Spelling suggestions: "subject:"media ese"" "subject:"media tese""
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Valet inför valet : En studie om hur svenska förstagångsväljare väljer att ta del av politisk informationSavina, Diana, Nordmark, Kajsa January 2015 (has links)
Problem statement and purpose: The purpose of this study was to analyze in what way first-time voters chose to take part of political information. The questions we aimed to answer was how first-time voters use media and other information channels for political purposes, what importance and trust the first-time voters give the different information channels and finally which indicators there is for that structural or individual factors affect the media consumption and political interest. Method and material: We did interviews with twelve 18 years old first-time voters from six different high school programs in Sundsvall, Sweden. Results: The study showed that the premier source of political information were traditional news media, in particular the debates on TV. It’s also in the debates the first-time voter’s trust the most. Even though the social medias are constantly present in their everyday life and even though the first-time voters believe the social medias have potential for engaging young people politically, the possibilities are only taken in advantage by people who are already politically interested. The first-time voters are being affected by both structural and individualized factors. The structural, the social standing in particular, matters for the individual’s political interest and use of traditional media, while the individualized factors primarily matters for the use of social medias.
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Electronic-based sedentary behaviour among children within the family home environment : a descriptive studyGranich, Joanna January 2009 (has links)
[Truncated abstract] This descriptive study identified correlates of electronic media use among pre-adolescent children (10-12 year olds). It specifically focused on the potential influence of individual factors and the social and physical environment within the family home setting. The prevalence of overweight/obesity in children is escalating. Sedentary behaviour in the form of electronic media use (comprised of television (TV) and video/DVD viewing, video and computer gaming, and computer use) is a contributing and a modifiable risk factor for overweight/obesity. To date, research focused on sedentary behaviour has been largely derived from physical (in)activity data where the absence or observed low levels of physical activity participation or TV viewing only has been used as a proxy for sedentariness. Little is known about the specificities of children's electronic media use; its impact on children's overall leisure and screen-time; and, the potential influencing factors that may operate at the home level. The family home is a context-specific setting where electronic media use is a daily practice for most children. To better understand electronic-based sedentary behaviour among children the following specific aims were addressed; 1) To describe children's leisure time, particularly time spent with electronic media. 2) To explore children and parents' perceptions about electronic-based sedentary behaviour. 3) To determine the prevalence of children's electronic-media use at home. 4) To examine the influence of individual, family social and home physical factors associated with different levels of electronic media use by children. ... The availability and accessibility of a variety of electronic equipment at home, especially in the child's bedroom (particularly among boys), was also associated with children's screen behaviour. Physical aspects of the family home (i.e., lay-out and yard size) had a mixed effect on children's electronic media use. Overall, the nature of electronic media use among children is complex and is influenced by dimensions that present at children's individual, family social and physical home level. The knowledge generated from this study about specific correlates of electronic media use has extended the understanding about its impact on children's discretionary time. Future prospective longitudinal research is warranted given that most studies investigating electronic media and sedentary behaviour are of cross-sectional design. Including other forms of sedentary behaviour such as sitting and talking with friends and family, reading and/or using telephones may provide a more comprehensive measure of sedentariness in the future. Further studies should use multivariate statistical analyses (i.e., modelling) to improve clarity of relationships between multiple variables and gauge mediating factors. This study also calls for future intervention research. Findings on gender-specific correlates of electronic media use provide superior information for the development of tailored behaviour modification strategies aimed at girls and boys respectively. Active involvement of household members in the intervention is also warranted. Utilising this study's findings may strengthen intervention outcomes towards a more directed and sustained behaviour change
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Způsoby vyhodnocovnání důvěryhodnosti zpravodajských zdrojů čerstvě dospělými a zvyklosti při jejich užívání / Methods for evaluating the credibility of news sources by yound adults and habits in their useKřížek, Martin January 2018 (has links)
The purpose of this thesis is to investigate young people's approach to media consumption. The presumed objective of the thesis is to ascertain the method that young users apply to evaluate the credibility of news sources in the media. In the first theoretical part the thesis explains the status of the media in the information age and changes related to the field. It also discusses the need for media literacy and its possible development via media education. The chapter finishes with an overview of the most important data from recent studies concerning young people and the media. Second part consist of a qualitative research that is inspired by the research design of the theory by Strauss and Corbin (1999). Data for this research were obtained from 21 in depth interviews among 18 and 19 years old Czech citizens. The open coding was used for the analysis. The outcome of the analysis was interpreted through the method of constant comparation. The result of the research is a creation of four typological user groups according to the type of use of the news resources in the media.
