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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Didvyžių pensionato darbuotojų nuomonė apie asmenų su psichine negalia kasdienės veiklos įgūdžių ugdymą įtakojančius veiksnius bei neįgaliųjų savarankiškumo lygį / Didvyžiai board and care home staff opinion on factors affecting training of daily living skills in people with mental disabilities and the level of independence of the disabled

Subačienė, Rosana 28 February 2012 (has links)
Psichikos ligos tampa vis didesne viso pasaulio našta tiek finansiškai, tiek žmogiškąja prasme. Carter, Goland (2002) teigia, kad aštuoniasdešimt procentų žmonių, sergančių sunkiomis psichikos ligomis nedirba, nors reikiamai pagydžius, daugelis jų galėtų dirbti. Žmonės, sergantys psichikos ligomis, praranda kasdieninės veiklos įgūdžius, praranda sugebėjimą spręsti savo socialines problemas, praranda sugebėjimą rūpintis asmens higiena, tvarkyti savo buitį. Neįgaliuosius kankina bejėgiškumas ir neviltis, nes jie negali valdyti savo gyvenimo. Dėl šių priežasčių yra svarbu padėti neįgaliesiems ugdyti kasdieninės veiklos įgūdžius, kad jie galėtų gyventi produktyvų ir pilnavertį gyvenimą savo pasirinktoje aplinkoje. Tyrimo problema: kokia yra Didvyžių pensionato darbuotojų nuomonė apie asmenų su psichine negalia kasdienės veiklos įgūdžių ugdymą įtakojančius veiksnius bei neįgaliųjų savarankiškumą? Tyrimo objektas: Didvyžių pensionato darbuotojų nuomonė apie asmenų su psichine negalia kasdienės veiklos įgūdžių ugdymą įtakojančius veiksnius, neįgaliųjų savarankiškumą. Tyrimo tikslas: tirti Didvyžių pensionato darbuotojų nuomonę apie asmenų su psichine negalia kasdienės veiklos įgūdžių ugdymą įtakojančius veiksnius bei neįgaliųjų savarankiškumą. Tyrimo uždaviniai: 1. Apibūdinti kasdienės veiklos įgūdžių ugdymą kaip galimybę asmeniui su psichine negalia sugrįžti į pilnavertį gyvenimą. 2. Tirti bei aprašyti Didvyžių pensionato darbuotojų nuomonę apie kasdienės veiklos įgūdžių lygį... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Increasing number of mentally ill is a massive problem. Mentally ill persons lose everyday living skills, become unable to deal with their social problems, lose the skills of personal hygiene, household doing. That is why it is so important to help the disabled to acquire everyday living skills and live efficient and full value life in the environment chosen by them. Study subject: Everyday living skills in mentally ill residing at Didvyžiai Board and Care Home, evaluation thereof. Study goal: To evaluate everyday living skills in mentally ill residing at Didvyžiai Board and Care Home, study the respondents’ opinion about the possibility to teach skills and related problems. Study tasks: 1. To evaluate everyday living skills in persons residing at Didvyžiai Board and Care Home. 2. To analyse the opinion of Didvyžiai Board and Care Home staff about the everyday living skills. 3. To describe the factors (reasons) influencing everyday living skills in mentally ill residing at Didvyžiai Board and Care Home as perceived by the respondents. Study methods employed for the realisation of the study goal and tasks: analysis of scientific literature, questionnaires, and statistical analysis. Scientific literature has been analysed with the view to the concept of everyday living skills training and the factors effecting skills acquisition in the mentally ill. In order to evaluate everyday living skills of Didvyžiai Board and Care Home residents, as well as to study the respondents’... [to full text]

Sergančiųjų lėtinėmis psichikos ligomis atsistatymo patirčių atvejų studija / Recovery experiences of patients with chronic mental illness case study

