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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Produção e caracterização de mutantes do operon gum de Xylella fastidiosa. / Production and characterization of gum operon mutants of Xylella fastidiosa cvc strain.

Leonardo Cesar de Almeida Souza 07 February 2003 (has links)
A Xylella fastidiosa é uma bactéria gram.negativa, fastidiosa, que vive limitada ao xilema de plantas causando várias doenças de importância econômica como a doença de Pierce em videiras nos Estados Unidos e a Clorose Variegada dos Citros (CVC) no Brasil. A CVC tem afetado severamente a citricultura do estado de São Paulo pondo em risco milhares de empregos e milhões de dólares em geração de divisas. O sequenciamento do genoma de X. fastidiosa revelou genes envolvidos em possíveis mecanismos de patogenicidade dessa bactéria, entre eles um operon possivelmente envolvido na produção de um exopolissacarídeo extracelular denominado goma fastidiana. Supõe.se que esse exopolissacarídeo seja o responsável pela manutenção dos biofilmes bacterianos que causam a oclusão dos vasos xilemáticos levando ao surgimento dos sintomas da CVC. Para estudar esse operon, denominado operon gum, foram construídos vetores para a inativação dos genes gumB, gumD e gumF por duas estratégias: mutagênese por inserção.deleção e mutagênese por troca alélica. A mutagênese por inserção.deleção envolve a integração via recombinação homóloga com uma permuta.de um plasmídeo contendo uma cópia truncada do gene alvo. A mutagênese por troca alélica, por sua vez, envolve duas permutas e se caracteriza pela troca do gene alvo selvagem por uma cópia interrompida por um marcador de seleção. Nenhum mutante gum foi obtido usando.se a estratégia de troca alélica, todavia, mutantes para os genes gumB e gumF foram obtidos com sucesso pela estratégia de mutagênese por inserção.deleção. Nenhum mutante para o gene gumD foi obtido, sugerindo que essa mutação possa ser letal para a célula. A análise de células e colônias desses mutantes crescidos em meio sólido ou em suspensão não mostrou diferenças morfológicas em relação a linhagem selvagem. A inativação dos genes gumB e gumF não influenciou a capacidade de X. fastidiosa se aderir a vidro. Com o uso do gene repórter CAT, que codifica para a enzima clorafenicol acetil transferase a qual confere à bactéria resistência ao antibiótico clorafenicol foi possível verificar que a glicose não influencia na expressão desse operon ao nível de transcrição. Com o uso desse gene reporter, também foi possível identificar uma região transcrita a partir de um promotor não caracterizado, localizada na fita antisenso do operon gum. A comparação do perfil cromatográfico de proteínas solúveis totais dos mutantes e da linhagem selvagem mostrou diferenças significativas nesses pefis, indicando um efeito pleiotrópico dessas mutações. O estudo da função dos genes gumB e gumF na patogenicidade de X. fastidiosa foi impossibilitado por se ter verificado recentemente que a linhagem usada na construção dos mutantes não coloniza a planta eficientemente para a indução de sintomas em citros e tabaco em condições experimentais após inoculação mecânica. / Xylella fastidiosa is a fastidious, xylem restricted, gram.negative bacteria, that causes several economically important diseases as Pierce's disease of grapevine in USA and the Citrus Variegated Chlorosis (CVC) in Brasil. CVC affects severely the São Paulo State citriculture jeopardizing thousands of jobs and millions of dollars of incomes. The genome sequence of X. fastidiosa has revealed several genes possibly involved in the pathogenicity mechanisms of this bacterium, among them, an operon containing nine genes possibly involved in the synthesis of an exopolisaccharide named fastidian gum. This gum is possibly involved in the bacterial biofilm maintenance that causes the xylem occlusion leading to CVC symptoms development. To study this operon, named gum operon, vectors were constructed to inactivate the gumB, gumD and gumF genes by two strategies, insertion.duplication mutagenesis and allelic exchange mutagenesis. The insertion.duplication mutagenesis involves the integration a whole plasmid containing a truncated copy of the target gene by homologous recombination with one crossing over. The allelic exchange mutagenesis involves homologous recombination with two crossing overs that substitutes the wild.type copy of the target gene by a truncated copy interrupted by a selectable marker gene. No gum mutant was obtained using the allelic exchange strategy; however gumB and gumF mutants were obtained by insertion-duplication mutagenesis strategy. GumD mutant was not obtained, suggesting that the mutation in this gene is lethal to the cell. Analysis of cells and colonies of these mutants growing in solid media and in suspension hasn't reveal any morphological difference to the wild.type strain. The disruption of the gumB and gumF genes does not influenced the adhesion capacity of X. fastidiosa to the glass, used as a substrate. Using the reporter gene CAT, wich codes for cloramphenicol acetil transferase enzime confering resistance to cloramphenicol, we verified that glucose has no influence in the expression of this operon at the transcription level. Using this reporter gene, we also identified a transcribed region directed by a non characterized promoter, localized in the antisense strand of the gum operon. A comparison between the soluble protein profile of the mutants and the wild.type strain, obtained by liquid chromatography, showed significative differences, indicating a pleiotropic effect of these mutations. The study of the function of the gumB and gumF genes in the pathogenicity of X. fastidiosa was not concluded because we verified recently that the strainm, used to generate the mutants, do not colonize the plants efficiently to induce symptoms in citrus and tobacco plants after mechanical inoculation.

