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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The influence of faith on entrepreneurial emotions

Muhammad, Ali Farhan Hameed, Wang, Jing January 2015 (has links)
Entrepreneurs tend to have emotional fluctuations in entrepreneurial process because of the incredible uncertainties embedded in the process (Judge and Douglas, 2013). The negative emotions such as stress, fear of failure and hopelessness may arouse and exert detrimental effects on entrepreneurs. Besides, there are also positive EEs (entrepreneurial emotions) such as satisfaction, passion, hopefulness and self-assurance. The relation between faith and EEs has been indicated in some research works (e.g. Bellu and Fiume, 2007; Tombaugh et al., 2011). With a further literature review, we found the gap between the two fields- FAW (faith at work) and EEs.  Accordingly, we came up with our research purpose which is to explore the influence of faith on EEs at the individual level.  In order to fulfill the research purpose, a qualitative study based on abduction is conducted. Empirical data is collected from seven entrepreneurs from Sweden in the form of semi-structured interviews. Bycombining the Four E’s model – four integrated dimensions of faith manifestation with seven identified EEs from the literature, the empirical research is conducted.           Our empirical findings confirmed the theories, and additional findings are acquired regarding EEs. The outcome indicates the positive impact of faith on EEs. More specifically, faith orientation in entrepreneurial process does not only promote positive emotions such as satisfaction, passion and altruistic love, but also helps overcome the negative emotions such as stress, fear of failure and doubts or withdraw their negative effects. It comes to the conclusion that faith-oriented entrepreneurs tend to have a stable state of their emotions during entrepreneurial process.

Právo na projevy osobní povahy / The right to manifestation of a personal nature

Čanda, Kamil January 2010 (has links)
Resumé: The right to manifestation of a personal nature The thesis discusses a relatively broad topic - the right to manifestation of a personal nature. The work is divided into four chapters. The first chapter is an introduction to the thesis and introduces the reader to the work, how it is arranged and which areas of the legal system it deals with. The second chapter deals with the right to verbal acts of a personal nature. The issue is quite large, it covers written acts such as diary entry or letter as well as sound recordings such as recording on a CD. The first subchapter examines the subject of that right. The objects of the right are personal papers and sound recordings. The second subchapter is quite broad and incorporates the content of the law. There are included things like permission to use, licenses and other legal reasons exclusive of ineligibility for interference and also conditions of use of personal documents and audio recordings. The third subchapter describes the historical development of the mentioned law. It is a concise subchapter, but for those interested in legal history, it can be very attractive. In the next subchapter - the fourth one, there is described the application of the law in real life. Here, you can learn how the law is applied in judicial practice in different...

La criminalisation de la manifestation, une affaire de police : généalogie de l’infraction d’attroupement illégal

Villeneuve Ménard, Francis January 2016 (has links)
Dans un contexte où les tactiques policières, judiciaires et législatives de contrôle des espaces publics se multiplient, plusieurs n’hésitent pas à parler de criminalisation de la protestation sociale. Au Canada, le spectre du droit criminel se fait notamment sentir par le biais de l’infraction d’avoir participé à un attroupement illégal, qui criminalise le fait d’avoir pris part à un rassemblement qui fait « craindre » des troubles à la paix publique. Cette infraction n’est pas sans soulever certaines interrogations quant à son adéquation aux principes censés être au cœur du droit criminel moderne et du pouvoir de punir de l’État. Envisagée sous l’angle du pouvoir de police, un mode de gouvernance fondé sur le pouvoir du chef de famille de maintenir la paix dans son foyer, cette infraction cesse pourtant d’apparaître comme une anomalie du droit pénal. La généalogie de celle-ci révèle l’influence prégnante de cette logique de police dans le développement de cette infraction en common law anglaise et dans son application par les tribunaux canadiens depuis sa codification en 1892. Le caractère préventif de ce crime, sa définition imprécise ainsi que l’accent qu’il met sur les menaces posées par des groupes plutôt que sur les gestes accomplis par des individus et la faute personnelle qui s’y rattache constituent quelques-uns des traits que cette analyse historique et critique du droit dégage.

