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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A didakhe kaine de Jesus: um ensaio exegético de Mc 1.21-28 / Didakhe kaine of Jesus: an exegetical essay on Mk 1:21-28

David Pessoa de Lira 22 August 2006 (has links)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico / O presente trabalho é resultado de um processo de pesquisa na área de Bíblia. Um estudo exegético do novo ensino de Jesus com base no Evangelho segundo Marcos 1.21-28. Inicialmente, é feita uma análise a partir do método histórico-crítico, seguindo os passos deste método: tradução do texto original, do grego para o vernáculo; análise textual da fraseologia "didachê kainê kat exousían" [grego]. A análise literária procura definir os limites e os elementos constitutivos da perícope; finalizando a primeira parte do trabalho com análises de redação e de forma. Na segunda parte do trabalho, foi feita uma pesquisa do ambiente histórico do tempo de Jesus: uma pesquisa de elementos que pertencem à história, tais como sinagoga, Cafarnaum e escribas. Na última parte do trabalho, são destacadas algumas importantes características de Jesus como professor, mostrando semelhanças e diferenças de sua prática de ensino em relação à prática de ensino dos escribas e fariseus. É igualmente apresentada a atuação de Jesus mediante a Lei e a Tradição, bem como uma análise sobre o que consiste a práxis de Jesus que mereça atenção especial e sirva de modelo para a prática do(a) professor(a), do(a) educador(a) popular até os dias de hoje, como propõe a contextualização apresentada ao final deste trabalho. / This present work is a result of a process of survey in the area of the Bible. This is a exegetical study of the New Teaching of Jesus based on the Gospel according to Saint Mark, chapter 1, verses 21 to 28. At the beginning, an analysis is done according to the steps of the historical critical method: translation of the original text, from Greek to the Vernacular Tongue; textual-criticism of a phraseology "didachê kainê kat exousían" [Greek]. And the literary criticism seeks to define the limits and the constitutive elements of the pericope; this first part of this work finishes with redaction criticism and form criticism. In the second part of this work, there is a survey about the historical environment of the times of Jesus: a survey of elements which belong to the story such as synagogue, Cafarnaum, scribes. And the relation of these elements with the tradition and the Law. The last part of this work presents some important characteristics of Jesus as teacher, showing the similarities and differences between the practice of teaching. In the same form, this part of this work presents the performance of Jesus through the Law and the traditions; finally, this part analyzes about what is the praxis of Jesus so that it deserves special regard and so that it is an example to the pratice of the teachers and popular educators today, just as the atualization presented proposes at the end of this work.

Fariseus e Jesus : teologia e espiritualidade em relação ao sábado a partir de Mc 3:1-6 : características e avaliação crítica / The Pharisees and Jesus : theology and spirituality in relation to the Sabbath based on Mk. 3:1-6 : characteristics and critical evaluation

Vanderlei Alberto Schach 27 April 2007 (has links)
Uma análise de um grupo político-religioso do judaísmo em confronto com os ensinamentos de Jesus Cristo. Primeiramente são analisados as origens e pressupostos da teologia farisaica, envolvendo uma caracterização geral do grupo fariseu e uma breve descrição de outros grupos competidores. Num segundo momento se trata do conflito de Jesus com os fariseus em relação ao sábado, partindo de uma exegese de Mc 3:1-6. Também são traçados paralelos entre os fariseus e seu relacionamento com Jesus nos evangelhos sinóticos, bem como apresentado um excurso sobre o sábado judaico. A última parte, finalizando a pesquisa, envolve continuidade e descontinuidade da lei por parte de Jesus e o seu posicionamento diante do sábado e ainda pontos convergentes e divergentes de Jesus com os fariseus. / An analysis of a political-religious group in first-century Judaism, i.e. the Pharisses, in confrontation with the teachings of Jesus Christ. Firstly, the origin and presuppositions of the theology of the Pharesees are analyzed, involving a general characterization of the group of the Pharisees and a brief description of competing groups (Sadducees, Essenes, etc.). Then, the focus is the conflict between Jesus and the Pharisees in relation to the Sabbath, with Mark 3:1-6 as the point of departure. At the same time, parallels are drawn between the Pharisees and their relationship with Jesus. An excursus on the Jewish Sabbath is also included. In the last part of the paper, the main topic is the continuity and discontinuity on the part of Jesus and his position vis-à-vis the Sabbath, as well as points of convergence and points of divergence between Jesus and the Pharisees.

