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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Cisterciensklostrens odlingar i Sverige under medeltiden

Sköldström Brades, Helen January 2014 (has links)
The aim of this paperisto find out which plants the Cistercian monks might have cultivated in Sweden during the Middle Ages and which types of plants it would have been practical to grow inside or outside of the Cistercian monastery precinct. Archaeologicaland archaeobotanical studies have been consulted to find out which plants were available in Sweden during the Middle Ages. Examples, mainly from Scandinavia, but also from the continent, are used to show that the monasteries were large institutionsthat had to feed a large number of people and that there would not have been enough space to cultivate everything needed within the monastery precinct.Secondary sources have in the main been used to gather this information, except in the case of the Swedish monastery of Nydala where F-Topo, a database developed by the County Museum of Jönköping,has been used to analyse the amount of land and the types of properties owned by the monastery.The conclusion is that for practical reasons the monks would have cultivated plants that needed to be close at hand, that were rare or delicate, that could not be stored for long periods and that were used in small quantities within the monastery precinct. This would include medicinal plants, herbs for cooking and some vegetables like lettuce, spinach,and similar,that do not keep well. Most other items, grains, cabbages, root vegetables, peas and beans could equally well be cultivated outside the walls. As yet there is no complete list over plant introductions in Sweden. The most comprehensive list available has been included in the Appendix together with indications of usage area; medicinal, food or miscellaneous.

Identifying and Situating the Medieval Ragundaskogen: A Tale of Forest, Fish and Farmers / Identifiera och lokalisera den medeltida Ragundaskogen: En berättelse om skogen, fisket och bönderna som levde där

Cochrane, Alexandra January 2021 (has links)
In several medieval written sources an area called Ragundaskogen (Eng: Ragunda Forest) is documented in eastern Jämtland. The references in the sources are general and lack specific information about location, meaning and the extent of this area. This thesis uses a theoretical framework based on niche construction and a method employing written sources, place names and archaeological remains to better understand the medieval concept of the Ragunda Forest. The study will reconstruct and discuss the area’s geography, but also provide insight into the people who lived there, their relationships with each other and places in the landscape, as well as their relationship to the church in Uppsala and the monarchy in Norway. The Ragunda Forest was a niche in a border area and during certain periods seems to have had a certain form of independence. The Middle Ages are a period characterised by a series of crises due to climate change and diseases such as the plague. The Ragunda Forest will be used as a background to discuss how the medieval population and landscapes were affected. The thesis suggests that interdisciplinary studies of delimited and local landscape spaces are an effective method for better understanding historical human-environment relations. / I flera skriftliga källor från medeltiden omnämns Ragundaskogen i östra Jämtland. Hänvisningarna i källorna är generella så det är svårt att avgöra Ragundaskogens exakta betydelse, läge och utbredning. Denna uppsats använder ett teoretiskt ramverk som bygger på nischkonstruktion och en metod som omfattar skriftliga källor, platsnamn och arkeologiska lämningar för att bättre förstå det medeltida begreppet Ragundaskogen. Studien kommer att rekonstruera och diskutera områdets geografi, men också ge insikt till människorna som levde där, till deras relationer sinsemellan och till platser i landskapet, samt till deras förhållanden till kyrkan i Uppsala och kungamakten i Norge. Ragundaskogen var en nisch i ett gränsområde och verkar under vissa perioder också haft en viss form av självständighet. Medeltiden är en tidsperiod som kännetecknas av en rad kriser till följd av klimatförändring och sjukdomar som pesten. Ragundaskogen kommer att användas som en bakgrund för att diskutera hur medeltidens människor och landskap påverkades. Uppsatsen föreslår att tvärvetenskapliga studier av avgränsade och lokala landskapsrum är en effektiv metod för att bättre förstå historiska människa-miljö relationer.