La liberté de manifestation en Thaïlande / Freedom of manifestation in Thailand

Sriphongkul, Nattika 24 September 2018 (has links)
La manifestation est un sujet d’actualité et un phénomène en voie de devenir mondial. En ce domaine la Thaïlande fait figure de pays pionnier. En effet les manifestations de rue y sont fréquentes et souvent violentes. La présente étude a d’abord pour objet de s’interroger sur les raisons du recours massif à cette liberté par le peuple et sa perception par le Droit. Dans ce pays la manifestation répond à une tradition constante d’expression des idées et des opinions, grâce à une contestation politique en groupe et sur la voie publique. Elle est consacrée en tant que liberté constitutionnelle dans les vingt Constitutions, que ce soit de manière explicite ou implicite mais sans être pour autant distinguée de la liberté de réunion. Il est dès lors utile d’analyser cette conception de la liberté de manifestation. Cependant il importe également de comprendre pourquoi le nombre de manifestations augmente considérablement en Thaïlande. Selon l’auteur, le principal élément de réponse est à rechercher dans le système institutionnel et politique thaïlandais. Celui-ci permet rarement un débat pluraliste au sein du Parlement. L’instabilité constitutionnelle, les successions de putschs militaires, accentuent la crise de la démocratie représentative. La solution à ce danger doit-elle être trouvée non plus dans le droit mais dans un devoir de manifester ? Sans doute, car la Thaïlande donne l’exemple de l’urgence d’instituer des mécanismes associant davantage le citoyen à la décision publique, conduisant à l’instauration d’une démocratie participative et continue. Lorsque le bon fonctionnement de ces mécanismes est mis à mal, le recours à la liberté de manifestation devient une nécessité / The manifestation is an important issue as it has become a world phenomenon. Concerning this subject, Thailand is considered a pioneer country. The street manifestations occur frequently and often in a violent manner. This study aimed to raise question as to why people exercise this freedom and what are the perceptions of law toward these situations. In this country manifestation responds to a constant tradition of expression of ideas and opinions, as a result of a political group contestation on the street. Principally manifestation is recognized as a constitutional freedom in twenty Constitutions, whether explicitly or implicitly without being distinguished from freedom of assembly. It is therefore necessary to analyze such conception of freedom of manifestation. In addition to the above, it is important to understand the reasons as to why the number of manifestations has been increasing considerably in Thailand. According to the author, the principal element of the reason derives from conducting a research in the institutional and political system. The system hardly allows a pluralistic debate in Parliament. The constitutional instability, the successions of military putsches, have emphasized the crisis of representative democracy. Is it possible that the solution of this danger should no longer be founded in a right but in a duty to manifest? Since Thailand is an example underlining the urgency of introducing the mechanisms which involve citizens in making public decision, these mechanisms lead to the establishment of participatory and continuous democracy. When these mechanisms fail to function accordingly, an exercise of freedom of manifestation becomes a necessity

Unraveling the Female Nakedness : The Examination of Gender Inequality Manifested in Female Sculptures during the Classical Period, and it's Relevance

Persson, Linda January 2022 (has links)
This research examines the manifestation of gender inequality represented in female sculptures during the Classical period and the relevance of such evidence. To achieve the purpose, the female figures and their sculptural developments are compared to their male counterparts, and their differences are examined and interpreted. After that, the essay views how female figures from Greek mythology were represented unequally regarding the “female nakedness” and its manipulation. To conclude, the relevance of the evidence on the manifestation of female inferiority in Classical Greek sculpture is discussed by examining how the Graeco-Roman world is often perceived and how this perception might be improved in the future for the new evidence to become more relevant.  During the Classical period, Greek sculpture embodied the ideals and values of the patriarchal society. This resulted in female figures that were never represented equally and instead were made to embody the societies’ misogynistic view of women and their bodies. While the male statues were nude, athletic, and heroic, the female figures were fully clothed or partially exposed, made erotic and sensual, and with the female nakedness, they were depicted as vulnerable, violated, and always enslaved to their biology.  Not only is the evidence on gender manifestation relevant, but it should be acknowledged on a much larger scale. The misguided perception of the Graeco-Roman world should be corrected, and we should begin a new chapter in art history and create a new generation of non- biased perceptions. Ultimately, the female figures should be acknowledged for what they represent and not ignored.