Balčiūtė, Indrė 14 June 2013 (has links)
Atsistatymas yra tai, ką žmonės daro su savo negalia, jis savaime peržengia ligą ir negalią, tai yra ypač unikali žmogaus patirtis. Žmonės patiria sukrečiančius įvykius, tarp jų ir ligas, todėl neišvengiamai susiduria su atsistatymo iššūkiu. Atsistatymas nepakeičia katastrofiškų patirčių fakto - tai reiškia, kad gyvenimas dėl ligos įtakos pasikeitė, bet liga nebėra esminis fokusas - žmogus juda toliau link savo asmeninių interesų ir veiklų. Atsistatymas sergant psichikos liga yra asmeninis procesas, kurį kiekvienas sergantysis suvokia skirtingai, ir nuo to priklauso, kokius jis turi lūkesčius savo atsistatymo atžvilgiu ir kokių paslaugų jam reikia, dėl to yra svarbu suteikti sergantiesiems „balsą“ - tyrinėti atsistatymo atvejus, įvardinant sergančiųjų asmenines atsistatymo koncepcijas, aplinkos veiksnius, turinčius įtakos asmeniniam atsistatymo procesui. Tyrimo klausimas- kokios yra sergančiųjų psichikos liga atsistatymo patirtys? Tyrimo tikslas- atskleisti sergančiųjų lėtine psichikos liga atsistatymo patirtis. Tyrimo tikslui pasiekti naudojama atvejų studijos metodika. Atvejų studija pasižymi tuo, kad fenomenas tyrinėjamas pasitelkiant visus įmanomus duomenų šaltinius. Tai reiškia, kad į atsistatymo reiškinį stengiamasi pažvelgti per daugelį lęšių, siekiant kuo geriau suprasti vykstančius procesus. Atvejo studijos metodika yra paremta socialinio konstruktyvizmo paradigma. Šio požiūrio stiprioji pusė atvejo studijoje yra bendradarbiavimas tarp tyrėjo ir dalyvio, siekiant... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Recovery is what people do with their disabilities, it itself transcends illness and disability, it is especially unique in the human experience. People experience disturbing events, including illness, so inevitably encounter recovery challenge. Recovery does not change the fact of the disastrous experiences of human life. Successful recovery means that life because of illness influence has changed, but the disease is no longer a key focus of human life- people will continue to move toward their personal interests and activities. Recovery is a personal process, so the expectations about recovery and services depends on individual understanding about recovery. It is important to provide patients "voice" – to explore recovery from the perspectives of people with chronic mental illness. Research question- what are recovery experiences of patients with chronic mental illness? The study aim was to reveal recovery experiences of patients with chronic mental illness. Case study methodology was used to achieve the aim of a study. The case study is characterized by the fact that phenomenon is investigated using all available data sources. Case study methodology is based on the social constructivist paradigm. The strength of the case study approach is a collaboration between the researcher and the participant in order to assist the participant to describe their own reality, and the researcher to understand as clearly as possible. The research sample was made under the principle of... [to full text]

Požiūrio į asmenis, sergančius psichikos ligomis, sąsajos su sociodemografinėmis respondentų charakteristikomis / Correlation between the attitude towards people with mental illness and socio-demographic characteristics

