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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Information Technology Management Strategies to Implement Knowledge Management Systems

McGee, Mary Jane 01 January 2017 (has links)
More than 38% of the U.S. public workforce will likely retire by 2030, which may result in a labor shortage. Business leaders may adopt strategies to mitigate knowledge loss within their organizations by capturing knowledge in a knowledge management system (KMS). The purpose of this single case study was to explore strategies that information technology (IT) managers use to develop and implement a KMS. The target population consisted of IT managers in a small-sized organization located in northwestern Florida who had implemented a KMS successfully. The conceptual framework for this study was organizational knowledge creation theory. The collection of public documents, execution of semistructured interviews with 5 qualified participants, literature on the topic, and member checking formed the determination of the findings of the study. Using triangulation and coding the data for emergent themes, 6 themes emerged from the data analysis: (a) training, (b) customer focus, (c) policy and governance, (d) leadership and management support, (e) communication and marketing, and (f) business process management. The application of the findings may contribute to social change by identifying strategies that leaders and IT managers from communities and government agencies use in implementing a KMS that may facilitate transparency and open flow of information to citizens, and allow access to timely, civic, and potentially life-enhancing information.

An investigation into the learning environments of blended delivery (e-learning and classroom) in a tertiary environment

Skelton, David J. E. January 2007 (has links)
This thesis describes research investigating the learning environment of tertiary students undertaking their studies through a mixture of online learning management systems and traditional tertiary classroom delivery. A review of the literature examined traditional learning environments, pure online virtual environments and more recent literature pertaining to a blended environment. The examination of student and staff perceptions of learning environments in different contexts served to generate recommendations to help tertiary teachers optimise online and traditional teaching practices within a mixed-mode environment. Students' experiences of their learning environment were discovered through quantitative and qualitative methods. Quantitative data on students' experiences were gathered by using an adapted version of the Web-based Learning Environment Instrument (WEBLEI). Qualitative data on students' experiences were collected by discussion questions added to the WEBLEI survey. Qualitative data on the use of online and blended learning environment experiences by tertiary staff were gathered by email and supplementary interviews. The study synthesised results from these multiple sources within a tertiary institute environment and made recommendations and gave insight into optimal blended learning environments within the tertiary sector. Overall, the study provided a perspective on the psychology and strategic view of the learning environment for the future tertiary institute.

Electronic Classroom, Electronic Community: Virtual Social Networks and Student Learning.

Harris, Lisa, Lisa.Harris@rmit.edu.au January 2008 (has links)
The capacity for online learning environments to provide quality learning experiences for students has been the focus of much speculation and debate in the higher education sector from the late 1990s to the present day. In this area, 'quality' has become synonymous with engaging students in a learning community. This study reports on a qualitative research project designed to explore the significance of community for students when they study in online learning environments. This project used three case studies to explore tertiary students' thoughts and expectations about community in the online environment. The research was constructed iteratively. Data from the initial case suggested the need to explore the relationship between the constructed online learning environment and the development of learning communities or what I have termed Social Learning Support Networks (SLSN). To explore this issue further, the project was expanded and subsequent cases were chosen that included fundamentally different types of online learning environments. The project had two significant results. Firstly, students not only confirmed popular educational theories on the value of learning communities, but also described how this form of social connection might practically benefit their learning. Secondly, the project found that certain forms of synchronous online environments provided enhanced opportunities for students to form social connections that supported their learning. This project provides new evidence of the benefit of community for students studying online and argues that future online learning environments should be shaped by five key principles designed to foster a sense of social connection between students.