L'idée de décolonisation dans la pensée et l'action de Pierre Bourgault

Coté, Gaston January 2007 (has links)
Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal.

Alzheimerova choroba / Alzheimer's disabilities

Matoušová, Michaela January 2013 (has links)
This diploma thesis, "Alzheimer's disabilities ", deals with questions around people with Alzheimer's disabilities, which is the most common type of dementia. Alzheimer's disabilities is also very widespread in the population; and it is the 4th or 5th most common cause of death. The thesis is divided into two parts, the first part is theoretical and the second is empirical. In the theoretical part the thesis deals with the general characteristics of this disorder such as: causes, prevention, clinical manifestations, consequences, diagnostics and pharmacological approaches. The main focus of the theoretical part is in the second chapter, which deals with non-pharmacological approaches to people with Alzheimer's disabilities. In the empirical part, case studies on sufferers of Alzheimer's disabilities will be included. The empirical part focuses on substantive changes which occur in the lives of people with Alzheimer's disabilities, and whether these changes can be confirmed as being consequential of the affliction. Key words Dementia, Alzheimer's disabilities, clinical manifestation, non-pharmacological approaches.

Estabelecimento de protocolo para controlar a manifestação de bactérias endofíticas no processo de multiplicação in vitro de eucalipto / Protocol establishment to control the manifestation of endophytic bacteria in the process of Eucalyptus in vitro multiplication

Leone, Gabriela Ferraz 27 August 2013 (has links)
A presença de bactérias no cultivo in vitro de plantas é normalmente relacionada à contaminação, acarretando o descarte de microplantas de alto valor comercial. No entanto, essa presença pode ser caracterizada como \"manifestações\", decorrentes de possíveis estresses físicos ou nutricionais, da microbiota endofítica, que coloniza ativamente os tecidos vegetais, e que não necessariamente, afeta o desenvolvimento da planta. Sendo assim, o objetivo deste trabalho foi controlar a manifestação bacteriana, preservando as microcepas de Eucalyptus cloeziana em desenvolvimento in vitro, adicionando-se ao meio de cultura, os antibióticos gentamicina, ciprofloxacina, rifampicina, timentin (isolados ou combinados entre si) e o biocida clorometil-isotiazolinona + metil-isotiazolinona. O monitoramento do trabalho foi realizado por meio de avaliações semanais, visando verificar possíveis influências dos agentes antimicrobianos na morfofisiologia do vegetal e a eficiência no controle das manifestações bacterianas. Para tanto, foram avaliados parâmetros referentes ao incremento de massa seca, número de brotações, teor de acúmulo de nutrientes, análises histológicas e histoquímicas das microcepas. Para verificar possíveis flutuações das comunidades bacterianas endofíticas nas microcepas, utilizou-se a técnica de DGGE. Todas as análises foram realizadas aos 15 e 30 dias após a adição dos agentes antimicrobianos no meio de cultura, exceto a avaliação nutricional que foi feita apenas no final do experimento (30 dias). Os resultados obtidos permitiram inferir que ao longo dos 30 dias de cultivo, o antibiótico gentamicina, ocasionou queda no desenvolvimento das microcepas e não foi eficiente no controle das manifestações bacterianas. Os antibióticos rifampicina e ciprofloxacina apesar de não serem efetivos no controle da manifestação bacteriana, não afetaram o desenvolvimento das microcepas. Conclui-se que, o biocida clorometil-isotiazolinona + metil-isotiazolinona efetivamente controlou as manifestações bacterianas, sem alterar a morfofisiologia das microcepas, bem como o timentin, que além de controlar as manifestações, proporcionou maior vigor das microcepas em função da melhor assimilação dos nutrientes. / The in vitro bacterial presence in plant cultivation, usually is related to contamination, resulting in the elimination of the microplants with high commercial value. However, this presence can be characterized as \"manifestations\" arising from possible physical or nutritional stresses, from microbial endophytic that actively colonize plant tissues, and do not necessarily affect plant development. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to control the bacterial manifestation, preserving in vitro developing of Eucalyptus cloeziana microstumps, by adding to the culture medium, the antibiotics gentamicin, ciprofloxacin, rifampicin, timentin (alone or combined) and biocide + chloromethyl isothiazolinone methyl-isothiazolinone. The monitoring work was conducted through weekly evaluations, to verify the possible influence of antimicrobial agents in the plant morphophysiology and the efficient control of bacterial manifestations. Therefore, were evaluated parameters related to the increase in dry weight, number of buds, content of nutrient accumulation, histological and histochemical the microstumps. DGGE technique was used to check possible fluctuations of endophytic bacterial communities in microstumps. All analyzes were performed at 15 and 30 days after the addition of antimicrobial agents in the culture medium, except for the nutritional assessment that was made only at the end of the experiment (30 days). The results allow to infer that over the 30 days of culture, the antibiotic gentamicin, resulted in the microstumps development decrease and was not effective in controlling bacterial manifestations. The antibiotics rifampicin and ciprofloxacin although were not effective in controlling the bacterial manifestation, affected the development of microstumps. It was concluded that the biocide chloromethyl-methyl-Isothiazolinone + Isothiazolinone effectively controlled the bacterial manifestations without modifying the morphophysiology of the microstumps, well as the timentin, which besides controlling the manifestations, provided greater vigor of microstumps due to better assimilation of nutrients.