Transformação genética e patogenicidade de Guignardia citricarpa / Genetic transformation and pathogenicity of Guignardia citricarpa

Maria Beatriz Calderan Rodrigues 23 August 2010 (has links)
O Brasil é líder absoluto no comércio internacional de suco de laranja concentrado congelado participando com 82% do volume comercializado no mundo. Guignardia citricarpa é um fungo Ascomiceto agente causal da Mancha Preta dos Citros (MPC), uma doença importante no contexto da Citricultura, causando lesões negras em frutos tornando-os impróprios para a exportação, já que não são aceitos na União Européia pois o patógeno é classificado como quarentenário. O presente trabalho teve como objetivo principal estabeler a metodologia de transformação genética de G. citricarpa para futuramente auxiliar no entendimento dos mecanismos de patogenicidade desta espécie, visando diminuir perdas na citricultura brasileira devido à MPC. Além disso, foi realizada uma análise do gene da enzima endopoligalacturonase, a qual está associada à capacidade de patógenos em colonizar plantas. Para elucidar esse fenômeno, foi realizada a busca de genes relacionados à patogenicidade em outros fungos fitopatogênicos previamente descritos e confirmados participarem no processo de doenças em diversas plantas. Considerando que esses genes possuem uma região conservada para esse fim, após o alinhamento dessas sequências foram construídos primers e o gene de endopoligalacturonase foi identificado no gênero Guignardia sp. Outra espécie pertencente a esse gênero é G. mangiferae, conhecida como endófito de citros, ou seja, coloniza os tecidos internos da planta hospedeira sem causar dano. Em análises enzimáticas foi observado que a quantidade de endopoligalacturonase produzida pela espécie patogênica é superior à da espécie endofítica, mostrando que essa enzima pode participar do processo de patogenicidade de G. citricarpa. Estudos para comprovar a participação de genes nos mecanismos de patogenicidade em diversas espécies utilizando reconhecimento de genes e genômica funcional, expressão e knockout de genes estão sendo realizados, permitindo uma visão geral da organização genômica do sistema patogênico. Pensando nisso, esse trabalho descreve pela primeira vez a metodologia de transformação genética de G. citricarpa via micélio e a obtenção de transformantes expressando a proteína verde fluorescente (GFP). Micélios do fungo foram transformados pelo sistema via Agrobacterium tumefaciens com o plasmídeo pFAT-gfp, contendo os genes de resistência à higromicina B (hgr) e da GFP. A otimização do protocolo de agrotransformação foi realizada a partir do teste de diferentes condições como: tipo de membrana, concentração de agente indutor e tempo de cocultivo. A melhor condição incluiu a utilização de membrana de éster de celulose; 200 PM de AS e 96 horas de co-cultivo. Os transformantes apresentaram alta estabilidade mitótica (82%) e tiveram a inserção do gene hgr confirmada por PCR e do gfp observada em microscopia óptica de epifluorescência. Além disso, foi acompanhado o desenvolvimento do fungo inoculado em frutos, mostrando a interação planta-patógeno. O estabelecimento do sistema de transformação por Agrobacterium para G. citricarpa possibilita o uso dessa ferramenta para estudos de mutagênese insercional e interrupção gênica visando