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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The AGN-host galaxy connection : new insights from the extended ionised gas

Husemann, Bernd January 2011 (has links)
Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN) are powered by gas accretion onto supermassive Black Holes (BH). The luminosity of AGN can exceed the integrated luminosity of their host galaxies by orders of magnitude, which are then classified as Quasi-Stellar Objects (QSOs). Some mechanisms are needed to trigger the nuclear activity in galaxies and to feed the nuclei with gas. Among several possibilities, such as gravitational interactions, bar instabilities, and smooth gas accretion from the environment, the dominant process has yet to be identified. Feedback from AGN may be important an important ingredient of the evolution of galaxies. However, the details of this coupling between AGN and their host galaxies remain unclear. In this work we aim to investigate the connection between the AGN and their host galaxies by studying the properties of the extendend ionised gas around AGN. Our study is based on observations of ~50 luminous, low-redshift (z<0.3) QSOs using the novel technique of integral field spectroscopy that combines imaging and spectroscopy. After spatially separating the emission of AGN-ionised gas from HII regions, ionised solely by recently formed massive stars, we demonstrate that the specific star formation rates in several disc-dominated AGN hosts are consistent with those of normal star forming galaxies, while others display no detectable star formation activity. Whether the star formation has been actively suppressed in those particular host galaxies by the AGN, or their gas content is intrinsically low, remains an open question. By studying the kinematics of the ionised gas, we find evidence for non-gravitational motions and outflows on kpc scales only in a few objects. The gas kinematics in the majority of objects however indicate a gravitational origin. It suggests that the importance of AGN feedback may have been overrated in theoretical works, at least at low redshifts. The [OIII] line is the strongest optical emission line for AGN-ionised gas, which can be extended over several kpc scales, usually called the Narrow-Line Region (NLR). We perform a systematic investigation of the NLR size and determine a NLR size-luminosity relation that is consistent with the scenario of a constant ionisation parameter throughout the NLR. We show that previous narrow-band imaging with the Hubble Space Telescope underestimated the NLR size by a factor of >2 and that the continuum AGN luminosity is better correlated with the NLR size than the [OIII] luminosity. These affects may account for the different NLR size-luminosity relations reported in previous studies. On the other hand, we do not detect extended NLRs around all QSOs, and demonstrate that the detection of extended NLRs goes along with radio emission. We employ emission line ratios as a diagnostic for the abundance of heavy elements in the gas, i.e. its metallicity, and find that the radial metallicity gradients are always flatter than in inactive disc-dominated galaxies. This can be interpreted as evidence for radial gas flows from the outskirts of these galaxies to the nucleus. Recent or ongoing galaxy interactions are likely responsible for this effect and may turn out to be a common prerequisite for QSO activity. The metallicity of bulge-dominated hosts are systematically lower than their disc-dominated counterparts, which we interpret as evidence for minor mergers, supported by our detailed study of the bulge-dominated host of the luminous QSO HE 1029-1401, or smooth gas accretion from the environment. In this line another new discovery is that HE 2158-0107 at z=0.218 is the most metal poor luminous QSO ever observed. Together with a large (30kpc) extended structure of low metallicity ionised gas, we propose smooth cold gas accretion as the most likely scenario. Theoretical studies suggested that this process is much more important at earlier epochs of the universe, so that HE 2158-0107 might be an ideal laboratory to study this mechanism of galaxy and BH growth at low redshift more detailed in the furture. / Aktive Galaxienkerne (AGN) entstehen durch die Akkretion von Gas auf massive Schwarze Löcher, welche im Zentrum jeder Galaxie mit einer spherodialen Komponente vermutet werden. Die Leuchtkraft eines AGN kann die seiner gesamten Muttergalaxie um Größenordnungen übersteigen. In diesem Fall werden AGN oft als Quasi-Stellare Objekte (Quasare) bezeichnet. Spezielle Mechanismen müssen für das Auslösen dieser Kernaktivität in Galaxien verantwortlich sein. Verschiedene Prozesse wurden bereits identifiziert, aber der entscheidende Mechanismus wurde bisher noch nicht entdeckt. Die Wechselwirkung mit einem AGN könnte außerdem einen entscheidenden Einfluss auf die Entwicklung von Galaxien haben. Es ist noch unklar wie diese Wechselwirkung genau abläuft und ob es die Sternentstehung in Galaxien beeinflusst. In dieser Arbeit studieren wir die Eigenschaften des ausgedehnten ionisierten Gases in AGN-Muttergalaxien, um mögliche Wechselwirkungen zu untersuchen. Wir benutzen dazu eine Stichprobe von ~50 Quasaren bei geringer Rotverschiebung (z<0.3), die mit der neuartigen Technik der Integralfeld-Spektroskopie beobachtet wurden. Diese Technik kombiniert bildgebende und spektroskopische Verfahren. Wir können mit unserer Analyse zeigen, dass die spezifische Sternentstehungsrate in einigen Scheiben-dominierten AGN-Muttergalaxien vergleichbar mit denen von normalen Galaxien ohne Kernaktivität ist. Allerdings können wir in einigen AGN-Muttergalaxien keine Anzeichen von Sternentstehung feststellen. Ob Sternentstehung in diesen Galaxien momentan durch die Wechselwirkung mit dem AGN unterdrückt wird, ist daher nicht eindeutig. Hinweise auf Gasausflüsse liefert die Kinematik des ionisierten Gases für einige wenige Objekte, doch die Kinematik für die meisten AGN-Muttergalaxien kann allein durch das Wirken der Gravitation erklärt werden. Daraus schließen wir, dass der Einfluss von AGN auf ihre Muttergalaxien geringer sein könnte als theoretisch angenommen wird. Die [OIII] Emissionslinie ist die stärkste optische Linie für AGN-ionisiertes Gas und kann sich über eine Region von mehreren kpc vom Kern erstrecken, die als "Narrow-Line Region" (NLR) bezeichnet wird. Durch eine systematische Untersuchung der NLR-Ausdehnung können wir eine Beziehung zwischen NLR-Radius und AGN-Leuchtkraft bestimmen. Diese Relation ist konsistent mit einem konstanten Ionisationsparameter über die gesamte Ausdehnung der NLR. Frühere Studien mit dem Hubble Weltraumteleskop unterschätzten die Größe der NLR um mehr als einen Faktor 2. Andererseits können wir nicht für alle Quasare eine ausgedehnte NLR nachweisen, wobei eine NLR-Detektion bei einer höheren Radioleuchtkraft des Quasars wahrscheinlicher ist. Dies deutet auf eine Wechselwirkung eines Radio-Jets mit dem kernumgebenden Gas hin. Wir benutzen Emissionslinien des ionisierten Gases, um den Anteil von schweren Elementen im Gas, die so genannte Metallizität, zu bestimmen. Dabei finden wir, dass die radialen Metallizitätsgradienten in Scheiben-dominierten AGN-Muttergalaxien deutlich flacher sind als in vergleichbaren Galaxien ohne Kernaktivität, was wir als Anzeichen für radialen Gastransport vom Rand der Galaxien zum Kern interpretieren. Dies könnte durch kürzliche oder immer noch andauernde gravitative Wechselwirkungen zwischen Nachbargalaxien entstanden sein und stellt eventuell eine Voraussetzung für Kernaktivität dar. Sehr interessant ist unser Ergebnis, dass die ellptischen AGN-Muttergalaxien eine geringere Metallizität aufweisen als die Spiralgalaxien. Dies könnte z.B. durch das Verschmelzen mit kleinen Nachbargalaxien induziert werden, welche eine intrinsisch geringe Metallizität aufweisen. Am Beispiel der elliptischen Muttergalaxie des Quasars HE 1029-1401 können wir durch eine detaillierte Analyse des ionisierten Gases verschiedene Indizien für einen solchen Prozess nachweisen. Eine weiteres Resultat dieser Arbeit ist die Entdeckung eines leuchtkräftigen Quasars mit der geringsten Metallizität, die bisher für solche Objekte nachgewiesen werden konnte. Wir interpretieren die geringe Metallizität und die Ausdehnung des ionisierten Gases über 30kpc als deutliche Indizien für die Akkretion von intergalaktischem Gas. Dieser Prozess findet viel häufiger im frühen Universum statt. HE 2158-0107 könnte daher ein ideales Objekt sein, um diesen Prozess im nahen Universum detaillierter studieren zu können.