Tamulynienė, Rima 29 August 2008 (has links)
Pastaruoju metu visuomenėje gana plačiai nagrinėjama psichikos ligomis sergančių žmonių stigmatizacijos ir diskriminacijos problema. Stigmatizuojantis požiūris, susiformavęs istorijos kontekste palaiko stereotipus, kurie neigiamai paveikia psichikos ligomis sergančių asmenų psichosocialinę egzistenciją. Tyrimo tikslas – nustatyti tiriamų asmenų požiūrį į psichikos ligomis sergančius žmones bei įvertinti sąsajas su sociodemografinėmis tiriamųjų charakteristikomis. Tyrime dalyvavo 227 Kauno ir Alytaus miestų gyventojai (65 vyrai ir 162 moterys). Požiūriui į psichikos ligomis sergančius asmenis nustatyti naudota Didžiosios Britanijos Nacionalinio statistikos departamento sudaryta anketa, „Visuomenės požiūrio į psichikos negalią turinčius žmones skalė“ sutrumpinta forma (angl. Community Living Attitudes Scale Mental Retardation – Short Form (CLAS)) bei tyrimo autorės sudaryta anketa. Tyrimo rezultatai atskleidė vyraujančią nuomonę, jog psichikos ligomis sergantys asmenys yra pavojingi, neprognozuojamo elgesio, dažnai jų bijoma. Tačiau šie žmonės nesmerkiami, jiems jaučiama užuojauta ir gailestis. Pusė apklaustųjų manė, kad psichikos ligomis sergantiems asmenims naudinga integruotis į visuomenę, tačiau tik vienas trečdalis tiriamųjų sutiko, kad psichiatrinės ligoninės – pasenęs gydymo būdas. Atsižvelgiant į tiriamųjų lytį bei išsilavinimą, didelių požiūrio skirtumų į psichikos ligomis sergančius asmenis nebuvo nustatyta. Tačiau stebimi reikšmingi požiūrio skirtumai atsižvelgiant... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Nowadays one of the widely discussed topics is the stigmatization and discrimination of people with mental illness. Stigmatization is based on the stereotypes and negatively reflects on the psychosocial life of people with mental illness. The goal of this research is to define attitudes towards people with mental illness and find correlations with socio-demografic characteristics. 227 respondents from Kaunas and Alytus participated in this study (65 men and 162 women). The following questionnaires were used to assess the respondents attitudes towards people with mental illness: a questionnaire, taken from National Department Statistics of Great Britain, the Community Living Attitudes Scale Mental Retardation – Short Form (CLAS) and a questionnaire made by the author of this study. The results of this study showed the basic attitude that people with mental illness are dangerous. Their behaviour is regarded as unpredictable and they are feared of. However, people with mental illness can expect sympathy and compassion. Half of the respondents admitted that they thought it would be useful to integrate people with mental illness into society, but, on the other hand, only one third of the respondents agreed that mental hospitals are not quite good for people with mental illness. There weren’t significant differences between respondents with regards to their sex and education. Significant differences in attitudes toward people with mental illness were found in different age groups... [to full text]

Therapeutic commitment and care of persons with mental illness: a survey of nurse practitioners' role perceptions

Creamer, Anne Marie Unknown Date
No description available.

La malédiction littéraire : constitution et transformation d'un mythe

Brissette, Pascal January 2003 (has links)
Long before the publishing of Verlaine's Poetes maudits , it has been written and thought, in various circles and contexts, that writers of genius were doomed to an unhappy life. Nevertheless, it was only about 1760--1770 that the conditions allowing for the emergence of a myth of the unhappy writer were gathered. This myth affirms the christlike vocation of the author and associates greatness to unhappiness. This thesis seeks to understand this mythical phenomenon within a historical perspective. The first part recounts the three principal families of topoi associated, before 1770, to authorial unhappiness. These three series are those of melancholy, poverty and persecution. In the chapters concerning these topoi, the objective is to bring to light their specificity and also the representations and the exempla that they call to mind. Moreover, the goal is to identify the connections that are at work, in discourses, between melancholy and genius on the one hand, poverty and truth on the other hand, and finally persecution and merit. Even if one can't already consider that these various discursive connections are sufficient to build a mysticism of the unhappy man of letters, they still can be studied, in their context, for what they are: a pool of topoi where the writers would soon draw some discursive materials, and from which this myth will get its historical acceptability, its obviousness. The second part of the thesis is devoted to the study of this obviousness. After Rousseau, some believe that unhappiness is inseparable from genius, and that literary vocation is a curse spelled on the poet. From then on, the object of study is not anymore to follow each topos as if it was a separate thread, but instead, to see how all this acquires the value of commonplace (lieu commun ) between 1770 and 1840, in addition to imposing itself as an horizon of meaning. The last chapter and the epilogue show that the myth lives on, during the second half