a identificação de genes importantes, como os envolvidos com os mecanismos de patogenicidade utilizados por esse fungo. / Brazil is the world leader in the international trade of frozen orange juice concentrate, taking part with around 82% of the traded volume. Guignardia citricarpa (anamorph Phyllosticta citricarpa) is a fungal pathogen of citrus plants, being described as the causal agent of citrus black spot (CBS), one of the most important fungal diseases of citrus worldwide. Its symptoms are black lesions on fruit, making them unsuitable for the international fresh market, since they are included in the quarantine list of the European Plant Protection Organization (EPPO). Moreover, when the disease is severe it may cause extensive premature fruit drop that reduces yields of fruit for processing. Taking this into consideration, the current work aimed to improve the understanding on the pathogenic mechanisms of this fungus. Firstly, in an attempt to elucidate this phenomenon, it was performed a search for pathogenicity genes previously reported to some pathogenic fungi and confirmed to participate in the process of infection in many plants , especially endopolygalacturonase. Primers were designed using the conserved regions of the genes and allowed the identification of the Guignardia spp. endopolygalacturonase gene for the first time. This enzyme has been described as playing important role in the process of fungal diseases in plants. In the present work, enzymatic analysis showed that the pathogen G. citricarpa produced significantly greater amounts of endopolygalacturonase when compared to G. mangiferae, a closely related fungus described as a citrus endophyte. This result suggests that this enzyme may participate in the process of pathogenicity, characteristic of the pathogenic species. Genetic transformation methods have been used to prove the involvement of genes in pathogenic mechanisms, however, a suitable methodology for G. citricarpa has not been described yet. In this way, this study describes for the first time a methodology for genetic transformation of G. citricarpa via mycelia and the successful generation of transformants expressing the green fluorescent protein (GFP) and resistant to the hygromycin B antibiotic. Mycelia of the fungus were genetically transformed via Agrobacterium tumefaciens hosting the plasmid pFAT-gfp, which carries the genes for resistance to hygromycin B (hph) and for GFP (gfp). The protocol was optimized through different test conditions (type of membrane, concentration of the inducing agent acetosyringone and duration of the co-cultivation period). The higher transformation efficiencies were observed using cellulose ester membrane, 200 PM of acetosyringone and 96 hours of cocultivation. The transformants showed high mitotic stability (82%) and the insertion of the T-DNA was confirmed by PCR and GFP expression through epifluorescence microscopy observation. Moreover, it was observed the development of the fungus in inoculated oranges, showing the plant-pathogen interaction observed by epifluorescense microscopy. The establishment of the Agrobacterium-mediated transformation system for G. citricarpa represents an important step on the search for unveiling important genes of this fungus, such as those involved in the pathogenic mechanisms.