Ações parabólicas: uma análise do ensino de Jesus através de suas ações

Claiton André Kunz 14 March 2006 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / O presente trabalho é uma análise de um dos métodos de ensino de Jesus. As chamadas ações parabólicas, empregadas pelos profetas do Antigo Testamento, também são utilizadas por Jesus Cristo. A pesquisa procura atestar este uso e estabelecer alguns critérios referentes ao mesmo. Na primeira parte são examinados alguns aspectos gerais que dizem respeito às ações parabólicas, como por exemplo, sua conceituação, seu uso, o propósito de serem utilizadas e algumas de suas características. Na segunda parte, são abordados alguns aspectos mais formais das ações, no que diz respeito à análise da forma, à historicidade, à intencionalidade e também à interpretação. Nesta parte, especialmente na análise da forma, são estabelecidos alguns critérios para a identificação de ações parabólicas. Finalmente, na terceira parte, é apresentada a ação parabólica da Maldição da Figueira, relatada por Marcos e Mateus, como exemplo. As ações parabólicas são um meio de pregação, mas constituem-se em si mesmo a própria proclamação. / This dissertation is an analysis of one of Jesus teachings methods. Parabolic actions, which were used by the Old Testament prophets, were also used by Jesus Christ. This research tries to attest this use and establish some criteria for its analysis. In the first part, some general aspects that they concern the parabolic actions are examined, as, for example, their conception, their use, the purpose for which they were used and some of their characteristics. In the second part, some formal aspects of the actions are examined, as, for example, literary form, historical analysis, intentional analysis and interpretation. In this part, especially in the analysis of the literary form, some criteria for the identification of parabolic actions are established. Finally, in the third part, by way of example, the parabolic action of the Cursing of the Fig Tree, as told by Marcos and Matthew, is analysed. Parabolic actions are a preaching method. But, much morethan an aid to preaching or a way of illustrating a message, they themselves are the messages.

Jesus as the Son of Man in Mark

Tejada-Lalinde, Andres A 24 March 2014 (has links)
Scholars have often seen the interpretation of the Son of Man as crucial in discovering Jesus’ self-understanding, given that the expression occurs so frequently and almost exclusively on Jesus’ lips. After ascertaining the authenticity of the Son of Man sayings, I carry out the exegesis in the Gospel of Mark using a methodology consisting of examining Biblical passages within the context of the Bible as a whole and of historical-critical and philological perspectives. Also, the narrative context of the saying is taken into account. I show that the Son of Man is a Messianic title derived from Daniel 7:13, and that the book of Daniel’s content and themes were used as a basis for the Son of Man sayings themselves. In addition to using the Son of Man as a Messianic title, Jesus used the title as a claim for divinity.

Ecology of an island mouse, Apodemus sylvaticus hirtensis

Black, Thomas William January 2016 (has links)
An island subspecies endemic to the remote St Kilda archipelago, Apodemus sylvaticus hirtensis is considered of national importance but has been little studied, despite its inclusion in the criteria for the islands’ designation as a World Heritage Site. This study expands our knowledge of the core ecology of the mice; distribution, morphology, age structure, breeding phenology, population density, range size, survival and fecundity are all described and quantified using data collected from 4462 captures of 787 individuals between 2009-2012 on three sites (Carn Mor, Glen Bay & Village Bay), 1-2km apart on the main island of Hirta. Morphological analysis confirmed the reputed gigantism the mice, with maximum body weights of 60g for males and 50.5g for a non-gravid female both being approximately double that of a mainland specimen (the heaviest gravid female caught weighed 56g). Sexual dimorphism was evident, with males >1 year old being 8.7% heavier than females on average. Significant geographical variation in size was also found; mice on the seabird breeding colony of Carn Mor were heavier, longer and in better condition than mice elsewhere. Mice were observed to have a well-defined breeding season between April and September, shorter than on the mainland, with most individuals not breeding until their second year and very few surviving two winters. No geographical differences were found in the proportion of adult mice more than a year old that were in breeding condition at any given time, although there were significant geographical differences in the proportion of individuals in breeding condition for ‘young adult’ mice entering their first spring and sub adult mice in the autumn of the year in which they were. Spatially explicit capture-recapture (SECR) methods were used to quantify population densities free from ad hoc methods of trapping area estimation. Temporal variation in population size typical of temperate small mammals was found, with densities as low as 2 mice/ha in spring, increasing through summer and autumn with juvenile recruitment until reaching a peak at the beginning of winter of up to 50 mice/ha. Geographical variation was again observed, with frequent significant differences between trapping sites and an overall trend of highest population densities on the seabird breeding site. Mean individual range sizes varied between 0.3-3.0ha and were largest in Village Bay and in males in breeding condition. Pradel robust design recruitment models were used to quantify monthly survival (0.67-1.00) and fecundity (0.03- 0.41) and overall rate of population change (0.81-1.52) between sessions. Survival varied little between grids outside of the breeding season, but tended to be greater in Carn Mor than Village Bay during the summer. Fecundity rates varied little between years and grids, with one exception where increased summer fecundity followed a severe winter decline on Carn Mor. The possible role of differences in the quality of the food supply (in particular the seabird breeding colony and spatial variation in sheep grazing pressure) on creating geographical variation in body size, condition, breeding phenology, density and population dynamics are discussed in detail, as is the overall pattern of insular traits found in the mice.