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Flüchtlinge und Medien - Eine quantitative Studie zum Mediennutzungsverhalten von Flüchtlingen in Teilen SachsensPreißler, Marietheres 17 August 2017 (has links) (PDF)
Die vorliegende Arbeit untersucht das alltägliche Mediennutzungsverhalten von Flüchtlingen in Deutschland. Beispielhaft wurden dazu 140 Flüchtlinge in Teilen Sachsens schriftlich anhand standardisierter Fragebogen befragt. Ziel der explorativen Studie war es, ein differenziertes Abbild über die Mediennutzung von Flüchtlingen zu erhalten. Genauer gesagt ging sie der Frage nach, welche Medien Flüchtlinge im Alltag, in welchem Umfang und zu welchem Zweck nutzen. Neben einem an den tagesaktuellen Medien ausgerichteten Medienrepertoire waren im Rahmen der Erhebung Neue Medien von besonderem Interesse. Den Ausgangspunkt zur Formulierung des Forschungsgegenstandes bilden medien- und flüchtlingswissenschaftliche Theorien und Studien, sowie eine situative Betrachtung der in Sachsen lebenden Flüchtlinge. Im Ergebnis zeichneten sich ausgeprägte Mediennutzungspräferenzen hinsichtlich des Smartphones und damit verbunden dem Internet, sowie internetbasierter Anwendungen ab. Darüber hinaus schließt die allgemeine Mediennutzung von Flüchtlingen ein breit aufgestelltes Medienrepertoire aus klassischen und Neuen Medien ein. Die gewonnenen Erkenntnisse stellen eine Erweiterung der Wissensbasis zur bekannten Thematik dar und eröffnen dadurch Möglichkeiten, anhand derer beispielsweise auf die Entwicklung neuer Medieninhalte für die Zielgruppe Einfluss genommen werden kann. / The current study examines the everyday media usage behavior of refugees in Germany. As an example, 140 refugees in Saxony were surveyed by using standardized paper and pencil questionnaires. Objective of the project was to obtain a differentiated picture of the media usage behavior of refugees. More specifically, the study wants to investigate the question which media refugees use in their daily lives, to what extent and for what purpose. In addition to a media repertoire that was aimed at the daily media, the New Media were of special interest. The study is based on specific theories and reports on media research and refugee studies, as well as a situational view on refugees living in Saxony. As a result, there were noticeable media usage preferences with regard to smartphones and the Internet as well as internet-based applications. In addition, the general media usage of refugees includes a wide-ranging media repertoire of classical and New Media. The findings provide an extension to the knowledge base of the known subject and thus open up possibilities by which, for example, the development of new media content for the target group can be influenced.
