Spelling suggestions: "subject:"boarine environments"" "subject:"cumarine environments""
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Understanding of marine environments and sustainability by primary school children in lombok, indonesiaNusantari, Hani January 2008 (has links)
ABSTRACT Seagrass beds, mangrove forests and coral reefs as a part of marine environments play an important role in the coastal regions. These environments support the coastal communities by providing resources such as food and income. For many years, marine environments have been facing destruction the majority of which is caused by human impact. The lack of knowledge of how to use and manage the marine resources wisely and sustainably is one reason why marine environments are still facing degradation. Primary school children who live in two coastal villages in Lombok Island, Indonesia were questioned about their conceptual understanding of their local marine environments and their ideas about sustainability in these environments. Using an interpretive methodology framework, children and their teachers from Grades 5 and 6 in two primary schools in coastal villages, and elders in the villages were studied and. The data gathered from the children through questionnaires and interviews, and from teachers and elders through interviews. Quantitative and qualitative analysis was used to analyse this data. The children's experiences in their marine environment appear to have strong connection with their knowledge. Their knowledge also developed by interaction with the people in the communities. Children value their local marine environment as a place that provides food for them and their parents teach them to respect it. Long traditions such as dumping waste in the beach or sea has an impact on children from fishing families and creates a contradiction between the positive values they have and negative attitudes they act on. The children are not taught environmental education in the schools since it is not a compulsory subject and teachers lack knowledge about the marine environment. Teachers and elders feel the importance of teaching about the marine environment to their children to give them the knowledge and ability to use the marine resources in sustainable way. For children who are a part of coastal communities, learning about their local marine environment should be made a priority to so they have basic knowledge and understanding in using the marine environment in sustainable ways. Marine environmental education should not only educate children in formal school but also educate people in the communities. The coastal communities as a whole should be working together to achieve the aims of education and conservation. Additionally, the school as a whole needs to support the implementation of marine environmental education.
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Attaque sulfatique externe des matériaux cimentaires : Impact de différents facteurs âge, composition du liant, présence de chlorures / External sulfate attack-Impact of diffrents parameters : age, binder, presence of chlorideRagoug, Rim 29 September 2016 (has links)
Les structures en bétons sont souvent exposées dès le jeune âge du matériau à des milieux pouvant être agressifs pour leur durabilité. En effet, dans certains cas, ces structures sont directement au contact d’une eau de mer riche en ions chlorure et sulfate. L’attaque sulfatique affecte surtout la pâte de ciment par des mécanismes physico-chimiques complexes et couplées entrainant la ruine mécanique, souvent liée à l’expansion par la formation de produits expansifs tels que le l’ettringite et le gypse. Les ions chlorure peuvent engendrer une corrosion des armatures Ces deux pathologies sont largement étudiées dans la littérature. Cependant, l’ASE est encore sujette à controverses, ce qui peut expliquer l’absence d’un essai normé européen. La prédiction de la durée de vie des ouvrages dans des conditions couplant le jeune âge, la prise en compte des ions sulfate et chlorure ainsi que le pH du milieu peut être très complexe. Dans ce contexte, nous avons tout d’abord comme finalité avec cette étude de proposer un essai le plus représentatif possible des conditions d’exposition réelles, particulièrement dans le cas de l’ASE. L’attention est portée sur les effets de la cure dans les aspects physico-chimiques de l’ASE, du transfert et l’interaction de la matrice cimentaire avec les ions chlorure en conditions saturées