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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Establishing the interactions between the Sustainable Development Goals and biowaste valorization: Insights from the Swedish context / Samspel mellan hållbarhetsmålen och valorisering av bioavfall: Insikter från den svenska kontexten

Nasrollahei, Navid January 2023 (has links)
Biowaste Valorization (BV) includes practices that capture the value of biowaste through its conversion to high-value products. BV practices can influence the progress of various Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) differently. BV can have several potential interactions with the SDGs (BV-SDGs interactions) that may take the form of either synergies or trade-offs. Therefore, the identification of BV-SDGs interactions is key to the successful achievement of SDGs. Sweden is a country at an advanced stage of BV implementation and can thus offer valuable insights. Through semi-structured interviews, relevant stakeholders evaluated the impact of BV on 15 selected SDGs targets in Sweden thus far. Both positive and negative effects were found, but synergies outnumbered the trade-offs with BV positively contributing to all 15 targets. However, this study also shows some potential trade-offs that require further investigation. The findings highlight the need for multidisciplinary collaboration to address BV-SDGs interactions comprehensively. The evidence provided in this study can inform the scientific community as well as other types of stakeholders towards better BV planning. The insights from the Swedish case can be valuable to Sweden and other countries in different stages in the transition to BV and a wider Circular Economy (CE). / Biowaste Valorization (BV) inkluderar metoder som fångar värdet av bioavfall genom dess omvandling till högvärdiga produkter. BV-praxis kan påverka utvecklingen av olika hållbara utvecklingsmål (SDG) på olika sätt. BV kan ha flera potentiella interaktioner med SDG (BV-SDG-interaktioner) som kan ta formen av antingen synergier eller avvägningar. Därför är identifieringen av BV-SDG-interaktioner nyckeln till ett framgångsrikt uppnående av SDG. Sverige är ett land i ett långt framskridet stadium av BV-implementering och kan därmed erbjuda värdefulla insikter. Genom semistrukturerade intervjuer utvärderade relevanta intressenter effekten av BV på 15 utvalda SDG-mål i Sverige hittills. Både positiva och negativa effekter hittades, men synergierna överträffade avvägningarna med BV som positivt bidrog till alla 15 målen. Men den här studien visar också på några potentiella avvägningar som kräver ytterligare utredning. Resultaten belyser behovet av tvärvetenskapligt samarbete för att ta itu med BV-SDG-interaktioner på ett heltäckande sätt. Bevisen som tillhandahålls i denna studie kan informera vetenskapssamhället såväl som andra typer av intressenter mot bättre BV-planering. Insikterna från det svenska fallet kan vara värdefulla för Sverige och andra länder i olika skeden av övergången till BV och en bredare cirkulär ekonomi (CE).

Waste incineration residues : Persistent organic pollutants in flue gas and fly ash from waste incineration / Organiska miljögifter i rökgas och flygaska från sopförbränning

