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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A Study of the Relationship Between the Eysenck Personality Inventory, and the Needs of College Students

Spies, Emma Jean 05 1900 (has links)
The problem with which this investigation was concerned was that of determining the extent various subgroups of individuals within certain clinical groups would agree in terms of how to rank order Maslow's basic needs.

Varför volontärresor? : En undersökande studie om motiveringen kring volontärresande

Fredriksen, Tina January 2014 (has links)
The focus of this study is to dig deeper into what motivates volunteer travelers. The commercial side of volunteer travelling has increased in the past years, and young Swedes pay large amounts of money to travel to other countries and work as volunteers. The purpose of this study is to get a glimpse into what motivates these young people, and how this correlates to the rapid increase of commercial travelling bureaus that focus on volunteer travelling. Five people under the age of 30, who had been volunteering through a commercial travelling agency, where interviewed for this study. The results show that the main motivation for paying to go work abroad is actually the experience, meeting new people and seeing new things. The motivational factor of helping people turned out to be secondary.

What experienced teachers believe : a study of select teachers' perceptions on teacher efficacy and Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs

Gregware, Kailee M. 01 January 2008 (has links)
This project was designed to discover a possible correlation between the theories surrounding teacher efficacy and Abraham Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs (1943). Teacher efficacy is a sense of confidence that teachers have in knowing that teachers can truly make a difference in the lives of their students. Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs (1943) theory was a concept created which explores five levels of life needs. These needs are illustrated in the form of a pyramid and allow for the understanding and development of Self-Actualization, or one's greatest potential. The foundation for this research was the hypothesis that if teachers have a high level of efficacy as well as a focus on the desired level of achievement, known as self-actualization, found in Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs (1943), then they would have an optimal learning environment for their students. This study was conducted by administering two surveys to ten teachers located in Florida, Pennsylvania, and New York. The surveys were made up of approximately twenty questions each, with one in regards to teacher efficacy, and the other referencing self-actualization. The surveys were completed anonymously, and then analyzed to research if one's level of teacher efficacy and focus on self-actualization enhanced their teaching environment. The correlation for these two views relates to the attitudes and perceptions teachers have on themselves and their abilities. At times, teachers who have a positive . outlook on education, believe in the potential of their students, and create classroom environments that integrates the strengths of each child are also confident, optimistic individuals who focus on achieving their best life. The potential allows for a dedicated, encouraging, and respectable role model for students.

Ny på jobbet - introduktionsprocessen för restaurangpersonal i Sverige : En kvalitativ studie om restauranganställdas erfarenheter av att introduceras till arbetsplatsen på svenska restaurangverksamheter / New Hire: Workplace Introduction for Restaurant Workers in Sweden : A qualitative study exploring restaurant workers experiences of workplace introduction in Swedish restaurants

Bystritskiy, Egor, Thimén, Robin January 2024 (has links)
The Swedish hospitality industry is facing a number of challenges. Chief among them is high employee turnover and inadequate management of existing staff. The introduction of new employees to workplaces is among the first steps in managing new hires. Therefore, the purpose of the study is to investigate the relationship between induction processes in Swedish restaurants and motivation among newly hired employees. The study was carried out using qualitative semi-structured interviews to collect empirical data. The results showed a varied picture of induction processes, with some respondents expressing positive experiences, while others were not equally satisfied. Community in the workplace and a sense of belonging has been shown to be a central factor when it comes to employees' self-esteem and motivation. Additionally, a correlation was discovered between employees' professional roles and the quality of the induction process, which should be investigated in further studies.

Förutsättningar och hinder för asylsökandes språklärande och integration / Prerequisites and barriers to asylum seekers language training and integration