et de de semi-immersion et l’effet d’un environnement couplant ces ions délétères sur les évolutions de la microstructure des pâtes de ciment jeune et mature à base de ciment Portland, de type CEM I et un ciment mélangé au laitier, de type CEM III/A. Le couplage de plusieurs techniques d’analyses expérimentales a permis la prise en compte de l’aspect physique du transport ionique, et l’aspect chimique par quantification de la microstructure avant et après la contamination par les éventuels ions. Cette quantification est réalisée en couplant plusieurs méthodes expérimentales comme les analyses thermiques ATG/ATD et la Résonance Magnétique Nucléaire (RMN de l’27Al et RMN du 29Si). Dans le cas de l’ASE, ces analyses ont montré à la fois l’effet neutre de la cure sur la propagation des ions sulfate dans la matrice et l’effet important sur les mécanismes de fixation chimique entre les ions sulfates apportées par la solution et les hydrates de la pâte de ciment. Ces essais ont aussi mis en évidence l’effet néfaste de l’exposition dès le jeune âge à la solution de sulfate de sodium dans le cas des pâtes de ciment au laitier. A l’inverse la cure saine longue dans l’eau a un effet négatif vis-à-vis de la résistance l’ASE des pâtes de ciment Portland. La compétition ionique dans le cas du couplage est mise en évidence. Cette compétition a un effet mitigé quant au transport et la fixation des ions chlorure. La capacité de fixation des ions est plus grande dans le cas du ciment CEM III/A, en présence ou non d’ions sulfate.Mots Clés: pâte de ciment, attaque sulfatique externe (ASE), jeune âge, chlorure, couplage ionique, RMN 29 Si et RMN 27Al, ATG/ATD, ICP / In industrial practice, concrete structural elements are exposed to various physical and chemical aggressions as soon as their formwork is removed. This early age exposure has an obvious influence on the element future transfer properties. Indeed, in some cases, these structures are directly immersed in sea water, rich in chloride and sulfate ions. Ingress of sulfate ions from the external environment and its consequences on the microstructure are known as External Sulfate Attack (ESA). Sulfate ion in seawater or underground can attack the cement paste leading to expansion and strength loss. This expansion is usually related to ettringite and gypsum precipitation. The chloride ions can cause corrosion of the reinforcements steel bars. This two pathologies are widely studied in the literature. However ESA is still controversial, which may explain the need of a European standardized test. Predicting the durability of concrete under conditions involving an early age exposure, the inclusion of chloride and sulfate ions and the pH of the external mixtures can be very complex. One of the aim of this work is to purpose a test as representative as possible of field conditions, particularly to study the ESA under controlled conditions (the pH and the external solution content). Tests are done in saturated and partially-immersed conditions. We focus on the initiation process of this degradation. The physicochemical aspects of ESA are studied. The impact of an early age exposure is highlighted in the case of ESA and chloride ingress. The microstructure changes are monitored by using several experimental techniques such as NMR (29Si and 27 Si), ICP, TGA, XRD and SEM. These analyses showed a neutral effect of an early age exposure on the sulfate ingress in both cement types (CEM I and CEM III/A). However, a negative effect of slag cement is observed after only 3 months of exposure the sulfate sodium solution at early age. Also, neither cracker when the slag cement paste are exposed after curing. Conversely, Portland cement paste resist very well and long to ASE, for an early age exposer and fail for the cured specimens. Ionic competition in the coupling case is highlighted. This competition has a mixed effect on the transport and attachment of chloride ions. The ion binding capacity is greater in the case of cement CEM III / A, in the presence or absence of sulfate ions.Key words: cement paste, External sulfate attack, ESA, early age, chloride and sulfate ingress, marine environment, RMN 29 Si and RMN 27Al, ATG/ATD, ICP
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Continental and Marine Environmental changes in Europe induced by Global Climate variability and Regional Paleogeography ChangesPopescu, Speranta - Maria 01 December 2008 (has links) (PDF)
