Spelling suggestions: "subject:"xax ueber"" "subject:"2ax ueber""
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Channeling charisma: leadership, community and ritual of a Catholic charismatic prayer group in the United StatesWu, Keping January 2007 (has links)
This ethnographic study examines the organizational structure, formation of community and ritual performance of a Catholic charismatic prayer group in the United States. Heavily influenced by the Protestant Pentecostal movement, the Catholic Charismatic Renewal (CCR) began as a grassroots movement among the Catholic laity
in the late 1960s and proposed a personal connection with God through "baptism in the Holy Spirit" and reception of "charisms," spiritual gifts, such as glossolalia (speaking in
tongues), healing and prophesying. Earlier studies suggested that such groups would fade out due to the inherent tension with Catholic institutions. Nevertheless, this dissertation presents the case study of a rapidly growing Catholic charismatic group at the suburbs of Boston, with a charismatic leader who is also a priest.
The research methods include participant observation of all the meetings, retreats, and rituals, formal and informal interviews of the leader, his clerical associates and
members, and review of the groups' publications and the leader's own radio program, during a period of twenty months from December 2001 to August 2003. I have also visited and interviewed priests and lay people of non-charismatic Catholic churches and two Protestant Pentecostal churches in the greater Boston area.
Building upon Max Weber's theory of charisma, this dissertation examines how the charismatic leader maximizes his authority by integrating both personal and institutional charisma. The vertical ties the community members cultivate with the leader and the horizontal ties they establish among themselves through narratives of conversion and healing experience reinforce group cohesion and resilience. By analyzing ritual language and bodily movement, this study argues that ritual is a communication system
in which the charisma of the leader and the religious experience of the followers are
This study of the actual workings of a charismatic group within the hierarchical structure of the church not only advances the relationship between charisma and
institution beyond the Weberian paradigm but also situates the case study of charismatic leadership within the social and historical context of American culture at large.
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Le concept de rationalisation dans la pensée constitutionnelle française : essai d'analyse / The concept of rationalization in the French constitutional thought : an attempt of analysisCorré, Laurence 06 July 2010 (has links)
Le concept de rationalisation du parlementarisme fait aujourd’hui partie des concepts marquants du droit public français. Tout semble avoir été dit sur les techniques de rationalisation consacrées par la constitution de 1958. Pourtant, force est de constater que le concept de rationalisation reste mal connu. Inventé à la fin des années vingt par le juriste d’origine ukrainienne Boris Mirkine-Guetzévitch pour décrire la dynamique de constitutionnalisation à l’œuvre dans les nouveaux Etats d’Europe centrale et orientale au lendemain de la Première Guerre mondiale, le concept de rationalisation du parlementarisme dérive du concept général de rationalisation du pouvoir qui renvoie à l’idée d’une société entièrement régie par le droit. Quelles sont les sources d’inspiration du concept de rationalisation ? Comment se traduit son implantation et son évolution dans la pensée constitutionnelle française des années trente à nos jours ? « Dépoussiérer » le concept de rationalisation du pouvoir implique d’identifier ses soubassements théoriques et de déterminer sa portée idéologique. L’étude de l’acclimatation du concept mirkinien (ainsi que de son idéologie sous-jacente et de ses techniques de réalisation) permet de souligner les adaptations et les réinterprétations dont il a été l’objet en accord avec la pensée juridique dominante et les grandes orientations du droit positif. / The concept of rationalization of parliamentarism is nowadays part of the significant concepts of the French public Law. Everything seems to be said about the techniques of rationalization established by the constitution in 1958. However, we are forced to notice that the rationalization concept remains badly knows. Invented at the end of the twenties by the jurist Boris Mirkine-Guetzévitch to describe the dynamic of constitutionalization in action in the new eastern and central Europe states, just afeter the first World war, the concept of rationalization of parlementarism results from the general concept of rationalization of the authority which refers to the idea of a society entirely ruled by law. What are the sources of inspiration of the rationalization concept? How are converged its presence and its development int the french constitutional thought from the thirties up to now? To dust the concept of rationalization of the authority implies to identify its theorical basis and determine its ideological impact. The study of the acclimatatization of the mirkinian concept (as well as its underlying ideology and its techniques of realization) allows to underline the adaptations and reinterpretations it has been the subject in harmony with the main juridical thought and the great trends of positive law.
