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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Teacher and Administrator Perspectives on a Good Middle School: A Cross-Case Study

Mercer, Lisa Skaggs 04 December 2015 (has links)
Education for adolescents in middle-level schools is a topic of great interest for many educators. Reaching a consensus on what constitutes an effective education for middle-level learners has been a challenge. The purpose of this study was to contribute to this discussion. Although the study was designed to report on effective middle schools, the respondents reported their perspectives on good middle schools. The findings of this study about good middle schools may be beneficial to middle-level educators that are interested in improving educational environments and outcomes for the adolescent learner. A cross-case study methodology was used to investigate the perspectives on a good middle school of teachers and administrators in two middle schools in a school system in a southeastern state. Seventeen face-to-face interviews were conducted with a researcher-developed protocol, and document analyses were conducted. Data were analyzed with the constant comparative method. The perspectives of the participants were organized into ten categories of what they believed constitutes a good middle school: culture, personnel, the needs of diverse adolescent learners, organizational structures, transitions, instructional practices, parental involvement, curricular aspects, physical environment, and progress. The teacher and administrator perspectives on a good middle school were analyzed in three ways: (a) a descriptive analysis of the characteristics of a good middle school as viewed by the teachers and administrators of Dorchester Middle School and J. K. Walters Middle School; (b) a comparison of the characteristics of a good middle school as viewed by teachers and administrators of the two schools and the characteristics of a good middle school as identified by the National Association of Secondary School Principals Council on Middle Level Education in 1985, the Association for Middle Level Education in 2010, and the Carnegie Corporations Council on Adolescent Development in 1989; and (c) a comparison of the characteristics of a good middle school identified by the teachers and administrators of Dorchester Middle School and the characteristics of a good middle school identified by the teachers and administrators of J. K. Walters Middle School (pseudonyms). Middle school educators have struggled with the nature of an appropriate education for middle-level learners for decades. When combined with other studies of the perspectives on middle-level schooling of practicing teachers and administrators, those who work with middle-level learners every day, the data in this study may help in efforts to reach a consensus on the elements that should be a part of a good middle school. / Ed. D.

Playing in the middle : the value of the arts in middle level education

Hearn, Lindsay Michelle 23 October 2014 (has links)
In 2012, the Austin Independent School District implemented a ten-year Creative Learning Initiative to develop every school in the district into an arts rich school. However, research on arts richness presents varied descriptions of what an arts rich school looks like and lacks student voices. This MFA Thesis documents an applied project utilizing an arts based research process to explore student beliefs about the value of the arts and arts richness at the middle school level. In the document, I analyze student beliefs about the value of the arts through modified grounded theory from a data set including a performance, a playscript, group discussions, surveys, and my personal field notes and reflections. I find that the students share a similar understanding with published research of overall categories describing arts richness, including quantity of arts opportunities, quality of artistic and educational programs, and school climate. They deepen the perspective researchers present on school climate in arts rich schools, offering specific ways in which the arts invite a positive school climate. I conclude the document with reflections on defining arts richness, the arts based research process, and areas for further consideration as schools move toward creative learning for the 21st century. / text

Frontline and Middle-Level Nursing Leader Transition Within the Military Health System

Newman, Rudolph George 01 January 2016 (has links)
Healthcare delivery within the military requires a multifaceted approach to achieve the desired outcomes of safe, effective, patient-centered, timely, efficient, and equitable health care. The prospect of maintaining a cycle of continuous process improvements within military clinical settings hinge on frontline leaders and middle-level managers who must be prepared to execute the mission and motivate, supervise, coach and mentor the staff. This project showcases a review of current literature translated into the development of an evidence-based Transformational Leadership Induction Program (TLIP) module that consisted of 4 subsections: the environment of care, clinical decision support systems, human resources management, and change management as well as resources for successful leadership within the organization. The training is designed to bridge the transition gap, facilitate role orientation and induction, and socialize frontline and middle-level managers during their role transition. The results of a need assessment survey, approved by the organization, were completed by 30 incumbents and resulted in 57% (17) providing feedback and role-specific contents that were integrated into the development of the TLIP module. The overall response to the survey was positive with 82% (14) of the respondents either agreeing or strongly agreeing with the items that they reviewed. The TLIP module provides a medium that translates current evidence into a succinct training platform capable of enhancing leadership transition and handoff. The TLIP module enables a culture of trust, enhances staff satisfaction, and fosters change management and succession planning within the military healthcare system.