Weidemann, Eva January 2014 (has links)
Modern societies produce large quantities of municipal solid waste (MSW), which is commonly disposed of by incineration. This has several advantages: it reduces the waste’s volume and sterilizes it while also enabling energy recovery. However, MSW incineration has some notable disadvantages, the most widely debated of which is probably the production and release of persistent organic pollutants (POP) such as polychlorinated dibenzofurans (PCDF), dibenzo-p-dioxins (PCDD), biphenyls (PCB) and naphthalenes (PCN). Of the 210 PCDF and PCDD congeners, 17 are toxic, with hormone-disrupting and carcinogenic properties. Twelve of the 209 PCB congeners and at least 2 of the 75 PCN also exhibit such properties. These POP form in the post-combustion zones of MSW incineration plants and are removed from the flue gas using filtering devices that trap them in the fly ash This thesis concerns the formation and degradation of POP in processes related to MSW incineration. The first paper describes a case study in which PCDD were forming in filters designed to remove them from flue gases, causing emission-related issues in a full-scale MSW incineration plant. It was shown that the PCDD formation was probably due to chlorophenol condensation on the filters’ surfaces. The second paper describes the validation of a cooling probe designed to prevent POP formation during high temperature (>450 °C) flue gas sampling. The results obtained also confirmed that PCDF and PCDD formation takes place at temperatures below 600 °C. In the third paper, three different fly ashes were subjected to thermal treatment under an inert atmosphere in a rotary kiln and in sealed ampoules at 400 °C. The concentrations, degrees of chlorination and congener profiles of the POP in the treated ashes and emitted gases were compared to those for the untreated ashes. The trends observed for PCDF mirrored those for PCN, while the trends for PCDD closely resembled those for PCB. The PCDF congener profiles of the kiln ash were similar regardless of the initial ash composition, suggesting that the mechanisms of PCDF formation were similar in all cases. The fourth paper describes the surface characterization of the three fly ashes studied in paper three by SEM, EDX, XPS and XRD. In addition, the thermal desorption and subsequent degradation of POP from the ashes was studied at temperatures of 300-900 °C. The composition of the gases released as the temperature increased differed between the ashes and depended on their composition. Doping experiments using isotopically labelled PCDF and PCDD suggests that PCDD desorbed at lower temperatures than PCDF. This thesis examines several problems relating to POP formation during MSW incineration, from sampling to the ultimate fate of incineration residues. The results obtained illustrate the wide range of processes that contribute to thermal POP formation and degradation during and after MSW incineration. / Förbränning av hushållssopor är en vanlig metod för att hantera ett växande avfallsproblem. Metoden har flera fördelar, såsom minskning av volym och vikt, sterilisering och energiåtervinning. Sopförbränning har dock vissa nackdelar och det mest debatterade är sannolikt utsläpp av persistenta organiska föroreningar (POPs) som polyklorerad dibensofuran (PCDF), dibenso-p-dioxin (PCDD), bifenyl (PCB) och naftalen (PCN). Det finns totalt 210 PCDF- och PCDD- kongener, med mellan ett till åtta klor på kolskelettet, varav 17 är giftiga med hormonstörande och cancerframkallande egenskaper. Även tolv av totalt 209 PCB-kongener samt minst två av totalt 75 PCN-kongener uppvisar liknande egenskaper. Dessa klorerade organiska föroreningar bildas då rökgaserna kyls ner i sopförbränningsanläggningarna och avlägsnas från rökgaserna med hjälp av filter och hamnar i flygaskan. Denna avhandling handlar om bildning och nedbrytning av POPs i sopförbränningsrelaterade processer.   Den första artikeln är en fallstudie där PCDD bildas i filtren i en fullskalig sopförbränningsanläggning. Bildningen ledde till förhöjda halter organiska föroreningar i rökgaserna, vilket ledde till ökade utsläpp. Den funna bildningsvägen för PCDD i filtren befanns sannolikt bero på kondensation av klorfenoler på filterytorna. Den andra artikeln är en valideringsstudie av en kylprob avsedd att användas vid rökgasprovtagning vid hög temperatur (> 450 °C) för att undvika bildning av POPs under provtagningen. Studien bekräftade att majoriteten av PCDF- och PCDD- bildning i rökgaser från sopförbränning sker vid temperaturer under 600 °C. I den tredje artikeln berättas om behandling av tre olika flygaskor från olika sopförbränningsanläggningar. Askorna behandlades vid 400 °C i inert atmosfär i både en roterugn och i förseglade ampuller. De resulterande koncentrationerna, kloreringsgraderna och kongenprofilerna av de organiska föroreningarna jämfördes. Likheter hittades mellan PCDF och PCN, medan PCDD och PCB betedde sig på ett annat sätt. Studien fann också att PCDF kongenprofiler i aska som behandlats i roterugnen liknade varandra, oberoende av askornas sammansättning, vilket tyder på en liknande bildningsväg. För den fjärde artikeln, genomfördes ytkarakterisering (SEM, EDX, XPS och XRD) på de tre flygaskorna från artikel tre som sedan hettades upp från 30 °C till 900 °C i vacuum. Det som frigjordes på grund av uppvärmningen samt nedbrytningsprodukter från askorna studerades med hjälp av masspektrometri och infraröd spektroskopi. Studien fann att de gaser som frigjordes när temperaturen ökade skilde mellan askorna, beroende på deras sammansättning. Studien fann också att när aska dopad med isotopmärkt PCDF och PCDD utsattes för samma behandling, frigjordes PCDD vid lägre temperatur än PCDF. Denna avhandling berör flera aspekter av problematiken kring klorerade organiska föroreningar som bildas vid sopförbränning, från provtagning till hur man ska hantera flygaskan. Avhandlingen belyser även olika typer av bildning och nedbrytning av POPs i varma processer kopplade till sopförbränning.