O processo de desenvolvimento do enoturismo no Vale dos Vinhedos

Valduga, Vander 15 March 2007 (has links)
Este estudo teve como propósito investigar se o enoturismo e a criação de uma marca regional contribuíram para o fortalecimento endógeno do Vale dos Vinhedos. O estudo analisou três elementos: a) enoturismo; b) faturamento; e c) qualidade através da marca regional. O paradigma adotado foi de corte quali-quantitativo servindo-se de metodologia descritiva. A análise documental e entrevistas foram usadas como instrumentos para a coleta de informações. Os participantes do estudo foram os empresários e as entidades atuantes na promoção turística do Vale dos Vinhedos. Para a análise, foram estudados os aspectos socioeconômicos e culturais da vitivinicultura local, o processo de certificação e a conquista da Indicação de Procedência - IPVV, o enoturismo e a sua organização em torno das instituições. O Vale dos Vinhedos foi colonizado por imigrantes italianos a partir de 1876, que tornaram a vitivinicultura a principal atividade desenvolvida no território. Embora tenha sido identificada uma redução da participação da população do Vale no enoturismo local, os resultados apontaram que o processo de desenvolvimento do enoturismo se deu de forma semelhante a outras regiões que criaram suas marcas regionais. Ele foi resultado de especialização produtiva, da cultura existente e da capacidade de organização dos agentes locais. Segundo o discurso dos gestores públicos e privados, a certificação conquistada em 2002 não impactou de forma direta no enoturismo, pois já havia um reconhecimento da qualidade dos produtos pelo consumidor antes da conquista. Identificou-se também que o faturamento decorrente do enoturismo motivou os novos investimentos feitos no Vale, especialmente nos últimos 05 anos, além da criação da marca regional e de uma perspectiva de futuro. / Submitted by Marcelo Teixeira (mvteixeira@ucs.br) on 2014-05-14T17:39:36Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertacao Vander Valduga.pdf: 6021493 bytes, checksum: 1f62079d2db8bd0e7359504cda22f912 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2014-05-14T17:39:36Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertacao Vander Valduga.pdf: 6021493 bytes, checksum: 1f62079d2db8bd0e7359504cda22f912 (MD5) / This study had as intention to investigate if the Wine tourism and the creation of one regional mark contributed for the intern strengthen of ´Vale dos Vinhedos` Vinhedos Valley. The study also analyzed three elements: a) wine tourism; b) invoicing and c) quality through the regional mark. The adopted paradigm was of quali-quantitative cut, serving itself of descriptive methodology. The documentary analysis and interviews had been used as instruments for all the collection of information. The participants of the research were entrepreneurs and entities that operate in the tourist promotion of the Vinhedos Valley. For the analysis, the social economies and cultural aspects of the local viticulture, the process of certification, the conquest of the indication of origin - IPVV, the wine tourism and its organization around the institutions had been studied. The ´Vale dos Vinhedos` Vinhedos Valley was colonized by Italian immigrants, who from 1876 made the viticulture the main activity developed in the territory. Although it has been identified a reduction of the participation of the population of the Vinhedos Valley in the local wine tourism, the results pointed that the process of development of the wine tourism had some similarities to other regions that had created its regional marks. It was resulted of productive specialization, the existing culture and the capacity of organization of the local agents. According to speech of the public and private managers, the certification conquered in 2002 did not incapacitate of direct form in the wine tourism, therefore it had already recognition of the product quality for the consumer before the conquest. It was also identified that the recurrent invoicing of the wine tourism motivated the new investments made in the Valley, especially in the last 5 years, beyond the creation of the regional mark and a great perspective for the future.</

