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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Specialiųjų poreikių moksleivių meninė socializacija bendrojo lavinimo mokyklos muzikos pamokoje / Artistic socialization of the special needs school children in secondary school music lesson

Jašauskienė, Jurgita 15 June 2005 (has links)
In the process of implementing attitudes of educational reforms, socialization becomes very important which embodiment meets great difficulties such as insufficient teachers’ experi-ence, ignorance of the specific disability and capabilities in certain educational activities (it is obvious, that preparing teachers for secondary schools integration itself is not thoroughly dis-cussed). Therefore, this MBA paper analyses five specific types of disabilities and proposes specific possibilities for them to be integrated in the music lesson activities at comprehensive schools. During the research the hypothesis was confirmed: purposefully organized musical ac-tivities, creating appropriate psychological security atmosphere, is a factor (motive), which en-courages self-confidence of the educated child in his personality powers and positively influ-ences personality development in music activities. Musical education of children with specific disabilities is greatly influenced by economi-cal conditions, democratic society and principles of humanity of education system in Lithuania. This signifies the importance of the theme chosen. Research object – artistic socialization of disabled children aged 9-13. Research hypothesis - purposefully organized musical activities, creating appropriate psychological security atmosphere, is a factor (motive), which encourages self-confidence of the educated child in his personality powers and positively influences personality development. Research... [to full text]

Sutrikusio intelekto jaunuolių meninės raiškos plėtotė kaip socializacijos optimizavimo galimybė / Social self-expression of teenagers with mental disorder and optimization of the socialization process

Zakarkienė, Sonata 04 July 2006 (has links)
The contemporary society has set certain standards or norms defining what a human being should be and how he should behave. Other individuals, especially with some kind of incapacity, often become unacceptable or even unnecessary. Such an attitude towards an incapacitated person must be undisputedly changed. “The role of art in spreading cognitive powers of the intellect is recognized as one of the most important factors in development of the individual” (Matonis, 2000, :18-19). A research has been conducted attempting to assess a potential for self-expression of teenagers with mental disorder and optimization of the socialization process (while them taking part in a social and art project). The research in the social and art project “Katedra” involved 10 young persons with mental disorder and 5 professional artists. Also by means of filling in a questionnaire 123 assessors – spectators representing the viewpoint of the society on the results of the project, i.e. a performance with participation of disabled and healthy artists, were interviewed. The research revealed changes in the attitude of the society towards people with intellectual problems and showed growing possibilities of social optimization for the disabled persons. It was also concluded that participation in art projects helps young disabled people easier integrate into the society and offers them equal chances to play a role in the life of the society. The analysis of the arrangements indicated that the disabled... [to full text]

Ikimokyklinio amžiaus vaikų socializacijos proceso efektyvinimas menine veikla / Making The socialization process for pre-school children effective using the art activity

Bajorūnienė, Vida 06 June 2006 (has links)
The aim of the work – to examine internals of the efficiency using the art activity for socialization process for pre-school children. 114 pedagogues and 131 parents of Kaunas city pre-school institutions took part in this poll. The subject of the survey: improvement of the socialization process of the pre-school child. The hypotheses: • Artistic activities improve the socialization of pre-school children in the pre-school institution; • Artistic education meets the most important needs of pre-school children; • Artistic activities improve the most important educational competentions of the child; Objectives: • To analyze the theoretical presupposition of a pre-school child’s socialization process; • To analyze the theoretical presupposition of a pre-school child’s socialization process attained by the means of effective artistic activities; • To explore the parents’ attitude towards the improvement of a child’s socialization by the means of effective artistic activities; • To explore the pedagogues’ attitude the improvement of a child’s socialization by the means of effective artistic activities; • To make conclusions and give recommendations. Methods of exploratory: nonfiction analysis, questionnaire, interview, mathematical statistics. Results. The socialization of pre-school children gets better by using art activities in the pre-school institutions. Art activities positively affect the main needs (emotional, cognitive, motional) of the pre-school children. The... [to full text]

Mokinių teigiamo požiūrio į meninę veiklą skatinimas / Motivating of Students' Attitude Towards Artistic Activity

Rakauskienė, Doloresa 08 June 2005 (has links)
Artistic training from the point of view of a student is considered to be a solid process in which impacts of different educational institutions interflow. The research material and report on the educational process participants', teachers' of art block attitude toward artistic activity allows to define and evaluate organizing forms and methods of artistic training and a positive attitude on artistic activity stimulation opportunities.

