Spelling suggestions: "subject:"matematika"" "subject:"matematikai""
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Budování představ čísla do 100 / Creating number concept up to 100Panovská, Lucie January 2012 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with third-graders from one of Prague's elementary schools and their understanding of numbers. In addition to the Prodos textbooks, some didactical ideas were taken from the Fraus textbooks, which are aimed at the development of children's understanding mathematics. The experiments were carried out in a classroom and lasted one and a half year. Seven pupils were chosen to take part. The experiments were aimed at gauging their semantic and structural understanding of numbers. The pupils worked individually and were individually interviewed after the experiments. The assumption that pupils use strategies that are not taught in the classroom was confirmed, as well as the fact that the operation of subtraction is much more complicated than addition in mental arithmetic and also in written counting. However, the assumption that the pupils perform better when faced with financial matters as opposed to other situations was not confirmed. It came to light that when creating a verbal task, it is necessary to consider the pupil's understanding of the vocabulary used. Key Words: addition, subtraction, decomposition of number, computation, mathematics, calculative strategies
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Změny postojů žáků k matematice při přechodu z 1. na 2. stupeň základní školy / Change in pupils' attitudes towards mathematics in transition from primary to lower-secondary educationVernerová, Klára January 2019 (has links)
Results of researches on the popularity of mathematics point to the trend of decreasing popularity with the pupils' progression. According to the study of Chvál a stronger decline occurs between the fifth and sixth grades. The presented thesis focuses mainly on what factors of the transition of pupils from the primary to lower-secondary level can influence their attitudes towards mathematics and also on what causes the changes of these attitudes can be named by the pupils of the sixth year. It focuses not only on changes in relation to mathematics, but it also maps the solidarity with the teacher as well as pupils' self- confidence. The research is also concerned with possible changes in the relationship of pupils to mathematics depending on whether they are taught by the Hejny method or not. The research was carried out in the form of questionnaires mapping pupils' attitudes to mathematics and interviews with selected pupils of the schools participating in the research. The sample consisted of 235 pupils in five elementary schools. The complete data was obtained from 161 of them and this data is therefore a substantial part of the results analysis. The results confirmed that the pupils' relationship to mathematics deteriorated on average from primary to lower-secondary level. However, there are classes...
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Vliv cizího jazyka na komunikaci v bilingvní výuce matematiky / The Influence of a Foreign Language on the Communication in the Bilingual Teaching of MathematicsErnyeiová, Jana January 2007 (has links)
This work refers to the topic of bilingual mathematics education. It is focused on monitoring the communicational influences of teacher's and pupil's language, categorization of the disturbing effects and possibilities, how the teacher should prepare for them and how to solve them. A significant role plays the reflection of the teacher, as the results were done on the basis of action research during teaching in England, Germany and the Czech Republic. The teaching was realized in a second language as well for the teacher as for the pupils. The teacher was at the same time experimenter as well as author of this work. The theoretical part results from dealing with scientific literature about bilingualism, bilingual education, methodology of CLIL (Content and Language Integrated Learning), relations between first language, language of mathematics and the foreign language. In the practical part an analysis of lessons performed in mathematics with the subject of probability is carried out. The teaching was focused on playing a game with dice and deciding whether the game is fair or not. The lessons were audio taped and transcriptions of the spoken language were made. An analysis of the language, teacher's mistakes, communicational interference, proportional relations on communication of the pupils and of the...
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Pythagorova věta v hodinách CLIL / Pythagorian Theorem in CLIL lessonsDubová, Libuše January 2012 (has links)
This diploma thesis, titled "Pythagorean Theorem in CLIL lessons", deals with one of the possible strategies in bilingual education - CLIL method which links teaching of a non- linguistic subject and a foreign language, mathematics and English, in this case. For the realization of CLIL method I have chosen the topic of the introduction to Pythagorean Theorem. The aim of this thesis was to check whether the chosen topic is suitable for CLIL lessons, then the influence of a foreign language on the active involvement of pupils in the lesson and on understanding of the subject matter. At the beginning, I focus on general integration of the content subject and a foreign language and then I describe the preparation of the experiment. The core of this thesis is the project of the CLIL lesson. The project was realized in the experimental groups, the gained data have been processed on the base of observation and analysis of the final individual work and the questionnaire. The results show the potential of the CLIL method as a new possibility for bilingual teaching of content subjects.