Estudo sobre a relação depressão e adesão aos ARTs entre diferentes grupos de homens portadores de HIV/AIDS / Study on the relationship depression and adherence to ARTs between different groups of men with HIV/AIDS

Moraes, Ricardo Pereira de 05 December 2016 (has links)
Objetivos: Investigar a prevalência de depressão no grupo de homens participantes do estudo, relacionar a incidência de depressão a baixa adesão e prevalência de depressão por faixa etária. Metodologia: Os 216 pacientes, (100 HSM e 116 HSH) foram submetidos ao questionário de investigação de depressão de BECK no ato do comparecimento às consultas previamente agendadas pelo setor responsável. O questionário consiste em 21 grupos de afirmações. Para investigação de aderência foi utilizado o questionário START. Resultados: Encontramos relação entre depressão e baixa adesão nestes pacientes, independente de faixa etária e orientação sexual. O estudo aponta que homens que fazem sexo com homens (HSH) é 2,0 prevalente em depressão, Conclusões: Por ser este um grupo que recebe cuidados há muito tempo por parte da equipe médica, o índice de adesão foi alto, mesmo em pacientes deprimidos. O grupo HSH mostrou-se claramente mais suscetível a desenvolver depressão, numa escala 2 vezes maior que o grupo HSM, quadros de depressão interferirem negativamente no desenrolar da doença com queda na adesão. O resultado deste trabalho (no grupo estudado a taxa de adesão encontrada é de 90%) indica que uma equipe multidisciplinar funcional pode mudar o curso da doença em pacientes vulneráveis ao desenvolvimento de quadros de depressão. Ações profiláticas diagnosticando e prevenindo quadros de depressão aumentam o índice de aderência dos pacientes, evitando comorbidades no curso da infecção por HIV/AIDS / Objectives: To investigate the prevalence of depression in the group of men participating in the study, the incidence of depression relate to low adherence and consider prevalence of depression by age. Methods: The 216 patients (100 MSW and 116 MSM) underwent questionnaire BECK depression research in attendance Act consultations previously scheduled by the responsible sector. The questionnaire consists of 21 groups of claims. For adherence research was used questionnaire START. Results: There was a relationship between depression and low adherence in these patients, regardless of age and sexual orientation. The study indicates that men infected in sexual contact with person of the same sex is 2.0 prevalent in depression Conclusions: Since this is a group that receives care for a long time by the medical staff, the adherence rate was high, even in depressed patients. The MSM group showed clearly more susceptible to developing depression, a scale 2 times the MSW group, shows the possibility of cases of depression negatively interfere in the course of the disease. This work indicates that a functional multidisciplinary team changes the course of disease in patients vulnerable to develop depression symptoms. Prophylaxis, diagnosing and preventing manifestations of depression increase the adhesion rate of the patients, avoiding comorbidities in the course of HIV infection / AIDS

Modelos viscoelásticos aplicados à previsão da compressão de resíduos sólidos urbanos. / Viscoelastic models applied to predict the compression of municipal solid waste.

