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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Zhášení fluorescence ve studiu agregačního chování koloidů / Fluorescence quenching in study of aggregation behavior of colloids

Srholcová, Barbora January 2010 (has links)
This work focuses on examination of hyaluronan-sulfactant aggregates in term of determination of aggregate number. The value of critical micellar concentration (CMC) cetyltrimethylammonium bromide (CTAB) in three different solvents (water, phosphate buffer and physiological solution). Next the effect of the native hyaluronan supplement on the value of CMC was examined. It wasfound out that the solvent has the biggest effect on the value of CMC whilst the hyaluronan supplement affects CMC only a little. The aggregate number (Nagg) CTAB and the effect of the native hyaluronan supplement were determined out by means of fluorescence quenching. Pyrene was used as a fluorescence probe. Iodine and cetylpyridinium chloride (CPC) were used as quenchers. Sulfactant was dissolved in three different solvents (water, phosphate buffer and physiological solution). Not only the hyaluronan supplement but also the used solvent has the strong effect on the value of the aggregate number. When using 10mM CTAB dissolved in physiological solution the value of Nagg was 119 ± 4 while the value was half in buffer. Then we found out that in most cases the hyaluronan supplement reduces the value of the aggregate number.


Sadek, Douaa January 2023 (has links)
Proteiner spelar en avgörande roll i människokroppen och det är därför viktigt att inta tillräckligt med essentiella aminosyror genom kosten. Tidigare har animaliska källor varit kända för att vara rika på dessa aminosyror, men nu förtiden räcker det inte för att tillfredsställa den globala behov. Dessutom väcker den animaliska proteiner allvarliga frågor om klimatförändringar och etik. Ärtor innehåller en essentiell profil av aminosyror och har många andra fördelar, såsom tillgänglighet, kostnadseffektivitet och förmåga att växa i låga temperaturer. Tidigare studier har visat att regelbunden intag av ärtprotein kan minska risken för hjärt-kärlsjukdomar och diabetes. Studier visade att Naturliga djupa eutektiska lösningsmedel (NADES) kan lösa upp proteiner utan att denaturera de, vilket är ett problem med traditionella lösningsmedel som kan påverka proteinstrukturer. Dessutom är NADES icke-toxiska och biologiskt nedbrytbara lösningar, vilket gör dem mer hållbara och miljövänliga än vanliga vätskor som används vid proteinextraktion. Syftet med studien var att använda NADES för att utveckla en ny metod för att extrahera proteiner från gula ärtor och jämföra denna med etablerade metoder. Dessutom skulle skillnader i proteinutbyte och strukturella förändringar uppskattas genom användning av Size Exclusion Chromatography (SEC) och Sodium Dodecyl Sulfate PolyAcrylamide Gel Elektrofores SDS-PAGE. Tre varianter av NADES framställdes från kolinklorid, citronsyra och olika vattenhalter. NADES 20% användes för extraktion, eftersom det har visat sig vara en lämplig metod för detta ändamål. Resultaten visade att extraktion med NADES är mer komplicerad än referensmetoderna för att proteinerna utfölls vid olika steg under extraktion process. SEC-kromatogram visade proteindenaturering där en tydlig topp erhölls vid senare elueringsvolym. SDS-PAGE analys genomfördes för att identifiera toppar men inge resultat kunde erhålla på grund av låg proteinkoncentration. Från ett optimistiskt perspektiv kan de denaturerade proteinerna fortfarande användas inom livsmedelsindustrin eller NADES kan användas som en pre-extraktionsmetod för att avlägsna föroreningar innan den verkliga extraktionsprocessen påbörjas. Det skulle vara användbart för framtida studier att prova att extrahera med en lägre vattenhalt i NADES eller med en annan typ av NADES. / Protein plays a crucial role in the human body, making it essential to consume sufficient amounts of essential amino acids through diet. Traditionally, animal sources have been known to be rich in these amino acids, but this is not sufficient to meet global demand. Additionally, this raises serious questions about climate change and ethics. Peas have been found to contain an essential profile of amino acids and have many other advantages, such as availability, cost-effectiveness, and the ability to grow in low temperatures. Previous studies have shown that regular consumption of pea protein can reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease and diabetes. Studies have shown that Natural Deep Eutectic Solvents (NADES) can dissolve proteins without denaturing them, which is a problem with traditional solvents that can affect protein structures. In addition, NADES are non-toxic and biodegradable solutions, making them more sustainable and environmentally friendly than common liquids used in protein extraction. The aim of the study was to use NADES to develop a new protein extraction method from yellow peas and compare this with established methods. In addition, differences in protein yield and structural changes were estimated using Size Exclusion Chromatography (SEC) and Sodium Dodecyl Sulfate PolyAcrylamide Gel Elektrofores SDS-PAGE. Three variants of NADES were prepared from choline chloride, citric acid, and different water contents. NADES 20% was used for extraction as it has been found to be a suitable method for this purpose. The results showed that extraction with NADES is more complicated than the reference methods because the proteins precipitated at different stages during the extraction process. SEC chromatogram showed protein denaturation where a clear peak was obtained at later elution volumes. SDS-PAGE analysis was performed to identify peaks, but no results could be obtained due to low protein concentration. From an optimistic perspective, the denatured proteins can still be used in the food industry, or NADES can be used as a pre-extraction method to remove impurities before the actual extraction process begins. It would be useful for future studies to try extracting with a lower water content in NADES or with a different type of NADES.