Att inspirera ett engagemang : En studie om hållbar utveckling i undervisningen

Sjöström, Linda, Melin, Peter January 2008 (has links)
<p>Problem: Har arbetet för hållbar utveckling inletts och i vilken grad främjas den i kommunikationen mellan lärare och student på Handelshögskolan vid Umeå Universitet?</p><p>Syfte: Syftet med denna uppsats är att övergripande avbilda hur implementeringen av hållbar utveckling i undervisningen på Handelshögskolan vid Umeå Universitet. För att avbilda studieobjektets verklighet så väl som möjligt kommer vi undersöka ett antal delsyften; om vad som kommunicerats, hur det kommunicerats och hur relevant kommunikationen uppfattas i undervisningen. Detta kommer undersökas genom att titta på lärares uppfattning för att jämföras med hur studenterna uppfattar implementeringen av vår problem formulering.</p><p>Teori: Teorikapitlet har sin grund från vetenskapliga arbeten och är baserad på tre teorier. En teori handlar om hur man strukturerar arbete för hållbar utveckling i en universitets kontext. Vi har även valt två teorier om kommunikation som huvudsak behandlar hur man förmedlar ett engagemang för hållbar utveckling.</p><p>Metod: Vi valde att använda oss av den kvantitativa metoden där två enkätundersökningar tillämpades, en för lärare och en för studenterna, för att på detta sätt kunna mäta faktisk implementering av hållbar utveckling i undervisningen. Undersökningarna genomfördes genom direkt besöksutskick då vi ansåg detta vara mest lämpligt eftersom övriga arbetsfokuseringar hos lärarna och studenter kunnat orsaka större bortfall. Detta med bakgrunden av vår urvalsram som var Handelshögskolans lärare och studenter.</p><p>Resultat: Vi kan i studien se ett samband mellan att belysa hållbar utveckling i undervisningen och en ökad medvetenhet hos studenten relativt än hos dem som inte haft det integrerat i undervisningen. Arbetet för hållbar utveckling på institutionen har inletts men resultatet är långt ifrån tillfredsställande då hållbarhetens tre dimensioner ska vara integrerat på alla nivåer.</p>

Comparing ISO 14001 and ecoBUDGET as models for environmental management systems in municipal environmental management / Jämförelse mellan ISO 14001 och ecoBUDGET som modeller för miljöledningssystem i kommunal miljöledning

Andersson, Therese January 2003 (has links)
<p>In recent years several municipalities in Sweden and elsewhere have or are implementing environmental management systems (EMS) in parts of their organisation. The most common model to use for Swedish municipalities implementing an EMS is ISO 14001. Today EMS in municipalities is mainly focussing on the administrative aspect of environmental management- the internal environmental work in the municipalities. It is argued that ISO 14001 do not fit a political aspect of environmental management in municipalities but primarily fit and support the administrative perspective. ICLEI (International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives) has developed the ecoBUDGET manual as a model for implementing an EMS that specially would fit a political organisation like a municipality. In this context it is interesting to investigate similarities and differences between ecoBUDGET and ISO 14001 as models for EMS. The ambition of the study is to contribute to an understanding of what possibilities and limitations these models can have when working with EMS in a municipality. </p><p>The overall aim of this study is to analyse and compare the effects of the two different EMSs, ecoBUDGET and ISO 14001, on municipal environmental management. Drawing from earlier research on effects of New Public Management reforms in Swedish municipalities, this study focuses on tree strongly connected dimensions of effects on the municipal environmental management as a consequence of implementing and using an EMS. The dimensions of effects studied are organisational borders, organisational structures and roles. Each of the EMS is studied from a theoretical as well as practical point of view. This means that ISO 14001 and ecoBUDGET are compared to each other, partly from standards texts and handbooks, partly from how they are applied in practise intwo Swedish municipalities, Växjö and Kalmar. </p><p>Concerning EMS in municipalities according to ISO 14001 and ecoBUDGET as models similarities as well as differences could be found. Both of the models are based on the Deming concept the PDCA-cycle (Plan, Do, Check, Act). There is however no requirements on reducing environmental negative impacts in absolute terms. ISO 14001 and ecoBUDGET however have different focus and also therefore have different effects on municipal environmental management concerning organisational borders, organisational structures and environmental municipal roles.</p>

New-Institutionalism and how EMS is translated from the highest organisational levels down to its local implementations.

