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Etikos mokymo priemonės Lietuvos profilinėje mokykloje: interpretacijos metodo tendencija / Moral education in Lithuania: tendencies of interpretationKurakinaitė-Valainienė, Livija 20 June 2006 (has links)
Moral education is conditionally new discipline in Lithuania. Pupils may choose lessons of moral education from two alternative disciplines- ethics or religion. Moral education has already been taught for fourteen years, but, despite it, is object of endless discussions.
Main problem- there is small variety of ethics teaching methodology and matter for elder classes, there are no alternatives of ethics teaching methodology selection for a teacher. Now dominates aspect of ethics didactics, which has been created by single author. Therefore there is decision to examine present situation, to overlook critique about present measurements of teaching and to question teachers.
Aim of work- to analyse what sort of teaching measurements, designed to work by method of interpretation, are being used in ethics lessons. To clear up it‘s efficiency, tune with common programs and requirement of ethics teaching.
It is being overlooking connections between common programs and teaching measurements. It is being analyzing teaching measurements and methodology, which are used in ethics lessons. The teachers are being questioning about teaching measurements they use, and it is being analyzing critique, written for teaching measurements.
The research was acomplished by questioning 33 ethics teachers.Research was accomplished in profile classes of Lithuanian schools. This research revealed, what teaching measurements are being used now by teachers in philosophical ethics lessons, what value have... [to full text]
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Mokyklos vadovo vaidmuo plėtojant projektinę veiklą ugdymo procese / The role of the school leader in developing project work in educational processBalčiukynienė, Ilona 15 June 2005 (has links)
The role of the school leader in developing project work in educational process
In the master work, the role of the school leader in developing project work in educational process is being discussed. Project work in educational process is chosen as the main object of the work. The objective of the research is to survey the organization of project work and to discover the peculiar role of the school leader in developing project work in educational process.
The implementation of the project work method into educational process helps to perform one of the aims of the reformed school – to form a democratic, humane school life, establishing conditions for students‘ independence, creativeness and initiativeness to expand.
In this work the theoretical aspects of one of the active methods – project work is being analyzed. The project work method is discussed as scholarly – pedagogic problem. The functions of the head of the school as a leader in the process of developing project work are presented. The role of the head of the school in developing project work is important as through it the perfection of the educational process of the school is achieved. The process of institutionalization of such practice is described.
In order to analyse the experience of the teachers in project work and the attitude of the head of the school towards the application of project work method, the research was accomplished in the cities of Vilnius, Kedainiai, Marijampole, Alytus as well as in... [to full text]
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E.MOKYMOSI PROJEKTAVIMO METODAI / The design methods of e. learningGasiūnienė, Genovaitė 26 September 2008 (has links)
Vis dažniau auditorinis mokymas užleidžia vietą virtualiam mokymuisi. Taip sudaromos geresnės sąlygos dalykinių žinių sklaidai. E. mokymui kurti yra siūlomos įvairios virtualios mokymo aplinkos. Tačiau e. mokymosi kūrimo srityje mažai akcentuojama apie pačių mokymo projektavimo metodų alternatyvų pasirinkimą. Darbo tikslas – išanalizuoti e.mokymosi projektavimo metodus ir e.mokymo turinio kūrimo įrankius. Darbe akcentuojama e. mokymosi projektavimo svarba ir sisteminis požiūris į galutinio produkto kūrimą. Pateikiamas bandomojo projektavimo Reload redaktoriumi aprašymas. Apjungus mokymosi projektavimo metodus su naujesniais integruojamais programiniais paketais – mokymo įrankiais, e. mokymas įgytų daugiau pranašumų realizuojant jį bet kokioje mokymo aplinkoje. / The design methods of e. learning supervised by lecture L. Tankeleviciene. Siauliai University. Siauliai, 2008. 32p. The auditory learning more often lets the place for virtual learning. Better conditions are created for dispersion of professional knowledge. Various virtual learning environments are suggested for e. learning, however there is little information about the alternative choosing design methods learning in e. learning creation sphere. The object of work is to analyze the methods of e. learning and e. learning content creation tools. The e. learning design importance and attitude to final creation of product are accentuated in the work. The description of experimental design by Reload editor is presented. Combining the learning design methods with newer integrated program packets-learning tools, e. learning will gain more advantages realizing it in any learning environment.