Menų integracija teatrinėje veikloje, inkliuziniame neformaliajame mokinių ugdyme V-X klasėse / The integration of arts into theatrical activities , inclusive informal education of students in forms 5-10

Narauskas, Arūnas 06 June 2006 (has links)
Recent policital, economical and social changes in Lithuania affected education tire. Today’s art activities are oriented not to an educator, but to those who are educated, therefore arts, music, theatre and other art subjects are reorganized towards humanism, activity and creative work.. During some last years many developed countries strengthen position of arts subjects in their educational school programs. Together with main subjects, arts and music students are taught theatre and dancing and it is quite clear. If we want to have harmonious, universal personality, we must pay attention to all kinds of education and cuenture. Arts (theatre, art, music, dancing) at school is a fine oasis in whick students can develop, show themselves, inrick themselves and others as we su in our practical work creatiwe work is most trained by theatre, because it includes all kinds of activity (drama, direction, acting, motion (pantomime), language, scenery, clothes, light, music, saund). At this time there are theatre studios at shool. There are theatre lessons at schools and all attention is concentraded to creative activity. There are a lot of students with special needs and social problems. In some highly developed countries, especially in North countries, the integration of the enabled began many years ago. The us A and Western countries estimate the results of integral and inclusive education one can see positive and negative sides, meanwhile in our country the reform is just... [to full text]

Judėjimo negalią turinčių suaugusiųjų asmenų meninė socializacija / Artistic socialization of physically disabled adult people

Markūnas, Sigitas 16 August 2007 (has links)
Specialiosios pedagogikos magistriniame darbe Lietuvoje pirmą kartą bandoma: moksliškai pagrįsti judėjimo negalią turinčių asmenų dailinio ugdymo galimybes neformaliojo švietimo proce-se, siekiant ugdyti jų naujus socialinius adaptacinius įgūdžius, aktyviai įtraukiant į socialinę veiklą; skatinti ugdytinių dailinę saviraišką, išryškinant jos terapinį poveikį, t.y. padedant įsisąmoninti ne-galės poveikyje pasikeitusio gyvenimo prasmę, priimti ir išspręsti atsiradusias dvasines ir psichikos problemas, susikurti naują Aš vaizdą, atstatyti pusiausvyrą tarp savęs ir aplinkos. Tyrimo objektas: suaugusiųjų asmenų, turinčių judėjimo negalią, meninė socializacija. Tyrimo tikslas: nustatyti neįgaliųjų socializacijos galimybes dailinio ugdymo procese. Uždaviniai: 1) išanalizuoti teorinius tyrimo problemos pagrindus ir negalią turinčių asmenų socializacijos paradigmas; 2) diagnozuoti projekte dalyvaujančių ugdytinių dailinės saviraiškos galimybes taikant inova-tyvius metodus; 3) pagrįsti dailinės saviraiškos įtaką judėjimo negalią turinčio suaugusio asmens psichologi-nės reabilitacijos procesui ir jo rezultatams ugdomojo projekto metu; 4) pateikti tyrimo išvadas ir rekomendacijas. Tyrimo metu adaptuotos ir aprobuotos inovatyvių – Asmeninės prasmės įsisąmoninimo (APM) ir Emocinio imitavimo (EIM) – metodų galimybės specialiųjų poreikių asmenų dailinio ug-dymo procese. APM taikymo sėkmę akcentuoja tokios pagrindinės metodinės nuostatos: 1) kūrinio pažinimo individualumas, percepcijos... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / For the first time in Lithuania in postgraduate study of special educology it is attempting to substantiate scientifically the potential of artistic training for people with physical disability in the process of informal education on purpose to develop their new social adaptation skills actively involving them into social action; to promote artistic self-expression highlighting its therapeutic effect, that means helping people to realize the meaning of life that has been changed with an effect of disability, accept and solve psychic and mind problems, develop new view of himself, re-establish the balance between himself and environment. The object of research: artistic socialization of physically disabled adult people. The goal of research: to estimate the potential of disabled people socialization in the process of artistic education. Tasks: 1. to analyze theoretic background of research problem and paradigms of disabled people socialization; 2. diagnose artistic self-expression potential using innovative methods for participants of the project; 3. substantiate the effect of artistic self-expression to the process of psychological rehabilitation of people with motional disorder and to results during educational project; 4. adduce conclusions and recommendations of the research. In the period of the research there were adapted and approved innovative opportunities of methods – Personal Experience Awareness (PEA) and Emotional Imitation (EIM) in the process of artistic... [to full text]

