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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Survival Processing Effect on Memory for Social Information

Chan, Xinni 18 October 2017 (has links)
No description available.

Dynamics and Effects of Corporate Social Responsibility Authenticity

Yates, Mariah 04 September 2018 (has links)
No description available.

Relationship between preventivebehaviour and benevolence during thecovid-19 pandemic in Sweden. / Sambandet mellan sjukdomsförebyggande beteenden ochvälvilja under covid-19 pandemin i Sverige.

Åberg, Louise January 2022 (has links)
Abstract The Covid –19 pandemic requires sustainable behavioural changes to mitigate the spread of the infection. Thus, people are requested to comply with the recommendations given by the authorities. However, people vary with regard to how well they follow the recommendations. It is therefore of importance to understand the driving forces behind behavioural change. This study aims to investigate how people’s willingness to comply with preventive behaviour during a pandemic is related to the prosocial factor of benevolence.  A cross-sectional study was performed online on an independent sample (N=1014). A correlational analysis was performed between the variable benevolence and degree of willingness for complying with recommendations as well as for the motives for obeying or disobeying the instructions from authorities.  The result showed a significant correlation for the whole study population between how well they followed the recommendations (M = 4.16, S = 0.92) and the levels of benevolence (M = 3.58, S = 0.74) r = 0.22, p = <0.001.  Further, there was a significant correlation between altruistic motives and compliance with recommendations, including the view on taking the vaccine. Our findings add to the concept that prosocial orientation during the covid-19 pandemic in Sweden increases compliance with preventive behaviour.

Motivuppfyllelsens påverkan på lönsamheten vid företagsförvärv

Olin, Sara, Järnvall, Vilgot January 2024 (has links)
Denna kandidatuppsats studerar företags motiv till förvärv och hur förvärven påverkar företagetslönsamhet beroende på om motivet till förvärvet uppnås eller ej på både kort och lång sikt. Dethuvudsakliga syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka om lönsamhet genom förvärv är beroendeav uppfyllda motiv till förvärvet. Detta eftersom det enligt tidigare forskning är intressant attundersöka lönsamheten i relation till motiven. Undersökningen har genomförts genom entriangulering av kvalitativ innehållsanalys och kvantitativ undersökningsmetod. Den kvalitativadelen består av granskning av totalt 96 årsredovisningar från 16 olika företag för att analyseraderas motiv till betydande förvärv och om dessa uppnåtts. Den kvantitativa delen omfattar i ställetinsamling av totalt 480 nyckeltal tillhörande samma 16 företag. Nyckeltalen har i sin tur använts iFisher ́s Exact test för att se om dessa är beroende eller oberoende av om motiven uppnåtts ellerej. Av de 16 företagen i undersökningen har 14 uppnått deras motiv på kort sikt och 11 på långsikt. Resultatet har analyserats med hjälp av den teoretiska referensramen bestående av Portersfem krafter och teorier kring motiv till förvärv och lönsamhetsmått. Studien kommer fram till attlönsamheten är oberoende av om motiven uppnås eller ej. / This bachelor thesis studies companies' motives for acquisitions and how acquisitions affect thecompany's profitability depending on whether the motive for the acquisition is achieved or not inboth the short and long term. The main purpose of this thesis is to investigate whether profitabilitythrough acquisition is dependent on the fulfilment of the motives for the acquisition. This isbecause, according to previous research, it is interesting to examine profitability in relation tomotives. The study has been conducted through a triangulation of qualitative content analysis andquantitative research method. The qualitative part consists of reviewing a total of 96 annual reportsfrom 16 different companies to analyze their motives for significant acquisitions and whether thesewere achieved. The quantitative part, on the other hand, involves the collection of a total of 480financial key figures belonging to the same 16 companies. The key figures have been used inFisher's Exact test to analyze if these are dependent or independent of whether the motives havebeen achieved or not. Of the 16 companies in the study, 14 have achieved their motives in the shortterm and 11 in the long term. The result has been analyzed using the theoretical frameworkconsisting of Porter's five forces and theories on motives for acquisition and profitability measures.The study concludes that profitability is independent of whether the motives are achieved or not.