Malavoglia, Guilherme Campos 24 May 2016 (has links)
Para representar o comportamento de compressão dos resíduos sólidos urbanos (RSU), têm-se utilizado teorias da mecânica dos solos (adensamento de argilas, estado crítico ou solo reforçado com fibras) ou modelos que representam a biodegradação dos materiais orgânicos, assim como ajustes empíricos de dados de monitoramento de campo a funções matemáticas. Algumas tentativas vêm sendo realizadas para descrever todos os diversos mecanismos de compressão a que estão submetidos os maciços sanitários. Esta pesquisa investiga a capacidade de dois modelos viscoelásticos para prever o comportamento de RSU submetidos a carregamento vertical constante sem deformação lateral. O primeiro é o modelo tridimensional de Kelvin-Voigt, que foi aplicado para compressão confinada, e o segundo baseia-se na junção em série de dois corpos de Kelvin-Voigt. Os parâmetros elásticos do primeiro modelo são: módulo de cisalhamento G , módulo de elasticidade E, módulo volumétrico k e coeficiente de Poisson v, os quais podem ser expressos pelo módulo edométrico M; o parâmetro viscoso foi denominado H3. No segundo modelo, há dois parâmetros elásticos, M1 e M2, e dois parâmetros viscosos, H4 e H5. Utilizaram-se dados da literatura de ensaios de campo (sobrecarga por aterro de solo compactado e ensaio de placa) e laboratório (ensaio de adensamento edométrico), para estimar os parâmetros e avaliar a capacidade dos modelos de prever a evolução dos recalques de RSU em compressão confinada. O primeiro modelo viscoelástico não conseguiu representar adequadamente os ensaios de laboratório, enquanto o segundo modelo proporcionou boa aderência das curvas teóricas aos dados experimentais, tanto de campo como de laboratório, com coeficientes de determinação r² maiores ou iguais a 0,87. Os valores dos parâmetros elásticos M do primeiro modelo e M1 M2 foram estimados entre 0,80 e 6,65 MPa. Os parâmetros viscosos H3 do primeiro modelo e H4 e H5 do segundo modelo apresentaram variação de ordens de grandeza. Esta grande variação pode ser devida à diferente composição dos resíduos, como também de poder ter ocorrido uma contribuição significativa da biodegradação no ensaio de campo de maior duração (600 dias), incorporando a perda de massa sólida ao parâmetro viscoso. Os valores de H3, H4 e H5 nos ensaios de laboratório foram estimados na ordem de 10-¹ a 106 kPa.dia, sendo o parâmetro H4 de 2,5 a 142 vezes o valor de H5. A estimativa dos parâmetros viscosos deve ser melhorada pela aplicação do segundo modelo viscoelástico a mais ensaios, procurando correlacionar as faixas de valores a características do material, como a composição e a idade dos RSU. / Compression of municipal solid waste (MSW) has been represented by theories of soil mechanics (consolidation of clays, critical state or soil reinforcement with fibers), by models based on the degradation of organic matter, and by empirical fittings of field monitoring data to mathematical functions. Some attempts have been made to describe all compression mechanisms to which MSW masses are subjected. This research investigates the efficiency of two viscoelastic models to predict MSW compression under a constant vertical load without lateral deformation. The first is the three-dimensional Kelvin-Voigt model, which was simplified to confined compression, and the second results from linking in series two Kelvin-Voigt bodies. The elastic parameters of the first model are: the shear modulus G, modulus of elasticity E, volumetric modulus k and Poisson\'s ratio v, which can be expressed by the edometric modulus M; the viscous parameter was named H3. The second model has two elastic parameters, M1 and M2, and two viscous parameters, H4 and H5. Data from field and laboratory tests were used to estimate parameters and to evaluate the efficiency of the two models in predicting the evolution of MSW settlements in confined compression. The first viscoelastic model could not adequately represent the laboratory tests, while the second model provided good adhesion of the theoretical curves to field and laboratory data, with determination coefficients r² equal or higher than 0.87. The values of the elastic parameters M of the first model and M1 and M2 of the second model were estimated between 0.80 and 6.65 MPa. Viscous parameters H3 of the first model and H4 and H5 of the second model varied in a large range of values. This variation may be due to the different composition of the waste, but also a significant contribution of biodegradation in the longer field trial (600 days) may have occurred, incorporating loss of solid matter to the viscous parameter. The values of H3 , H4 and H5 in laboratory tests were estimated in the order of 10-1 to 106 kPa.dia, with H4 parameter 2.5 to 142 times higher than H5. The evaluation of the viscous parameters could be improved by the application of the second viscoelastic model to a greater number of tests in order to correlate ranges of values to MSW composition and age.