A detailed view of filaments and sheets of the warm-hot intergalactic medium

Klar, Jochen January 2012 (has links)
In the context of cosmological structure formation sheets, filaments and eventually halos form due to gravitational instabilities. It is noteworthy, that at all times, the majority of the baryons in the universe does not reside in the dense halos but in the filaments and the sheets of the intergalactic medium. While at higher redshifts of z > 2, these baryons can be detected via the absorption of light (originating from more distant sources) by neutral hydrogen at temperatures of T ~ 10^4 K (the Lyman-alpha forest), at lower redshifts only about 20 % can be found in this state. The remain (about 50 to 70 % of the total baryons mass) is unaccounted for by observational means. Numerical simulations predict that these missing baryons could reside in the filaments and sheets of the cosmic web at high temperatures of T = 10^4.5 - 10^7 K, but only at low to intermediate densities, and constitutes the warm-hot intergalactic medium (WHIM). The high temperatures of the WHIM are caused by the formation of shocks and the subsequent shock-heating of the gas. This results in a high degree of ionization and renders the reliable detection of the WHIM a challenging task. Recent high-resolution hydrodynamical simulations indicate that, at redshifts of z ~ 2, filaments are able to provide very massive galaxies with a significant amount of cool gas at temperatures of T ~ 10^4 K. This could have an important impact on the star-formation in those galaxies. It is therefore of principle importance to investigate the particular hydro- and thermodynamical conditions of these large filament structures. Density and temperature profiles, and velocity fields, are expected to leave their special imprint on spectroscopic observations. A potential multiphase structure may act as tracer in observational studies of the WHIM. In the context of cold streams, it is important to explore the processes, which regulate the amount of gas transported by the streams. This includes the time evolution of filaments, as well as possible quenching mechanisms. In this context, the halo mass range in which cold stream accretion occurs is of particular interest. In order to address these questions, we perform particular hydrodynamical simulations of very high resolution, and investigate the formation and evolution of prototype structures representing the typical filaments and sheets of the WHIM. We start with a comprehensive study of the one-dimensional collapse of a sinusoidal density perturbation (pancake formation) and examine the influence of radiative cooling, heating due to an UV background, thermal conduction, and the effect of small-scale perturbations given by the cosmological power spectrum. We use a set of simulations, parametrized by the wave length of the initial perturbation L. For L ~ 2 Mpc/h the collapse leads to shock-confined structures. As a result of radiative cooling and of heating due to an UV background, a relatively cold and dense core forms. With increasing L the core becomes denser and more concentrated. Thermal conduction enhances this trend and may lead to an evaporation of the core at very large L ~ 30 Mpc/h. When extending our simulations into three dimensions, instead of a pancake structure, we obtain a configuration consisting of well-defined sheets, filaments, and a gaseous halo. For L > 4 Mpc/h filaments form, which are fully confined by an accretion shock. As with the one-dimensional pancakes, they exhibit an isothermal core. Thus, our results confirm a multiphase structure, which may generate particular spectral tracers. We find that, after its formation, the core becomes shielded against further infall of gas onto the filament, and its mass content decreases with time. In the vicinity of the halo, the filament's core can be attributed to the cold streams found in other studies. We show, that the basic structure of these cold streams exists from the very beginning of the collapse process. Further on, the cross section of the streams is constricted by the outwards moving accretion shock of the halo. Thermal conduction leads to a complete evaporation of the cold stream for L > 6 Mpc/h. This corresponds to halos with a total mass higher than M_halo = 10^13 M_sun, and predicts that in more massive halos star-formation can not be sustained by cold streams. Far away from the gaseous halo, the temperature gradients in the filament are not sufficiently strong for thermal conduction to be effective. / Im Rahmen der kosmologischen Strukturbildung entstehen durch Gravitationsinstabilitäten Flächen, Filamente und