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Légitimité et légitimation. Une théorie wébérienne de la légitimité du politique / Legitimacy and Legitimation. A weberian theory of political legitimacyRocton, Stéphane 29 November 2012 (has links)
La littérature académique à propos du concept de « légitimité politique » offre le spectacle d’un pluralisme qui confine à la confusion. Pluralisme terminologique (légitimité, légitimation, soutien, confiance, satisfaction, etc.), pluralisme des objets (organisations internationales, Etats nationaux, institutions, gouvernements, politiques publiques, etc.), et, surtout, pluralisme des thèses (valeurs, intérêts, culture, idéologie, efficacité, délibération, etc.) Au travers d'une analyse systématique de la littérature internationale et multidisciplinaire (sociologie, science politique, économie, administration publique), notre travail expose, en deçà de cette diversité, le schéma logique qui préside à la construction des théories de la légitimité. Synchroniquement, il prétend alors retrouver la théorie originelle et fondatrice de la légitimité du politique, la théorie de Max Weber, structurée par l’articulation entre légitimité et légitimation. Diachroniquement, il expose les ressorts de l’extension de sens que connaît le concept de légitimité depuis la « crise » des années 70. / Academic literature on the concept of "political legitimacy" shows a broad diversity. Terminological diversity (legitimacy, legitimation, support, trust, satisfaction, etc.), objects diversity (international organizations, national governments, institutions, leaders, public policy, etc.), and most importantly, theoretical diversity (values, interests, culture, ideology, effectiveness, deliberation, etc.) Consisting in a systematic analysis of the international and multidisciplinary literature (sociology, political science, economics, public administration), our study aims to show, beyond this diversity, the logical scheme that governs the construction of theories of legitimacy. Synchronically, we then claim we found the original and founding theory of Max Weber again, built on the conceptual couple legitimacy / legitimation. Diachronically, we expose and explain the extension of meaning which affects the concept of “legitimacy” since the "crisis" of the '70s.
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Ciência, Técnica e Reencantamento do Mundo / Science, technology and re-enchantment of the worldMocellim, Alan Delazeri 29 August 2014 (has links)
A ciência teve um papel central naquilo que Max Weber chamou de desencantamento do mundo. O mundo da ciência é um mecanismo causal, um mundo de causas e efeitos inteligíveis, que funciona conforme leis racionais. Este é um mundo onde magia e religiões são banidas para o horizonte do irracional, e onde apenas o que é calculável e aplicável é racional. Ciência e técnica não podem conferir sentido a um mundo concebido dessa forma. No entanto, nos dias de hoje, nos deparamos com discursos que afirmam justamente o contrário, e o mais instigante neles é o fato de compreenderem a ciência e a tecnologia como os elementos principais que possibilitam um reencantamento do mundo. Visamos com este projeto apresentar uma sistematização das teorizações cujo foco é o reencantamento do mundo pela via científica e tecnológica mas não nos limitaremos a tal apresentação sistemática. Temos como objetivo mais amplo e central uma análise crítica de tais teorizações, que evidencie não apenas seus temas, enfoques e argumentos, mas também suas deficiências e impasses no que se refere ao diagnóstico que fazem do papel da ciência e da tecnologia no mundo contemporâneo / Science has played a central role in what Max Weber called the disenchantment of the world. The world of science is a causal mechanism, a world of intelligible causes and effects which works according to rational laws. This is a world where magic and religions are banished to the horizon of the irrational, and where only what is calculable and usefull is rational. Science and technology cannot give meaning to a world conceived that way. However, nowdays, we face discourses that claim precisely the opposite, and the most exciting is the fact that they claim the science and technology as the key elements that enable to re-enchantment of the world. We aim with this project present a systematization of theories whose focus is the re-enchantment of the world through scientific and technological means but we will not limit ourselves to a systematic presentation. We have as a broader and central objective a critical analysis of such theories, evidencing not only their themes, approaches and arguments, but also its shortcomings and dilemmas regarding the diagnosis of the role of science and technology in the contemporary world
