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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Модел за обезбеђивање за довољења захтева корисника ускладу са ISO 9000 серијом стандарда и потребама привреде Републике Србије / Model za obezbeđivanje za dovoljenja zahteva korisnika uskladu sa ISO 9000 serijom standarda i potrebama privrede Republike Srbije / A Model for Assuring Satisfaction of Customer’s RequirementsAccording to ISO 9000 Series of Standards and the Needs ofSerbian Republic Economy

Ćoćkalo Dragan 11 July 2008 (has links)
<p><span style="font-family: arial">Предмет истраживања и рада на овој докторској дисертацији обухвата<br />досада доступна реализова а истра ж ива ња и поста вке у обла сти<br />ма р ке тин гистр а ж ива ња , одн оса са кор исн ицима и ства р а ња лоја лн ости<br />кор исн ика , моде лир а ња кон це пта за довољ е ња за хте ва кор исн ика , ка о и<br />а н а лизу кљ учн их е ле ме н а та за кр е ир а ње систе мског моде ла<br />за довољ е ња за хте ва кор исн ика ускла ђе н ог са са вр е ме н ом кон це пцијом<br />ква лите та , одн осн о за хте вима ста н да р да ISO 9000:2000. Ра д обухва та и<br />за хте ве , поте бе , ста вове и мишљ е ња пр е дузе ћа ка о кр а јње гкор исн ика ,<br />са је дн е стр а н е , ка о и гр упе е кспе р а та , са др уге , што би тр е ба ло да<br />употпун и кон це пцијски де фин иса н а плика тивн и моде л.<br />Ц иљ је да се кр е ир а и пр ика ж е а де ква та н и свр сисхода н моде л систе ма<br />за обе збе ђива ње за довољ е ња потр е ба кор исн ика пр е дузе ћа . О ва ј<br />моде л подр а зуме ва пр оце сн и пр иступ, пр ихва тљ иво ма р ке тин г<br />истр а ж ива ње н а поче тку, ка о и одгова р а јућу е ва луа цију н а кр а ју. М оде л<br />је пр ила гође н условима у којима дома ћа пр е дузе ћа (пр оизводн а и<br />услуж н а ) фун кцион ишу, одн осн о омогућује ла кш е сн а ла ж е ње и<br />упр а вљ а ње овим пр оце сима у циљ у постиза ња пословн е извр сн ости и<br />оства р ива ња кон це пта ма р ке тин га одн оса .</span><br />&nbsp;</p> / <p><span style="font-family: arial">Predmet istraživanja i rada na ovoj doktorskoj disertaciji obuhvata<br />dosada dostupna realizova a istra ž iva nja i posta vke u obla sti<br />ma r ke tin gistr a ž iva nja , odn osa sa kor isn icima i stva r a nja loja ln osti<br />kor isn ika , mode lir a nja kon ce pta za dovolj e nja za hte va kor isn ika , ka o i<br />a n a lizu klj učn ih e le me n a ta za kr e ir a nje siste mskog mode la<br />za dovolj e nja za hte va kor isn ika uskla đe n og sa sa vr e me n om kon ce pcijom<br />kva lite ta , odn osn o za hte vima sta n da r da ISO 9000:2000. Ra d obuhva ta i<br />za hte ve , pote be , sta vove i mišlj e nja pr e duze ća ka o kr a jnje gkor isn ika ,<br />sa je dn e str a n e , ka o i gr upe e kspe r a ta , sa dr uge , što bi tr e ba lo da<br />upotpun i kon ce pcijski de fin isa n a plika tivn i mode l.<br />C ilj je da se kr e ir a i pr ika ž e a de kva ta n i svr sishoda n mode l siste ma<br />za obe zbe điva nje za dovolj e nja potr e ba kor isn ika pr e duze ća . O va j<br />mode l podr a zume va pr oce sn i pr istup, pr ihva tlj ivo ma r ke tin g<br />istr a ž iva nje n a poče tku, ka o i odgova r a juću e va lua ciju n a kr a ju. M ode l<br />je pr ila gođe n uslovima u kojima doma ća pr e duze ća (pr oizvodn a i<br />usluž n a ) fun kcion išu, odn osn o omogućuje la kš e sn a la ž e nje i<br />upr a vlj a nje ovim pr oce sima u cilj u postiza nja poslovn e izvr sn osti i<br />ostva r iva nja kon ce pta ma r ke tin ga odn osa .</span><br />&nbsp;</p> / <p>The subjesct of research and work in this dissertacion includes available<br />researtch and assumptions, realized so far, in the field of: marketing<br />research, customers relations and building customers&rsquo; loyalty, as well as<br />modeling the concept of satisfying customers&rsquo;requirements; the analyses of<br />key elements for creating a systemic model for satisfying customers&rsquo;<br />requirements harmonized with modern quality concept and requirements of<br />ISO 900:2000 series of standards; requirements, needs, attitudes and ideas<br />of companies as final customers, at one side and a group of experts, at the<br />other side, that should fulfill conceptually defined applicative model.<br />The aim is to create and present the adequate and appropriate model of a<br />system for satisfying requirements, of companies customers. This model<br />implies a process approach, acceptable marketing research in the begining,<br />as well as the appropriate evaluation in the end. The model is harmonized<br />with conditions in which domestic companies (manufacturing and services)<br />work, i.e. it enables easier conduct and management of these processes in<br />order to achieve business excellence and realize the concept of marketing<br />relations.</p>

Safety Management Systems (SMS) for aircraft manufacturers and maintainers?