Moderatoreffekte bewusster und unbewusster Faktoren auf implizite und explizite Motive sowie die Motivkongruenz

Mempel, Gordon 16 December 2013 (has links)
Im Rahmen zweier Studien im Leistungssport werden die Effekte bewusster und unbewusster Faktoren auf implizite und explizite Motive untersucht. Es kann die Distinktheit der Vorhersagebereiche impliziter und expliziter Motivdiagnostik repliziert werden. Dabei wird aufgezeigt, dass die handlungsführenden Effekte impliziter und expliziter Motive jeweils exklusiv durch unbewusste Impulskontrolle und bewusste Selbststeuerungskompetenzen moderiert werden. Allein implizite Prozesse (implizite Motive, Impulskontrolle) besitzen prognostischen Wert für sportliches Leisten in Situationen die unbewusst verarbeitet werden. Explizite Prozesse (explizite Motive, bewusste Selbststeuerung) hingegen sagen sportliches Leisten in bewusst verarbeiteten Situationen des sportlichen Wettkampfs vorher. Die differentielle Prognostizität direkter und indirekter Motivdiagnostik in der Sportpsychologie kann durch die Berücksichtigung adäquater Faktoren verbessert werden. Aufgrund der Ergebnisse dieser Arbeit ist bei der Auswahl adäquater Persönlichkeitsvariablen darauf zu achten, dass das zu prognostizierende Kriterium und die Erhebungsmethodik bezüglich ihres Grades an bewusster Bearbeitung miteinander übereinstimmen. / The effects of conscious and unconscious factors on implicit and explicit motives were examined in the context of two studies. The distinct array of prediction by implicit and explicit motive diagnostic can be replicated. Though it was possible to provide evidence for the exclusive moderation of implicit motives by unconscious activity inhibition while explicit motives were moderated by conscious skills of self-regulation. Only the implicit processes (implicit motives and activity inhibition) proof a value to predicting human activity in situations coped without consciousness. In contrast only explicit processes (explicit motives and conscious skills of self-regulation) can predict the outcome of behaviour in situations coped with consciousness. The results of that paper can improve the differential prediction of direct and indirect motive diagnostic by regarding the adequate moderator factors. Further investigations will have the ability to improve the value of motivational predictors if they consider, that the level of consciousness is consistent within the situation of ascertainment the motivational predictor and the situation the criteria is imposed.

Young people's relation to academic study : a theoretical and empirical study of sixth form students to inform student-centred teaching in Brunei Darussalam

Abdullah Teo, Siti Noor Naasirah Syahiirah January 2015 (has links)
Whilst there are numerous studies on young people’s engagement in academic study, the internal relationship between young people and academic study is still unclear. This thesis seeks to explain the relation of young people to their academic study, in the context of Brunei Darussalam, through analysing young people’s motive hierarchy. The research is based on the understanding that young people are faced with multiple contradicting demands from the society, which evolve with their developmental age. The contradicting demands generate conflicts for young people as they participate across the different institutional practices in their everyday lives. The research entailed a semi-participatory research approach, which emphasised young people’s lived experiences, from a first-person perspective. Eight (8) young people aged 16-18 years who are studying for their GCE A Level examinations, played roles as both trained Student Researchers, as well as participants in this research. Data were collected from focus group discussions, annotated photo albums (MyAlbum) and a ‘participant self-generated’ questionnaire (MyQuestionnaire). The focus of the data collection was on the young people’s experiences of conflicts with respect to their academic study and the different agendas in their everyday lives. Intermediary tools were developed to focus the data analysis to identify motive-orientations and their relative importance in the construct of the motive hierarchy of a young person. An initial general model of motive hierarchy was developed from this study too. It is a societal demand for young people in late adolescence to be vocational and career oriented. However this study shows the eight (8) young people are also oriented towards other objects, apart from being future oriented. They can still have a dominant motive-orientation towards intimate personal relations, which usually prevails for early adolescence. Two other motive-orientations have also emerged from this study, i.e. the societal value system and self-comfort related. These different motive-orientations of the young people contradict the societal demands and create conflicts for the young people as they participate in and across the practices. These findings are important in informing intervention programmes to improve young people’s engagement in academic study.

Multiple independent implicit personality processes: a challenge to dual process theory

Brooks, Charles Kennedy 16 September 2010 (has links)
This study applied the Process Dissociation Procedure (Bornstein, 2002) to test independence between personality processes represented by different implicit measurement techniques. In contrast to the commonly adopted literal view of dual processes in personality theory, the study predicted that two implicit measures (CRT-A and IAT-A) and one explicit measure (NEO-AH) of aggressive disposition would dissociate with each other in their 1) intercorrelations, 2) predictions of behavioral criteria of aggressiveness, and 3) potential moderation by situational cues. These hypotheses were generally, though not completely, supported. Most importantly, the two implicit measures dissociated in their lack of correlation and differential prediction of behavioral criteria, unaffected by changes in situational cues. As predicted, the CRT-A and the NEO-AH dissociated in their intercorrelations, predictions, and moderation by incentives. The IAT-A and the NEO-AH dissociated in their lack of intercorrelation and their differential moderation by changes in incentive conditions. As predicted, only the explicit measure was moderated by changes in incentive conditions. Unexpectedly, IAT-A and the NEO-AH were statistically indistinguishable in their prediction of behavioral criteria of aggression. The findings provided strong support for the hypotheses predicting multiple independent implicit personality processes.