The Effects of the H-NS Protein on PhoP-dependent Transcriptional Regulation of the mgtCBRU-cigR Operon in Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium

Jazmin L Marks-Burns (12468483) 27 April 2022 (has links)
<p>  </p> <p>PhoQP is a two-component system that regulates the transcription of ~5% of the genes of <em>Salmonella enterica</em>. The membrane-bound PhoQ protein is phosphorylated in response to low extracellular Mg<sup>2+</sup> concentration, acid pH, and a number of antimicrobial peptides. The inorganic phosphate bound to PhoQ is transferred to PhoP, which according to the classical model, acts as a typical transcriptional activator of its target genes. However, Will et al. (doi.org/10.1038/ncomms6270) proposed an alternate “counter-silencing” model, according to which genes in the PhoP regulon that were acquired by <em>Salmonella</em> via horizontal transfer are repressed by the generalized DNA-binding protein H-NS at high [Mg<sup>2+</sup>] and are induced at low [Mg<sup>2+</sup>] because the phosphorylated PhoP displaces the H-NS from the promoters and lifts repression. We evaluated this model by examining the transcriptional regulation of the <em>mgtCBRU-cigR </em>operon, which encodes the virulence protein MgtC and the Mg<sup>2+</sup> transport protein MgtB and is in the SPI-3 pathogenesis island that has been acquired by <em>Salmonella</em> via horizontal transfer. Our main finding was that in the non-pathogenic strain of <em>S</em>. Typhimurium (LT2), induction of the <em>mgtCBRU-cigR</em> operon by Mg<sup>2+</sup> limitation requires a functional PhoP protein, regardless of the presence or absence of H-NS. Interestingly, the pathogenic strain of <em>S</em>. Typhimurium (ATCC 14028s) revealed PhoP-independent transcription in the absence of H-NS, but only under inducing conditions. Thus, our results do not support the counter-silencing model and are consistent with the canonical view that PhoP is needed as a transcriptional activator of genes in the PhoP regulon.</p>

Differential Analysis of Unique Genes Expressed in <i>Stenotrophomonas maltophilia</i> Strain OR02 in Response to Selenite

Moffo, Nathan 28 August 2019 (has links)
No description available.

Regulação da adesão de Escherichia coli enteropatogênica (EPEC) por genes de resposta à limitação nutricional e estresse. / Regulation of enteropathogenic Escherichia coli (EPEC) adhesion by genes related to nutrional shortage and stress.

Ferreira, Gerson Moura 24 August 2009 (has links)
Escherichia coli enteropatogênica (EPEC) é uma das principais causas de diarreia em crianças. Na carência de fosfato (Pi), um conjunto de genes conhecido como regulon PHO é induzido. Esse regulon é controlado pelo sistema Pst, que além de ser um transportador de Pi, reprime a expressão de PHO quando Pi é abundante, e pelo sistema de dois componentes PhoB/PhoR. A deleção de pst reduziu a adesão de EPEC à células epiteliais in vitro, pois diminuiu da expressão dos reguladores PerA/PerC, que por sua vez controlam a expressão de genes envolvidos na adesão. Este efeito foi exclusivo de pst e não devido a expressão constitutiva dos genes de PHO causada pela deleção de pst. A expressão da fímbria BFP, PerA e PerC também dependem da síntese de ppGpp, uma molécula de alarme envolvida na regulação de genes relacionados à carência nutricional. ppGpp regula positivamente a expressão de PerA e PerC. Entretanto, RpoS, o fator relacionado à resposta ao estresse, afetou negativamente o nível de adesão de EPEC e a expressão de BFP. / Enteropathogenic E. coli (EPEC) is one of the causes of diarrhea in children. Phosphate (Pi) shortage induces transcription of the genes known as the PHO regulon. These genes are controlled by the Pst system, that is also a high-affinity Pi transporter, and represses PHO expression under Pi-replete conditions. PHO is also controlled by the two-component system PhoB/PhoR. Deletion of the pst operon reduced the adhesion of EPEC to epithelial cells in vitro due to a decrease in the expression of the regulators PerA and PerC that in turn control the expression of genes related to adhesion. The constitutive expression of the PHO genes in the pst mutant was not the cause of adhesion inhibition. Expression of bfp and the regulators PerA and PerC was also dependent on ppGpp, an alarmone involved in the regulation of genes related to nutrient limitation. On the other hand, RpoS, the factor that controls the general stress response, negatively affected EPEC adhesion and bfpA expression.