A Program Evaluation of the Comprehensive School Reform Model Making Middle Grades Work

West, Wycondia 01 January 2016 (has links)
A Program Evaluation of the Comprehensive School Reform Model Making Middle Grades Work by Wycondia S. West MA, Spring Hill College, 2002 BS, Spring Hill College, 1998 Doctoral Study Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Doctor of Education Walden University August 2016 There is increasing concern in the United States about the academic challenges that middle grade students face. Middle schools are not meeting accountability standards, and as a result students are not being adequately prepared for high school. In response to these concerns, a state in the southeastern United States adopted a comprehensive school reform model known as Making Middle Grades Work (MMGW) in 2006. The purpose of this program evaluation was to explore the effectiveness of the MMGW program and provide recommendations for improvement. Conceptually, this program evaluation drew upon the MMGW model. The research questions focused on exploring teachers and administrators' perceptions of and suggestions for improving the MMGW program. A collective case study design was used. Eight teachers and 4 administrators with experience in Grades 6-8 and training in MMGW were interviewed. School documents were also reviewed. The participants were purposefully invited from 4 middle schools (1 low performing and 3 high performing) in a district in the southeastern United States. Thematic analysis was used to code the data, and identified themes were summarized. Findings suggested that the current implementation of the MMGW model lacked consistency, uniformity, commitment, and opportunities for professional development. A formative report was created that provided recommendations for ongoing program evaluation and training for middle level educators in the district. Implementation of this project within the schools or the district will increase the lifespan of the MMGW reform model. Also, this implementation may improve academic achievement for middle school students and help to improve high school graduation rates.

Mellanchefens väg till arbetstillfredsställelse : En kvalitativ studie om hur arbetsdelegering, arbetsbeslutsgrad och arbetstillfredsställelse påverkar varandra sett från mellanchefens perspektiv / The Middle level managers road to job satisfaction : A qualitative study of how job delegation, job decision latitude and job satisfaction affect eachother, from a middle level managers perspective