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O processo de intelectualização: fundamentos para uma explicação sociológica do conhecimento / The Process of Intellectualization: foundations for a sociological explanation of knowledgeMunhoz, Hugo Neri 12 August 2014 (has links)
Este trabalho é uma primeira etapa da elaboração de um conjunto conceitual que tem por objetivo fornecer uma explicação sociológica para o fenômeno do conhecimento. O ponto de partida é a reconstrução de uma possível explicação presente na sociologia de Max Weber para o fenômeno em questão. Parto da suposição que os trabalhos de Weber indiretamente explicariam-no, dado que a teoria da ação e da racionalização suscitariam inevitáveis problemas epistemológicos. Não obstante, essas duas teorias endereçariam respostas parciais aos dois problemas básicos sobre o conhecimento, a saber, o que é o conhecimento? e como o conhecimento é desenvolvido? Para respondê-las integralmente, seria necessário encontrar um fenômeno que conjugasse a teoria da ação social com a teoria da racionalização. Minha principal hipótese é que este seria o no processo de intelectualização. Com isso, a parte central deste trabalho refere- se à reconstrução do processo de intelectualização e sua solução prévia para o conhecimento. Ao esgotar todas as possibilidades de explicação, utilizo os trabalhos de Hermann Lotze e Gottlob Frege como auxiliares na compreensão e resolução de noções subjacentes ao problema do conhecimento, como as noções de sentido, significado, verdade, interpretação e intersubjetividade. Ao final, chego a uma conclusão que tenta acoplar uma teoria da linguagem sobre a explicação do conhecimento produzida pela reconstrução dos trabalhos de Weber / This study is a first stage of drafting a conceptual framework that aims to provide a sociological explanation for the phenomenon of knowledge. The starting point is the reconstruction of a possible explanation for knowledge grounded on Max Weber\'s Sociology. As a starting point, we assume that Weber\'s work indirectly explains the phenomenon of knowledge, since the theory of action and rationalization would raise inevitable epistemological problems. Nevertheless, these two theories would only address partial answers to two basic problems about knowledge, namely, what is knowledge? and how knowledge is developed? In order to answer completely such questions it would require a phenomenon that combines the theory of social action with the theory of rationalization. Our main hypothesis is that the process of intellectualization is the phenomenon would best combine both theories. Thus, the central part of this study refers to the reconstruction of the process of intellectualization and its prior solution to the knowledge. When all possibilities were exhausted, we used some works of Hermann Lotze and Gottlob Frege in order to assist the comprehension and solve some knowledge\'s underlying notions, such as meaning, sense, truth, interpretation, and intersubjectivity. In the conclusion, we attempt to attach a theory of language on the explanation of knowledge produced by the reconstruction of Weber\'s writings
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The Golem Project : Creation, Animation and the Re-enchantment of the WorldRetzlaff, Hilde January 2017 (has links)
The Golem Project är en studie i animation av död materia. Projektets två delar består av en essä där framförallt skapelsemyter studerats och ett fysiskt experiment utifrån fastställda hypoteser. The Golem Project presenterades på Galleri Mejan hösten 2017 som en utställning med namnet The Golem Experiment. / The Golem Experiment är det fysiska experiment som resulterade av mina studier. Det presenterades i form av en skulptural installation på Galleri Mejan hösten 2017.