schließlich Halos. Interessanterweise befinden sich zu jedem Zeitpunkt der kosmologischen Entwicklung der Großteil der Baryonen nicht in den Halos, sondern in den Filamenten und Ebenen des intergalaktischen Mediums. Während diese Baryonen bei höheren Rotverschiebungen (z ~ 2) noch in Form durch die Absorbtion von Licht (von weit entfernteren Quellen) durch neutralen Wasserstoff bei einer Temperatur von T ~ 10^4 K beobachtbar sind (Lyman-Alpha Wald), gilt dies bei niedrigeren Rotverschiebungen für nur noch ca. 20 % der Baryonen. Der überwiegende Teil (ca. 50-70 % der gesamten baryonischen Masse) sind bisher noch nicht direkt beobachtbar. Numerische Simulationen sagen jedoch voraus, das sich diese Baryonen in den Filamenten und Flächen des kosmischen Netzes befinden. Die entsprechende Gasverteilung zeichnet sich durch hohe Temperaturen T = 10^5 - 10^7 K und geringe bis mittlere Dichten aus und wird als warm-heißes intergalaktisches Medium (WHIM) bezeichnet. Die hohen Temperaturen entstehen in Folge der Bildung von Stoßwellen und der darauf folgenden Erhitzung des Gases (shock-heating). Das WHIM ist daher hochgradig ionisiert und sein verlässlicher Nachweis stellt eine große Herausforderung für die beobachtende Kosmologie dar. Neuere hydrodynamische Simulationen zeigen, dass sich bei höheren Rotverschiebungen von z ~ 2 Gasströmungen entlang der Filamente bilden, die massive Galaxien mit erheblichen Mengen an relativ kaltem Gas (T ~ 10^4 K) versorgen können. Dies hätte einen erheblichen Einfluss auf die Sternentstehung in diesen Galaxien. Es ist daher von grundsätzlichem Interesse, die spezifischen hydro- und thermodynamischen Bedingungen in den Strukturen des WHIM zu untersuchen. Sowohl Dichte- und Temperaturprofile als auch Geschwindigkeitsfelder prägen spektroskopische Beobachtungen. Eine mögliche Mehrphasenstruktur des WHIM könnte daher als Indikator in beobachtenden Studien dienen. Im Zusammenhang mit den kalten Strömen ist es besonders interessant, Prozesse zu untersuchen die den Zufluss von kaltem Gas zu den Galaxien regulieren. Dies umfasst die Zeitentwicklung des Anteils an kaltem Gas in den Filamenten, sowie mögliche Mechanismen, die zum Versiegen des Zuflusses von kaltem Gas auf die Galaxienscheibe führen. Um diese Zusammenhänge zu erforschen, führen wir spezielle hydrodynamische Simulationen mit sehr hoher Auflösung durch, die zu ausgewählten, wohldefinierten Strukturen führen, die das WHIM charakterisieren. Wir beginnen mit einer ausführlichen Untersuchung des eindimensionalen Kollaps einer sinusförmigen Störung (pancake formation). Hierbei untersuchen wir den Einfluss von Strahlungkühlung, Heizung durch den intergalaktischen UV Hintergrund, Wärmeleitung, sowie von kleinskaligen Störungen, welche dem kosmologischen Störungsspektrum folgen. Wir benutzen hierbei eine Reihe von Simulationen, welche die Längenskala der anfänglichen Störung L als Parameter verwenden. Für L ~ 2 Mpc/h führt der Kollaps zur Ausbildung einer Stoßwelle. Zusätzlich entsteht als Folge der Strahlungskühlung und der Heizung durch den UV Hintergrund ein relativ dichter und kalter isothermer Kern. Mit ansteigendem L wird dieser Kern dichter und kompakter. Durch Wärmeleitung reduziert sich die räumliche Ausdehnung des Kerns. Für L ~ 30 Mpc/h führt dies zu einem Verschwinden des Kerns. Mit der Erweiterung unserer Methodik auf dreidimensionale Simulationen, entsteht nun eine Konfiguration, welche aus wohldefinierten Flächen, Filamenten und einem gasförmigen Halo besteht. Für L > 4 Mpc/h, erhalten wir Filamente, die vollständig durch Akkretionsschocks begrenzt sind. Wie in unseren eindimensionalen Simulationen weisen auch sie einen isothermen Kern auf. Dies legt nahe, dass das WHIM eine Mehrphasenstruktur besitzt und mögliche Spektralsignaturen erzeugen kann. Nach seiner Entstehung ist der Kern gegen weiteren Zufluss von Gas abgeschirmt und seine Masse reduziert sich mit der Zeit. In der direkten Umgebung des Halos entspricht der Kern des Filamentes den oben angesprochenen kalten Strömen. Unsere Untersuchung zeigt, dass diese während der gesamten Entwicklung des Halos existent sind. In der weiteren Entwicklung werden sie durch den expandierenden Akkretionsschock des Halos verengt. Ab einer Skala von L > 6 Mpc/h kann Wärmeleitung zu einem Verschwinden des Zustroms von kaltem Gas führen. Diese Skala entspricht Halos mit einer Gesamtmasse von M_halo = 10^13 M_sun. Galaxien, die sich in noch massiveren Halos bilden, können daher nicht durch kalte Ströme mit Gas für die Sternentstehung versorgt werden. Im Filament, weit außerhalb des gasförmigen Halos, sind die Temperaturgradienten zu klein, um effiziente Wärmeleitung zu ermöglichen.

