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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Två filmer om medeltiden- kunskap, förståelse och historiemedvetande

Andersson, Sandra, Gunnarsson, Martina January 2006 (has links)
Syftet med detta arbete är att diskutera förhållandet mellan historisk spelfilm och historieundervisningen i den svenska skolan idag.Spelfilm har blivit en del av elevers vardag och historiker diskuterar i allt högre grad hur historia används i spelfilmer och hur detta påverkar vårt historiemedvetande. Möjligtvis är det så att detta bruk av historia leder till ett nytt historiemedvetande.Film kan ses som ett pedagogiskt redskap, en upplevelse som leder fram till intresse och kunskap. Vad detta arbete strävar mot är att undersöka om man kan lära sig något om det förflutna genom historisk spelfilm samt om historisk spelfilm kan utveckla elevers historiemedvetande.Arbetet tar sin utgångspunkt i ett projekt om historisk spelfilm genomfört med högstadie- och gymnasieelever på två skånska skolor. Med avstamp i visandet av två filmer om medeltiden; Robin Hood- Prince of Thieves och En riddares historia, diskuteras faktakunskap, förståelse och historiemedvetande. / The purpose of this work is to discuss historic Hollywood movies in relation to the teaching of history in Swedish Schools today.Hollywood movies are in today’s society a part of the student’s everyday life and historians have increasingly come to discuss how history is used in these movies and how this affects our historic consciousness.Movies can be seen as pedagogical tools, an experience that will lead to an interest and a search for knowledge. What this paper strives to examine is if you can learn anything about the past by watching historic Hollywood movies and in extent if it can serve to develop student’s historic consciousness.Taking its beginning in a project about two movies dealing with the Middle Ages, Robin Hood- Prince of Thieves and A Knight’s tale, this paper discusses basic knowledge, comprehension and historic consciousness.

Enthesopathies, teeth and health in Roma & Visby : An osteological comparison of health between a medieval urban and rural environment / Entesopatier, tänder and hälsa i Roma & Visby : En osteologisk jämförelse av hälsa mellan en medeltida urban och agrar miljö

Persson, Joel January 2024 (has links)
This thesis compares the health and quality of life between the medieval urban environment of Visby and the rural monastic population of Roma monastery through the examination of osteological remains. For this comparison the bones of two graves of two assumed monks from Roma Monastery have been examined and are compared to previously written osteological reports of material of St. Clemen’s graves. In total five individuals from St. Clemens of two different authors have been used for this thesis. The material from Roma has been examined after sex, age, height, pathological changes, and activity markers. The finds of the study suggests the monks performed heavy manual labour and had worse health than compared to the inhabitants of Visby. / Denna uppsats undersöker och jämför hälsan och livskvalitén hos den medeltida urbana befolkningen i Visby gentemot den rurala klosterbefolkningen från Roma kloster genom skeletala kvarlevor. För jämförelsen har benen från två gravar av två antagna munkar från Roma kloster jämförts med tidigare publicerade osteologiska rapporter av material från S:t Clemens gravar. Totalt fem individer från S:t Clemens av två olika författare har använts för denna uppsats. Materialet från Roma har undersökts efter kön- och åldersbedömning, kroppslängdberäkning, patologiska förändringar och aktivitetsspår. Resultatet av undersökningen visar att munkarna utförde hårt arbete och hade en sämre hälsa än Visbys invånare.

Att legitimera skärvorna av en union : En studie av den politiska kulturen under 1400-talet i Norden

Thörnlund Persson, Malin January 2016 (has links)
This thesis is a study of the norms and values of political culture during the 15th century.  The political culture gives the struggle for power in the Kalmar Union in the 15th century its characteristics.  The aim of this study is to identify the political culture and how it contributed to the political polarisation and disagreement within the Kalmar Union during the reign of King Karl Knutsson (Bonde) 1448-1470 and Regent Sten Sture 1470-1503. The theoretic approach is based partly on Eva Österberg’s definition of political culture, but mainly the theory is based on Harald Gustafsson’s thoughts and identified eight arguments for legitimising power used in political correspondence during the 16th century. These arguments are examples of how someone could express themselves to legitimise their power. The method used in this study identifies what non-vocal structures and values that are expressed in the official material of legal documents including treaties and open letters to or from the common people. Firstly, the context of the document is identified and information like who wrote it, when and why, secondly the study analyses how the operators’ addresses and use titles to one another. Thirdly the study identifies words and phrases that express positive values for legitimation. The values that has been found have been analysed in comparison to the law in order to identify if the values could be found in the laws as well. To conclude the study found that there are differences in how the operators expresses themselves and the emotional connection to the situation, although non-vocal structures like norms enforce the operators to apply a certain amount of respect. The political culture and the diplomatic mission creates the standards used in addressing their opponent. Therefore the choices of words are important and the study identifies five larger values that comes to light, they are law and justice, unity, assurances, commitments and duties and good characteristics. All of these can be identified during the entire research period and supported by the values expressed in the law.