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Briaunainių konstravimo mokomosios aplinkos tyrimas / Research of polyhedron construction learning environmentAndriškevičienė, Rita 11 August 2008 (has links)
Tema „Briaunainių konstravimo mokomosios aplinkos tyrimas“.
Projekto tikslas - sukurti matematikos mokymo priemonę „Briaunainių konstravimas“, kurią galėtų naudoti matematikos mokytojai 5 – 8 klasėse matematikos dėstymui bei apklausai, o taip pat ir mokiniai, ruošdamiesi matematikos pamokoms.
• Patikslinti ir suformuluoti problemą;
• sukurti patogią ir patrauklią vartotojo sąsają;
• pateikti teorinę medžiagą;
• pateikti uždavinius savikontrolei;
• sukurti kontrolinius testus;
• atlikti sukurtos mokymo priemonės tyrimą.
Ši priemonė reikalinga, nes:
a) ji turėtų apimti 5 – 8 klasių matematikos temą „Briaunainių konstravimas“;
b) priemonė suteiktų mokiniams galimybę gilinti turimas matematikos žinias ne pamokų metu;
c) matematikos mokytojai galėtų sėkmingai šios temos mokymo programą panaudoti savo pamokose;
d) reikėtų, kad ši priemonė atitiktų matematikos dalyko išsilavinimo standartus.
Mokomajai priemonei keliami reikalavimai:
• lengvai įdiegiama;
• nekelia didelių reikalavimų techninei ir programinei įrangai;
• nesudėtingas valdymas;
• patogi ir aiški, intuityviai suprantama vartotojo sąsaja;
• informatyvi, aiškiai, glaustai ir įdomiai pateikiama informacija.
Sukurta mokyklinės matematikos mokymo(si) priemonė matematikos mokymui mokykloje skirta 5 - 8 klasių moksleiviams. Joje pateikta teorinė medžiaga, savarankiškam darbui skirti uždaviniai, kontroliniai testai.
Darbe panaudotos programavimo, projektavimo programos. Mokyklinės matematikos mokymo(si) priemonė yra... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Theme: „Research of polyhedron construction learning environment“ the aim of the project: – to create appliance for mathematics instruction „Edge construction“, which mathematics teachers can use in 5 – 8 forms in the school to teach and exaimine the mathematics, also the pupils can use doing math lessons.
. to make more precise and express the problem;
. to create suitable and attractive user's connection;
. to give theoretical material;
. to give exersices for self – sufficient test;
. to create the tests exersices;
. have done test of school appliances for mathematics instruction.
These appliances need because:
a) they have to include of 5 – 8 forms mathematics theme „Edge construction“;
b) to give an opportunity to deepen math knowleages not only during the mathematics lessons;
c) to give an opportunity to teachers use this material on their math lesson successtully;
d) this appliance has to be suitable the math subject's educational standarts.
Requirements of this educational appliance:
. easily to instil;
. not need a difficult requirements to technical and informatical equipments;
. not difficult managing;
. suitable and clear user's connection;
. giving information is clear, interesting and informative.
This educational appliance has been created for 5 – 8 forms pupils on mathematics lessons. It is contained theoretical material, exercises for self – sufficient work tests.
Informative and project prospectus was used in this work. The school mathematics... [to full text]
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Mokyklinės matematikos mokymo(si) priemonė / The school mathematics tool for learningJaselskytė, Sonata 16 August 2007 (has links)
Mokyklinės matematikos mokymo(si) priemonė skirta vyresniųjų klasių moksleiviams, kurioje pateikta matematikos mokyklinio brandos egzamino temų teorija ir uždavinių pavyzdžiai, savikontrolės uždaviniai ir kontroliniai testai. / The mathematics tool for learning is targeted to the students of higher forms and includes the theory of particular topics and task examples, self-monitoring, check tests and assessment tasks.
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Lietuviškų tekstų stilių palyginimas naudojant universalias kiekybines charakteristikas / The comparison of Lithuanian texts‘ styles by using the universal quantitative characteristicsStiklius, Raimundas 03 September 2010 (has links)
Lietuviškų tekstų grožinio ir mokslinio stilių palyginimas naudojant statistinius metodus. Taikomos universalios kiekybinės charakteristikos, koreliacinė ir regresinė analizė, logtiesiniai modeliai. Tiriamos žodžių ilgių ir dažnių priklausomybės, žodžių pasiskirstymas tekstuose. / The comparison of Lithuanian texts‘ fiction and scientific literature styles by using statistics methods. by using the universal quantitative characteristics, the correlation and regression analysis, the loglinear models.