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Plieninių rėminių konstrukcijų pasiduodančių mazgų modeliavimo ir projektavimo metodų kūrimas / Development of methods of modelling and design of semi-rigid joints in steel framesUrbonas, Kęstutis 02 March 2006 (has links)
The main parts of the framework are beams, columns and joints. Taking into account all structural members, the accurate behaviour of the joints is least considered in the design practice. This is the framework part, which behaviour is the most simplified. Framework calculations are still performed according to the assumption that joints are either ideally rigid or ideally pinned, in spite of the fact that majority of the joints is neither ideally rigid nor ideally pinned. The idealization of joints into ideally rigid or ideally pinned significantly simplifies the calculation and design, but herewith limits the possibility to obtain the real behaviour of the whole structure. Structural and economical benefit of using the semi-rigid joints is widely known. The real behaviour of the framework allows designing more proper and safer structures, herewith reaching the economical benefit. Incorrect idealization of the behaviour may lead to design of an uneconomical structure and decrease its safety. Recently, the topic of semi-rigid joints is increasingly investigated. Many investigations have been performed with different joints of steel frameworks. Majority of investigations have been performed, when the joints were under bending moment – the force that has the biggest influence on joint behaviour. Only particular types of joints that are mostly used in practice were investigated. Despite the progress in this area, usage of semi-rigid joints in design practise is still problematic... [to full text]
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Plieninių rėminių konstrukcijų pasiduodančių mazgų modeliavimo ir projektavimo metodų kūrimas / Development of methods of modelling and design of semi-rigid joints in steel framesUrbonas, Kęstutis 02 March 2006 (has links)
The main parts of the framework are beams, columns and joints. Taking into account all structural members, the accurate behaviour of the joints is least considered in the design practice. This is the framework part, which behaviour is the most simplified. Framework calculations are still performed according to the assumption that joints are either ideally rigid or ideally pinned, in spite of the fact that majority of the joints is neither ideally rigid nor ideally pinned. The idealization of joints into ideally rigid or ideally pinned significantly simplifies the calculation and design, but herewith limits the possibility to obtain the real behaviour of the whole structure. Structural and economical benefit of using the semi-rigid joints is widely known. The real behaviour of the framework allows designing more proper and safer structures, herewith reaching the economical benefit. Incorrect idealization of the behaviour may lead to design of an uneconomical structure and decrease its safety. Recently, the topic of semi-rigid joints is increasingly investigated. Many investigations have been performed with different joints of steel frameworks. Majority of investigations have been performed, when the joints were under bending moment – the force that has the biggest influence on joint behaviour. Only particular types of joints that are mostly used in practice were investigated. Despite the progress in this area, usage of semi-rigid joints in design practise is still problematic... [to full text]
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Svėrimai ir interpretacijos / Weighing and interpretationSarchošian, Rafael 25 November 2010 (has links)
Šiandien kiekvienam iš mūsų tenka susidurti su kasdieniais sunkumais. Ir kiekvienas jas sprendžia individualiai, vieni bando „tiesiogiai prasimušti“ pro sunkumus, o kiti ieško kitokių aplinkinių, pasisekus ir gerokai lengvesnių kelių įvairioms problemoms spręsti. Panašia samprata remiasi ir interpretacijos metodas matematikoje ir kitose mokslo bei žmogiškosios veiklos srityse. Jeigu sprendžiant kažkokias problemas įprastiniais būdais, susiduriama su tam tikrais sunkumais, tai duotąją problemą galima pamėginti interpretuoti ir „išversti“ į kitą, pasisekus, daug lengvesnį uždavinį (iš galimai kitos srities). Interpretacijos metodas – tai bendras būdas uždavinių sprendimams, kuris pagrįstas bendrais pamąstymais: „jeigu tiesiame kelyje atsiranda kliūtis , tai ją galima pamėginti apeiti kitu keliu“. Taigi interpretacijos metodo esmė tokia: jeigu turimą uždavinį sunku arba neįmanoma išspręsti duotosios matematinės srities pagalba, tada visi duotojo uždavinio dydžiai ir ryšiai tarp dydžių „išverčiami“ (interpretuojami) į kitą matematikos sritį arba į kitą mokslo šaką ir sprendžiamas naujas uždavinys, po to rezultatas „išverčiamas“ atgal į pirmykštę sritį. / The interpretation method essence is that: if the task is difficult or impossible to solve by the given mathematical field assistance, then all of a given task and the relations between the value "translated" (interpreted) to another area of mathematics or in other branches of knowledge (science), and solving new task, then the result "translate" back into the original area. Besides the interpretation method shows the unity between various branches of science, special in mathematics. Method of interpretation is the general method of solving different problems (such as geometric, arithmetic, weighing problems) when the proposition is replaced by the similar problem which is more easy solving than original task. That’s why it is important introduce method of interpretation to the pupils, because it developed pupils ability to analyze and synthesize knowledge’s.
