the retrieval sequence can model the ability of a novice or the ability of an expert to execute a task. There are also illustrated cases in which a novice recall can be transformed into an expert recall through parametric variation. Although C-BAM family can reach all stored patterns during the chaotic behavior, it can not converge towards a specific pattern, consequently a desired output is not produced. In this thesis, two control strategies are proposed in order to make the chaotic networks to converge towards the desired memory: the pinning control method and the adaptive control method. Consequently, the C-BAM models can effectively realize the correct heteroassociation to former non-accessible memories and the C-BAM network can quickly be stabilized in the final state of a task, given the first state

Phase-change materials for photonic memories and optoelectronic applications

Ocampo, Carlos Andrés Ríos January 2016 (has links)
The content of this thesis encompasses the fundamentals, modelling, chip design, nanofabrication process, measurement setup, and experimental results of devices exploiting the optical properties of phase-change chalcogenide materials. Special attention is paid to integrated Si<sub>3</sub>N<sub>4</sub> nanophotonic circuits for optical switching and memory applications, as well as to multilayer stacks for colour modulation. Herein, the implementation of the first robust, non-volatile, phase-change photonic memory is presented. By utilising optical near-field effects for Read, Write and Erase operations, bit storage of up to eight transmission levels is demonstrated in a single device employing Ge<sub>2</sub>Sb<sub>2</sub>Te<sub>5</sub> as the active material. These on-chip memory cells feature single-shot read-out of the transmission state and switching energies as low as 13.4pJ at speeds approaching 1GHz. The capability to readily switch between intermediate states is also demonstrated, a feature that requires complex iteration-based algorithms in electronic phase-change memories. This photonic memory is not only the first truly non-volatile memory---a long-term elusive goal in integrated photonics---but could also potentially represent the first multi-level memory, including electronic counterparts, that requires no computational post-processing or drift correction. These findings provide a pathway towards solving the throughput limitations of current computer architectures by eliminating the so-called von-Neumann bottleneck and portend a new paradigm in all-photonic memory, non-conventional computing, and tunable photonic devices. Finally, novel capabilities in electro-optic colour modulation using phase-change materials are demonstrated. In particular, this thesis offers the first implementation of Ag<sub>3</sub>In<sub>4</sub>Sb<sub>76</sub>Te<sub>17</sub>-based optical cavities for colour modulation on low-dimensional multilayer stacks. Moreover, "gray-scale" image writing is demonstrated by establishing intermediate levels of crystallisation via voltage modulation. This finding, in turn, corresponds to the first demonstration of nonvolatile colour-depth modulation in the emerging phase-change materials nanodisplay technology, featuring resolutions down to 50nm. Furthermore, a comprehensive comparison is carried out for two types of materials: growth- (Ag<sub>3</sub>In<sub>4</sub>Sb<sub>76</sub>Te<sub>17</sub>) and nucleation-dominated (Ge<sub>2</sub>Sb<sub>2</sub>Te<sub>5</sub>) alloys in terms of colour, energy efficiency, and resolution. These results provide new tools for the new generation of bistable and ultra-high-resolution displays and smart glasses while allowing for other potential applications in photonics and optoelectronics.

Etude de la fiabilité de mémoires PCRAM : analyse et optimisation de la stabilité des états programmés / Reliability study of PCRAM cells : analysis and optimization of the stability of programmed states