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Nuotolinio mokymosi metodų taikymo matematikos dalykui mokyti galimybių tyrimas / The research of possibilities of distance learning methods application in teaching of mathematics subjectButkutė, Lina 18 August 2014 (has links)
Šiandieninėje bendrojo lavinimo mokykloje labai svarbu ugdyti sąmoningą, naujoms technologijoms atvirą, žinias su praktika gebantį sieti žmogų. Tam neabejotinai prireiks matematinių žinių ir įgūdžių. Matematika – svarbus gamtos mokslų ir technologijų įrankis. Visi mokiniai, nepriklausomai nuo jų gabumų, polinkių ar mokymosi ypatumų turėtų pajusti matematikos praktinę naudą. Mokydamasis matematikos kiekvienas mokinys turi patirti sėkmę, o pačios matematikos ugdymo turinys, jo perteikimo būdai ir tam naudojami metodai turi padėti mokiniui susikoncentruoti į mokymosi sėkmę. Taigi vienas iš svarbiausių mokytojo uždavinių yra surasti tokius mokymo metodus ir priemones, kurie būtų įdomūs, tikslingi įvairių gebėjimų bei poreikių mokiniams ir leistų visiems pasiekti gerų mokymosi rezultatų. Vienas iš tokių būdų galėtų būti nuotolinis mokymasis.
Nuotolinis mokymasis – tai nuo laiko ir erdvės apribojimo, mokytoją ir mokinį, išlaisvinanti mokymosi forma. Pasitelkiant kompiuterį ir interneto ryšį, įvairių poreikių, bei skirtingų gabumų mokiniai nevaržomi vietos ir laiko gali mokytis savarankiškai – pakartoti, pagilinti, pritaikyti ar pasitikrinti savo žinias ne tik per pamokas, bet ir po pamokų. Vis dėlto, nuotolinis mokymasis daugiau įprastas suaugusiųjų mokymesi. Daugeliu atvejų mokymuisi naudojami informacijos perdavimą užtikrinantys mokymosi metodai. O matematikos dalykui įsisavinti reikia ne tik teorinių žinių, bet ir praktinių įgūdžių.
Šiame darbe tiriamos nuotolinio mokymosi... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / In today's secondary school it is very essential to develop a conscious, open to new technologies person, who will be capable to link knowledge and practices. This will undoubtedly require mathematical knowledge and skills. Mathematics - an important science and technology tool. All students, regardless of their abilities, aptitudes and learning features should feel mathematics practical benefits. Learning mathematics each student has to experience success in mathematics education and the content of the rendering techniques and the methods should help the student to concentrate on learning success.
So one of the most important tasks of the teacher is to find such teaching methods and tools that are interesting, targeted to different abilities and needs of students and to enable them to attain academic success. One such way could be distance learning.
Distance learning - this is the unlocking form that helps to separate the teacher and the pupil from time and space limitation. With the help of a computer and an Internet connection, students with different needs and different abilities can learn self without the restrictions to place and time - repeat, deepen, adapt, or test their knowledge not only in the classroom but also after school. However, remote learning is more common in adult learning. In most cases, the transfer of learning is used to ensure learning methods. In order to master the things of math it is essential to have not only theoretical but also practical... [to full text]
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Matematické úlohy inspirované geografií / Mathematical problems inspired by GoegraphyKRULEC, Radek January 2018 (has links)
The diploma thesis is devoted to the inter-subject relationships of mathematics and geography. The aim of this thesis is to study real situations from the environment of geography, which have a mathematical basis, and to create a set of application examples for teaching at primary and secondary school. The work should show that mathematics is connected not only to physics, chemistry, biology, but also to geography, and that it occurs in many real-world situations.
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Využití interaktivní tabule na prvním stupni ZŠ při výuce témat Přirozená čísla do 1 000 000, Závislosti a vztahy. / Using an interactive whiteboards on the primary school to teach the topics Natural numbers to 1 000 000, Dependencies and relationships.KOUKAL, Martin January 2011 (has links)
The thesis deals with the practical use of interactive whiteboards in teaching the topics natural numbers to a million, dependence and relations. In the introduction, I compare the general principles of the mathematics teaching and I comment on the documents dealing with the given topic. The work includes a manual and the instructions to my interactive material. The thesis also describes the process of the course material verification. In conclusion, I subjectively evaluate the acquired knowledge in confrontation with reality.
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