Quainoo, Emmanuel W0bil 21 April 2010 (has links)
No description available.

Hydrophilic interaction and micellar liquid chromatography approaches for the separation of aromatic carboxylic acid positional isomers plus ion exchange chromatography for the separation of sulfonated compounds

Richardson, Ashley E. 22 November 2017 (has links)
No description available.

Confinement, Coarsening And Nonequilibrium Fluctuations In Glassy And Yielding Systems

Nandi, Saroj Kumar 07 1900 (has links) (PDF)
One of the most important and interesting unsolved problems of science is the nature of glassy dynamics and the glass transition. It is quite an old problem, and starting from the early20th century there have been many efforts towards a sound understanding of the phenomenon. As a result, there are a number of theories in the field, which do not entirely contradict each other, but between which the connection is not entirely clear. In the last couple of decades or so, there has been significant progress and currently we do understand many facets of the problem. But a unified theoretical framework for the varied phenomena associated with glassiness is still lacking. Mode-coupling theory, an extreaordinarily popular approach, came from Götze and co-workers in the early eighties. The theory was originally developed to describe the two¬ step decay of the time-dependent correlation functions in a glassy fluid observed near the glass transition temperature(Tg). The theory went beyond that and made a number of quantitative predictions that can be tested in experiments and simulations. However, one of the drawback of the theory is its prediction of a strong ergodic to non-ergodic transition at a temperature TMCT; no such transition exists in real systems at the temperatures at which MCT predicts it. Consequently, the predictions of the theory like the power-law divergences of the transport quantities (e.g., viscosity and relaxation time) fail at low enough temperature and the theory can not be used below TMCT. It is well understood now that MCT is some sort of a mean-field theory of the real phenomenon, and in real systems the transition predicted by MCT is at best avoided due to finite dimensions and activated processes, neither of which is taken into account in standard MCT. Despite its draw backs, even the most severe critic of the theory will be impressed by its power and the predictions in a regime where it works. Even though the non-ergodic transition predicted by the theory is averted, the MCT mechanism for the increase of viscosity and relaxation time is actually at work in real systems. The status of MCT for glass transition is ,perhaps, similar to the Curie-Weiss theory of magnetic phase transition and it will require hard work and perhaps a conceptual breakthrough to go beyond this mean-field picture. Discussion of such a theoretical framework and its possible directions are, however, beyond the scope of this thesis. In the first part of this work, we have extended the mode coupling theory to three important physical situations: the properties of fluids under strong confinement, a sheared fluid and for the growth kinetics of glassy domains. In the second part, we have studied a different class of non equilibrium phenomenon in arrested systems, the fluctuation relations for yielding. In the first chapter, we talk about some general phenomenology of the glass transition problem and a few important concepts in the field. Then we briefly discuss the physical problems to be addressed in detail later on in the thesis followed by a brief account of some of the important existing theories in the field. This list is by no means exhaustive but is intended to give a general idea of the theoretical status of the problem. We conclude this chapter with a detailed derivation of MCT and its successes and failures. This derivation is supposed to serve as a reference for the details of the calculations in later chapters. The second chapter deals with a simple theory of an important problem of lubrication and dynamics of fluid at nanoscopic scales. When a fluid is confined between two smooth surfaces down to a few molecular layers and an normal force is applied on the upper surface, it is found that one layer