Gibbons, Blake January 2014 (has links)
There is much dialogue in the global aviation industry about Safety Management Systems (SMS) and how it should be integrated across all domains of the industry including aircraft design, production, flight operations, overhaul and maintenance, suppliers, service providers, airports, and so forth (Johnson, 2012). Regulators have made significant progress in recent years to implement ICAO’s SMS into airlines, albeit as a required or recommended practice. More recently the regulators are seeking to implement SMS into the aircraft manufacturing and aircraft maintenance domains. This research reviewed regulatory publications from multiple countries to assess the technical makeup of SMS, and understand what regulators are requiring, or recommending, and when. It was found that global regulators accept the ICAO published definition of SMS, but different regulators have varying approaches regarding implementation. However, they are consistent in initially targeting airlines for SMS implementation. SMS comments range from “The best thing since sliced bread” to “Worst thing since the creation of the FAA; I don’t need anyone telling me what’s safe when I already know it; waste of time and money”. This investigation experimented with field tests to connect the engineering, production and airline domains into one ICAO SMS model. Results indicate that because the different domains are risk-specific, the application of one safety risk management model to all domains is not viable. The SMS model applies to airlines because airlines’ primary risk is about operational safety. Aircraft production and maintenance is about production risk – therefore the risk model must be centric to process risk. Field test 3 tailored the ICAO SMS risk architecture to assess and mitigate process risk as applicable to the aircraft manufacturing and maintenance. Although the SMS architecture was usable, the content and focus was significantly adjusted to be production process-risk centric, to the point where the term “SMS’ was deemed out of place. The resulting model was therefore named Production Risk Management System (PRMS). Following the emergence of PRMS from field tests, this investigation reviewed industry, research and regulatory arguments for and against SMS in the airline industry, and correlated those arguments with the benefits and non-benefits of PRMS for the manufacturing and aircraft maintenance domains. The researcher advocates PRMS as a viable model that meets ICAO SMS-like architecture for aircraft production and maintenance. Methods were identified for developing and implementing PRMS, and for evaluating its ROI. If and when “SMS” is truly mandated in these domains, the researcher proposes PRMS as a viable model that should be considered. Furthermore, the researcher proposes that PRMS can be an effective production risk management system that can enhance the organization’s existing QMS, regardless of “SMS” regulations.

Proposta de padrão para sistema de gestão da inovação: a experiência EMBRAPII para a melhoria de um Sistema Nacional de Inovação / Proposal for standard to innovation management system: the improvement of a National Innovation System, the EMBRAPII experience

Ronsom, Silvia 10 August 2015 (has links)
A teoria sobre Sistemas Nacionais de Inovação (SNI) evoluiu significativamente e tem auxiliado no diagnóstico de inovação em diferentes países. Ela tem sido criticada, porém, pela ausência de conceitos, instrumentos e ações práticas que permitam atuar no aprimoramento contínuo desses sistemas. No Brasil, por exemplo, análises do SNI indicam entraves como dispersão de recursos, fraquezas no sistema educacional e baixo investimento em P&D, mas não indicam caminhos concretos para se estimular mudanças nos atores do sistema. Este trabalho descreve uma experiência de indução da melhoria no SNI brasileiro, combinando a teoria de SNI com conceitos clássicos de Sistemas de Gestão Normalizados. Propõe-se um modelo de gestão que serve de orientação para Instituições de Pesquisa Científica e Tecnológica, pertencentes a um SNI, e que atuam como parte importante do processo de transferência dos produtos para os consumidores da tecnologia. A hipótese é que o padrão possa induzir a melhoria nessas instituições e gerar melhorias no sistema como um todo. A proposição do modelo foi realizada a partir de uma pesquisa-ação e um método etnográfico, utilizado para captar a percepção de especialistas da área. A partir dessa experiência, discutem-se entraves e especificidades para um Sistema de Gestão Normalizado voltado para a melhoria de Sistemas Nacionais de Inovação. Os resultados indicam a viabilidade da proposta, demonstrando que um padrão de sistema de gestão para inovação tem potencial para: a) sensibilizar e orientar atores do SNI para objetivos comuns em prol da cooperação no desenvolvimento de tecnologias; b) indicar mecanismos e ações que podem ser tomadas por estes atores; c) estimular o desenvolvimento de capacidades e habilidades que facilitem a cooperação entre empresas nas instituições que compõem o SNI. / The theory of National Innovation Systems (NIS) has evolved significantly and has aided the diagnosis for innovation in different countries. The NIS theory has, however, been criticized by lack of concepts, tools and practices that allow actions in ongoing improvement of these systems. In Brazil, for example, analysis indicate barriers related to dispersion of resources, weaknesses in the educational system and low investment in R&D, but dont indicate concrete ways to stimulate changes on the players of the system. This paper presents an experience for the improvement in the Brazilian NIS, combining NIS theory with classical concepts of Standardized Management Systems. It is proposed a management framework that provides a guidance for institutions of Scientific and Technological Research belonging to a NIS, playing an important role on the technology transfer process. The hypothesis is that the standard induces improvements to the R&D institutions and therefore to the whole system. The proposed framework has been developed from an action research and ethnographic methods in order to capture the perceptions of specialists. From this experience, it is discussed the main barriers and specificities of the development of a Standardized Management System oriented to the improvement of National Innovation Systems. The results indicate the feasibility of the proposal, showing that a management system standard for innovation can: a) sensitize and guide NIS actors to promote common goals to cooperate in developing technologies; b) indicate mechanisms and actions that can be applied by these actors; c) encourage the development of skills and abilities that facilitate cooperation between companies in the institutions comprising the NIS.