Individuální značení drobného hmyzu a jeho využití při popisu společenstev a migrace semiakvatických ploštic (Heteroptera: Gerromorpha) stojatých i tekoucích vod Novohradských hor / Individual marking of small insects and its usage in describing societies and migration of semiaquatic bugs (Heteroptera: Gerromorpha) in lentic and lotic habitats of Novohradské Mountains.

VOJÍŘOVÁ, Eva January 2010 (has links)
Experiments based on the method of mark-recapture can be used for estimation of the abundance of natural populations, for monitoring dispersion of groups or individual specimens within a population using group or individual marking. Semiaquatic bugs (Heteroptera: Gerromorpha) were marked and recaptured many times in the field during research, individual marking was much less used since marking of small insects is difficult. The aim of this work is to develop a method of individual marking of semiaquatic bugs so that it would meet conditions such as durability, legibility and non affecting health of the marked specimen. Semiaquatic bugs of Aquarius paludum, Gerris lacustris, Limnoporus rufoscutellatus (Gerridae) and Velia caprai (Veliidae) species were selected as experimental organisms. Partial aims of this thesis were to try using this method to describe the abundance of the monitored population and to monitor dispersion of the selected species, both at lotic (V. caprai) and lentic habitats (water striders, family Gerridae). A new method of individual marking of semiaquatic bugs was developed on the basis of modifications of the commonly used methods. After a series of tests and in-field research, this method proved to be suitable as it met the essential conditions for marking insects. The abundance of the monitored population was estimated and dispersion of the selected species (V. caprai) in running water was described by using this method. The partial aims of this thesis were met, too. It was confirmed that individuals of the V. caprai species move between the monitored areas along the water course. This inclination to move is greater than tendency to remain in the place of release. The gained data also show conclusively higher rate of movement of V. caprai specimens in the upstream direction, compared to the downstream. The tendency of V. caprai to travel larger distance upstream than downstream, is significant too. No statistically relevant difference in either direction of the water course (up or down) in the surpassed altitude difference was confirmed. The differences in the monitored phenomena between the sexes and generations were compared as well. The differences, however, were not significant. A movement of the adults of the water cricket Velia caprai thus can be characterized as an upstream migration, common in insects of lotic habtitats. A part of the study taking place in still waters showed, that G. lacustris specimens move on the surface of the pond, but not to a larger degree than they remain in place. On the other hand, A. paludum specimens were proved to move away from the place of release rather than remaining in that place. These also overcome greater distance than G. lacustris specimens.