Jongo e Teatro: leituras performáticas da festa / Jongo e Teatro: leituras performáticas da festa

Coracini, Erika Regina Faria 24 March 2008 (has links)
Esta dissertação descreve a Festa do Jongo da Comunidade do Tamandaré em Guaratinguetá, e analisa sua teatralidade, buscando as características presentes nessa manifestação que possam conectar-se ao fazer teatral. Assim, no decorrer do trabalho apresentamos a descrição da festa, seus costumes, sua inserção na comunidade, para enfim discorrer sobre suas características: memória e ritual, poesia, corporalidade, energia, presença e jogo. Através da leitura entre essa manifestação popular e o teatro, questionou-se o fazer teatral e suas possibilidades. / This thesis describes the Jongo festival of the Tamandaré communitys of Guaratinguetá, São Paulo, Brazil. It discusses the festivals and analyses specific features, which are, at the same time, typical characteristica of theatre. The text describes the festival, its traditions and its embediment in the community, to finally reflect about its material manifestation, rituals, poetry, energy, presence and aspects of a game as well as its reflection in the population memory. Through the understanding of the festival, the traditional notion of theater is questioned and possibilities to incorporate features of the festival are being explored.

Cenários de protesto: Mobilização e espacialidade no ciclo de confronto de junho de 2013 / Scenarios of protests: mobilization and space in the confrontation cycle of June 2013