Social responsibility among small and medium enterprises in KwaZulu-Natal.

Chetty, Soobramoney. January 2008 (has links)
Globally, the social responsibility of business has become an important issue in recent years. In South Africa, it has assumed even greater significance given the enormity of the socio-economic problems besetting the country. There is an extensive body of literature pertaining to the social responsibility of large organizations, but little theoretical or empirical research has been undertaken within small and medium enterprises, notwithstanding the important role they play in the economy of a country. In cognizance of the aforementioned, this study wishes to expand the body of knowledge in respect of the social responsibility of small and medium enterprises, by examining the perceptions and behaviour of SMEs in KwaZulu-Natal regarding their social responsibility. The target population for the study was derived from the membership list of the three largest business organisations in KwaZulu-Natal, viz. the Durban Chamber of Commerce & Industry, the Pietermaritzburg Chamber of Business, and the Zululand Chamber of Business, and consisted of organisations employing no fewer than 20, and no more than 200 employees. In general, it emerged that the majority of SMEs in KZN are involved, to a large extent, in socially responsible activities related to their employees, but are minimally involved in socially responsible activities pertaining to the community and the natural environment. However, despite their low level of engagement in the latter, the majority of SMEs in KZN rated their businesses as being either successful or very successful. The most commonly cited reasons for a lack of greater involvement in CSR activities were a lack of time/manpower, and the costs/impact on profits resulting from engagement in CSR activities. The study recommends, inter alia, that the local Chambers of Business and sectoral bodies should play a more active role in fostering CSR among SMEs; that the strategies and initiatives used to foster CSR among large businesses should not be used for SMEs, and that the phrase 'small business responsibility' should be used instead of the term 'corporate social responsibility', as the latter might invoke fear and resistance on the part of SMEs. In light of the research findings, the study concludes by proposing a model/guide to assist SMEs in KZN to become (more) socially responsible. / Thesis (PhD.Comm.)-University of KwaZulu-Natal, 2008.

