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Anledningar till staters anskaffande och behållande av kärnvapen och faktorer som påverkar staters kärnvapenpolitikHagström, Christoffer January 2008 (has links)
<p>The purpose of this thesis is to explain why states obtain nuclear weapons and the role various</p><p>actors and interests play in the making of states´ nuclear policies. The main questions are as</p><p>follows: (1) What big theories exist concerning states obtaining nuclear weapon and nuclear</p><p>armament in International Relations and what relevance do they have of the post cold-war period?,</p><p>(2) What is the meaning of the perspective of the Military-Industrial Complex (MIC)?, and (3)Are</p><p>there empirical studies which supports the existence of a MIC in the United States?</p><p>The focus lies on actors and driving forces that are internal to states and it is also important to</p><p>investigate if the theories have relevance for the post 9/11-era. The study uses the method of</p><p>qualitative literature-study with some quantitative segments. It is claimed that states might be</p><p>interested in justifying their behaviour in a morally appealing way and that real reasons may be</p><p>hidden. There are many reasons for states to obtain and keep nuclear weapons and related</p><p>technology (which includes many of the most lucrative elements of the arms industry´s sales).</p><p>Among this reasons are that arms and related technology may be used to influence other states and</p><p>nuclear weapons-construction and modernisation might be used to protect the state from external</p><p>threats, stop unwanted interference from other actors, secure job and gain recognition and prestige</p><p>in world politics. For security reasons states might hold onto their own nuclear weapons and try to</p><p>hinder other actors from getting access to them. The internal actors and driving forces we look at</p><p>are bureaucratic, economical and political, and the MIC-perspective. The military can be said to</p><p>have interests in as much resources and capabilities as possible, which includes advanced</p><p>weaponary such as nuclear weapons and related technologies, at its disposal because of the goal to</p><p>defend the state from all possible threats and for officers career reasons. Much of its influence is</p><p>said to come from its expert knowledge and position and it is said to be especially influential in</p><p>matters of foreign policy, military spending and foreign policy. The major economical actors</p><p>mentioned are big corporations involved in military spending and these have interests in</p><p>maximizing profits. Nuclear weapons making and maintenance and the related areas of missile</p><p>defense and delivering methods for nuclear weapons seem to be areas with high changes of being</p><p>profitable for the involved major companies. The actors wield influence for example through</p><p>lobbying and campaign contributions. An economic driving force claim is that state spending is</p><p>necessary for stimulating the economy and defense spending is easily justified in other ways.</p><p>Political actors and driving forces concerns politicians interest in promoting the interests of</p><p>supporting groups, there are indications that the weapon industry is such a group. Research have</p><p>shown various results about the extent politicians tend to further the interests of supporting groups.</p><p>The MIC-perspective talks about groups with interest in high levels of military spending. Most</p><p>researchers seem to agree that the complex exists but there are different opinions about what actors</p><p>belongs to it and its power on various issues. There is some mention of the core of the complex</p><p>consisting of such internal actors as mentioned above. MIC-related empirical research has been</p><p>conducted and this author finds that the MIC is a relevant analytical tool for the post cold war – and</p><p>9/11 era.</p>
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Robotsystem 15:s påverkan på den svenska ytstridstaktiken / The impact of RBS 15 on Swedish naval tacticsSöderqvist, Henrik January 2011 (has links)
Sveriges ytstridskrafter hade länge en förmåga att hävda sig mot fiendens stridskrafter ute till havs på 1950- och 60-talen. Nedrustningsprogrammet av försvaret på 1960-talet innebar att teknikutvecklingen bromsade upp och flottans större fartyg kryssare, fregatter och jagare skulle bytas ut till en lätt flotta med små snabba enheter. Detta resulterade i att flottans taktik anpassades till ett tillbakadraget uppträdande längs med kustbandet och inom skärgården. Svenska officerare bevittnade på när Sovjetunionen rustade upp och utvecklade nya vapen och fartyg med robotar av högsta kvalité i Östersjöområdet. Detta hot medförde att officerarna i flottan ville satsa på ett långräckviddigt vapen för att bli mer jämbördig mot fiendens styrka ute till havs. Resultatet blev en svenskutvecklad sjömålsrobot, Robotsystem 15 (RBS 15), som infördes i marinen i början av 1980-talet. RBS 15:s höga kvalité och förmåga medförde en satsning på utvecklingen av flera tekniska kringutrustningar som behövdes för att fulländat utföra en sjörobotstrid. Studiens syfte är att studera RBS 15:s införande i den svenska flottan och vilken påverkan detta hade på taktiken. Fallet RBS 15 prövas utifrån hypoteser grundade från teorier om hur tekniken påverkar taktiken. Tekniken påvisas påverka taktiken via de hypoteser som bestyrks i studien. Slutsatser från studien är att RBS 15 påverkade taktiken genom att den: möjliggjorde ett offensivt handlande, initierade utvecklingen av nya tekniska resurser och var den avgörande faktorn för att den marina organisationen medvetet ville utveckla ytstridstaktiken. Den nya förmågan