Mokinių dainos kūrimo fenomenologinė analizė / A phenomenological analysis of pupils' songwriting

Straleckaitė, Dalia 08 August 2012 (has links)
Skirtingų meno sričių kūryba perteikia vidinę kuriančiojo būseną, subjektyvų požiūrį į pasaulį, įprasmina būtį ir padeda save išreikšti specifine – meno kalba. Jau daugelį metų įvairių sričių mokslininkai siekia išsiaiškinti, kaip gimsta meninė kūryba, kas ją inspiruoja ir kokie yra jos atsiradimo veiksniai, aplinkybės, motyvai bei asmeninė prasmė. Tyrimas atliktas jau ketvirtus metus Kalvarijos meno mokykloje vykdomo muzikinio – kūrybinio edukacinio projekto „Mokinių kūrybiškumo ugdymas muzikine kūrybine veikla“ pagrindu. Šio projekto metu mokiniai skatinami kurti dainas bei jas pristatyti meninės kūrybos vakaruose „Kūryba širdimi“. Mokinių dainos kūrimo procesas magistro darbe tiriamas remiantis fenomenologine strategija, padedančia tiriamą fenomeną aprašyti laisvai, iš anksto nesiejant jo su teoriniais ir socialiniais konstruktais, hermeneutine interpretavimo teorija bei konstruktyvistiniu požiūriu. Tyrimo objektas – mokinių dainos kūrimo procesas. Tyrimo tikslas – atskleisti mokinių dainos kūrimo proceso ypatumus ir dainos kūrimą kaip fenomeną. Pirmoje darbo dalyje analizuojamas meninės kūrybos konceptualusis turinys atskleidžiant meninės kūrybos kaip fenomeno paslaptis, sampratą, ypatumus. Fenomenologijos kontekste meninė kūryba – motyvuota, intuityvi, pasižyminti nuojautomis, įžvalgomis, kurios nėra sąmoningai kontroliuojamos. Jai būdingas kūrybinis įkvėpimas, nevaržomas kūrybinio rezultato siekimas. Kiekviename meninės kūrybos žingsnyje susiduriama su skirtingais... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Creation of different kinds of art convey the inner state, the subjective creator’s attitude towards the world, gives a sense to the entity and helps to express oneself through a specific – art language. Scientists of various spheres seek to find out how the artistic creation originate, what inspires it and what are the factors, circumstances, motives and personal implications of its origin for many years already. The research is done on the grounds of musical – creative educational project “Education of Pupils’ Creativeness by Musical Creative Activity” that is being implemented at Kalvarijos Art School for fourth year already. During this project pupils are encouraged to write songs and introduce them in artistic creation evenings called “Heart Creation”. In the master’s work, children’s songwriting process is researched with reference to phenomenological strategy that helps to describe the phenomenon researched freely, not interrelating it with theoretical and social constructs, hermeneutic interpretation theory and constructivist viewpoint. The object of the research – the process of pupils’ songwriting. The aim of the research is to reveal the peculiarities of pupils’ songwriting process and to disclose songwriting as a phenomenon. In the first part of the work, the conceptual content of artistic creation is analyzed revealing the secrets, concept and peculiarities of artistic creation as a phenomenon. In the context of phenomenology, artistic creation is motivated... [to full text]

TARPDISCIPLINIŠKUMAS ŠIUOLAIKINIAME LIETUVOS MENE: TEKSTILĖS JUNGTIS SU VIDEO / Interrpdisciplinarity in contemporary Lithuanian art: Interrelation of textile and video