Sondered, Natasja January 2010 (has links)
<p>This thesis is mainly directed towards readers with a basic background in Environmental or Quality Management Systems. More increasingly organisations and companies decide to work with Environmental Management Systems (EMS) and the ISO standard has ever been increasing in popularity. The advantages of the ISO standard are the flexibility it offers, the adaptability to a variety of organisations and processes.</p><p>Most literature on EMS focuses on communication but very few address the issues regarding implementation and translation of the EMS into something functional for the core activities of an organisation.</p><p>In this qualitative study the author focuses on studying the differences between organisational levels regarding working with and implementing EMS at their various levels. The theoretical frame for the study is that of new-institutionalism. Within this frame is gathered empirical data from interviews with representatives of eight larger companies or organisations, all with multiple organisational levels. Combined these interviews form a solid foundation for the study if intra- and interorganisational EMS-implementations.</p><p>The conclusion of this research indicates the participating companies translated and implemented the EMS by standardising already existing routines and methods into complementing the EMS. A side-effect of this study which lies outside the actual aim of this thesis is that companies which have built up their EMS starting at ground-level have a better implementation and communication of such EMS.</p> / <p>Det här arbetet fokuserar på<strong> </strong>läsare med en bakgrund inom miljö- och kvalitetsledningssystem.Allt fler företag bestämmer sig att arbeta med miljöledningssystem (MLS) och detta har lett till att ISO standarden ökat i popularitet, främst på grund av standardens flexibilitet vilket ses i hur enkelt standarden är att anpassa till olika företag och processer. Majoriteten av MLS-litteratur har en fokus på kommunikation men väldigt få handböcker och författare tar upp frågor i samband med den praktiska implementering och översättning av MLS när det gäller anpassa MLS till något fungerande för organisationens kärnverksamhet.</p><p>Den här kvalitativa studien fokuserar på att analysera de skillnader som finns mellan organisatoriska nivåer när det gäller deras arbete med och implementering av MLS. Studien utfördes inom den teoretiska ram av Nyinstitutionalismen och inom dessa gränser samlades empirin från åtta större företag med olika organisatoriska nivåer. Kombinationen av dessa intervjuer skapar basen för analysen av inter- och intraorganisatoriska MLS-implementeringar. Slutsatsen av den här studien visar att de organisationer som deltog översatte och implementerade deras MLS genom att anpassa pre-existerande rutinerna till att möta standardens krav. En sidoeffekt av den här studien som fanns utanför studiens ursprungliga ram är att organisationer som byggde sitt MLS från grundnivå och uppåt visade sig ha en bättre kommunikation och implementering av deras MLS.</p>

Att inspirera ett engagemang : En studie om hållbar utveckling i undervisningen

Sjöström, Linda, Melin, Peter January 2008 (has links)
Problem: Har arbetet för hållbar utveckling inletts och i vilken grad främjas den i kommunikationen mellan lärare och student på Handelshögskolan vid Umeå Universitet? Syfte: Syftet med denna uppsats är att övergripande avbilda hur implementeringen av hållbar utveckling i undervisningen på Handelshögskolan vid Umeå Universitet. För att avbilda studieobjektets verklighet så väl som möjligt kommer vi undersöka ett antal delsyften; om vad som kommunicerats, hur det kommunicerats och hur relevant kommunikationen uppfattas i undervisningen. Detta kommer undersökas genom att titta på lärares uppfattning för att jämföras med hur studenterna uppfattar implementeringen av vår problem formulering. Teori: Teorikapitlet har sin grund från vetenskapliga arbeten och är baserad på tre teorier. En teori handlar om hur man strukturerar arbete för hållbar utveckling i en universitets kontext. Vi har även valt två teorier om kommunikation som huvudsak behandlar hur man förmedlar ett engagemang för hållbar utveckling. Metod: Vi valde att använda oss av den kvantitativa metoden där två enkätundersökningar tillämpades, en för lärare och en för studenterna, för att på detta sätt kunna mäta faktisk implementering av hållbar utveckling i undervisningen. Undersökningarna genomfördes genom direkt besöksutskick då vi ansåg detta vara mest lämpligt eftersom övriga arbetsfokuseringar hos lärarna och studenter kunnat orsaka större bortfall. Detta med bakgrunden av vår urvalsram som var Handelshögskolans lärare och studenter. Resultat: Vi kan i studien se ett samband mellan att belysa hållbar utveckling i undervisningen och en ökad medvetenhet hos studenten relativt än hos dem som inte haft det integrerat i undervisningen. Arbetet för hållbar utveckling på institutionen har inletts men resultatet är långt ifrån tillfredsställande då hållbarhetens tre dimensioner ska vara integrerat på alla nivåer.