Extension de l’ingénierie des exigences à l’information spatio-temporelle : apports dans le contexte des systèmes d’information de gestion / Extension of requirements engineering in the space-time information : contributions in the context of management information systems

Touzani, Mounir 16 December 2016 (has links)
Dans un monde où les personnes et les objets sont de plus en plus connectés et localisés, l’information géographique (IG) est très présente dans notre quotidien et sa prise en compte dans les systèmes d'information (SI) de gestion devient incontournable. Les particuliers et les entreprises la mobilisent de manière croissante pour se repérer dans l’espace, accéder à diverses données statistiques géo-référencées, planifier des déplacements, etc.Les développements actuels sur les systèmes mobiles par exemple, impliquent de facto une dimension spatio-temporelle (ST), souvent réservée aux SI géographiques (SIG). Par conséquent, de nombreux systèmes logiciels sont amenés à entretenir une relation très étroite et précise avec le monde réel afin d'ouvrir de nouveaux champs d'applications comme les villes intelligentes, les usines du futur ou une nouvelle génération de systèmes de logistique.L'ampleur de cette évolution est majeure puisqu'en termes de données, au moins 80% sont concernées (http://www.esrifrance.fr/sig1.aspx). Cependant, un analyste est souvent confronté à des difficultés pour capturer des exigences d'une manière générale, rendant nécessaire une approche organisée et plus systématique. C'est dans ce contexte que nous orientons notre étude vers le domaine de l'ingénierie des exigences (IE) pour mieux construire un raisonnement qui prend en compte la dimension ST. C'est une étape clé dans le développement de telles exigences dans un projet d'évolution de SI de gestion.Le cadre proposé intègre des contributions dans les domaines de l'IE et de la géomatique. En ce sens, nous avons retenu particulièrement la méthode KAOS qui propose une approche d'IE orientée buts et outillée avec un logiciel nommé "Objectiver". Dans un premier temps, nous proposons une extension de la méthodologie KAOS à la dimension spatio-temporelle. KAOS répond déjà aux questions du "POURQUOI", du "COMMENT", du "QUOI" et du "QUI". Nous abordons dans notre recherche plus précisément, les questions du "QUAND "et du "OÙ". Nous utilisons pour ceci deux axes de recherche : d'une part nous explorons la dualité dimensions spatiales/temporelles, afin de transposer à la dimension spatiale des techniques d'IE déjà définies. D'autre part, nous prenons en considération des notations largement utilisées dans les SIG, et ce, afin de les intégrer dans les primitives d'IE et faciliter ainsi la capture d'exigences spatio-temporelles. Nous avons réalisé un prototype à l'aide de l'outil "Objectiver". Cependant, les résultats présentés restent applicables à d'autres méthodes et outils.Afin de pousser le plus possible l'évolution d'un système existant, nous proposons dans un deuxième temps, d'examiner plus spécifiquement des stratégies ouvertes d'intégration, exploitant ainsi des briques ouvertes en matière de données et/ou de services pour répondre à des besoins géomatiques identifiés. Nous pensons aux utilisateurs de ces SI qui doivent pouvoir intégrer des aspects spatiaux et temporels au sein de leurs règles de gestion ou règles métier.Se pose alors la question "comment identifier les aspects ST des règles métier par un processus d'IE ?" qui nous amène à réfléchir sur la construction d'un SI de gestion, qui soit capable de séparer la vue métier de la vue système. Nous montrons plus spécifiquement comment les règles métiers peuvent être identifiées sur la base d'aspects spatio-temporels. Nous avons outillé notre contribution et nous l'illustrons à travers une étude de cas réelle de fusion de deux universités. Ensuite, nous montrons à travers cette même étude de cas comment déployer de telles règles dans les composants les plus appropriés en veillant à garantir une architecture ouverte. / In a world where people and objects are increasingly connected and localized, geographic information (GI) is very present in our daily life and its inclusion in the management information systems becomes essential. Individuals and enterprises mobilize increasingly to orient themselves in space, access to various statistical data georeferenced, plan travel...Current developments on mobile systems, for example, involve a space-time dimension, often reserved for geographic information systems (GIS). Therefore, many software systems are required to maintain a very close relationship and precise with the real world to open up new fields of application such as smart cities, factories of the future or a new generation of logistics systems.The magnitude of this change is major since in terms of data, at least 80% are concerned (http://www.esrifrance.fr/sig1.aspx). However, an analyst often faces difficulties in capturing requirements in general, necessitating an organized and systematic approach. It is in this context that we direct our study to the field of requirements engineering (RE) to better build an argument that takes into account the space-time dimension. This is a key step in the development of such requirements in a management information system development project.The proposed framework includes contributions in the fields of RE and geomatics. In this sense, we have particularly caught the KAOS method that offers a goal oriented requirements engineering approach and equipped with a software named "Objectiver".First, we propose an extension of the KAOS methodology in the space-time dimension. KAOS already answered the questions of "WHY", the "HOW", the "WHAT" and the "WHO". We approach our research specifically, the issues of "WHEN" and "WHERE". We use this for two lines of research : one explores the duality between space and time dimensions in order to transpose the spatial dimension of requirements engineering techniques already defined. On the other hand, we consider notations widely used in GIS, and to integrate them in primitive requirements engineering and thus facilitate the capture of space-time requirements. We made a prototype using the tool "Objectiver". However, the results presented are applicable to other methods and tools.To push as much as possible the performance of an existing system, we propose as a second step, to examine more specifically the open integration strategies and operating bricks started in data and/or services to meet geomatics to identified needs. We believe the users of these information systems must be able to integrate space-time aspects in their management rules or business rules.This raises the question "how to identify the space-time aspects of business rules by a RE process ?" Which brings us to reflect on the construction of a management information system that is capable of separating the business view and the system view. We show specifically how business rules can be identified on the basis of space-time aspects. We have equipped our contribution and illustrate through a real case study of merger of two universities. Next, we show through this same case study how to deploy such rules in the most appropriate components ensuring secure an open architecture.