Rate of symptoms of dual diagnosis in the child welfare system in Canada : profile of adolescents and their caregiver in the CIS-2003

Shames, Linda. January 2007 (has links)
Research in the field of dual diagnosis (the coexistence of symptoms indicative of a substance abuse problem and a mental health problem) has expanded immensely over the past 15 years. Unfortunately, much of the existing literature available on this topic is limited to adult populations. The researcher explored the rate of dual diagnosis in the adolescent population by conducting a secondary data analysis of the Canadian Incidence Study of Child Abuse and Neglect (CIS-2003; Trocme et al., 2005). The rate of having one or more substance abuse problems in the CIS-2003 was 8.8% and the rate of having one or more mental health problems was 23.6%. Dual diagnosis was found to be under-reported in the child welfare system in Canada. Results of the secondary data analysis indicate that 4.4% of the total sample of adolescents aged between 10 and 15 years old had symptoms indicative of a dual diagnosis over the 3 month study period (n=4381). By providing a profile of child and caregiver characteristics and risk factors associated with dual diagnosis, clinicians from all realms can become better equipped to understand these issues. In the future, Social Workers and other professionals can work collaboratively on identification of DD and improving outcomes for youth and families affected by symptoms of a dual diagnosis.

States of mind : mental illness and the quest for mental health in Natal and Zululand, 1868-1918.

Parle, Julie. January 2004 (has links)
In KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa, many of those who search for solace from mental illness draw on one or more of the three vigorous therapeutic traditions of healing to which the region is heir. Western psychiatry and its formal institutions have a long history in this region: in 1868, the Colony of Natal passed southern Africa's first 'lunacy legislation'; and in 1880, the Natal Government Asylum was opened on the Town Hill, Pietermaritzburg. Although founded on the precepts of nineteenth century liberalism, by 1910, the Pietermaritzburg Mental Hospital (as it was now known) increasingly reflected a national concern with a racialised 'mental science' and Natal psychiatry became somewhat marginalized within a broader network of national asylum administration. During World War 1, too, the white citizens of Pietermaritzburg sought to have future expansion of the asylum halted, and its inmates hidden from public view. Although the story of Western psychiatry in Natal and Zululand is important for any history of mental illness in South Africa, in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, colonial psychiatry had relatively limited significance for the majority of people. Since the nineteenth century, African understandings of and treatments for illness have proved especially resilient, interacting with and at times adopting - and adapting - elements of Western biomedicine, as well aspects of healing strategies whose origins lie in Indian concepts of health and medicine first brought with indentured workers from the 1860s. For whites, as well as for Africans and Indians, committal to the asylum came, most typically, at the end of a lengthy quest to find a cure for mental illness. Throughout the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, other sectors of healing proved to be remarkably flexible, offering new explanations for apparently new forms of illness - including insanity - that accompanied the political, economic and social upheavals of the time, as well as producing new therapies, strategies, and specialists to meet them. It is this variety of responses to mental illness, and ways of attempting to negotiate a path to a state of mind that might be termed 'mental health', that this dissertation traces. / Thesis (Ph.D.)-University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban, 2004.

Sjuksköterskor verksamma inom den somatiska sjukvårdens upplevelser av att vårda patienter med psykisk sjukdom