Souiki-Figuigui, Sarra 27 February 2015 (has links)
De nos jours, les nouvelles technologies ne cessent d'évoluer et de former une partie intégrante dans la vie quotidienne de chacun. Ces dernières profitent du développement de systèmes électroniques complexes qui nécessitent l'utilisation de composants mémoires de plus en plus performants et présentant de grandes capacités de stockage. Ainsi, dans cette course à la miniaturisation, la technologie Flash jusqu'ici prépondérante sur le marché des mémoires non volatiles laisse aujourd'hui entrevoir ses limites. En conséquence, différentes mémoires émergentes résistives sont développées et parmi celles-ci se trouvent les mémoires à changement de phase PCRAM qui présentent un grand intérêt dans le monde des mémoires non volatiles grâce à leur bonne capacité de réduction d'échelle ainsi que leur coût réduit par rapport aux mémoires Flash. Cependant, pour être compétitives face aux autres technologies et pour prétendre à des applications embarquées, elles doivent répondre à plusieurs challenges tels que réduire leur courant de programmation, augmenter leur vitesse de programmation et améliorer leur stabilité thermique. Pour cela, différentes voies sont explorées dans la littérature, notamment l'utilisation d'architectures innovantes ou de matériaux à changement de phase alternatifs. Dans cette thèse, nous nous sommes intéressés à l'investigation des mécanismes de défaillance qui affectent la stabilité thermique et temporelle des mémoires à changement de phase, plus précisément la rétention de l'état RESET et la stabilité des états programmés affectée par le phénomène de « drift ». Le développement de matériaux alternatifs utilisant une stoechiométrie optimisée ou incorporant un dopage nous permet d'obtenir des dispositifs performants d'un point de vue électrique et présentant des propriétés de rétention satisfaisant les spécifications des applications embarquées en particulier l'automobile. De plus, grâce au développement d'une nouvelle procédure de pré-codage, ces dispositifs permettent de conserver les données préprogrammées sur la puce mémoire au cours de l'étape de soudure de cette dernière sur le circuit électronique. Ils constituent une solution prometteuse pour les applications de cartes sécurisées. Enfin, nous avons proposé une procédure de programmation optimisée qui permet de diminuer l'effet du drift de la résistance de l'état SET observé pour les matériaux alternatifs. Ensuite, nous avons montré via des mesures de bruit à basses fréquences que cet effet est dû à la relaxation structurale des zones amorphes présentes dans ces matériaux actifs. De plus, nous avons mis en évidence pour la première fois la diminution du bruit normalisé de l'état SET ainsi que l'influence majeure des défauts d'interfaces sur le bruit à basses fréquences de cet état. / Nowadays, new technologies are rising steadily and forming an integral part in the daily lives of everyone. They take advantage of the development of electronic systems for which the complexity requires the use of memory devices more and more efficient and with large storage capacities. Because of some performance degradation, the scaling of Flash technology who was so far predominant in the non-volatile memories market, is today reaching its limits. As a result, different emerging resistive memories are being developed. Among them, the phase-change memory technology PCRAM is very attractive because of its non-volatility, scalability, as well as reduced cost compared to standard Flash. Nevertheless, to compete with other technologies and to address the embedded applications market, PCRAM still face some challenges, such as decreasing the programming current densities, increasing the programming speed and increasing the thermal stability of the two memory states. For that purpose, different solutions have been tried in the literature, including using new device architectures and optimized phase-change materials. In this work, we are interested in investigating the failure mechanisms that affect thermal and temporal stability of phase change memories, in particular the retention of the RESET state and the stability of the programmed states disturbed by the drift phenomenon. The development of alternative materials using an optimized stoichiometry or incorporating doping allows us to achieve high electrical performance devices and to reach the required retention properties of embedded applications and particularly the automotive one. Moreover, thanks to the development of a new pre-coding procedure, these devices allow to keep stable the preprogrammed data on the memory chip during the soldering step of the latter on the electronic circuit. They represent a promising solution for Smart-Card applications. Finally, we have proposed an optimized programming procedure which enables to reduce the drift effect of the resistance of the SET state observed for optimized materials. This drift phenomenon was investigated by using low frequency noise measurements. Therefore, we have shown that this effect is due to the structural relaxation of amorphous parts in the active material. Besides, we highlighted for the first time the major influence of interface defects on the low-frequency noise of this state.

Investigating the link between intrusive memories and cognitive control

Sayan, Stephanie January 2016 (has links)
Intrusive memories are memories for negative autobiographical events that come to mind without being deliberately recalled (Hackmann, Ehlers, Speckens, & Clark, 2004). Previous research has demonstrated that intrusive memories, and negative reactions to intrusive memories, are an important feature of depression (Starr & Moulds, 2006; Williams & Moulds, 2008b) and contribute to the maintenance of depression longitudinally (Newby & Moulds, 2011c). It has also been established that intrusive memory experience is related to individual differences in cognitive control, specifically in proactive interference resolution (Verwoerd, Wessel, & de Jong, 2009; Verwoerd, Wessel, de Jong, Nieuwenhuis, & Huntjens, 2011). The present thesis aimed to extend upon these existing findings, using the Dual Mechanism of Control theory, which distinguishes between proactive and reactive modes of control (Braver, Gray, & Burgess, 2007). Furthermore, in view of some recent ambiguity of the defining feature of an intrusive memory, as compared to a negative involuntary memory more generally (Kvavilashvili, 2014; Moulds & Krans, 2015), another goal of the thesis was to incorporate a wider focus of involuntary memories, rather than focusing only on traditionally studied intrusive memories. Participants from the student population and local community were tested. Overall, results provide some evidence for a negative involuntary memory related deficit in proactive control, on both a classic and an emotional version of the AX-Continuous Performance Task (AX-CPT). Conversely, there was no link between intrusive or involuntary memory experience and reactive control. A brief mindfulness and self-compassion based intervention, designed to reduce negative reactions to intrusive memories, was also tested. The intervention was successful in reducing intrusive-memory distress, and recommendations for the future development of the intervention are presented.