Estudo sobre a relação depressão e adesão aos ARTs entre diferentes grupos de homens portadores de HIV/AIDS / Study on the relationship depression and adherence to ARTs between different groups of men with HIV/AIDS

Ricardo Pereira de Moraes 05 December 2016 (has links)
Objetivos: Investigar a prevalência de depressão no grupo de homens participantes do estudo, relacionar a incidência de depressão a baixa adesão e prevalência de depressão por faixa etária. Metodologia: Os 216 pacientes, (100 HSM e 116 HSH) foram submetidos ao questionário de investigação de depressão de BECK no ato do comparecimento às consultas previamente agendadas pelo setor responsável. O questionário consiste em 21 grupos de afirmações. Para investigação de aderência foi utilizado o questionário START. Resultados: Encontramos relação entre depressão e baixa adesão nestes pacientes, independente de faixa etária e orientação sexual. O estudo aponta que homens que fazem sexo com homens (HSH) é 2,0 prevalente em depressão, Conclusões: Por ser este um grupo que recebe cuidados há muito tempo por parte da equipe médica, o índice de adesão foi alto, mesmo em pacientes deprimidos. O grupo HSH mostrou-se claramente mais suscetível a desenvolver depressão, numa escala 2 vezes maior que o grupo HSM, quadros de depressão interferirem negativamente no desenrolar da doença com queda na adesão. O resultado deste trabalho (no grupo estudado a taxa de adesão encontrada é de 90%) indica que uma equipe multidisciplinar funcional pode mudar o curso da doença em pacientes vulneráveis ao desenvolvimento de quadros de depressão. Ações profiláticas diagnosticando e prevenindo quadros de depressão aumentam o índice de aderência dos pacientes, evitando comorbidades no curso da infecção por HIV/AIDS / Objectives: To investigate the prevalence of depression in the group of men participating in the study, the incidence of depression relate to low adherence and consider prevalence of depression by age. Methods: The 216 patients (100 MSW and 116 MSM) underwent questionnaire BECK depression research in attendance Act consultations previously scheduled by the responsible sector. The questionnaire consists of 21 groups of claims. For adherence research was used questionnaire START. Results: There was a relationship between depression and low adherence in these patients, regardless of age and sexual orientation. The study indicates that men infected in sexual contact with person of the same sex is 2.0 prevalent in depression Conclusions: Since this is a group that receives care for a long time by the medical staff, the adherence rate was high, even in depressed patients. The MSM group showed clearly more susceptible to developing depression, a scale 2 times the MSW group, shows the possibility of cases of depression negatively interfere in the course of the disease. This work indicates that a functional multidisciplinary team changes the course of disease in patients vulnerable to develop depression symptoms. Prophylaxis, diagnosing and preventing manifestations of depression increase the adhesion rate of the patients, avoiding comorbidities in the course of HIV infection / AIDS

Avaliação do processo de destilação do percolado de aterro em função dos parâmetros estabelecidos pela resolução CONAMA 430. / Distillation process evaluation of landfill leachate in function of parameters defined by CONAMA resolution.