Hermansson, Ida, Nilsson, Tove January 2013 (has links)
Syfte: Var att beskriva sjuksköterskors upplevelser av att vårda patienter med psykisk sjukdom inom den somatiska sjukvården.Design: Studien genomfördes som en litteraturstudie.Metod: Litteratur som publicerats mellan 2003-2013 söktes i databaser PubMed CINAHL, PsykInfo, PsykArticles och ERIC. Tolv vetenskapliga artiklar utgjorde grunden för resultatet, dessa artiklar blev kvalitetsgranskade innan de användes.Resultat: Sjuksköterskor kände rädsla, oförutsägbarhet, osäkerhet samt frustation och hopplöshet i vården av psykiskt sjuka patienter då de saknade kunskap. Bristen av kunskap upplevdes som det största hindret i vården av denna patientgrupp. De upplevde osäkerhet till en följd av egna värderingar och fördomar till dessa patienter, vilket ledde till att sjuksköterskor undvek denna patientgrupp. Sjuksköterskor beskrev avsaknad av handledning och samarbete med psykiatriska kliniker då denna patientgrupp vårdades på somatiska avdelningar.Slutsats: Med en utökad kunskap inom psykiatri kan sjuksköterskor få möjlighet att minimera fördomar och rädsla i mötet med psykiskt sjuka patienter.

What's in a Name? Effects of the "Mentally Ill" Label on Autonomy

Cruz, Miriam E 01 January 2015 (has links)
Over the past years, mental health has attracted increased attention throughout the world, in the form of initiatives, programs, support groups, etc. all with goals to increase awareness and support of mental health. The stark discrepancy between the vision driving this mental health movement and our reality comes from a basic misunderstanding. While there are both legislative and cultural efforts in place to reform our mental health system, the two must work hand in hand in order to affect substantial change. Rather than producing a collaborative effort, our legislators and society tend to ignore each other, resulting in isolated attempts at reform that are doomed to failure without the support of the other side. This thesis examines the obstacles that mentally ill individuals face in the U.S. today after receiving formal “mentally ill” diagnoses. In our current system, these individuals face limited options, all of which include a number of steep costs. This thesis proposes a shift toward a more collaborative approach in order to transform the costs and fear of diagnosis into benefits and desire for diagnosis. However, an approach such as the one suggested can only be successful after a fundamental shift in the perception of mental illness occurs. Whether or not such a shift is possible – and if so, how? – is a question too large to explore in the confines of this thesis, but one that the reader should consider.

Towards a new understanding of psychological suffering

Taylor-Moore, Karen Elizabeth January 2009 (has links)
It is suggested that the lack of progress made towards understanding and preventing, or even in many cases even alleviating, psychological suffering has been due, in large part, to the way in which such suffering is conceptualised – as ‘disorder’, ‘illness’ or ‘disease’ which is located, and is thus potentially locatable, within the individual. This conceptualisation of psychological suffering is referred to in this thesis as the ‘Dysfunctional Mind Account’ (DMA). The DMA, it is argued, underlies all accepted models/theories of psychological suffering and is the dominant way of conceptualising such suffering for both professionals and lay-people in Western cultures. It is further argued that the main reason the DMA is unable to assist in understanding and alleviating psychological suffering is because it is underpinned by assumptions about human beings and their suffering which are inherently flawed. The account presented in this thesis places at its centre an analysis of persons and their experience that attempts to overthrow these assumptions. The resulting reconceptualisation presents a view of psychological suffering as emergent from our continual personal and embodied enmeshment within our social world, rather than as arising primarily out of the various processes occurring ‘within’ us (whether that be our neurochemistry or our ‘mental mechanisms’ or an ‘interaction’ between them). It is essentially suggested that psychological suffering emerges from the same source as all other aspects of our personal being; from the constant coactions between the various aspects of our being in the world – personal, organismic and molecular – with the environment within which we are enmeshed. This means that the feelings/thoughts/behaviours conceptualised as ‘mental disorder’ are as much part of our personal being as any other aspect of us; they are not ‘other’, they are not ‘disease’, ‘illness’ or ‘dysfunction’. Such feelings/thoughts/ behaviours, it is argued, almost always, perhaps inevitably, represent a very adaptive response, at every level of our being, to environmental contingencies. Thus, when understood in its full context, the suffering conceptualised as ‘mental disorder’ can be seen as the very understandable responses of the embodied person to what is happening to them, rather than ‘un-understandable’ dysfunctions, aberrations and pathological processes of the ‘mind’ (or brain).

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