of fluid gets squeezed out of the geometry at a time. The theory to explain this phenomenon came from Persson and Tosatti. However, due to a mathematical error, the in-plane viscosity term played no role in the original calculation. We re-do this calculation and show that the theory is actually more powerful than was suggested originally by its proponents. In the third chapter, we work out a detailed theory for the dynamics of fluid under strong planar confinement. This theory is based on mode-coupling theory. The walls in our theory enter in terms of an external potential that impose a static inhomogeneous background density. The interaction of the density fluctuation with this static background density makes the fluid sluggish. The theory explains how the fluid under strong confinement can undergo a glassy transition at a higher temperature or lower density than the corresponding bulk fluid as has been found in experiments and simulations. One of the interesting findings of the theory is the three-step relaxation that has also been found in a variety of other cases. The fourth chapter consists of a mode-coupling calculation of a sheared fluid through the microscopic approach first suggested by Zaccarelli et al[J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 14,2413(2002)]. The various assumptions of the theory are quite clear in this approach. The main aim of this calculation is to understand how FDR enters with in the theory. The only new result is the modified form of Yvon-Born-Green(YBG) equations for a sheared fluid. Then we extend the theory for the case of a confined fluid under steady shear and show that a confined fluid will show shear thinning at a much lower shear rate than the bulk fluid. When a system is quenched past a phase transition point, phase ordering kinetics begins. The properties of the system show “aging” with time, and the characteristic length scale of the quenched system grows as one waits. The analogous question for glasses has also been asked in the contexts of various numerical and experimental works. We formulate a theory in chapter five for rationalizing these findings. We find that MCT, surprisingly, offers an answer to this key question in glass forming liquids. The challenge of this theory is that care must be taken in using some equilibrium relations like the fluctuation-dissipation relation(FDR), which is one of the key steps in most of the derivations of MCT. We find that the qualitative, and some times even the quantitative, picture is in agreement with numerical findings. A similar calculation for the spin-glass case also predicts increase of the correlation volume with the waiting time, but with a smaller exponent than the structural glass case. We extended this theory to the case of shear and find that shear cuts off the growth of the length-scale of glassy correlations when the waiting time becomes of the order of the inverse shear rate. For the case of sheared fluid, if we take the limit of the infinite waiting time, the system will reach a steady state. Then, the resulting theory will describe a fluid in sheared steady state. The advantage of this theory over the existing mode-coupling theories for a sheared fluid is that FDR has not been used in any stage. This is an important development since the sheared steady state is driven away from equilibrium. Interestingly, the theory captures a suitably-defined effective temperature and gives results that are consistent with numerical experiments of steady state fluids(both glass and granular materials). We give the details of a theoretical model for jamming and large deviations in micellar gel in the sixth chapter. This theory is motivated by experiments. Through the main ingredient of the attachment-detachment kinetics and some simple rules for the dynamics, the theory is capable of capturing all the experimental findings. The novel prediction of this work is that in a certain parameter range, the fluctuation relations may be violated although the large deviation function exists. We argue that a wider class of physical systems can be understood in terms of the present theory. In the final chapter, we summarize the problems studied in this thesis and point out some future directions.