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Body Dysmorphic Disorder: Differences in Age and Compulsive Online Behavior in a Swedish Sample / Dysmorfofobi: Skillnader i ålder och tvångsmässigt beteende online i ett svenskt urvalErsson, Sofia, Holvik, Rebecca January 2020 (has links)
Compulsive repetitive behaviors and mental acts due to concerns about your appearance, are symptoms of body dysmorphic disorder (BDD). Previous research suggests that the compulsive behaviors found in people with BDD occur in online and offline settings (e.g., extensive editing of selfies intended for publication online and excessive mirror gazing offline). Also, previous research shows that BDD and social media use vary with age. Therefore, the current study aimed to examine age as a moderator in the relationship between compulsive behaviors online and the risk behaviors of BDD offline, through a cross-sectional design. The inclusion criteria for the study were being a minimum of 16 years old, a Swedish citizen and a user of social media. The data were collected through a survey, consisting of questions intended to screen for compulsive behaviors online in relation to appearance concerns, risk behaviors of BDD offline and the prevalence of BDD. The results showed that younger participants engaged in more compulsive behaviors online and risk behaviors of BDD. The group in high risk of BDD also engaged more in both behaviors, than participants in low risk of BDD. In addition, the results showed that age did act as a moderator in the relationship between compulsive behaviors online and risk behaviors of BDD. Age showed to especially affect the relationship between the number of compulsive behaviors online and risk behaviors of BDD in older participants. / Tvångsmässiga repetitiva beteenden och mentala handlingar som beror på oro kring sitt utseende, är symptom av dysmorfobi (BDD). Tidigare forskning visar att tvångsmässiga beteenden sker både online och offline (tex., överdriven redigering av selfies i syfte att publicera dem online och att spegla sig överdrivet mycket offline). Tidigare forskning visar även att BDD och sociala medier-användning varierar med ålder. Genom en tvärsnittsdesign ämnade därför denna studie att undersöka om ålder modererar relationen mellan tvångsmässigt beteende online och riskbeteende för BDD. Datainsamlingen bestod av ett frågeformulär med frågor kring tvångsmässigt beteende online i relation till oro kring utseendet, riskbeteende för BDD samt prevalensen av BDD. Inklusionskriterierna för att delta i studien var att vara minst 16 år gammal, svensk medborgare samt användare av sociala medier. Resultaten visade att de yngre deltagarna i studien utför både fler tvångsmässiga beteenden online samt fler riskbeteenden offline än de äldre deltagarna. Den grupp som ansågs ha hög risk för BDD utförde även båda beteendena mer än de deltagarna med låg risk för BDD. Resultaten visade vidare att ålder var en moderator i relationen mellan tvångsmässiga beteenden online och riskbeteenden för BDD. Mer specifikt hade en äldre ålder störst effekt på relationen mellan beteendena online och offline.
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Mediální imigranti Sametu: Produktivní věk ze stran Rudého práva až na zeď Facebooku / Velvet Media Immigrants: The productive age from the pages of Rudé právo to the Facebook wallBurger, Tadeáš January 2020 (has links)
The main goal of this thesis is to find out how the Velvet media immigrants (VMI) from our research sample use traditional and new media to search for information. VMI are a specific age group of Czech people we define on our own in chapter 2. They represent the media users who had reached adulthood before the Velvet revolution and then had to adjust to the ideological and technological changes in the media sphere. First part of this thesis focuses on theories of media use, the historical context of changes the Czech media system underwent during the Velvet revolution and then it introduces the issue of digital divide and digital immigrants, focusing on how adults adjust to the technologies of new media. Methodological part serves to describe our research, which is based on twelve qualitative interviews and the coding method based on the grounded theory. The Research part then serves to sort the gathered data into three main categories, which offer a complex answer to our main research question.
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Flüchtlinge und Medien - Eine quantitative Studie zum Mediennutzungsverhalten von Flüchtlingen in Teilen SachsensPreißler, Marietheres 03 April 2017 (has links)