innebar en markant skillnad i det svenska taktiska uppträdandet. Flottans ytstridskrafter tillämpade ett mer framskjutet uppträdande och kunde bestrida fiendens kontroll till sjöss. / During the 1950’s and 1960’sSweden’s surface warships had an ability to match enemy forces at sea. The disarmament of the Swedish Defense in the 1960’s implied a retardation of technique development and major warships like cruisers, frigates and destroyers were planned to be changed to a lighter fleet consisting of small, fast units. The result of this change was that the Navy tactics were adjusted to a retired behavior. Swedish officers witnessed the rearmament of the Soviet Union that developed new weapons and vessels with high class long-range anti-ship missiles in theBaltic Searegion. The consequence of this threat was that the naval officers wanted to develop a long-range weapon to equal enemy forces at sea. The result was a Swedish innovation of an anti-ship missile system (RBS 15) which was introduced in the Swedish Navy in the beginning of the 1980’s. RBS 15’s high quality and ability also implied a development of several peripheral technical equipments that were necessary for perfection in naval missile combat. The aim of the current study is to clarify whether or not the introduction of RBS 15 into the Swedish Navy was affecting tactics. The case RBS 15 is tested by hypotheses outgoing from theories how technologies affect tactics. It is demonstrated that the technologies affect tactics from the hypotheses that are confirmed in the study. Conclusions from the study are that the RBS 15 affected tactics since it: Facilitated to take offensive action, initiated development of new technical resources and was the crucial factor implementing that the naval organization decided to develop the tactics for the new Swedish surface warships. This new capability implicated a marked difference in the Swedish tactical behavior at sea. Naval warships were applying a more offensive tactic and had the ability to fight the enemy’s control of the sea.
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Multiple Objective Evolutionary Algorithms for Independent, Computationally Expensive ObjectivesRohling, Gregory Allen 19 November 2004 (has links)
This research augments current Multiple Objective Evolutionary Algorithms with methods that dramatically reduce the time required to evolve toward a region of interest in objective space.
Multiple Objective Evolutionary Algorithms (MOEAs) are superior to other optimization techniques when the search space is of high dimension and contains many local minima and maxima. Likewise, MOEAs are most interesting when applied to non-intuitive
complex systems. But, these systems are often computationally expensive to calculate. When these systems require independent computations to evaluate each objective, the computational expense grows with each additional objective. This method has developed methods that reduces the time required for evolution by reducing the number of objective evaluations, while still evolving solutions that are Pareto optimal. To date, all other Multiple Objective Evolutionary Algorithms (MOEAs) require the evaluation of all objectives before a fitness value can be assigned to an individual.
The original contributions of this thesis are:
1. Development of a hierarchical search space description that allows association of crossover and mutation settings with elements of the genotypic description.
2. Development of a method for parallel evaluation of individuals that removes the need for delays for synchronization.
3. Dynamical evolution of thresholds for objectives to allow partial evaluation of objectives for individuals.
4. Dynamic objective orderings to minimize the time required for unnecessary objective evaluations.
5. Application of MOEAs to the computationally
expensive flare pattern design domain.
6. Application of MOEAs to the optimization of fielded missile warning receiver algorithms.
7. Development of a new method of using MOEAs for
automatic design of pattern recognition systems.
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Navigation And Control Studies On Cruise MissilesEkutekin, Vedat 01 January 2007 (has links) (PDF)
A cruise missile is a guided missile that uses a lifting wing and a jet propulsion system to allow sustained flight. Cruise missiles are, in essence, unmanned aircraft and they are generally designed to carry a large conventional or nuclear warhead many hundreds of miles with excellent accuracy. In this study, navigation and control studies on cruise missiles are performed. Due to the variety and complexity of the subsystems of the cruise missiles, the main concern is limited with the navigation system. Navigation system determines the position, velocity, attitude and time solutions of the missile. Therefore, it can be concluded that an accurate self-contained navigation system directly influences the success of the missile. In the study, modern radar data association algorithms are implemented as new Terrain Aided Navigation (TAN) algorithms which can be used with low-cost Inertial Measurement Units (IMU&rsquo / s). In order to perform the study, first a thorough survey of the literature on mid-course navigation of cruise missiles is performed. Then, study on modern radar data association algorithms and their implementations to TAN are done with simple simulations. At the case study part, a six degree of freedom (6 DOF) flight simulation tool is developed which includes the aerodynamic and dynamic model of the cruise missile model including error model of the navigation system. Finally, the performances of the designed navigation systems with the implemented TAN algorithms are examined in detail with the help of the simulations performed.