Relation structure - propriétés de commutation dans les matériaux à transition de spin : effet de nanostructuration et de dilution du cation métallique / Structure - commutation properties relationship in spin transition materials : effects of nanostructuration and metal dilution

Mader, Dorathea Felicitas 14 November 2011 (has links)
Ces dernières années, de nombreux travaux de recherche ont été dédiés aux matériaux moléculaires à transition de spin à base de FeII, aussi bien du point de vue de la compréhension des phénomènes fondamentaux que de la mise en forme en vue d'applications. Ces matériaux présentent deux configurations électroniques inter-commutables sous l'effet d'une perturbation extérieure (bistabilité thermique et optique). Des interactions intra- et intermoléculaires fortes au sein du réseau cristallin peuvent conférer au matériau un comportement coopératif associé à des transitions de spin abruptes et un caractère hystérétique à l'origine d'un effet mémoire. La compréhension de l'origine de la coopérativité ainsi que sa maîtrise présentent à ce jour un intérêt certain. L'effet de la dilution métallique sur les propriétés de commutation photoinduites dans les composés FexZn1-x(btr)2(NCS)2.H2O est étudié par diffraction des rayons X sur monocristal. Un modèle microscopique expliquant les différents processus mis en jeu au cours de la transition (nucléation et séparation de phase) est proposé à partir d'une analyse structurale des données. Les effets de nanostructuration sont étudiés sur le polymère de coordination unidimensionnel [Fe(Htrz)2trz](BF4). Différents milieux inverses à base de tensioactif et d'organisation structurale variée (systèmes moléculaires organisés) ont été choisis pour une synthèse en environnement confiné (milieu micellaire inverse, phase cristal liquide hexagonale inverse (HII) et lamellaire (Lalpha)). Un lien entre la taille et la morphologie des particules, leur microstructure et leurs propriétés physico-chimiques est établi. Un intérêt particulier est porté à la dynamique de la réaction en milieu cristal liquide / In the last years, intensive research activity has been dedicated to iron(II)-based spin transition compounds, for a better understanding of the fundamental phenomena as within the scope of practical application. These molecular materials possess two electronic configurations, which are interchangeable by the application of an external perturbation (thermal and optic bistability). Strong electron-lattice coupling may lead to cooperative behaviour, consequently abrupt spin transitions and hysteretic behaviour at the origin of a memory effect. Understanding and controlling this property is of primary interest in fundamental and applied research. The influence of metal dilution on the photo-induced transitions in FexZn1-x(btr)2(NCS)2.H2O is investigated by X-Ray diffraction on single crystals. We suggest a microscopic model interpreting the dynamics of the phase transition (nucleation and growth mechanisms of spin-like domains) through a structural analysis of the diffraction data. The effects of nanostructuration on the physicochemical properties have been studied on the one-dimensional coordination polymer [Fe(Htrz)2trz](BF4). Different surfactant-based organized molecular systems with various structural organizations are chosen for the synthesis in confined environments: reverse micellar solutions as well as lamellar (Lalpha) and reverse hexagonal (HII) liquid crystal phases. A relationship between size and shape, microstructure and physicochemical properties is established with a specific attention to reaction dynamics in the liquid crystal phase

Extração líquido-líquido de ácido clavulânico empregando sistemas micelares mistos de duas fases aquosas / Liquid-liquid extraction of clavulanic acid employing two-phase aqueous mixed micellar systems