Construção de linhagens de Saccharomyces cerevisiae recombinantes superexpressoras de transportadores de pentoses. / Construction of Saccharomyces cerevisiae recombinant strains overexpressing pentoses transporters.

Sales, Belisa Bordin de 19 November 2010 (has links)
A conversão da biomassa para produção de etanol celulósico só é viável se a fração hemicelulósica e celulósica for utilizada no processo industrial. Para obtenção de leveduras capazes de produzir etanol a partir de pentoses, a captação desses açúcares é muito estudada, sendo que diversos autores concluíram que a interiorização do substrato é uma etapa limitante para a produção de etanol. Neste trabalho foram isoladas leveduras da biodiversidade brasileira capazes de fermentar xilose. Foram construídos cassetes de expressão dos genes HXT5 e HXT7 de S. cerevisisae e analisados os consumos de glicose e xilose e a produção de etanol, em condições de aeração e de restrição de oxigênio. Análises qualitativas e quantitativas mostraram que os clones recombinantes foram capazes de consumir mais rapidamente xilose e glicose. Entretanto, isto não resultou no aumento de produção de biomassa ou de etanol a partir de xilose, sugerindo que a baixa expressão dos genes endógenos da rota de utilização deste açúcar foi determinante para seu acúmulo intracelular. / The biomass conversion for industrial cellulosic ethanol production is feasible only if all hemicellulosic and cellulosic fractions are exploited in the process. In the aim to have yeasts capable of producing ethanol from pentoses, the transport of these sugars is very much studied, and many authors have concluded that the utilization of xylose is a limiting step for ethanol production. In this work were isolated yeast from Brazilian biodiversity capable of fermenting xylose. It was built expression cassettes of the genes HXT5 and HXT7 from S. cerevisiae and analyzed the consumptions of glucose and xylose and the ethanol production in aerated and oxygen limited conditions. Qualitative and quantitative analysis showed that the recombinant yeasts were capable of consuming more rapidly the two sugars. However, it didn´t result in greater production of biomassa or of ethanol from xylose, suggesting that the low expression of the natural genes in the xylose utilization pathway was determinant for the intracellular accumulation of this pentose.

Regulação da adesão de Escherichia coli enteropatogênica (EPEC) por genes de resposta à limitação nutricional e estresse. / Regulation of enteropathogenic Escherichia coli (EPEC) adhesion by genes related to nutrional shortage and stress.

Gerson Moura Ferreira 24 August 2009 (has links)
Escherichia coli enteropatogênica (EPEC) é uma das principais causas de diarreia em crianças. Na carência de fosfato (Pi), um conjunto de genes conhecido como regulon PHO é induzido. Esse regulon é controlado pelo sistema Pst, que além de ser um transportador de Pi, reprime a expressão de PHO quando Pi é abundante, e pelo sistema de dois componentes PhoB/PhoR. A deleção de pst reduziu a adesão de EPEC à células epiteliais in vitro, pois diminuiu da expressão dos reguladores PerA/PerC, que por sua vez controlam a expressão de genes envolvidos na adesão. Este efeito foi exclusivo de pst e não devido a expressão constitutiva dos genes de PHO causada pela deleção de pst. A expressão da fímbria BFP, PerA e PerC também dependem da síntese de ppGpp, uma molécula de alarme envolvida na regulação de genes relacionados à carência nutricional. ppGpp regula positivamente a expressão de PerA e PerC. Entretanto, RpoS, o fator relacionado à resposta ao estresse, afetou negativamente o nível de adesão de EPEC e a expressão de BFP. / Enteropathogenic E. coli (EPEC) is one of the causes of diarrhea in children. Phosphate (Pi) shortage induces transcription of the genes known as the PHO regulon. These genes are controlled by the Pst system, that is also a high-affinity Pi transporter, and represses PHO expression under Pi-replete conditions. PHO is also controlled by the two-component system PhoB/PhoR. Deletion of the pst operon reduced the adhesion of EPEC to epithelial cells in vitro due to a decrease in the expression of the regulators PerA and PerC that in turn control the expression of genes related to adhesion. The constitutive expression of the PHO genes in the pst mutant was not the cause of adhesion inhibition. Expression of bfp and the regulators PerA and PerC was also dependent on ppGpp, an alarmone involved in the regulation of genes related to nutrient limitation. On the other hand, RpoS, the factor that controls the general stress response, negatively affected EPEC adhesion and bfpA expression.