De medeltida målningarna i Arbrå kyrka : en typologisk tolkning

Nylander, Anna January 2010 (has links)
<p>The aim of this essay is to investigate the murals in the church of Arbrå, what they portrait and how they can be linked to medieval typology as described in <em>Biblia Pauperum </em>(BP), the Poor Man’s Bible. The aim is also to find out what the purpose was to paint medieval churches and what the function of the paintings was. Arbrå Church was painted around 1520-1530, and almost all of the motifs from the Old Testament can be directly traced back to BP as can one motif from the New Testament. Together these paintings represent most of the important events which make out the foundation of the Christian Cult. The purpose of painting churches was probably a combination of at least three; People of wealth could pay for different things for their church as a tribute to God, the paintings made people feel closer to God as they became enclosed in the biblical history and the paintings served an educative purpose as people could more easily remember what the priests preached.</p>

De medeltida målningarna i Arbrå kyrka : en typologisk tolkning

Nylander, Anna January 2010 (has links)
The aim of this essay is to investigate the murals in the church of Arbrå, what they portrait and how they can be linked to medieval typology as described in Biblia Pauperum (BP), the Poor Man’s Bible. The aim is also to find out what the purpose was to paint medieval churches and what the function of the paintings was. Arbrå Church was painted around 1520-1530, and almost all of the motifs from the Old Testament can be directly traced back to BP as can one motif from the New Testament. Together these paintings represent most of the important events which make out the foundation of the Christian Cult. The purpose of painting churches was probably a combination of at least three; People of wealth could pay for different things for their church as a tribute to God, the paintings made people feel closer to God as they became enclosed in the biblical history and the paintings served an educative purpose as people could more easily remember what the priests preached.

Den dödlige narren : En studie av satir och humor i dödsdansen av Hans Holbein den yngre / The deadly jester : A study of satire and humor in Hans Holbein the younger's dance of death

Karadh, Sofie January 2023 (has links)
Hans Holbein's Dance of Death has fascinated researchers for centuries, and in the shape of the book Les Simulachres et historiées de la mort, published in 1538, it was going to change the perception of the dance of death theme for a long time ahead. What most researchers point out about Holbein's pictures is its underlying sense of satire or irony – but is typically glossed over as a matter of fact. The aim of this study is to explore what makes satire and humor apparent in Holbein's dance of death. The study mainly focuses on four separate images from Holbein's series, that represent different social standings and professions to compare and study the difference in satire depending on this factor. By using Panofsky's iconographic method, Kemp's reception theory and Bachtin's theory about the carnivalesque and the grotesque, the study shows that Holbein was inspired by the earlier traditions of the Dance of Death theme but made certain new changes that were related to renaissance culture and ideas. These factors in combination with the ideas of the grotesque turned the frightful Death into something more than just a sudden harbinger of death – it was also part of carnival culture and laughter.

Från Syndafall till Himmelsfärd : En studie av Albertus Pictors bibliska kalkmålningar i det senmedeltida kyrkorummet / From the Fall to the Ascension : A study of Albertus Pictor´s biblical frescoes in the late medieval church room

Jeuthe, Antonia January 2022 (has links)
Syftet för denna studie är att analysera Albertus Pictors kalkmålningar i det senmedeltida kyrkorummet för att se om motivens symboliska värde är avgörande för placering, komposition och vem som var menad att betrakta bilderna. Dessutom syftar studien till att undersöka vad som låg bakom utformandet av Albertus konstverk, för att på så sätt få en bättre förståelse för vad som gett upphov till hans muralmålningar samt vad som utmärker hans stil. Studiens övergripande frågeställning är: Vad kännetecknar Albertus Pictors kalkmålningar med motivet av Syndafallet och Kristi Himmelsfärd? Vilka övervägande yttre faktorer har påverkat motivens utformning? Vilken betydelse har motivens placering i kyrkorummet? De teoretiska utgångspunkterna är Erwin Panofskys ikonologiska metod, Hans Haydens begrepp om att kontextualisera konst och Chloë Reddaways begrepp sacred space. Materialet består av alla Albertus målningar av Syndafallet och Kristi Himmelsfärd med huvudsaklig fokus på målningarna i Täby Kyrka i Uppland. I uppsatsen kommer jag bland annat att undersöka bildprogrammens typologiska koppling till litterära verk som Biblia Pauperum Predicatorum och Speculum Humanae Salvationis, samt vilken betydelse kyrkornas vapensköldar har haft för motivens utformande. / The purpose of this study is to analyze Albertus Pictor's frescoes in the late medieval church room to see if the symbolic value of the motifs is decisive for placement, composition and who was meant to look at the pictures. In addition, the study aims to examine what was behind the design of Albertus' artwork, in order to gain a better understanding of what gave rise to his murals and what characterizes his style. The overall question of the study is: What characterizes Albertus Pictor's frescoes with the motif of the The Fall of Man and Ascension of Christ? What predominant external factors have influenced the design of the motifs? What is the significance of the motif's location in the church room? The theoretical starting points are Erwin Panofsky's iconological method, Hans Hayden's concept of contextualizing art and Chloë Reddaway's concept of sacred space. The material consists of all Albertus paintings of The Fall of Man and Ascension of Christ with the main focus on the paintings in Täby Church in Uppland. In the essay, I will, among other things, examine the image programs 'typological connection to literary works such as Biblia Pauperum Predicatorum and Speculum Humanae Salvationis, and the significance of the churches' coats of arms for the design of the motifs.