Delking, Joakim, Kjessler, Jacob January 2018 (has links)
Titel: Mellanchefens väg till arbetstillfredsställelse - En kvalitativ studie om hur arbetsdelegering, arbetsbeslutsgrad och arbetstillfredsställelse påverkar varandra sett från  mellanchefens perspektiv. Nivå: C-uppsats inom ämnet företagsekonomi Författare: Jacob Kjessler och Joakim Delking Handledare: Signe Jernberg och Kristina Mickelsson Datum: 2018 - maj Syfte: Inom företag finner vi mellanchefer, en anställd som befinner sig i mitten av organisationen med ledning och styrelse ovanför sig och anställda under sig. Krav ställs på dessa mellanchefer att arbeta effektivt med hög produktivitet där många beslut behöver fattas. Detta kan medföra att mellanchefer uppfattar en hög press i form av att arbeta hårt med brist på resursen tid och mellanchefer behöver arbeta effektivt för att klara av det dagliga arbetet vilket de kan göra genom deras höga arbetsbeslutsgrad. Denna höga press på effektivitet, produktivitet samt hög arbetstid kan medföra en minskning av mellanchefens arbetstillfredsställelse. För att hantera denna press med begränsade tidsresurs finns ledarskapsverktyget arbetsdelegering. Arbetsdelegering till underordnade gör att mellanchefer kan ge ifrån sig auktoritet och kontroll att utföra uppgifter, vilket har en effekt på att mellanchefens arbetstid frigörs. Med detta sagt finner vi tre begrepp, arbetstillfredsställelse, arbetsbeslutsgrad samt arbetsdelegering som är relaterade med varandra men vi vet inte hur de påverkar varandra. Hur dessa begrepp påverkar varandra kan bana väg för hur mellanchefer kan använda sig av dessa begrepp för att nå en hög arbetstillfredsställelse, inneha en välbalanserad arbetsbeslutsgrad samt arbeta effektivt med delegering. För att förstå detta ställer vi oss frågan; Hur påverkas arbetsbeslutsgraden när delegering av arbetsuppgifter till underordnade sker, påverkar även denna delegering mellanchefens arbetstillfredsställelse samt om fallet är så att delegering påverkar arbetsbeslutsgraden, kan arbetstillfredsställelsen påverkas också? Detta mynnar ut i ett syfte där denna studie vill skapa en fördjupad förståelse hur dessa begrepp påverkar varandra; Arbetstillfredsställelse Arbetsbeslutsgrad Arbetsdelegering till underordnade  Metod: För att göra denna studie möjlig har vi utfört 11 kvalitativa semistrukturerade intervjuer. Vi skapade ett urval med hjälp av strategiskt urval som grundar sig i vissa kriterier som vi tror våra respondenter behöver ha för att skapa ett resultat som hjälper oss att finna hur dessa begrepp påverkar varandra. Resultat och Slutsats: Vi fann hur arbetsdelegering och arbetsbeslutsgrad påverkar varandra, samtidigt som dessa två begreppet påverkar varandra fann vi att högre frekvent användning av arbetsdelegering positivt påverkar mellanchefens arbetstillfredsställelse. Då arbetsdelegering minskar arbetsbeslutsgrad fann vi även att den minskade arbetsbeslutsgraden även påverkar arbetstillfredsställelsen positivt. Uppsatsens bidrag: Mellanchefers arbetstillfredsställelse har tidigare inte behandlats inom företagsekonomin. Vi ger därför företagsekonomin en teoretisk insikt i hur arbetstillfredsställelse, arbetsbeslutsgrad samt arbetsdelegering påverkar varandra. Dock på grund av den begränsade forskningen inom detta område ger vi en första inblick sett från mellanchefers synsätt. Förslag på fortsatt forskning: Vi har sammanfattat fyra punkter som förslag till ytterligare forskning. Först anser vi att ytterligare studier behöver genomföras för att styrka vår slutsats, där studier som använder sig av fler respondenter är i fokus. Andra förslaget kretsar kring denna studies synsätt, då vi endast utgått från mellanchefers perspektiv behöver detta kompletteras med fler perspektiv från underordnade och överordnade. Tredje förslaget inkluderar ett mönster vi såg under intervjuerna, teorin menar att mer erfarenhet också kommer resultera i att mellanchefer använder sig utav arbetsdelegering mer frekvent. Detta vad dock inget vi kunde se under våra intervjuer, därför anser vi att fortsatt forskning inom området hur erfarenheten hos mellanchefer påverkar deras sätt att se på arbetsdelegering. Sista och fjärde förslaget innebär vad kontroll och auktoritet över en uppgiften egentligen är? Nyckelord: Arbetsbeslutsgrad, arbetsbelastning, arbetstillfredsställelse, mellanchefer, arbetsdelegering. / Title: The Middle level managers road to job satisfaction - A qualitative study of how job delegation, job decision latitude and job satisfaction affect eachother, from a middle level managers perspective. Level: Final assignment for Bachelor Degree in Business Administration Author: Jacob Kjessler and Joakim Delking Supervisor: Signe Jernberg and Kristina Mickelsson Date: 2018– May Aim: Within companies we find the middle level managers, located in the middle of the organization with managers above them, as well as employees underneath. Requirements are made on these middle level managers to work efficiently with high productivity, where many decisions need to be made. This may cause middle managers to perceive high pressure in terms of working hard with lack of resource time, middle managers need to work effectively to cope with daily work, which can be summed up as high levels of job decision latitude. This high pressure on efficiency, productivity and high working hours can lead to a reduction of the mid-career's job satisfaction. To manage this press with limited time resources, the leadership tool delegation could be an option. Subordination of work to subordinates allows middle level managers to give authority and control to perform tasks, which has the effect of releasing the mid-term working hours. Having said that, we find three concepts, job satisfaction, job decision latitude, and job delegation that seem to coincide with each other, but we do not know how they affect each other. How these concepts affect each other can pave the way for middle level managers to use these concepts to achieve high job satisfaction, maintain a well-balanced job decision latitude, and see benefits of job delegation. In order to understand this, we ask ourselves the question; How does job decision latitude affect when delegation of duties to subordinates takes place, does this delegation affect the middle level managers job satisfaction, and if the case is such that delegation affects the level of job decision latitude, can job satisfaction also be affected? This opens up for a aim in which this study wants to create an in-depth understanding of how these concepts affect each other; Job satisfaction Employment Decisions Degree Work delegation to subordinates Method: In order to make this study possible we have conducted 11 qualitative semistructured interviews. We created a selection using strategic selection based on certain criteria that we believe our respondents need to create a result that helps us find out how these concepts affect each other. Result & Conclusions: We found how job delegation and job decision latitude affect each other. While these two concepts affect each other, we found that higher frequent use of job delegation positively affects the middle level managers job satisfaction. As labor delegation reduces the level of workability we also found that the reduced job decision latitude also has a positive impact on job satisfaction. Contribution of the thesis: Middle level managers job satisfaction has previously not been addressed in the business administration. We therefore give the business economics a theoretical insight into how job satisfaction, job decision latitude and work delegation affect each other. However, due to the limited research in this area, we provide a first insight from the middle level managers approach. Suggestions for future research: We have summarized three points as suggestions for further research. First, we consider that further studies need to be conducted to reinforce our conclusion, where studies that use more respondents are in focus. The second proposal focuses on this study approach, since we only started from the middle managers perspective, we ask further studies to include more perspectives from subordinates and superiors. The third suggestion includes a pattern we saw during the interviews, the theory means that more work experience will also affect how much middle managers uses job delegation as a management tool. This, however was nothing we could see during our interviews, we therefore believe that further research in the field should be made of how the experience of middle managers affects their way of looking at work delegation. The last and fourth proposals mean what control and authority over a task really is? Key words: Job Decision Latitude, Job Demands, Job Satisfaction, Middle level manager, Job Delegation.

