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Avaliação do comportamento termo oxidativo de biodiesel aditivado com produtos naturais / Oxidative term performance evaluation of biodiesel additive with natural productsNeuana, Neuana Fernando 05 September 2016 (has links)
A estabilidade à oxidação é uma das propriedades mais importantes do biodiesel pois afeta a sua estabilidade durante o período de estocagem influenciando no desempenho do motor. As pesquisas atuais tendem a desenvolver aditivos antioxidantes para melhorar sua estabilidade. Algumas plantas exibem propriedades antioxidantes devido à sua composição química e que podem auxiliar nessa estabilização. O objetivo deste trabalho foi estudar a estabilidade termo oxidativa do biodiesel de soja e do sebo bovino puro e aditivado com folhas e extrato das folhas de acerola, graviola, manga e pitanga frente à luz, a 60º C e a baixas temperaturas por 0, 168, 504, 1176 e 1848 h de estocagem de forma a avaliar o seu enquadramento dentro das normas ANP, ASTM, EN. As folhas usadas como aditivo antioxidante foram moídas num moinho de facas a 10 mesh e os extratos das folhas foram obtidos pelo processo Soxhlet. O biodiesel de soja foi obtido pela rota etílica e o de sebo bovino pela metílica. A estabilidade termo oxidativa foi monitorada determinando-se o índice de acidez, a viscosidade cinemática, a densidade, por espectroscopia no infravermelho com Transformada de Fourier e por termogravimetria. Os resultados mostraram que o biodiesel de soja e do sebo bovino é estável frente à luz após 1848 h. O efeito antioxidante das folhas sobre o biodiesel de soja após 168 h de estocagem a 60º C segue a seguinte ordem: folhas de graviola > folhas de pitanga > folhas de manga > folhas de acerola, enquanto para o extrato das folhas tem-se: extrato das folhas de acerola> extrato das folhas de graviola>extrato das folhas de manga>extrato das folhas de pitanga, após 504h. Para o biodiesel de sebo bovino as folhas apresentaram a ordem: folhas de pitanga>folhas de acerola >folhas de manga>folhas de graviola, e para os extratos a ordem: extratos da folha de manga > extratos da folha de graviola >extratos da folha de pitanga>extratos da folha de acerola. O butil hidroxitolueno (BHT), antioxidante sintético, apresentou maior efeito antioxidante sobre o biodiesel de soja em relação às aditivações com folhas e seus extratos após 1176h. No biodiesel de sebo bovino, a atividade do BHT foi semelhante aos extratos das folhas de acerola, graviola e pitanga após 504h e o de manga após 1176h. A ordem da estabilidade do biodiesel de soja aditivado frente a baixas temperaturas foi: extrato de pitanga > extrato de manga > extrato de acerola > extrato de graviola. Os resultados dos testes em baixa temperatura indicam que o biodiesel de soja aditivado ou não pode ser usado em qualquer região do país para todas as estações do ano. O efeito dos extratos das folhas na estabilidade do biodiesel frente a baixas temperaturas foi: extratos das folhas de manga>extratos de acerola>extratos de graviola>extratos de pitanga. O biodiesel de sebo bovino puro apresenta menor estabilidade frente a baixas temperaturas em relação ao biodiesel de soja. Os resultados obtidos do IA, viscosidade cinemática, densidade, FTIR e TGA indicam que as folhas e extratos das folhas das frutas estudadas podem atuar como aditivos antioxidantes na estabilidade oxidativa do biodiesel. / Oxidation stability is one of the most important properties of biodiesel because it affects their stability during the storage period influence on engine performance. Current research tend to develop antioxidant additives to improve their stability. Some plants have antioxidant properties due to their chemical composition and may assist in this stabilization. The aim of this study was to oxidative term stability of soybean biodiesel and pure beef tallow and spiked with leaves and extracts of the leaves of cherry, soursop, mango and cherry front light, 60 ° C and low temperatures for 0, 168, 504, 1176 and 1848 h of storage in order to evaluate its framework within the ANP, ASTM, EN. The leaves used as an antioxidant additive were ground in a knife mill to 10 mesh and extracts of leaves were obtained by Soxhlet process. Soybean biodiesel was obtained by the ethyl route and beef tallow by methyl. The term oxidative stability was monitored by determining the acid number, kinematic viscosity, density, by infrared spectroscopy with Fourier Transform and thermogravimetry. The results showed that the biodiesel soya and tallow is stable against the light for 1848 h. The antioxidant effect of leaves on soybean biodiesel after 168 h of storage at 60 ° C follows the following order: leaves of soursop> sheets of cherry> mango leaves> acerola leaves while for the leaves of the statement we have: extract leaves acerola> extract of the leaves of soursop> extract of mango leaves> extract of cherry leaves after 504h. For the leaves beef tallow biodiesel showed the order: leaves of cherry> leaves acerola> mango leaves> soursop leaves and extracts the order: Mango leaf extracts> soursop