An investigation into the financial support available to South African small and medium enterprises.

Naidoo, Deena. January 2003 (has links)
Since the democratization of South Africa, there has been a fundamental need for the creation of employment and economic growth. South African companies have, however followed international business trends through merges, acquisitions and the introduction of sophisticated technology. The result of the above policies, have significantly contributed to the counties high unemployment rate, with the current official unemployment rate of 30,5 (according to the 1996 census). Furthermore, the legacies of apartheid have left a large portion of the population to be unskilled and therefore unemployable. As a result of the above, the government has been burdened with the creation of employment, single-handedly finding innovative financing schemes for the small and medium enterprise sector, while simultaneously ensuring economic growth, despite prevailing economic conditions. In order to achieve economic growth and create employment opportunities, it is my opinion that primary focus needs to be given to the development of small and medium enterprises. In this regard emphasis should be given to the enhancement of potential and existing small and medium entrepreneurs, to enable them to become competitive forces. It has however, become common for good entrepreneurial ideas to "die as ideas" largely due to the inability of these entrepreneurs to secure adequate venture capital, to fund their ideas into successful businesses/innovations. This chronic shortfall of financial resources for SMEs is largely attributable to a financial strategy focused on larger firms with a perceived lower risk based on the belief that such firms were "to big to fail". The challenge is therefore, for government to create innovative ways to finance initiatives by existing and potential entrepreneurs, thereby stimulating economic growth and employment. It is also prudent to highlight the fact that in addition to the contribution SMEs make to a countries wealth and employment, they also serve as the primary vehicles by which new entrepreneurs provide the economy with a continuous supply of ideas, skills and innovations. Start-ups are estimated to have created 140 000 jobs in South Africa, between January 1999 and July 2002, while new firms are estimated to have created nearly one million. Furthermore, the 2002 Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM) places South Africa below the average rate of entrepreneurial activity when compared with 36 countries. S.A also ranks lowest of all developing countries including Chile, Brazil, India, Argentina and Thailand. These results show that SA is in the bottom quartile of all countries on measures of opportunity entrepreneurship and new firm activity - both critical gauges for economic growth potential. GEM 2002, which is an annual international research project coordinated by London Business School, found that the greatest obstacles facing entrepreneurship is a lack of/ ineffective financial support, education and training, government policies and programmes. The aim of this study is to identify innovative ways of funding small and medium enterprises (SMEs) and the strategic implications of these initiatives on the South African economy. Furthermore, it is recommended that government big business and the select few wealthy individuals form strategic alliances, in order to promote the growth of this business sector, considering that the number of companies registered by the DTI has risen to 110 000 last year, of which 80 percent were small, black owned businesses. According to the National Small Business Act (1996), the small business sector absorbs nearly 44 % of the people formally employed in the private sector, and contributes to about 32.7 % to the country's gross domestic product. Given the significant increase in the number of registered enterprises since the 1994 General Elections, the sector holds further promises in order to generate economic growth and hence the need to develop and invest in this sector. Despite the existence of schemes, access to finance has been identified at the recent Job Summit as one of the problems and barriers to job creation and growth of small enterprises in South Africa. A recent media reports have highlighted the frustration of members of parliament, about the failure of the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) to help SMEs, with the Director General, admitting that his department had not been doing enough, or visibly enough. While the DTI claims to have various loan assistance schemes in place, emerging Black entrepreneurs do not seem to have access to these facilities. A major concern is that the DTI continues to rollover massive amounts of unspent funds (from its annual budget of R2.2 million), that indicates that their target market is not being reached. Accordingly the focus in the future should be to increase the outreach of various programmes, targeting them more specifically at the SME sector. This research project therefore reviews the implementation of policies and programmes aimed at SMEs access to financial assistance in order to highlight barriers that hinder this process and recommendations to rectify the existing status quo. / Thesis (MBA)-University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban, 2003.