My PhD and post-doctorate researches have focused on paleoclimatic, paleogeographical and paleoenvironmental reconstruction of the Mediterranean Basin and its adjacent seas (i.e. the residual former Paratethys) since 11 Ma. During this time-interval the Mediterranean marine and continental environments were affected by significant paleogeographic changes, forced by global climate and sea-level variability, plate tectonics and regional uplift of Alps s.l. and Carpathians. Two main important events characterize this period: the isolation and evolution of Paratethys and the almost complete desiccation of the Mediterranean Sea, an event known as the Messinian Salinity Crisis. I selected this region because it is very rich in long and continuous sediment archives, which document: (1) climate evolution of the Northern Hemisphere during the Late Cenozoic with respect to vegetation changes, and (2) progressive evolution of initially marine environments towards brackish and freshwater ones. The brackish to fresh environments had a profound effect on the marine organisms (especially dinoflagellates) that responded to the stress by developing a large variety of cyst morphologies, often described as new genera and/or species. Methods. The comparative analysis of pollen grains and dinoflagellate cysts from the same samples is rarely performed for such a long time-interval because it needs a deep knowledge in taxonomy and ecology of the both complementary proxies. I reached this parallel expertise, having the benefit of training in (1) botanical identification of pollen grains from the tropical to boreal zones and their ecological significance by Dr. J.-P. Suc, (2) taxonomy and ecology of dinoflagellate cysts by Pr. M. J. Head. To achieve an understanding of the primary factor inducing morphological variations of dinoflagellate cysts, I developed a biological approach (culturing and growing of present-day living dinoflagellates and inducing stress on microcultures experimentations) under supervision of Pr. J. Lewis (Westminster University, London, UK) and Drs. D. Anderson and D. Kulis (WHOI, USA) during my postdoc appointments. The simultaneous work on living and fossil (using biometry and associated statistical analyses) dinoflagellate cysts has allowed me to initiate the development of a transfer function, widely valid and able for the modelling of the physical parameters of sea-surface waters (salinity, temperature, nutrient contents). Such analyses were performed at high- to very high-chronological resolution, as resulting from the following approach: (1) independently established age-model, based on classical biostratigraphy or radiocarbon ages (for recent sediments), completed by magnetostratigraphy for deposits prior to Mid–Quaternary; (2) comprehensive counting of pollen grains (150 per sample, Pinus or any overabundant taxon excepted) and dinoflagellate cysts (200-300 per sample); (3) interpreting the resulting data with respect to ecological requirements. High- to very high-resolution analyses provides results directly comparable with classical oxygen isotope curves. These signals can therefore also be tuned to the frequency of eccentricity, obliquity and precession cycles. Although palynological proxies can be considered as standard, my integrated approach hoists them at the level of the most competitive methods. Another aspect consists in its present-day background, based on many surface samples from the Mediterranean, Marmara and Black seas, taken during several cruises and sampling parties at IFREMER-Brest and WHOI. To develop parallel analyses of pollen grains and dinoflagellate cysts offers additional considerable interests, such as (1) continuous records of climatic changes and sea-level variations independently from sediment types, and (2) quantifications (using transfer functions) of climate for both continental and marine (to brackish) realms as well as of physical oceanic parameters (SST, SSS, nutrient content etc.).