Balčaitytė, Milita 05 August 2013 (has links)
Šiandieninėje kultūroje, dar vadinamoje vaizdų kultūra, labai svarbią vietą užima technologijos, kurios sparčiai įsilieja ir į meno procesus. Meno ir technologijų sąveikos bei kūrybiškos naujų technologijų panaudojimo galimybės aktyviai atsispindi kūrybiniuose procesuose, tad darbe aptariami tarpdisciplininiai kontekstai, sietini su šiuolaikine Lietuvos tekstile ir jos sąsajomis su videomeno formomis. Meninės tekstilės santykio su video raiška tema Lietuvoje iki šiol plačiau netyrinėta, nors pastaraisiais metais vis daugiau kūrėjų ieškodami įdomesnių ir išskirtinesnių raiškos būdų pasitelkia video raišką praktiniam kūrinio įgyvendinimui. Tad šiame darbe tarpdiscipliniškumas šiuolaikinėje tekstilėje apmąstomas iš praktinės perspektyvos, pabrėžiant jos santykį su video. Surinkti pavyzdžiai iliustruoja šiandienines tendencijas ir menininkų poreikį judančio vaizdo buvimui. Nagrinėjamos aktualios temos – kodėl tekstilės meno atstovai renkasi video raišką greta tekstilės ir ką duoda šių dviejų raiškų jungtis, kaip viena kitą papildo. Į kylančius klausimus bandoma atsakyti apžvelgiant ir analizuojant šiuolaikinės Lietuvos tekstilės meninį lauką bei bendraujant su pačiais kūrėjais. Susisteminti išsamūs interviu pateikiami prieduose. Tyrimo metu nustatyta, kad video atsiradimas šiuolaikinės Lietuvos tekstilės lauke leidžia kvestionuoti tekstilės kaip dailės šakos daugialypiškumą, bei pačios materijos kaip jungties su šiuolaikinėmis medijomis svarumą vaizdų kultūros plotmėje... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / In contemporary culture, also called the culture of images, technology is playing a very important role as it is being rapidly involved in art processes. Interaction of arts with technology and the possibilities of involving new technologies in creating arts are actively reflected in creative processes, so in this work is discussed the interdisciplinary contexts, which are linked with contemporary Lithuanian textile and its relation with different form of video art. Even though during recent years many artists choose to use video resolution in order to present their work in a more interesting and unusual way, until now the relation between textile as a form of art and video usage was not thoroughly discussed in Lithuania. Therefore in this work the interdisciplinarity of contemporary textile is presented from the practical side while underlining its collaboration with video art. Gathered examples indicates modern trends and artists needs to have a moving images. Important topics are analyzed – why representatives of textile arts choose to use video usage next to textile and what is the purpose of this combination, how does it supplement each other. The raised question are being tried to answer while analyzing Lithuanian field of textile arts and while discussing with the artists themselves. Structured detailed interviews are attached in the appendix. The investigation has reveled that the appearance of video in the field of contemporary Lithuanian field of textile allows us... [to full text]

Tarpdiscipliniškumas šiuolaikiniame Lietuvos mene: tekstilės jungtis su video / Interdisciplinarity in contemporary Lithuanian art: textiles connection with video

Balčaitytė, Milita 05 August 2013 (has links)
Šiandieninėje kultūroje, dar vadinamoje vaizdų kultūra, labai svarbią vietą užima technologijos, kurios sparčiai įsilieja ir į meno procesus. Meno ir technologijų sąveikos bei kūrybiškos naujų technologijų panaudojimo galimybės aktyviai atsispindi kūrybiniuose procesuose, tad darbe aptariami tarpdisciplininiai kontekstai, sietini su šiuolaikine Lietuvos tekstile ir jos sąsajomis su videomeno formomis. Meninės tekstilės santykio su video raiška tema Lietuvoje iki šiol plačiau netyrinėta, nors pastaraisiais metais vis daugiau kūrėjų ieškodami įdomesnių ir išskirtinesnių raiškos būdų pasitelkia video raišką praktiniam kūrinio įgyvendinimui. Tad šiame darbe tarpdiscipliniškumas šiuolaikinėje tekstilėje apmąstomas iš praktinės perspektyvos, pabrėžiant jos santykį su video. Surinkti pavyzdžiai iliustruoja šiandienines tendencijas ir menininkų poreikį judančio vaizdo buvimui. Nagrinėjamos aktualios temos – kodėl tekstilės meno atstovai renkasi video raišką greta tekstilės ir ką duoda šių dviejų raiškų jungtis, kaip viena kitą papildo. Į kylančius klausimus bandoma atsakyti apžvelgiant ir analizuojant šiuolaikinės Lietuvos tekstilės meninį lauką bei bendraujant su pačiais kūrėjais. Susisteminti išsamūs interviu pateikiami prieduose. Tyrimo metu nustatyta, kad video atsiradimas šiuolaikinės Lietuvos tekstilės lauke leidžia kvestionuoti tekstilės kaip dailės šakos daugialypiškumą, bei pačios materijos kaip jungties su šiuolaikinėmis medijomis svarumą vaizdų kultūros plotmėje... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / In contemporary culture, also called the culture of images, technology is playing a very important role as it is being rapidly involved in art processes. Interaction of arts with technology and the possibilities of involving new technologies in creating arts are actively reflected in creative processes, so in this work is discussed the interdisciplinary contexts, which are linked with contemporary Lithuanian textile and its relation with different form of video art. Even though during recent years many artists choose to use video resolution in order to present their work in a more interesting and unusual way, until now the relation between textile as a form of art and video usage was not thoroughly discussed in Lithuania. Therefore in this work the interdisciplinarity of contemporary textile is presented from the practical side while underlining its collaboration with video art. Gathered examples indicates modern trends and artists needs to have a moving images. Important topics are analyzed – why representatives of textile arts choose to use video usage next to textile and what is the purpose of this combination, how does it supplement each other. The raised question are being tried to answer while analyzing Lithuanian field of textile arts and while discussing with the artists themselves. Structured detailed interviews are attached in the appendix. The investigation has reveled that the appearance of video in the field of contemporary Lithuanian field of textile allows us... [to full text]