Temps en temps = (Times in time) : music for voice and instruments in a multi-track recording environment / Times in time

Beaulieu, Marc. January 1996 (has links)
TEMPS EN TEMPS (times in time): Music for voice and instruments in a multi-track recording environment, by Marc Beaulieu, is a work meant to be experienced on many levels of perception. This analysis attempts to present the work at its most important (relevant) levels. / This work is written for a multi-track recording studio. The first section of this thesis describes the expanded possibilities of compositional procedure, orchestration and vocal/linguistic construction inherent in this particular medium. / The concept of the work is deeply rooted in the sociological thesis expounded in Alvin Toffler's "The Third Wave". These sociological 'undertones' and their bearing on the background structure of the work are examined in the following section of the thesis. / The subsequent sections of the thesis introduce the perceptual and conceptual aspects of the overall musical language, and discuss essential characteristics of the harmonic, rhythmic and linguistic fabric of the work as well as special applications of studio recording techniques such as digital sound processing, sampling and mixing. This leads to a discussion of formal structure based on three (3) conceptual waves co-existing and interacting in time.

Läsförståelse och multimodala texter : En kvalitativ studie om lågstadielärares erfarenheter av att arbeta med multimodala texter och läsförståelse / Reading comprehension and multimodal texts : A qualitative study of primary teachers experience of using multimodal texts and reading comprehension

Hellberg, Erika January 2018 (has links)
Studiens syfte är att undersöka verksamma 1-3-lärares uppfattning om användningen av multimodala texter i undervisningen och hur multimodala texter kan stödja elevers läsförståelse. För att kunna besvara syftet har följande forskningsfrågor besvarats: ·         Vilka medier förekommer i lärarnas undervisning? ·         Vilka modaliteter förekommer i multimodala texter som lärarna använder? ·         Hur integrerar lärarna multimodala texter för att utveckla elevers läsförståelse? Studien utgår från ett socialsemiotiskt perspektiv som har som utgångspunkt i tecken och deras egenskaper och funktioner. Studien är kvalitativ och materialet har samlats in med semistrukturerade intervjuer. I intervjuerna har tre lärare från en stor kommun deltagit och två från en mindre kommun. Resultatet visar på att samtliga lärare använde multimodala texter i undervisningen däremot var det bara en av lärarna som hade förkunskaper om begreppet. För övriga lärare var multimodala texter ett nytt begrepp. De deltagande lärarna använde sig av multimodala texter för att bland annat kunna variera undervisningen och på det visset kunna nå ut till alla elever. De multimodala texterna användes även för att förstärka undervisningens syfte genom att kombinera olika sociala modaliteter. Resultatet visade även på att de multimodala texter som förekom mest inrymde de semiotiska modaliteterna bild och typografisk text. / The aim of this study is to examine how primary teachers use multimodal texts in their Swedish education and how they can be used to further pupils reading comprehension in order to elucidate how multimodal texts can be used to enhance pupils reading comprehension. To answer this aim the following questions has been answered: ·         Which kind of media do teachers use in their education? ·         Which semiotics modes are used in multimodal texts that teachers use in their education? ·         Howe dose the teachers integrate multimodal texts to enhance pupils reading comprehension? The study proceeds from a social semiotics perspective which assuming signs and their characteristic and functions. The study is based on qualitative method and the material was collected with semi-structured interviews. Three teachers from a larger municipality and two teachers from a smaller municipality. The result shows that all the teachers used multimodal texts in their education, but it was only one of the teachers that had previous knowledge about the word multimodal texts. To the rest of the teachers was the word multimodal texts new. The teachers used multimodal texts in their education to crate variation and to reach out to all de pupils.  Multimodal texts are also used for   strengthening the educations purpose with help of various modes. The result also show that the most common multimodal texts consisted of the modes image and typographic text.

English-medium instruction in higher education in the United Arab Emirates : the perspectives of students

Solloway, Anthony Jonathan January 2016 (has links)
This exploratory, interpretive study investigates the attitudes towards and experiences of English-medium instruction (EMI) within higher education (HE) on the part of female students completing an intensive foundation programme at a major federal tertiary institution in the United Arab Emirates (UAE). Two data collection procedures were employed in this study, a 21-item questionnaire, and in-depth, face-to-face, semi-structured interviews. Content analysis was performed on transcriptions of the latter, a procedure which gave rise to recurring, emergent themes. Such themes included the belief expressed by some participants that having the second language (L2) of English as the medium of instruction (MI) can act as a barrier to learning, and that it would be preferable to study in their first language (L1) of Arabic. Additionally, it was found that some students believed their secondary school education had failed to afford them adequate preparation for EMI HE, a disturbing finding given that the government of the UAE appears to have stated a desire to achieve universal HE for females, whilst also signalling its intention to eliminate university-based foundation programmes. In addition to such academic-related findings, it emerged that there exists significant ambivalence towards the place and standing of English in contemporary Emirati society, with a recurring theme being that whilst knowledge of and proficiency in English is required for the globalised economy, and thus for the future of the country, the pervasive spread of the English language in the UAE poses a threat not only to Arabic, but also to the religious identity and cultural integrity of the indigenous Emirati population. The findings of this study lead to the recommendation that the UAE implement a paradigmatic shift in its language policy within federally-sponsored HE by reverting to Arabic as the primary MI, with English as a foreign language (EFL) or English as a second language (ESL) as a subject replacing EMI.