'Cum organum dicitur' : The transmission of vocal polyphony in pre-Reformation Sweden and bordering areas

Bergwall, Erik January 2016 (has links)
The polyphonic sources of medieval Sweden are very few, although well-documented in musicological research. However, while most of the earlier research has tended to focus on interpreting the sources themselves rather than to examine the cultural and historical context in which they were written, the present dissertation aims at providing a broader narrative of the transmission and practice of polyphony. By examining the cultural context of the sources and putting them in relation to each other, a bigger picture is painted, where also Danish and Norwegian sources are included. Based on the discussion and analyses of the sources, a general historical outline is suggested. The practice of organum in the late 13th century in Uppsala was probably a result from Swedes studying in Paris and via oral transmission brought the practice back home. This 'Parisian path' was accompanied by an 'English-Scandinavian' path, where mostly Denmark and Norway either influenced or were influenced by English polyphonic practice. During the 14th century, polyphony seems to have been rather established in Sweden, although prohibitions against it were made by the Order of the Bridgettines. These prohibitions were probably linked to a general antipolyphonic attitude in Europe, beginning with the papal bull of John XII in 1324. The sources of the 15th and 16th centuries are very different from each other, and perhaps suggest that polyphony of older styles were sung in monasteries and certain churches while more modern discant were sung at the royal courts and at larger religious feasts such as the translation of Catherine of Vadstena.

Laserskanning och 3Dmodellering för rekonstruktion av ett medeltida kyrkorum / Laser scanning and 3D-modeling for reconstruction of a medieval church.

Wiberg, Frida, Rindberg, Agnes January 2019 (has links)
Denna studie beskriver en 3D rekonstruktion av en medeltida kyrka belägen 25 km söder om Växjö. Kyrkan som är byggd under 1200-talet är speciell då den fortfarande har kvar mycket av sitt ursprungliga utseende. Kyrkan har även en välbevarad takkonstruktion som speciellt uppmärksammas i detta arbete. Problemet är dock att konstruktionen i dagsläget är dold bakom ett senare tillbyggt undertak. Syftet och målet med 3D rekonstruktionen är att återskapa kyrkorummet till sitt ursprungliga utseende och jämföra det med det nutida utifrån tre aspekter; ljusinsläpp, rumsupplevelse och rörelsemöjligheter. Resultatet av projektet visade att kyrkorummet var mycket mörkare förr på grund av att endast ett fåtal mindre fönster fanns. Kyrkorummet var däremot mer öppet under 1200-talet då det troligtvis inte fanns någon inredning i kyrkan, samt att det var öppet upp till nock innan undertaket byggts till. Idag har kyrkan fler och större fönster och den är även inredd med bänkar utmed långsidorna, vilket har påverkat rörelsemönstret. Framtida projekt som handlar om äldre kyrkor och konstruktioner kommer att kunna använda studien. Detta genom att behandla den som en riktlinje samt ett stöd för sitt projekt. Denna studien kan också ligga till grund för vidare och mer fördjupande studier inom detta område, då 3D-modellen kan användas till bland annat VR-teknik. Användning av VR-teknik kan möjliggöra för människor att uppleva det ursprungliga kyrkorummet precis som om de vore på plats. / This study is describing a 3D reconstruction of a medieval church located 25 kilometers south of Växjö. The church is very special as the appearance of the building is still very original. The church also has an unusual roof construction that this project wants to point out. However, the roof structure once visible from the church room, is today hidden by a ceiling which was erected later in an indefinite time. The purpose and goal with the 3D reconstruction is to recreate the original church hall and compare it with the contemporary interior design based on three aspects; experiences of light, - the room in general and the experiences of movement patterns in the church. The result of the project showed that the church hall earlier on was much darker inside due to the lack of windows, but the church hall was on the other hand very spacious in the middle ages because the interior was not furnished during this time. Today the church has received more and larger windows and the hall is furnished with pews and a pulpit, which have led the movement pattern to an aisle from west to east in the middle of the church hall. In future projects, about churches and older constructions, this study can be used as guideline and support for further studies. It is also a study that is open for additional development, as for example the 3D reconstruction can be translated into VRtechnology, so that people can experience the medieval church as it was in the 13th century, almost like they were there.

"Mine hips doth not bear false witness" : En undersökning av historiebruk och porträtteringen av medeltiden på sociala medier via #MedievalTikTok / "Mine hips doth not bear false witness" : A study of the use and portrayal of the middle ages on social media through #MedievalTikTok