Releituras da história franquista nos romances Galíndez e Autobiografía del general Franco de Manuel Vázquez Montalbán

Fiuza, Adriana Aparecida de Figueiredo [UNESP] 28 July 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-06-11T19:32:48Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 2010-07-28Bitstream added on 2014-06-13T20:04:20Z : No. of bitstreams: 1 fiuza_aaf_dr_assis.pdf: 1161946 bytes, checksum: 9f341e2fae5b39fbe336c8d5ff5e40f8 (MD5) / Este estudo propõe-se a investigar, em uma perspectiva comparatista, como ocorre a releitura da história e a retomada da memória esquecida da Espanha franquista, por meio do discurso da ficção. Tendo como corpus os romances Galíndez (1990) e Autobiografía del general Franco (1992) do escritor Manuel Vázquez Montalbán, a pesquisa enfatiza o estudo da metaficção historiográfica e o papel de relevância destas obras, como modelo estético para outras narrativas que surgiriam, posteriormente, no campo da literatura espanhola e que também abordariam a temática da Guerra Civil e do franquismo. A tese indaga sobre como estas narrativas históricas se inserem no contexto de uma estética da Pós-Modernidade, sem, no entanto, deixar que a relativização da história amenize os horrores da violência, da repressão e do abuso de poder presentes nas ditaduras trujillista e franquista. Portanto, apesar destas narrativas de Manuel Vázquez Montalbán se construírem com os recursos estéticos característicos da metaficção historiográfica, como a metaficção, a paródia, o pastiche, a ironia, as relações intertextuais e a autorreflexividade, não abandonam o caráter de reivindicação por uma estética da ética e de uma história não oficial das ditaduras / This study investigates, in a comparative perspective, the process of rereading history and reviving the forgotten memory of Francoist Spain by the fictional discourse. Based on the novels Galíndez (1990) and Autobiografía del general Franco (1992) by Manuel Vázquez Montalbán, this research highlights the study of the historiographic metafiction and the role played by these works as aesthetic models for other narratives which would later arise in the Spanish literature, and which would also address the subject of the Spanish Civil War and the Francoism. This study investigates how these historical narratives arise in the context of an aesthetics of Postmodernity, without, however, letting the relativization of history fade the horrors of violence, repression and abuse of power seen in Trujillo‟s and Franco‟s dictatorial governments. Therefore, although these narratives by Manuel Vázquez Montalbán incorporate the typical aesthetic resources of historiographic metafiction, such as metafiction, parody, pastiche, irony, intertextuality and self-reflexivity, they do not abandon the characteristic of claiming for an aesthetics of ethics and an unofficial history of the dictatorships

Releituras da história franquista nos romances Galíndez e Autobiografía del general Franco de Manuel Vázquez Montalbán /

Fiuza, Adriana Aparecida de Figueiredo. January 2010 (has links)
Orientador: Antonio Roberto Esteves / Banca: Maria Dolores Aybar Ramirez / Banca: Silvia Inês Cárcaro de Arcuri / Banca: Magnolia Brasil Barbosa do Nascimento / Banca: Cátia Inês Negrão Berlini de Andrade / Resumo: Este estudo propõe-se a investigar, em uma perspectiva comparatista, como ocorre a releitura da história e a retomada da memória esquecida da Espanha franquista, por meio do discurso da ficção. Tendo como corpus os romances Galíndez (1990) e Autobiografía del general Franco (1992) do escritor Manuel Vázquez Montalbán, a pesquisa enfatiza o estudo da metaficção historiográfica e o papel de relevância destas obras, como modelo estético para outras narrativas que surgiriam, posteriormente, no campo da literatura espanhola e que também abordariam a temática da Guerra Civil e do franquismo. A tese indaga sobre como estas narrativas históricas se inserem no contexto de uma estética da Pós-Modernidade, sem, no entanto, deixar que a relativização da história amenize os horrores da violência, da repressão e do abuso de poder presentes nas ditaduras trujillista e franquista. Portanto, apesar destas narrativas de Manuel Vázquez Montalbán se construírem com os recursos estéticos característicos da metaficção historiográfica, como a metaficção, a paródia, o pastiche, a ironia, as relações intertextuais e a autorreflexividade, não abandonam o caráter de reivindicação por uma estética da ética e de uma história não oficial das ditaduras / Abstract: This study investigates, in a comparative perspective, the process of rereading history and reviving the forgotten memory of Francoist Spain by the fictional discourse. Based on the novels Galíndez (1990) and Autobiografía del general Franco (1992) by Manuel Vázquez Montalbán, this research highlights the study of the historiographic metafiction and the role played by these works as aesthetic models for other narratives which would later arise in the Spanish literature, and which would also address the subject of the Spanish Civil War and the Francoism. This study investigates how these historical narratives arise in the context of an aesthetics of Postmodernity, without, however, letting the relativization of history fade the horrors of violence, repression and abuse of power seen in Trujillo‟s and Franco‟s dictatorial governments. Therefore, although these narratives by Manuel Vázquez Montalbán incorporate the typical aesthetic resources of historiographic metafiction, such as metafiction, parody, pastiche, irony, intertextuality and self-reflexivity, they do not abandon the characteristic of claiming for an aesthetics of ethics and an unofficial history of the dictatorships / Doutor