Avaliação econômica de concessões rodoviárias no Estado de São Paulo utilizando os custos operacionais decorrentes da condição do pavimento / Economic evaluation of road concessions in the State of São Paulo using operating costs due to pavement condition

Assis, Rosuel Krum Mathias de 22 June 2017 (has links)
O número de concessões rodoviárias tem aumentado em todo o mundo. Somente no Brasil, desde 1995, três etapas de concessão já foram realizadas pelo governo federal. No estado de São Paulo, as concessões estão em sua segunda etapa. Uma das principais justificativas para as concessões rodoviárias é a melhoria da condição dos pavimentos. Sendo assim, este trabalho buscou avaliar os benefícios oriundos da melhor conservação dos pavimentos, em termos da irregularidade longitudinal, diretamente relacionada com os custos de operação dos veículos (custos dos usuários: consumo de combustível, desgaste de pneus, tempo de viagem etc.), comparando com os custos por pagamento de pedágio. Para tanto, foram selecionados, através da análise de cluster, três trechos distintos, de tal forma que se tivesse, pelo menos, um segmento do modelo da ANTT da primeira etapa, um segmento do modelo da ANTT da segunda etapa e um segmento do modelo da ARTESP. Os custos de operação dos veículos foram determinados com uso do software HDM-4 e a análise econômica considerou o Valor Presente Líquido (VPL), a Taxa Interna de Retorno (TIR) e a Relação Benefício/Custo (B/C). As alternativas consideradas na análise simularam as exigências contratuais presentes no programa CREMA e no Programa de Exploração da Rodovia (PER) da ANTT. A condição \"base\" para as análises simulou um cenário limite para intervenção no pavimento, onde a mesma só ocorria com irregularidades muito elevadas. Após a realização das simulações, concluiu-se que o método do VPL era o mais adequado para as análises, pois todos os trechos apresentaram custos aos usuários maiores do que os benefícios observados. Ao se realizar análise complementar, com limites de irregularidade ainda maiores para a condição \"base\", somente o modelo da ANTT da segunda etapa justificou economicamente a concessão, do ponto de vista dos usuários. Conclui-se, portanto, que existem evidências de que as concessões rodoviárias no Brasil não têm melhorado a condição dos pavimentos a ponto de ser justificada economicamente, decorrendo a sugestão para que as próximas concessões acarretem custos de pedágio menores ou apresentem um maior número de obras com impacto significativo na redução do tempo de viagem e no aumento da segurança dos usuários. / The number of road concessions has increased worldwide. Only in Brazil, since 1995, three concession stages have already been carried out by the federal government. In the state of São Paulo, the concessions are in its second stage. One of the main justifications for road concessions is the improvement of pavement condition. Therefore, this study sought to evaluate the benefits of better pavement conservation in terms of longitudinal roughness, directly related to vehicle operating costs (user costs: fuel consumption, tire wear, travel time, etc.), comparing it to toll payment costs. In order to do so, three distinct sections were selected through the cluster analysis, so that there was at least one segment of the ANTT model of the first stage, a segment of the ANTT model of the second stage and a segment of the model of ARTESP. Vehicle operating costs were determined using the HDM-4 software and the economic analysis considered the Net Present Value (NPV), the Internal Rate of Return (IRR) and the Benefit/Cost Ratio (B/C). The alternatives considered in the analysis simulated the contractual requirements present in the CREMA program and in the ANTT Highway Exploration Program (HEP). The \"base\" condition for the analyzes simulated a limit scenario for intervention in the pavement, where it only occurred with very high roughness. After the simulations, it was concluded that the NPV method was the most appropriate for the analyzes, since all the stretches presented costs to users greater than the observed benefits. When performing complementary analysis, with even greater limits of roughness for the \"base\" condition, only the ANTT model of the second stage economically justified the concession, from the users point of view. It is concluded, therefore, that there is evidence that the road concessions in Brazil have not improved the condition of the pavements to the point of being economically justified, suggesting that the next concessions bring lower toll costs or present a greater number of works with significant impact on reducing travel time and increasing user safety.