Estética e aplicabilidade do material pétreo preto São Marcos

SANTOS, Renata Barrêto 20 December 2012 (has links)
Submitted by Caroline Falcao (caroline.rfalcao@ufpe.br) on 2017-06-06T17:17:02Z No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 811 bytes, checksum: e39d27027a6cc9cb039ad269a5db8e34 (MD5) 2012-Dissertacao-RenataBarretoSantos.pdf: 5151204 bytes, checksum: 5d3006258e7c3359dffead5b2f172fc4 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-06-06T17:17:02Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 811 bytes, checksum: e39d27027a6cc9cb039ad269a5db8e34 (MD5) 2012-Dissertacao-RenataBarretoSantos.pdf: 5151204 bytes, checksum: 5d3006258e7c3359dffead5b2f172fc4 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012-12-20 / Este trabalho abordou mudanças no padrão estético através do uso de ferramenta quantificadora de luz refletida, inclusive para cada espectro visível. É possível perceber mudanças que associadas à descrição petrográfica e às características tecnológicas, orientarão uma escolha consciente e precisa do material pétreo e a monitoração do seu uso. Com a diversidade de tipos de rocha ofertados hoje no mercado, percebe-se a necessidade de preparo de profissionais para identificar a rocha mais adequada para um determinado uso. Outrossim, as características e efeitos dos produtos de limpeza precisam ser sistematicamente acompanhados, de modo que a percepção estética deve ir além da beleza momentânea, inclusive servir de referência para perceber e prever suas mudanças e respectivos desdobramentos sobre propriedades mecânicas do material no decorrer do tempo e do uso estimado e, naturalmente, sua durabilidade otimizada. A permanência da estética e preservação dos parâmetros físicos e mecânicos da rocha passam a depender do aprofundamento teórico para prever a finalidade da indicação da rocha. Os estudos realizados, neste trabalho, abordam a aplicação da espectrometria e luminosidade até a implementação prática do gerenciamento de cores e do brilho, passando pela análise conceitual da cor, sistema visual humano, fontes de luz, temperatura de cor, modelos de cores, espectro eletromagnético, espectrometria, espectro-radiométria, dispositivo para aferir a cor, além de analises petrográfica e tecnológicas do material estudado. A fim de implementar o gerenciamento de cores, foi necessário equipamento de medição, cartelas de referência para calibração e software para ler os dados captados pelo equipamento de medição. Para a implementação do sistema, em caráter experimental, foram utilizadas amostras no material pétreo Preto São Marcos, e os resultados obtidos, mostram que houve alteração do índice colorimétrico e do brilho entre o material original e o sujeito a ataque químico, embora não fossem percebidas a olho nu, devido à composição mineral da rocha. / This work aims to demonstrate that through aesthetic standards it is possible to verify changes associated to petrographic description and technological features, resulted in a conscious and accurate choice of the stone material and its use. With the diversity of lithological offered in trade today, it is possible to verify the lack of professionals prepared to identify the stone most suitable for a particular use. The aesthetic perception must go beyond the momentary beauty, it is needed to understand and predict the aesthetic and mechanical changes and the properties of the material over time and its estimate use. The permanence of the aesthetics and mechanics of the rock becomes dependent on the theoretical development that provides an indication of the rock. The studies conducted in this work, address the principle, the formation of light to the practical implementation of color management and shine, through conceptual analysis of color, human visual system, light sources, color temperature, color models, electromagnetic spectrum, spectrometry, spectroradiometry, device to measure the color, and petrographic analysis of the technological material studied. In order to implement color management, measurement equipment was necessary, reference cards for calibration and Softwaer to read the data captured by the measuring equipment. To implement the system, as experimental phase, it was used samples in a stone material Preto São Marcos and the results show that there was a change in the colorimetric index and brightness between the original material and the material exposed to chemical attack, most were not perceived with the naked eye due to mineragilogica composition of the rock.

O processo de desenvolvimento do enoturismo no Vale dos Vinhedos

Valduga, Vander 15 March 2007 (has links)
Este estudo teve como propósito investigar se o enoturismo e a criação de uma marca regional contribuíram para o fortalecimento endógeno do Vale dos Vinhedos. O estudo analisou três elementos: a) enoturismo; b) faturamento; e c) qualidade através da marca regional. O paradigma adotado foi de corte quali-quantitativo servindo-se de metodologia descritiva. A análise documental e entrevistas foram usadas como instrumentos para a coleta de informações. Os participantes do estudo foram os empresários e as entidades atuantes na promoção turística do Vale dos Vinhedos. Para a análise, foram estudados os aspectos socioeconômicos e culturais da vitivinicultura local, o processo de certificação e a conquista da Indicação de Procedência - IPVV, o enoturismo e a sua organização em torno das instituições. O Vale dos Vinhedos foi colonizado por imigrantes italianos a partir de 1876, que tornaram a vitivinicultura a principal atividade desenvolvida no território. Embora tenha sido identificada uma redução da participação da população do Vale no enoturismo local, os resultados apontaram que o processo de desenvolvimento do enoturismo se deu de forma semelhante a outras regiões que criaram suas marcas regionais. Ele foi resultado de especialização produtiva, da cultura existente e da capacidade de organização dos agentes locais. Segundo o discurso dos gestores públicos e privados, a certificação conquistada em 2002 não impactou de forma direta no enoturismo, pois já havia um reconhecimento da qualidade dos produtos pelo consumidor antes da conquista. Identificou-se também que o faturamento decorrente do enoturismo motivou os novos investimentos feitos no Vale, especialmente nos últimos 05 anos, além da criação da marca regional e de uma perspectiva de futuro. / This study had as intention to investigate if the Wine tourism and the creation of one regional mark contributed for the intern strengthen of ´Vale dos Vinhedos` Vinhedos Valley. The study also analyzed three elements: a) wine tourism; b) invoicing and c) quality through the regional mark. The adopted paradigm was of quali-quantitative cut, serving itself of descriptive methodology. The documentary analysis and interviews had been used as instruments for all the collection of information. The participants of the research were entrepreneurs and entities that operate in the tourist promotion of the Vinhedos Valley. For the analysis, the social economies and cultural aspects of the local viticulture, the process of certification, the conquest of the indication of origin - IPVV, the wine tourism and its organization around the institutions had been studied. The ´Vale dos Vinhedos` Vinhedos Valley was colonized by Italian immigrants, who from 1876 made the viticulture the main activity developed in the territory. Although it has been identified a reduction of the participation of the population of the Vinhedos Valley in the local wine tourism, the results pointed that the process of development of the wine tourism had some similarities to other regions that had created its regional marks. It was resulted of productive specialization, the existing culture and the capacity of organization of the local agents. According to speech of the public and private managers, the certification conquered in 2002 did not incapacitate of direct form in the wine tourism, therefore it had already recognition of the product quality for the consumer before the conquest. It was also identified that the recurrent invoicing of the wine tourism motivated the new investments made in the Valley, especially in the last 5 years, beyond the creation of the regional mark and a great perspective for the future.</