Oxidação do etanol por eletrocatalisador a base de platina e estanho (PtSn/C-ITO) preparados pelo método de redução por borohidreto de sódio / Ethanol oxidation using platinum and tin as electrocatalyst (PtSn/C-ITO) prepared by sodium reduction borohydride method

Conrado de Vasconcelos Pereira 29 March 2018 (has links)
Os eletrocatalisadores de PtSn/C-ITO foram preparados pelo método de redução via borohidreto de sódio com uma carga metálica de 20% em massa suportados em carbono Vulcan XC72 e óxidos de estanho e índio (ITO) nas seguintes composições; 50:50, 70:30 e 90:10. Os eletrocatalisadores foram submetidos a análises de caracterização por difração de raios-x (DRX), microscopia de transmissão eletrônica (MET), espectroscopia de energia dispersiva de raios x (EDX) e análises eletroquímicas pelas técnicas de voltametria cíclica e de amperometria para os estudos da oxidação eletroquímica em etanol. Nas técnicas eletroquímicas foi utilizado o eletrodo de camada fina porosa onde os eletrocatalisadores foram testados tanto no meio ácido quanto no meio alcalino. Experimentos em célula unitária alimentadas diretamente por etanol foram testados simulando condições reais de operação. As análises eletroquímicas e de caracterização física em meio ácido permitiram comparar o desempenho e estabilidades dos eletrocatalisadores em estudo e também demonstraram os benefícios da adição do estanho e do ITO, tendo como destaque o eletrocatalisador de PtSn/C-ITO 70:30. Em meio alcalino o eletrocatalisador PtSn/C-ITO 50:50 demonstrou ter o melhor desempenho nas análises de voltametria cíclica e amperometria, entretanto, a mesma eficácia não ocorreu nos experimentos em célula unitária o que leva a crer que em meio alcalino o mecanismo de oxidação do etanol sob temperatura e outros parâmetros reais pertinentes à operação da célula precisam ser mudados e/ou estudados. / PtSn /C-ITO electrocatalysts were prepared by the sodium borohydride reduction method with 20% mass metallic load supported on Vulcan XC72 carbon and tin and indium oxides (ITO) in the following compositions; 50:50, 70:30 and 90:10. The electrocatalysts were subjected to x-ray diffraction characterization (XRD), transmission electron microscope (TEM), energy dispersive x-ray spectroscopy (EDX) and electrochemical analyzes using cyclic voltammetry and amperometric techniques for studies of ethanol electrochemical oxidation. In the electrochemical techniques the thin porous coating was used where the electrocatalysts were tested in both the acidic and alkaline media. Experiments in unit cell fed directly by ethanol were tested simulating real operating conditions. The electrochemical and physical characterization analyzes in acid medium allowed to compare the performance and stabilities of the electrocatalysts under study and also demonstrated the benefits of the addition of tin and ITO, with emphasis at PtSn/C-ITO 70:30 electrocatalyst. In alkaline media the PtSn/C-ITO 50:50 electrocatalyst demonstrated the best performance in the tests of cyclic voltammetry and amperometry, however, the same efficiency did not happen in the unit cell tests which leads to believe that in alkaline medium the oxidation mechanism of ethanol under temperature and other actual pertinent parameters to cell operation need to be changed and/or studied.

The Role of Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in Small Towns in Rural-Urban continuum : the case of Sagana and Karatina in Mount Kenya Region, Central Kenya. / Le rôle des petites et moyennes entreprises (PME) des petites villes dans les relations villes-campagne : étude de cas de Sagaga et Karatina, region du Mount Kenya (Kenya)