Souza, Rafael de 30 August 2018 (has links)
A presente tese tem o intuito de apresentar o ciclo de confrontos em junho de 2013 sob uma ótica específica: a espacialidade dos protestos. Os objetivos são, portanto, dar conta de uma importante carência na teoria dos movimentos sociais que só lateralmente tem tratado a questão do espaço e sua influência no volume e caracterização dos eventos de protesto. Outro objetivo é mais restrito e limitado. Os confrontos em junho de 2013 tomaram de assalto as ruas das cidades brasileiras e invadiram todos os espaços físicos possíveis no intuito de celebrar a revolta do poder popular contra tudo isso que estava aí. Parte das análises adotou o espaço como fator decisivo na formação de eixos de motivação para os manifestantes. O direito à cidade apareceu como ponto motivador para os atores coletivos presentes no ciclo de junho. A tese não rejeita essa hipótese, mas acredita que ela deva ser qualificada. Isso porque o espaço físico é formado segundo os mais variados padrões urbanos no Brasil. Existem diversos brasis urbanos. E, dentro dessa diversidade, é fundamental olhar para o trivial da cena do protesto. Isto é, todo protesto é realizado em um lugar. Lugar, com traços e características específicas. No espaço físico onde se encontram manifestantes vestidos com os mais diversos matizes verde-amarelos, vermelhos e o punk anarquista também interagem cidadãos comuns, jornalistas, policiais e autoridades políticas. Isto é, se a espacialidade do protesto importa para além da formação das carências urbanas, de que modo esses espaços influenciam os ativistas nas tomadas de decisão? Quais mecanismos favorecem ou impedem a mobilização em determinados espaços físicos dentro das cidades? A hipótese da tese é de que é possível identificar cenários políticos definidos por práticas socioespaciais que conectam os atores políticos. Fez-se uso tanto de material da imprensa da época, dando um tratamento qualitativo, como também de abordagens metodológicas quantitativas, a fim de traçar o processo de difusão do ciclo de confrontos e sua relação com os espaços, a Análise de Eventos de Protesto (AEP) foi mobilizada. Entre os achados está a identificação de dois cenários definidos de protesto. Até 2013, a cidade de São Paulo era marcada pela existência de dois tipos de cenários de mobilização e protesto: cenários de negociação (com a presença de sindicatos, socialistas outros atores na região central) e cenários de confronto e pressão (tanto autonomistas quanto socialistas fazendo uso do vetor sudoeste da cidade). Esses cenários foram fundamentais na criação de laços e alianças e, portanto, fundamentais para a evolução do ciclo de junho de 2013. Ao contrário de determinadas narrativas, os espaços ativados em junho não podem ser caracterizados como novos. Os protestos recuperaram as ocupações em cenários estabelecidos de protesto. / The present thesis aims to present the cycle of confrontations in June 2013 under a specific perspective: the spatiality of the protests. The objectives are therefore to account for an important lack in the theory of social movements that only laterally has dealt with the issue of space and its influence on the volume and characterization of protest events. Another goal is more restricted and limited. The clashes in June 2013 took over Brazilian cities and invaded all possible physical spaces in order to celebrate the revolt of popular power against all that was there. Part of the analysis adopted space as a decisive factor in the formation of motivation axes for demonstrators. The right to the city appeared as a motivating point for the collective actors present in the June cycle. The thesis does not reject this hypothesis but believes that it should be qualified. This is because; the physical space is varied according to the most varied urban patterns in Brazil. There are several urban Brasils. And within this diversity, it is fundamental to look at the trivial of the protest scene. That is, every protest is held in one place. Place, with specific features and characteristics. The physical space in which demonstrators dressed in the most varied shades - yellow-green, red and anarchist punk - are also interacting with ordinary citizens, journalists, adherents, police officers and political authorities. That is, if the spatiality of protest matters in addition to the formation of urban needs, how do these spaces influence activists in their decision-making? What mechanisms favor or prevent mobilization in certain physical spaces within cities? The hypothesis of the thesis is possible to identify political scenarios defined by socio-spatial practices that connect political actors. The thesis made use of both press material of the time, giving a qualitative treatment, as well as using quantitative methodological approaches. In order to trace the process of diffusion of the confrontation cycle and its relation to space, Protest Event Analysis (AEP) was mobilized. Among the findings is the identification of two defined protest scenarios. Until 2013, the city of São Paulo was marked by the existence of two types of mobilization and protest scenarios: negotiation scenarios (with the presence of unions, socialists and other actors in the central region) and scenarios of confrontation and pressure (both autonomist and socialist making use of the southwestern vector of the city). These scenarios were fundamental in the creation of bonds and alliances and therefore fundamental to the evolution of the cycle of June 2013. Unlike certain narratives, the spaces activated in June cannot be characterized as new. The protests recovered occupations in established protest scenarios.

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