Valéria de Carvalho Santos 06 March 2009 (has links)
O ácido clavulânico é um potente inibidor de β-lactamases utilizado como terapêutico em associação à amoxicilina. O processo industrial de obtenção envolve o cultivo bacteriano em processo descontínuo, enquanto que a sua purificação é realizada, principalmente, por processos de extração líquido-líquido com solventes orgânicos e etapas cromatográficas. Assim, métodos alternativos como a purificação empregando sistemas micelares de duas fases aquosas (SMDFA), os quais oferecem um ambiente hidrofóbico e hidrofílico que possibilita seletividade na partição de biomoléculas de acordo com sua hidrofobicidade, são de grande interesse. Neste trabalho estudou-se a viabilidade da utilização de sistema micelar misto (não-iônico/aniônico) de duas fases aquosas formados pelos tensoativos não-iônico Triton X-114 e aniônico AOT na extração do ácido clavulânico proveniente de cultivo submerso de Streptomyces clavuligerus em processo descontínuo. A estabilidade do ácido clavulânico em relação ao pH, sais e suas concentrações, temperatura e aos tensoativos foi investigada visando limitar as regiões a serem estudadas nas extrações. Determinou-se ainda o ponto névoa dos sistemas Triton X-114/Tampão e Triton X-114/AOT/Tampão em diferentes condições, bem como, estudos de migração da biomolécula para as fases e do tempo necessário para o equilíbrio do sistema. A partir destas investigações iniciais, foram definidos os níveis das variáveis: concentração de AOT (0,50, 0,75 e 1,00 mM), Triton X-114 (1, 3 e 5% m/m), NaCl (0, 0,05 e 0,10 M) e temperatura (24, 26 e 28°C), cujas influências sobre o coeficiente de partição (KAC) e recuperação da biomolécula na fase diluída (nAC) foram investigadas através de um planejamento fatorial. A análise estatística e o modelo matemático obtido a partir dos resultados para KAC revelou ser possível obterem-se KAC≈ 1,65 e nAC≈ 71,58%. No entanto, a análise estatística empregando nAC como resposta apontou condições experimentais desprovidas de significado físico-químico. Em experimentos seriados realizados com Triton X-114 3% m/m, Tampão Mcllavine pH 6,5 e adição gradual de AOT, um aumento da concentração deste tensoativo levou a maiores KAC e Balanço de massa (BMAC)≈ 85%. Desta forma é possível concluir que o sistema micelar misto de duas fases aquosas proporciona baixa perda da biomolécula e partição para a fase diluída, que é uma vantagem devido a menores problemas em uma etapa subsequente de purificação. / Clavulanic acid is a potent inhibitor of β-lactamases that is used as a therapeutic in conjunction with amoxicillin. Its industrial process of production involves bacterial growing in a batch process, while its purification is carried out mainly by process of liquid-liquid extraction with organic solvents and chromatographic steps. Thus, alternative methods like the purification employing two-phase aqueous micellar systems, which offer both hydrophobic and hydrophilic environments to solute species and allow selectivity in partitioning depending on the hydrophobicity of biomolecules, are of great concern. This work studied the feasibility of using two-phase aqueous mixed (nonionic/anionic) micellar systems formed by nonionic surfactant Triton X-114 and anionic surfactant AOT to extract clavulanic acid from broths fermented by Streptomyces clavuligerus in batch process. The stability of clavulanic acid at different values of pH, salts and their concentration, temperature and in the presence of different surfactants was investigated so as to limit the areas to be submitted to further studies. The cloud-point of the systems Triton X-114/Buffer and Triton X-114/AOT/Buffer was also determined under different conditions, and studies were performed on partitioning the biomolecule between the phases and the time needed to balance of the system. From these initial investigations the following levels of the variables were defined: concentration of AOT (0.50, 0.75, and 1.00 mM), Triton X-114 (1, 3 and 5% w/w), NaCl (0, 0.05 and 0.10 M) and temperature (24, 26 and 28°C), whose influences on the partition coefficient (KCA) and yield in the top phase (nCA) were investigated using factorial design. Statistical analysis and the mathematical model derived from the results allowed obtaining KCA≈ 1.65 e nCA≈ 71.58%. However, the statistical analysis using the response nCA indicated experimental conditions devoid of any physico-chemical meaning. In serial experiments performed with Triton X-114 3% w/w, Mcllvaine buffer at 6.5 pH and gradual addition of AOT, an increase in the concentration of anionic surfactant led to higher KCA and mass balance (BMCA≈ 85%). Thus, is possible conclude that the two-phase aqueous mixed micellar system provides low loss and partition to dilute phase, which is an advantage because it implies less problems in a subsequent step of purification.