Yousif, Lena, Krasniqi, Rafet January 2016 (has links)
SAMMANFATTNING: Problem Från 2013 till och med april 2016 har Sverige tagit emot 309.669 asylsökande. De stora vågorna av asylsökande som har kommit understryker behovet av att ge de optimala förutsättningarna för att anpassa sig och integreras i samhället. Hur snabbt och i vilken grad asylsökande lyckas att socialiseras och integreras i samhället är relaterat till de grundläggande villkoren som t.ex. språkträning och samhällsorientering. Denna studie undersöker vilka möjligheter och hinder asylsökande får för att lära sig svenska och höja sina chanser till integration. Metod I studien användes en mixad metod (kvalitativ och kvantitativ). Genom kvalitativa intervjuer med personal och volontär lärare, har sju verksamheter (ABF, NBV, Biblioteket, Vuxenskola, BILDA, Folkuniversitet och Röda Korset) undersökts. Genom en enkät med strukturerade frågeformulär, undersöktes 183 asylsökande vad gäller olika faktorer som påverkar tillgänglighet till språkundervisning och motivation för studier och språklig praxis. Enkäterna delades ut i: Jönköping, Nässjö, Bodafors, Viebäck, Vetlanda, Sävsjö, Värnamo, Vaggeryd, Tokeryd och Skillingaryd. Resultat Kvalitativa delen: De intervjuade säger att det är viktigt att erbjuda svenskundervisning till asylsökande från första dagen de kommer till Sverige. Lärarna lyfter upp frågan om att det finns flera brister som utgör svårigheter för verksamheterna så att de kan erbjuda kvalitativ och tillräcklig undervisning. Kvantitativa delen: Motivationen till språkinlärning påverkas av flera faktorer: tiden sedan ankomst, motivationen till och deltagande i språkundervisning. Trots likheter i utbildning och språkkunskaper mellan könen ändå uppstår könsskillnader i praktisk tillämpning och integration. Slutsats Asylsökande strävar efter att bli en del av det svenska samhället. Det finns könsskillnader i praktisk tillämpning och integration. Förutsättningarna för att lära sig svenska språket är inte tillräckligt bra, p.g.a. informationsbrist eller försening av informationen om erbjuden svenskundervisning, för få erbjudna undervisningstimmar, placering utanför samhället, ekonomiska hinder och bristen på barnomsorg, som även påverkar möjligheten att lära sig svenska och integrera sig i samhället. / ABSTRACT Problem From 2013 to April 2016, Sweden has received 309,669 asylum seekers. The great waves of asylum seekers who have come underscores the need to provide the optimal conditions to adapt and integrate into society. How fast and to what degree they manage to socialize and integrate into society is related to the basic conditions such as language training and civic orientation. This study examines the opportunities and obstacles for asylum seekers to learn Swedish and increase their chances to integrate. Method The study used a mixed method (qualitative and quantitative) approach. Through qualitative interviews with staff and volunteer teachers, has seven such activities as (ABF, NBV, Library, Adult education” Vuxenskola”, BILDA, Folkuniversitet and Red Cross) investigated. Through a questionnaire with structured questionnaires, examined 183 asylum seekers in terms of factors that affect the availability to the teaching and motivation for study and linguistic practices. The questionnaires were distributed in Jönköping, Nässjö, Bodafors, Viebäck, Vetlanda, Sävsjö, Värnamo, Vaggeryd, Tokeryd and Skillingaryd. Result Qualitative part: Those interviewed said that it is important to offer Swedish tuition for asylum seekers from the first day they come to Sweden. Teachers raise the issue that there are several shortcomings that make difficulties for businesses so that they can provide quality and adequate education. Quantitative part: The motivation for language learning is influenced by several factors: among them, the time since arrival the motivation for and participation in language teaching. Despite similarities in education and language skills between the sexes, still significant gender differences in the practical application and integration. Conclusion Asylum seekers strive to become a part of Swedish society. There are gender differences in the practical application and integration. The conditions for learning the Swedish language is not good enough, because lack of information or delay of information for offered Swedish teaching, too few offered teaching hours, location outside of society, economic barriers and the lack of childcare, which also affects the ability to learn Swedish and integrate into society.

Návrh způsobu přidělování benefitů / Proposal of application of benefit system

Hlaváček, Radek January 2008 (has links)
Diploma thesis analyzes the current way of benefit distribution in Motorola company. First part of the thesis describes general motivation and stimulation factors. Second part describes the company's internal background. Third part analyzes the motivation factors within the company and consideres implementation of the cafeteria system.

Demonstrate and document : the development of a best practice model for biometric access control management

Norris-Jones, Lynne January 2011 (has links)
This thesis investigates the social, legal and ethical perceptions of participants towards the implementation of biometric access control systems within a sample of United Kingdom work-based environments. It focuses on the application of fingerprint scanning and facial recognition systems, whilst alluding to the development of more advanced (bleeding edge) technologies in the future. The conceptual framework is based on a tripartite model in which Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs is applied to the workforce whilst the principles of Utilitarianism and the Psychological Contract are applied to both management strategies and workforce perceptions. A qualitative paradigm is used in which semi-structured interviews are conducted with management and workforce participants within a sample of United Kingdom-based organisations (represented by Case Studies A-D). Discourse from these interviews are analysed, leading to the development of a series of first-cut findings for suggested "Best Practice " in the social, legal and ethical management of biometric access control systems. This process is subsequently developed with a refined sample of respondents (Case Studies A and C) culminating in the presentation of a suggested "Best Practice Model" for application to all four case studies. The model is based upon elements of a pre-determined Code of Practice (ISO/IEC 27002lnformation Technology - Security techniques - Code of Practice for Information Security Management) towards fostering acceptance of biometric technology within the workplace, in answering the question: How should organisations using biometric access control systems address social, legal and ethical concerns in the management of specific working environments in the United Kingdom?

