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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Marketingová komunikace v prostorách železničních stanic / Marketing Communications in the Areas of Railway Stations

Janeba, Jan January 2011 (has links)
Definition of marketing specifics in public transportation service utilities. Analysis of marketing communication instruments of the České dráhy, a.s. company, in the railways stations rooms. Proposal of possible improvements for effective communication.

Potenciál zapojení celebrit v marketingové komunikaci vybrané kategorie produktů / The potential involvement of celebrities in marketing communication of selected product categories

Jehličková, Anna January 2011 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to determine whether the involvement of a celebrity in advertising is the right choice and also make recommendation for selecting the appropriate celebrity in advertising beer, more precisely, three specific brands (Pilsner Urquell, Krušovice and Staropramen). In the thesis I explain the basic characteristics of consumer behavior, reference groups, marketing communication, celebrities and marketing research. The application part focuses on the beer market in the Czech Republic and the brewing in 2010, further I pursue my own selection of brands of beers and I state a brief characteristic of both particular beers and businesses. I continue the content analysis and the analysis of my own research, whose main objective is to select particular celebrities for selected brands of beer, on the basis of characteristics and features of celebrities, which should correspond to the image of each brand.

Analýza a návrhy změn marketingové strategie střední soukromé školy / Analysis and proposals for changes of marketing strategy of private secondary school

Štieglerová, Renata January 2011 (has links)
The aim of this diploma thesis is to analyse and propose changes to the marketing strategy of private secondary school. The thesis is divided into two chapters. First part deals with educational system in the Czech Republic, theoretical aspects of marketing of services and specifics of marketing of educational institutions. The practical part is focused on analysis of marketing strategy of particular school. SWOT analysis and marketing research are performed as well. On the basis of this research changes of the marketing strategy of the school are proposed.

Vliv BTL komunikace značky Staropramen Cool na spotřebitele / Impact of Staropramen Cool brand BTL communication on the consumer

Wenig, Julius January 2011 (has links)
This Master's thesis puts focus on BTL communication of the brands Staropramen Cool Lemon and Staropramen Cool Grep and the intensity of the communication perception by the consumer. The aim of the thesis is to examine the touch points of the BTL communication and to identify key attributes of the brand and also to confirm or to defy defined hypothesis about communication's impact on consumption and television campaign influence. The thesis is divided into several chapters that logically links to each other and thus create one complex whole. The theoretical part concerns the methodological approach of marketing research and consumer models and introduces the readers to marketing integrated communication. The main chapter describes the market and competition, includes the questionnaire part and the analyses themselves. The thesis concludes with key findings and recommendations to improve the marketing communication of Staropramen Cool in future.

Segmentace trhu piva / Beer Market Segmentation

Škubalová, Michaela January 2012 (has links)
The goal of the master's thesis is to find out similarities or differences among consumers in the Czech beer market by using primary and secondary research and content analysis. The thesis contains two parts, the theoretical and the practical one. Market segmentation, marketing research and Czech beer market are described in the theoretical part. The practical part includes market segmentation by using secondary data (agency data MML-TGI with Data Analyzer software), primary data (own research with SPSS software) and content analysis of print advertisements. Segmentation is realized by variety of methods, e. g. cluster and factor analysis, general analysis, contingency tables, MCART analysis, media neutral quintiles etc. Post hoc segmentation (forward and backward) is used in this thesis. At the end of this master's thesis detected segments are characterized and marketing suggestions for each of them are stated.

Využití neuromarketingu při analýze reklamní kampaně v segmentu mobilních operátorů / Neuromarketing and its Usage by the Analyzing of Advertising Campaign in the Telephone Operators´ Segment

Výletová, Kristýna January 2012 (has links)
My master's thesis goes in for new term neuromarketing and its specific application in a quality marketing research. In a theoretical part I will present terms like marketing, marketing research and neuromarketing. In an application part I will introduce a company Vodafone, whose campaign will be analyze from many views. Firstly I will analyze an advertising campaign with a help of its emotional and rational value and I will show all the elements which catch our attention. Then I will provide a questionnaire survey. And I will compare its results with eye tracking survey from Millward Brown agency. This agency carries out neuromarketing research in the Czech Republic.

Akvizice nových spotřebitelů z mladé generace pro tradiční českou značku / The acquisition of new consumers of the young generation for traditional Czech brand

Javořík, Tomáš January 2012 (has links)
This thesis deals with the acquisition of new customers from among the young generation. In the theoretical part thesis deals with the purchase of consumer behavior, the methods used in the practical part and especially the coffee market. Firstly, the work focuses on coffee and coffee market in general then the emphasis is put mainly on the coffee market in the Czech Republic. In the practical part comes introduction of the particular company, the subsequent analysis of market data and consumer. Consumer analysis is performed using both qualitative and quantitative marketing research. The aim is to detect potential and addressing problems of the brand.

Marketingová strategie vybraného podniku cestovního ruchu / Marketing strategy of selected tourism company

Kysučanová, Veronika January 2014 (has links)
The diploma thesis analyses Sportovní a rekreační zařízení města Ostravy, s.r.o. from a marketing perspective. The main goal is to report on the status and trends of marketing activities of the company and suggest possible improvements. The theoretical part defines a general marketing and specifics of marketing in services. In the practical part, the situation analysis evaluated the macro environment and microenvironment and costumer focused marketing research was conducted. Then the status of existing marketing toolkit is analysed. The core of the thesis is to assemble marketing strategy regarding the facts that have been emerged from the situational analysis.

Segmentace trhu literatury / Book market segmentation

Jarošová, Jana January 2014 (has links)
This thesis is focus on the book market in Czech Republic and its current situation. The main objective of the thesis is, through primary research and cluster analysis, to uncover market segments, which shows significant differences in costumer behavior and through crosstabs develop profile of these groups. Base on this information focus on the segments attractive for bookshops to address them and prepare recommendation to focus on them. The market research has a qualitative character and is realized inform of personal and internet questionnaire. Selection of respondent is in form of Quota sampling, using quotas tender, age and education.

Marketing classroom philosophy to achieve critical literacy

Gorsline, Christie Bayless 01 January 1994 (has links)
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