Extração líquido-líquido de ácido clavulânico empregando sistemas micelares mistos de duas fases aquosas / Liquid-liquid extraction of clavulanic acid employing two-phase aqueous mixed micellar systems

Santos, Valéria de Carvalho 06 March 2009 (has links)
O ácido clavulânico é um potente inibidor de β-lactamases utilizado como terapêutico em associação à amoxicilina. O processo industrial de obtenção envolve o cultivo bacteriano em processo descontínuo, enquanto que a sua purificação é realizada, principalmente, por processos de extração líquido-líquido com solventes orgânicos e etapas cromatográficas. Assim, métodos alternativos como a purificação empregando sistemas micelares de duas fases aquosas (SMDFA), os quais oferecem um ambiente hidrofóbico e hidrofílico que possibilita seletividade na partição de biomoléculas de acordo com sua hidrofobicidade, são de grande interesse. Neste trabalho estudou-se a viabilidade da utilização de sistema micelar misto (não-iônico/aniônico) de duas fases aquosas formados pelos tensoativos não-iônico Triton X-114 e aniônico AOT na extração do ácido clavulânico proveniente de cultivo submerso de Streptomyces clavuligerus em processo descontínuo. A estabilidade do ácido clavulânico em relação ao pH, sais e suas concentrações, temperatura e aos tensoativos foi investigada visando limitar as regiões a serem estudadas nas extrações. Determinou-se ainda o ponto névoa dos sistemas Triton X-114/Tampão e Triton X-114/AOT/Tampão em diferentes condições, bem como, estudos de migração da biomolécula para as fases e do tempo necessário para o equilíbrio do sistema. A partir destas investigações iniciais, foram definidos os níveis das variáveis: concentração de AOT (0,50, 0,75 e 1,00 mM), Triton X-114 (1, 3 e 5% m/m), NaCl (0, 0,05 e 0,10 M) e temperatura (24, 26 e 28°C), cujas influências sobre o coeficiente de partição (KAC) e recuperação da biomolécula na fase diluída (nAC) foram investigadas através de um planejamento fatorial. A análise estatística e o modelo matemático obtido a partir dos resultados para KAC revelou ser possível obterem-se KAC≈ 1,65 e nAC≈ 71,58%. No entanto, a análise estatística empregando nAC como resposta apontou condições experimentais desprovidas de significado físico-químico. Em experimentos seriados realizados com Triton X-114 3% m/m, Tampão Mcllavine pH 6,5 e adição gradual de AOT, um aumento da concentração deste tensoativo levou a maiores KAC e Balanço de massa (BMAC)≈ 85%. Desta forma é possível concluir que o sistema micelar misto de duas fases aquosas proporciona baixa perda da biomolécula e partição para a fase diluída, que é uma vantagem devido a menores problemas em uma etapa subsequente de purificação. / Clavulanic acid is a potent inhibitor of β-lactamases that is used as a therapeutic in conjunction with amoxicillin. Its industrial process of production involves bacterial growing in a batch process, while its purification is carried out mainly by process of liquid-liquid extraction with organic solvents and chromatographic steps. Thus, alternative methods like the purification employing two-phase aqueous micellar systems, which offer both hydrophobic and hydrophilic environments to solute species and allow selectivity in partitioning depending on the hydrophobicity of biomolecules, are of great concern. This work studied the feasibility of using two-phase aqueous mixed (nonionic/anionic) micellar systems formed by nonionic surfactant Triton X-114 and anionic surfactant AOT to extract clavulanic acid from broths fermented by Streptomyces clavuligerus in batch process. The stability of clavulanic acid at different values of pH, salts and their concentration, temperature and in the presence of different surfactants was investigated so as to limit the areas to be submitted to further studies. The cloud-point of the systems Triton X-114/Buffer and Triton X-114/AOT/Buffer was also determined under different conditions, and studies were performed on partitioning the biomolecule between the phases and the time needed to balance of the system. From these initial investigations the following levels of the variables were defined: concentration of AOT (0.50, 0.75, and 1.00 mM), Triton X-114 (1, 3 and 5% w/w), NaCl (0, 0.05 and 0.10 M) and temperature (24, 26 and 28°C), whose influences on the partition coefficient (KCA) and yield in the top phase (nCA) were investigated using factorial design. Statistical analysis and the mathematical model derived from the results allowed obtaining KCA≈ 1.65 e nCA≈ 71.58%. However, the statistical analysis using the response nCA indicated experimental conditions devoid of any physico-chemical meaning. In serial experiments performed with Triton X-114 3% w/w, Mcllvaine buffer at 6.5 pH and gradual addition of AOT, an increase in the concentration of anionic surfactant led to higher KCA and mass balance (BMCA≈ 85%). Thus, is possible conclude that the two-phase aqueous mixed micellar system provides low loss and partition to dilute phase, which is an advantage because it implies less problems in a subsequent step of purification.