A permanência e o êxito escolar dos estudantes: um estudo de caso no curso Técnico em Enfermagem da Escola Técnica de Saúde da Universidade Federal da Paraíba

Assis, Mercia Ferreira de 23 January 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Viviane Lima da Cunha (viviane@biblioteca.ufpb.br) on 2017-03-29T15:12:33Z No. of bitstreams: 1 arquivototal.pdf: 1225265 bytes, checksum: 5a14d617f05aebd504dd3d7c60c1f2e1 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Viviane Lima da Cunha (viviane@biblioteca.ufpb.br) on 2017-03-30T10:52:48Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 arquivototal.pdf: 1225265 bytes, checksum: 5a14d617f05aebd504dd3d7c60c1f2e1 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-03-30T10:52:48Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 arquivototal.pdf: 1225265 bytes, checksum: 5a14d617f05aebd504dd3d7c60c1f2e1 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-01-23 / This research had like major purpose analyze the factors which support or impair the permanence and the scholar achievement of the Nursing Technique Course students from Technique School of Health from Universidade Federal da Paraíba, in the perspective of the students, the professors and the course manager. Besides this, the research also analyses the public politics created for the Technique Professional Education of Middle Level in Brazil since 1990’s; characterize the Technique School of Health, the Nursing Technique Course and its academic efficiency indicators; characterize the socio-economic and educational profile of the students who continue studying in the Course and present action plans to keep them studying and increasing their grades to ensure their achievement. This research is a case study. A qualitative approach was chosen and the content analysis based in Bardin (2009) was selected for this research. The analyses were made using the categories of the Scholar Perfomance Concept Model of Rumberger and Lim (2008) and reveal that, favorable and unfavorable aspects to the permanence and achievement are, in most of cases, classified in the institutional factors, in School category. Therefore, acceptable for intervention from the School. At the end, action plans are presented to keep the students studying and to ensure their achievement in the Nursing Technique Course, mentioning the subject speeches who gave their valuable contribution in this research. / A presente pesquisa teve por objetivo maior analisar os fatores que favorecem ou prejudicam a permanência e o êxito escolar dos estudantes no Curso Técnico em Enfermagem da Escola Técnica de Saúde da Universidade Federal da Paraíba, na perspectiva dos estudantes que permanecem, de seus professores e do gestor do curso. Além desse, buscamos também analisar as políticas públicas voltadas para a Educação Profissional Técnica de Nível Médio no Brasil a partir da década de 1990; caracterizar a Escola Técnica de Saúde, o Curso Técnico em Enfermagem e seus indicadores de eficiência acadêmica; caracterizar o perfil socioeconômico e educacional do estudante que tem permanecido no Curso estudado e apresentar propostas de ações visando à permanência e ao êxito dos estudantes. Esse trabalho se constitui em um estudo de caso. Privilegiamos a abordagem qualitativa, utilizando-nos do método de análise de conteúdo proposto por Bardin (2009). As análises, realizadas, a partir das categorias do modelo conceitual de performance escolar de Rumberger e Lim (2008), revelam que os aspectos favoráveis e prejudiciais à permanência e ao êxito estão, em sua maioria, classificados no fator Institucional, na categoria Escola. Portanto, passíveis de intervenção por parte da Escola. Ao final, apresentamos propostas de ações, visando à permanência e ao êxito dos estudantes no Curso Técnico em Enfermagem, referenciadas nas falas dos sujeitos que deram sua valorosa contribuição nessa construção.