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Optimal External Configuration Design Of MissilesTanil, Cagatay 01 September 2009 (has links) (PDF)
The main area of emphasis in this study is to investigate the methods and technology for aerodynamic configuration sizing of missiles and to develop a software platform in MATLAB® / environment as a design tool which has an ability of optimizing the external configuration of missiles for a set of flight requirements specified by the user through a graphical user interface. A genetic algorithm based optimization tool is prepared by MATLAB is expected to help the designer to find out the best external geometry candidates in the conceptual design stage. Missile DATCOM software package is employed to predict the aerodynamic coefficients needed in finding the performance merits of a missile for each external geometry candidate by integrating its dynamic equations of motion.
Numerous external geometry candidates are rapidly eliminated according to objectives and constraints specified by designers, which provide necessary information in preliminary design. In this elimination, the external geometry candidates are graded according to their flight performances in order to discover an optimum solution.
In the conceptual design, the most important performance objectives related to the external geometry of a missile are range, speed, maneuverability, and control effectiveness. These objectives are directly related to the equations of motion of the missile, concluding that the speed and flight range are related to the total mass and the drag-to-lift ratio acting on missile. Also, maneuverability depends on the normal force acting on missile body and mass whereas the control effectiveness is affected by pitching moment and mass moment of inertia of missile. All of the flight performance data are obtained by running a two degree-of-freedom simulation.
In order to solve the resulting multi-objective optimization problem with a set of constraint of linear and nonlinear nature and in equality and inequality forms, genetic-algorithm-based methods are applied. Hybrid encoding methods in which the integer configuration variables (i.e., nose shape and control type) and real-valued geometrical dimension (i.e., diameter, length) parameters are encoded in the same individual chromosome.
An external configuration design tool (EXCON) is developed as a synthesis and external sizing tool for the subsonic cruise missiles. A graphical user interface (GUI), a flight simulator and optimization modules are embedded into the tool. A numerical example, the re-configuration problem of an anti-ship cruise missile Harpoon, is presented to demonstrate the accuracy and feasibility of the conceptual design tool. The optimum external geometries found for different penalty weights of penalty terms in the cost function are compared according to their constraint violations and launch mass values. By means of using EXCON, the launch mass original baseline Harpoon is reduced by approximately 30% without deteriorating the other flight performance characteristics of the original Harpoon.
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Development Of A Closely Coupled Approach For Solution Of Static And Dynamic Aeroelastic ProblemsBaskut, Erkut 01 July 2010 (has links) (PDF)
In this thesis a fluid-structure coupling procedure which consists of a commercial flow solver, FLUENT, a finite element structural solver, MSC/NASTRAN, and the coupling interface between the two disciplines is developed in order to solve static and dynamic aeroelastic problems. The flow solver relies on inviscid Euler equations with finite volume discretization. In order to perform faster computations, multiple processors are parallelized. Closely coupled approach is used to solve the coupled field aeroelastic problems. For static aeroelastic analysis Euler equations and elastic linear structural equations are coupled to predict deformations under aerodynamic loads. Linear interpolation using Alternating Digital Tree data structure is performed in order to exchange the data between structural and aerodynamic grid. Likewise for dynamic aeroelastic analysis, a numerical method is developed to predict the aeroelastic response and flutter boundary. Modal approach is used for structural response and Newmark algorithm is used for time-marching. Infinite spline method is used to exchange displacement and pressure data between structural and aerodynamic grid. In order to adapt the new shape of the aerodynamic surface at each aeroelastic iteration, Computational Fluid Dynamic mesh is moved based on spring based smoothing and local remeshing method provided by FLUENT User Defined Function. AGARD Wing 445.6 and a generic slender missile are modeled and solved with the developed procedure and obtained results are compared with numerical and experimental data available in literature.
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External Geometry And Flight Performance Optimization Of Turbojet Propelled Air To Ground MissilesDede, Emre 01 December 2011 (has links) (PDF)
The primary goal for the conceptual design phase of a generic air-to-ground missile is to reach an optimal external configuration which satisfies the flight performance requirements such as flight range and time, launch mass, stability, control effectiveness as well as geometric constraints imposed by the designer. This activity is quite laborious and requires the examination and selection among huge numbers of
design alternatives.
This thesis is mainly focused on multi objective optimization techniques for an air to-ground missile design by using heuristics methods namely as Non Dominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm and Multiple Cooling Multi Objective Simulated Annealing Algorithm. Futhermore, a new hybrid algorithm is also introduced using Simulated Annealing cascaded with the Genetic Algorithm in which the optimized solutions are passed to the Genetic Algorithm as the intial population. A trade off study is conducted for the three optimization algorithm alternatives in terms of accuracy and quality metrics of the optimized Pareto fronts.