<br /><br />Results and research in progress<br />Using pollen grains analysis, I developed investigations on vegetation dynamics and paleoclimate reconstructions for the whole Mediterranean region and Western Europe extended to the Late Cenozoic (Jiménez-Moreno et al., 2007; Fauquette et al., 2006). Thanks to the high-chronologic resolution: <br />a. I established the response of regional vegetation to eccentricity forcing in SW Romania (Dacic Basin) and Black Sea (DSDP Site380) whatever the sediment types (Popescu, 2001, 2006; Popescu et al., 2006a);<br />b. I was the first to demonstrate the precession forcing on regional vegetation (Popescu et al., 2006b) through the Lupoaia pollen record (SW Romania);<br />c. in the frame of two PhD theses that I co-supervise, pollen grain and dinoflagellate cyst records from DSDP Site 380 (7 - 4 Ma) were completed from 4 Ma to Present in order to evidence the impact of glacial-interglacial cycles over the regional vegetation and to reconstruct the climate variability for the last 7 Ma;<br />d. I was the first to demonstrate the solar cycles forcing (Hale and Gleissberg cycles) on the regional vegetation (through the “Thermophilous trees / Artemisia” ratio) since the Last Glacial Maximum were evidenced in cored sediments from the Black and Marmara seas (unpublished data), that is a unique outcome. <br />Using the biometric approach on the dinoflagellate cysts in association with statistical analyses, I demonstrated that fluctuations in salinity are partially responsible for modifying size, shape and ornamentation of the cysts, providing the first reliable paleoecological and paloebiogeographic reconstructions of the brackish Paratethyan basins (Popescu et al., palynology , in press). <br />Simultaneously, I performed experimental cultures on a living-dinoflagellate species (Scrippsiella trifida): suggested relationships between cyst morphological variations and stress under controlled salinity are confirmed by the preliminary results, while reproduction rate seems also modified (unpublished data). <br />The multi-proxy (palynology, sedimentology and geochemistry) study on the Aral Sea, done by the first PhD student that I co-supervised, allowed not only the reconstruction of the regional paleoclimate and paleoenvironments, but also permitted to understand the atmosphere dynamics of the last 2 ka over the high latitudes (Sorrel et al., 2006, 2007). <br />Hence, my palynological and biological expertise offers an exclusive tool for establishing a continuous high resolution chronology, paleoclimatic, paleobiogeographic and paleoenvironmental reconstructions. This is particularly important for the basins impacted by important environmental changes, such as the Mediterranean and Black seas, the sediments of the latter being precisely dated for the first time by this approach.<br /><br />I do no want to close this Introduction Section without addressing my largest acknowledgements to those who supported my researches and expressed their interest in my project, providing personal grants and/or financial assistance for achieving my researches, and especially the PhD and master – graduation students that I appreciated so much to co-supervise.
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Orenat avloppsutsläpp på Svalbard : En studie om ansvarstagande över marina miljöer i ArktisOlsson Qvist, Jennie January 2016 (has links)
Svalbard är en arktisk ögrupp i Norra ishavet som förvaltas av Norge och huvudorten är Longyearbyen. I Longyearbyen och som på alla andra platser pågår förorenande aktiviteter, denna rapport är avgränsad till utsläpp via avloppsvatten till marina miljöer. I Arktis märks klimatförändringarna tydligt, det finns många olika styrmedel som skulle kunna förhindra föroreningen av dessa sårbara områden. Styrmedel som det visat sig under arbetet med den här rapporten inte fungerar som det var tänkt, med åsyftan på avloppshanteringen i Longyearbyen. Det finns inget avloppsreningsverk i byn där det bor ca 2300 fastboende och gästdygnen uppgick år 2015 till 128 000. Utsläppet av det orenade avloppsvattnet ut i Adventfjorden tillåts av det kravställande organet Sysselmannen på Svalbard, som gett kommunen tillstånd med lagstöd i Svalbardmiljöloven, att systematiskt släppa ut det förorenade avloppsvattnet. Målet med denna rapport är att undersöka den nuvarande utsläppssituationen med gällande styrmedel och att förstå varför tillståndet till utsläppet av det orenade avloppsvattnet getts. Resultatet visar att formuleringen av handlingsregler och avsaknad av delmål, indikatorer och återkopplingsmekanismer för genomdrivande av styrmedel, är anledningen till varför styrmedlet inte fungerar som tänkt. Detta viktiga resultat kan leda till en förändring vid genomdrivandet av styrmedlet, så att det kan uppnå sin fulla potential. Med klara och tydliga målsättningar vid utformandet av styrmedel uppnår de sina syften. Kontentan av den här rapporten är att styrmedel som används på rätt sätt kan beskydda de sårbara Arktiska marina