Die vorliegende Arbeit untersucht das alltägliche Mediennutzungsverhalten von Flüchtlingen in Deutschland. Beispielhaft wurden dazu 140 Flüchtlinge in Teilen Sachsens schriftlich anhand standardisierter Fragebogen befragt. Ziel der explorativen Studie war es, ein differenziertes Abbild über die Mediennutzung von Flüchtlingen zu erhalten. Genauer gesagt ging sie der Frage nach, welche Medien Flüchtlinge im Alltag, in welchem Umfang und zu welchem Zweck nutzen. Neben einem an den tagesaktuellen Medien ausgerichteten Medienrepertoire waren im Rahmen der Erhebung Neue Medien von besonderem Interesse. Den Ausgangspunkt zur Formulierung des Forschungsgegenstandes bilden medien- und flüchtlingswissenschaftliche Theorien und Studien, sowie eine situative Betrachtung der in Sachsen lebenden Flüchtlinge. Im Ergebnis zeichneten sich ausgeprägte Mediennutzungspräferenzen hinsichtlich des Smartphones und damit verbunden dem Internet, sowie internetbasierter Anwendungen ab. Darüber hinaus schließt die allgemeine Mediennutzung von Flüchtlingen ein breit aufgestelltes Medienrepertoire aus klassischen und Neuen Medien ein. Die gewonnenen Erkenntnisse stellen eine Erweiterung der Wissensbasis zur bekannten Thematik dar und eröffnen dadurch Möglichkeiten, anhand derer beispielsweise auf die Entwicklung neuer Medieninhalte für die Zielgruppe Einfluss genommen werden kann.:ABBILDUNGSVERZEICHNIS 5
1.1 Fragestellung 6
1.2 Erläuterung des Vorgehens 7
2.1 Mediennutzungsforschung: Begriffe und Spezifikationen 8
2.1.1 Medien 8
2.1.2 Mediennutzung 13
2.1.3 Mediennutzungsforschung 14
2.2 Flüchtlinge als Forschungsobjekte 15
2.2.1 Der Flüchtlingsbegriff 15
2.2.2 Flüchtlingsforschung und ihre Relevanz 16
2.2.3 Flüchtlinge in Sachsen: eine situative Darstellung 18
2.3 Flüchtlinge und Medien – ein Forschungsüberblick 20
3.1 Forschungsleitende Fragestellungen 25
3.2 Forschungsdesign 26
3.2.1 Datenerhebung mittels standardisierter schriftlicher Befragung 26
3.2.2 Population und Stichprobenauswahl 26
3.3 Fragebogenentwicklung und Operationalisierung 28
3.3.1 Formale Aspekte der Fragebogenentwicklung 28
3.3.2 Translation des Fragebogens 29
3.3.3 Inhaltliche Aspekte der Fragebogenentwicklung 32
3.4 Pre-Test 36
3.5 Durchführung 37
4.1 Dateneingabe und Auswertungsmethode 39
4.2 Beschreibung der erhobenen Stichprobe 40
4.3 Darstellung und Interpretation der Ergebnisse 41
4.4 Ergänzende Auswertungen 51
5.1 Methoden- und Ergebnisdiskussion 55
5.2 Ausblick 56
Ergänzende Tabellen A
Anschreiben zur Probandenakquise B
Fragebogen Deutsch C
Fragebogen Englisch D
Fragebogen Arabisch E
Fragebogen Persisch (Farsi) F / The current study examines the everyday media usage behavior of refugees in Germany. As an example, 140 refugees in Saxony were surveyed by using standardized paper and pencil questionnaires. Objective of the project was to obtain a differentiated picture of the media usage behavior of refugees. More specifically, the study wants to investigate the question which media refugees use in their daily lives, to what extent and for what purpose. In addition to a media repertoire that was aimed at the daily media, the New Media were of special interest. The study is based on specific theories and reports on media research and refugee studies, as well as a situational view on refugees living in Saxony. As a result, there were noticeable media usage preferences with regard to smartphones and the Internet as well as internet-based applications. In addition, the general media usage of refugees includes a wide-ranging media repertoire of classical and New Media. The findings provide an extension to the knowledge base of the known subject and thus open up possibilities by which, for example, the development of new media content for the target group can be influenced.:ABBILDUNGSVERZEICHNIS 5
1.1 Fragestellung 6
1.2 Erläuterung des Vorgehens 7
2.1 Mediennutzungsforschung: Begriffe und Spezifikationen 8
2.1.1 Medien 8
2.1.2 Mediennutzung 13
2.1.3 Mediennutzungsforschung 14
2.2 Flüchtlinge als Forschungsobjekte 15
2.2.1 Der Flüchtlingsbegriff 15
2.2.2 Flüchtlingsforschung und ihre Relevanz 16
2.2.3 Flüchtlinge in Sachsen: eine situative Darstellung 18
2.3 Flüchtlinge und Medien – ein Forschungsüberblick 20
3.1 Forschungsleitende Fragestellungen 25
3.2 Forschungsdesign 26
3.2.1 Datenerhebung mittels standardisierter schriftlicher Befragung 26
3.2.2 Population und Stichprobenauswahl 26
3.3 Fragebogenentwicklung und Operationalisierung 28
3.3.1 Formale Aspekte der Fragebogenentwicklung 28
3.3.2 Translation des Fragebogens 29
3.3.3 Inhaltliche Aspekte der Fragebogenentwicklung 32
3.4 Pre-Test 36
3.5 Durchführung 37
4.1 Dateneingabe und Auswertungsmethode 39
4.2 Beschreibung der erhobenen Stichprobe 40
4.3 Darstellung und Interpretation der Ergebnisse 41
4.4 Ergänzende Auswertungen 51
5.1 Methoden- und Ergebnisdiskussion 55
5.2 Ausblick 56
Ergänzende Tabellen A
Anschreiben zur Probandenakquise B
Fragebogen Deutsch C
Fragebogen Englisch D
Fragebogen Arabisch E
Fragebogen Persisch (Farsi) F
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Music preferences, music and non-music media use, and leisure involvement of Hong Kong adolescents.Hui, Viny Wan-Fong 12 1900 (has links)