Nio trähus ifrån 1200-talet - Hur har de kunnat bevaras?

Johansson, Henrik January 2022 (has links)
The oldest profane log timber houses in Sweden dates back to the 13th century. This study investigates 9 of them. All of the houses are built with interlocking joints and the chosen timber are pine or fir. They are rather modest in size. Two are storage houses on church grounds, the others have had different functions on rural farms. Several of them are still in use as none heated storage space. Originally, they often had the important function of storing the next year’s seed. They were well built with great craftmanship and was meant to be used over several generations. Additional features on the houses that have been beneficial for their longevity are their detachability. They can be moved to find new use, and also being sold away to new owners. Furthermore, they were one of the first generations of houses with a stone foundation. A local adaption in the Middle Sweden were foundation on stilts, another way to avoid contact with the humidity of the soil. Six of the houses are situated in the County of Dalarna and are an important part of the County heritage. With help of the archaeological record, it is possible to follow the development of the house building technology from the traditional Viking age long houses, to the emergence of the first surviving timber houses. This study investigates nine of the houses with the different factors that have contributed to their longevity. Important features have been the solid log timber construction with interlocking joints, together with the foundations which protected the timber from the humidity of the soil. The outer roof lining has been wood shavings or a layer of birch bark together with timber. These building components had developed to maturity in the early 13th century and combined they formed a sustainable house format. The houses have been useful for their owners over the centuries, hence been well maintained. The study also discusses the authenticity of the houses. / De äldsta bevarade profana trähusen i Sverige härrör ifrån 1200-talet och de är samtliga förhållandevis små förrådsbodar eller hus. Studien undersöker nio av dem. Åtta av dem finns i de tre mellansvenska landskapen; Dalarna, Hälsingland och Jämtland. Där kallas de ofta för härbren. En kyrkbod finns i Småland. De är alla knuttimrade hus byggda av virke ifrån furu eller gran. Fem står på en hel stengrund, medan tre står på stolpunderreden, som är en mellansvensk variant av husunderrede för bodar. Ytterligare ett står på stenplintar. Alla dessa typer av grunder har skyddat husen ifrån markfukt. Två är kyrkbodar och har inledningsvis fungerat som så kallade tiondebodar, de andra har haft olika uppgifter på allmogens gårdar som ouppvärmda förrådshus. En viktig uppgift var ofta att lagra nästa års utsäde. De är byggda med stor hantverksskicklighet och omsorg, då de var menade att stå i flera släktled. Som knuttimrade hus har de kunnat monteras ned för underhåll, eller flytt till en annan plats där de behövts bättre. De har också kunnat säljas. I Mellansverige ses de många medeltida bodarna som en viktig del av landskapens kulturarv. Den småländska kyrkboden i Ingatorp anses vara speciellt väl bevarad ifrån medeltiden och har nyligen genomgått en varsam restaurering. Dessa trähus ifrån 1200-talet lyfter frågan om hur husbyggnadstraditionen utvecklades ifrån de tidigare långhusen, som inte blivit bevarade, fram till dessa våra äldsta bevarade trähus. Man kan följa utvecklingen i det arkeologiska fyndmaterialet. Uppsatsen undersöker husen med frågeställningen om vad som bidragit till husens långa levnadstid, samt hur deras autenticitet påverkats genom åren. Bland flera närvarande förhållanden finns den stabila takbärande konstruktionen med knuttimrade timmerväggar, samt att husen har varit skyddade emot markfukt genom de isolerande grunder som valts. De två typerna av takytterskikt som använts är träspån samt näver/takved. Dessa byggnadskomponenter för väggar, grund och tak var vid tiden förhållandevis nya. I början av 1200-talet hade de på var sitt håll mognat teknisk. När de kombinerades bildade de ett hållbart husformat. Vidare har husen fyllt en funktion för ägarna genom århundradena och därför fått underhåll. Studien har gjorts genom litteratur- och fältstudier samt personlig kommunikation.

Arns makt : Representationer av makt, positivt kapital och livsmål i berättelserna om tempelriddaren Arn / The Power of Arn : Representations of Power, Positive Capital and Aims in Life in the Narratives about Arn the Knight Templar

Särnbrink, My January 2011 (has links)
Uppsatsen behandlar böckerna och filmerna om Arn och undersöker genom berättelserna vilka representationer av makt, positivt kapital och livsmål som gestaltas. Uppsatsen baseras på den teoretiska tanken att populärkultur innehåller representationer med budskap, värderingar, normer och föreställningar gällande vår verklighet och därigenom påverkar vår uppfattning om världen, vår plats i samhället, vår identitet och vår uppfattning om vad som är värdefullt, viktigt och sant. / My Särnbrink hette tidigare My Ravin.

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