miljöerna. / Svalbard is an Arctic Archipelago in the Arctic Ocean that is governed by Norway and the main city is Longyearbyen. In Longyearbyen, much like any other place, there is contaminating activities going on. This report is concentrated on the emissions via sewage water into marine environments. In the Arctic, climate change is very noticeable and there are many different instruments that could prevent the pollution of these vulnerable areas. During the time working on this report these instruments have shown that they are not functioning as supposed, with regards to the sewage management in Longyearbyen. There is no sewerage in the town which inhabits 2300 permanent residents and where there were, in the year of 2015, 128 000 overnight stays of tourists. The pollution of the unfiltered sewage water allowed into Adventfjorden has been permitted by the governing organisation, Sysselmannen on Svalbard. Sysselmannen has given the municipality permission with support from the environmental protection law of Svalbard (Svalbardmiljøloven) to systematically release the polluted water into the marine environments. The goal with this report is to examine the current pollution situation with the existing governance and to understand why it has been permitted to release untreated sewage water into the fjord. The result shows that the reason there is an implementation deficit is because of the formulation of the action rules, no clear milestones and the lack of feedback mechanisms in the enforcement. This important result can lead to changed governance so that it could reach its full potential. By keeping the goals clear when designing the enforcement they can achieve their goals. The conclusion of this report is that an implementation of governance can protect the vulnerable Arctic marine environments. / <p>2016-06-29</p>
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\"Origem e composição da matéria orgânica e a dinâmica da comunidade microbiana em sedimentos superficiais de ecossistemas marinhos da costa sudeste do Brasil\" / ORIGIN AND COMPOSITION OF THE ORGANIC MATTER AND THE MICROBIAL DYNAMICS IN SURFACE SEDIMENTS OF MARINE ECOSYSTEMS FROM THE SE BRAZILIAN COASTYoshinaga, Marcos Yukio 01 March 2007 (has links)
A ciclagem de matéria orgânica (MO) no ambiente marinho é um processo-chave para o ciclo global de carbono. Os sedimentos costeiros são de suma importância para a ciclagem de carbono pois atuam como receptores de grandes quantidades de MO alóctone (i.e. terrestre) e autóctone (i.e. marinho). A miríade dos componentes orgânicos e suas diferentes características dificultam o entendimento das fontes de MO em ambientes costeiros. Este trabalho visou entender a origem e a composição da MO (através de biomarcadores lipídicos) e a dinâmica da comunidade microbiana (método ATP) em sedimentos superficiais de diferentes ecossistemas marinhos da costa sudeste do Brasil: (i) margem continental de Cabo Frio; (ii) sistema lagunar de Saquarema; (iii) áreas costeiras e a plataforma continental de Ubatuba; (iv) e a plataforma adjacente ao estuário de Santos. Os resultados apontaram uma origem predominantemente autóctone para a MO nestes sistemas, com contribuição terrestre reduzida e limitada à áreas próximas à costa. Processos oceanográficos e forçantes ambientais são cruciais para a composição da MO sedimentar e são discutidas para cada um dos ecossistemas estudados. / The cycling of the organic matter (OM) in the marine environment is a key process in the global carbon cycle. Coastal sediments are important to the global carbon cycle, since they receive large inputs from both marine and terrestrial OM. The myriad of organic compounds and their spectrum of reactivity complicate the understanding of OM sources in coastal environments. In this work, we aimed to access the origin and composition of the OM (through lipid biomarkers) and the microbial dynamics (ATP method) in surface sediments of diverse marine ecosystems from the SE Brazilian coast: (i) the continental margin off Cabo Frio; (ii) the lagoonal system of Saquarema; (iii) coastal and shelf areas from Ubatuba; and (iv) the continental shelf adjacent to Santos estuary. The results showed a dominance of autochthonous OM, with a minor fraction of the OM derived from terrestrial sources and restricted to areas close to the coast. Oceanographic processes and environmental forces are crucial to the composition of sedimentary OM and are discussed for each of those ecosystems.