Writing Groups in Eighth-Grade Honors Language Arts: Student and Teacher Perceptions

Denmon, Jennifer Sara Meister 06 July 2016 (has links)
In this qualitative case study, I investigated eighth-grade honors students’ and their language arts teacher’s perceptions of the support provided in writing groups, the climate in writing groups, and student and teacher support that enhanced students’ motivation to write in writing groups. Eleven study participants engaged in the inquiry, 10 middle school students and one language arts teacher. I collected data during the fall semester of 2014. Data were individual interviews, classroom observations of participants in writing groups, and program-related documents. The main aim in this investigation is to discover middle school students’ and their teacher’s perceptions of the support, climate, and motivation to write in writing groups. Five domains emerged from the data: peers working together on writing, teacher facilitation with writing, student perceptions of climate, teacher perceptions of climate, and creating a community of learners. Peers working together on writing and teacher facilitation with writing correspond to research question one: In what ways do 10 language arts middle school students and their language arts teacher support students’ writing efforts in writing groups over the course of a semester? Student perceptions of climate and teacher perceptions of climate correspond to research question two: In what ways do the language arts middle school students describe the writing climate in their writing groups over the course of a semester? Creating a community of learners corresponds to research question three: What type of teacher and student support do the language arts middle school students and their teacher think may enhance students’ motivation to write in writing groups? Discoveries show student participants believed working together on writing supported their personal writing and their teacher perceived teacher facilitation supported students’ writing efforts. Perceptions of climate in writing groups were mixed, with the majority of students describing the climate as supportive, although two students did not agreed. The teacher perceived a supportive climate in writing groups. Perceptions were also mixed regarding the support students and their teacher provided that enhanced students’ motivation to write in writing groups. Eight out of 10 students and the teacher perceived collaborative writing enhanced student motivation to write, while two students did not perceive collaboration had any effect on their writing motivation. The student participants believed peer assistance helped to enhance their motivation to write in writing groups while the teacher believed student choice in group mates might enhance student motivation to write. Writing groups may affect students’ and their teacher’s perceptions of students’ writing efforts, as working together on writing led to more positive perceptions. A lack of choice in groups and working with peers with established friendships may have implications for students’ perceptions of the group climate and motivation to write, especially when some students are allowed to choose their group and others are not. Students’ perceptions of the writing group climate play a role in their writing efforts, as students who held positive perceptions of their writing group climate had positive perceptions of the support in writing groups. Working with peers as a community is important to student motivation, as the collaborative aspect can serve as a motivator for many adolescents. This study is significant because it fills gaps in the literature about research on writing and group social environments, as well as middle level research on writing groups, and motivation, and the inclusion of student and teacher voice. This inquiry also provides teacher and student insights on the ways affective climates are created in a middle school language arts setting.

Standardized Assessment Results as a Predictor of Student Reading Success in New Brunswick, Canada