leaf extracts> leaf extracts of cherry> acerola leaf extracts. The butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT), synthetic antioxidant, showed higher antioxidant effect on soybean biodiesel in relation to additivations with leaves and their extracts after 1176h. In beef tallow biodiesel BHT activity was similar to the extracts of the leaves of cherry, soursop and cherry after 504h and the sleeve after 1176h. The order of stability of soy biodiesel additive against low temperatures was: cherry extract> mango extract> acerola extract> soursop extract. The results of the tests indicate that low temperature soybean biodiesel additive or may not be used in any region of the country for all seasons. The effect of the extracts of leaves in front biodiesel stability at low temperatures was: extracts of mango leaves> acerola extracts> soursop extracts> cherry extracts. Biodiesel pure beef tallow has lower stability in low temperatures to soy biodiesel. The results of the AI, kinematic viscosity, density, FTIR and TGA show that the extracts of the leaves and fruits studied sheets can act as antioxidant additives in the oxidative stability of biodiesel.
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Caracterização química e enzimática do processo de adoçamento da manga \'Keitt\' / Chemical and enzymatic characterization of the mango Keitt sweetening processSilva, Ana Paula Fioravante Bernardes 16 June 2004 (has links)
Dentre as características que definem um fruto maduro, o adoçamento é um dos mais importantes. Porém, no que concerne à manga, os dados existentes são escassos e pouco esclarecedores. Neste trabalho foi estudada a síntese e a degradação do amido da manga \'Keitt\', nos aspectos químicos (teores de amido, de amilose e de açúcares solúveis), nos aspectos bioquímicos (atividade de enzimas relacionadas à degradação do amido, perfil de enzimas ligadas ao grânulo de amido) e aspecto morfológico do grânulo de amido (preliminar), e o amadurecimento do fruto. A manga \'Keitt\' teve um padrão atípico de fruto climatérico, com a produção de pequenas quantidades de etileno e C02, culminando em picos após o processo de amadurecimento ter sido iniciado. Todo o amido acumulado (cerca de 8 %) durante o desenvolvimento até os 3 dias após a colheita (dpc), foi totalmente degradado a partir dos 5 dpc chegando ao final do amadurecimento com apenas traços do seu conteúdo inicial. Ao mesmo tempo acumulou cerca de 10 % de açúcares solúveis, com predominância da sacarose. As enzimas que potencialmente podem degradar o amido, tiveram perfil de atividade compatível com a sua atuação. Houve um aumento bastante significativo de atividade da α-amilase durante a formação do fruto e da β--amilase durante o amadurecimento do fruto. As fosforilases e isoamilases, embora tivessem atividade suficiente para atuar durante a degradação do amido, demonstraram pelo perfil de atividade terem bastante importância durante a síntese do amido. Os grânulos de amido, como observados por microscopia eletrônica de varredura, tem grânulos redondos, lisos e pequenos (até 20 µm), que diminuem de tamanho durante o amadurecimento da manga. As proteínas ligadas ao grânulo, como visto por eletroforese em condições dissociantes, aumentaram em número e quantidade depois da colheita da manga, mostrando que várias proteínas de alto e baixo peso molecular, aderiram ao grânulo antes do início da degradação. / Sweetening is one of the most important characteristics concerning ripe fruit. However, physiological and biochemical changes associated to mango fruit ripening process, including mango sweetening, is still poor understood. In this work the synthesis and breakdown of the starch were studied focusing starch, amylose, and soluble sugars content. Also the activities of some enzymes that participate in starch metabolism were evaluated during development and ripening of mango \'Keitt\'. Thought Scanning Electron Microscopy, granule starch shape and superficial changes related to the degree of mango ripening, were investigated. Results shown that mango fruit (cv. Keitt) has not a typical profile of ethylene and respiration during the ripening process, with very low leveis of both parameters. There was a massive conversion of the starch accumulated (~8 % )during fruit development to soluble sugar (~10 %), with a predominance of sucrose. The activity of α-amylase increased at least 20 times during fruit development while β:-amylase showed detectable activity after fruit harvesting. Starchphosphorylases and isoamylases activities can be linked with both starch synthesis and degradation. Granule starch isolated from mango, showed spherical shape and small size (~20 µm) when the mango achieve full starch content (~3 days after harvest), with about 25 % of amylose. During fruit ripening, granule size suffered superficial corrosion and decreased in size (~6 µm). SDS-PAGE gels showed that after harvesting increased the number of starch bounded proteins with low and high molecular weight, inclusive inside the granule. These proteins can be associated with starch degradation process.