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\"Origem e composição da matéria orgânica e a dinâmica da comunidade microbiana em sedimentos superficiais de ecossistemas marinhos da costa sudeste do Brasil\" / ORIGIN AND COMPOSITION OF THE ORGANIC MATTER AND THE MICROBIAL DYNAMICS IN SURFACE SEDIMENTS OF MARINE ECOSYSTEMS FROM THE SE BRAZILIAN COASTMarcos Yukio Yoshinaga 01 March 2007 (has links)
A ciclagem de matéria orgânica (MO) no ambiente marinho é um processo-chave para o ciclo global de carbono. Os sedimentos costeiros são de suma importância para a ciclagem de carbono pois atuam como receptores de grandes quantidades de MO alóctone (i.e. terrestre) e autóctone (i.e. marinho). A miríade dos componentes orgânicos e suas diferentes características dificultam o entendimento das fontes de MO em ambientes costeiros. Este trabalho visou entender a origem e a composição da MO (através de biomarcadores lipídicos) e a dinâmica da comunidade microbiana (método ATP) em sedimentos superficiais de diferentes ecossistemas marinhos da costa sudeste do Brasil: (i) margem continental de Cabo Frio; (ii) sistema lagunar de Saquarema; (iii) áreas costeiras e a plataforma continental de Ubatuba; (iv) e a plataforma adjacente ao estuário de Santos. Os resultados apontaram uma origem predominantemente autóctone para a MO nestes sistemas, com contribuição terrestre reduzida e limitada à áreas próximas à costa. Processos oceanográficos e forçantes ambientais são cruciais para a composição da MO sedimentar e são discutidas para cada um dos ecossistemas estudados. / The cycling of the organic matter (OM) in the marine environment is a key process in the global carbon cycle. Coastal sediments are important to the global carbon cycle, since they receive large inputs from both marine and terrestrial OM. The myriad of organic compounds and their spectrum of reactivity complicate the understanding of OM sources in coastal environments. In this work, we aimed to access the origin and composition of the OM (through lipid biomarkers) and the microbial dynamics (ATP method) in surface sediments of diverse marine ecosystems from the SE Brazilian coast: (i) the continental margin off Cabo Frio; (ii) the lagoonal system of Saquarema; (iii) coastal and shelf areas from Ubatuba; and (iv) the continental shelf adjacent to Santos estuary. The results showed a dominance of autochthonous OM, with a minor fraction of the OM derived from terrestrial sources and restricted to areas close to the coast. Oceanographic processes and environmental forces are crucial to the composition of sedimentary OM and are discussed for each of those ecosystems.
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Estimativa da vulnerabilidade dos corais brasileiros / Assessing the vulnerability of Brazilian coralsAndrade, André Felipe Alves de 26 February 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Cláudia Bueno (claudiamoura18@gmail.com) on 2016-05-19T19:46:17Z
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license_rdf: 23148 bytes, checksum: 9da0b6dfac957114c6a7714714b86306 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Luciana Ferreira (lucgeral@gmail.com) on 2016-05-20T13:54:17Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 2
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Previous issue date: 2016-02-26 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES / Coral reefs are of extreme importance to both nature and society, due to being
responsible for several services and harbouring hundreds of species. Despite such critical
importance, reef corals current suffered heavy losses since the Anthropocene, with 20% of
world´s corals damaged beyond recovery due to human pressure and coastal development. This
scenario is even worse, since corals are especially vulnerable to climate change and the entire
ecosystem could go extinct by 2050. In this study we focus on comparing the already
established impacts from human development and the yet happen losses from climate change
on Brazilian corals, a unique fauna that still have gaps in knowledge. We created environmental
suitability models for 24 species and quantified individual losses from both climate change and
human activities. From the individual results we derived an overall pattern, in which we found
out that future losses from climate alteration are equivalent to current losses from human
activities. We then used the spatial distribution of those activities and key areas for
conservation, determined with software Zonation, to select six areas in the Brazilian exclusive
economic zone where proactive and reactive conservation strategies should be implanted, given
its importance to biodiversity and concentrated anthropogenic impacts. Overall suitability
losses were of approximately 30% for both sources and 60% of the areas will continue to be
suitable in the future. Therefore, Brazilian corals will experience heavy losses from climate,
especially the loss of highly suitable areas, which are compared to effects from human
economic activities. Coral situation is likely to be even worse, if we were to consider bleaching,
ocean acidification and diseases, events expected to increase with the rising temperature. / Ecological Niche Modelling (ENM) is widely used for conservation purposes, predicting
species invasion, evolutionary aspects and a whole array of applications. However, for most
cases, evaluating the efficiency of those models poses as problematic, as commonly used
methods (i.e. random methods) do not assure the required independence between data used to
create the model and data used to evaluate the model. We developed a new transferabilitybased
framework that ensures the much-needed independence between subsets. We created an
alternate approach that geographically splits occurrence datasets, while intrinsically controls
issues related to previous transferability approaches, such as overfitting, extrapolation and
sampling bias. We used 26 Atlantic coral species to perform three different geographical
divisions quantifying the effect of different splits on model predictive efficiency. We
demonstrate that transferability should be used as an effective method to evaluate ENMs.