Nuteistųjų meninės socialinės edukacijos kaip resocializacijos ypatumai ir galimybės / The peculiarities and possibilities of artistic social education as resocialization for prisoners

Petriešytė, Vilma 30 June 2009 (has links)
Darbo tema - nuteistųjų meninės socialinės edukacijos kaip resocializacijos ypatumai. Tema aktuali, nes sėkmingas nuteistojo integravimasis į visuomenę didele dalimi priklauso nuo resocializacijos proceso, kuris vyksta per adaptacijos, pataisos ir integracijos etapus. Vienas alternatyvių nuteistų asmenų resocializacijos būdų – meninė socialinė edukacija. Šalies įkalinimo įstaigose užsiimama menine veikla, tačiau nepakankamai. Nesudaromos ar nepakankamai sudaromos sąlygos kalinių resocializacijai, trūksta specialistų, silpna materialinė bazė, mažas suinteresuotumas. Darbo tikslas - ištirti Lietuvos įkalinimo įstaigų meninės socialinės edukacijos kaip resocializacijos ypatumus. Darbe analizuojama nuteistųjų resocializacijos samprata, įkalinimo įstaigose vykstančios meninės socialinės edukacijos realijos. Temos aktualumui ir naujumui pagrįsti atlikti kiekybinio ir kokybinio tipo tyrimai. Apklausus 290 nuteistųjų, kalinčių Lukiškių kalėjime, Vilniaus 2–uosiuose pataisos namuose ir Panevėžio moterų kalėjime paaiškėjo, kad nors meninės veiklos užsiėmimai įkalinimo įstaigose vyksta, juos lanko ne visi. Apklausus 33 Vilniaus ir Panevėžio įkalinimo įstaigų vadovaujančio personalo darbuotojus bei meninės veiklos specialistus, dirbančius su nuteistaisiais, nustatyta, kad įstaigose vyksta meninės veiklos užsiėmimai (iš jų dažniausiai - dailės ir muzikos), tačiau ne visiems nuteistiesiems pasiūloma juose dalyvauti, be to, ne visi nuteistieji priima šį pasiūlymą ir noriai lanko užsiėmimus... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Topic of the work: the peculiarities of artistic social education as resocialization for prisoners. The topic is relevant because a successful integration of a prisoner into society depends a lot on resocialization process that takes place through adaptation, correction and integration stages. One of alternative resocialization means of convicts is artistic social education. In imprisonment institutions of the country people are engaged in artistic activities, but not sufficiently. There are no conditions or conditions are not satisfactory for resocialization of prisoners, there is a lack of specialists, weak material base and little interest. Aim of the work: to research the peculiarities of artistic social education as resocialization of imprisonment institutions. In the work one analyzes the conception of resocialization of prisoners, and realia of artistic social education that take place in imprisonment institution. To prove the relevance and novelty of the topic one performed qualitative and quantitative researches. 290 prisoners were questioned that are in Lukiskiu prison, in Vilnius 2nd correction institution and Panevezys women prison. It was found out that although artistic activities take place in imprisonment institutions, not all people attend them. When 33 leading personnel employees of Vilnius and Panevezys imprisonment institutions and specialists of artistic activities that work with prisoners were questioned, it was found out that artistic activities took... [to full text]

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