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Incidental Learning of Japanese through Reading Online, in Print, and in Digital GamesPeterson, Jeff Lynn 01 March 2016 (has links)
An increasing amount of attention has been brought to language learning through digital games. Incidental learning through different media types such as in print and online have also seen an increased amount of research done in recent years. This study examines the amount of incidental learning that occurs across three media types (in print, online, and in a digital simulation game) as well as participants' perceptions of how enjoyable and helpful these media types are. Results suggest that of the three media types, incidental learning occurred most through the online reading. Furthermore, although not statistically significant, participants in the present study found the reading in print to be most enjoyable and helpful.
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Enchanting modernity : religion and the supernatural in contemporary Japanese popular cultureFeldman, Ross Christopher 21 September 2011 (has links)
This thesis examines the ways in which popular culture reveals, and shapes, religious thinking in contemporary Japan. Through an investigation of popular culture including animated films (anime) and graphic novels (manga), and the cultural processes related to their production and consumption, it explores how and why popular culture in Japan is acting as a repository for ideas and images relating to religion, the supernatural, and the human and non-human agents who mediate them.
Popular culture is important not only for the ways it discloses contemporaneous cultural trends, but because it acts in dialogic tension with them. In Japan, where society has grown increasingly secularized since at least the middle of the twentieth century, an overwhelming majority of citizens consider themselves non-religious. Surveys have consistently indicated that only a small percentage of respondents identify as actively Shintō, Buddhist, Christian or some other religious affiliation. At the same time, depictions of religious images and themes have grown exponentially in popular culture such that a recent internet search on “anime” plus “kami” (a Shintō deity) produced an astounding 20,100,000 hits. Clearly, religion continues to play a crucial role in the popular imagination.
This juncture of popular culture and personal religious identity in contemporary Japan raises a number of questions discussed in the following chapters. What benefits do consumers derive from the treatment of religious themes in anime and manga? What do depictions of religion in popular media indicate about the construction of religious identity in Japan? Why the disparity between religious identification survey results and cultural consumption of religious themes and images? In short, what are the ways in which popular culture in Japan reveals ideas about religion and the supernatural, and in what ways does popular culture actively shape those conceptions? / text
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Mariko Mori and Takashi Murakami and the crisis of Japanese identityLambertson, Kristen 11 1900 (has links)
In the mid-1990s, Japanese artists Mariko Mori (b. 1962) and Takashi Murakami (b. 1967) began creating works that referenced Japanese popular culture tropes such as sexuality, technology and the idea of kawaii, or cute. These tropes were associated with emerging youth cultures instigating a “soft rebellion” against social conventions. While emancipated female youths, or shōjo, were criticized for lifestyles based on the consumption of kawaii goods, their male contemporaries, the otaku were demonized for a fetishization of kawaii girls and technology through anime and manga, or animation and comic books. Destabilizing the nation’s patriarchal theory of cultural uniqueness, or nihonjinron, the youth triggered fears of a growing infantilized, feminized automaton ‘alien’ society during Japan’s economically tumultuous 1990s.
