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Evidencialidad : La codificación lingüística del punto de vista / Evidentiality : The linguistic coding of point-of-viewWachtmeister Bermúdez, Fernando January 2006 (has links)
<p>This work investigates into the semantic domain of evidentiality and its grammatical expression in Spanish. A model for describing the evidentiality domain is outlined, which emphasises the scalar nature of the proposed parameters: information source (subject-internal ↔ external), access to information (exclusive ↔ universal) and mode of access (sensory ↔ cognitive), all of which are construed as bipolar continua. Support is also provided for the relevance of using the notions of deixis and perspective in describing evidentiality.</p><p>The prevailing view in current research is that of evidentiality being a grammatical category to be analysed separately from other evidential strategies. The present study challenges this view as it attempts to broaden the perspective on how evidential meanings, expressed by various grammatical means, fit into an overall picture of human cognition and communication patterns. The theoretical framework adopted is that of Cognitive Grammar, which, it is argued, is particularly suited for investigating evidentiality, in particular due to the central role given to perspective, metaphor and category fuzziness in describing grammar and grammatical structures.</p><p>Four articles constitute the body of this work, in which four different prototypical aspects of the encoding of evidentiality into grammatical devices in Spanish are addressed. In the first, the marking of common knowledge in consecutive connectives is argued to depend on a perspective shift; the second proposes the evidential values of tense morphemes to be their core meaning, time deixis being an inference; in the third and the forth it is claimed that the evidential and modal effects of both subject-raising and clitic climbing are determined through the attribution of varying degrees of prominence to the relational participants.</p>
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Étude de la modalité en néo-égyptien/Modality in Late Egyptian.Polis, Stéphane 09 March 2009 (has links)
Cette thèse constitue la première étude générale de la modalité en néo-égyptien. Le chapitre introductif (p. 5-43) est consacré [1] à la définition de ce premier état de langue de légyptien de la seconde phase ; cette définition a permis la délimitation dun corpus servant dassise empirique à létude (la répartition du corpus en fonction de critères chronologiques et géographiques, de la nature du support et des "Textsorten" a donné la possibilité de pondérer et dobjectiver les analyses proposées pour chaque expression de la modalité). Ensuite, [2] un cadre théorique général pour létude de la langue est discuté.
Le corps du travail se divise en trois parties consacrées respectivement : [1] à une définition générale de la notion de modalité (cela afin de déterminer les media expressifs qui relèvent de son étude en néo-égyptien) ainsi quà létablissement dun modèle sémantique à la fois économique, cohérent et correspondant aux données typologiques (p. 44-115) ; [2] à létude des modalités radicales (i.e. les modalités déontiques et bouliques en envisageant les relations quelles entretiennent avec le domaine axiologique ; p. 116-341) ; [3] à lexamen des modalités assertives (p. 342-446) : [a] analyse des formes de complémentation, en ce compris les liens entre intégration syntaxique, variation de lassertivité et degré de manipulation, [b] étude de limpact des auxiliaires dénonciation sur le degré dassertivité dune proposition, [c] critique des théories existantes concernant les moyens expressifs du discours indirect en néo-égyptien.
Les conclusions (p. 447-466) sont accompagnées de propositions prospectives devant permettre [1] de rendre le modèle défendu applicable à létude des complexes conditionnels, [2] dintégrer la dimension énonciative dans lanalyse des relations interpersonnelles, [3] de proposer une approche globale des media expressifs de la causalité et de la finalité.
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Evidencialidad : La codificación lingüística del punto de vista / Evidentiality : The linguistic coding of point-of-viewWachtmeister Bermúdez, Fernando January 2006 (has links)
This work investigates into the semantic domain of evidentiality and its grammatical expression in Spanish. A model for describing the evidentiality domain is outlined, which emphasises the scalar nature of the proposed parameters: information source (subject-internal ↔ external), access to information (exclusive ↔ universal) and mode of access (sensory ↔ cognitive), all of which are construed as bipolar continua. Support is also provided for the relevance of using the notions of deixis and perspective in describing evidentiality. The prevailing view in current research is that of evidentiality being a grammatical category to be analysed separately from other evidential strategies. The present study challenges this view as it attempts to broaden the perspective on how evidential meanings, expressed by various grammatical means, fit into an overall picture of human cognition and communication patterns. The theoretical framework adopted is that of Cognitive Grammar, which, it is argued, is particularly suited for investigating evidentiality, in particular due to the central role given to perspective, metaphor and category fuzziness in describing grammar and grammatical structures. Four articles constitute the body of this work, in which four different prototypical aspects of the encoding of evidentiality into grammatical devices in Spanish are addressed. In the first, the marking of common knowledge in consecutive connectives is argued to depend on a perspective shift; the second proposes the evidential values of tense morphemes to be their core meaning, time deixis being an inference; in the third and the forth it is claimed that the evidential and modal effects of both subject-raising and clitic climbing are determined through the attribution of varying degrees of prominence to the relational participants.