A framework for e-records in support of e-government implementation in the Tanzania public service

Kamatula, Gwakisa 10 1900 (has links)
Effective e-records management is considered an integral part for successful implementation of e-government. While many previous studies have been carried out on e-government implementation, few investigated e-records management in supporting successful implementation of e-government in Tanzania with a view to developing the best framework. The specific objectives of the study were to: determine e-records readiness in the Tanzania Public Service; assess e-government implementation status in the Tanzania Public Service; establish the effectiveness of existing e-records legal, policy and regulatory framework in support of e-government; determine the e-records knowledge and skills of staff in the Public Service; find out the extent to which the National Archives (RAMD) is involved in the management of e-records and e-government implementation in the Public Service; and to develop a framework for the management of e-records and e-government implementation. The study based on interpretive research paradigm and adopted qualitative research method. A sample size of 50 respondents was drawn from four public offices namely: the Ministry of Public Service (PO-PSM), Tanzania Communications Regulatory Authority (TCRA), E-Government Agency (e-GA) and the Records and Archives Management Department (RAMD). Data was collected through interviews and personal observation and was analysed using thematic analysis. Findings revealed that although there is evidence of availability and use of e-records across government institutions in Tanzania, the e-records readiness and efficiency levels in support of e-government were low; the management of e-records is not yet streamlined to the majority registries; and e-Government implementation maturity level is low. Findings revealed that although there is evidence of availability and use of e-records across government institutions in Tanzania, the e-records readiness and efficiency levels in support of e-government were low; the management of e-records is not yet streamlined to the majority registries; and e-Government implementation maturity level is low. Further findings indicated that the existing legislations, policies and regulations are inadequate and ineffective particularly on matters relating to e-records management and e-government implementation; records personnel, action officers and IT staff were not conversant with procedures and practices of e-records management; and that, there is poor involvement of RAMD in ERM a situation that slows down implementation e-government. The study concluded that, the current practices for managing electronic records in support of e-government implementation in Tanzania were inadequate. Even the existing national e-government strategy does not incorporate the management of electronic records as an important aspect towards successful implementation of e-government in the country. The study has recommended a framework for effective management of e-records in support of e-government implementation; e-records management training for records personnel, IT staff and secretaries; development of RAMD website; identification of ERM software specifications; customization of ISO standards to suit Tanzanian environment; amendment of the existing Archival legislation; and benchmarking from successful governments. / Information Science / D. Litt. et Phil.(Information Science)


Ferreira, Ademir de Oliveira 13 July 2009 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2017-07-25T19:29:43Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Ademir Oliveira Ferreira.pdf: 1294842 bytes, checksum: 8d7036f6aefa0cf3c549b0c63029e109 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2009-07-13 / Decrease in soil organic carbon (SOC) content of the surface layer into deeper layers indicates the occurrence of the stratification in the profile due to continuous C addition of crop residues enriching the soil surface layer. The objective of this study was: in Chapter 3 the relationship of stratification (RE) of C of the soil organic matter (SOM) pools can be an indicator of C sequestration in no-tillage soils? In the chapter 4 the tensile strength of aggregates is affected by the C content of Pedosequence of Latosol with medium and clay texture? in Chapter 5 which is the C balance and the amount of crop residue needed to maintain a stable C balance in a Latosol with a medium and clay texture? The experimental design was a completely randomized 2x2x2 factorial with 12 treatments. Treatments consisted of: a) an Oxisol (Red Latosol) with medium and clayey texture, b) two soil sampling periods (T1 and T2) with one year interval between them, and c) two soil sampling depths (0-5 and 5-20 cm). The soil attributes assessed were: the separation of water stable aggregates classes (19-8, 8-4, 4-2, 2-1, 1-0,5 and 05-0,25 mm), particulate organic carbon (POC), total particulate nitrogen (TPN) in the aggregate classes. Also was determined total organic carbon (TOC) and total nitrogen (NT) in the whole sample and in the aggregates sizes classes and tensile strength of aggregates. The relationship of stratification was calculated by dividing the TOC and TN values of 0-5 cm layer by the values of the same attributes of 5-20 cm layer. The C sequestration rate and the stratification ratio changes were calculated by the difference between the T2 values minus T1. The tensile strength was measured in soil aggregates and assessed in 1920 aggregates for each sampling time. Also TOC and NT content were measured in aggregates. The aggregates greater than 8 mm represented more than 70 of the total mass in both the clay and in sandy soil. The relationship of stratification ratio (0-5:5-20 cm) of SOC, TN, POC and TPN soil indicated the improvement of the surface layer. A significant linear relationship between the SR and C sequestration rate in both textural classes showed an increase in C sequestration and was more evident in LV with medium texture. The increase in TOC content resulted in decreased tensile strength (TS) of the aggregates and was more evident in the 0-5 cm layer. The TS showed inverse relationship with the soil density and was higher in the LV medium texture. The rate of sequestration of C was 0.86 for the LV with medium texture and 0.76 Mg ha-1 for the clay texture and to maintain the stable balance of C is required an input of 8.6 Mg ha-1 of crop residues. The results presented confirm the hypothesis of SR to be a sensitive indicator for the rate of carbon sequestration in no-tillage soil. Key-words: Carbon stock, Carbon balance, Carbon sequestration, Soil management systems, particulate organic carbon, particulate nitrogen. / A redução no conteúdo de carbono (C) da camada superficial em direção as camadas mais profundas do solo indica a formação da estratificação no perfil devido à adição contínua de C pelos resíduos orgânicos resultando no enriquecendo a camada superficial do solo. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar os seguintes assuntos: a) a relação de estratificação (RE) de C dos compartimentos da matéria orgânica do solo (MOS) pode ser um indicador do seqüestro de C no sistema plantio direto. b) a resistência tênsil dos gregados pode ser afetada pelo conteúdo de C em Pedossequencia de Latossolo com textura média e argilosa. c) o balanço de C e a quantidade de resíduos culturais necessária para manter o equilíbrio estável de C em um Latossolo com textura média e argilosa. O delineamento experimental foi um fatorial 2x2x2 inteiramente casualizado com 12 tratamentos. Os tratamentos constituíram-se de: a) um Latossolo Vermelho com textura média e argilosa, duas épocas de amostragem do solo (E1 e E2) com um ano de intervalo entre si e duas profundidades de amostragem (0-5 e 5-20 cm). Os atributos avaliados foram: a separação das classes de agregados do tamisamento úmido (19-8, 8-4, 4-2, 2-1, 1-0,5 e 05-0,25 mm), o carbono orgânico particulado (COP), o nitrogênio total particulado (NTP) nas classes de agregado, o C orgânico total (COT) e o nitrogênio total (NT) na amostra integral e nas classes de agregados e a resistência tênsil dos agregados. A relação de estratificação (RE) foi calculada dividindo-se o valor de COT e NT da camada de 0-5 cm pelo valor na camada 5-20 cm. A taxa de seqüestro de C e a variação da relação de estratificação foram calculadas através da diferença (D) entre os valores da E2 menos o da E1. A resistência tênsil (RT) do solo foi avaliada em 1920 agregados de cada época de coleta, determinando-se, também o conteúdo de COT e NT. A classe de agregado > 8 mm representou mais de 70% da massa dos agregados tanto na textura argilosa como na arenosa. Da mesma forma, o conteúdo de COT e NT foram maiores na classe de agregado > do que 4 mm comparado as demais classes nas duas classes texturais. A relação de estratificação 5:5-20 cm) de COT, NT, COP e NTP do solo indicou a melhoria da qualidade do solo da camada superficial. A relação linear e significativa entre o DRE com a taxa de seqüestro de carbono nas duas classes texturais mostrou o aumento no seqüestro de C e foi mais evidente no LV com textura média. O incremento do conteúdo de COT resultou na diminuição da resistência tênsil (RT) dos agregados e foi mais evidente na camada de 0-5 cm. A RT apresentou relação inversa com a densidade do solo e foi superior no LV textura média. A taxa de seqüestro de C foi de 0,86 para o LV textura média e 0,76 Mg ha-1 para o textura argilosa e para manter o equilíbrio estável de C é necessário o aporte de 8,6 Mg ha-1 de resíduos culturais. Os resultados apresentados confirmaram a hipótese da RE ser um indicador sensível para a taxa de seqüestro de carbono no solo em um sistema sob plantio direto consolidado.