In response to these trends, Mori and Murakami create works and personae that celebrate Japan’s emerging heterogeneity and reveal that Japan’s fear of the ‘alien within’ is a result of a tenuous post-war Japanese-American relationship. But in denoting America’s position in Japan’s psyche, Mori’s and Murakami’s illustration of Japan as both victim and threat encourages Orientalist and Techno-Orientalist readings. The artists’ ambivalence towards Western stereotypes in their works and personae, as well as their distortion of boundaries between commercial and fine art, intimate a collusion between commercialization, art and cultural identity. Such acts suggest that in the global economy of art production, Japanese cultural identity has become as much as a brand, as art a commodity.
In this ambivalent perspective, the artists isolate the relatively recent difficulty of enunciating Japanese cultural identity in the international framework. With the downfall of its cultural homogeneity theory, Japan faced a crisis of representation. Self-Orientalization emerged as a cultural imperative for stabilizing a coherent national identity, transposing blame for Japan’s social and economic disrepair onto America. But by relocating Japanese self-Orientalization within the global art market, Mori and Murakami suggest that as non-Western artists, economic viability is based upon their ability to cultivate desirability, not necessarily authenticity. In the international realm, national identity has become a brand based upon the economies of desire, predicated by external consumption, rather than an internalized production of meaning.
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Mariko Mori and Takashi Murakami and the crisis of Japanese identityLambertson, Kristen 11 1900 (has links)
In the mid-1990s, Japanese artists Mariko Mori (b. 1962) and Takashi Murakami (b. 1967) began creating works that referenced Japanese popular culture tropes such as sexuality, technology and the idea of kawaii, or cute. These tropes were associated with emerging youth cultures instigating a “soft rebellion” against social conventions. While emancipated female youths, or shōjo, were criticized for lifestyles based on the consumption of kawaii goods, their male contemporaries, the otaku were demonized for a fetishization of kawaii girls and technology through anime and manga, or animation and comic books. Destabilizing the nation’s patriarchal theory of cultural uniqueness, or nihonjinron, the youth triggered fears of a growing infantilized, feminized automaton ‘alien’ society during Japan’s economically tumultuous 1990s.
In response to these trends, Mori and Murakami create works and personae that celebrate Japan’s emerging heterogeneity and reveal that Japan’s fear of the ‘alien within’ is a result of a tenuous post-war Japanese-American relationship. But in denoting America’s position in Japan’s psyche, Mori’s and Murakami’s illustration of Japan as both victim and threat encourages Orientalist and Techno-Orientalist readings. The artists’ ambivalence towards Western stereotypes in their works and personae, as well as their distortion of boundaries between commercial and fine art, intimate a collusion between commercialization, art and cultural identity. Such acts suggest that in the global economy of art production, Japanese cultural identity has become as much as a brand, as art a commodity.
In this ambivalent perspective, the artists isolate the relatively recent difficulty of enunciating Japanese cultural identity in the international framework. With the downfall of its cultural homogeneity theory, Japan faced a crisis of representation. Self-Orientalization emerged as a cultural imperative for stabilizing a coherent national identity, transposing blame for Japan’s social and economic disrepair onto America. But by relocating Japanese self-Orientalization within the global art market, Mori and Murakami suggest that as non-Western artists, economic viability is based upon their ability to cultivate desirability, not necessarily authenticity. In the international realm, national identity has become a brand based upon the economies of desire, predicated by external consumption, rather than an internalized production of meaning.