Estimativa populacional por marcação-recaptura e padrão de atividade do boto cinza, Sotalia guianensis (Cetacea, Delphinidae) em Regência, ES

Cepile, Alan Roberto 09 April 2008 (has links)
Submitted by Renata Lopes (renatasil82@gmail.com) on 2017-04-04T13:56:38Z No. of bitstreams: 1 alanrobertocepile.pdf: 1842538 bytes, checksum: edec2001e2b492b3123f078c0365d91d (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Adriana Oliveira (adriana.oliveira@ufjf.edu.br) on 2017-04-04T15:38:05Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 alanrobertocepile.pdf: 1842538 bytes, checksum: edec2001e2b492b3123f078c0365d91d (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-04-04T15:38:05Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 alanrobertocepile.pdf: 1842538 bytes, checksum: edec2001e2b492b3123f078c0365d91d (MD5) Previous issue date: 2008-04-09 / A marcação-recaptura por meio de foto-identificação vem sendo utilizada a bastante tempo, tendo iniciado na década de 40 do século passado com animais terrestres. Sua aplicação aos mamíferos marinhos da ordem cetacea iniciou-se no final da década de 70 e desde então vem sendo usada e amplamente aprimorada. Este técnica permite tomar conhecimento de inúmeros aspectos da biologia e ecologia dos animais fotografados, entre eles a estimativa populacional e aspectos comportamentais. O capítulo I deste estudo teve como objetivo estimar a população de botos cinza (Sotalia guianensis) de Regência, ES, através do método de marcação-recaptura utilizando a técnica de foto-identificação, utilizando estimadores probabilísticos para populações fechadas amplamente usados para cetáceos em todo mundo, como Lincoln-Petersen, Schnabel e Schumacher-Echmeyer, e a criação do primeiro catálogo de identificação da espécie no estado do Espírito Santo. Foram identificados 16 indivíduos sendo 7 reavistados. A população variou de acordo com o estimador utilizado, ficando entre 81 (Schnabel) e 141 indivíduos (Lincoln-Petersen). O capítulo II objetivou conhecer o padrão de atividade de S. guianensis de Regência, principalmente em relação a parâmetros ambientais e ao comportamento oportunista de perseguição às traineiras em busca de alimento descartado pelas embarcações. / Mark-recapture by photo-identification it comes being used a long time and started in 40’s of last century with terrestrial animals. The application of this method with marine mammals of cetacea order started in 70’s and has been used and widely improved. This technique allow to know some informations about biology and ecology of the animals captured, some of them, population size estimates and behavior. The objective of chapter I of this study was the estimate of population size of estuarine dolphin, Sotalia guianensis, in Regência, ES, through the mark-recapture method by photo-identification technique, using probabilistic estimators to closed populations widely used to estimate cetaceans populations in all the world, like Lincoln-Petersen, Schnabel and Scumacher-Eschmeyer, and make the first identification catalogue for the species in the Espírito Santo state. It was identified 16 dolphins and 7 resighted. The population varied as estimator used, between 81 (Schnabel) and 141 (LincolnPetersen). The objective of chapter II was to know the activity patterns of S. guianensis in Regência, mostly in relation of ambiental parameters and oportunistic trawler following behavior, in order to gain some food discarded by fishing boats.

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