Análise da percepção comportamental das equipes de manutenção de integridade estrutural como ferramenta para evitar acidente no trabalho: um estudo de caso

Souza, Samuel Cristiano de 28 March 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Joana Azevedo (joanad@id.uff.br) on 2017-07-04T17:56:58Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissert Samuel Cristiano de Souza.pdf: 1534676 bytes, checksum: 97cb01173f913f6beea644f027e747c9 (MD5) / Rejected by Biblioteca da Escola de Engenharia (bee@ndc.uff.br), reason: Verificar na ficha catalográfica: Souza, Samuel Cristiano. (NOME ESTÁ FALTANDO O "DE") Análise da percepção comportamental das equipes de manutenção de integridade estrutural como ferramenta para evitar acidente de trabalho: um estudo de caso (NA OUTRAS PARTES DO TRABALHO ESTÁ: "...EVITAR ACIDENTE NO TRABALHO..." /Samuel Cristiano Souza. – 2016 (FALTA O LOCAL - NITERÓI, RJ) Atenciosamente, Catarina Ribeiro Bibliotecária BEE - Ramal 5992/5993/5994 on 2017-07-10T13:21:02Z (GMT) / Submitted by Joana Azevedo (joanad@id.uff.br) on 2017-07-26T19:55:01Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissert Samuel Cristiano de Souza.pdf: 1532982 bytes, checksum: eaf0696cc812b23b0091bc14898880e3 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Biblioteca da Escola de Engenharia (bee@ndc.uff.br) on 2017-07-28T14:52:25Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissert Samuel Cristiano de Souza.pdf: 1532982 bytes, checksum: eaf0696cc812b23b0091bc14898880e3 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-07-28T14:52:25Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissert Samuel Cristiano de Souza.pdf: 1532982 bytes, checksum: eaf0696cc812b23b0091bc14898880e3 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-03-28 / Um dos grandes desafios dos tempos modernos consiste em gerar estruturas organizacionais que contribuam para a satisfação, crescimento e desenvolvimento humano enquanto também contribuem para a lucratividade e produtividade de uma organização. Como forma de se manterem competitiva no mercado, as empresas estão se conscientizando naturalmente da necessidade em alcançar e realizar desempenho satisfatório em relação à segurança e à saúde de seus empregados. O presente estudo tem como objetivo analisar a percepção comportamental das equipes de manutenção de integridade estrutural como ferramenta para evitar acidente no trabalho. A Gestão da Manutenção está engajada numa nova evolução, mesmo uma revolução com novas perspectivas e questões no âmbito das empresas, assim como novos desafios a serem enfrentados por cada um de seus responsáveis. Para tal foi realizada uma análise das mudanças de comportamento das equipes e fatores prioritários que motivaram os empregados a focarem nas atividades de modo a evitar acidentes no trabalho, assim a cada dia o acidente está voltado ao erro humano. A metodologia utilizada foi baseada em uma revisão bibliográfica e na pesquisa de campo. A pesquisa desencadeou em um estudo de caso em uma Indústria do Setor de Mineração, localizada na região Sudeste, Minas Gerais. Foi baseada na coleta de dados, através da aplicação de um questionário estruturado, como principal ferramenta. Os resultados apresentam a percepção das equipes referente ao principio da evolução comportamental em segurança no trabalho. Como conclusão verificou-se que a redução de acidentes no trabalho esta voltada a um processo de mudança de comportamento, onde é possível afirmar que a principal mudança foi a adoção do cuidado genuíno, “cuidar de você, cuidar do outro e deixar que cuidem de você”. / One of the great challenges of modern times is to generate organizational structures that contribute to satisfaction, growth and human development while also contributing to the profitability and productivity of an organization. In order to remain competitive in the market, companies are naturally aware of the need to achieve and deliver satisfactory performance in relation to safety and health of its employees. This study aims to analyze the behavioral perception of structural integrity maintenance teams as a tool to prevent accidents at work. The Maintenance Management is engaged in a new development, even a revolution with new perspectives and issues in the companies, as well as new challenges to be faced by each of its officers. For such an analysis was performed of the behavior change of teams and priority factors that motivate employees to focus on activities to avoid accidents at work, and every day the accident is geared to human error. The methodology used was based on a literature review and field research. The research triggered in a case study in an Industry Mining, located in the Southeast, Minas Gerais. It was based on the collection of data through the application of a structured questionnaire as the main tool. The results show the perception of the teams regarding the principle of behavioral evolution in safety. In conclusion it was found that the reduction of accidents at work is geared to a behavior change process, where it can be said that the main change was the adoption of genuine care, "take care of you, take care of each other and leave to take care of you".

Análise da percepção comportamental das equipes de manutenção de integridade estrutural como ferramenta para evitar acidente no trabalho: um estudo de caso

Souza, Samuel Cristiano de 28 March 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Joana Azevedo (joanad@id.uff.br) on 2017-08-24T19:01:17Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissert Samuel Cristiano de Souza.pdf: 1532982 bytes, checksum: eaf0696cc812b23b0091bc14898880e3 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Biblioteca da Escola de Engenharia (bee@ndc.uff.br) on 2017-09-04T16:52:07Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissert Samuel Cristiano de Souza.pdf: 1532982 bytes, checksum: eaf0696cc812b23b0091bc14898880e3 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-09-04T16:52:07Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissert Samuel Cristiano de Souza.pdf: 1532982 bytes, checksum: eaf0696cc812b23b0091bc14898880e3 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-03-28 / Um dos grandes desafios dos tempos modernos consiste em gerar estruturas organizacionais que contribuam para a satisfação, crescimento e desenvolvimento humano enquanto também contribuem para a lucratividade e produtividade de uma organização. Como forma de se manterem competitiva no mercado, as empresas estão se conscientizando naturalmente da necessidade em alcançar e realizar desempenho satisfatório em relação à segurança e à saúde de seus empregados. O presente estudo tem como objetivo analisar a percepção comportamental das equipes de manutenção de integridade estrutural como ferramenta para evitar acidente no trabalho. A Gestão da Manutenção está engajada numa nova evolução, mesmo uma revolução com novas perspectivas e questões no âmbito das empresas, assim como novos desafios a serem enfrentados por cada um de seus responsáveis. Para tal foi realizada uma análise das mudanças de comportamento das equipes e fatores prioritários que motivaram os empregados a focarem nas atividades de modo a evitar acidentes no trabalho, assim a cada dia o acidente está voltado ao erro humano. A metodologia utilizada foi baseada em uma revisão bibliográfica e na pesquisa de campo. A pesquisa desencadeou em um estudo de caso em uma Indústria do Setor de Mineração, localizada na região Sudeste, Minas Gerais. Foi baseada na coleta de dados, através da aplicação de um questionário estruturado, como principal ferramenta. Os resultados apresentam a percepção das equipes referente ao principio da evolução comportamental em segurança no trabalho. Como conclusão verificou-se que a redução de acidentes no trabalho esta voltada a um processo de mudança de comportamento, onde é possível afirmar que a principal mudança foi a adoção do cuidado genuíno, “cuidar de você, cuidar do outro e deixar que cuidem de você”. / One of the great challenges of modern times is to generate organizational structures that contribute to satisfaction, growth and human development while also contributing to the profitability and productivity of an organization. In order to remain competitive in the market, companies are naturally aware of the need to achieve and deliver satisfactory performance in relation to safety and health of its employees. This study aims to analyze the behavioral perception of structural integrity maintenance teams as a tool to prevent accidents at work. The Maintenance Management is engaged in a new development, even a revolution with new perspectives and issues in the companies, as well as new challenges to be faced by each of its officers. For such an analysis was performed of the behavior change of teams and priority factors that motivate employees to focus on activities to avoid accidents at work, and every day the accident is geared to human error. The methodology used was based on a literature review and field research. The research triggered in a case study in an Industry Mining, located in the Southeast, Minas Gerais. It was based on the collection of data through the application of a structured questionnaire as the main tool. The results show the perception of the teams regarding the principle of behavioral evolution in safety. In conclusion it was found that the reduction of accidents at work is geared to a behavior change process, where it can be said that the main change was the adoption of genuine care, "take care of you, take care of each other and leave to take care of you".