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Entre álbum e leitor: traços da vida comum e do homem ordinário no movimento da Nouvelle MangaCanário, Tiago 22 February 2013 (has links)
Submitted by Pós-Com Pós-Com (pos-com@ufba.br) on 2013-11-01T14:38:46Z
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Tiago Canário.pdf: 6576812 bytes, checksum: 1bb5b912df2fc1e11c1915e1d59794a2 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Alda Lima da Silva (sivalda@ufba.br) on 2013-11-29T18:45:11Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1
Tiago Canário.pdf: 6576812 bytes, checksum: 1bb5b912df2fc1e11c1915e1d59794a2 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2013-11-29T18:45:11Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
Tiago Canário.pdf: 6576812 bytes, checksum: 1bb5b912df2fc1e11c1915e1d59794a2 (MD5) / Capes / Esta pesquisa investiga a construção do cotidiano e do personagem ordinário na nouvelle manga, recente movimento de histórias em quadrinhos. Articulados os programas estéticos da nouvelle manga e da nouvelle vague, permite-se entrever um programa que será tomado como base para a discussão das propriedades de alguns álbuns do movimento – o que ainda faz eco à noção combativa/propositiva que compôs a modernidade artística. Com o estudo de obras de Frédéric Boilet, Jirô Taniguchi e Little Fish, são observados os problemas da organização textual e da leitura no universo das narrativas gráficas, com interesse na construção e na sugestão das noções de cotidiano e de personagem ordinário. No primeiro momento, o intento é o de dar atenção a uma discussão ainda pouco explorada e sistematizada na delimitação do movimento transcultural, que dialoga propriedades do mangá e da bande dessinée. A seguir, partindo do subjetivismo com foco no cotidiano, o trabalho se detém no questionamento acerca da consolidação desse dia a dia perpassado por trivialidades. Na terceira parte, são discutidos os problemas concernentes à teoria da história em quadrinhos e da recepção de ordem textual. Por fim, em uma articulação de noções advindas de estudos estéticos, semióticos e narratológicos, seguem as análises, observando a relação entre obra e leitura, não só no modo como o dia a dia se apresenta, mas como traços que o particularizam são também impressos na fruição que as marcas textuais indicam.
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Avaliação do estado nutricional da mangueira Tommy Atkins irrigada no Vale do Açu em diferentes épocas de amostragem foliar / Evaluation of the nutricional state of Tommy Atkins mango tree irrigated in the Valley of the Açu at different times of samplingAraújo, Júlio Justino de 25 August 2010 (has links)
Submitted by Lara Oliveira (lara@ufersa.edu.br) on 2017-04-25T21:52:30Z
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JúlioJA_DISSERT.pdf: 939713 bytes, checksum: c67cafda0dcef634c8d3b78d4fc84425 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-04-25T21:52:30Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
JúlioJA_DISSERT.pdf: 939713 bytes, checksum: c67cafda0dcef634c8d3b78d4fc84425 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2010-08-25 / The nutritional evaluation through foliate analysis has become a useful tool to nutritional
analysis in several cultures around the world. Although, there are different methods to
interpret foliate analysis, there seems to be a few studies about the utilization of the diagnosis
and recommendation integrated system (DRIS) and about the methodology of critical level for
the reduced and normal distribution (NCRIZ), to evaluate the nutritional state of irrigated
mango tree Tommy Atkins. The objective of this work is evaluating the nutritional state of the
mango tree in the valley of Baixo Açu in two different seasons of foliating samplings, using
DRIS and NCRIz methodologies to identify and put in order the nutritional limitations and
compare the methodologies. The work was developed in Vale do Açu, an important mango
tree producer in the state of Rio Grande do Norte, mainly in fluvial neo-soils. The samplings
were chemically analyzed during the mango tree fenological development based on N, P, K,
Ca, Mg, S, B, Zn, Mn, Fe and Cu contents, and respective productivities were collected in 106
cuts supplied by mango exportation companies. To determine the DRIS, the rules, calculation
of the DRIS and the nutritional balance for each element and their relation two by two were
established. To determine the critical level (NCRIZ), a developed method which uses normal
distribution or Gauss-Laplace type was chosen. It is based on continuous distribution of
reduced probability. To calculate the critical level, P equals to 90% of maximum production.
The methodologies DRIS and NCRIZ were proved efficient to identify the limiting nutrients
for the mango tree, once there are differences about limitation hierarchical order. As rules
DRIS showed differences about the low productivity population. The variations will probably
represent the level of limiting nutrients by excess and deficiency, whereas the NCRIZ allowed
to calculate the levels within the reference recommended by the bibliographical referential.
Thus, it is another tool for nutritional diagnosis having the advantage of no experiments in the
field / A avaliação do estado nutricional por meio da análise foliar vem sendo uma ferramenta
bastante útil para o diagnóstico nutricional de várias culturas em diversas partes do mundo.
Embora existam diversos métodos de interpretação de análise foliar, constatam-se poucos
estudos sobre a utilização do sistema integrado de diagnose e recomendação (DRIS) e sobre a
metodologia do nível crítico pela distribuição normal reduzida (NCRIZ), para avaliação
nutricional da mangueira irrigada variedade Tommy Atkins. O objetivo deste trabalho foi
avaliar o estado nutricional da mangueira no Baixo Açu em duas épocas de amostragem
foliar, utilizando as metodologias do DRIS e do NCRIz, para identificar e herarquizar as
limitações nutricionais e comparar as referidas metodologias de interpretação de análise
foliar. O trabalho foi desenvolvido na região do Vale do Açu, importante Pólo produtor de
manga do Estado do Rio Grande do Norte, com predominância de solos Neossolos Flúvicos.