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Implications of differences of echoic and iconic memory for the design of multimodal displaysJanuary 2012 (has links)
It has been well documented that dual-task performance is more accurate when each task is based on a different sensory modality. It is also well documented that the memory for each sense has unequal durations, particularly visual (iconic) and auditory (echoic) sensory memory. In this dissertation I address whether differences in sensory memory (e.g. iconic vs. echoic) duration have implications for the design of a multimodal display. Since echoic memory persists for seconds in contrast to iconic memory which persists only for milliseconds, one of my hypotheses was that in a visual-auditory dual task condition, performance will be better if the visual task is completed before the auditory task than vice versa. In Experiment 1 I investigated whether the ability to recall multi-modal stimuli is affected by recall order, with each mode being responded to separately. In Experiment 2, I investigated the effects of stimulus order and recall order on the ability to recall information from a multi-modal presentation. In Experiment 3 I investigated the effect of presentation order using a more realistic task. In Experiment 4 I investigated whether manipulating the presentation order of stimuli of different modalities improves humans' ability to combine the information from the two modalities in order to make decision based on pre-learned rules. As hypothesized, accuracy was greater when visual stimuli were responded to first and auditory stimuli second. Also as hypothesized, performance was improved by not presenting both sequences at the same time, limiting the perceptual load. Contrary to my expectations, overall performance was better when a visual sequence was presented before the audio sequence. Though presenting a visual sequence prior to an auditory sequence lengthens the visual retention interval, it also provides time for visual information to be recoded to a more robust form without disruption. Experiment 4 demonstrated that decision making requiring the integration of visual and auditory information is enhanced by reducing workload and promoting a strategic use of echoic memory. A framework for predicting Experiment 1-4 results is proposed and evaluated.
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Tillfällig nödvändighet : En möjlig(a) värld(arna)s paradox och den aletiska modalitetens gåta / Contingent Necessity : A Paradox of Possible World(s) and the Riddle of Alethic ModalityLundgren, Björn January 2010 (has links)
The writer has attempted to discuss the distinction between the necessary and the contingent. It begins with a criticism against the possibility for a so-called ‘a possible worlds realism’ to give a “philosophical explanation” of this distinction. The writer argues that this is impossible, since it requires that a notion of this distinction be already accepted (more precisely that the necessity of such a theory is already accepted). After this specific criticism, the writer intends to show that this is a more general problem that follows any explanation of the contingent/necessary distinction. The writer then discusses the counter-argument that the requirements placed on these explanations are set to high, therefore the writer shows in theory the problem can be solved and sketches a more specific way how to explain and show the basis for this distinction. / Författaren har avsett att diskutera distinktionen mellan det nödvändiga och det kontingent. Det börjar med en kritik mot möjligheten för en så kallad ’möjliga världars realism’ att ge en ”filosofisk förklaring” av denna distinktion. Författaren argumenterar för att detta är omöjligt, eftersom det kräver att en sådan distinktion redan är accepterad (mer specifikt att nödvändigheten av en sådan teori redan är accepterad). Efter denna specifika kriticism, så avser författaren visa att detta problem är generellt och att det följer alla försök att förklara den kontingenta/nödvändiga distinktionen. Författaren diskuterar sedan motargumentet att de krav som ställts på dessa förklaringar är för högt ställda, därför visar författaren hur problemet kan lösas i teorin och visar också en förenklad modell av en lösningsmetod.