Dinâmicas emergentes na família de memórias associativas bidirecionais caóticas e sua habilidade para saltar passos / Emergent dynamics in family of chaotic bidirectional associative memories and its ability to skip steps

Luciana Pavani de Paula Bueno 19 May 2006 (has links)
Nesta tese, uma família de memórias associativas bidirecionais caóticas (família C-BAM) é proposta, implementada e testada com o objetivo de estender a relevância da presença e do estudo do fenômeno caótico a modelos de redes associativas. Na modelagem da família C-BAM, todos os neurônios da memória associativa bidirecional caótica (BAM), BAM com atraso e BAM exponencial (eBAM) foram substituídos por neurônios caóticos. Cada parâmetro do neurônio caótico na família C-BAM tem sua influência estimada através do planejamento de experimentos, em diferentes dinâmicas. Com base no planejamento de experimentos, valores de parâmetros são selecionados a fim de ilustrar a emergência de comportamentos dinâmicos como bifurcação, caos determinístico e crise. A existência de dinâmicas caóticas é confirmada pelo cálculo dos expoentes de Lyapunov. Experimentos empíricos mostraram que a dinâmica caótica modifica a acessibilidade à memória da família C-BAM. Ao invés de recuperar um único par, como a família BAM fazia, a versão caótica é capaz de gerar uma grande diversidade de padrões recuperados, envolvendo complexas transições entre os padrões armazenados, para algumas variações paramétricas. Tal comportamento permite à família C-BAM acessar padrões inacessíveis às redes BAMs originais. Além disso, a nova acessibilidade à memória, na qual seqüências de recuperação (com diferentes tamanhos) compostas de padrões treinados e não treinados têm emergido, pode ser usada para modelar a habilidade de um indivíduo saltar passos na solução de uma tarefa. Esta tese seleciona a rede C-BAM para ilustrar que a seqüência de recuperação da rede pode modelar a habilidade de um noviço ou a habilidade de um especialista executar uma tarefa. Embora a família C-BAM possa alcançar todos os padrões armazenados durante o comportamento caótico, ela não consegue convergir para um padrão específico. Duas estratégias de controle são propostas para permitir que as redes caóticas convirjam para a memória desejada: o método de controle por pinagem e um método de controle adaptativo. Conseqüentemente, os modelos C-BAM podem, de fato, realizar a hetero-associação de memórias antes inacessíveis, e a rede C-BAM pode estabilizar-se no estado final de uma tarefa, dado o primeiro estado / In this thesis, a family of bidirectional associative memories (C-BAM family) is proposed, implemented and tested to extend the study of chaotic phenomenon in associative models. In the C-BAM model, all the original neurons of bidirectional associative memory (BAM), BAM with delay and exponenetial BAM (eBAM) were substituted for chaotic neurons. Based on the experimental design, values of C-BAM family parameters are set to illustrate the emergence of a diversity of dynamic behavior, such as bifurcation, deterministic chaos and crisis. The existence of the chaotic dynamics is confirmed by calculation of Lyapunov exponents. Empiric experiments showed that the chaotic dynamics modifies the behavior of memory accessibility. Instead of recalling a single pair, as BAM did, its chaotic version yielded a wide diversity of recalled patterns, involving complex transitions via memorized patterns for some parametric variations. Hence, C-BAM family can access patterns that original BAM family cannot. Moreover, the new way of memory accessibility, in which several recall sequences (with distinct sizes) composed of trained and nontrained patterns have emerged, can be used to model the ability of skipping steps by an individual in a task solution. This thesis selected C-BAM network to illustrate that the retrieval sequence can model the ability of a novice or the ability of an expert to execute a task. There are also illustrated cases in which a novice recall can be transformed into an expert recall through parametric variation. Although C-BAM family can reach all stored patterns during the chaotic behavior, it can not converge towards a specific pattern, consequently a desired output is not produced. In this thesis, two control strategies are proposed in order to make the chaotic networks to converge towards the desired memory: the pinning control method and the adaptive control method. Consequently, the C-BAM models can effectively realize the correct heteroassociation to former non-accessible memories and the C-BAM network can quickly be stabilized in the final state of a task, given the first state

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