As amostras foliares foram analisadas quimicamente durante fases do desenvolvimento
fenológico da mangueira, a partir dos teores de N, P, K, Ca, Mg, S, B, Zn, Mn, Fe e Cu e
respectivas produtividades foram coletadas em 106 talhões fornecidos pelos produtores e
empresas produtoras de manga para exportação. Na determinação do DRIS, fez-se o
estabelecimento das normas, cálculo do índice DRIS e determinado o índice de balanço
nutricional para cada elemento e as relações dois a dois. Na determinação do nível crítico
(NCRIZ), utilizou-se um método desenvolvido que utiliza a distribuição normal ou de Gauss-
Laplace, que se baseia na distribuição contínua de probabilidade reduzida, na qual se adotou,
para efeito de cálculo do nível crítico, o valor de P igual a 90% da máxima produção. As
metodologias DRIS e NCRIZ mostraram-se eficientes na identificação dos nutrientes
limitantes para a mangueira, havendo diferenças na ordem hierárquica da limitação. As
normas DRIS apresentaram variações nas médias, em relação à população de baixa
produtividade. As variações provavelmente representarão os níveis de nutrientes limitantes
por excesso e por deficiência, enquanto que o NCRIZ permitiu calcular valores dentro da faixa
de referência recomendada pela literatura, sendo, portanto, mais uma ferramenta para o
diagnóstico nutricional da cultura, com a vantagem da não necessidade de experimentos em
campo / 2017-04-25
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Folksagans övernaturliga väsen i Yamazaki Kores mangaThe Ancient Magus' Bride : – "folkloresque" eller folklore?Sandell, Alfred January 2018 (has links)
[Material:] Uppsatsen analyserar och jämför hur övernaturliga väsen gestaltas i Yamazaki Kores mangaserie The Ancient Magus' Bride och i några av de vanligast förekommande folksagorna. [Syfte:] Syftet med analysen är att undersöka vilka sammanhang dessa övernaturliga väsen ursprungligen ingått i, hur de beskrivs i sitt gamla sammanhang och sin nya kontext, samt vilken funktion de har i sin gamla respektive nya kontext. Fokus är att ställa Yamazakis' serie mot folksagorna i det här avseendet. Dessutom undersöks på vilket sätt Yamazaki använder sig av motiv från välkända folksagor för att skapa en populärkulturell produkt som kan anspela på folklore, och således diskuteras vad som skiljer mellan en sådan populärkulturell produkt och folklore. Vidare har uppsatsen även ett didaktiskt syfte där mangans legitimitet och användningsområde i skolan diskuteras. [Teori/metod:] Komparativ litterär analysmetod. Med fokus på beskrivning, sammanhang och funktion jämförs motiv kring ett antal övernaturliga väsen i Yamazakis serie, samt i olika folksagor. Med hjälp av analysens resultat, och Michael Dylan Fosters begrepp "the folkloresque" diskuteras sedan på vilket sätt Yamazaki anspelar på folklore med sina motiv, samt vad som slutligen skiljer hennes serie från folklore. [Resultat:] Yamazaki integrerar motiv från flera olika folksagor för att gestalta sina övernaturliga väsen i beskrivningar och sammanhang. I sammanhanget tillskriver hon sina väsen en ny funktion för att de ska kunna bära hennes berättelse framåt. Sammanhang och funktion förändras och väsendet blir inte det samma som i folksagorna, utan något som "verkar" vara det. De motiv Yamazaki använder är förnyade men trots allt anspelar de på folklore. Motiven representerar, eller gör en avbild av hennes egna idéer, föreställningar och värderingar kring folklore. Serien ger uttryck för författarens tankar kring folklore, och inte "riktig" folklore. Serien är således en representation eller avbild, som befinner sig nära folklore utan att vara det.Manga kan utveckla både läs- och skrivförmåga och kan användas likt skönlitteratur i en skolsituation. Manga öppnar upp för genrediskussioner, och diskussioner kring andra kulturers erfarenheter, tankar, föreställningsvärldar och livsvillkor.