Zelic, Marco Antonio 28 April 2017 (has links)
A destilação do percolado gerado em aterros sanitários se apresenta como importante tratamento alternativo local, movida pelo calor de combustão do biogás produzido no próprio aterro durante seu período ativo. Utiliza com vantagem a diferença entre as propriedades de volatilização dos compostos que o caracterizam. O destilado transparente resultante, contendo água, compostos nitrogenados e outras espécies residuais, atendidas as premissas da Resolução CONAMA 430 (RC430), poderá ser descarregado em corpos d\'água ou então inserido em novos ciclos produtivos, reduzindo custos e gerando receita. O concentrado, pequena fração do volume inicial contendo grande quantidade original de contaminantes, poderá também ser tratado localmente. Avaliou-se em laboratório destilados obtidos a partir de percolados provenientes de dois aterros classe IIA, SEMASA e Bandeirantes, localizados na Grande São Paulo, em dois processos de destilação: um utilizando Coluna de Pratos (CP) e outro utilizando Evaporador com Película Descendente a Vácuo (EPDV). Remoções dos Sólidos Totais (ST) maiores que 99% foram observados em ambos os processos, produzindo destilados com valores máximos de Cor e Turbidez iguais a zero uH e 1,5 NTU respectivamente. Os quatro grupos básicos que o definem: (1) Matéria Dissolvida, avaliada através da Demanda Química de Oxigênio (DQO), do Carbono Orgânico Total (COT) e a Demanda Bioquímica de Oxigênio (DBO) apresentaram valores de remoção maiores que 90%, 98% e 90% respectivamente. (2) Macrocomponentes Inorgânicos: aproximadamente 50% do nitrogênio amoniacal original foram transferidos ao destilado. Valores residuais, muito menores que os Valores Máximos Permitidos (VMP) estabelecidos pela RC430 foram encontrados nos testes de detecção para fósforo e ânions, assim como para os (3) Metais analisados em ICP-ES; (4) e os Componentes Xenobióticos revelados em ensaio de GC-MS. Ao final de cada ciclo de destilação, grande parte da massa de contaminantes original foi concentrada em aproximadamente 1% do volume original na destilação em coluna de pratos e 6,5% no sistema EPDV. O processo de destilação confirmou eficiência e eficácia através das altas taxas de remoção de contaminantes. Porém, após os experimentos, concluiu-se que, para se descarregar o destilado em corpos d\'água há necessidade de ações corretivas em 15% de parâmetros não conformes determinados pela RC430. / Landfill leachate distillation is an important local, alternative treatment process. It is powered by a large amount of heat generated by the combustion of biogas, produced during the active period of the landfill. The difference between the volatilization properties of the compounds is an excellent process benefit. If it meets the premises of CONAMA Resolution 430 (RC430), the resulting transparent distillate containing water, nitrogen compounds and other residual species, can be discharged into water bodies or inserted into new production cycles, reducing costs and generating revenue. The concentrate, a small fraction of the initial volume containing a large amount of contaminants, may also be treated locally. Two different distillation processes were performed in laboratory with leachates from two class-IIA landfills, SEMASA and Bandeirantes, located in São Paulo City: one using Plate or Tray Column (PC) and the other using a Vacuum Falling Film Evaporator (VFFE). Total Solids (TS) removals greater than 99% were observed in both processes producing distillates with maximum Color and Turbidity values of zero uH and 1.5 NTU respectively. The four basic contaminant groups: (1) Dissolved Matter, evaluated through Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD), Total Organic Carbon (TOC) and Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD), showed removal values higher than 90%, 98% and 90% respectively . (2) Inorganic macrocomponents: approximately 50% of the original ammoniacal nitrogen was transferred to the distillate. Residual values much smaller than the RC430 Maximum Allowed Values, were found in phosphorus and anions tests as well as (3) Metals analyzed by ICP-ES and (4) Xenobiotic components revealed by GC-MS assay. At the end of each distillation cycle, most of the original contaminant was concentrated in a volume approximately 1% of the original volume when processed by plate column distillation and 6.5% by the VFFE system. The distillation process efficiency and effectiveness were addressed by the high landfills leachate contaminants removal rates. In order to discharge the distillate into water bodies, corrective actions are required due 15% RC430 non-compliant parameters.