Physicochemical and Biopharmaceutical Characterisation of Small Drug Molecules by Capillary Electrophoresis

Örnskov, Eivor January 2004 (has links)
<p>Capillary Electrophoresis (CE) was explored as a means for physicochemical and biopharmaceutical characterisation of small drug molecules. Special attention was paid to the characterisation of acid-base and lipophilic properties of drug compounds by analysing their migration behaviour in different CE systems. The thesis comprises an overview of the field together with separate studies on the different topics.</p><p>The utility of CE for the determination of pK<sub>a</sub> of labile drug compounds was investigated. A general methodology was developed comprising key steps such as the use of a stabilising sample diluent, electromigration injection, and analyte characterisation by UV-Vis spectroscopy. The methodology was successfully applied for two sets of drug compounds, labile at low and high pH, respectively.</p><p>CE was also evaluated for experimental modelling of passive intestinal membrane permeability by studying analyte migration in liposomal, microemulsion and micellar electrolytes. Good correlation is reported between CE migration and Caco-2 cell absorption estimates and for in vitro inhibition of thrombin. Interestingly, a slightly better correlation was obtained for liposomal electrolytes.</p><p>The utility of liposomes in CE was further extended by developing a novel procedure for immobilising liposomes inside fused silica capillaries. This approach enabled direct on-line coupling of liposome CE to high sensitivity mass spectrometry. The utility of liposome-coated capillaries is demonstrated for estimating drug passive intestinal membrane permeability. Its use in biopharmaceutical drug profiling is discussed.</p><p>Utilising advanced molecular descriptors, commonly applied to in silico prediction of passive intestinal membrane permeability, migration of analytes in micellar CE systems could be well predicted. The novel approach was based on hierarchical multivariate analytics and use of molecular descriptors for both analytes and micellar media surfactants. Demonstrated results propose that the CE format could be useful to validate how representative molecular descriptors are for describing molecular behaviour in complex liquid media, e.g. physiological systems.</p>

Physicochemical and Biopharmaceutical Characterisation of Small Drug Molecules by Capillary Electrophoresis

Örnskov, Eivor January 2004 (has links)
Capillary Electrophoresis (CE) was explored as a means for physicochemical and biopharmaceutical characterisation of small drug molecules. Special attention was paid to the characterisation of acid-base and lipophilic properties of drug compounds by analysing their migration behaviour in different CE systems. The thesis comprises an overview of the field together with separate studies on the different topics. The utility of CE for the determination of pKa of labile drug compounds was investigated. A general methodology was developed comprising key steps such as the use of a stabilising sample diluent, electromigration injection, and analyte characterisation by UV-Vis spectroscopy. The methodology was successfully applied for two sets of drug compounds, labile at low and high pH, respectively. CE was also evaluated for experimental modelling of passive intestinal membrane permeability by studying analyte migration in liposomal, microemulsion and micellar electrolytes. Good correlation is reported between CE migration and Caco-2 cell absorption estimates and for in vitro inhibition of thrombin. Interestingly, a slightly better correlation was obtained for liposomal electrolytes. The utility of liposomes in CE was further extended by developing a novel procedure for immobilising liposomes inside fused silica capillaries. This approach enabled direct on-line coupling of liposome CE to high sensitivity mass spectrometry. The utility of liposome-coated capillaries is demonstrated for estimating drug passive intestinal membrane permeability. Its use in biopharmaceutical drug profiling is discussed. Utilising advanced molecular descriptors, commonly applied to in silico prediction of passive intestinal membrane permeability, migration of analytes in micellar CE systems could be well predicted. The novel approach was based on hierarchical multivariate analytics and use of molecular descriptors for both analytes and micellar media surfactants. Demonstrated results propose that the CE format could be useful to validate how representative molecular descriptors are for describing molecular behaviour in complex liquid media, e.g. physiological systems.

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