Construção de linhagens de Saccharomyces cerevisiae recombinantes superexpressoras de transportadores de pentoses. / Construction of Saccharomyces cerevisiae recombinant strains overexpressing pentoses transporters.

Belisa Bordin de Sales 19 November 2010 (has links)
A conversão da biomassa para produção de etanol celulósico só é viável se a fração hemicelulósica e celulósica for utilizada no processo industrial. Para obtenção de leveduras capazes de produzir etanol a partir de pentoses, a captação desses açúcares é muito estudada, sendo que diversos autores concluíram que a interiorização do substrato é uma etapa limitante para a produção de etanol. Neste trabalho foram isoladas leveduras da biodiversidade brasileira capazes de fermentar xilose. Foram construídos cassetes de expressão dos genes HXT5 e HXT7 de S. cerevisisae e analisados os consumos de glicose e xilose e a produção de etanol, em condições de aeração e de restrição de oxigênio. Análises qualitativas e quantitativas mostraram que os clones recombinantes foram capazes de consumir mais rapidamente xilose e glicose. Entretanto, isto não resultou no aumento de produção de biomassa ou de etanol a partir de xilose, sugerindo que a baixa expressão dos genes endógenos da rota de utilização deste açúcar foi determinante para seu acúmulo intracelular. / The biomass conversion for industrial cellulosic ethanol production is feasible only if all hemicellulosic and cellulosic fractions are exploited in the process. In the aim to have yeasts capable of producing ethanol from pentoses, the transport of these sugars is very much studied, and many authors have concluded that the utilization of xylose is a limiting step for ethanol production. In this work were isolated yeast from Brazilian biodiversity capable of fermenting xylose. It was built expression cassettes of the genes HXT5 and HXT7 from S. cerevisiae and analyzed the consumptions of glucose and xylose and the ethanol production in aerated and oxygen limited conditions. Qualitative and quantitative analysis showed that the recombinant yeasts were capable of consuming more rapidly the two sugars. However, it didn´t result in greater production of biomassa or of ethanol from xylose, suggesting that the low expression of the natural genes in the xylose utilization pathway was determinant for the intracellular accumulation of this pentose.

Exploring microbial community dynamics: Positive selection for gain of RpoS function in Escherichia coli & microbial profiling of the Niagara Region