Hopkins, Heather Nicole 01 June 2017 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to examine the ability of students in the Master of Social Work (MSW) program to correctly identify signs of autism in children by completing a survey. This research project was conducted in collaboration with California State University, San Bernardino (CSUSB) and the MSW program by using MSW students as participants. The study used a survey designed with items that measured the knowledge of participants. The results of this study may be beneficial to the Director of Social Work, future MSW students, and professors to examine how well the current MSW program is preparing students to work with children that have autism. Ultimately, this study may improve the MSW program and curriculum that could benefit future social workers and their competence in the field. The results of this study found significance between amount of previous work experience with children who have autism and their scores on the survey, as well as their experience with children who have autism from learning about it in a course, personal interaction, or work experience. However, there were not significant findings regarding MSW standing or field of interest and autism scores. This can be determined to mean MSW students have knowledge of autism from previous work experience, but there are no findings that indicate the MSW program at CSUSB is additionally preparing students with an understanding of the nature, primary symptoms of, and treatment of autism. This may also mean students are able to retain more knowledge regarding autism based on their experiences directly working with children who have autism, rather than learning about it in a course. The findings of this study are beneficial to improve upon the CSUSB curriculum for the MSW program to incorporate autism into more courses to increase knowledge of autism symptoms, diagnostic criteria, and treatment options, as well as including more fieldwork opportunities with this population.


Whyte, Shelly-Ann Rosemarie 01 June 2017 (has links)
This study was conducted to assess Masters of social Work students’ interest in gerontology. Students’ gerontological knowledge, attitude and experience with the aging population was examined to see if they have any influence on interest in working with older adults. The positivist worldview was used to identify students’ behavior toward older adults while checking to see if correlates to interest in working with that population. Survey questionnaire was used to collect information on student’s interest in working with older adults, their knowledge, attitude and experience. Modified versions of Palmore Facts on Aging Quiz (FAQ) and Kogan’s Attitude Toward Old People (KAOP) scales were used to collect information on students’ knowledge and attitude toward older adults. Additional questions about demographic data was included along with direct question on interest in working with the older adults. The results from the use of the quantitative approach allowed further statistical analysis using SPSS to identify relationships between the variables. The study found relationships between knowledge of aging and interest in aging-related work. The study recommends that future research examine factors that influence attitude and implementing gerontological education and training in social work programs to improve student’s interest in aging related work.


Sanchez, Giselle, Guerrero, Shizatiz Gioconda 01 June 2018 (has links)
With the growth of the Latino population in the United States on the rise and the limited number of bilingual Spanish social workers, it is critical to explore the Master of Social Work student’s self-perceived competency in Spanish skills and the support they receive. These are the emerging professionals that will be interacting and providing services for Latinos in our communities. Exploring and understanding the challenges students encounter, their self-perceived competency, and how students can be supported, will be beneficial not only to them but also to Latino clients seeking services in Spanish. Providing appropriate services in Spanish may alleviate the language barrier that many Latinos are concerned about when seeking services. This research utilized a mixed methods design with self-administered surveys and interviews conducted and analyzed with SPSS and transcriptions. The study findings suggest that bilingual Spanish-speaking Masters of Social Work students are not provided with adequate training, resources, and support from their MSW program or their field placements in order to provide high quality services to the Latino population. The study findings also suggest that not all bilingual individuals are comfortable with working with monolingual Spanish-speaking clients.

Social Work Students' Perception of Intimate Partner Violence Victims Who Stay With Their Abuser

Perez, Andrea 01 June 2018 (has links)
ABSTRACT Intimate partner violence is a widely recognized problem in today’s society and in the social work field. It is also often considered one of the most complicated issues to adequately address and prevent. There are many challenges in understanding how IPV can occur and worsen over time, as well as why some victims choose to stay with their abusers. Intervening in relationships and families that are experiencing IPV is not an easy task, especially if the social worker who is dealing with the issue is not knowledgeable or has pre-conceived biases about domestic violence. In this study, the terms Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) and Domestic Violence (DV) were used interchangeably as both terms describe some type of abusive behavior by one individual towards another in a relationship. This quantitative study assessed the perceptions of social work students in the CSUSB MSW program towards victims of IPV who stay with their abusers. Participants completed an online survey that was created by the researcher using Qualtrics software. The study hypothesized that students’ perceptions about IPV victims varied depending on their personal and professional experience with IPV. This hypothesis was not supported by the data. Furthermore, the study hypothesized that students’ perceptions of IPV victims varied by the students’ education levels. This hypothesis was not supported by the data. The study is limited by a small sample of participants from one particular MSW program; these findings cannot be generalized to all social work students or to social workers in general. These findings and their implications for social work practice and curriculum are discussed.

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