Proměny a adaptace mýtu o Amorovi a Psyché v literatuře / Transformation and Adaptation of the Cupid and Psyche Myth in Literature

Fauknerová, Anna January 2018 (has links)
Diploma thesis Bc. Anna Fauknerová (2018) Transformationand Adaptation of the Cupid and Psyche Myth in Literature Abstract This thesis deals with the myth of Cupid and Psyche. It is concerned with the version of the myth found in Apulei's novel The Golden Ass as well as in other works such as fairy tales and novels. Some of these other works refer to the myth directly while others' connections to it have not been established and they merely demonstrate similar motifs. The first part of the thesis deals with Apuleius and his text The Golden Ass, which is the oldest surviving version of the myth of Amor and Psyche. The main characteristics of the myth as well as its characters, the story and the meanings that are hidden in it are examined. The character of Psyche and the way her heroism manifests itself are examined in greater detail. The second part of the thesis compares the myth with three fairy tales and three novels based on the conclusions of the previous chapter. The greatest emphasis is placed on the development and adaptation of individual motifs, similarities and disimilarities in content and form and on the way in which the myth is reflected in literature. The third part of the thesis looks at three possible ways of interpreting the myth. Keywords: Cupid, Psyche, myth, fairy tale, motif of light...

Men do care! : A gender-aware and masculinity-informed contribution to caregiving scholarship / Män ger omsorg! : Ett genus- och maskulinitetsmedvetet bidrag till omsorgsforskningen

Wallroth, Veronika January 2016 (has links)
In caregiving literature, it is often the female gender that has been the focus of attention, and in particular women’s unpaid labor. Studies also tend to make comparisons between men’s and women’s caregiving, using men’s caregiving experiences to show not only that women face greater burdens, but also that men’s needs can be minimized. This means that while gender analysis is not uncommon in the caregiving literature, gender tends to be equated with womanhood. This is impeding us from moving the debates on care and caregiving forward. The dissertation argues – through a phenomenological analysis of men’s motives, experiences and perceptions of care and caregiving – that much could be gained if we were to rectify the gender bias by bringing attention to caregiving men in the gender-aware and masculinity-informed way that is lacking in the family caregiving literature at present. For this dissertation, 19 caregiving adult sons and sons-in-law were interviewed. The aim of the study is twofold. Firstly, it attempts to contribute to the rectification of the gender bias found in the literature on family caregiving by focusing on men’s caregiving and answering the following research questions: What motivates men to provide care for their elderly parents? How do adult sons experience caregiving? What do adult sons think that care and caregiving are, i.e. what are their perspectives on care? Secondly, this dissertation also aims to explore whether a gender-aware and masculinity-informed perspective can be used to enhance our understanding of caregiving. This study discusses how motives, experiences and perspectives, which have so far been interpreted as unique to women, are also matters that men talk about and consider important in caregiving. Thus, this study shows that a gender-aware and masculinity-informed perspective on care can increase our understanding of family caregiving and contribute to rectify the gender bias that care research suffers from. The study suggests that caregiving men should not solely be regarded as empirically interesting. This is because they are an unexploited and theoretically profuse source of information about caregiving. / I omsorgslitteraturen är det ofta kvinnor som är i fokus, och i synnerhet för att synliggöra kvinnors obetalda omsorgsarbete. Omsorgsstudier tenderar också att göra jämförelser mellan män och kvinnor där mäns omsorgserfarenheter används för att påvisa kvinnors tyngre börda samtidigt som mäns omsorgsbehov kan ges lägre betydelse. Detta innebär att även om genusanalyser inte är ovanliga inom omsorgslitteraturen så finns en benägenhet att genus likställs med kvinnors erfarenheter. Detta innebär att omsorgslitteraturen kännetecknas av en genusbias som hindrar vidareutvecklingen av debatten om omsorg och omsorgsgivande. Syftet med avhandlingen är därför tvåfaldig. För det första ämnar denna studie att bidra till att problematisera det genusbias som finns inom omsorgsforskning. Detta genom att fokusera på män som ger omsorg och svara på följande frågeställningar: Vad motiverar män att ge omsorg till  sina gamla föräldrar? Hur upplever vuxna söner och svärsöner omsorgssituationen? Vad anser vuxna söner och svärsöner att omsorg är dvs. vad är deras perspektiv på omsorg? För det andra, syftar denna avhandling till att undersöka om ett genus- och maskulinitetsmedvetet perspektiv kan användas för att vidga omsorgsforskningens förståelse av omsorg. Avhandlingen använder sig av en fenomenologisk ansats för att analysera intervjuer med 19 vuxna söner och svärsöner som ger omsorg till sina äldre anhöriga. Deras berättelser visar att motiv, erfarenheter och perspektiv på omsorg, som hittills tolkats som unika för kvinnor, också är aspekter som män talar om och tycker är viktiga i omsorgsgivande. Således visar analyserna i denna avhandling att ett genus och maskulinitetsmedvetet perspektiv på omsorg och omsorgsgivande kan bidra till en ökad kunskap inom omsorgsforskningen, men inte bara när det gäller att ifrågasätta det genusbias som finns utan också för att omsorgsgivande män har en del att bidra med till omsorgsdebatten. Avhandlingen argumenterar nämligen för att omsorgsgivande män inte bara bör betraktas som empiriskt intressanta. Deras föreställningar, erfarenheter och perspektiv erbjuder också möjligheter för teoriutveckling inom omsorgsforskningen.