Products in environmental management systems : drivers, barriers and experiences

Ammenberg, Jonas, Sundin, Erik January 2005 (has links)
Do standardised environmental management systems (EMS) lead to improved environmental performance? This depends on to what extent these systems lead to changes in important flows of material and energy, which for manufacturing companies, in turn, mean that the product development process is important. Consequently, it appears vital to investigate the connection between EMS and ‘Design for the Environment’ (DFE), i.e. the connection between these management systems and concepts that deal with environmental issues in product development. This paper presents product-oriented environmental management systems (POEMS), including characteristics of existing models, experiences from projects where these models have been tested and experiences concerning the product connection in ‘normal’ EMS. It includes a discussion of important factors influencing to what extent DFE activities are integrated into EMS and/or the outcome of such integration. There are many motives for integrating the two concepts. Firstly, DFE thinking might enrich EMS by contributing with a life-cycle perspective. If EMS encompassed products' life cycles to a greater extent, they would be a better complement to the often facility-oriented legal requirements and authority control. Secondly, EMS might remove the pilot project character of DFE activities and lead to continuous improvement. Thirdly, integration could lead to successful co-operation, both internally and externally. However, existing studies show that there is a mixed picture concerning the extent ‘normal’ EMS currently encompass products.

New-Institutionalism and how EMS is translated from the highest organisational levels down to its local implementations.

Sondered, Natasja January 2010 (has links)
This thesis is mainly directed towards readers with a basic background in Environmental or Quality Management Systems. More increasingly organisations and companies decide to work with Environmental Management Systems (EMS) and the ISO standard has ever been increasing in popularity. The advantages of the ISO standard are the flexibility it offers, the adaptability to a variety of organisations and processes. Most literature on EMS focuses on communication but very few address the issues regarding implementation and translation of the EMS into something functional for the core activities of an organisation. In this qualitative study the author focuses on studying the differences between organisational levels regarding working with and implementing EMS at their various levels. The theoretical frame for the study is that of new-institutionalism. Within this frame is gathered empirical data from interviews with representatives of eight larger companies or organisations, all with multiple organisational levels. Combined these interviews form a solid foundation for the study if intra- and interorganisational EMS-implementations. The conclusion of this research indicates the participating companies translated and implemented the EMS by standardising already existing routines and methods into complementing the EMS. A side-effect of this study which lies outside the actual aim of this thesis is that companies which have built up their EMS starting at ground-level have a better implementation and communication of such EMS. / Det här arbetet fokuserar på läsare med en bakgrund inom miljö- och kvalitetsledningssystem.Allt fler företag bestämmer sig att arbeta med miljöledningssystem (MLS) och detta har lett till att ISO standarden ökat i popularitet, främst på grund av standardens flexibilitet vilket ses i hur enkelt standarden är att anpassa till olika företag och processer. Majoriteten av MLS-litteratur har en fokus på kommunikation men väldigt få handböcker och författare tar upp frågor i samband med den praktiska implementering och översättning av MLS när det gäller anpassa MLS till något fungerande för organisationens kärnverksamhet. Den här kvalitativa studien fokuserar på att analysera de skillnader som finns mellan organisatoriska nivåer när det gäller deras arbete med och implementering av MLS. Studien utfördes inom den teoretiska ram av Nyinstitutionalismen och inom dessa gränser samlades empirin från åtta större företag med olika organisatoriska nivåer. Kombinationen av dessa intervjuer skapar basen för analysen av inter- och intraorganisatoriska MLS-implementeringar. Slutsatsen av den här studien visar att de organisationer som deltog översatte och implementerade deras MLS genom att anpassa pre-existerande rutinerna till att möta standardens krav. En sidoeffekt av den här studien som fanns utanför studiens ursprungliga ram är att organisationer som byggde sitt MLS från grundnivå och uppåt visade sig ha en bättre kommunikation och implementering av deras MLS.

A Multi-agent Adaptive Learning System For Distance Education

Serce, Fatma Cemile 01 January 2008 (has links) (PDF)
The adaptiveness provides uniquely identifying and monitoring the learner&rsquo / s learning activities according to his/her respective profile. The adaptive intelligent learning management systems (AILMS) help a wide range of students to achieve their learning goals effectively by delivering knowledge in an adaptive or individualized style through online learning settings. This study presents a multi-agent system, called MODA, developed to provide adaptiveness in learning management systems (LMS). A conceptual framework for adaptive learning systems is proposed for this purpose. The framework is based on the idea that adaptiveness is the best matching between the learner profile and the course content profile. The learning styles of learners and the content type of learning material are used to match the learner to the most suitable content. The thesis covers the pedagogical framework applied in MODA, the technical and multi-agent architectures of MODA, the TCP-IP based protocol providing communication between MODA and LMS, and a sample application of the system to an open source learning management system, OLAT. The study also discusses the possibilities of future interests.

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