Botts, Steven January 2016 (has links)
A thesis submitted to the School of Graduate Studies in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree Master of Science / The effect of changing environmental conditions on microbial population structure can be observed at both the species and community level. Within the Escherichia coli species, null mutations in the RpoS stationary phase regulator are commonly selected by growth on poor carbon sources. In contrast, mutations which restore RpoS function may provide a selective advantage for cells exposed to environmental stress. The loss and subsequent restoration of RpoS form a population-level switch for adaptation within poor carbon and high stress environments. To investigate selection for RpoS reversion, we exposed rpoS-deficient E. coli to high salt concentrations and assessed the phenotype of presumptive mutants. 3-9% of salt-resistant mutants contained reversion mutations within rpoS, while in 91-97% the loss of RpoS function was maintained and mutations at alternative gene loci were identified. These results show that RpoS function can be restored in deficient E. coli under selective pressure. At the community level, the application of next-generation sequencing (NGS) technology to characterize environmental microbial diversity can potentially augment traditional water quality monitoring methods. To investigate the use of NGS in identifying microbial taxa within the Niagara Region, we collected water samples from Lake Erie, Lake Ontario, and nearby areas and examined the metagenome of microbial communities. A QIIME (Quantitative Insights Into Microbial Ecology) analysis of sequence data identified significant differences in relative microbial abundance with respect to sample metadata (e.g. location and subtype), significant correlations between relative abundance and quantitative parameters (e.g. Escherichia coli counts and fecal DNA markers), and detected pathogen-containing taxa at a relative abundance of 0.1-1.5%. These results show that sequence-based analyses can be used in conjunction with traditional identification methods to profile the metagenomic community of environmental samples and predict water quality. Both within-species and community-wide analyses thus offer insight into how microbial populations respond and adapt to environmental fluctuations. / Thesis / Master of Science (MSc) / The effect of changing environmental conditions on microbial population structure can be observed at both the species and community level. Within the Escherichia coli species, we investigated reversion of loss of function mutations in the RpoS protein regulator in high salt conditions and identified RpoS restoration under selective pressure. At the community level, we examined the microbial DNA of water samples from the Niagara Region under select environmental conditions and assessed the viability of next-generation sequencing in augmenting traditional water quality monitoring methods. Both within-species and community-wide analyses offer insight into how microbial populations respond and adapt to environmental fluctuations.


Kortany M. Baker (13775098) 14 September 2022 (has links)
<p>  </p> <p>Fungal pathogens are an increasing threat to humans, plants, and animals worldwide. Death and disease caused by fungal pathogens results in the loss of over 1.5 million lives, 12 million tons of crops, and even entire species every year. <em>Candida </em>species are the leading cause of invasive fungal species lead by <em>Candida albicans, </em>and <em>Candida glabrata </em>in second. <em>Candida glabrata </em>intrinsically has a low susceptibility to azole treatment, and multidrug resistant isolates are becoming more common. Additionally, new emerging <em>Candida </em>species have been found, and most clinical isolates are resistant to one or more drugs. There is a critical need to better understand drug resistance and pathogenesis to generate new therapies. </p> <p>Drug resistance can be caused by several different genetic factors, but until recently epigenetic factors have been frequently overlooked. Epigenetic research has revolutionized the treatment and detection of many cancers. And now, early research has shown epigenetic mechanisms play a role in drug resistance and pathogenesis in fungal species. Limited resources exist to combat fungal infections and understanding the epigenetic mechanisms that contribute to drug resistance and pathogenicity will provide new drug targets for future treatment.</p> <p>Previous publications from the Briggs’ lab showed Set1-mediated histone H3K4 methylation was necessary for proper ergosterol homeostasis and Brefeldin A resistance. One of the three classes of antifungals, azoles, target the ergosterol pathway. The ergosterol connection resulted into this thesis project, investigating the role of Set1-mediated histone H3K4 methylation in drug resistance and pathogenicity in <em>Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Candida glabrata, Candida albicans, </em>and <em>Candida auris. </em>This research was the first to characterize the Set1 complex in <em>C. glabrata </em>and show it is the sole histone H3K4 methyltransferase in <em>C. glabrata </em>and <em>C. auris. </em>Additionally, it shows loss of <em>SET1 </em>in <em>C. glabrata </em>and <em>C. auris </em>reduces pathogenicity and alters drug efficacy. Interestingly, although the loss of <em>SET1</em> seems to cause a similar pathogenic defect in all three <em>Candida </em>species, the role Set1 plays in drug efficacy including which drug and severity varies amongst species and isolates. Altogether, this research project provides new possible drug targets for fungal treatment and knowledge added to the scientific community on the role of epigenetics in fungal pathogens. </p>

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