Svensson, Maja January 2022 (has links)
This essay aim to study the hashtag and trend #MedievalTikTok, popular on the TikTok mobileapplication starting late summer 2020. The trend will get looked at through concepts like use of history (historiebruk). Some of the main ways the trend uses history is for entertainment, socialization and commercialization. Michael Nordberg’s book "Den dynamiska medeltiden" is also central for the text and works as an academical and theoretical basis. Nordbergs workquestions the idea of the ”dark middle ages”, disproving many unfavorable misconceptions about the period. #MedievalTikTok centers on users acting out the middle ages through simple costumes, shakespearean language, TikTok’s in-app editing features and medieval style covers of pop songs. Bardcore, as this genre of music is called, exploded in popularity in early summer2020. Artist Stantough’s cover of Shakira’s ”Hips don’t lie” is particularly significant in relation to the trend. #MedievalTikTok tends to replicate the same ideas that Nordberg questions. For example the prevalence of witch hunts is greatly exaggerated as well as the absolute rigidity of gender roles and class. The middle ages depicted in the trend is also very geographically limited, with Western Europe being the centerpiece. Northern Europe and vikings are for example overlooked. Other signifiers of the trend is a compression of time and mixups with preceding and following eras such as the early modern period. Popculture, limited school hours dedicated to the middle ages and comedic overstatements influence the trends dated portrayal of the medieval period.

Den gåtfulla stenen från Saxholmen : Habitusbegreppet som analytiskt verktyg för förståelsen av orsakssammanhangen kring ovanliga fynd / The enigmatic stone from Saxholmen : Habitus concept as an analytical tool for understanding the causal link between unusual findings

Norlinder, Gabriella January 2019 (has links)
Abstract Norlinder, Gabriella. 2019. My purpose with this qualitative study was to use Bourdieu's concept of Habitus with the associated capital species as an analytical tool, to try to shed light on the value-charged context of human behavior patterns. This in order to, through it, be able to demonstrate a possible explanation for why unusual finds are found in archaeological excavations. The object of my analysis here, in this study, is an engraved Roman stone age engraving stone found at the excavations on the medieval Saxon Castle in the Kristinehamn archipelago. My method has been theoretical, consisting mainly of literature studies and a small number of oral sources. I have delimited myself only to highlight one single artifact; the engraved stone and only a single excavation site; Saxholmen for my study. Only a few examples from other places have been used and then for the purpose of better clarifying my chosen study material. This study is based on three issues that concern the location of the stone, outside its proper context, whether a Habitus perspective can be a possible analytical tool for interpreting unusual findings, and whether Saxholm's Habitus-related functions could reflect a possible explanation for the location of the stone. My conclusions are thus that the stone has probably traveled far and probably changed owners more than once. In view of the residents' prestige-oriented lifestyle and a possible link to Gotland, it may have been the result of trade contacts or looting. I have also come to the conclusion that the Habitus concept is absolutely useful as an analytical tool in this type of study, since it highlights abstract values in human life. In my opinion, the Saxholmen seen from a Habitus- related perspective holds all of the capital species / values that are included in the essay and can therefore demonstrate a number of possible interpretations as to why the stone is included in the finds material from the site. Nyckelord: Medeltiden, borg, romersk järnålder, utgrävningar, Habitus, Bourdieu, Saxholmen Keywords: Middle Ages, castle, Roman Iron Age, excavations, Habitus, Bourdieu, Saxon Castle Kandidatuppsats i Arkeologi. Handledare: Gustaf Svedjemo Ventilerad och godkänd 2019-06-14 Gabriella Norlinder Institutionen för Arkeologi och antik historia, Uppsala universitet, Campus Gotland, Cramérgatan 3, 621 67 Visby, Sweden. Den gåtfulla stenen från Saxholmen – Habitusbegreppet som analytiskt verktyg för förståelsen av orsakssammanhangen kring ovanliga fynd The enigmatic stone from Saxholmen - Habitus concept as an analytical tool for understanding the causal link between unusual findings

Kvinder i Islands fristatstid : samfundsmæssig stilling under forandring

Egekvist, Marie January 2008 (has links)
<p>Opgaven vil fokusere på kvinders stilling i fristatstiden, samt på omfang og karakter af en mulig forandring af denne i den sene del af fristatstiden, hvor samfundsstrukturen i den islandske fristat var under voksende pres. Vægten i opgaven vil blive lagt på kvinders vilkår i relation til ejendomsforhold, civilstand og social stratifiering. Spørgsmål der vil søges undersøgt i denne forbindelse er</p><p>• Hvilke samfundsmæssige forhold påvirkede kvinders rolle og vilkår i fristatstiden?</p><p>• Hvad var begrundelser herfor?</p><p>• Kan et mønster tegnes for forandring i kvinders vilkår i denne periode?</p><p>Opgaven har fokuseret på kvinders samfundsmæssige stilling og betydning i fristatstiden, samt ændringer i denne, ud fra en undersøgelse af kvinders stilling i forhold til ejendom, slægtskab og civilstand, og udvikling af denne over tid og i forhold til social stand. Undersøgelsen hviler på et studie af kvinders rolle og vilkår som de fremgår af samtidigt kildemateriale, og som materialet er blevet tolket i tidligere forskning. Fokus ligger på den jordejende klasses kvinder og den rolle de spillede i slægt og samfund.</p>