Paterson, Gregory David 01 January 2016 (has links)
Many Canadian school districts use standardized reading achievement data to support reading instruction. Over 30% of 9th-grade students in the Anglophone School District-South (ASD-S) have not met targets for the English Language Proficiency Assessment (ELPA), a graduation requirement in New Brunswick, Canada. This study compared archival reading scores of 6th-grade students from 2009-2012 with the same students' scores in 9th-grade from 2012-2015, to determine if 6th-grade scores were a predictor of 9th-grade results. Rendering the impact illiteracy plays on society, this study applied the theoretical framework of social theory from Bourdieu's (1977, 1984, 1986) view of social mobility and Turner's (1960) view of contest mobility. A quantitative design employed a regression analysis to determine how standardized reading scores for three cohorts of students in 6th-grade between 2009-2012 compared with the reading achievement test scores as 9th-grade students in 2012-2015. A sample of 1,200 students was selected. A paired samples t test determined which level(s) of reading comprehension (literal, inferential, or critical) presented the most difficulties for students between 2009-2015. Results of the study concluded that 6th-grade overall reading scores were a predictor of 9th-grade overall scores and that inferential and critical levels of reading comprehension were areas of concern. These findings are intended for administrators and District leadership in ASD-S to support the implementation of an intervention year in Grades 7 and 8 to address this problem. This research promotes positive social change by identifying potential pathways for improving adolescent reading skills for New Brunswick youth.

Os modos de didatização de textos literários em manuais de língua portuguesa para o ensino fundamental no período de 1976 a 1996 / Didactic methods for literary texts in portuguese language textbooks for elementary and middle level education, from 1976 to 1996

Santana, Marilene Alves de 24 October 2012 (has links)
Esta pesquisa desenvolveu-se com o intuito de analisar, conforme a concepção de Chartier (1990), as representações que se construíram dos alunos e da literatura pelo viés da seleção e apresentação dos textos literários nos livros didáticos de Língua Portuguesa, em dois diferentes períodos históricos. Para isso, selecionaram-se livros publicados no Estado de São Paulo entre os anos de 1976 a 1996, destinados às antigas quintas e sextas séries do ensino de primeiro grau. Pretendeu-se ainda analisar, sob a perspectiva discursiva bakhtiniana, os diálogos que se estabeleceram entre os modos de seleção e de apresentação dos textos literários nos manuais e os discursos acadêmicos, pedagógicos e oficiais que propunham, nesse(s) período(s), novas concepções de língua e de ensino. Para o desenvolvimento da análise, consultaram-se as coleções didáticas que atendiam aos interesses da pesquisa e que se encontram disponíveis no acervo LIVRES (Banco de dados de Livros Escolares Brasileiros (1818-2005)) da Faculdade de Educação da Universidade de São Paulo (FEUSP). Os livros que compuseram o corpus da pesquisa foram reunidos em dois grupos, tendo como referência os documentos oficiais que se encontravam em voga no período de publicação dos manuais: os Guias Curriculares (1975) e as Propostas Curriculares para o ensino de 1º grau (1986). A opção por assim agrupar as coleções atendeu à hipótese de que, por terem sido elaborados com base no que se discutia a respeito do ensino, os documento consistiriam em materiais de apoio para se perceber os diálogos entre os textos apresentados nos manuais e os discursos circulantes nos dois momentos históricos observados. Consultadas as coleções didáticas do acervo, elegeram-se duas obras de cada período, as quais foram consideradas representativas pelo fato de apresentarem os autores literários mais referenciados em seu período de publicação. Foi com base na análise dos textos desses autores, sobretudo modernistas e contemporâneos, que foi possível vislumbrarem as representações da literatura, ora apropriada enquanto texto ou mensagem portadora de conteúdos, ora concebida como um trabalho construído de forma dialógica e situado num contexto. A respeito da representação dos destinatários dos manuais, principalmente os alunos, notou-se que, por vezes, eram projetados segundo uma imagem infantilizada, e, noutras, eram considerados competentes para construir sentidos e refletir diante dos textos que lhes eram apresentados por meio dos manuais. / This research was conducted in order to find, according to the ideas of Chartier (1990), representations that were made of students and of literature, by selecting and presenting literary texts in Portuguese language textbooks. We selected books published by the Department of Education of the State of Sao Paulo, Brazil, from 1976 to 1996, aimed at students of the former fifth and sixth grades of middle level education. Our intention was also to analyze, from Bakhtin´s perspective, approaches adopted in the selection and presentation of literary texts in textbooks and academic, pedagogical and official documentation, which proposed, during that period, new methods for language and teaching. For the purpose of analysis development, we consulted textbook collections related to our research, which are available at LIVRES (Brazilian Schoolbooks Database) library (1818-2005), at School of Education, Sao Paulo University (FEUSP). Documents comprising the research corpus were organized in two groups, having as reference the official documents available at the time of the textbooks publishing: Guias Curriculares (Curriculum Guides, 1975) and Propostas Curriculares para o ensino de primeiro grau (Curriculum Proposals for Elementary and Middle Level Education, 1986). Our choice to group the collections as such was based on the hypothesis that, as they were guidelines developed according to what was discussed about teaching at the time, they consisted of support documentation to understand the dialogue between texts presented in textbooks and approaches adopted during those two historical moments observed. Having consulted the collection textbooks, we chose two pieces of work for each period, which were considered representative, because they had the most often referenced authors during their literary publication periods. Based on the analysis of the texts of those authors, especially modernist and contemporary authors, we were able to check literature representations, either adequate as text or \'message\' bearing content, or a piece of work dialogically constructed and in context. Regarding representation of the manual recipients, especially students, we noted that sometimes they were projected with a somewhat childish image, and sometimes considered competent to construct meanings and reflect on the texts and dialogues that were presented to them by the textbooks.