The study sought to determine the relationships of preference responses to grade, gender, familiarity, musical training, peers'/parents' listening habits, music media use, and listening contexts. Grade six through nine Hong Kong students (N = 310) completed the audio preference test followed by verbal responses to training, peers'/parents' preferences, leisure/music media involvement, and listening context. Results indicated: The preferred genres, in descending order, were Western pop/rock, Cantopop/rock, Western classical; the disliked genres were jazz, Chinese, and non- Western/non-Chinese. Preference correlated strongly with genre familiarity. Pop genres were the most familiar to all adolescents. The students' preference toward Western pop/rock and Cantopop/rock associated with several listening contexts: solitary listening, having great freedom to choose one's desired music for listening, listening to music in one's room, and listening to music as background activity. The adolescents expressed that their leisure activities were spent with their family and friends. However, they made it clear that music listening was a personal activity that very likely was listened to alone. On all listening occasions, the girls exhibited a more positive response than the boys did. With four to five hours daily leisure time, the adolescents watched TV for three to four hours while spending less than two hours on listening to recorded music, and less than an hour on listening to radio music, MTV/karaoke, and music websites. Cantopop/rock was the most pursued music style in terms of the records bought, concerts attended outside of school, their peers', and parents' most-listened-to music. Some weak correlations of preference with grade and gender were identified: the grade six students showed more tolerance to Chinese and non-Western/non-Chinese music. Boys preferred jazz more than the girls did. Private music study and extracurricular musical experiences related to Western classical and non-Western/non-Chinese music preferences whereas school music training failed to show any association with students' musical preference.
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Social Media in Relationship Marketing: The Professional Sport ContextAbeza, Gashaw January 2016 (has links)
The purpose of this thesis is to investigate the use of social media (SM) as a relationship marketing tool (RM) in the context of professional sport in North America. The specific objectives are (i) to explore the use of social media in meeting relationship marketing goals within the context of professional sport, (ii) to explore how professional sport teams’ managers see the opportunities of social media in meeting relationship marketing goals, (iii) to explore how professional sport teams’ managers see the challenges of social media in meeting relationship marketing goals, and (iv) to examine the benefits of social media, if any, in enhancing long-term relationships with their favourite sport team from the perspective of fans of professional sport teams. Guided by a pragmatist philosophical worldview, the project adopted a multi-domain qualitative research approach. The multi-domain approach reflects the three data sources (i.e., the medium-SM platform, organization-professional teams, and consumers-sport fans). Putting an individual emphasis on each of these three data sources, three different but interrelated studies are conducted to accomplish the overall purpose of the dissertation using an article-based format.
The first study, guided by the relationship marketing theoretical framework, adopted a netnographic method to investigate professional sport teams’ use of Twitter as an RM tool. Specifically, the study focused on the three core components of RM: communication, interaction, and value. The netnography is based on data gathered from the official Twitter account of 20 professional sport teams from the four major leagues from August 1, 2015 to February 29, 2016. Results outline seven emergent communication types, six interaction practices, and ten values (co)created by the teams or/and fans. Theoretical and practical implications, as well as impetus for future research are identified.
The second study aimed at obtaining a first-hand and an in-depth understanding of the role, opportunities, and challenges of SM in meeting RM goals from the perspective of senior managers of professional sport teams. For this purpose, semi-structured interviews were conducted with 26 managers from the four major leagues professional sport teams in North America. Results outline the platforms adopted, six intended objectives, seven opportunities and seven challenges of SM as an RM medium. A list of theoretical and practical implications, and impetus for future research is provided.