Die verhouding tussen verhaal en metafoor in Agaat (Marlene van Niekerk) / Hester Elzebet Venter

Venter, Hester Elzebet January 2009 (has links)
The novel Agaat by Marlene van Niekerk is a highly complex text. One of the most compelling aspects of the novel is the way in which the author constructs an underlying metaphorical grid which determines the composition of the novel. The motives in the novel cannot be regarded merely as motives because specific prominent and powerful metaphors are continually exploited by variation and extension. The complicated relationship between narrative and metaphor on different levels is of great importance in the interpretation of the novel. Due to the complexity of the text, the dominant metaphors cannot be analyzed in the traditional manner. In this study I want to demonstrate that conceptual blending theory, which can be regarded as a branch of conceptual metaphor theory, offers a theoretical framework that can be used to understand the underlying cognitive functioning of the interaction between author, text and reader. This dissertation will examine the processes of blending shaped from the mottos posted at the beginning of the novel. The three mottos, the music motto, the embroidery motto and the farming motto, act throughout the novel as a backdrop against which events in the novel can be interpreted. The blending formed from these mottos merge with other metaphors in the novel in order to generate meaning. The three mottos were taken from the introductions of the FAKVolksangbundel, the embroidery book Borduur so and the Hulpboek vir boere in Suid-Afrika. The three books are used by Milla to educate and teach Agaat. She uses the books to "create" Agaat and to mould her into the person that Milla wants her to be. The mottos stress the uplifting of the people and the creation of a true Afrikaner identity. Agaat accomplishes everything that the books require of her, she becomes an expert in the areas that determine the Afrikaner identity. However, as a brown woman, she is still not considered a member of community or as a fully acceptable civilized woman. The meanings of the other important metaphor in the novel, the mirror metaphor, are also investigated extensively. The mirror plays an important role in the relationship between Milla and Agaat. The mirror is also important in Milla's confrontation with herself, especially in her experience of her illness and her acceptance of her imminent death. The mirror is also used in the depiction of the relationship between characters and the experience of each other as the "Other". The blending of the mirror metaphor and the link that can be established with the theories of Lacan are part of one of the main blendings formed from the mirror metaphor. This metaphor also interacts with the embroidery metaphor. The mirror reflects images to the characters and via the characters to the readers which enforce moral judgments about perceptions and practices. The final part of the dissertation analyses how the dominant metaphors, namely music, embroidery, farming and the mirror, blend in multiple ways in the text to create new domains of meaning. The four main metaphors also blend with secondary metaphors in the novel in order to generate meaning. One of the important secondary metaphors is the "waterhondjies". The "waterhondjies" blend with Guido Gezelle's poem "Het Schrijverke". There is also emphasis on the relationship between writing and the "waterhondjies". The blending of the caeser butterfly plays an important role in the novel as well. In the final chapter the statement is made that the metaphors and symbols in Agaat cannot merely be regarded and interpreted as traditional motives, but rather as examples of cognitive blending. The types of blending in the novel require the cooperation of the reader in all cases. The reader must, in some cases, as with the mirror metaphor and the metaphor of the "waterhondjies", identify and activate the second domain of the blend. In the case of the mottos the different domains of the blend are activated by the author and the reader only needs to provide an interpretation. At the end of the dissertation the conclusion is made that the blending theory offers a suitable method and terminology to analyze the complex processes of generating meaning in the novel. / Thesis (M.A. (Afrikaans and Dutch))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2010

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