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Verwendung des Konjunktivs bei indirekter Redewiedergabe in der wissenschaftlichen TextproduktionHüttenrauch, Oliver 28 April 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Ausgehend von der Frage nach der Funktionsrelevanz des Konjunktivs als Anzeiger für 'Indirekte Rede' wird in einem zweiten Schritt das modale Funktionspotential von Indikativ, Konjunktiv I und II im Spannungsfeld von Sprachnorm, Sprachvariation und Sprachsystem diskutiert. Im Fokus stehen dabei die so genannte 'Berichtete Rede' und abhängige Verbletztsätze. Die anschließende empirische Untersuchung erhebt mittels speziell entwickelter Lückensätze, inwieweit mit der Modusverwendung in beiden Strukturen textsortenstilistische Empfehlungen und textgrammatische Regeln befolgt werden. Eine zusätzliche Befragung zielt darauf ab, ob ein Zusammenhang zwischen der Verwendung einer Modusform und dem Ausdruck einer Sprechereinstellung (Zustimmung, Neutralität, Skepsis und Ablehnung) zum Wahrheitsgehalt der wiedergegebenen Information feststellbar ist. Die statistische Auswertung ergibt einerseits, dass die Mehrheit sowohl der nichtmuttersprachlichen, als auch der muttersprachlichen Studierenden die wiedergegebene fremde Rede entweder gar nicht oder nicht konsequent als solche kenntlich macht und damit gegen die Wahrung geistigen Eigentums verstößt. Andererseits führt auch die Beobachtung eines häufig unsystematischen Modusformengebrauchs in beiden Probandengruppen nicht zum Nachweis, dass mit diesen grammatischen Mitteln mehrheitlich spezifische Sprechereinstellungen ausgedrückt würden.
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Impersonally Interpreted Personal PronounsZobel, Sarah 29 October 2012 (has links)
No description available.
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Lernen mit Multimedia: Die Spezifizierung des Modalitätsprinzips unter Berücksichtigung individueller und gestaltungsdidaktischer FaktorenJahn, Verena 26 July 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Die vorliegende Arbeit befasst sich mit der Gestaltung von multimedialen Lernumgebungen und fokussiert die Fragestellung, unter welchen Bedingungen eine audiovisuelle Aufbereitung von Lernmaterialien lernförderlicher ist als eine rein visuelle. In der Multimedia-Forschung wird die Überlegenheit multimodaler Lernapplikationen in zahlreichen Studien belegt (Clark & Mayer, 2008). Die dabei gewonnenen Erkenntnisse werden unter dem so genannten Modalitätsprinzip zusammengefasst (Mayer, 2001). Es besagt, dass zur Erläuterung einer Abbildung der Text besser gesprochen anstatt geschrieben dargeboten werden sollte, da dies zu einer adäquateren Nutzung der begrenzten modalitätsspezifischen Kapazitäten führt und dadurch die kognitive Belastung reduziert wird. Dies stellt einen wesentlichen Einflussfaktor für den Lernprozess dar und wird in der Theorie der kognitiven Belastung (Sweller & Chandler, 1994) näher betrachtet. Allerdings gibt es auch abweichende Befunde, die gegen eine generelle Lernförderlichkeit audiovisueller Lernumgebungen sprechen (Stiller, 2007; Tabbers, 2002). Deswegen war es das Ziel der vorliegenden Forschungsarbeit, das Modalitätsprinzip weiter zu spezifizieren und u.a. den Einfluss individueller Faktoren zu untersuchen. Dazu wurden die aufgestellten Hypothesen in zwei Studien empirisch überprüft. In beiden Untersuchungen wurde die Art der Informationspräsentation manipuliert und vermutet, dass Lernende bei einer audiovisuellen Präsentation einen größeren Wissenszuwachs und eine geringere kognitive Belastung aufweisen als bei einer rein visuellen. Die kognitive Belastung wurde dabei unter Zuhilfenahme des Dual-Task Paradigmas erfasst, bei dem Lernende neben der primären Lernaufgabe parallel eine sekundäre Reaktionsaufgabe erfüllen mussten. In Studie 1 konnte der Modalitätseffekt nicht nachgewiesen werden. Es zeigten sich jedoch signifikante Unterschiede zwischen den zuerst präsentierten Überblicksseiten und den darauffolgenden Lernseiten mit Detailinformationen. Das wurde mit der Konstruktion eines neuen mentalen Modells erklärt. Deshalb wurde in Studie 2 die Sequenzierung des Lernmaterials manipuliert. Hier zeigte sich der Modalitätseffekt in den Reaktionszeiten, nicht aber im Wissenszuwachs. Dies wird zusammen mit den nicht eindeutigen Ergebnissen der individuellen Faktoren Modalitätspräferenz und räumliches Vorstellungsvermögen zum Abschluss der Arbeit kritisch diskutiert und Perspektiven für zukünftige Forschung aufgezeigt.