Geographical split of the area in deciles proved as a reliable evaluation method, assuring
independence between datasets and being less prone to common transferability issues. Our
odds-and-evens framework provides improvements to the ongoing debate of ENMs evaluating
by its transferability. This new method corrects the issue of artificiality causing sampling bias
and overfitting, common in previous methodologies, while also is less prone to extrapolation
issues, a common problem in transferability approaches. Moreover, the framework appears as
a feasible and useful alternative to the problematic and commonly used random partition of
datasets evaluation.
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A Framework for Identifying Appropriate Sub-Regions for Ecosystem-Based Management in Northern Gulf of Mexico Coastal and Marine EnvironmentsZiegler, Jennifer Sloan 14 December 2013 (has links)
Nearly half of the population of the United States lives in coastal regions, and millions of visitors from across the nation and world enjoy the coasts every year. Coastal and marine areas provide for recreation, economic activities essential for the financial health of the nation, and vital ecological services. As they provide so many benefits to the U.S., it is vital to protect and preserve the coastal and ocean areas from the increasing, competing demands they are facing. In order to protect and preserve these complex systems, a comprehensive approach incorporating science, engineering, humanities, and social sciences should be taken; this approach is commonly referred to as Ecosystem-Based Management. This dissertation focuses on developing a framework that can be used to identify appropriate sub-regions in Northern Gulf of Mexico coastal and marine environments for the purposes of Ecosystem-Based Management. Through this work, the roles of three management protocols used for managing coastal areas – coastal and marine spatial planning, ecosystem-based management, and integrated ecosystem assessment – were examined individually as well as their integrations with each other. Biological, ecological, physical, human, and economic indicators for partitioning an ecosystem were developed and weighted for each management protocol using the analytic hierarchy process and expert elicitation. Using the weighted indicators, a framework for identifying sub-regions and estuarine classification system was developed. The framework and classification system were applied to five estuaries within the Northern Gulf of Mexico: Barataria, Galveston, Mobile, and Perdido Bays and Mississippi Sound. Initial results from this work show that: 1. Sub-regions can be identified as associated to each other based upon indicator data values and not upon physical location. 2. Even though the weights calculated for the management protocols vary significantly, for systems that were not highly homogeneous in indicator data values, the different weights did not produce the vastly different cluster maps expected. 3. The scale work indicates that to identify appropriate sub-regions using the developed framework, a larger grid size produces more consistent results for larger systems whereas a smaller grid size produces more consistent results for smaller systems. Recommendations for further research are also presented.