InteraÃÃes contingentes em ambientes virtuais de aprendizagem. / Contingent Interaction in Learning Management Systems

Priscila Barros David 30 April 2010 (has links)
nÃo hà / O propÃsito desta pesquisa consiste em desenvolver um sistema de anÃlise para compreender as interaÃÃes em AVA que favorecem a aprendizagem (interaÃÃes contingentes). Os AVA constituem uma classe de softwares para a criaÃÃo, oferta e gerenciamento de cursos baseados na Internet. Integram Tecnologias de InformaÃÃo e ComunicaÃÃo com a finalidade de criar um ambiente que possibilite o processo de interaÃÃo e de produÃÃo de conhecimentos pelos participantes do cenÃrio educacional. O presente estudo investigou o conceito de interaÃÃo contingente no contexto de duas disciplinas de licenciatura, ministradas na modalidade a distÃncia, dentro do Programa Universidade Aberta do Brasil (UAB), as quais encontram-se ligadas a Ãreas de conhecimento distintas (exatas e humanas) com pÃblicos tambÃm distintos. Como parte da metodologia, observou-se a troca de mensagens em fÃrum e em chat pelos participantes da investigaÃÃo, analisando-as à luz de parÃmetros caracterÃsticos de interaÃÃes contingentes. A anÃlise das mensagens foi confrontada com dados obtidos em entrevistas semi-estruturadas, realizadas com alguns alunos e seus respectivos professores-tutores. O desenvolvimento do Sistema de AnÃlise das InteraÃÃes Contingentes integrou diferentes domÃnios teÃricos (a EducaÃÃo, a Psicologia e a Linguistica) que apontam a interaÃÃo como um fenÃmeno essencial em situaÃÃes educacionais. As categorias foram construÃdas com base na literatura que discute o conceito de interaÃÃo, e aplicadas tanto Ãs comunicaÃÃes sÃncronas quanto assÃncronas, estabelecidas entre os interlocutores das disciplinas de exatas e humanas. O sistema de anÃlise resultante encontra-se estruturado em quatro categorias gerais (ConversaÃÃo, TextualizaÃÃo, DiÃlogo e Aprendizagem) e algumas sub-categorias, ligadas aos domÃnios teÃricos que fundamentaram o seu desenvolvimento. Os resultados apontam a coerÃncia interna do sistema e sua validade, ao constatar a presenÃa das caracterÃsticas de interaÃÃes contingentes em todos os contextos analisados, podendo tambÃm ser aplicado em outros universos de investigaÃÃo. O Sistema de AnÃlise das InteraÃÃes Contingentes traz contribuiÃÃes teÃricas e empÃricas ao conceito de interaÃÃo contingente, alÃm de oferecer parÃmetros para a realizaÃÃo de aÃÃes em EducaÃÃo a DistÃncia fundamentadas em uma perspectiva sociointeracionista. A pesquisa permite concluir que a emergÃncia de interaÃÃes com vistas ao aprendizado depende bem mais das pessoas envolvidas e do tipo de relaÃÃo que estabelecem durante o ato educativo que de uma Ãrea especÃfica ou de uma ferramenta de comunicaÃÃo em particular. / The purpose of this research is to develop an analytical system to understand the interactions in a LMS that promote learning (contingent interactions). The LMS are a class of software for the design, suport and management of Internet-based courses. Integrate Information and Communication Technologies in order to create an environment that enables the process of interaction and production of knowledge by participants of the educational scene. This study investigated the concept of contingent interaction in the context of two undergraduate courses, taught at the blended mode within the Open University of Brazil (UAB), which are linked to different areas of knowledge (hard and humanity sciences) and were ministered for different audiences. As part of the methodology, the exchange of messages between the participants of the research through discussion foruns and chats was observed and analyzed according to the typical parameters of contingent interactions. The analysis of the messages was compared with data obtained from semi-structured interviews conducted with some students and their tutors. The development of the Analytical System of Contingent Interaction integrated different theoretical fields (Education, Psychology and Linguistics) that point out the interaction as an essential phenomenon in educational situations. The categories were builded based on the literature that discusses the concept of interaction, and applied to both synchronous and asynchronous communication established between the interlocutors of the hard and humanity courses. The resulting analytical system is structured into four general categories (Conversation, Textualization, Dialogue and Learning) and some sub-categories, linked to the theoretical areas that supported its development. The results show up the internal coherence of the system and its validity, confirming the existence of contingent interaction characteristics in all contexts examined, which also enables the system application to other research universes. The Analytical System of Contingent Interactions presents theoretical and empirical contributions to the concept of contingent interaction, and provide parameters for performing actions in Distance Education based on a social interactionist perspective. The research indicates that the emergence of interactions with learning objectives depends far more on the relations established among people involved in the educational act than on a specific area or communication tool.

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