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The programming language TransLucidDitu, Gabriel Cristian, Computer Science & Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, UNSW January 2007 (has links)
This thesis presents TransLucid, a low-level, purely declarative, intensional programming language. Built on a simple algebra and with just a small number of primitives, TransLucid programs define arbitrary dimensional infinite data structures, which are then queried to produce results. The formal foundations of TransLucid come from the work in intensional logic by Montague and Scott. The background chapters give a history of intensional logic and its predecessors in the Western world, as well as a history of intensional programming and Lucid, the first intensional programming language. The semantics of TransLucid are fully specified in the form of operational semantics. Three levels of semantics are given, in increasing order of efficiency, with the sequential warehouse semantics, the most efficient, being presented together with a proof that any expression will be evaluated by only examining relevant dimensions in the current context. The language is then extended in three important ways, by adding versioned identifiers, (declarative) side-effects and timestamped equations and demands. Adding versioned identifiers to TransLucid enriches the expressiveness of the language and allows the encoding of a variety of programming paradigms, ranging from manipulating large data-cubes to pattern-matching. Adding side-effects supports one of the main reasons for TransLucid: namely, to provide a target language, together with a methodology, for translating the main programming paradigms, thus creating a uniform end platform that can be the focus for optimisation and program verification. A translation of imperative programs into TransLucid is given. Timestamped equations and demands enable TransLucid to become a language for synchronous programming in real-time systems, as well as allowing runtime updates to a program's equations. The language TransLucid represents a decisive advance in declarative programming. It has applications in many fields of computer science and opens up exciting new avenues of research.
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Cytoreductive surgery and perioperative intraperitoneal chemotherapy for peritoneal surface malignancyYan, Tristan Dongbo, Clinical School - St George Hospital, Faculty of Medicine, UNSW January 2007 (has links)
In the past, patients with peritoneal surface malignancy were considered incurable and were only offered palliative treatments. However, in a substantial number of patients, disease progression that is isolated to peritoneum may occur. It has been realised that elimination of peritoneal surface tumours may have an impact on the survival of these cancer patients, in whom a prominent cause of death is peritoneal carcinomatosis. The focus of this PhD. thesis is on the combined treatment of cytoreductive surgery and perioperative intrapersonal chemotherapy for diffuse malignant peritoneal mesothelioma, pseudomyxoma peritonei, colorectal peritoneal carcinomatosis and resectable gastric cancer. Section one describes the major principles of management for peritoneal surface malignancy, covering the historical perspectives, the treatment rationales and the learning curve associated with the combined procedure. Section two is devoted to peritoneal mesothelioma, in trying to examine this disease from its clinical, radiologic and histopathologic aspects. A radiologic classification and a histopathologic staging system for this disease are proposed. In section three, the results of the combined treatment for pseudomyxoma peritonei are presented, including a systematic review of the literature, a case series of 50 patients from our Australian centre and a treatment failure analysis of 402 patients from the Washington Cancer Institute. These studies suggest that a disease-free state is important for long-term survival for patients with pseudomyxoma peritonei. In section four, the current evidence on the combined treatment for colorectaI peritoneal carcinomatosis is demonstrated by conducting a systematic review of the literature and survival and perioperative outcome analyses of two separate patient cohorts. These results suggest that the combined treatment is associated with an improved survival, as compared with historical controls. In the last section, a metaanalysis of the randomised controlled trials on adjuvant intraperitoneal chemotherapy for resectable gastric cancer shows that a significant improvement in survival is associated with hyperthermic intraoperative intraperitoneal chemotherapy alone or in combination with early postoperative intraperitoneal chemotherapy.
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