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Formalių metodų panaudojimas, kuriant verslo valdymo sistemas MSBS-Navision terpėje / The use of formal methods in MSBS-NavisionTauginas, Tadas 31 May 2004 (has links)
This piece of work is dedicated to the use of formal methods in designing ERP systems in MSBS Navision environment capabilities research. Theoretical principles of formal and informal specifications and implementation peculiarities are analyzed re various specifications. UML and Z specification languages were chosen for comparison. Also MSBS Navision C/SIDE ERP system design environment is analyzed. A part of “Fixed assets” domain functionality is specified in different languages. Their clarity, precision, and implementation are compared. Formal methods (same as informal ones) have their advantages and disadvantages. UML specification is fundamentally based on graphic representation. It’s clearer, more readable, but its compatibility can’t be unambiguously verified. Z specification language has a mathematical basis. The compatibility of Z specification can be precisely verified. However, Z specification is difficult to read and learn. It’s impossible to validate the specification unambiguously neither using UML, nor Z. UML language is highly applicable for specification and design of ERP systems, because you can specify object-oriented system models using this language, and C/AL programming language is partially object-oriented. Z language specification is only useful for describing particular, sophisticated parts of the system. Z language can also be used for detailing UML specifications.
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Acetilcholino poveikio menturdumblių ląstelių membranų elektriniams parametrams tyrimas fiksuotos įtampos metodu / The investigation of acetylcholine effect on the plant cell membrane electrical parameters applying voltage clamp methodSevriukova, Olga 25 June 2014 (has links)
VILNIAUS UNIVERSITETAS GAMTOS MOKSLŲ FAKULTETAS BIOCHEMIJOS IR BIOFIZIKOS KATEDRA Olga Sevriukova Acetilcholino poveikio menturdumblių lastelių membranų elektriniams parametrams tyrimas fiksuotos įtampos metodu. Magistrinis darbas Santrauka Informacijos perdavimas augaluose, kaip ir visuose gyvuose organizmuose, yra vienas iš pagrindinių gyvybiškai svarbių procesų. Informacija apie pasikeitusias aplinkos sąlygas, gresiantį pavojų, pažaidas ir daugelį kitų veiksnių gyvose sistemose perduodama įvairių signalų pavidalu. Acetilcholinas – tai vienas iš neurotransmiterių, dalyvaujančių signalų perdavime tarp gyvūninių nervinių ląstelių. Kadangi ši medžiaga taip pat aptinkama ir augaluose, šio darbo tikslas buvo išsiaiškinti, ar acetilcholinas dalyvauja augalinių ląstelių elektrogenezėje. Vienas iš būdų ištirti ląstelės atsaką į kokį nors išorinį dirgiklį, yra registruoti jos elektrinius parametrus prieš ir po siunčiamo signalo ir vertinti jų pokyčius. Fiksuotos įtampos metodu galima tirti įvairiu medžiagų poveikį elektriniams augalinių ląstelių membranų parametrams, tokiems kaip joninių srovių amplitudė, dinamika, sužadinimo slenkstis. Darbo metu šiuo metodu buvo tiriamas acetilcholino poveikis menturdumblio Nitellopsis obtusa internodalinių ląstelių Cl- ir Ca2+ srovių stiprumui, membranos laidumui Cl- jonams, Cl- srovės aktyvacijos ir inaktyvacijos latencijai bei trukmei, sužadinimo slenksčiui ir reversijos potencialui. Pasirinktas tyrimo objektas Nitellopsis obtusa yra labai... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / VILNIUS UNIVERSITY FACULTY OF NATURAL SCIENCES BIOCHEMISTRY AND BIOPHYSICS DEPARTMENT Olga Sevriukova The investigation of acetylcholine effect on the plant cell membrane electrical parameters applying voltage clamp method Master’s thesis Summary Information transfer in plants, like in all living beings, is one of the main vital processes. Information about the changes of environmental conditions, possible risk, disturbances and many other factors in living systems is transmitted in the form of different signals. Acetylcholine is one of the neurotransmitters, which takes part in transfer of the signals among nerve-cells of animals in the form of action potential. While this material is found also in plants, the aim of this study was to find out, whether it takes part in plants electrogenesis. One of the possible ways to study the cell response to any external stimulus is to register the electrical parameters of cell before and after the signal transmission and evaluate their differences. It is possible to investigate the influence of different materials on plant cell membrane electrical parameters, like ion currents amplitude, dynamics and the current excitation threshold, using voltage-clamp method. This method was used during this study to analyse the influence of acetylcholine on electrical parameters of internodular cells of Nitellopsis obtusa. Such object of investigation as Nitellopsis obtusa is very convenient, because its cells are large enough (up to 10 cm long) and... [to full text]