Kihonge, Ephantus 15 February 2014 (has links)
Dans les pays en développement, les liens sont étroits et multiformes entre ledéveloppement urbain et les économies rurales. Dans les régions de montagnes, notamment enAfrique de l’Est, les espaces sont fortement interdépendants à travers les relations commerciales,les déplacements de personnes, les flux de productions, selon des échelles géographiques ettemporelles variables. Des logiques de continuum, de gradient, voire de rupture, sont à l’oeuvre.Dans ce contexte, le rôle joué par les Petites et Moyennes Entreprises (PME) reste encorelargement à démontrer, notamment leur place dans la structuration des flux de produits et depersonnes (exemple des petits entrepreneurs commerçants, des transporteurs faisant la navetteentre zones de production, de commercialisation et de consommation, etc.). La place des petitesvilles dans ce processus d’intégration territoriale est importante, car elles jouent souvent le rôlede premier relais et d’interface préférentiel entre les économies urbaines et rurales.L’approche par les PME permet d’appréhender le rôle de l’initiative individuelle et collective(voire communautaire) dans la dynamique de développement territoriale, mais égalementd’analyser les actions mises en place (ou non) pour favoriser l’entrepreneuriat, par les autoritéspubliques et les organisations non gouvernementales (accès au microcrédit, etc.).Le terrain choisi est la province du Central Kenya, région du Mont Kenya et des Aberdares, avecles petites villes de Sagana et Karatina comme zone d’étude privilégiée. C’est une zone de fortesdensités de peuplement, à l’économie rurale voire agricole bien structurée mais en reconversion(économie post-Café) et qui dispose d’un réseau urbain hiérarchisé (petites villes d’étude, villemoyenne de Nyeri, proximité relative de la métropole de Nairobi).Les principaux résultats témoignent du rôle dissymétrique joué par les petits entrepreneurs, et àtravers eux par les petites villes, dans les relations villes-Campagnes. Si leur rôle est crucial dansles flux entrants (approvisionnement des consommateurs urbains et ruraux desservis), il estrelativement faible dans les flux sortants, ce qui témoigne des logiques de concurrence exercéspar des opérateurs extérieurs (relations directes entre grossistes urbains et producteurs ruraux)mais aussi par des intermédiaires locaux (coopératives, grossistes, etc.). / Abstract: Small and Micro-Enterprises (SMEs) are known to form significant nodes inrural-Urban linkages. Consequently, these SMEs serve as strong nodes which link thesurrounding rural areas to Local, National and Regional Markets through forward andbackward linkages. By strengthening and opening up opportunities for SMEs ‘virtuous’circles of rural-Urban economic linkages are created.The study of the rural-Urban linkages activities is still in development. This thesistherefore seeks to add to the literature by generating and documenting information onthe role of SMEs in small towns in rural-Urban linkages. Kenya is an agricultural-Ledeconomy, hence the need to focus on small mountainous towns. The towns aresurrounded by rich agricultural areas and are highly populated, making them busy hubsof mobility and exchange. Therefore, Mt. Kenya region is the chosen area of study withSMEs in Sagana and Karatina towns chosen as centres representing small towns.Based on the study results, SMEs were found to play an relatively small role in forwardlinkages. Only 12% of goods and services coming to the small towns from the ruralareas were forwarded by the SMEs, and only 25% of these goods found their way toother markets. The study established that some factors such as to the marketing chaincreated by the Famers Sacco’s, the use of Information and CommunicationTechnologies and contracting farming could be contributing to the poor show of SMEs inforward linkages.The rural functions in urban SMEs were found to be real and instrumental inentrepreneurship development. They were not only vital in business survival in lowseasons but were also found have positive correlations with large capital base, highmonthly turnover, increased access to loan facilities, and large size of the enterprise.Previous studies have shown that the rural-Urban trade to be more than urban-Ruraltrade. However, the current study shows the latter is almost three times more. Theresults could be said to differ in case where the point of focus is the small trader in thesmall town as opposed to a general urban-Rural trade approach. Also the nature of thefarmers markets could determine the flow pattern between urban and rural supplies.Karatina and Sagana markets behaved more of international markets, where most of thetraded goods and supplies were not from the local catchments. This meant ruralpopulace depended on the towns not only for manufactured goods and professionalservices but also for agricultural produce.

The Application of Dual-medium and parallel-medium models of bi-lingual education at two primary schools in the Western Cape

Williams, Quentin E. January 2007 (has links)
Magister Artium - MA / This study is an investigation of the application of dual-medium and parallel-medium models of bilingual schooling as implemented at two historically disadvantaged primary schools in the Western Cape. The author assumes that parallel-medium in practice uses only one language of learning and teaching (LoLT), and thus lead to monolingual classroom practice. The author used qualitative techniques (observations, interviews, and document analyses.), and triangulation method, to understand the application of dual-medium and parallel-medium instruction and the support of principals and teachers in their understanding of the design models. Observations were made in Grade 7 classrooms at selected and document analyses, triangulated with interviews conducted with principals and teachers to expound the effective practice of bilingual education at school and classroom level. Document analyses were made of classroom materials (various literary artefacts) used for the development of language proficiency. in addition, how it contributes to the Grade 7 learners academic perform and language development in dual-medium and parallel-medium classrooms. / South Africa

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