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Remoção do íon Cd2+ por processo de biossorção em leito fixo. / Removal of the Cd2 + ion by biosorption process in fixed bed.CANUTO, Morgana Fabíola Cunha Silva. 03 September 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Johnny Rodrigues (johnnyrodrigues@ufcg.edu.br) on 2018-09-03T17:30:48Z
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MORGANA FABÍOLA CUNHA SILVA CANUTO - TESE PPGEP 2012..pdf: 1607652 bytes, checksum: 0c3a5a7e86e448696445e64563fdd07d (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-09-03T17:30:48Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
MORGANA FABÍOLA CUNHA SILVA CANUTO - TESE PPGEP 2012..pdf: 1607652 bytes, checksum: 0c3a5a7e86e448696445e64563fdd07d (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2012-10 / CNPq / A degradação dos ambientes aquáticos por metais pesados está relacionado ao aumento desenfreado do setor industrial. A biossorção é uma alternativa eficiente e de baixo custo para o tratamento dos efluentes contaminados por metais pesados que são lançados no meio ambiente por parte das indústrias, Uma alternativa para a remoção de metais pesados presentes em efluentes líquidos é o processo de adsorção em colunas de leito fixo utilizando a levedura Saccharomyces cerevisiae imobilizada com quitosana. Experimentos da cinética de biossorção foram realizados em tanque agitado utilizando os
bioadsorventes, esferas de quitosana, levedura Saccharomyces cerevisiae livre
e imobilizada com quitosana para remoção do íon Cd2+, enquanto que os experimentos do equilíbrio de adsorção e em coluna de leito fixo, realizados com a levedura imobilizada. Os modelos pseudo-segunda ordem e o de Michaelis Menten apresentaram um bom ajuste aos dados experimentais, enquanto para o estudo do equilíbrio o modelo de Langmuir foi o que melhor representou a isoterma de adsorção. As curvas de ruptura obtidas para concentrações do íon Cd2+ de até 20 mg.L-1 demonstraram que o leito estava longe de atingir a saturação, porém ao ampliar a faixa de concentração 40 – 90
mg.L-1, o leito ficou mais próximo da saturação, sendo verificado a viabilidade de se utilizar este bioadsorvente para o tratamento de efluentes que contenham Cd2+. A técnica de planejamento experimental foi utilizada para avaliar os efeitos das variáveis concentração do efluente sintético e vazão de operação sobre a quantidade adsorvida de Cd2+ e o percentual de remoção. O efeito da vazão de operação é o fator mais significativo seguido da concentração do íon Cd2+, para a variável resposta quantidade adsorvida de Cd2+, enquanto apenas a variável vazão de operação foi estatisticamente significativa sobre o percentual de remoção. Os modelos matemáticos, da Força Impulsora Linear e o de Thomas, descreveram satisfatoriamente o comportamento das curvas de ruptura. / The degration of aquatic ecosystems caused by metallic ions is related to the unbridled increase in industrial sector. Biosorption is an efficient and low cost alternative for the treatment of effluents contaminated by metallic ions, which are thrown by industries into the environment. An alternative in order to remove these ions into the liquid effluents is a process of biosorption in fixed bed columns using Saccharomyces cerevisiae yeast immobilized with Chitosan. Biosorption's kinetics experiments were conducted in agitated tanks using bioadsorbing, chitosan's spheres, free Saccharomyces cerevisiae yeast and
immobilized with chitosan to remove Cd2+ ion, whereas the equilibrium experiments of biosorption and in a fixed bed column, were conducted with immobilized yeast. Both pseudo-second order and Michaelis Menten models prevented a good adjustment to the experimental data, whereas to the equilibrium study, Langmuir's model was the one which better represented the adsorption's isotherm. The rupture curves got by Cd2+ ion concentration of up to 20 mg.L-1 show that the bed was far from reaching saturation.
Nevertheless, by extanding the concentrations of 40-90 mg.L-1, the bed got closer to saturation and being checked the viability of using this bioadsorvent to treating effluents which contains Cd2+. The experimental planning techinique was used to evaluate the effects of concentration variables from the sinthetic aqueous solution of Cd2+ in the entry of the bed and flow of operation over a quantity adsorbed and the removal percentage. The flow operation effect was the most significant factor being followed by the concentration for the response variable amount absorbed, whereas only the flow variable from operation was statiscally significant about removal percentage. Mathematical models of Linear Driving Force and Thomas' satisfactorily described the breakthrough curves
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