De medeltida djurfigurernas idévärld : med kyrkomålaren Johannes Rosenrods exemplifiering

Andreasson, Christine January 2013 (has links)
In the medieval ruling catholic time the church walls was swarmed with programs of pictures with religious motives there the animal figures rich symbolics was significant first and foremost for the illiterate. Principally the inspiration comes from the antiquitys pagan world of fables and bestiary Christian world of symbols with the bible as the essential source. The essay describes six of the most common animal symbols who occur; dragon, the sneak in the Paradise, mouth of hell, lion, the fox as a preacher and the devil. To attain to a discussion about why just animals are used as symbols for human characteristics in the medieval church art instead for human beings as it's actually be about, I have studied bestiary and other literature about medieval churchpainting to get an understanding about the history of ideas about the thoughts of the time and about symbolics of animals, worth and how the Christianity have had an influence on the pictures. I have used Johannes Rosenrods church pictures from Tensta church in Uppland from 1437 as an exemplification but also mentioned other unknown painters who used similar animal codes and motives. It's plausible that the purpose of the animal figures was both religious and political, which was used by both the spiritual and the worldly authority so they could keep their dominance over the peasant. The figures was simple to read and remember and they made a deep impression on the people together with the sermon. The churchgoer get so to speak a sound- and image experience, a medieval reality who impress their world of ideas. When it's about the artistic formation of religious expression and characteristics it was undoubtedly a great advantage for the artists to use an animal code like a schemata. The medieval unchangeable animal symboles was ready to be used for anyone who wished.

Kvinder i Islands fristatstid : samfundsmæssig stilling under forandring

Egekvist, Marie January 2008 (has links)
Opgaven vil fokusere på kvinders stilling i fristatstiden, samt på omfang og karakter af en mulig forandring af denne i den sene del af fristatstiden, hvor samfundsstrukturen i den islandske fristat var under voksende pres. Vægten i opgaven vil blive lagt på kvinders vilkår i relation til ejendomsforhold, civilstand og social stratifiering. Spørgsmål der vil søges undersøgt i denne forbindelse er • Hvilke samfundsmæssige forhold påvirkede kvinders rolle og vilkår i fristatstiden? • Hvad var begrundelser herfor? • Kan et mønster tegnes for forandring i kvinders vilkår i denne periode? Opgaven har fokuseret på kvinders samfundsmæssige stilling og betydning i fristatstiden, samt ændringer i denne, ud fra en undersøgelse af kvinders stilling i forhold til ejendom, slægtskab og civilstand, og udvikling af denne over tid og i forhold til social stand. Undersøgelsen hviler på et studie af kvinders rolle og vilkår som de fremgår af samtidigt kildemateriale, og som materialet er blevet tolket i tidligere forskning. Fokus ligger på den jordejende klasses kvinder og den rolle de spillede i slægt og samfund.

Medeltidsborgen Aranäs : När ting och text samverkar / The medieval fortress Aranæs : When things and texts interact

Riert, Johanna Lee January 2021 (has links)
This study examines how the archaeological finds from the medieval fortress Aranæs in Västergötland can confirm, change, add to, or contradict written sources regarding Aranæs and medieval fortresses in general. The study will focus on comparing medieval archaeological finds from Aranæs with written sources concerning medieval fortresses and Aranæs in order to find similarities or differences in the materials. The purpose of this essay is primarily to find out how archaeological finds can be linked to written sources to confirm potential events that may have taken place at Aranæs. This study also focuses on the role of archaeology in relation to written sources in order to study the everyday lives of our previous generations at medieval fortresses through the field of Medieval Archaeology. The primary historical written sources regarding Aranæs are the chronicle of Duke Erik and History of the Nordic peoples by Olaus Magnus which will be compared to three available archaeological reports concerning Aranæs. The various finds from Aranæs can together with written sources contribute with knowledge regarding a potential fire, military functions, care of animals, diet, religion, trade and economy, as well as remains of a previous fortress on the site.

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