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Efektyvus personalo vertinimo metodų panaudojimas mažmeninėse prekybos įmonėse / Efficient practice of evaluation methods in retail businessNoreikaitė, Snieguolė 26 June 2014 (has links)
Apibendrintai galima teigti, jog personalo vertinimo metodų efektyvumą apsprendžia organizacijos prioritetai, atsispindintys vykdomoje personalo politikoje. Vadovai bei darbuotojai orientuoti į darbo santykių pagrindimą interesų suderinamumu, todėl tiek vieni, tiek kiti suinteresuoti, kad personalo politika – per ją ir vertinimo funkciją realizuojantys metodai, būtų efektyvūs, užtikrintų naudą abiems pusėms. Vadovams reikia išmokti priimti tinkamiausią sprendimą, renkantis personalo vertinimo metodą, atsižvelgiant į konkrečius vertinimo funkcijai iškeltus tikslus. Viena iš ūkio veiklos subjektų vadybos sričių, verta peržiūrėjimo ir atnaujinimo, yra - personalo veiklos vertinimas. Tai sritis, kuri nereikalauja daug investicijų, tačiau jos efektyvus panaudojimas suteikia tiesioginės naudos įmonei per darbo našumą, veiklos rezultatus, taipogi per psichologinius aspektus – darbuotojų pasitenkinimą darbu, lojalumą organizacijai, optimalų organizacinį darbo klimatą. Darbo objektas – personalo vertinimo metodai. Pasiekti tikslui suformuluoti tokie uždaviniai: ü Apibūdinti personalo vertinimo funkcijos reikšmę įmonės valdyme, apžvelgti sampratas. ü Išskirti personalo vertinimo funkcijos formas ir metodus, įvertinant jų privalumus bei trūkumus. ü Nustatyti dažniausiai pasitaikančias problemas darbuotojų vertinime ir personalo vertinimo efektyvumą apibrėžiančius kriterijus; ü Sukurti teorinį efektyvaus personalo vertinimo pasirinkimo modelį; ü Nustatyti mažmeninių prekybos įmonių... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Summarizing it can be stated that effectiveness of personnel evaluation is primarily shaped by organization’s priorities, which are reflected in implementation of organizational policies. Managers and employees are oriented towards the compatibility of interests; therefore they are both concerned that the personnel policy, including methods that implement evaluation function, would be effective and by being so, would ensure benefits to both sides. Managers need to learn to make a proper decision when choosing method of personnel evaluation taking into consideration specific goals of personnel evaluation’s function. One of the institution’s management area, which is worth to be revised and refreshed is – personnel evaluation. The area does not require much investment, but if properly used it can result direct benefits to enterprise through higher productivity, better performance results as well as through psychological aspects – employee satisfaction with their job, loyalty to organization, optimal organizational work climate. The objective of this work is - methods of personnel evaluation. To reach the goal the following tasks were chosen:  To describe personnel evaluation‘s importance to enterprise management and to overlook conceptions.  To highlight forms and methods of personnel evaluation‘s function through assessment of its advantages and disadvantages.  To determine the most often problems in employee’s evaluation and criteria, that describe... [to full text]
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Aktyvių grupinių mokymo metodų taikymo privalumai, pažįstant XX a. dailę XI - XII klasėse / The advantages of the application of group work methods in teaching the art of twentieh century in XI - XII formsBeivydaitė-Jarašiūnienė, Giedrė 29 June 2009 (has links)
Aktyvūs grupiniai mokymo metodai skatina mokinių kritinį mąstymą, padeda ugdyti kūrybiškumą ir daro darbą aktyvesnį, įdomesnį, tokiu būdu padeda formuotis brandžiai, mąstančiai, atsakingai asmenybei, gebančiai savo gebėjimus pritaikyti gyvenime. / Active group work teaching methods promote studets' logical thinking, help to foster creativivy and makes the work stronger, more interesting and in this way contributes to the formation of mature, thinking, responsible personality capable of adapting his abilities in life.
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