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A neutralidade valorativa: a posição de Max Weber no debate sobre os juízos de valor / Value-freedom: Max Weber\'s position in the debate on the value-judgmentsFanta, Daniel 30 April 2014 (has links)
O texto procura reconstruir a posição de Max Weber no debate acerca dos juízos de valor nas ciências sociais. Com base nos argumentos elencados por Weber, identificam-se duas dimensões na tese da neutralidade valorativa, uma metodológica e outra ética e tenta-se investigar a relação entre as duas dimensões. Em anexo, ainda se apresenta a tradução de três textos de Weber, inéditos em português / The text seeks to reconstruct Max Webers position in the debate concerning the value-judgments in the social sciences. Based on the arguments given by Weber, it identifies two dimensions in the value-freedom thesis, a methodological and an ethical one. Finally, it tries to investigate the relation that links the two dimensions. At the end, there is a translation of three Max Weber texts, still unavailable in Portuguese
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A teoria crítica e Max Weber / Critical theory and Max WeberVasconcellos, Caio Eduardo Teixeira 04 September 2014 (has links)
O objetivo desta pesquisa é interpretar as relações entre os autores da primeira geração da teoria crítica - Max Horkheimer, Theodor Adorno e Herbert Marcuse - com a sociologia de Max Weber. Usualmente, elas são analisadas visando destacar as suas semelhanças e as suas continuidades. Todavia, para reconstruir a maneira pela qual esses frankfurtianos incorporaram certa temática weberiana, será necessário ressaltar as suas divergências e suas rupturas não apenas dos frankfurtianos com Weber, mas inclusive entre eles mesmos. Mais que uma simples operação de transposição conceitual, a apropriação crítica ao pensamento de Weber é ainda um eixo em torno do qual se pode interpretar aspectos particulares da teoria social de Horkheimer, de Adorno e de Marcuse Teoria crítica, Max Weber, Max Horkheimer, Theodor Adorno, Herbert Marcuse / The main aim of this research is to study the relationship between the authors of the first generation of critical theory - Max Horkheimer, Theodor Adorno and Herbert Marcuse - with the sociology of Max Weber. Usually, they are analyzed in order to highlight their similarities and their continuities. However, to reconstruct the way in which these frankfurtians incorporated certain Weberian theme, is also necessary to highlight their differences and their breaks not only the frankfurtians with Weber, but even among themselves. More than a simple conceptual transposition, critical to the thought of Weber ownership is still an axis around which to interpret particular aspects of social theory Horkheimer, Adorno and Marcuse
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A neutralidade valorativa: a posição de Max Weber no debate sobre os juízos de valor / Value-freedom: Max Weber\'s position in the debate on the value-judgmentsDaniel Fanta 30 April 2014 (has links)
O texto procura reconstruir a posição de Max Weber no debate acerca dos juízos de valor nas ciências sociais. Com base nos argumentos elencados por Weber, identificam-se duas dimensões na tese da neutralidade valorativa, uma metodológica e outra ética e tenta-se investigar a relação entre as duas dimensões. Em anexo, ainda se apresenta a tradução de três textos de Weber, inéditos em português / The text seeks to reconstruct Max Webers position in the debate concerning the value-judgments in the social sciences. Based on the arguments given by Weber, it identifies two dimensions in the value-freedom thesis, a methodological and an ethical one. Finally, it tries to investigate the relation that links the two dimensions. At the end, there is a translation of three Max Weber texts, still unavailable in Portuguese
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Ciência, Técnica e Reencantamento do Mundo / Science, technology and re-enchantment of the worldAlan Delazeri Mocellim 29 August 2014 (has links)
A ciência teve um papel central naquilo que Max Weber chamou de desencantamento do mundo. O mundo da ciência é um mecanismo causal, um mundo de causas e efeitos inteligíveis, que funciona conforme leis racionais. Este é um mundo onde magia e religiões são banidas para o horizonte do irracional, e onde apenas o que é calculável e aplicável é racional. Ciência e técnica não podem conferir sentido a um mundo concebido dessa forma. No entanto, nos dias de hoje, nos deparamos com discursos que afirmam justamente o contrário, e o mais instigante neles é o fato de compreenderem a ciência e a tecnologia como os elementos principais que possibilitam um reencantamento do mundo. Visamos com este projeto apresentar uma sistematização das teorizações cujo foco é o reencantamento do mundo pela via científica e tecnológica mas não nos limitaremos a tal apresentação sistemática. Temos como objetivo mais amplo e central uma análise crítica de tais teorizações, que evidencie não apenas seus temas, enfoques e argumentos, mas também suas deficiências e impasses no que se refere ao diagnóstico que fazem do papel da ciência e da tecnologia no mundo contemporâneo / Science has played a central role in what Max Weber called the disenchantment of the world. The world of science is a causal mechanism, a world of intelligible causes and effects which works according to rational laws. This is a world where magic and religions are banished to the horizon of the irrational, and where only what is calculable and usefull is rational. Science and technology cannot give meaning to a world conceived that way. However, nowdays, we face discourses that claim precisely the opposite, and the most exciting is the fact that they claim the science and technology as the key elements that enable to re-enchantment of the world. We aim with this project present a systematization of theories whose focus is the re-enchantment of the world through scientific and technological means but we will not limit ourselves to a systematic presentation. We have as a broader and central objective a critical analysis of such theories, evidencing not only their themes, approaches and arguments, but also its shortcomings and dilemmas regarding the diagnosis of the role of science and technology in the contemporary world
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