Autonomia municipal na implementação de programas federais: análise da implementação do Programa Mais Educação/MEC na cidade de São Paulo / Municipal autonomy in the implementation of federal programs: analysis of More Education/MEC Program in the city of São Paulo

Martinelli, Bruno 25 April 2017 (has links)
Esta dissertação analisa a autonomia municipal na implementação de programas federais. Partiu-se da teoria sobre relações intergovernamentais no Brasil e implementação de políticas públicas para analisar a implementação do Mais Educação/Ministério da Educação (MEC) no Município de São Paulo, considerando o período de 2011 a 2016. Para realizar a análise, foi construído um quadro analítico que considera elementos topdown e bottom-up das teorias de implementação de políticas públicas. Foram considerados o desenho da política federal e o desenho da política municipal, incluindo seus incentivos institucionais, as relações interorganizacionais e a burocracia de médio escalão (BME). O método da pesquisa foi o estudo de caso único, operacionalizado empiricamente por meio de análise documental e de entrevistas semiestruturadas. Foram analisados o desenho do programa federal, a implementação dos programas municipais de expansão da jornada de ensino e as características do Mais Educação/MEC na rede de ensino. Verificamos que os programas municipais influenciaram a implementação da política federal por trazerem uma série de incentivos institucionais a este programa. Além disso, verificamos que o município levou cerca de 3 anos para construir outros incentivos institucionais para a implementação do programa federal em sua rede de ensino, conseguindo, assim, coordenar o programa. De 2011 a 2014, a adesão das unidades escolares ao programa foi marcada por diferenças inter-regionais, sobretudo de 2011 a 2013. Como principais conclusões, a pesquisa mostra que o Município de São Paulo construiu um arranjo de implementação colegiado junto ao MEC por ter criado uma série de incentivos institucionais para a implementação do programa federal em sua rede de ensino; e que a atuação empreendedora de parte da BME explica, pelo menos em parte, as diferenças inter-regionais em um contexto de pouca coordenação por parte da SME / This dissertation analyzes municipal autonomy in the implementation of federal programs. It was based on the theory of intergovernmental relations in Brazil and the implementation of public policies to analyze the implementation of More Education/Ministry of Education (MEC) in the city of São Paulo, considering the period from 2011 to 2016. To carry out the analysis, an analytical framework that considers topdown and bottom-up elements of public policy implementation theories. The design of the federal policy and the design of the municipal policy, including its institutional incentives, interorganizational relations and the middle-level bureaucracy (MLB) were considered. The research method was the single case study, operationalized empirically through documentary analysis and semi-structured interviews. The design of the federal program, the implementation of the municipal programs of expansion of the teaching day and the characteristics of the More Education/MEC in the education network were analyzed. We verified that the municipal programs influenced the implementation of the federal policy by bringing a series of institutional incentives to this program. In addition, we found that the municipality took about 3 years to build other institutional incentives for the implementation of the federal program in its educational network, thus managing to coordinate the program. From 2011 to 2014, school units membership of the program was marked by interregional differences, especially from 2011 to 2013. As a key finding, the survey shows that the Municipality of São Paulo has built a collegial implementation arrangement with the MEC for having created A series of institutional incentives for the implementation of the federal program in its educational network; and that entrepreneurial activity on the part of BME explains, at least in part, the interregional differences in a context of little coordination by the SME

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