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Flutuação populacional de moscas-das-frutas (Diptera: Tephritidae) em pomares comerciais de mangueira e viabilidade de implantação de área de baixa prevalência em Petrolina, PE / Population fluctuation of fruit flies (Diptera: Tephritidae) in commercial mango orchards and feasibility of implementation of areas of low pest prevalence in Petrolina, PEFrança, Paulo Roberto Pereira de 29 March 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Reginaldo Soares de Freitas (reginaldo.freitas@ufv.br) on 2017-02-15T10:50:25Z
No. of bitstreams: 1
texto completo.pdf: 1856190 bytes, checksum: 405040c338d9d0453f53e6b127a24ccd (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-02-15T10:50:25Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
texto completo.pdf: 1856190 bytes, checksum: 405040c338d9d0453f53e6b127a24ccd (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2016-03-29 / O Brasil está entre os maiores produtores de frutas do mundo, ocupando a terceira posição no ranking, com produção anual de 40 milhões de toneladas. O Vale de São Francisco manteve em 2014 o patamar de 85% das exportações brasileiras de manga. Entre as frutas, a manga apresenta produção nacional ascendente, com quase 1,2 milhão de toneladas em 2014. Entre os obstáculos, a maior participação do setor no mercado internacional está nos aspectos fitossanitários, principalmente as moscas- das-frutas (Diptera: Tephritidae). O objetivo deste trabalho foi analisar a flutuação populacional de moscas-das-frutas em pomares comerciais de mangueira, bem como estudar a influência dos fatores abióticos na flutuação populacional. A partir dos resultados, discute-se a viabilidade de ampliação do número de propriedades aptas a exportar mangas in natura para países que exigem que os frutos sejam oriundos de Áreas de Baixa Prevalência de Pragas (ABPP). O estudo foi desenvolvido a partir de dados coletados de 2009 a 2014 em 44 pomares comerciais de manga localizados nos Projetos de Irrigação Senador Nilo Coelho, Maria Tereza e Bebedouro, em Petrolina, PE. A espécie exótica Ceratitis capitata (Wiedemann) (Diptera: Tephritidae) foi detectada em todos os pomares estudados, e os dados sugerem que ela tenha deslocado as espécies nativas do gênero Anastrepha (Diptera: Tephritidae). A população apresentou níveis elevados em todas as áreas monitoradas, principalmente de outubro a janeiro, em todos os períodos estudados. A temperatura e a umidade relativa influenciaram fortemente a captura de insetos adultos, em que a temperatura apresentou correlação positiva e a umidade, correlação negativa. A população de C. capitata esteve em níveis acima do admitido para implantação de ABPP, de forma que o aumento de exportações de manga para mercados mais exigentes dependerá grandemente da execução de um programa para supressão da população. / Brazil is a major fruit grower worldwide, occupying the third position and harvesting 40 x 106 ton. In 2014, Sao Francisco Valley responded for 85% of mango exports of the country. Mango production is going through a period of increase in production and approximately 1.2 million tons were harvested in 2014. Phytosanitary measures are major constraints to export, mainly those established to avoid the entry of fruit flies (Diptera: Tephritidae). This work aimed to analyse the population fluctuation of fruit flies in commercial mango orchards, as well as study the influence of abiotic factors in population density. The feasibility of increasing the number of properties certified according to international standards of areas of low pest prevalence (ALPP) is discussed, as this is a measure established by several international markets. Data gathered from 2009 to 2014 for 44 commercial orchards in the districts Senador Nilo Coelho, Maria Tereza, and Bebedouro, in Petrolina, PE, were used. The exotic species Ceratitis capitata (Wiedemann) (Diptera: Tephritidae) was detected in all orchards and data suggest that it may have displaced the native species of the genus Anastrepha (Diptera: Tephritidae). Population density was high in all considered areas, mainly from October to January. Temperature and relative humidity had significant impact on population density, the former showing a positive correlation and the later, a negative one. C. capitata population was higher than the threshold implementation in standards for LPPA so that the increase of mango exports for more restrictive countries will largely depend on the conduction of a suppression program. / Não foi localizado o currículo lattes do autor.
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