Strolling to the beat of another drum : living the 'Slow Life'

Zeestraten, J. January 2008 (has links)
As the pace of life in contemporary Western society accelerates, an increasing number of people are engaging in an alternative lifestyle: ‘Slow Living’. Although popular in the media, Slow Living, which addresses issues of quality of life, is a relatively new area of academic enquiry. Given a lack of empirical research, especially on the realities of the Slow Life in a New Zealand context, this ethnographic study aims to augment the knowledge on this lifestyle by focusing on how families experience Slow Living. The key research question is: How do families live their interpretations of a Slow Life? To answer this question, this study examined the everyday lives of five Slow Living families in Canterbury, New Zealand. Adult family members were given a time-use diary to complete over two days. These diaries were then used as a foundation for in-depth interviews and participant observation. Slow Living families hold to a number of personal values, such as personal agency, conscious living and leading meaningful lives. These comprise their ideal way of living. The families are also faced with a number of challenges and have to employ strategies to balance their ideal and what is possible. The different ways families adapt produces a variety of Slow Living lifestyles.

Institutionens betydelse för människors hälsa : en livsberättelsestudie om äldres uppfattningar om hur det är att bo på äldreboende

Einarsson, Josefin January 2012 (has links)
Antalet äldre blir idag allt fler och behovet av vård flyttas upp i åldrarna. Det kräver att insatser inom äldrevård och omsorg håller hög kvalité och placerar människan i centrum för att skapa förutsättningar för äldre att leva ett värdigt, meningsfullt liv och känna välbefinnande. Frågan om mat, trygghet, identitet, social interaktion, anpassning och KASAM är faktorer som påverkar äldres tillvaro på äldreboende. Syftet med studien var att få djupare kunskap och förståelse i äldres livsvärld på äldreboende, hur man som boende upplever sin vardag och vilken betydelse äldreboendet som institution har för deras hälsa. Två livsberättelseintervjuer genomfördes under en timme var med två äldre, en man och en kvinna boende på ett äldreboende i Mellansverige. Resultatet tolkades och analyserades utifrån tidigare forskning, salutogent och patogent perspektiv på hälsa och teorier som KASAM, Maslows behovstrappa och immanent pedagogik. Resultatet visade att deltagarna är väldigt nöjda med sin vistelse på äldreboendet och hänvisar till aspekter som uppskattning av hjälp med mat, trygghet och tillit. Tidigare livserfarenheter och livsförhållanden lyfts fram i samband med uppskattningens betydelse. Dock framgår det även att tillvaron består av begränsningar som gör att personernas viktiga, betydelsefulla områden i livet inte fullt tillgodoses, vilket påverkar de äldres möjlighet att uppleva meningsfullhet i tillvaron. De äldres hälsotillstånd, tidsaspekt gällande personalens möjlighet att tillgodose behov, en fråga om mindre spontanitet och de äldres uppfattningar att inte kunna fodra hur mycket hjälp som helst är påverkande faktorer.

Životní styl osob s disabilitou tělesných (motorických) funkcí - osobní výpovědi lidí. / Lifestyle of persons with disability of motor funtions - personal statements.

STRNADOVÁ, Monika January 2011 (has links)
Any disability can bring disadvantages in many aspects of human lives. This often affects physical, mental and social areas of life. It depends on many circumstances and factors to what extent and at what intensity disability influences the way of life. The research part of my diploma thesis confirms this fact. Not only the type of disability and its prognosis, the personality and his/her ability to handle difficult situations in life, but also the quality of social relationships and the strength of the social safety net are important factors. Irreplaceable role in caring for people with a disability has comprehensive rehabilitation, which helps not only to improve the health condition, to restore job skills and self-sufficiency, but mainly supports a successful return to the home environment as well as to the regular everyday life.The aim of my thesis was to learn about individual life stories of people struggling with a disability of physical functions, whether due to an illness, injury or another disability, resulting in movement disorders, and to find out how the disability affects their lives. I tried to analyze specific aspects of life and social consequences of disability (coping with disabilities,value orientation, interpersonal relationships, future plans, self-realization). The base of my work is the holistic, i.e. bio-psycho-socio-spiritual approach, I respect the individuality of each individual, his/her attitude to life with a handicap (disability).

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