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Static Aeroelastic Analysis Of A Generic Slender Missile Using A Loosely Coupled Fluid Structure Interaction MethodAkgul, Mehmet 01 February 2012 (has links) (PDF)
In this thesis, a loosely coupled Fluid-Structure Interaction (FSI) analysis method is developed for the solution of steady state missile/rocket aeroelastic problems. FLUENT is used as the Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) tool to solve Euler equations whereas ANSYS is used as the Computational Structural Dynamics (CSD) tool to solve linear structural problem. The use of two different solvers requires exchanging data between fluid and structure domains at each iteration step. Kriging interpolation method is employed for the data transfer between non-coincident fluid and structure grids. For mesh deformation FLUENT&rsquo / s built-in spring based smoothing approach is utilized. The study is mainly divided into two parts. In the first part static aeroelastic analysis for AGARD 445.6 wing is conducted and the results are compared with the reference studies. Deformation and pressure coefficient results are compared with reference both of which are in good agreement. In the second part, to investigate possible effects of aeroelasticity on rocket and missile configurations, static aeroelastic analysis for a canard controlled generic slender missile which is similar to a conventional 2.75&rdquo / rocket geometry is conducted and results of the analysis for elastic missile are compared with the rigid case. It is seen that the lift force produced by canards and tails lessen due to deformations, stability characteristics of the missile decreases significantly and center of pressure location changes due to the deformations in the control surfaces.
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Ambivalent Ally: Culture, Cybernetics, and the Evolution of Canadian Grand StrategyMcDonough, David 24 November 2011 (has links)
Canada consistently balances competing inclinations for proximity and distance with the United States. Yet the extant literature on Canadian foreign policy has rarely focused on this particular behaviour trait or readily accepted that such an ambiguous stance is actually underpinned by a strategic logic, let alone the crux of a purported grand strategy. And the few that that are open to the notion of a Canadian grand strategy often overlook the domestic decision-making determinants of behaviour, are largely empirical-descriptive in content, or are chronologically limited to either the early Cold War or a few key foreign policy episodes. This dissertation rectifies these shortcomings by providing a theoretical-explanatory and empirically-informed account of Canada’s post-war grand strategy, in which its domestic origins, strategic policies, and cultural predispositions are all carefully explored. It does so by applying the cultural-cybernetic model of behaviour, which combines strategic cultural factors that guide policy-makers on security matters with cybernetic policy processes, through which beliefs, inclinations, and policy choices are standardized and regularized as distinct doctrines across a range of foreign, defence, and security policies. It tests this model on two key cases of Canadian grand strategy in the post-war period: (1) Canada’s policy responses to American preferences on strategic (air and missile) defence over some six decades, and (2) its policy responses to US – and to a lesser extent British – strategic preferences on NATO defence strategy during the Cold War. The findings reveal that Canada’s strategic policies fluctuated between the two Standing Operational Doctrines in its policy repertoire: continental soft-bandwagoning and defensive weak-multilateralism. These two doctrines span the range of feasible policy options – the “goldilocks zone” – required to ensure that any trade-offs between security and sovereignty, as the central values being pursued in the cybernetic process, are minimized. It is for this reason that Canada’s strategic behaviour has a high degree of policy continuity, patterned consistency, and is best described as the goldilocks grand strategy.
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Multidimensional viscous flows at superorbital speedsSilvester, Todd Unknown Date (has links)
A combined experimental and numerical study of multidimensional viscous flows at speeds exceeding 8 km/s is reported. Experiments were performed in the X3 superorbital expansion tube with air and nitrogen test flows at a Mach number and total enthalpy of 10 and 40 MJ/kg, respectively. Laminar skin friction, heat flux and pressure measurements were obtained at regular intervals along one wall of a rectangular duct. The spatial resolution of the transducers was chosen to capture the multidimensional flow phenomena within the duct. Quasi-steady flow periods were established along the entire length of the duct in the test times offered by the expansion tube. Direct skin friction measurements were accomplished through the use of in house acceleration compensated transducers. The successful operation of these skin friction transducers in a high performance expansion tube was demonstrated. Furthermore, the systematic uncertainty in measured shear stress was significantly reduced with the development of a new pressure calibration technique. For the conditions tested, Reynolds analogy was shown to be valid to within experimental uncertainty. The experimental data was in excellent agreement with numerical estimates. Three-dimensional numerical simulations of the diverging duct revealed that the flowfield structure in the vicinity of the corners differs from that of an unbounded corner or a constant area duct. Real gas effects other than those present in the residual nonequilibrium levels of freestream dissociation were negligible for the conditions tested. A computational study of two waverider configurations recently tested in the X3 superorbital expansion tube was conducted to assist in the interpretation of past results. The off-design aerodynamic performance was also analyzed and showed that blunting the leading edges dramatically degraded the performance by increasing drag and decreasing lift for the conditions considered.
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