The purpose of the third study was to first gain an empirically supported understanding of the role and benefits of SM as an RM tool from the perspective of professional sport fans and, following that, to identify, specify, verify, and refine the emergent benefits. The study employed an adaptation of the focus group method, dubbed the ‘sequential funnel-based focus group’, which is a multiphase, step-wise version of the established method. The sequential funnel-based focus group is conceptualized, developed, described, and used in this work as a research method. The adaptation allowed the identification of benefits of SM as a medium that enhances long-term relationships through a series of funnel-based focus group discussions in three sequential phases. A total of 10 focus groups with 81 participants took part in the study. The work identified seven major benefits (and 15 sub-categories of benefits) that fans see as opportunities presented by SM as a medium to enhance long-term relationship with their team. Theoretical contributions, practical recommendations, and directions for future research are provided.
The findings from the three studies are integrated to construct a multi-dimensionally informed and comprehensive understanding of the use of SM in RM in professional sport. In general, data gathered from the perspective of the three domains (i.e., medium/SM platform, organizational/ professional teams, and consumers/sport fans) informed that SM is providing new directions to RM, making it an effective and affordable channel in realizing RM goals in professional sport context. The thesis also produced empirical evidence of the opportunities that SM presents and the challenges that it poses in terms of meeting RM goals in the context of professional sport. Informed by the studies data, the dissertation also extended Grönroos’s (2004) RM process model through the lens of SM in professional sport context. Contributions to scholarship, practical recommendations, directions for future research, and the limitations of the dissertation are provided.
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"Ibland orkar jag inte vara källkritisk" : En kvantitativ studie om studenters källkritiska förmåga på sociala medierNoreskog, Jennie, Eriksen, Linn January 2021 (has links)
Vi lever idag mer digitaliserat än någonsin och tillsammans med sociala medier har våra medievanor förändrats. Med nya medievanor skapas också möjligheter på sociala medier där information och desinformation får flöda ostrukturerat tillsammans. Det blir allt svårare att då kunna navigera sig fram och veta vad som egentligen är sanningsenligt. Denna uppsats kommer därför studera högskole- och universitetsstudenters källkritiska förmåga på sociala medier. Genomförandet av studien gjordes med syftet att se hur studenterna själva reflekterar över deras källkritiska förmåga och om det finns några problem i den källkritik som studenten är lärd. Den teoretiska ramen för studien utgörs av instrumentell, ritualiserad och selektiv medieanvändning, user-generated content, ryktesspridning, filterbubbla och medieförtroende. Det handlar om olika typer av medieanvändning och fenomen som existerar på sociala medier. Studien baserar sig på en kvantitativ forskningsstrategi i form av enkätundersökning. Resultatet av analysen visar att en större del av respondenterna anser sig vara källkritiska och även besitta goda kunskaper inom källkritik. Många respondenter anser trots det att det behövs mer utbildning inom källkritik. Relationen till avsändaren visar ha betydelse i hur källkritiska respondenterna väljer att vara. Resultatet visar även att det finns både för och nackdelar med spridning av information på sociala medier. I slutsatsen diskuteras det att det ibland saknas grundläggande källkritisk kompetens i vardagen. Slutsatsen visar också att det behövs utbildning inom källkritik som är anpassad till dagens informationsflöde. / Today our society has become more digitized than ever and together with social media, our media habits have changed. New media habits also together with social media create opportunities where information and disinformation can flow in an unstructured way together. It becomes increasingly difficult to then be able to navigate forward and know what is actually truthful. This essay will therefore study the source critical ability of college and university students on social media. The study has its background in source criticism, media and information literacy and was done with the aim of seeing how the students reflect on their own source evaluation abilities. The essay will also study if there are any problems in the source criticism that the student has learned. The theoretical framework for the study is about different kinds of media use and phenomena that exist on social media. We study instrumental, ritualized and selective media use, user-generated content, rumors, filter bubbles and media trust. The study is based on a quantitative research strategy in the form of a survey. The result of the analysis shows that many respondents consider themselves to be source critical and also possess good knowledge in source criticism. The results also show that there are both pros and cons to spreading information on social media. Many respondents answer that they are source critical, but many also point out that more education in source criticism could be a good thing. The conclusion discusses that there is sometimes a lack of basic source critical competence in everyday life. The results also show that there is a need for training in source criticism that is adapted to today's social media information flow.
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